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    时间:2020-12-08 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    创业公♥司♥ 前情回顾 即使有格里戈利认罪... Even with a confession from Grigory... 菲尔·拉斯克 Phil Rask! 你要什么

     告诉我 What do you need? Tell me. 还有些包袱 There is still some baggage... 如果有人要查钱的去向的话 if anyone were to look into the money trail. 所以你觉得该让尼克·塔尔曼当替罪羊 So, you think Nick Talman should take the fall? 我总算找到了搜查令 I finally found that warrant. 再次感谢您为我所做的一切 Thank you, again, for what you did for me. 难道我该眼睁睁看你烂在监狱里吗 Was I supposed to let you rot in prison? 你一直把我当妈看 You"re still like a son to me. 有安排和投资人见面吗 Are there meetings set up with investors? 当然

     都在进行中 Absolutely. It"s all in motion. 费恩先生不考虑这个项目了 Mr. Fein"s gonna have to pass on this one. 我至今没有被定任何罪名 I have not been convicted of anything. 你们这是诽谤 This is a smear campaign. 爱丽丝

     你知道他在哪里吗 Alice, do you know where he is? 不知道 No. 你怎么了 Hey, what"s wrong with you? 我就差一点 I was this close. 我差点杀了他

     我差点就开枪了 I almost killed him. I almost shot him. 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 大伙儿都指望我了 The neighborhood lookin" to me now. 他们都指望我填饱他们的肚子 They"re looking to me to keep their bellies full, 让他们有钱赚 keep their pockets full. 我有个主意 I got an idea. 默寻网 利特尔里弗有个家伙提到 One a "em Little River jits was talking about 他们现在用这个暗网交易 how they"re all getting on this Dark Net thing 不用站在街角 instead of standing on corners. 我没想把警♥察♥引到这里 I ain"t trying to have the feds up in here. 我觉得应该有人能够掩护我们 I think there"s people who can, like, secure our shit. 这个人能做到不让任何人找出我们是谁 Who can make it so that nobody knows who we are. 我知道有个姑娘可以做到 I know a girl who could do that. 我需要你想办法让我能出城 I need you to make it so I can travel. 好 Okay. 我会帮你找到他 I"m gonna find him for you. 这样

     好啊 Oh, I see. Right. 不如你直接告诉我他在哪里 How about you just tell me where he is? 我不知道他在哪里 I don"t know where he is. 我会找到他

     我能找到他 I"m gonna find him. I know I can find him. 这样

     那你是打算把他像只乖乖狗一样 Right. So, you"re just gonna bring him back here, 直接带回来吗 like a good little dog? 只要能帮我除名

     要我砍下他脑袋都行 I would bring you a severed head if it would clear my name. 不行哦

     尼克 Can"t do that, Nick. 砍下的脑袋上不了法庭 Can"t put a severed head on trial. 让我去找他吧 Just let me find him. 我怎么知道你不会自己跑路 How do I know you won"t just, uh, disappear yourself? 我不想为了生活疲于奔命 I"m not trying to run for my life, 我想找回我的生活 I am trying to get it back. 好吧 All right. Well, uh... 你带我去见他

     我就帮你 you take me to his front door, we got a deal. 创业公♥司♥ 第二季

     第二集 我还以为会在这里 I was starting to think I"d find 看到你和小白脸的尸体呢 you and South Beach dead back here. 好久不见

     丫头 It"s been a minute, girl. 你的家人挺过去了吗 Is your family pulling through? 鬼知道 Wouldn"t know. 他们是你的家人

     丫头 It"s your people, girl. 你得在家里挺他们 You gotta be there for your people. 好吧

     听我说 All right, look. 我不幸灾乐祸

     也不装作懂你经历了什么 I ain"t gonna fun and act like I know what you"re going through. 我不懂 I ain"t got no idea. 但尼克把你和富家子的恩怨 But Nick told me what went down with... 都告诉我了 With golden boy. 你来干什么 What are you doing here? 找你帮忙 I need a favor. 突然有些人 All of a sudden, these folks, 他们对我的生意感兴趣 they"re interested in our real estate. 有钱人 Folks with money. 但比起上个月

     销量减了一半 Business has been cut in half the last month. 我们听说那些街头贩子 We"ve been hearing these jits, couple of hoods over, 他们通过托尔网的暗网 they"ve been pulling extra money down on 来赚外快 the Dark Web on that Tor shit. 你知道那玩意吗 You know about that shit? 我当然知道托尔网 "Course I know about Tor. 也是啦 That"s... That"s right. 你对那玩意了解多少 What do you know about that shit? 那网站靠得住吗 Can we trust that to move product? 得看情况 It depends. 你知道那网站是政♥府♥发起的吗 You know the government started it? -真的吗

     -真的 - Word? - Word. 是联邦政♥府♥创建的 Feds funded that shit. 发起到现在一直是股东 They"ve been on it since the jump. 给我用用 Give me that. 不能让它更隐匿些吗 Ain"t no way to make that shit more secure? 一直都有很多人在复刻 People have been writing forks for a minute. "复刻"是什么 What"s "Forks"? 就是对同一网站的不同演化 Just different variations on the same network. 优化加密 Better encryption. 你知道怎么搞到这种东西吗 You know how to get ahold of one of those? 我不知道


     去网上搜索下载吧 I don"t know, dude. Google it, download it. 你可真是会帮忙

     丫头 You"re being seriously helpful right now, girl. 你想我做什么

     罗纳德 What do you want me to do, Ronald? 你是想我去你家 You want me to come to your house 给你上电脑课吗 and give you computer lessons? 去陪你家人吧

     伊莎贝尔 Go see your family, Isabelle. 那玩意儿比你重要多了 That shit is way bigger than you. 谢谢 Thank you. 司法部打算 So, the DOJ is trying to mount 用最可能胜诉的指控起诉塔尔曼 the strongest possible case against Talman, 但鉴于他父亲现在孤立无援 but with his father on a limb... 我们来这不是为了谈尼古拉斯的 We"re not here to talk about Nicholas, 我们是为了伊莎贝尔 we"re here to talk about Isabelle. 她又成为了麻烦 She is becoming a problem again. 她试图朝亚历克斯开枪 She tried to shoot Alex. "试图"是指... When you say "Tried"... 她在园区中♥央♥拿枪指着他的头 She put a gun to his head in the middle of our campus. -真的

     -你们报♥警♥了吗 - Yeah. - Did you call the authorities? 我要你去管好她 I need you to put a leash on her. 我不知道

     我觉得你们该报♥警♥ I don"t know. I think you should call the police. 听起来很严重 It sounds pretty serious. 我们的人可不是没事做跑去蹲监狱的 Our man was not sitting behind bars for his health. 对

     那是当然 No, of course not. 但我照你的吩咐抓了塔尔曼 But I castrated Talman at your request 因为我力所能及 because that I can do. 你想要销毁证据

     我能力范围内也能办到 You want evidence to go missing, I can do that, too. 你把钱汇集到阳光岛公♥寓♥开♥发♥项目上 You want me to look the other way 这事你让我坐视不管 while you funnel rubles into your Sunny Isles condo development, 我很乐意成全

     因为你和我有约定 I will gladly oblige because we have an agreement, you and I. 但我不是保姆

     这不是协议的一部分 But I"m not a babysitter, it"s not part of the deal. 你有没有想过

     如果你当时离开迈阿密 Do you ever wonder what your life would have been like 你的人生会是什么样 if you just left Miami? 在你来找我们之前 Before you came to us. 一切于你而言会多么不同 How things might have been different for you? 我可以搞定的

     好吗 Listen, I can take care of this, okay? 我只是觉得派她熟悉的 I just thought it might be more effective 联调局探员去

     会更有成效 to send the FBI agent with whom she"s so familiar. 不然我也可以派我弟弟去搞定 Or I can send my baby brother to take care of it. 你自己选 Your choice. 好 Okay. -伊莎贝尔

     -妈 - Isabelle. - Hey, Mom. 我和你♥爸♥在看比赛 your father and I, we were just watching the game. 我给你拿杯喝的 I"ll get you something. 你怎么样

     爸 How are you doing, Dad? 比赛很精彩

     很带劲 It"s a good game, we"re up. 很紧张刺♥激♥ It"s exciting. 你饿吗 You hungry? -不饿


     -好 - No. Thanks. - Okay. 终于进了 Finally. 你们知道那颗子弹是冲着我来的吧 You know that bullet was meant for me, right? 我昨晚刚做的猪里脊 I just made that pork tenderloin last night. 你饿了就去冰箱拿 It"s in the fridge, if you"re hungry. 这我拿走了 I"m gonna take this. 什么

     女儿 What, mija? 我得走了 I gotta go. 布鲁克斯街景 罗尼 Yo, Ronny. 你好

     兄弟 What"s up, man? 你还好吗 Yeah, you good? 我好吗 Am I? 在愁什么呢 So, what you got? 记不记得你把我拐出学校 Remember when you snatched me up outta school? 带我去了海滩

     记得吗 Took me to our local beach. You remember that? -这你都记得

     -给我吃了刨冰 - You still remember that? - Got me that snow cone. 樱桃味 Cherry. 我当然记得了

     那是我第一次吃刨冰 "Course I remember that shit. First snow cone I ever had. -你都没付钱

     -当然不付 - You ain"t paid for that shit. - Oh, hell no. 瞧瞧你 See? Look at you. -我们一起长大


     58 号♥露台 - We grew up together. - 58th Terrace, baby. 你知道我们会失去什么吧 So, you know what we got to lose, then? 所以我在想... So I got to thinkin", man... 或许我们能想想办法 maybe we can work something out. 你们别管我们的街头买♥♥卖♥♥ Y"all keep a cool on our corners, 睁只眼闭只眼

     让我们干我们的 turn a blind eye, let us do our thing, 我们保证不搞出动静

     真的 we keep shit peaceful, for real. 该死


     你还没搞清楚情况 Shit, Ronny. You don"t understand what"s happening, huh? 你上次去 58 号♥露台是什么时候 When"s the last you been to the 58 T? 成排的别♥墅♥噌噌地拔地而起 It"s just rows of townhouses popping up. 然后就会有查利勒斯的新买♥♥卖♥♥ And then, you got Cherelus"s new shit. 我当然知道 Of course, I know that. 不然你觉得我为什么找你说 Why do you think I"m talking to you? 的确过去我们并肩作战 You know, there was a time where we"d scratch each other"s back. 但现在

     一切都不一样了 But now, with all this shit going down, 那些命令是从更高层下达的 those orders are coming down from much higher up now. 5%. 拜托 Please. 5%! 我们赚多少

     我都给你 5%回扣 I"ll give you 5% of everything that we pull in here. 不

     哥们 No, man. 一成 10%. 兄弟

     你错了 Nigga, you trippin". 你买♥♥不到的

     兄弟 You can"t buy this shit, man. 行不通了 Not no more. 给兄弟们加油 Holler at your boy. 你们干得很好

     干得很好 Hey, you"re doing great. You"re doing great. 继续加油 Keep up the good work. 伊莎贝尔 Isabelle... 我得和你谈谈 I need to talk to you. 不会很久 Won"t take a second. 我来是为了你的安全 Hey, look, I"m here for your safety. -我的安全

     -对 - My safety? - Yeah. 听我说

     听着 Listen to me. Listen. 不管你想对亚历克斯做什么 Whatever you tried with Alex, 你知道那些人会怎么报复 you know what these people will do. 别想了


     过你自己的生活 So forget about them. Stay away. Live your goddamn life. 过我的生活 Live my life? -是的

     -是吗 - Yeah. - Yeah? 你觉得我应该这样 Is that what you think I should do, 过我那该死的生活吗 live my goddamn life? 我妹妹一直是我们家的乖乖女 My sister was always the good one. 和善


     优秀得很 Nice, big heart, all that shit. 我曾有个家庭


     容忍♥我 I had a family, they cared about me, they put up with me, 我感到特别骄傲 and I was too proud for all of it. 但戴尔菲 But Delfia... 她想要的只是大家都好 all she wanted was the best for everyone else. 她只想要大家都开心 All she ever wanted was for everyone else to be happy, 而你只想到怎样对自己有利 while you only think about what"s good for yourself. 逮捕尼克

     过来让我识相点 Arresting Nick, coming here to tell me to sit still. 我想

     任由一个小姑娘被杀 I think this might be what is best for you... 这样对你最有利吧 getting a young girl killed. 即使是谋杀

     对吧 Even murdering someone, right? 抱歉

     案子已经查清楚了 Oh, I"m so sorry, that case was cleared. 误会一场 Big misunderstanding. 我有个女儿

     我... I have a daughter, and I... 真难为情 That"s a shame. 喂

     女王 Yes, Queen? -没想到你居然接了

     -是啊 - I"m surprised you answered. - Yeah, well... 我从来都不作明智的选择

     对吧 good decisions have never really been my forte, haven"t they? 是啊

     我想放纵一把 Yeah, well, I need to get messy. 好吗 Okay? 好 Okay. 不管你做什么


     亚历克斯 Whatever you need to do to sort your head out, Alex, do it fast. 这个新项目是侦币成功的关键 This new project is too important to the success of GenCoin... 她拿着枪

     指着这里 She put a gun... right here. 你知不知道那是什么感受 Do you have any idea what that"s like? 拉斯克探员在处理了 Agent Rask is dealing with it. -"处理"

     -用和平方式 - "Dealing with it"? - Peacefully. 所以不像她妹妹那样对吧 So not like with her sister, then. -那是我弟弟的主意


     薇拉 - Those were my brother"s orders. - Doesn"t matter, Vera. 她怪我

     你明白吗 She blamed me. You get that? 你...我答应成为这家公♥司♥的脸面 You... I agreed to be the face of this company, 盖泽 但你居然把一切搞得... but when you pull shit like that... 那退出啊 So, quit. 你今天就能走 You can leave today. 但你将远离房♥子

     车子 But you"ll leave the houses and the cars, 夜店

     更不用说所有那些奉承吹捧 the nightclub, not to mention all that adulation. 女王 Hi, Queen. 好久不见 It"s been a minute. 你看起来不赖 You look well. -你就不是了

     -谢谢 - You don"t. - Thank you. -你过来是...

     -是的 - So you needed to come over and... - Yes. 太好了 Great. 请进 Come on. 胡安



     这是胡安 Juan, this is Izzy. Izzy, this is Juan. 你好啊 What"s up? 胡安在生我的气 Juan is mad at me. 我可以带你参观一下 I"d give you a tour of the place 但我知道你才没兴趣呢 but I know you wouldn"t give a shit, so... -这里不像不法住所

     -谢谢 - Place looks legit. - Thank you. 买♥♥的抵押房♥ We got it on a foreclosure. 不过我们需要拿出第二笔抵押贷款 We need to take out a second mortgage, though. 经济不景气 Times are tough. 赛马场吗 Racetracks? 比它更本质 It"s a little more hardcore than that. 那我不问了 I won"t ask. 干杯

     老妈 Cheers, mama. 你妹妹的事

     节哀顺变 I was very sorry to hear about your sister. 我想打电♥话♥的

     不过... I was gonna call, but... 你也挺难熬的 It"s a tough time... for you. 我会尽力不去计较 I"m gonna do my best not to be cunty 我们的过去

     以及你是怎么坑我的 about our past and how you screwed me. 那么

     我先把前仇旧恨放到一边 So we"ll bury the hatchet for a little while. 我们现在看到的 And what we have here... 我邀请你细细品尝 I invite you to peruse and partake 我们丰富的货品 of our bountiful supply. 从哪个开始 Where shall we start? 你该问问弗雷迪 I think you should ask Freddy. 弗雷迪

     从哪个开始 Freddy, where shall we start? 可♥卡♥因♥ With the cocaine. 我去吧 I"ll go. 听我说 Listen to me. 没事的

     儿子 It"s okay, son. 没事的 It"s okay. 没事的 It"s okay. 对

     真的 Yes, that"s it. 我说克里斯做饭她才肯来 She wasn"t going to come until I told her Chris was cooking. 我知道 I know we do. 露丝


     好 Ruth, let me call you back. Okay. 你这周来了两次 Hi. Twice in one week. 出什么事了 What"s going on? 好

     我不想吓你 Okay, I don"t wanna scare you. 好 Okay. 出什么事了 What"s wrong? 爱丽丝

     我很担心他 Alice, I"m really worried about him. 他欠一些人钱 There"s some people that he owes. -一些人


     危险人士 - People? - Yeah, dangerous people. 天哪 Oh, my God. 重点是他们会找到他 And the thing is, they"re gonna find him. 这些人总能找到想找的人 They always find who they"re looking for, these people. 而现在

     他孤立无援 And right now, he"s just a sitting duck. 如果我不先找到他... If I don"t find him first... 爱丽丝

     我不知道会发生什么 Alice, I don"t know what"s gonna happen. 我不知道他会出什么事 I don"t know what"s gonna happen to him. 在巴拿马 That"s in Panama. 是他买♥♥给我们的小房♥子 It"s a little private place he bought us. 我们蜜月的时候给我的惊喜 Surprised me on our honeymoon. 我不记得具体地址 Can"t remember exactly where it is. 可能是在巴拿马市外两小时车程的地方 Maybe two hours outside of Panama City. 你怎么知道他去了那里 How do you know that this is where he went? 因为他叫我一起去 Because he asked me to go with him. 涂桑一直是个听话的孩子 Toussaint"s always been such an amenable student. 在这个年纪 At this age, 小男生开始到处挑衅

     这也很常见 it"s not uncommon for a boy to, maybe, test boundaries, 有时是惹恼同学

     或在女孩面前耍酷 whether it"s to get a rise out of classmates or impress a girl. 我们很抱歉

     我们俩都很抱歉 And we"re sorry. You know, both of us are. 很感谢你们的关心 We just appreciate that you care. 我们会和他谈的 You know, we"ll talk to him. 不是关于他对卡尔森老师说了什么 It"s not about what he said to Mr. Carlson. 这不是我找你们的原因 That"s not why I called. 我担心的

     他的老师们担心的 What concerns me, what concerns his teachers, 是他的情绪 is his affect. 这几个月来

     他表现得相当孤僻 For the past few months, he"s been considerably withdrawn. 他在家有什么异样吗 Has there been anything different at home? 有什么需要告知我们的吗 Anything we should know about? 不


     他只是... No, not really. He"s just... 青春期嘛 a teenage boy. 女王 Hey, Queen. 我还以为我把你给弄死了 I thought I might"ve killed ya. 差一点 This close. 你鼓捣什么呢 What are you doing over there? 我的一个小项目 Just one of my new little projects. 是一个虚拟服务器 It"s a virtual server firm kinda thing. 我在和几个小伙子一起学习

     有亚美尼亚的 I"m learning with some boys in Armenia. 澳大利亚的 Australia. 韩国的 South Korea. 我们用个人电脑作为分散数据存储器 Using individual PCs as a decentralized data storage. 并且

     洲际联网 Also, inter-continental network. 瞧瞧你 Look at you. 或许你该试试... Maybe you should try... 你得给自己换个新宠

     伊兹 You should get yourself another pet, Izz. 创造奇迹 Does wonders. 要不要载你一程 Do you need a ride or something? 创业公♥司♥ 潜在投资人 巴拿马 你好


     谢谢 Hola. Bien. Gracias. 你有...我要租一辆车 Do you have... I need to get a rental car. 好


     谢谢 Okay, great. Thank you. 还有这附近有没有好的房♥产经纪 And then, also, is there a good realtor, 或者房♥产公♥司♥ or a realty office nearby? 请进 Adelante. -你好

     -抱歉 - Hi, there. - Oh, I"m sorry. -是我抱歉

     -你好 - You know, I"m sorry. - Hello, hello. 抱歉打扰 I"m sorry to interrupt you. -我问个问题就走

     -有什么事吗 - Quick question for you... - Can I help you? 有 Yes. 我一个朋友不久前来过这里 A friend of mine was visiting here not too long ago. 住在一个很美的小镇上 Stayed at a wonderful little town. 他很喜欢


     只是... He loved it, told me to check it out, except... 他忘记那里叫什么名字了 this guy doesn"t remember the name of it. 所以我在想

     有没有可能 So I was just wondering, by any chance, 你会认识那个景观 does that landscape look familiar to you? 看起来是宜恩镇 Almost looks like La Enea. 宜恩镇 La Enea? 往西南走 Down a ways southwest. 西南吗

     好 Southwest? Okay. -很小

     -是的 - Tiny. - Yeah? 就算不是宜恩镇

     也很近了 If not La Enea, definitely close. 你能不能指给我看一下位置 Would you mind showing me where that is? 当然可以 No, no, I don"t. -好


     我在地图上指给你看 - Okay. - Come here. Over here. I will show you in the map. 太好了 Great. -你在这里


     -对 - Here you are, Panama City. - Okay. 然后

     宜恩镇在这里 And then, here is La Enea. 你好

     你好 Ola. Ola. -不知道

     -是吗 - No. - No? 不知道吗 No? 你好 Ola. 请问 Excuse me? 你见过这个人吗

     他来过这里吗 Have you seen this guy around? Does he come in here at all? 现在没照片年轻 He"s a little older than that. 什么 Sorry? 儿子 Son? 对



     是我父亲 Yeah. Yes, that"s my father. That"s my father. 对

     你知道他住在哪里吗 Si. Do you know where he lives? 你知道他住在哪里吗 Do you know where, um, donde su casa? -你出门

     -好 - You go out. - Yes, yes. 往左转 Then you turn to, uh, left. 别跑 Yo, don"t run. 慢一点 Slow down. 怎么了

     宝贝 What"s up, baby? 这是什么 What the hell"s this? 我今早在门上发现的 Found it on the door this morning. 着令迁出通知书 你得打给罗尼 You need to call Ronny. 或许我该和朱尔斯谈谈 Maybe I should talk to Jules. 我们以前交往过

     高三的时候 You know, he and I used to date, junior year. 那你打算怎么做

     主动献身吗 So, what are you gonna do, offer up that ass? 谁知道呢 Maybe. 我知道你能把男人迷得神魂颠倒 I know that ass make a man do a thing or two. 不是吗 Ain"t that right? 你觉得我变弱了吗

     坦 You think I"ve gotten weak, Tam? 我觉得你很聪明 I think you"re smart. 有时候聪明过头 Sometimes too smart. 如果是杰


     占地为王 Jey will start merking cops, taking land. 也许吧 Maybe. 你觉得我该那么做吗 And that"s what you think I should be doing? 我觉得你该去做 I think you should do 你觉得对我们家有益的事情 whatever you think is right for our family. 里面那个男孩现在正需要他的父亲 And that boy in there, he needs his father right now. -去吧

     -我去开门 - Go. - I"m going. -开门

     -该死 - Open the door. - Oh, shit. 罗尼

     我做到了 Ronny, I did it. 你嗑药了吗

     丫头 You on something, girl? -你瞧


     谁来了 - Check it out. - Ronny, who"s here? 坦



     这是坦 Uh, Tam this is Izzy. Izzy, this is Tam. -你好

     -很高兴终于见到你了 - What up? - Hey, nice to finally meet you. 记得你上周来找我说 Dude, remember, last week you were talking to me 托尔网卖♥♥货的事情吗 about Tor and moving product? 记得

     等一下 Yeah, let me... Hold on a second. 我在想... I was thinking... 她为什么这个点跑过来 Why the hell is she here at this hour? 你要怎样做到 How do you find your way 完全匿名连上暗网 onto the Dark Net that"s 100% anonymous? -我是说


     宝贝 - I mean... - I know, baby. 我去问问就知道了

     等一下 Just let me see, okay? Hold on a second. 怎么做到 How do you do it? 怎么做到 How do you do it? 小点声

     我孩子睡觉了 Just keep it down. I got a kid sleeping. 我灵光一闪

     你做不到 Boom! Then it hits me. You don"t. 你做不到

     因为这是不可能的 You don"t because it"s impossible 除非你创造出自己的暗网 unless you create your own Dark Net. 你确定你没嗑药吗 Are you sure you ain"t on something? 怎么了 Why? -自己的暗网

     -我已经有了 - Your own Dark Net? - I already did. 过来 Come here. 过来 Come here. 这是网络上的我们 So, this is us on the network. 现在这个网络上只有我 Well, I"m the only person on the network right now, 但是我写了一个软件 but I created a softwe that 让你能下载或复♥制♥到其他设备上 you can download or copy onto any other device. 就和托尔网一样

     让你能连上暗网 It"s just like Tor, it gives you access to the Dark Net. 但这是我的暗网

     我叫它阿♥拉♥克网 But it"s my Dark Net. I call it ArakNet. 所以

     所谓网络 So, you know, what a network is, 就是一堆电脑 it"s a bunch of computers 同时相互传递信息 talking to each other at the same time. 这是互联网基本的概念 That"s basically what the Internet is. 可以是两台电脑

     也可以是两百万台 It could be two computers, it could be two million computers. 重要的是

     它要有一个平台 All that matters is that it has a platform. 我搭建了那个平台 I created that platform. -阿♥拉♥克网

     -阿♥拉♥克网 - ArakNet? - ArakNet. 即使国♥家♥安♥全♥局拿到我们的软件 Even if the NSA had our software, 也无法识别到你的 IP 地址或你的身份 they couldn"t identify your IP address or your identity. 厉害 Damn. 所以我们现在可以用这个了吗 So, uh, we can use this right now? 你现在还用不了 Well, you can"t use it right now. 这个网络上只有我 I"m the only person on the network. 你得找更多的人连到网上 You gotta get more people on the network. 该死 Oh, shit. 爸 Dad?

    推荐访问:第二集 第二季 剧本

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    • 反思
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    • 心得体会