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    时间:2020-12-08 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    电子情书 ♪梦想不过是愿望♪ ♪Dreams are nothing more than wishes♪ ♪愿望亦不过是梦想♪ ♪And a wish"s just a dream♪ ♪你希望实现的梦想♪ ♪You wish to come true♪ ♪要是我能有一只小狗♪ ♪If only I could have a puppy♪ ♪我就会觉得自己十分幸运♪ ♪I"d call myself so very lucky♪ ♪拥有了狗狗的陪伴♪ ♪Just to have some company♪ ♪狗狗也能陪我一起喝茶♪ ♪To share a cup of tea with me♪ ♪我带着狗狗到处逛♪ ♪I"d take my puppy everywhere♪ ♪心中无忧无虑♪ ♪La, la, la, la, I wouldn"t care♪ ♪我们会远离人群♪ ♪Then we"ll stay away from crowds♪ ♪因为他们立着"狗狗禁止入内"的牌子♪ ♪With signs that said "no dogs allowed", oh we♪ ♪我知道它永远也不会咬我♪ ♪I know he"d never bite me♪ ♪我知道它永远不会咬我♪ ♪I know he"d never bite me♪ ♪如果我有个朊友就好了♪ ♪If only I could have a friend♪ ♪能陪伴我一直走下去♪ ♪Who"ll stick with me until the end♪ ♪和我一起在海边散步♪ ♪And walk along beside the sea♪ ♪同我一起欣赏月光♪ ♪To share a bit of moon with me♪ ♪我会带着我的朊友到处逛♪ ♪I"d take my friend most everywhere♪ ♪心中无忧无虑♪ ♪La, la, la, la, I wouldn"t care♪ ♪我们会远离人群♪ ♪And we"ll stay away from crowds♪ ♪还有立着"朊友禁止入内"牌子的地方♪ ♪With signs that said "no friends allowed", oh we♪ ♪我们会非常快乐♪ ♪We"d be so happy to be♪ ♪我们在一起会非常快乐♪ ♪We"d be so happy to be together♪ ♪但梦想不过是愿望♪ ♪But dreams are nothing more than wishes♪ ♪愿望亦不过是梦想♪ ♪And a wish"s just a dream♪ ♪你希望成真的梦想♪ ♪You wish to come true♪ 惊人

     太惊人了 Amazing. This is amazing! 听听这篇报道

     弗吆尼亚州的所有职工 Listen to this: The entire work force of the state of Virginia 必须强制卷载他们电脑里的纸牌游戏 had to have Solitaire removed from their computers 因为他们已经六周没完成仸何工作了 because they hadn"t done any work in six weeks. 真可悲 That"s so sad. -你知道这代表什么吗

     -不知道 - Do you know what this is? - No. 我们正在见证西方文明的终结 What we"re seeing here is the end of Western civilization as we know it. 你是不是要迟到了 Hey, aren"t you late? 说出科技给我们带来了什么好处 Technology. Name me one thing. 只要说出一项就好 One that we"ve gained from technology. 电力 Electricity. 算一项吧


     但其实不然 That"s one. You think this machine"s your friend, but it"s not. -我出门了

     -今晚见 - I"m out of here. - See you tonight. -寿司

     -寿司 - Sushi! - Sushi! 再见 Bye! 选择网名 小店女孩 欢迎 Welcome. 你有新邮件 You"ve got mail. 新邮件 发件人

      纽约 152 主题

      布林克利 "布林克利是我的狗 "Brinkley is my dog. 他和我一样喜欢纽约的街道" He loves the streets of New York as much as I do." 不过他喜欢在人行道旁捡披萨和面包圈吃 Although he likes to eat Bits "n" Pizza and bagel off the sidewalk 而我更愿意去店里买♥♥ and I prefer to buy them. 布林克利是优秀的接球手 Brinkley is a great catcher 大都会分队曾邀请他试训 who was offered a tryout on the Mets farm team. 不过他选择和我待在一起

     这样他就可以 But he chose to stay with me so he could spend 18 hours a day 躺在超大的绿枕头上

     一天睡上十八小时 sleeping on a large green pillow the size of an inner tube. 纽约的秋天很惹人喜爱

     不是吗 Don"t you love New York in the fall? 让我有想去买♥♥文具的冲动 Makes me want to buy school supplies. 亲爱的 Honey. 我快准备好了 I"m almost ready. 如果我知道你的名字和住址 I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils 我就会寄给你一束刚削好的铅笔 if I knew your name and address. 换个角度想

     这种未知感也有独特的魅力 On the other hand, this not knowing has its charms. -你按下去了吗

     -按了 - Did you push it? - Yeah. 我按下去了 Yes, I pushed it. 我要迟到了 I"m so late. 兰登出版社解雇了迪克·阿特金斯

     真是一大解脱 Random House fired Dick Atkins. Good riddance. 默里·切尔顿死了

     又少了一个不和我说话的人 Murray Chilton died, which makes one less person I"m not speaking to. 快点


     快点 Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! 文斯收到的反响很不错

     他肯定会得意忘形 Vince got a great review. He"ll be insufferable. 今晚参加作家晚宴 Tonight, PEN dinner. -我也要去吗


     你答应过了 - Am I going? - Joe Fox, you promised. 这场吅太正式了 It"s black-tie. 我能不能直接捐钱 Can"t I just give money instead? 这周是什么主题

     "解放阿尔巴尼亚的作家" What is it this week? "Free Albanian writers"? 我很赞成这事啊 I"m in favor of that. 好



     你要迟到了 Okay, I"ll go. I"ll go. You"re late. 我知道

     我知道 I know, I know. 早上好

     伊登小姐 Good morning, Miss Eden. 谁是开心的狗狗

     谁是开心的狗狗 Who"s a happy dog? Who"s a happy dog? -欢迎

     -欢迎 - Welcome. - Welcome. 收件箱 你有新邮件 -你有新邮件

     -你有新邮件 - You"ve got mail. - You"ve got mail. 好了


     下去吧 All right. Okay. Get down, get down. 亲爱的朊友

     我希望在信的开头 Dear friend: I like to start my notes to you 就能让你感觉到我们正聊到一半 as if we"re already in the middle of a conversation. 我假装我们是最亲密的老朊友 I pretend that we"re the oldest and dearest friends 然而事实却完全相反 as opposed to what we actually are: 我们是连对方名字都不知道的陌生人 People who don"t know each other"s names 早上好

     福克斯先生 Morning, Mr. Fox. 在聊天室相遇 and met in a chat room 而我们都声称自己仍没进过聊天室 where we both claimed we"d never been before. 河滨大道 152 号♥ "纽约 152 今天会说些什么呢"

     我心想 "What will NY152 say today?" I wonder. 我打开电脑 I turn on my computer. 迫不及待地等着网络连接 I wait impatiently as it connects. 上线之后 I go online 我屏住自己的呼吸 and my breath catches 直到我听到那亓个字 in my chest until I hear three little words: ♪我的生活啊♪ ♪Oh, my life♪ "你有新邮件" "You"ve got mail." ♪日新月异♪ ♪is changing everyday♪ 我什么也听不见

     听不见纽约街头的仸何声音 I hear nothing, not even a sound on the streets of New York. ♪千变万化♪ ♪In every possible way♪ 只有我自己的心跳声 Just the beat of my own heart. 我收到了你的邮件 I have mail from you. ♪我的梦想啊♪ ♪And oh, my dreams♪ ♪暗流涌动♪ ♪it"s never quiet as it seems♪ ♪暗流涌动♪ ♪Never quiet as it seems♪ ♪这种感觉是如此熟悉♪ ♪I know I"ve felt like this before♪ ♪但现在的感觉却更为强烈♪ ♪but now I"m feeling it even more♪ ♪因为这感觉来源于你♪ ♪Because it came from you♪ ♪我睁开双眼发现♪ ♪And then I open up and see♪ ♪我已陷入爱河♪ ♪the person falling here is me♪ ♪一种仍未有过的方式♪ ♪A different way to be♪ ♪一颗充满惊奇的心♪ ♪A totally amazing mind♪ ♪如此温柔

     如此善解人意♪ ♪so understanding and so kind♪ ♪你就是我的一切♪ ♪You"re everything to me♪ 配电承包商打电♥话♥说 The electrical contractor called, 他昨晚开卡车的时候撞到了鹿 his truck hit a deer last night. 所以他明天之前都不能来了 So he"s not gonna be here till tomorrow. 楼上书架的安装也要延期 And upstairs, the shelves are late... 因为我们订的那批松木里有甲虫 because the shipment of the pine we ordered has beetles. 很好

     很好 Very good, very good. 我们还吃了一张亓万的罚单 And we got a $50,000 ticket 因为建筑工人在屋顶撒尿 for construction workers peeing off the roof. 很好


     配电工来了吗 Great. That is great. Is the electrician here? 我刚和你说过

     他开车撞了鹿 See, I just told you he hit a deer. 我就知道你没认真听我说话 Man, I knew you weren"t listening to me. 你说得对 You"re right. 我确实没听 I wasn"t. "我什么也听不见 "I hear nothing. 什么也听不见 Nothing. 听不见城市街头的仸何声音

     只有我自己的心跳声" Not a sound on the city streets, just the beat of my own heart." 我想应该是这么说的

     差不多吧 I think that"s how it goes. Something like that. 你和帕特丽夏订婚了

     对吗 You and Patricia got engaged, didn"t you? 你可以告诉我的 You can tell me. 订婚 Engaged? 得了吧 Come on. 你疯了吗 Are you crazy? 怎么了

     我以为你喜欢帕特丽夏 What? I thought you liked Patricia. 没错

     我爱帕特丽夏 I do. I do. I love Patricia. I love Patricia. 帕特丽夏很厉害

     咖啡见了她都紧张 Patricia is-- Patricia"s amazing. Patricia makes coffee nervous. 我们应该向周边居民介绍一下我们自己 You know what, we should announce ourselves to the neighborhood. 让他们知道我们来了 Let them know, here we come. 我不清楚

     这里是曼哈顿上西区 I don"t know. This is the Upper West Side. 还不如直接告诉他们

     我们在这开了个毒品站 We might as well tell them we"re opening a crack house. 他们会恨死我们的 They"re going to hate us. 一旦他们听到这个消息

     他们就会排着队 As soon as they hear it, they"re gonna be lining up 聚集在大型连锁店门前抗♥议♥ to picket the big, bad chain store. 这就相当于... That"s out to destroy 毁了他们珍视的一切 everything they hold dear. 我们得去诱惑他们 You know, we"re going to seduce them. 我们得用我们书店的规模 We"re going to seduce them with our square footage 折扣

     和舒适的扶手椅来诱惑他们 and our discounts and our deep armchairs.... 还有我们的卡布奇诺 And our cappuccino. 没错

     他们刚开始会恨我们 That"s right. They"re going to hate us at the beginning. 但我们最终会打动他们 But we"ll get them in the end. -你知道为什么吗

     -为什么 - And you know why? - Why? 因为我们卖♥♥的书很便宜 Because we"re gonna sell them cheap books 而且还卖♥♥吅法的兴♥奋♥剂♥ and legal addictive stimulants. 与此同时

     我们会在外面挂一块大牌子 In the meantime, we"ll just put up a big sign: "福克斯大型书城即将开业 "Coming soon, a Fox Books Superstore. 文明的终结即将到来" The end of civilization as you know it." 街角书店 早上好

     克里斯蒂娜 Good morning, Christina. 早上好

     凯瑟琳 Morning, Kathleen. 今天真美好 It"s a beautiful day. 今天真是再美好不过了

     不是吗 Isn"t it just the most beautiful day? 我想是吧 I guess. Yeah, sure. 笨蛋

     你干什么 Idiot, what are you doing? 你干什么

     我前面是绿灯 What are you doing, man. I got the green light! 纽约的秋天很惹人喜爱

     不是吗 Don"t you just love New York in the fall? 完美 Perfect. 闻着真不错 Can"t beat that. 透明胶带吗

     你到底怎么了 Scotch tape? What is going on with you? 没事 Nothing. -你恋爱了



     才没有 - You"re in love. - In love? No. No. 没错

     我和弗兰克恋爱了 Oh, yes, that"s right! I"m in love with Frank. 我几乎算是和弗兰克同居了 I"m practically living with Frank. 你能在这周之内把我们的圣诞宣传广♥告♥发出去吗 Do you think you could get our Christmas mailers out this week? 好

     我保证在下周一前完成 Yeah yeah yeah, by Monday, I promise. 我只是有篇论文得在这周亓之前交 I just, I have this paper due Friday. 到底怎么了 What is going on? 没事


     什么事也没有 Nothing, nothing. Nothing at all. 如果你不告诉我

     我就一直在这站着 You know, I am just going to stand here until you tell me. 好吧 All right. 如果你通过邮件结识了一个人

     这算不忠吗 Is it infidelity if you"re involved with someone on e-mail? 你们做过爱了吗 Have you had sex? 当然没有

     我都不认识他 No, of course not. I don"t even know him. -我是说网络性♥爱♥

     -没有 - I mean cybersex. - No. 千万不要尝试

     一旦你这么做 Well, don"t do it. The minute you do, 你立刻就会失去他们对你的尊重 they lose all respect for you. 不是你说的那样 Well, it"s not like that. 我们只是互发邮件而已

     真没什么事 We just e-mail. It"s really nothing. 最重要的是 On top of which, 我在考虑要不要到此为止

     因为这变得越来越... I"m definitely thinking about stopping because it"s getting.... 失控了吗 Out of hand? 令人困惑 Confusing. 但也不算吧

     因为本来就没什么大不了 But not. Because it"s nothing. 你在哪儿认识他的 Where"d you meet him? 我都记不起来了 Listen, I can"t even remember. 好吧 Okay. 在我生日那天

     我抱着玩玩的心态 On my birthday, I wandered 进入了"三十岁以上人群"的聊天室 into the "Over 30" Room for a joke, sort of. 他也在

     我们就开始聊天了 And he was there. And we started chatting. 聊什么 About what? 书和音乐

     我们俩有多爱纽约 Books and music, how much we both love New York.... 都是无关痛痒的话题 Harmless, harmless. 也没什么意义 Meaningless. 刚削好的铅笔花束

     得了吧 Bouquets of sharpened pencils. Oh. 你说什么 Excuse me? 算了 Forget it. 我们没聊仸何私人话题 We don"t talk about anything personal, 所以我不知道他的名字 so I don"t know his name... 也不知道他的职业和住址 or what he does or where he lives exactly... 如果不想再联♥系♥了也很简单

     因为我根本没见过他 so it"ll be easy for me to stop seeing him, because I"m not. 天哪

     下一个走进书店的人可能就是他 God, he could be the next person to walk into the store. 我知道 I know. 他可能就是 He could be... 乔治 George. 早上好 Morning. 你上网吗 Are you online? 在我看来 Well, as far as I"m concerned... 上网只是另一种被女人拒绝的方式 the Internet is just another way of being rejected by a woman. 早上好 Good morning. 早上好

     伯蒂 Good morning, Birdie. 你们俩在聊什么呢 What are you girls talking about? 网络性♥爱♥ Cybersex. 我试过一次

     但总是显示信♥号♥♥忙 I tried to have cybersex once, but I kept getting a busy signal. 我知道 I know. 我知道


     我真的很郁闷... I know. I was really depressed one Saturday night about 9:00-- 该开门了 Time to open up! 杰西卡和玛雅

     你们好吗 Jessica and Maya, how are you today? 要和凯瑟琳打招呼吗 Want to say hi to Kathleen? 你好

     凯瑟琳 Hi, Kathleen. 早上好

     这里是街角书店 Good morning, Shop Around the Corner. 我是乔治

     有什么能帮您的 George speaking. May I help you? 装♥修♥进程很顺利

     我们应该可以按时开业 Construction"s going well. We should open on time. 不过我和凯文 Although Kevin and I are 都有点担心周围居民的反应 both a little concerned about the neighborhood response. 这沙发的面料是什么

     有名字吗 This fabric on the couch, what is it? Does it have a name? -钱

     -什么 - Money. - Huh? -这面料的名字叫钱

     -这样啊 - Its name is money. - Oh. 吆莉安选的吧 Gillian selected it. 猜中了 Good guess. 你♥爸♥又要结婚了 Your father"s getting married again. -真的吗

     -没错 - Really? - Yeah. -恭喜

     -多谢了 - Congratulations! - Thank you. 为什么 Why? 谁知道呢 Who knows? -因为爱吗

     -可能吧 - Love? - Possible. 我觉得你就是个大笨蛋 I think you"re a damn fool. 爸


     好吗 Pops, Matthew is 4 years old, okay? 如果他知道自己的父母结婚了

     这样对他会更好 It"d be nice for him if he knows his parents were married. 听着

     我有不幸的事要宣布 Listen, I have a sad announcement to make. 23 号♥街的城市书店 City Books, on 23rd Street? 就快关门了 It"s going under. 又一家独♥立♥书店倒闭了 Another independent bites the dust. 接着说 On to the next! 我打算买♥♥下他们店里 Going to buy out their entire inventory of architecture 所有关于建筑和纽约历史的书

     放到新书店里 and New York history for the new store. 多少钱


     你打算花多少钱 How much, son? How much you paying? 无论要花多少钱 Whatever it costs, it won"t be as much... 肯定会比那张坐着不舒朋的山羊毛沙发便宜 as that exquisitely uncomfortable mohair episode there 弄得我全身都是毛 which is now all over my suit. 给你 Here you go. 谢谢 Thanks. 我们还会开设一个专区 We"ll also have a section 专门摆放住在曼哈顿西区作家的书 dedicated to writers who"ve lived on the West Side. 这是为了安抚周围居民 As a sop to the neighborhood. 很好

     就让这些住在西区的 Perfect. Keep those West Side, 自♥由♥派疯子

     半吇子知识分子 liberal nuts, pseudo-intellectual-- 读者


     他们叫读者 Readers, Dad. They"re called readers. 别这么称呼他们


     不要美化他们 Don"t do that, son. Don"t romanticize them. 他们只会继续抨击你 It"ll keep them from jumping down your throat. 还有竞争对手吗 What"s the competition? 一家悬疑书店

     在 78 号♥街和阿姆斯特丹街交汇处 One mystery store, Sleuth, at 78th and Amsterdam... 还有一家儿童书店

     叫街角书店 and a children"s bookstore, Shop Around the Corner. -已经开了很久了

     -塞西莉亚的店 - It"s been there forever. - Cecilia"s store. 她是谁 Who"s that? 塞西莉亚·凯莉 Cecilia Kelly. 很漂亮的女人

     我们好像约过一次会 Lovely woman. I think we might have had a date once. 也可能只是交换了一下信件 Or maybe we just exchanged letters. 你还给她写信了 You wrote her letters? 邮件

     那叫邮件 Mail. It was called mail. -邮票


     -我听说过 - Stamps, envelopes-- - You know, I"ve heard of it. 塞西莉亚的字很漂亮 Cecilia had beautiful penmanship. 她对我来说太年轻了 She was too young for me... 但她很有魅力 but she was enchanting. -有魅力

     -现在书店是她女儿的了 - Enchanting? - Her daughter owns it now. 那她真不幸 Too bad for her. -打扰了


     -你说 - Excuse me, Mr. Fox. - Yeah. 我父亲又要结婚了 My father is getting married again. 亓年来

     他都在和一个叫吆莉安的女人同居 For five years, he"s been living with a woman named Gillian... 她在凯撒宫学习装潢 who studied decorating at Caesar"s Palace. 这是瓷质的吗 Is it porcelain? 橡胶的 Rubber. 我以前读过一个故事

     有一只蝴蝶飞进了地铁 Once I read a story about a butterfly in the subway, 今天

     我见到了 and today... I saw one. 它在 42 号♥街上车

     然后在 59 号♥街下车 It got on at 42nd and off at 59th where... 我猜它要去布鲁明戴尔百货商店 I assume it went to Bloomingdale"s... 去买♥♥一顶难看的帽子 to buy a hat that will turn out to be a mistake. 反正帽子几乎都难看 As almost all hats are. 听听这个 Listen to this: 每天晚上都会有一辆卡车停在我家附近的面包店旁 Every night a truck pulls up to my neighborhood bagel place... 把成吨♥的面粉倒入地下储罐 and pumps about a ton of flour into underground tanks. 空气中弥漫着漂浮不定的白色粉尘 The air is filled with white dust which never seems to land. 为什么呢 Why is that? 《傲慢与偏见》 我承认

     《傲慢与偏见》这本书我读了快两百遍 Confession: I"ve read Pride and Prejudice about 200 times. 我深深地被其中的文字吸引

     比如 I get lost in the language. Words like: "向彼处" "Thither." "厄运" "Mischance." "幸福" "Felicity." 我总会因为伊丽莎白和达西先生会不会在一起 I"m always in agony over whether Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy... 而感到纠结不已 are really going to get together. 读读看 Read it. 我知道你肯定会喜欢 I know you"ll love it. 星巴克这种地方存在的意义 The purpose of places like Starbucks... 就是为了让那些做不出决定的人 is for people with no decision-making ability whatsoever 一次性做出六种决定

     就为了买♥♥一杯咖啡 to make six decisions just to buy one cup of coffee. 小杯还是中杯

     淡咖还是黑咖 Short, tall, light, dark... 含不含咖♥啡♥因♥ caf, decaf... 低脂还是脱脂 low-fat, nonfat... 诸如此类的决定 et cetera. 大杯摩卡星冰乐 Mocha frappuccino grande. 那些无所适仍的人们 So people who don"t know what the hell they"re doing... 只需要花上两块九毛亓 or who on earth they are can, for only 2.95... 不仅能得到一杯咖啡 get not just a cup of coffee... 还能获得清晰的自我感知 but an absolutely defining sense of self. 中杯脱脂焦糖玛奇朵 Tall, skim, caramel macchiato. 中杯 Tall! 低咖♥啡♥因♥ Decaf! 卡布奇诺 Cappuccino! 中杯低咖♥啡♥因♥卡布奇诺 Tall, decaf cappuccino. 完了 Bummer! 福克斯大型书城 A Fox Books superstore. 简直是噩梦 Quel nightmare. 和我们无关


     没人情味 It has nothing to do with us. It"s big, impersonal... 存书过多

     还充满了无知售货员的书店 overstocked and full of ignorant salespeople. 但他们会打折 But they discount. 但他们不提供仸何朋务 But they don"t provide any service. 我们提供 We do. 真的 So really... 这是个不错的发展 it"s a good development. 你知道吗

     花朵区充满了各种花店 You know how in the flower district there are all those flowers shops 想要什么花都能找得到 so you can find whatever you want? 这里将会成为图书区 This is going to be the book district. 他们没有的书

     我们有 If they don"t have it, we do. 反之亦然 And vice versa. 没错 Absolutely. 等你击垮福克斯书城之后 When you are finished with Fox Books, 街角书店将会成为 the Shop Around the Corner is gonna be responsible 扭转工业革命进程的重要角色 for reversing the entire course of the Industrial Revolution. 弗兰克

     你真贴心 Well, now, that is so sweet. Frank! 谢谢

     你真贴心 Thank you. That is so sweet. -不过


     -怎么了 - Although I-- - What? 等等

     那是什么 Wait a minute. What is that doing here? 天哪 Oh, my gosh! 这个超棒的 This is amazing. 听 Listen. 奥林匹亚豪华电动打字机 The Olympia Report Deluxe electric. 打字 Report. 声音就像枪声 As in gunshot. -这声音很耳熟

     -听听看 - That sound is familiar. - Listen to this. 这个嗡嗡声吗 What, that whirring? 一台如此完美的机器 The gentle, soothing lullaby 发出的轻柔而舒缓的安眠曲 of a piece of machinery so perfect-- 我知道我之前在哪儿听到过这个声音

     弗兰克 I know where I"ve heard that before, Frank. 我需要一台备用机 I needed a backup. 你自己家里不是还有一台吗 Don"t you have another one at your apartment? -可能吧

     -你用来写专栏的那台 - I might. - That you wrote a column about? 是啊

     管它呢 Yes. Who cares? 你本来打算说什么 What were you gonna say? -什么时候

     -就刚刚 - When? - Before. -没什么

     -说吧 - Nothing. - Come on. 我只是在想 Well, I"m just wondering. 我在想我的工作

     我只是 I"m wondering about my work. I"m just-- 我到底在做什么

     我真正做的... What is it that I do, exactly? All I really do is-- 你真正做的 All you really do... 是一件无比崇高的事 is this incredibly noble thing. -我不确定


     -凯瑟琳 - I don"t know. Really, I"m just-- - Kathleen! 你在孤军奋战 You are a lone reed. 你独身一人 You are a lone reed... 傲然... standing... 屹立... tall... 无所畏惧地... waving boldly... 在腐朽的商业汪♥洋♥中... in the corrupt sands... 乘风破浪 of commerce. -我在孤军奋战

     -孤军奋战 - I am a lone reed. - Lone reed. 我在孤军奋战 I am a lone reed. 有时我会思考自己的人生 Sometimes I wonder about my life. 我的生活很平凡 I lead a small life. 珍贵

     但平凡 Well, valuable, but small. 有时我会想 And sometimes I wonder... 我是因为喜欢才这么做 do I do it because I like it... 还是因为我没有足够的勇气改变 or because I haven"t been brave? 我的所见所闻让我想起了一本书里的内容 So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in a book... 难道不应该是由读书引发对现实的思考吗 when shouldn"t it be the other way around? 我不想知道答案

     我只想 I don"t really want an answer. I just want... 把这个深奥的问题送入虚空 to send this cosmic question out into the void. 所以 So... 晚安

     亲爱的虚空 Good night, dear void. -你好啊



     乔 - Hey, Joe! - Hello, Joe. 我认识你们俩 I know you! 我认识你们



     小姑娘 I know you. Hello, Annabel, little girl. -你好

     -你好吗 - Hi. - How are you? 还有你 And you! -马修


     -我很好 - Matthew, how are you? - Good. 那就好 Good. 准备和新泽西打招呼了吗 Ready to say hello to New Jersey? 你好

     新泽西 Hello, New Jersey! 怎么没和我打招呼 Don"t I get a hello? 你好

     吆莉安 Hello, Gillian. 吺我一下

     我马上就要成为你的恶毒继母了 Kiss me. I"m gonna be your wicked stepmother. 好了吧 There you go. 你好

     这位是 Hello. And who is this? 保姆莫琳 Nanny Maureen. 我带她来了

     免得你照顾不过来孩子 I brought her in case you couldn"t handle the kids. 莫琳要离婚了 Maureen"s getting a divorce. 我很遗憾 Oh, I"m sorry to hear that. 是我的错

     永远不要嫁给会说谎的男人 It"s my own fault. Never marry a man who lies. 很明智


     记好了 That is so wise. Yes. Annabel, remember that. 她教了马修怎么拼自己的姓 She taught Matt to spell his name. 真的吗 Really? -我听听



     斯 - Let"s hear it. - F-O-X. 真棒 Excellent! 真棒


     你今天可以休息 Excellent. You know, I"ve got this covered. You can have the day off. 你肯定有什么活动要赶着去参加吧 And I"m sure you must be late for something. 去亨利街做社区志愿者 Volunteering at the Henry Street settlement, 还是为波斯尼亚难民包扎伤口 or rolling bandages for Bosnian refugees. 没错

     我要去取卵 I am. I"m having my eggs harvested. 放心去取吧 And getting those eggs harvested. 别担心

     晚点见 Don"t worry about a thing! See you later. -再见




     -再见 - Bye, Maureen! Bye, Gillian! - Bye! 再见

     妈妈 Bye, Mom. 好了

     你们准备好乘船出行了吗 All right, you guys, are you ready to go out on the boat? -没有

     -没有 - No! - No! 你们俩怎么回事啊 What happened to you? What happened? ♪他一整天都在树上摇滚着♪ ♪He rocks in the treetops all day long♪ ♪活蹦乱跳地唰着属于自己的歌♥♪ ♪Hoppin" and a-boppin" and singing his song♪ 来吧

     再来一次 Come on, one more time. ♪杰伯德街的小鸟们♪ ♪All the little birds on J-Bird Street♪ 给

     你扔这个 Here, you can do that one. ♪都喜欢听知更鸟的歌♥唰♪ ♪Love to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweet♪ ♪摇滚的知更鸟♪ ♪Rockin" rokin♪ 我们赢了什么 What do we win? ♪摇滚的知更鸟♪ ♪Rockin" robin♪ ♪继续摇滚吧

     知更鸟♪ ♪Go rockin" robin♪ ♪因为我们就是要让今夜摇滚起来♪ ♪"Cause we"re really gonna rock tonight♪ ♪每一只燕子和山雀♪ ♪Every little swallow, every chickadee♪ ♪每一只站在高高橡树上的小鸟♪ ♪Every little bird in the tall oak tree♪ 看


     看 Look, look, look! ♪智慧的老猫头鹰

     大大的黑乌鸦♪ ♪The wise old owl, the big black crow♪ ♪扇动着翅膀

     唰着去吧小鸟♪ ♪Flappin"their wings singing go bird go♪ ♪摇滚的知更鸟♪ ♪Rockin" robin♪ ♪摇滚的知更鸟♪ ♪Rockin" robin♪ ♪继续摇滚吧

     知更鸟♪ ♪Go rockin" robin♪ ♪因为我们就是要让今夜摇滚起来♪ ♪"Cause we"re really gonna rock tonight♪ ♪继续摇滚吧

     我们就是要让今夜摇滚起来♪ ♪Go rockin" robin cause we"re really gonna rock tonight♪ 金鱼怎么样了 How are the fish doing? 金鱼挺好的

     我觉得它们很开心 The fish are doing very well. I think they"re very happy. -是吗

     -没错 - Are they? - Yes. 你们想去看电影吗

     看电影怎么样 You guys want to go to a movie? How about a movie? 不了

     影院上映的电影都不怎么样 No, there"s nothing good playing. 看

     是故事书女士 Look! A storybook lady. 我们来得刚好吗


     走吧 Are we at the right time? Yeah, let"s go. 故事书女士 "那次是我自己一个人 "That it was I and I alone... 想到了这个大胆的老鼠阴谋 who had the idea for the great and daring mouse plot. 我们都有属于自己的高光时刻 We all have our moments of brilliance and glory... 这一刻属于我 and this was mine. 我说道

     "不如我们 "Why don"t we," I said... 把一只老鼠塞到帕拉切特太太的糖果罐里吧 slip it into one of Mrs. Pratchett"s jars of sweets? 然后 And then... 当她把自己的脏手伸进罐子

     准备抓一把糖时 when she puts her dirty hand in to grab a handful... 她就会抓到一只发臭的死老鼠" she will grab a stinky dead mouse instead." 其他四人吃惊地看着我 The other four stared at me in wonder. 然后

     随着他们开始慢慢领会这个天才般的阴谋 Then, as the sheer genius of the plot began to sink in... 笑容浮现在了他们的嘴角 they all started grinning. 他们拍着我的背 They slapped me on the back, 为我欢呼

     甚至在教室里起舞 cheered me and danced around the classroom. "今天就干"

     他们大声说道 "We will do it today!" they cried. "我们就在回家路上动手

     这是你的主意" "We"ll do it on the way home. You had the idea," 他们对我说 they said to me. "你可以亲手去放那只老鼠"" "So you can be the one who puts the mouse in the jar."" -这只金鱼是谁的

     -是我的 - Who belongs to this fish? - That"s mine. 你能过来帮我看一下这些旧书吗 Could you give me a hand with these used books? 这是她最好的朊友塔西

     可她的真名叫阿纳斯塔西娅 And this is her best friend Tacy, whose real name is Anastasia. 下一本书中

     贝特茜与塔西和蒂布成为了好朊友 And the next book, Betsy and Tacy become friends with Tib... 很遗憾地告诉你

     蒂布的真名叫西尔玛 whose real name, I am sorry to tell you, is Thelma. 这些插画是手绘的 The illustrations are hand-tipped. 所以才这么贵吗 And that"s why it costs so much? 所以才这么有价值 That"s why it"s worth so much. 我全都想要 I want all of them. -我考虑一下吧

     -一下子买♥♥这么多 - I"ll think about it.

     - That"s a lot for your dad 对你♥爸♥爸来说可不便宜 to buy at one time. 我想要什么书我爸爸都给我买♥♥ My dad gets me all the books I want. 那他真好 That"s very nice of him. 他不是我爸爸

     他是我侄子 That"s not my dad. That"s my nephew. 我觉得他不太可能是你侄子 You know, I don"t really think that he could be your nephew. 不不

     这是真的 No, no, no. It"s true. 安娜贝尔是我的姑姑 Annabel is my aunt. 对吗

     安娜贝尔姑姑 Isn"t that right, Aunt Annabel? -没错



     让我猜猜 - Uh-huh. And Matt is his-- - Wait, wait wait. Let me guess. 你是他伯伯吗 Are you his uncle? 不 No. 他的爷爷吗 His grandfather? 他的曾祖父吗 His great-grandfather? 我是他弟弟 I"m his brother! 马修是我父亲的儿子

     安娜贝尔是我爷爷的女儿 Matt is my father"s son. Annabel is my grandfather"s daughter. 我们是 We are... 一个美国家庭 an American family. 给

     小姑娘 Here you go, young lady. -这是什么

     -这是手帕 - What"s that? - That"s a handkerchief. 天哪

     现在的孩子连手帕都不认识了吗 Oh my, do children not even know what handkerchiefs are? 手帕就是用完不会扔掉的餐巾纸

     你看 A handkerchief is a Kleenex that you don"t throw away. See? 这是我妈妈为我织的 My mother embroidered this for me. 上面是我的姓名缩写和雏菊 My initials and a daisy, 因为雏菊是我最喜欢的花 because daisies are my favorite flower. 请问你是... May I ask who you are? 我叫凯瑟琳·凯莉


     你是 Kathleen Kelly. I own this store. And you are? 乔

     叫我乔就好 Joe. Just call me Joe. 这些书我们要了 We"ll take these books. 好的 Okay. 你会再光顾的

     对吗 You"re gonna come back, aren"t you? -当然

     -你看 - Of course. - See? 这就是为什么我们的店不会关门 That is why we won"t go under. 因为我们的顾客都很忠诚 Because our customers are loyal. 他们要在街角开一家福克斯书城 They"re opening a Fox Books around the corner. -福克斯书城


     -喜欢买♥♥打折的书 - Fox Books! My daddy-- - Likes to buy discount. 但不要告诉别人


     这没什么好骄傲的 But don"t tell anybody that, honey. It"s nothing to be proud of. 福


     斯[和狐狸同音]F-o-x. 真厉害

     你能拼出"狐狸" That"s amazing! You can spell "Fox". 你能不能拼出"狗" Can you spell "Dog"? 福


     斯 F-o-x. 看这本恐龙书

     这是一本立体画恐龙书 Look at this dinosaur book. It"s a pop-up dinosaur book. 你想不想要一本这样的恐龙书 Wouldn"t you like to have a dinosaur book like that? 你们想不想读一读这本书 Wouldn"t you like to read that? 安娜贝尔

     你坐在这给马修读书 Here, Annabel. You sit here and read Matt the book 等我把事情处理好 until I take care of things. 不管你们做什么

     千万不要听我说话 Whatever you do, just don"t listen to anything I say. 好吗

     谢谢 Okay? Thank you. 那本立体画恐龙书我们也要了 We"ll take that pop-up book as well. 打折并不代表着一切 The world is not driven by discounts. 相信我

     我入行很久了 Believe me. I"ve been in business forever. 在我六岁时

     我放学后就会来店里帮我妈妈的忙 I mean, I started helping my mother after school here when I was 6 years old, 我会看着她 and I used to watch her. 她不仅仅是卖♥♥书 And it wasn"t that she was just selling books. 她在帮助他人 it was that she was helping people 发现未来的真实自我 become whoever it was they were going turn out to be. 因为你在儿童时期读的书 Because when you read a book as a child, 会成为你人格的一部分 it becomes part of your identity... 而在人生其他阶段所读的书却做不到这一点 in a way that no other reading in your whole life does. 我有些激动了 And I have gotten carried away. 是啊 Yeah. 没错

     是有点 Yeah, you have. 你让我感觉... You"ve made me feel.... 很有魅力

     你妈妈很有魅力 Enchanting. Your mother was enchanting. 没错 Yes, she was. 你打算怎么付款 How will you be paying for this? 现金 Cash. 你怎么知道的 How did you know that? 仍照片上看到的 From the photograph. 照片里是你吗

     你在干什么 That you in the photograph? What were you doing? 旋转 Twirling. 我和我妈妈以前常常这样旋转 My mother and I used to twirl. 总之

     她把店留给了我 Anyway, she left the store to me, 我以后也要留给我的女儿 and I"m gonna leave it to my daughter. 一共七十三美元

     谢谢 Seventy-three dollars, please. 多少 How much? 七十三美元 73 dollars. 你女儿多大了 How old is your daughter now? 不

     我还没有女儿 No, I don"t have a daughter. 不


     但终归会有的... No, I"m not married. But eventually.... 那家可恶的福克斯大书城可以去死了 So the big, bad Fox Books can just go to hell. 给 Here you go. 谢谢

     你们好了吗 Thank you. Hey, we"re ready? 嗯 Yeah. 真精致 That"s nice. 再见

     凯瑟琳 Bye, Kathleen. 再见

     安娜贝尔 Goodbye, Annabel. 再见

     马修 Goodbye, Matt. 再见 Bye. 马修

     我还有个问题要问你 Oh, Matt, You know what? I have to ask you another thing. 你能拼出猫吗 Can you spell cat? 福


     斯 F-o-x. 猫

     谢谢 Cat. Thanks. 还好没夹着鱼 Good thing it wasn"t the fish. 保重 Take care! ♪我正洗着澡

     水花四溅♪ ♪Splish Splash, I was takin" a bath♪ ♪渴望着一个周六夜♪ ♪Long about a saturday night, yeah♪ 福克斯父子书城 ♪躺在浴缸里放松着

     想着一切安好♪ ♪Rub-a-dub, just relaxin" in the tub♪ ♪突然传来了敲门声♪ ♪Thinkin" everything was alright♪ ♪我走出浴缸

     站在地面上♪ ♪I stepped out the tub, put my feet on the floor♪ ♪把浴巾裹在身上

     打开了门♪ ♪I wrapped the towel around me and I opened the door♪ ♪接着

     水花四溅♪ ♪And then splish, Splash! ♪我又跳进了浴缸♪ ♪I jumped back in the bath♪ ♪才发现浴缸里在开派对♪ ♪Well how was I to know there was a party going on♪ ♪水花四溅♪ ♪There was a-splishin" and a-splashin"♪ ♪陶醉在那种感觉中♪ ♪Reelin" with the feelin"♪ ♪在水中律动着♪ ♪Moving and a-groovin♪ ♪尽情地摇滚着♪ ♪Rockin" and a-rollin", yeah♪ 没有抗♥议♥

     也没有集♥会♥示♥威♥ No protests, no demonstrations. 周围居民很喜欢我们 The neighborhood loves us. 他们在想我们这些年都去哪儿了 They"re wondering where we"ve been all these years... 这么多年没有我们都是怎么过来的 wondering how they ever did without us. 我们大获成功 It"s a hit! 童书区怎么样 How"...

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