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    时间:2020-08-31 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站


     二十分钟后熄灯 Okay, lights out, 20 minutes. 不许调皮捣蛋 No funny business. 也不许乱搞 And no fucking. 现在你相信我了吧 Now do you believe me? 他就是个该死的变♥态♥ He"s a fucking psychopath. 好吧

     你的安全绳突然断掉确实很像是意外巧合 Okay. It does seem like an odd coincidence your wires just snapped. 这不是巧合

     安全绳还能断掉也太扯了吧 It"s no coincidence. It"s absurd. 那些绳吊起一只大象都没问题 Those lines are strong enough to hold a goddamn elephant. 你的手♥机♥在哪里 Where"s your phone at? 他没收了 He confiscated it. 动作明星学校 凯文


     咱们不能离开 Kevin. He said lights out. We can"t leave. 他又不是我的夏令营辅♥导♥员 He"s not my camp counselor. 你知道我打算干什么吗 You know what I"m-a do? 我打算离开

     我打算去拿回我的手♥机♥ I"m about to go, I"m about to get my phone back, 我还打算看看他办公室里有什么东西 and I"m-a see what other weird shit 是他藏着掖着不想让我看见的 he hiding in his office that he don"t want me to see. 凯文

     不要 Kevin... don"t. 猫胆虫威 第一季

     第五集 罗尼

     我的老伙计 Ronnie, baby. Mon garçon. 请坐 Have a seat. 麻烦把第 12 场戏调出来 Pull up scene 12, please. 坐吧 Have a seat. -这是个馊主意

     -这是个好主意 - This is a bad idea. - It"s a good idea. 威尔考克斯不会当着你的面杀了我的 Wilcox won"t murder me in front of you. 到了


     来吧 Come on. There"s his office, come on. 锁住了 Shit. 你有没有发夹 Do you have a bobby pin? 有啊


     就在我头上的发髻里 Yeah. Yeah. It"s in the bun on the back of my fucking head. 好了

     别犯浑 Okay, don"t be an asshole. 我去找个回形针

     让让 I"ll find a paper clip. Excuse me. 等等

     你居然会撬锁 Wait, you know how to pick a lock? 姐是土生土长的芝加哥南部人 South Side of Chicago, born and raised. 你这还是比不过费城北部 It"s not North Philadelphia, 但我不会因此针对你的 but I"m not gonna hold it against you. 搞定 Got it. 你♥他♥妈♥在哪儿啊 Where the fuck are you at? 天哪


     我什么都看不见了 Oh, God. Oh, fuck, I can"t see shit. 你在哪儿呢 Where you at? -救命



     小凯文 - Help! Help me! - I got you, Little Kev! 天哪

     不要啊 Oh, hell no! -救命

     -烫死人了 - Help! - It"s fucking hot! 你说得一点都没错 You damn right. 这太真挚了 It is authentic. -他根本不知道自己在被拍摄

     -没错 - He doesn"t even know he"s being filmed. - Exactly. 我已经追求了很多年这种真实的电影拍摄方式 I have been chasing for this cinema verité style 这种现实主义硬动作电影 of realistic hard action filmmaking for years. 它就是我的白鲸

     我的独角兽 It is my white whale, my unicorn. 我需要的只是一个脆弱的演员 All I needed was an actor who was fragile, 敏感易碎

     害怕被遗忘 vulnerable, afraid of being forgotten. 害怕被遗忘 Afraid of being forgotten. 谢谢你

     凯文 Thank you, Kevin. 你是天赐的礼物

     谢谢你 You"re a gift. Thank you. 谢谢 Thank you. 对于明天的拍摄

     你有什么疑问吗 Any questions, for tomorrow"s scenes? 没有 Oh, no... 我好...

     我好累哦 I"m so... je suis fatigué! 我该回片场了


     晚安 I should get back to the set, so... bonsoir. -晚安

     -爱你哦 - Bonsoir. - J"aime beaucoup. 谢谢 Merci. 再来一遍 Again. 我能

     我能问你个问题吗 Hey, can I... can I ask you a question? 问吧 Yeah. 你还记得今天早些时候 So, you... you remember earlier today 咱们在绿幕前拍戏的时候吗 when we were shooting the scene on green screen? 就是

     就是在安全绳断之前 Like, like, right before the wires snapped? 你似乎... You kind of seemed like you was... 你似乎真的很投入 like you were really into it. 这叫表演 It"s called acting. 是啊

     你演得就像你真的想亲我 Yeah, you were acting like you wanted to kiss me. 好了 Yes. 搞定了是吧

     行行行 Got it, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 走着 Yeah. 来吧

     咱们过去 Come on. Let"s go. 他妈的

     居然敢偷我东西 Fuck. Stealing my shit. 好莱坞的贱♥人♥ Hollywood bitch. 你有发现吗 You got anything? 没有

     你呢 No. You? 他有一抽屉的旧大头画 He"s got a drawer full of old headshots.


     你是我灵魂最黑暗处的明灯" "Coach Ron, you are the bright light in the darkest parts of my soul." 这话什么意思 The fuck does that mean? 我们应该尽快离开 We should get out of here soon. 不

     我们该继续找 No, we shouldn"t. 这里肯定有什么他不想让我们看见的东西 I know there"s some stuff in here that he don"t want us to see. 仔细找肯定能找到 Just got to look for it. 可能在某个地方有暗箱 Probably got one of them, like, secret compartments somewhere. 找到了 Got it. 就是这个 Bingo. 天哪 Holy shit. 给

     你得再撬个锁 Here. I got another lock for you to pick. -你觉得里面装的会是什么

     -我不知道 - What do you think"s in there? - I don"t know. 反正是他不想公之于众的东西 Some shit that he don"t want nobody to find. 该死 Shit. 我他妈干♥死♥你♥ I"ll get your ass. 这难道不有趣吗 Isn"t this interesting? 我知道你们在装睡 Well, I know that you"re both pretending to be asleep. 没事 And that"s fine. 这可能是你们这辈子 It"s probably the best acting 能贡献出的最佳表演了 that either of you will ever do in your entire lives. 尤其是你

     哈特探员 Especially you, Agent Hart. 但如果谁被我发现 But if I find out that either of you 未经允许擅自离开寝室 left this bunk without my permission,

     你们会后悔当初踏入这所学校的 you"ll regret the day you ever stepped into Ron Wilcox"s Action Star School. 如果你们没在装睡

     那你们现在就会被吵醒 If you weren"t fake sleeping, you would have woken up. 天哪

     好险 Holy shit. That was too close. 谁说不是呢 You"re telling me?

    推荐访问:第一季 剧本 第五集

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