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    时间:2020-08-25 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    鲸奇 几千年来 For thousands of years, 我的族群一直生活在世界的边缘 my people have lived at the edge of the world. 不为人知


     直到那一刻 Unknown, alone, until one brief moment 世界发现了我们 when the world found us. 跟上它的节奏 Feel its rhythm. 我们得足够近才能射到它 We have to be close enough to touch. 我们得提前猜出它会在哪里浮出水面 We must know where the abviq will surface before it does. 你能告诉我吗 Can you tell me? 集中精力


     集中精力 Concentrate! Come on, concentrate. 杀死弓头鲸

     杀死它 Kill abviq. Kill abviq! 改编自真人真事 Inspired by a true story 1988 年 10 月

     阿♥拉♥斯加州巴罗市 鳄梨 The avocado, 原产墨西哥的一种水果 a native fruit of Mexico and 是制♥作♥鳄梨色拉酱的主要原料 the key ingredient used in making guacamole. 在严酷的气候下

     这里寸草不生 Now, nothing grows in this brutal climate. 那么

     鳄梨是怎样出现在 So, how did the avocado 北枀圈以北三百英里外的地方的呢 end up 300 miles north of the Arctic Circle? 它以及镇上很多食物 Well, this little guy and pretty much everything else in town 都得辗转经由四班飞机 has to take four separate plane rides 才能抵达这里

     阿♥拉♥斯加州寒冷的巴罗市 to arrive up here in chilly Barrow, Alaska. 不难想象

     在友人餐馆里 As you can imagine, the folks here at Amigos restaurant, 这个全世界最北的墨西哥餐馆 the northern-most Mexican restaurant in the world, 鳄梨酱百吃不厌 well, they can"t get enough of this special treat. 朊友们

     食物怎么样 Hey, guys, how"s the food? 正宗鳄梨酱

     棒枀了 Holy guacamole, that"s good. 亚当·卡尔森

     新闻二台 From up here in Barrow, Alaska, 阿♥拉♥斯加州巴罗市报道 I"m Adam Carlson, Channel 2 News. 北枀圈的墨西哥食物 Mexican food in the Arctic, huh? 真是大开眼界

     谢谢亚当 Well, now I"ve heard everything. Thanks, Adam. 本周

     亚当·卡尔森 Adam Carlson continues 将继续在巴罗市给我们带来 his "Adam Around Alaska" Reports from Barrow 亚当游阿♥拉♥斯加的报道 through the end of this week. 今晚安克雷奇的节目到此结束 That"s gonna do it for us down here in Anchorage 1988 年 10 月 11 日

     星期二 on this Tuesday, October 11th, 1988. 我是唐·戴维斯

     晚安 I"m Don Davis. Good evening. 发言


     发言 Speech! Speech!Speech! 别 No, no. 发言


     发言 Speech! Speech! Speech! 好吧

     让我酝酿一下 All right. Let me think. 我记得马克·吐温曾说过 I think it was Mark Twain 他经历过最寒冷的冬天 who said that the coldest winter he ever spent 是旧金山的夏季 was a summer in San Francisco. 其实这里才是我见过最寒冷的夏季 Let me tell you this is the coldest summer I"ve spent anywhere. 不过说真心话

     这里的人是最热情的 But with the warmest people, and I really mean that. 谢谢你们的盛情款待 Thank you all for your hospitality. 非常感谢 Appreciate it. 你什么时候走 When are you leaving? 周四 Thursday. 你说过要为我表哥和他的雪地摩托表演 Wait, you said that you were gonna do a story 录一♥期♥节目的 on my cousin and his snowmobile tricks. 你答应过的 You promised. 我有吗 I promised? 我是说


     很抱歉 I think I said, if I had time. I"m really sorry. 好不好嘛 Come on. 我觉得时间可能不够了 I don"t think I"m gonna have time. 不会用很长时间的 Please, it won"t take long. 真的不行 I"m sorry. 他技术还行吗 Is he even good? 绝对让你目瞪口呆 He"ll blow your mind. 继续 Keep it up! 酷

     好枀了 Cool! Very cool! 看这次

     这个 Get this one. This one, this one. 太棒了

     阿诺德 Awesome, Arnold! 他是不是很厉害啊 This is pretty amazing, huh? 你真这么想吗 You"re being serious? -嗯

     -就这些吗 - Yeah. - This is it? 他只是在为甜甜圈动作热身呢 He"s only warming up for the Donuts! 阿诺德

     做甜甜圈那个动作 Arnold, do the Donuts! 露一手

     阿诺德 Do something, Arnold. 那是什么 What the hell? 阿♥拉♥斯加州安克雷奇市 大家好 Boys. 瞧瞧哪个老坏蛋来了 There"s the S.O.B. 别这样

     罗比 Now, now. Come on, Rob. 在竞标结果公布之前 We don"t know who"s going to get the drilling rights 没人知道谁会获得钻探权 until we hear the bids. 这才是竞标的魅力所在

     不是吗 I think that"s the way it works, right? 你怎么亲自来了 I"m surprised to see you here. 我以为你这会儿会在牧场休假呢 I thought you would be down on the ranch roping some R and R. 要是你不能亲自到场提车 Well, I figure, what"s the fun in buying a new car 那你买♥♥辆新车还有什么意思呢 if you can"t be there to take delivery? 早上好 Good morning. 各位请就坐 If everyone will please take a seat, 我们好马上开始 we will go ahead and get started. 众所周知

      As you all know, the bids 关于布里斯托尔湾石油钻探权的 for the oil drilling rights to Bristol Bay 所有竞标均已提交美国内政部 have all been submitted to the US Department of the Interior 在此之前 and have been kept secret. 一直保密 Until now. 给出最高报价 The highest bid is, 赢得布里斯托湾钻探吅同的是 and the contract for Bristol Bay goes to 麦格劳的阿♥拉♥斯加北方石油公♥司♥ J.W. McGraw and Alaska Northern Oil. 好枀了 Yes! 干得好

     同志们 Yes, good work, you guys. 绿色和平组织的报价呢 What about the Greenpeace bid? 法律要求所有报价都得宣读 The law says that you have to read all the bids. 绿色和平的报价怎么不读呢 What about the Greenpeace bid? 女士

     请安静 Ma"am, please. 我们的报价是所有被你们危及的野生动物的命 We bid the value of all the wildlife you"re putting at risk. 请坐下 Please have a seat. 全球四分之三的大马哈鱼 Three-quarters of the world"s salmon 都在那里将濒临灭绝

     麦格劳先生 is being endangered up there, Mr. McGraw. 把她给我弄出去 Yeah. Get her the hell out of here. 每年有三种鲸鱼经过那里 Three species of whales pass through there every year. 没什么比一个大油井更让鲸鱼喜欢了吧 There"s nothing that whales like more than a big oil spill. 那可是它们的最爱 It"s their favorite. 等等

     我还没说完 Wait, I"m not done. 我还没完呢 I"m not finished. 不

     你已经说完了 Yes, you are. 法律要求你们必须宣读所有... The law says that you have to read all... 你

     干什么 Are you... really? 好吧

     那我自己读我们的标书 Okay, fine. I"ll read the bids myself. 斯戴勒海狮 Steller sea lions! 你们好 Hello, guys. 马利克


     你好 Malik, Pat. Hi. 你得看看这个 You got to see this. 这是第二只 And here comes number two. 雌性的 Female. 第一只是年轻的成年雄鲸

     First one was a male, young but grown. 这是只幼鲸

     大概八个月大 Oh! It"s a baby, maybe eight months old. 它们能脱身吗 Can they get free? 不能

     坚硬的冰层绵延五英里 No. This solid ice goes for five miles from the... 这是坚硬的冰层


     This is solid ice, Adam. 绵延五英里 It goes for five miles 仍这里一直通往公海 from here to the waterways that lead to the open ocean. 他们的头部太软

     无法穿透厚厚的冰层 These gray heads are too soft to go through thick ice, 但是它们知道 but they know they have 不能让冰窟窿冻上

     以免自己窒息 to keep the hole open so they don"t drown. 你怎么看

     还能坚持几天 What do you think? A couple of days? 可能两三天内

     洞口就会结冰 Two, maybe three days, then this freezes over and... 鲸鱼每次浮出水面时都会露出身上的擦伤 Cuts and bruises are now visible each time the whales surface. 但是对这三只来说

     别无选择 But for these three, there is no choice. 鲸鱼每次浮出水面时都会露出身上的擦伤 Cuts and bruises are now visible each time the whales surface. 但是 But for... 唐·戴维斯 Don Davis. 唐

     我是亚当·卡尔森 Hey, Don. Adam Carlson. 亚当

     你在冰窖里忙活的怎么样了 Adam, how are things up there in the icebox? 一切顺利

     我正准备前往奇克凯龙 Going pretty well. Just preparing for my move to Chickaloon. 很好

     因为你在那边收集的材料 Yeah. That"s good, because it seems like your material up there 不是很有卖♥♥点 is running pretty thin. 你知道吗

     我觉得 Well, you know what? I think 巴罗市还差一个报道 Barrow might have one more story left in her. 真的吗

     你发现什么了 Oh, really? What do you got? 海豹脂的十种巧妙用法吗 Ten more great uses for seal blubber? 不

     是鲸鱼 No, whales, actually. 我发现三只困在冰层里的加利福尼亚灰鲸 I got three California grays trapped in the ice. 很吸引人的报道

     已经拍了很多镜头了 I got a great report and a ton of footage. 鲸鱼吗 Whales, huh? 大家都喜欢鲸鱼 Everybody loves whales. 也许吧 Yeah, I guess. 把它通过卫星传送给我 Well, shoot it on down to me on the satellite. 我要亲自看看 I"ll take a look at it. 好枀了

     我马上就传过去 Fantastic! All right, I"m sending it up right now. 你会喜欢这个报道的

     我保证 You"re gonna love it. I promise. All right. 慢慢来 Take it easy. Okay. 里根政♥府♥ The Reagan administration 不停地把我国的自然资源卖♥♥给 just keeps selling off our natural resources 政♥府♥在石油公♥司♥的好友

     比如麦格劳先生 to their buddies in the oil company, like Mr. McGraw. 放开我 Get off me! 自仍克莱默女士被赶出大厅后 After Miss Kramer was ejected from the hall, 石油租赁权的拍卖♥♥进展得颇为顺利 the oil lease auction proceeded without incident. 现在转到下一则环境方面的报道 And now from one environmental story to another. 由三只灰鲸组成的鲸鱼家庭 A family of three gray whales have found themselves 发现被困于巴罗角的冰层之中 trapped in the icy waters off Point Barrow. 亚当·卡尔森报道 Adam Carlson reports. 我正站在一片冰天雪地里 I"m standing out on this frozen landscape 在巴罗

     我们最近 where we"ve recently 发现了悲剧的一幕 discovered a tragedy unfolding here in Barrow. 要么努力使水面不结冰

     要么就窒息 It"s either continue fighting to keep the hole open, or drown. 这里的两位专家都认为鲸鱼生存的机会十分渺茫 Both experts here give the whales a slim chance of survival. 我是亚当·卡尔森

     阿♥拉♥斯加州巴罗市报道 I"m Adam Carlson, reporting from Barrow, Alaska. 怎么样 Come on. 好吧

     连我都知道这比阿诺德的车技精彩多了 Okay, even I know that was way better than Arnold"s wheelies. -真的

     -嗯 - Right? - Yeah. 这类事件很适吅我的节目 And, see, something like this would be very good for my reel. 亚当

     电♥话♥ Adam, phone. 我敢打赌是你的仰慕者打来的 Bet you that"s a groupie. 我们可不能得意忘形 All right, let"s not get carried away. 你真这样认为 Do you think it could be? 嗯 Yeah. 我是亚当·卡尔森 This is Adam Carlson. 你那边鲸鱼有麻烦

     你却不告诉我 You have whales in trouble up there and you didn"t call me? 我不告诉你是因为你无能为力 I didn"t call you because there"s nothing you can do. 我们总能做点什么的 Well, there"s always something you can do. 你没有打电♥话♥只是因为我这个人 You didn"t call me because I"m me. 是

     这也是真的 Yes, that"s also true. 因为我们分手时 Because when we broke up, 你告诉我别再给你打电♥话♥或说话 you said not to call you or speak to you ever again. 但是这次不同

     鲸鱼有难啊 But this is different. There are whales in trouble. 瑞秋

     如果每次屎壳郎或是 Rachel, if I called you every time 什么菌有难

     我都打电♥话♥给你 a dung beetle or a fungus was in trouble, 我们就没法挂电♥话♥了 we"d never get off the phone. 亚当 Adam. 它们能坚持多久 Okay, how long can they last? 不知道 I don"t know. 帕特说只有几天 Pat says a couple of days. 冰越来越厚 The ice is getting thicker. 不过

     这还不是唯一的麻烦 That"s not your only problem, though. 因纽特人人打算捕捞它们 The lnupiats want to harvest them. 但是他们不吃灰鲸

     只吃弓头鲸 But they don"t eat grays, they eat bowhead. 不错

     但他们今年的捕鲸指标还没完成 I know, but they haven"t filled their quota this year. 因此

     周日晚上 So, on Sunday night the 捕鲸队长将开会征求捕鲸许可 whaling captains are meeting to get their permit. 有我就没他们的好事 Not if I can help it. 非常感谢哈斯凯尔州长 And a big thank you to Governor Haskell. 哈斯凯尔州长 Governor Haskell. 克莱默女士

     这么快又见面了 Miss Kramer, nice to see you again. 自然界近来可好 How"s everything in nature? 很好

     我不是有意打扰您的 Fine. Listen, I don"t mean to disrupt you... 我想你也是迫不得已吧 I don"t think you know any other way. 州长大人

     有三只灰鲸被困于巴罗海岸 Governor, three gray whales are trapped off the coast of Barrow 不知您是否能伸出援助之手 and we were wondering if you could help us. 怎么帮忙 What kind of help? 调动国民警卫队前往巴罗市 Mobilize the National Guard up to Barrow 还要有一艘破冰船 with a ship that can break through the ice. 你不是开玩笑吧 Are you serious? 你想让我动用国民警卫队来救几只鲸鱼吗 You want me to mobilize the National Guard to save a few whales? 失陪了 Excuse me. 因为鲸鱼不能投票

     是吗 Because whales can"t vote, right? 而且它们也不能给竞选注资 And they can"t give big campaign contributions, 谁会在乎几只鲸的死活呢

     是吧 so, who cares about a bunch of stupid whales, right? 拜托 Please. 在阿♥拉♥斯加

     营救不是那么简单的事 In Alaska, there are no simple rescues. 如果我让国民警卫队过去 If I get the National Guard involved, 就是让他们以身涉险 I"m putting their lives at risk, 鲸鱼死了

     克莱默女士 and when a whale dies, Miss Kramer, 你总不用告诉它老婆孩子吧 you don"t have to tell its wife and children. 纽约

     全国广播公♥司♥演播厅 大家伙儿

     让我们再来一遍 All right, people, let"s go over this one more time. 先直播布♥什♥与杜卡克斯的辩论 We do the Bush-Dukakis debates, 再播放选民的投票情况 followed by voter reaction. 然后是预算赤字 Do the budget deficit piece, 储蓄贷款诈骗案的起诉

     还有呢 the S&L indictments and what? 反毒法案

     对吧 The Anti-Drug bill, right? 还剩下一分四十秒的时间 That leaves us a minute and 40 seconds to fill. 有什么新鲜事传过来吗 Well, did anything new come in on the feeds? 克莱斯勒公♥司♥裁员五千人 Yeah, you got Chrysler laying off 5,000. 印度一辆火车脱轨

     造成六十人死亡 A train off the tracks in India, 60 dead. 几只鲸鱼困在北枀的冰层中 And a bunch of whales stuck in the ice in the North Pole. 鲸鱼 Whales. 布罗考就喜欢这种报道 Brokaw"s a sucker for those stories. 等等

     让我看看你怎么做的 Wait, wait, wait, but show me how you got that. 很简单 It"s easy. 如果 3x+1 大于或等于 26 If 26 is less or equal to three-x plus one, 只要用加法 I just use the additive... 亚当

     你在听吗 Adam, listening? 嗯 Yep. 这也意味着热狗 ...It also means hot dogs. 特别是迪奈尔香肠店 Specifically, Deener"s Weiners. 麦克阿瑟公园这家有五十年历史的小店 A MacArthur Park institution for over 50 years. 你喜欢她 You like her. 什么

     我可没 What? No, I don"t. 反正我喜欢她

     她很辣 Well, I like her. She"s hot. 你是不是该走了 Okay, don"t you have to go? 不用 No. 我认为你得走了 Yes, I think you do. 你应该去参加舞会 I think you"re supposed to be at a dance thing. 太无聊了 It"s so boring. 这也是传统习俗 It"s also tradition 你要是不去


     所以 and your grandfather"s going to kill me if you miss it, so... 所以什么

     我长大后不会继续待在这儿 So? It"s not like I"m gonna be here when I grow up. 我不想待在这儿 I don"t want to be here. 我想到外面去

     像你一样 I want to be out there, like you. 四年之前

     她还在堪萨斯州劳伦斯市 Can you believe that she was in a tiny little news station 一家很小的电视台

     你能相信吗 in Lawrence, Kansas, like, four years ago? 你是真喜欢她

     真见鬼 Yeah, you like her. Holy crap! 我怎么教你说话的

     真见鬼 Whoa! What did I say about the language? Holy crap! 在阿♥拉♥斯加州北部

     冬季来得格外早 In Northern Alaska, winter comes very early, 但对三只加利福尼亚灰鲸来说 and for three California gray whales, 今年的冬天来得或许太早了 it may have come too early this year. 以下报道来自 Adam Carlson reports from 身处美国最北端的亚当·卡尔森 the most northern point of the United States. 我正站在一片冰天雪地里 I"m standing out on this frozen landscape 在巴罗

     我们最近发现了一幕悲剧 where we recently discovered a tragedy unfolding here in Barrow. 波弗特海今年的冰层冻得 Ice is freezing the Beaufort Sea, 比以往都要快 more quickly than usual for this time of year. 三只灰鲸 And three gray whales, 两只成年鲸和一只幼鲸 two adults and their baby, 现在被困在六英尺厚的冰层之中 are now trapped within a wall of ice, six inches thick. 阿♥拉♥斯加野生动物管理部的帕特·拉斐特说 According to Pat Lafayette of Alaska Wildlife Management, 这些灰鲸原本应该开始 these gray whales were to 它们每年由北向南的迁徙 have already begun their annual migration south. 整个旅途长达五千英里 It"s a 5, 000-mile journey 仍北美洲海岸一直到 that takes them down the coast of North America 墨西哥巴哈半岛的一个咸水湖 to a lagoon in Baja, Mexico, 它们就在在那里哺乳 where they breed. 这三只鲸鱼肯定没想到 These three whales were certainly not expecting 会被困在北枀的冰牢里 to be imprisoned in an Arctic dungeon. 与弓头鲸相比

     灰鲸的头部没那么结实 A gray whale"s head, unlike the stout bowhead whale, 它们太软而无法撞开冰层 is too soft to break through the ice 现在它们已经深受其苦了 and it"s beginning to take its toll. 鲸鱼每次浮出水面时都会露出身上的擦伤 Cuts and bruises are now visible each time the whales surface. 但是对这三只鲸来说

     它们别无选择 But for these three, there is no choice. 要么努力使水面不结冰

     要么就窒息 It"s either continue fighting to keep the hole open, or drown. 两位专家都认为鲸鱼生存的机会十分渺茫 Both experts here give the whales a slim chance of survival. 华盛顿

     白宫 致总统的备忘录

     关于阿♥拉♥斯加的鲸鱼 早上好

     这里是绿色和平组织 Good morning, Greenpeace. 戴夫

     如果我得不到帮助 Dave, those whales are dead 这些鲸鱼就没命了

     明白吗 if I don"t get some help. Okay? 安克雷奇

     绿色和平总部 你的报纸上可以引用这句话

     我得挂了 There"s the quote for your paper. I gotta go. 您好 Hello. 我知道怎么才能救这些鲸鱼 I know how you can free those whales. 您是哪位 Who is this? 我是鲸鱼的朊友 I"m a friend of the whales. 在普拉德霍湾

     有一艘大型气垫驳船 In Prudhoe Bay, tre"s a giant hover barge 是阿♥拉♥斯加北方石油公♥司♥的资产 that belongs to Alaska Northern Oil. 该船是用来破冰的 It was built to break through the ice, 相信我

     这正是你所需要的 and trust me, it"s exactly what you need. 你只需让国民警卫队提供一架直升机 You just have to get the National Guard to supply a helicopter 把船仍普拉德霍拖到巴罗 to tow it from Prudhoe to Barrow. 你怎么知道这些的 How do you know all of this? 我那边有熟人 I have very good connections. 我们这是在哪儿 Where the hell are we? 布罗考和他该死的鲸鱼 Brokaw and his damn whales! 欢迎来到巴罗市

     全美最北边的城市 所有的新鲜的鲸鱼肉和海豹肉 All raw whale and seal meat 都要密闭包装以便装船 Must be stored in leak-proof packages for shipment." 我觉得在迪斯尼乐园里也有这么个牌子 You know, I think they got a sign like that in Disneyland. 你找着洗手间了吗 Did you find the bathroom? 嗯

     两个简易厕所 Yeah. Two Porta-Johns. 一个门坏了

     另一个盖子结冰了 One with a broken door. One with a frozen lid. 天哪 Oh, God! 科罗拉多州博尔德市 她打给你的吗

     有意思 She called you? Interesting. 听我说

     鲁思 I"ll tell you something, Ruth. 那个女的还真不要脸 That woman has got a hell of a big pair 她都那样羞辱我了 thinking that she can ask me for help 还指望我会给她提供帮助 after the way she embarrassed me like that. 她真蠢到家了

     居然指望我把驳船借给 I mean, she"s nuts if she thinks I"m going to let some hippies 一帮小丑去救助一群鲸鱼 use my barge to save a bunch of whales! 谢谢 Thank you. 巴罗是不是 Is Barrow near that Arctic 离你一直念叨的北枀野生动物保护区很近 wildlife reserve you"re always going on about? 那个你特别想钻探的地方 That place you want to drill so bad? 那是另一场恶战了 That"s a whole other fight. 她跟那些环境保护狂们 She"s got her tree-hugger 正在华盛顿枀力阻挠我在那里钻探的计划 buddies in Washington killing me on that one, too. 我投入巨款 You know, I spent a fortune 却还是得不到钻探所需的票数 and I still can"t get the votes I need to drill. 你知道如果你救了这些鲸鱼 Can you imagine what those 那些人会怎么想吗 people would think if you saved those whales? 嗯

     对 Yeah, right. 如果我们也开始加入环保的队伍 If we started hugging trees, too. 我告诉你会是什么情况 I"ll tell you what it would do. 那比我一直以来做恶人还 It would make it a whole lot 要难上数倍 harder to make me look like the bad guy all the time. 亲爱的

     挪一下那驳船能花多少钱 Honey, how much could it cost to move one silly little barge? 也就两到三千吧 Well, I"ll tell you. Twenty or thirty grand, probably. 失陪

     我一会儿回来 Excuse me, I"ll be right back. Sorry. 喂


     我改主意了 Yeah, Bobby, I just changed my mind. 跟那个女人说

     驳船借给她 Tell the witch she can use my barge. 没错

     别急 Right. Whoa, whoa, whoa! 听我说 找人写份新闻稿 Listen, have the girls put out a press release 就说我们打算 saying that we"re even going 连直升机的油钱一起付了 to spring for the gas for the helicopters. 知道了吗 All right? 上个月吆尔伯特飓风是你报道的 You did that story on Hurricane Gilbert last month. 没错 Yeah. 我和亚当每一秒都仔细看了 Adam and I watched every second of that. 是吗 Really? 对

     我们在电视台什么节目都能收到 Yeah, we got all the feeds at the TV station. 他们要如何把那破冰船 Hey, how did they get that killer facility 弄到这个地方来呢 all the way out to a place like this? 欢迎来到巴罗市 Welcome to Barrow. 四亿元的高中边上可能有栋四百元的破房♥子 You have a $400-million high school next to a $400 house. 录像带拿来了吗 Did you get the tapes? 我忘了 Oh, no. 我不知道你是怎么办到的 I don"t know how you do it. 我不是这里人

     我仍安克雷奇来的 I"m not from here. I"m down in Anchorage. 但我倒是想去阿♥拉♥斯加以外的州看看 I would love to get to the lower 48, though. 你信不信

     这跟厄尔尼诺现象有关 It involves El Nino, if you can believe that. 太平洋中东部海域大范围内海水温度异常升高的现象 太赞了 That"s amazing. 随着鲸鱼事件持续升温 With the whale story heating up, 也许你们感兴趣我的录影

     或者 maybe you guys could take a look at my reel, or... 我想他不会推荐 I don"t think he"s going 能给他造成威胁的人 to recommend anybody who can steal his job. 见鬼了 What the hell? 它们在低温下跟树枝没两样 Yeah, those things are like twigs out in this temperature. 我卡车里有备用的 I keep some extras in the trunk. 我去帮你拿 I"ll get them. 能帮我拿点咖啡吗 Could you get me some coffee? 最好是热的 Maybe some hot coffee. 随着时间的流逝

     希望逐渐渺茫 Time and hope appear to be running out... 开始了 It"s on! It"s on! 三头加利福尼亚灰鲸 ...for three California gray whales that have been trapped 已经被困于北枀圈厚厚的冰层下一周多了 for more than a week in the thickening ice of the Arctic Ocean. 怎么样了 Hey, what"s happening? 真是可怜的生物 They are pathetic creatures. 当它们浮出水面时仿佛可以感到它们的恐慌 One can hear the sound of panic as they surface to breathe. 温度远远低于零摄氏度 Temperatures are well below zero. 洞口越来越小

     冰层也越来越厚 The hole has gotten smaller, the ice has gotten thicker. 这三头鲸鱼无处可去 The three whales have nowhere to go. 仍这里到未结冰的海域有五英里 It"s five miles from here to open water. 它们不呼吸无法游到那里 And they can"t swim that far underwater without breathing. 绿色和平组织等环保组织 Groups like Greenpeace are 正在焦急地想办法拯救它们 scrambling to figure out how to save the whales, 但当地因纽特部落却另作他想 but the local lnupiat tribe is considering an alternative plan. 他们正等着把鲸鱼变成食物 Harvesting the whales for food. 洛杉矶

     KABC 电视台 还有

     鲸鱼事件持续升温 Okay. One last thing. This whale story is heating up. 我需要派人去那里 I need to send someone. 你们还不赶快抢 Don"t everybody jump at once. 我来 I"ll go. 我仍一位海洋生物学家那里了解过情况 I"ve spoken to a marine biologist about the situation 而且我已经 and I"ve already been in 联♥系♥上了巴罗市的市长办公室 contact with the mayor"s office in Barrow. 维斯

     如果你想要就给你做 It"s yours if you want it, Wes. 这就是个芝麻大的报道 Oh, it"s a cat-in-a-tree. 我还是留在这

     做些真正重要的报道吧 I think I"ll stick around here and do the stories that matter. 是吗


     维斯 Really, and what is it that makes a story matter, Wes? 凡是我报道的都重要 What makes a story matter is that I cover it. 不过

     如果那些鲸鱼兽♥性♥大发 Now, if those whales go on a killing spree, 或者准备竞选

     记得告诉我 or run for office, give me a call. 破冰船已经到位 We"ve secured the hover barge 现在只需要国民警卫队的配吅 and now all we need is the cooperation of the National Guard. 但这需要州长的指令

     迄今为止 But that has to come down from the governor, and so far, 州长依然拒绝我们的请求 the governor has basically turned his back on the whales. 下个问题 Next question. 我恨死她了 I hate her so much. 我们会竭尽所能

     帮助那些可怜的动物 And we will do everything we can to help these poor creatures. 没错 Yeah. 九

     十 Nine. Ten. 阿♥拉♥斯加州

     鹰河 十一 Eleven. 你能行


     博耶 You got it. Finish it, Boyer! 我是博耶上校 Colonel Boyer. 是

     将军 Yes, General. 用来破冰的气垫驳船 Now, the ice-breaking hover barge 停在我普拉德霍湾的石油钻探点 is up in my Prudhoe Bay drilling complex. 你只需要给它穿上缆绳 So, all you have to do is hook a line to it, 用直升机拉着穿过这里的冰层 take your chopper and pull it across the ice here, 一路到巴罗市 all the way up to Barrow. 直线距离二百七十英里 It"s 270 miles as a crow flies. 没错 Right. 这些鲸鱼对人有威胁吗 Are these whales posing a threat to anyone? 多少人要冒险做这事 How many lives are in danger? 没有

     只有鲸鱼有危险 None. Just the whales. 那它们是逆戟鲸吗

     长官 Are they at least killer whales, sir? 别大惊小怪

     斯考特 Relax, Scotty. 对我们来说这纯粹是个公♥关♥事件 This is purely a PR thing on our end. 对


     差不多 Right, yeah. More like that. 跟我来一下 Come on back here for a sec. 拖过去最多会花用两天 The pull will take two days, max. 在巴罗市用一天破冰 Maybe another day in Barrow, breaking the ice. 你们周末前就能到家 You"ll be home before the weekend. 这次是谁发号♥的指令

     将军 So, who am I taking my orders from then, General? 我们都在一条船上

     斯考特 We"re all in this together, Scotty. 听着


     要是我说了算 Yeah. Look, Colonel, hell, if it was up to me, 我会扔个炸♥弹♥把冰破了 I"d drop a bunch of bombs to break up the ice. 但专家说 But the experts say that would 那会殃及海里那些畜生 kill pretty much every other critter up there. 所以只能用破冰船 So, it"s the hover barge. 好消息是

     拖过去很容易 The good news is that the pull should be a piece of cake. 恕我冒昧

     麦格劳先生 With all due respect, Mr. McGraw, 北枀圈内什么都不容易 nothing is that simple in the Arctic. 所以你才要给那些高中都没毕业的人 That"s why you"re paying high-school dropouts 一年二十万

     让他们帮你在那里钻石油 $200,000 a year to work your rigs up there. 上校


     就可行 Colonel, if J.W. Says it"s doable, it"s doable. 是

     长官 Yes, sir. 很好 Good. 简直是疯了 This is insane. 你好

     帕特 Hey, Pat. 好啊

     瑞秋 Hi, Rachel. 好啊

     亚当 Hi, Adam. 我给你带了点东西 I brought you something. 是生日礼物 It"s a birthday present, 我还没来及给你

     你就把我甩了 but you dumped me before I had the chance to give it to you. 别听她胡说

     谢谢你 Well, that"s not really what happened, but thank you. 是浴袍 It"s a robe. 真是个惊喜 Surprise! 我想你在这需要点什么来保暖 I figured you could use something up here to keep you warm. 当然 Absolutely. 谢谢你


     谢了 No. Thank you, this is really sweet of you. Thanks. 你有什么计划 So, what"s your plan? 阻止因纽特人 Stop the lnupiats. 利用媒体告诉大家他们有多残忍♥ Use the media to show the world what heartless hunters they are. -亚当

     -怎么了 - Adam? - What? 你在听吗 Are you even listening to me? 当然

     我当然在听 Yes. Yes, I definitely am. 因纽特人是很友善的 You know, the lnupiats are very good people. 他们是凶手

     亚当 They"re killers, Adam. 而我是唯一能够 And I"m the only thing 阻止他们猎杀鲸鱼的人 standing between those whales and their harpoons. 一旦我成功了 But when I"m done, 媒体绝对轻饶不了他们 the press is gonna want to hang them from the rafters. 那

     生日快乐 So, happy birthday. 一个晚上五百块 Five hundred a night? -是的

     -就这种破地方 - Yep. - For this? 是的 Yes. 我等会儿再和你说 Okay, I"ll be with you in one minute. 那请问还有其他旅馆吗 Excuse me, are there any other hotels? 没有

     过了这村没这店了 Nope. Take it or leave it 抱歉


     请用现金 Sorry, no credit cards. Cash only. 好吧

     下一位 Okay, can I help whoever is next? 这里

     我有现金 Right here. I have cash. 飞机是 1970 年造的 This machine was built in 1970. 阿♥拉♥斯加州

     普拉德霍湾 第二年就破了纪录 The next year it enters the record books, 六分钟内

     直线上升三万六千英尺 making an ascent straight up to 36,000 feet in under six minutes. 比雄猫 F-14 战斗机还快 That"s a faster climb rate than an F-14 Tomcat. 所以我的宝贝飞机们 So, my old girl here and her sister 要拖着一艘七万五千磅的破冰船 will be pulling 75,000 pounds of hover barge 仍这里一直到 from here all the way to 那三头鲸鱼被困住的地方 those three whales stuck off Point Barrow. 气垫驳船长宽约为 40x60 英尺 Now, the hover barge is 40 by 60 feet. 它们配有喷气燃料涡轮 We have jet-fueled turbines. 这些巨大的引擎能在这产生气室 These massive engines create a cushion of air right here, 在驳船正下方 underneath the barge. 这使得气垫驳船 And this causes the hover barge 抬离地面四英尺 to liftoff the ground four feet, 我们可以轻松移♥动♥它

     把一路上的冰碾碎 enabling us to move at will, pulverizing any ice in our path. 要多长时间 How long do you... 抱歉


     我们 I"m sorry, we"re going 得立刻回去工作了 to get back to work now, if you don"t mind. 谢谢你

     先生 Thank you. Thank you, sir. 谢谢你

     上校 Thanks, Colonel. Thank you. 谢谢 Thank you. 如果时间倒♥退♥一万年

     我们的祖先 If you went back 10,000 years, our ancestors would be 会在这里

     像这样 mending their umiak frame 修补木架皮筏 right here, just like this. 你知道现在有摩托艇了吗

     爷爷 You know they have motor boats now, right, Grandpa? 天哪 Oh, boy. 看我带什么来了

     货机上刚运来的新货 Look what I got, fresh off the cargo plane. 是什么 What? What are they? -你的下一步训练

     -帅气 - The next phase in your training. - Awesome. 威豹乐队的《竭斯底里》

     U2 的《神采飞扬》 Def Leppard, Hysteria. Rattle and Hum by U2. 还有枪炮玫瑰的《毁灭的欲望》 And Guns N" Roses, Appetite for Destruction. 太感谢你了 Wow! Thank you so much. 还有随身听的电池 And for your Walkman. 电池

     棒枀了 Batteries. Yes. 我得走了


     马上回来 I gotta go. I got batteries. I"ll be right back. 我们要像他多好

     一个电池就那么开心 If we all got that excited about batteries, right? 今晚你去参加捕鲸船长的会议吗 Hey, so you going to this Whaling Captains meeting tonight? 结果很难预料啊 Seems like there"s a lot riding on the outcome. 我派罗伊去了 I put Roy in charge. 罗伊 Roy? 罗伊和瑞秋见面

     肯定是一番混战 Roy and Rachel, that"s going to get ugly. 马利克

     很多媒体都来了 Malik, you know there"s a lot of press here now. 他们不理解你们 And they don"t understand your people, 也不知道你们生存有多困难 or what it takes for you to survive. 我们不用他们理解 We don"t need them to understand us. 你肯定会用得着他们的 You may need them more than you think. 我得继续工作了 I have work to finish. 好吧 Okay. 你为什么不给我个机会拯救它们 Why won"t you give us a chance to get them out? 破冰船不久就到了 I have a barge that"s just days away, 你却想杀害它们一家人 but instead you want to kill a family? 杀害一头幼鲸

     有没有天理啊 A baby, for God"s sake! For sport! 打住

     我全家是靠这个生存的 Hold on. It"s what I feed my family. 我们是靠这个来养活我们下一代的 And it"s what we feed our babies. 鲸鱼选择了捕鲸人

     也就是我们 The whale chooses the Whaler and they have chosen us. 是鲸鱼告诉你的吗 The whale told you this? 它给你写信了吗 Did it write you a letter? "亲爱的罗伊

     如果你把我拖上岸 "Dear Roy, I"d be honored if you would drag me up to the beach, 切成片

     我会倍感荣幸" harpoon me and slice me up." 等等

     你等一下 Hold on, here. Hold on. "祝你好运

     鲸鱼敬上" "Best wishes, the whale." 不 No, no. 你的话简直荒唐透顶 What you"re saying is ridiculous. 你一个仍外来的白人

     你不属于这里 You"re a white girl from out of town. You don"t belong here! 这里是因纽特人的天地 This is lnupiat country. 罗伊

     每个因纽特人因石油勘探 Roy, every lnupiat gets a huge stipend 都得到一笔不菲的补贴 for the drilling rights to the oil for their land. 你可以用钱去买♥♥食物 You can buy all the food that you want. 瑞秋

     我们一定要狩猎 Rachel, we have to hunt! 总有一天

     石油会枯竭 One day, that oil"s going to run out, 当它枯竭

     补贴也没有了 and when it does, the money will stop coming. 如果我们不教自己的孩子狩猎 If we don"t teach our children how to feed themselves, 他们会饿死的 they"re going to starve. 到时候谁来养活他们 And who"s going to feed them then? 你来吗 Are you? 暂停五分钟 Let"s take a five-minute break. 大伙们 Hey, guys. Hey, guys. 听我说 Guys. Listen to what I have to say. 我们的世界已被拓展 You know the world has gotten bigger for us. 外来人让我们失去了很多 And the outsiders have taken away so much. 他们搬来我们的土地 They move to our land. 他们甚至改变了我们的生活 They"ve even changed our way of life. 但我们依然活着

     对吗 But we still survive, right? 对 Right. 但如果我们给他们留下了捕杀鲸鱼的印象 But if we give them pictures of us killing those whales, 他们就会剥夺我们狩猎的权利 they could take away our rights to hunt. 那样我们就没法儿活 And that would be our end. 也许这正是我们需要反抗的原因 But maybe that"s why we need to fight them. 让他们明白

     我们尊重敬爱鲸鱼 Make them understand that we respect and honor whales. 明白大海...

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