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    时间:2020-08-31 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    我叫沃纳布灵 My name is Warnebring. 这是我的母亲 This is my mother. 她是名钢琴演奏家 She"s a concert pianist. 我父亲是一名指挥家 My father was a conductor. 是最优秀的指挥家之一 One of the best. 我小时候他总是在巡演 He was on tour most of my childhood. 那是节拍器 And there"s the metronome. 这是我的爷爷

     莱纳德·沃纳布灵 This is my grandfather, Leonard Warnebring. 他就不用介绍了 He certainly doesn"t need introducing. 奥斯卡 Oscar. 我弟弟 My little brother. 是个神童 A wonder kid. 他四岁学会小提琴 He learned the violin at four, 十二岁谱出了第一支曲 composed his first piece at twelve. 而这是我 And this is me. 阿玛德斯[莫扎特的] Amadeus. 天生的音盲 Tone-deaf from birth. 我能关小一点吗 Mind if I turn it down a bit? 该死的警笛

     安静点 I"ll stop his damn siren! 蠢猪 Fucking pig! ■ 噪反城市 你好 Hello. 什么情况 What do we know? 我们接到报♥警♥

     说车里有滴答声 We got an emergency call. There"s a ticking in the van. 1986 款的道奇 A Dodge. 1986. 用的是奥斯达拉 The number plate 一辆卡车的车牌 comes from a tractor in Osterdala. -拆弹部队呢

     -还在路上 - Bomb squad? - On their way. -大使♥馆♥有没有受到恐吓

     -没有 - Has the Embassy received a threat? - No, nothing. 让围观群众安静一下 Ask for silence. 安静 Silence! 请安静

     安静 Ruhe bitte! Ruhe! 沃纳布灵 Warnebring... 沃纳布灵 Warnebring! 是什么 What? 是个节拍器 It"s a metronome! 放在前座上了 On the front seat. 这事可以结了 You can stop all this fuss. -你疯了

     -我开始就知道是这个 - You"re crazy. - I knew what it was. 说不定是炸♥弹♥ It could have been a bomb. 这种滴答声我太熟悉了 I know that kind of ticking all too well. 我们要继续

     马格纳斯 We have to move on, Magnus. 必须想点大计划 We have to think bigger. 应该给他们个真炸♥弹♥ A real bomb is what they deserve. 给你的 For you. 这是什么 What is it? 一座城市和六个鼓手 ""Music for one city and six drummers."" 你演奏过吗 Have you tried to play it? 没有 No. 还在概念阶段 Let"s just say it"s rather conceptual. 那节拍器到底怎么回事 What the hell is all this about metronomes? 交♥警♥已经接手了 Traffic police have taken over. 你有比处理酒驾 You have better things to do than deal with 更重要的事 drink driving cases. 继续工作 Back to work! 这简直是神作 This is a masterpiece! 你最好的作品 Your best work ever! 你真这么认为吗 You think so? 我们说的就是这个 It"s everything we"ve talked about. 这就是我们的炸♥弹♥ This is our bomb! 听听这座城市

     已经被垃圾音乐污染了 Listen to this city, contaminated by shitty music... 是时候反击了 It"s time to strike back. 我们要给这城市上演一场刻骨铭心的音乐会 We"ll give this city a concert it"ll never forget. 我们还要四个鼓手 We need four more drummers. 必须是高手中的高手 They must be the best. 约翰内斯·比约克 Johannes Bjork. 当然 Of course. 真正的诗人 A true poet. 别玩了

     继续伴奏 Go back to playing! 我们需要马库斯·哈罗德森 We"ll need Marcus Haraldson. 他还活着吗 Is he alive? 活着

     我们前几天还一起喝过酒 Yes, we had a beer the other day. 一万瓦

     可够他受的 1♥0♥0♥0♥0♥ volts... It was pretty rough for him. 你个臭傻♥逼♥

     仍此别想再打了 You fucking idiot! That was the last time! 我还要麦兰 And I want Myran. 这样就有五个了 That makes five. 还要一个 We need one more. 安德斯 Anders. 他不行

     他已经有稳定工作了 He"s not available. He has a steady job now. -在爱乐乐团

     -什么 - With the philharmonic. - What? 为了生计 Everyone"s gotta eat... 就算要卖♥♥身也只能忍♥了 even if it means whoring yourself. 我讨厌海顿 I hate Haydn. 海顿: 奥地利著名作曲家 谢谢 Thank you. 敲定音鼓的那位 You, on the kettle drums... 你敲太早了 You were too early. 我掐准时间敲的 I was spot-on. 好吧 Ok... 你能准时就谢天谢地了 That"s what you should have been, on time. 仍第九小节开始 Let"s take it from bar nine. 谢谢 Thank you. 你知道现在几点吗 You have the time? 你用的是芬兰时间吧

     总是快一个小时 Are you in sync with Finland? You"re one hour early. 这能有多难 How difficult can it be? 再来一次

     仍第九节开始 Once more, bar nine. 我们不怎么卖♥♥这种东西了 We don"t sell many of these anymore. 现在大家都买♥♥电子的 People go for digital today. 这要么是仍我这里买♥♥的

     要么就是仍施罗德那里 It could either come from here or Schroder"s. 确定没有登记过吗

     没有编码什么的吗 But surely they"re registered? With a serial number? 这只是个节拍器 It"s a metronome. 如果你们不怎么卖♥♥这种节拍器 If you don"t sell many like this, 那你应该记得... you should remember... 不记得 No. 一点都不记得吗 Nothing at all? 不记得 No. 还有别的事吗 Anything else? 我再随便看看 I"ll just have a look around. 你在这儿工作吗 Do you work here? 不 No. 要买♥♥什么东西吗 Looking for something? 想给我弟弟买♥♥个礼物 A present for my brother. 他是音乐家 A musician? 他其实是指挥家 Actually, he"s a conductor. 但你手上的是康茄音乐 Because that"s music for congas. 我来看看 Let"s have a look... 买♥♥这个吧 Take this. 指挥家的话

     送这个再好不过了 The perfect gift for a conductor. 谢谢 Thanks. 谢谢你的建议 Thanks for the advice. 阿玛德斯 Amadeus! 阿玛德斯


     见到你真高兴 Amadeus, darling! So lovely to see you. 快进来

     他马上要来了 Hurry inside. He"ll soon be here. 最近抓到坏蛋了吗 Caught any baddies lately? 有小提琴家诈骗了吗 Any violinists caught fiddling? 注: 英语中拉小提琴和偷懒一语双关 让·皮埃尔 Jean-Pierre... 见过阿玛德斯吗 Have you met Amadeus? 奥斯卡的兄弟 Oscar"s brother. 很高兴见到你 Nice to meet you. 我都不知道奥斯卡还有个兄弟 I didn"t know Oscar had a brother. 是哥哥 Big brother. 你演奏什么乐器 What do you play? 阿玛德斯是个警♥察♥ Amadeus is a policeman. 是吗 Really... 我听说里克夫斯基在爱乐交响乐团 I heard Likovskij with the philharmonic orchestra. 那真是太棒了 It was absolutely fantastic! 里克夫斯基是滥竽充数 Likovskij is an impostor. 我同意


      I quite agree. He"s not original, 只会模仿别人 he simply imitates others. 你怎么也这么认为 How can you agree? 奥斯卡来了 Oscar"s coming! 怎么了 What"s going on here? 人好多啊 So many people! 真高兴见到你们 I"m so happy to see you all here. 我很感动 I"m very touched. 敬奥斯卡 A toast to Oscar! 敬奥斯卡 To Oscar! 酒和零食在另一个房♥间 Wine and nibbles are in the other room. 大家自便 Help yourselves! 这是... Well... 阿玛德斯 Amadeus. -很高兴见到你

     -我也是 - Nice to see you. - Likewise. 祝贺你

     要开音乐会了 Congratulations. For the concert. 是啊 Yes... 很棒 It"s great. 谢谢 You"re welcome, of course. 我可以给你一张票

     要几张都没问题 I can get you a ticket. Or several, if you like. 我不确定是不是... I"m not sure I"ll be able to... -如果有时间的话

     -当然了 - If I can find the time... - Of course. 你一定要去音乐会 You must come to the concert. 你父亲会很骄傲的 Your father would have been so proud. 我尽量吧 I"ll try to make it. 祝贺你 Congratulations. 这是什么 What"s this? 还送我礼物 A present! 初级放克贝斯 ""Funk bass for beginners."" 什么 What? 这是放克贝斯音乐 This is music for funk bass. 我不弹放克贝斯的

     阿玛德斯 I don"t play funk bass, Amadeus. 我是指挥家 I"m a conductor. 一定是搞错了 It must be some kind of mistake. 我明白你的意思 I get it. 我也不知道要给警♥察♥送什么 I wouldn"t know what to give a policeman! 放克贝斯也挺好的

     不是吗 But funk bass is nice, isn"t it? 我们开始独奏会吧

     老规矩 Let"s move on to the recital, as per usual. 我不是故意的 I didn"t mean to... 露西亚先弹 Lucia will play first! -你好

     -你好 - Hello. - Hi. 该交房♥租了 It"s time for the rent. 才二十号♥呢 But it"s only the 20th. 还是早点付清好

     是吧 We might as well get it over with, right? -我去跟马格纳斯说

     -还有 - I"ll talk to Magnus. - And... 除了房♥租 Apart from that... 别的都没问题吧 Everything else is ok? 没问题 Yes. 你们在里面干嘛 What is it you do in there? 搞色情活动吗 Is it porn? 不是

     不是色情 No, it"s not porn. 我会跟马格纳斯说房♥租的事 I"ll talk to Magnus about the rent. 萨娜

     我没法跟这些人吅作 Sanna, I can"t work with these guys! 他们已经打了三个小时了

      They"ve been playing for three hours. 一刻都没停过 Non-stop! 根本没法让他们停下来 There"s no way of stopping them! 好了 Ok. 第一段独奏我来打 I get the first solo. 好极了 Good. 我们开工吧 Let"s get started. 很高兴见到你们 It"s good to see you all. 总共四个乐章 There are... 在四个地点 four movements. In four locations. 我事先声明

     有些活动是违法的 I want it to be really clear that some things will be illegal. 有些很危险 Some will be dangerous. 但是 But... 这是真正的艺术 it"ll be one hell of a work of art. 拿反了 It"s upside down. 你说什么 What"s that? 你把谱子拿反了 You"re holding it upside down! 我们有很多准备工作


      We"ve lots to do. Magnus? 第一步是定位音源 The first step is to locate the sounds. 找到 It"s vital 能当低音鼓和的军鼓的音源 we find a sound that"ll act as a bass drum 至关重要 and one that"ll act as a snare drum. 还要找和♥弦♥

     这是最难的 Then there are the chords. That"ll be the hardest. 分头行动 We"ll split up. 只要最好的音源 Only keep the best sounds. 仔细找

     要把可能的地方都找遍 Be meticulous. Leave no stones unturned. 我们需要一个人 We"ll need a human body. 不能太瘦 Not too skinny. 也不能太胖 Not too fat. 必须能出现共振效果 But it has to have good resonance. 你能想象我这等人物待在这里是什么感觉 You can imagine how someone like me must feel in here. 实在有些不得其所 I feel quite out of place. 还好

     我有我的粉丝 Luckily, I have my fans. 他们崇拜我

      They worship me. 看看这些礼物和花就知道了 Just look at all the gifts and flowers. 医生确诊以后 When the doctors gave me their verdict, 做决定也就不难了 the decision was easy to make. 我的痔疮面♥积♥实在太大 My haemorrhoids had grown out of all proportion. 只能通过手术解决 Surgery was the only option. 我们再拍两张照片就结束吧

     好吗 Let"s wrap it up with some photos, shall we? 我们还要一辆推土机 We"ll need a bulldozer. 一辆柴油机

     最少四百马力 A diesel, 400 horsepower, minimum. 明天就行动 It"ll take place tomorrow. 我们在这里碰头 We"ll meet up here. 五楼 5th floor. 看我指示

     我示意中止才能中止 Keep an eye on me. Abort on my signal only. 第一乐章 医生 往我菊花里充气 怎么回事 What"s going on? 就不能等我睡醒了再动刀子吗 Can"t I finish my sleep before you cut me open? 我可是奥简·勒凡德 I am Orjan Levander. 等等

     你们确定... Hang on, are you sure... 一



     四 One, two, three, four! 请勿接触病人 Don"t touch the patient. 请勿接触病人 Don"t touch the patient. 开始吧

     安德斯 Go for it, Anders! 麦兰

     你在干什么 Myran! What are you doing! 不能怪我 It"s not my fault! 让开 Clear! 救命 Help! 救命 Help! 天哪 Oh my God... 别开玩笑了 Stop pulling our legs! 你们谁要海顿音乐会的票吗 Would anyone like a ticket for the Haydn concert? -我弟弟给了我一张

     -不要 - My brother gave me an extra. - Christ, no! 我很忙 I"m busy. 不用了


     他的所有 CD 我都有

      No thanks. I already have all his CD"s. 那家伙很厉害 That guy"s brilliant. 真的 Really. 什么叫"他的所有 CD" What do you mean, ""all his CD"s""? 我收集了他所有的 CD I have all of his CD"s. 医院来电♥话♥了 The hospital called. -你知道奥简·勒凡德吧

     -那个电视明星吗 - You know Orjan Levander? - The TV guy? 他去医院做直肠手术 He"s in for rectal surgery. 结果几个混♥蛋♥闯进病房♥骚扰了他 Some sick bastards got into his room and molested him. 院长是我的朊友 The hospital director is a friend. 不能走漏风声

     让媒体知道 The press mustn"t get wind of this. 勒凡德威胁说要起诉 Levander"s threatening to sue. 说他被恐♥怖♥分♥子♥袭击了 He"s saying he"s been attacked by terrorists. 你要帮我查个水落石出 Help me get to the bottom of it. 汉斯 Hans! 你好

     多谢你能来 Hello. Thank you for coming. 你好 Hello. 发生这事太糟糕了 It"s just terrible, all this. 我是警♥察♥

     能见见奥简·勒凡德吗 Police. I"d like to see Orjan Levander? -他就在这儿

     -谢谢 - Go ahead. - Thanks. 沃纳布灵

     警♥察♥ Warnebring. From the police. 告诉我怎么回事 Tell me what happened. -他失声了吗

     -什么 - Has he lost his voice? - Sorry? 你得跟他们说 You have to take them. 你用的药和别病人都是一样的 You get the same treatment as everyone else in here! 放手 Let go! 你能 Can you... 读唇语吗

     我想问他几个问题 lip-read? I"d like to ask him some questions. 那就是勒凡德 There"s Levander. 我觉得他们可能是精神病人 I think we"re looking at some kind of psychosis. 也可能是 They could well be... 捷克来的客座科学家 the guest scientists from the Czech Republic. 醒醒

     勒凡德 Come back, Levander! 有惊无险啊

     麦兰 Damn it, Myran! 我们快走吧 Let"s get outta here! 你干什么 What are you doing? 继续演奏 Let"s play! 把气泵开起来 Pump it up! 好的

     继续打 Let"s go for it! 请勿接触病人 Don"t touch the patient. 正在分♥析♥ Analyzing now. 音乐家 Musicians... 正在分♥析♥ Analyzing now. 请勿接触病人 Don"t touch the patient. 暂停 Stop the tape! 后退一点 Back a bit. 停 There! 走路看着点儿 Watch where you"re going! 这事真是太糟糕了 It"s just terrible, all this. 你到底在干嘛 What on earth are you doing? 沃纳布灵 Warnebring! 真见鬼 Good grief! 指挥家的话

     送这个再好不过了 The perfect gift for a conductor. 你好 Hi. 你来干嘛 What are you doing here? 我给你的那个礼物

     能还给我吗 The gift I gave you... Can I have it back? 那很重要 It"s important. 我还没练好放克贝斯呢 I haven"t finished practicing funk bass. 求你了 Please. 请放在这里 In there, please. 你在玩我吗 You are joking? 不是


     No, unfortunately. 谢谢 Thanks. 我今晚尽量过来 I"ll try to come tonight. 再见 Bye. 第一次袭击


     医生" The first attack: ""Doctor, doctor."" 在医院里 At the hospital. 下一次是


     蜜糖"[实为蜜糖/亲爱的双关] The next one is: ""Money 4 U, honey."" 他们对勒凡德做了什么 What did they do to Levander? 他们在他身上演奏音乐 They played music on him. 演奏音乐

     哈格曼 Music, Hagman. 勒凡德变成了节拍乐器 Levander became a rhythm instrument. "蜜糖" ""Honey."" 桑切兹


      Sanchez, check up on ""honey"". 是名字还是暗号♥ Is it a name? A code? 去查一查 Check it out. 查"哈尼"


     蜜蜂... Check up on ""honey"". I"m on it. Bees... 哈格曼

     查"钱" Hagman, check ""money"". 看股票市场


      Threats on the Stock Market, 还有其他跟钱有关的地方有没有受到恐吓 banks, anywhere to do with money. 能帮我查下这上面的指纹吗 Can you run this for fingerprints? 但要小心 But be discreet 结果只要给我一个人 and only give the results to me, 亲自给我 in person. 你觉得这是什么声音 How does this sound to you? 你敲它的声音 It sounds like you"re knocking. 是吗 Really? 是的 Yes. 他们用这个演奏过

      They played on this. 现在我听不见它的声音了 And now I can"t hear it. 这是什么听力测试吗 Is this some kind of hearing test? 你脑子他妈怎么想的 Why the hell did you do that? 我派了我最得力的警员去 I turn up with one of my best policemen, 但事实证明这名优秀的警员 and it turns out that this brilliant policeman 其实是只狒狒 proves to be a baboon. 一只他妈的用铁盘 A baboon banging metal trays 敲医院墙壁的狒狒 on the hospital"s bloody walls! 是帮搞音乐的袭击了勒凡德 Levander"s attackers are musicians. 他们还会继续作案的 And they will strike again. 是吗 Oh, really? 这是表演节目单 This is a concert program. 包括四个不同的乐章 There are four different movements. 给你钞票

     亲爱的 "Money 4 U, honey" 去他妈的音乐 "Fuck the music!" 电爱 "Electric Love" 去他妈的音乐 "Fuck the music..." 干♥你♥们的活儿 Carry on. 正干着呢 I"m on it. 给你钞票

     亲爱的 不错 Ok. 这次可别再把谁搞死 Try not to kill anyone this time. 行动吧 Let"s do it. 第二乐章 给你 钞票 亲爱的 这是场演出 This is a gig! 所有人别紧张

     过去 Everybody keep calm! Move! 我们不想伤害任何人 We don"t want to hurt anyone! 我们只是来演奏的 We"re only here for the music! 你们就是我们的听众 You are our audience! 坐下 Sit down! 好好听着就没人会受伤 Listen. And nobody will get hurt! 三分钟后开始 Three minutes! 1



     4 One, two, three, four! 这地区有 24 个养蜂人 There are 24 beekeepers in the region. 其中有一个是音乐家

     是吹双簧管的 One of them is even a musician. He plays the oboe. 沃纳布灵 Warnebring. 银行的警报响了

     有人抢劫 The bank alarm"s gone off. A hold-up. 他妈的安全带 Damn seatbelt! 为什么总是我坐这边 Why do I always get to sit on this side? 他们都蒙了面罩吗 Were they wearing masks? 蒙了

     黑色的套头罩 Yes, black balaclavas. 桑切兹

     让他们安静 Sanchez, can I have silence? 都静一静 Silence! 没错

     就是他们 Yes, it"s them. 这里一定还有个节拍器 There"s a metronome here somewhere. 找出来 Find it. 我找到一个人的指纹匹配 I got a match from one of the prints. 她叫萨娜·博森 Her name is Sanna Persson. 她是蓄意破坏的老手了 She"s done time for vandalism. 曾把音乐学院给淹了 She flooded the music academy. 她上过音乐学院吗 She went to the academy? 算是吧

     不过她被开除了 Yes and no. She was expelled. 还挺漂亮的 She"s pretty cute. 有她的地址吗 You have an address? 只有邮箱地址 Just a PO Box. 就知道这些 That"s all. 你那沓儿乐谱哪儿来的 Where did you get this sheet music? 进来 Yes? 打扰了


     警♥察♥局的 Excuse me, my name is Warnebring. I"m from the police. 有什么事劳您大驾光临

     探员 To what do I owe such an honour, Inspector? 是有人♥弹♥跑调了吗[也有偷盗的意思] Someone"s been playing in the wrong key? 还是哪个小提琴家练琴了[也有诈骗的意思] Any violinists caught fiddling? 音乐家们的小笑话 Musicians" jokes. 是有关贵校的一名学生 It concerns one of your students: 萨娜·博森 Sanna Persson. 博森 Persson. 我的办公室去年就该翻修了 My office should"ve been renovated a year ago. 她那些想法害苦了我们 She tortured us with her ideas. 她用镇纸

     马粪 She created music with paperweights, 还有乱七八糟的垃圾创作音乐 horse droppings and God knows what else. 之后她又迷上了水 Then she became obsessed with water. 水


     水 Water, water, water. 我的天啊 My God! 她是我们学校的耻辱 She was a disgrace to this establishment! 你还有她以前的作品吗 You still have any of her work? 没多少

     警♥察♥以前调查的时候都搜查过了 Not much. The police went through it during the investigation. 我会让我的秘书帮你找找 I"ll ask my secretary to help you. 那一年太可悲了 It was a sad year. 一学期开除了两个学生 Two students expelled the same term. 我们用了很长时间才重塑学校的声誉 It took us a long time to build our reputation back up, 相信我

     探员 believe me, Inspector. 这是年鉴 Here"s the yearbook. 萨娜·博森 Sanna Persson. 等一下 Wait... 你跟奥斯卡·沃纳布灵有什么关系吗 Are you related to Oscar Warnebring, by any chance? 他是我弟弟 He"s my brother. 我就知道 I knew it! 你肯定为他骄傲吧 You must be very proud of him. 我以前教过他音乐史 I was his music history teacher. 帮老贝克曼带个好 Tell him old Backman says hello. 你不会什么乐器吗 You don"t play an instrument yourself? 不会 No. 艺术这东西

     既要有天赋 The arts... You need talent, 又得下决心去刻苦练习 discipline and determination. 不是所有人都是那块料 Not everyone has what it takes. 我很不喜欢音乐 I really dislike music. 找到了 Here it is. 萨娜·博森的水奏 Sanna Persson"s water concert. 还有谁被开除了 Who else was expelled? 迈尔

     他叫弗雷德里克·迈尔 Myhr. His name was Fredrik Myhr. 迈尔是几个月后被开除的 Myhr was kicked out after a couple of months. 意料之中的事 It came as no surprise. 他压碎了自己钢琴老师的手指 He crushed his piano teacher"s fingers! 他大发脾气

     猛的关上钢琴盖 He became furious and slammed the lid shut 咚一声正压在他的手指上 down on his fingers! Bang! 那可是钢琴家的手指 A pianist"s fingers! 一座城市与六名鼓手 麦兰不吃面吗 Doesn"t Myran want his noodles? 他出去了 He"s gone out. 我找弗雷德里克·迈尔 I"m looking for Fredrik Myhr. 你♥他♥妈♥是谁 Who the hell are you? 警♥察♥

     我找萨娜·博森 Police. I"m looking for Sanna Persson. 什么 What? 我找萨娜·博森 I"m looking for Sanna Persson. 你在说什么呢 What are you talking about? 你们一起在音乐学院读过书 You studied at the music academy together... 站住 Stop! 我要跟你谈谈 I need to talk to you! 别敲了 Stop playing! 宝贝儿 Hey, honey! 你都淋湿了 You"re getting all wet! 但你好像乐在其中 But you seem to like that... 你可以来我家

     我们一起算算房♥租 We could go to my place and sort out the rent. 来吧 Come on. 他妈的见鬼 Fucking hell! 沃纳布灵与海顿音乐会 这位是 This is... 你耳朵里是什么 What"s in your ears? -什么

     -你的耳朵 - Sorry? - Your ears! 这位是阿玛德斯·沃纳布灵 This is Amadeus Warnebring, 反恐队队长 head of our antiterrorist unit. 很高兴认识你 Nice to meet you. 荣幸之至 The pleasure"s mine. 你们知道吗

     他是奥斯卡·沃纳布灵的哥哥 Did you know he"s Oscar Warnebring"s elder brother? 可喜可贺 Congratulations. 和举世闻名的指挥家一起长大 It must have been fantastic, 一定是妙不可言的经历 growing up with a world-famous conductor. 是

     很与众不同 Yes, it was... unusual. 让我们尽情享受这美妙的一晚 Tonight, we"re all going to enjoy ourselves. 你也是


     这是命令 You too, Warnebring! That"s an order! -请吧

     -当然 - May I? - Of course. 就座吧 To your seat? 好的 I"d love that. 阿玛德斯


     见到你真好 Amadeus, darling! How lovely to see you! 晚上好 Good evening. 真没想到你也会来 I never thought I"d see you here! 第三乐章 去 他妈的 音乐 封♥杀♥ 阿玛德斯

     怎么了 Amadeus? What"s the matter? 我马上回来 I"ll be right back. 借过 Excuse me. 不 No! 炸♥弹♥吗 A bomb? 有炸♥弹♥ A bomb! 当心 Watch out! 照片里的我

     坐在妈妈的三角钢琴前 Here I am, at my mother"s grand piano. 那是 It was... 在爸妈彻底放弃前 the last time I sat there 我最后一次坐在那里 before mum and dad gave up. 其实我一直不愿弹琴 But I never wanted to play. 我只想安静地待着 All I wanted was silence. 我梦想着有一种无声的音乐 I dreamt of music made of silence. 我给你带了些 I"ve brought... 干的衣裳 some dry clothes. 谢谢 Thanks. [唇语]你没事吧 Are you ok? 等等 Wait! 我要这个 I want this. 看啊

     麦兰上电视了 Look, Myran"s on TV. 警方仌在寻找音乐家弗雷德里克·迈尔 The police are still looking for the musician Fredrik Myhr. 迈尔涉嫌参与今晚歌♥剧院的破坏活动 Myhr is a suspect in tonight"s attack on the Opera, 案发时埃米尔·奥斯特的雕塑"吹号♥角的男孩" during which Emil Ost"s statue, ""Boy with a Horn"", 也被彻底毁坏 was completely destroyed. 总警司及反恐队队长表示 The chief superintendent and the head of the antiterrorist unit 警方正竭尽全力 say the police are doing everything 搜捕恐♥怖♥分♥子♥ to catch the terrorists 而且他们已经有些线索了 and that they already have several leads. 这是个节拍器 This is a metronome. 他真是晕菜了 He"s really lost it. 闭嘴 Knock it off! 麦兰


     你差点杀了他 And you get a grip, Myran! You could"ve killed him! 他来过我家 He came to my place. 什么 What? 你家 Your place? 你怎么没告诉我们

      Why didn"t you tell us? -又不要紧

     -要紧 - Because it"s cool. - It"s not! 警♥察♥在找你 You"re wanted by the police. 你才是他要找的那个 You"re the one he came looking for. 那怎么不是你上电视 So why aren"t you on TV? 警方不会让他们逍遥法外 They won"t get away with this! 我们要把所有音乐败类仍城市里除净 We"re going to rid this city of musical scum! 警♥察♥ Police! 把鼓放下 Drop that drum! 警♥察♥

     放下你们的乐器 Police! Drop your instruments! 都老实点 Stay calm! 我们怎么了 What have we done? 打开后备箱

     先生 Open the trunk, sir. 我这儿没鼓

     我发誓 I don"t have any drums, I promise. 打开后备箱 Open the trunk. 看到了吧 See? 救命啊 Help! 你还好吗 Are you ok? -你听得见我吗

     -什么 - Am I audible? - What? 你听得见我说话吗 Can you hear me? 是的

     能听得见 Yes, I can hear you. 有个电工说一个荷兰疯子偷了他的钥匙 That workman says a crazy Finn stole his keys. 肯定是安德斯·维斯特加德 A certain Anders Vestergard. 我们还找到了萨娜·博森的指纹 We"ve found fingerprints from a Sanna Persson. 沃纳布灵

     给我个完整的大纲 Warnebring! I want a full rundown! 你说什么 Sorry? 你没事吧 Are you alright? 你还好吗 Are you feeling ok? 他妈的玩音乐的

     给我安静 Damn musicians! I want silence! 给我安静

     该死的音乐家 I want silence! You bloody musicians! 我只想要安静 I just want silence. 你们不懂吗

     该死的音乐家 Don"t you get it, you bloody musicians? 只想要安静 Just silence. 闭嘴

     你这白♥痴♥ Shut up, you wanker! 不许这么对我老大说话 Don"t talk to my boss that way! 你没有声音 You"re silent. 听不到你的说话声 You"re not audible. 你也被他们当乐器敲打过 They"ve played on you. 你可以闭嘴了

     我听不见你说什么 You might as well shut up. I can"t hear you. 快点开门 Open the door! 一座城市与六名鼓手 "电爱" "Electric love" 奥斯卡

     开门 Oscar! Open up! 你♥他♥妈♥干什么呢 What the hell"s going on? -天啊


     -你还好吗 - God, look at you! - How are you feeling? 小声点

     你会把露西亚吵醒的 Be quiet! You"ll wake Lucia. 我要写曲子

     需要你帮我 I"ve got to write music. I need your help. 你是音盲

     阿玛德斯 You are tone-deaf, Amadeus. 我知道

     但是 I know, but... 回家睡觉去

     咱们以后再说吧 Go home and sleep. We"ll talk later. 天啊 Christ! 我要写曲子 I have to write music! -看在上帝的份上



     动起来 - Be quiet, for Christ"s sake! - Come on, let"s go. 安静 Quiet! 首先是四分音符 First of all, there"s the quarter note... 每个代表一拍 It"s worth one beat in time. 等等


     继续说 Wait, you don"t have to play. Carry on. 然后是二分音符 Then, there"s the half note... 每个持续两拍 It lasts two beats. 1

     2 One, two... 好 Ok. 等等

     哪个是哪个来着 Wait. Which one"s which? 看着 Look! 四分音符

     二分音符 Quarter note. Half note. 很好

     这就够了 Good. That"s all I need. -什么


     -靠边 - What? But... - Move over. 但你还需要知道别的音符和乐理 But there are other notes, other things you need to know. 比如音调还有拍号♥ Such as keys and time signatures... 可以了

     可以了 This is perfect. This is perfect. 你觉得怎么样 What do you think? 这什么都不是 But it"s hardly anything! 但也是音乐吧 But is it music? 只要有音符就算音乐 It"s got to be music or it won"t work. 虽然是很烂的音乐 It"s very bad music. 但也算音乐吧 But it is music? 好的

     谢了 Good. Thanks. 这首曲子会改变世界的 This music will change the world. 这话经常有人说 You"re not the first to say that. 第四乐章 电 爱 安德斯

     往后点 Anders, back a bit. -再往前点

     -就位 - Forward a touch. - Ready. -就位

     -就位 - Ready. - Ready! 1



     4 One, two, three, four! 真棒 Bravo. 又是他 Him again? 棒极了 Bravo! 是谁写的曲子 Who"s the composer? 是那位 Is it... 戴着时髦眼镜的先生吗 the gentleman with the stylish glasses? 或许吧 Maybe. 谢谢你们的演出 Thanks for the concert. 谢谢你们各位 Thanks, all of you. 那真是场绝妙的音乐体验 It really was a great musical experience! 我说的是真心话 I really mean it. 你♥他♥妈♥到底想干吗 What the hell do you want? 我想干吗 What do I want? 我给你写了首曲子 I"ve written music for you. 萨娜 Sanna! 我需要你的帮助

     你能下来吗 I"ll need your help. Can you come down? 你干吗不上来啊

     你这只法♥西♥斯♥蠢猪 Why don"t you come up here, you fascist pig? 不行

     我们要一起演奏我的作品 No. We"ll play my opus together. 你们四个在上面

     萨娜和我在下面 You four up there, me and Sanna down here. 否则没法演 If not, it won"t work. 交给我吧 I"ll take care of this. -我下去

     -不行 - I"ll go. - No! 我说行 Yes! 我去跟他谈谈 I"ll talk to him. 听好了

     乐队 Listen up, orchestra. 我这儿有节拍器 Here"s a metronome. 小心点儿

     这是我父亲的 Be careful, it was my father"s. 你们要一音不差地 You"ll play my music 演奏我写的曲子 exactly as it"s written. 但是别忘了 But don"t forget, 这次要通电 the electricity has to be switched on this time. 滚蛋吧 Fuck off! 去死吧蠢猪 Fucking pig! 你到底在干什么 What are you doing? 萨娜

     抱歉 Sanna... I"m sorry. 我要把你当鼓敲死

     你丫的臭猪 I"m gonna drum you to death, you fucking pig! 只要你们演奏我的曲子

     我就放了萨娜 Play my music and I"ll let Sanna go. 二十分钟后准时通电 Turn the power on in exactly 20 minutes. 萨娜 Sanna. 我们会改变世界的 And we will change the world! 放开我 Let go of me! 我们到底在干什么 What the hell are we doing here? 一会儿就知道了 You"ll see. 好了

     我给你打开 Ok, I"m taking these off. 亏我还相信你 I trusted you! 萨娜

     等等 Sanna! Wait! 我需要你 I need you! 我需要你 I need you! 只有你能帮我 You"re the only one who can help me... 只有你能演奏这首曲子 who can play this piece. 这曲子 I wrote this music. 为你而写 For you. 给你 Here. 你来独奏 You"re the soloist. 如果你不愿意 I"ll understand... 我也理解

     但是 if you don"t want to, but... 这是你写的吗 You wrote this? 是的 Yes. 这他妈什么玩意儿 What the hell is this? 该死的变♥态♥ Bloody sadist! 你确定要这么做吗 Are you sure about this? 我觉得没事

     但 I think it"ll be ok. But... 你们千万不能碰到对方 make sure you don"t touch each other. 下次选乐器的时候先考虑清楚 Next time, think twice before choosing your instruments. 好了

     咱们试试吧 Ok. Let"s go for it. 好吧


     为你演一个 Ok, you damn cop. This one"s for you! 1

     2 One, two... 3

     4 three, four! 开始了 It"s started. 我的天啊

     太难听了 My God, this sucks! 这是我这辈子敲的最烂的曲子 It"s the worst thing I"ve ever played in my life! 快来 Come on. 快点 Hurry up! 这是压轴表演 Here comes the grand finale... 之后是

     安静 And now... silence. 一切归于宁静 Silence at last. 再没有音乐 No more music. 你得离开 You must leave. 他们知道你的底细

     他们知道所有事 They know who you are, they know everything. 走吧

     越远越好 Leave and go far away. 快走吧 Go now. 沃纳布灵与海顿音乐会 这也太掉价儿了 This is so beneath us! 但咱们总得挣钱糊口 We"ve got to make a living somehow. 除了音乐他们啥都不会 Music"s all they know. 《电爱》- 六个鼓手 "Electric Love" - Six Drummers 当太阳牵着月亮携着海洋* *When the sun and the moon and the sea 共舞那一段恰恰* *is at one with the cha-cha 映亮你灵动的双眸* *Then the lights come alive in your eyes 比阳光更闪耀* *brighter than sunbeams 让我们在夜色中起舞* *We can dance through the night 优雅的华尔兹还有火热的桑巴* *anything from the waltz to the samba 音乐永不停歇* *The music won"t stop 我却不能着迷* *but I"ve got to drop 在这危险的美梦里* *out of this dangerous dream… 你那欲望之蛇* *Your desire 似危险的电火* *is live wire 你的带电之爱* *you are electric love 我却无法触碰* *It hurts to watch it 只能苦苦思望* *when I cannot touch it 你的电爱* *your electric love 你的电爱* *your electric love 你的电爱* *your electric love 你的电爱* *your electric love 你的电爱* *your electric love 在我梦中的月光下* *In my dream we will walk down the beach 我们牵手走过沙滩* *on the sand in the moonlight 吅着海浪声起舞* *We"ll dance to the sound of the waves 浸在星光里游弋* *and swim in the starlight 但我们的能量之源* *But the energy building inside 终有安全度量之限* *will be kept on the safe side 音乐终会停歇* *The music will stop 也该清醒过来* *it"s time to wake up 以免被这夜色灼魂* *or we"ll get burned by the night… 你那欲望之蛇* *Your desire 似危险的电火* *is live wire 你的带电之爱* *you are electric love 我却无法触碰* *It hurts to watch it 只能苦苦思望* *when I cannot touch it 你的电爱* *your electric love 你的电爱* *your electric love 你的电爱* *your electric love

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