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    时间:2020-08-31 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    《生死狙击》前情提要 Previously on "Shooter"... 我都不知道这有个保险箱 I didn"t even know we had a safe in here. 如果再有唐尼先生的消息

     给我打电♥话♥ Call my cell if you hear from Mr. Downey again. -哈里斯被抓了

     -哈里斯 - Harris got grabbed. - Harris! 我有东西在你的前仸上司手上 Your former boss was holding on to something for me. 是时候取回来了 It"s time I got it back. 我从没见过那样的东西 I"ve never seen anything like that in my life. 把这当做你最后一顿饭吧 Consider that your last meal. 哈里斯


     我们得走了 Harris, it"s me! We gotta go! 我是来问你找一个没地位的特区职员干什么 I came to ask what you want with an irrelevant D.C. Staffer. 你不是想知道关于你父亲的答案吗 I thought you"d want answers about your father. 你父亲从越南回来后 When your daddy got back from Vietnam, 他在一个漂亮女生那里找到了慰藉 he found himself some comfort in the arms of a pretty girl. 叫做伊迪·普尔 His was called Edie Poole. 我今天去见了伊迪 I went and saw Edie today. 她让我把这些给你 She gave me these to give to you. 我给你带了东西 I brought you something. 这是厄尔·斯威格的 M1911 手♥枪♥ It"s the 1911 that Earl Swagger carried. 你认为你可以用一把硬壳手♥枪♥打发我 You think you can pay me off with some crusty pistol? 波·温尼克想以耳鸣来敲诈你 Bo Winnick wants to extort you over his ringing ear, 他会为此付出代价的 he"s going to have to pay for it. 这样吧

     山姆 You know what, Sam, 不如你让我帮你整理一下 why don"t you let me help you get organized? 卡莉塔·克鲁斯

     农业部 "Carlita Cruise: Department of Agriculture." 你们不是唯一想要铲除阿特拉斯的人 You"re not the only ones who wanna take down Atlas. 我们去一个我知道他们无法追踪的地方 Let"s go somewhere I know they can"t track us. 我们清空保险箱的那天

     我们四个人在房♥间里 There were four of us in the room the day we emptied that safe. -如果不在我们这

     -那就在格蕾格森手上 - If we don"t have it... - Then Gregson does. 第二个枪手 不管你在看什么一定很重要 Whatever you"re looking at must be important 竟然可以抗拒我的炸鸡排 if you can resist my chicken fried steak. 是我爸和他的队员在越南的照片 It"s my dad and some of his squad back in "Nam. 看得出你继承了谁的长相 Well, I guess we know where you got your looks. 这个受伤的男人有点来头 There"s something about this wounded guy. 我不知道是什么 I don"t know what it is, 但我觉得我爸好像跟我讲过他的故事 but I feel like my dad told me a story about him. 早饭后你给退伍军人事务部打电♥话♥ Well, why don"t you call the V.A. after breakfast 看看他们能不能给你找到答案 and see if they can get you some answers? 日期和受伤类型会有帮助 I mean, the date and the type of injury helps, 但退伍军人事务部最多只能给我这些信息 but the V.A. will only get me so far without a name. 听上去你可以休息下了 Then it sounds like you can afford a break. 跟我去吃饭

     然后我要去山姆那 Come and eat with me, before I have to go to Sam"s 算了


     我好焦虑 Come on, baby, I"m all wound up. 我感觉我需要去清理思绪 I--I feel like I need to clmy head. 螺栓枪还是 MC7 步♥枪♥ The Bolt gun or the MC7? 你太了解我了

     真是可怕 Scary how well you know me. 再来 Again. 击中了正中心 That one was dead center. 没错

     但那不是我们的目标 Yeah, but that"s not the one we"re aiming for. 再来 Again. 爸爸

     这次算吗 Dad, does that one count? 继续 Keep going. 这不公平 This isn"t fair. 继续 Send another. 你根本不用步♥枪♥的 You don"t even shoot long guns. 继续 Send another. 小心 Hey! Careful. 我怎么教你拿步♥枪♥的 What did I tell you about handling a rifle? 永远不要瞄准一个你不想射击的目标 Never point a weapon at anything you don"t intend to shoot. 再说一次 Say it again. 永远不要瞄准一个你不想射击的目标 Never point a weapon at anything you don"t intend to shoot. 再说一遍 Again. -我懂了

     -过来 - Okay, I get it. - Hey, come here. 我跟你说 Let me tell you something... 我跟一个比你大不了多少的孩子一起服役过 I served with a kid not much older than you. 一个叫古铁雷斯的下士 A Corporal named Gutierrez. 有一晚玩闹

     结果打中了自己的腿 Shot himself in the leg horsing around one night, 就这样他的军队生涯结束了 and just like that-- his career was over, 就因为他举止愚蠢至枀 all because he was acting like a dumbass, 就跟你现在一样 like you are right now. 把剩下的东西拿上 Grab the rest of the shit. 准备回家 We"re going home. 你好


     我是鲍勃·李·斯威格 Hello, ma"am, my name"s Bob Lee Swagger. 我知道这请求有点奇怪 I know this is an unusual request, 我想找关于一个在 1970 年越南 but I was looking for some information 受伤的海军陆战队士兵的信息 on a marine wounded in Vietnam in 1970, 古铁雷斯下士 a Corporal Gutierrez. 搞什么

     你去哪 What the hell? Where are you going? 你有权支配你的头脑 You have power over your mind, 而不是外部事件 not outside events. 罗马皇帝

     马可·奥勒留名言 了解这个道理 Realize this, 你将找到力量 and you will find strength. 海斯说你个捉摸不透的人 Hayes said you were a wild card. 放下该死的枪 Put the damn gun down. 你太引人注目了 You draw a lot of attention. 我很有名 I"m popular. 解密卡在哪 Where"s the decryption card? 我在找呢 I"m working on it. 不 No. 还不够 Not good enough. 不好意思

     我们还没机会 I"m sorry, we didn"t really have a chance 互相认识 to make an acquaintance. 我是负责让此事顺利完成的人 I"m the guy who"s in charge of seeing this thing through 既然海斯死了 now that Hayes is dead, 你就应该效力于我 which makes you the guy who"s working for me. 我做这仸务三年了 I"ve been working on this mission for three years, 意味着我必不可少 which makes me indispensable. 老板可以换 Bosses can be replaced. 找到卡片 Find the card. 我的司机呢 Where"s my driver? 生 死 狙 狙 击 生 死 狙 击 第三季

     第五集 你想说

     我应该 You"re gonna say I should"ve done a better job 把东西整理得更好 of keeping things organized. 为此

     我想说 To that, I say... 你晚来了 20 年 you"re 20 years too late. 这就是我来这的原因 Well, that is why I"m here now. 为了表示我的感谢

     我... To show my appreciation, I-- 我有些东西给你 I got you something. -你怎么有这个

     -波给的 - How did you get this?

     - Bo, of course. 傻子想在没有文件许可的情况下 Damned fool tried to sell the thing 跨州交易 across state lines without documentation, 所以我给了他一个选择 so I gave him a choice: 我帮助他 my help in exchange for 他就得撤销对你的所有指控 dropping all charges against you 并且远离小镇 and getting the hell out of town, 或者在联邦监狱里待上几年 or spend the next few years in federal prison. 就是这样 Here we are. 我知道该说什么了 I don"t know what to say. 别客气 Don"t mention it. 那手♥枪♥理应交到斯威格家 That pistol deserves to be in the hands of a Swagger. 山姆


     Sam, why doesn"t Bobby use it? 厄尔和鲍勃·李关系复杂 Earl and Bob Lee had a complicated relationship, 但只是因为厄尔很复杂 but only because Earl was complicated. 那个男人承担着 That man was encumbered by burden 我从未见识过的重仸 unlike anything I"ve ever seen. 很熟悉的感觉 That sounds familiar. 鲍勃·李太小了

     不懂 Bob Lee was too young to understand 厄尔的痛苦不是他的问题 Earl"s pain wasn"t his fault... 不明白他的父亲其实 to realize his daddy actually cared 特别关心他 a great deal for him. 山姆

     我会让他明白的 I need to get through to him, Sam. 鲍勃·李应该向前看... Bob Lee ought to be looking forward... 而不是向后 not back. 雷蒙·古铁雷斯


     孤星六号♥房♥ -什么事

     -你是雷蒙·古铁雷斯 - Can I help you?

     - You Ramon Gutierrez? 是的 Yeah. 你跟我父亲厄尔·斯威格一起服役 You served with my father, Earl Swagger. 孩子

     那是很久前的事了 Son, that was a long time ago. 我懂

     我只是有些问题想问你 I understand. I just wanna ask you a few questions. 我知道你和我父亲都参与了菲尼克斯计划 I know you and my dad were part of the Phoenix program. -你喝水吗


     谢谢 - You thirsty?

     - Oh, no, thank you. 这样更好

     我煮的咖啡很难喝 It"s probably for the best. I make shit coffee. 你父亲还健在吗 Your old man still around? -不

     -可惜了 - No, sir.

     - That"s a shame. 他能让每个人打起精神来 He really knew how to cheer everybody up. 厄尔·斯威格吗 Earl Swagger? 我遇到的最好的人 Nicest man I ever met. 怎么了

     有什么问题 Why? What"s the problem? 就是听起来不像我父亲 Just doesn"t sound like my dad, that"s all. 你也服过役 You served. 你知道我们在那看到的东西 You know what kinda things we see over there. 足够改变一个人了 It"s enough to change a man. 你看到了什么 What was it you saw? 大概就是每个人在战争中都能看见的 Probably the same thing everyone sees in war, 只是参与了菲尼克斯计划

     你不能说起 only with the Phoenix program, you can"t talk about it. 你能和我说说阿特拉斯吗 Well, can you tell me anything about Atlas? 是某种行动吗 That some kind of operation? 先生


     你不用搪塞我 With all due respect, sir, you can spare me the runaround. 我知道阿特拉斯是脱胎于 I know that Atlas was the organization 菲尼克斯的组织 born out of Phoenix. 我不知道的是我父亲在其中扮演着怎样的角色 What I don"t know is my dad"s involvement in it. 至少我还在那边的时候 Well, we weren"t running ops for the bogeyman, 我们不为恶魔行动 at least not while I was still there. 主要就是诸如 Mostly it was stuff like 干掉处于敌后的越共领头人 taking out VC leaders behind enemy lines, 我们几个人打前阵

     你♥爸♥负责掩护 a few of us boots on the ground and your dad on overwatch. 我爸是狙击手吗 My dad was on the long gun? 他可喜欢了 Oh, he loved it. 我都没法从他手里拿走那把枪 I could barely get that thing out of his hands. 所以才能把你培养成"神枪手鲍勃"吧 I take it that"s why his son became "Bob the Nailer." 这玩意是真的难喝 You know, this really is awful. 你是怎么受伤的 Hey, how"d you get your limp? 腿吗 This? 执行仸务中受伤的 On a mission. 某个上将的保镖朝着我们扫射 Some general"s bodyguard sprayed a few rounds our way. 我被其中一颗子弹打中了腿 I caught one in the leg. 他们应该没有给你太多时间准备吧 I guess they didn"t give you much time to prepare. 古铁雷斯的腿是自己打伤的 Gutierrez shot himself in the leg. 我在外面看到了一个

     还有别人吗 Now, I saw one out there. Are there others? 阿特拉斯正在加紧完成仸务 Atlas is stepping up their mission, 我们必须找回解密卡

     好阻止他们 and we need to track down the decryption card to stop them. 我们得去追捕雷德·巴马 We need to go after Red Bama. 我能问个简单问题吗 Can I just float this out there real quick? 我就这样消失得无影无踪 What is the likelihood that I could disappear 这辈子都不用再担惊受怕的 and not have to look over my shoulder 可能性有多大 for the rest of my life? 零 Zero? 真的为零吗 It"s ze--it"s literally zero? 你脸上的表情出♥卖♥♥♥了你

     真的为零吗 It"s--it"s on your faces. It"s zero? 雷德就是阿特拉斯 Red is Atlas. 很显然牵涉到了他的利益 Clearly he"s got skin in the game, 鉴于他在矿井那儿搞出的幺蛾子来看 given that shit he pulled at the mining site. 他是个高价值目标 He"s our HVT. 然而所有人中你最清楚 Except you of all people know 要抓到一个高价值目标人物 that in order to get at a high value target, 并非总要正面与其针锋相对 you don"t always go at them head-on. -你去追踪他们想得到的东西

     -解密卡 - You go after what they want. - The card. 我们只知道那张卡可以用来解密某种东西 All we know is that it decrypts something. 这没用啊 That doesn"t help us. 我们知道阿特拉斯非常想得到它 We know that Atlas is desperate for it, 也就意味着我们有筹码了 which means we have leverage. -你有办法了吗

     -帕特里夏·格蕾格森 - You got a plan? - Patricia Gregson. 我知道在查海斯的保险箱时 I know she took the card 她拿走了解密卡 when we were going through Hayes"s safe. 只能这么解释了

     她就是突破口 It"s the only explanation. She is our in. 她拿走卡肯定是有原因的

     她不会帮我们 She took it for a reason. She"s not gonna help us. 我了解她 I know her. 在内心深处

     她想要做正确的事情 Deep down, she wants to do the right thing. 就算你说得没错 Even if you"re right, 她肯定不会让我们接近她 she"s not gonna let us get near her, 至少拿着这么贵重的东西时不会 not holding something that valuable. 你应该有办法解决这问题吧 I figured you"d have some ideas about that. 我打电♥话♥到退伍军人事务部时就已经被盯上了

     对吗 I was flagged when I called the V.A., wasn"t I? -真正的古铁雷斯死了吗

     -我不知道 - Is the real Gutierrez dead? - I don"t know. 但你们设套想杀我 But this was a setup to kill me. 我只是收钱来给你讲故事 I was paid to sell you a story. -谁给的钱

     -我不知道 - By who? - I don"t know! 你总得有个领仸务的地方 You gotta get your missions from somewhere. 不是这样的 Doesn"t work like that. 你已经暴露了

     所以快说吧 You"re already burned, so tell me. 华盛顿特区某处 A location in D.C. 洛根环状交叉路口

     我就是在那里接仸务的 Logan Circle, that"s where I get my missions from. 具体地址 Address. 如果你去了 If you go... 他们会杀了你 they"ll kill ya. 我早就习惯了 I"m used to it. 料到了 Of course. 我们得谈谈 We need to talk. -失手了


     -进去 - My bad, sorry. Sorry. - Get in. 告诉艾萨克

     没必要杀了我的人 Tell Isaac he doesn"t need to kill my guy. 艾萨克

     这边好了 Isaac, we"re good. 收到 Copy. 我还以为拿到了海斯的钱 You"d think with all of Hayes"s money, 你们就能找到个像样点的住处了 you would"ve invested in better accommodations. 她说得没错 She"s not wrong. 你从他的保险箱里偷走了样东西 You stole something from his safe. 一张名为"上帝盒子"的解密卡 A decryption card called "The God box." 那是用来解密什么的 What"s it for? 不知道

     不过这名字真的烂透了 I don"t know. Terrible name, though. 雷德·巴马想要它

     也就意味着阿特拉斯想要它 Red Bama wants it. That means Atlas wants it. 很显然对他们而言

     这张卡很重要 Clearly it"s of value to them. 你们可以待会再感激我护它周全 You can thank me later for securing it. 你到底出于什么目的 What"s your angle on all this? 无论如何

     我们都想加入 "Cause whatever it is, we want in. 没有目的 I don"t have one. 连我都知道你在扯淡 Even I know that"s bullshit. 不管阿特拉斯有什么计划

     肯定是大事 Whatever Atlas is up to, it"s big. 可能会有无辜的人因此而受伤 Innocent people are probably gonna get hurt because of it, 所以我们不能袖手旁观 and we need to do something. 除非把大局中的所有碎片拼凑起来 You don"t make a move until you have a handle on 否则就不能轻举妄动 all the pieces on the board. 这样才能在游戏中活下来 That"s how you stay in the game. 所以无论要付出什么代价都选择自我保护而不是牺牲吗 So self-preservation over sacrifice no matter the cost? 这其中有信誉可言吗 Where"s the honor in that? 体面的人为国献身 Honorable people die for their country 这样务实的人才能治理好这个国家 so the pragmatists can run it. 我们想找出其他的碎片 We wanna identify those other pieces, 其他的阿特拉斯成员 the other Atlas members. 我们可以用那张卡当诱饵 We can do that by putting the card into play, 引他们出来夺卡 drawing them out to get it. 到那时候

     我相信你知道 When that happens, I"m sure you"ll figure out 该怎么带着重要的东西脱身 how to come away with something of value. 聪明如你 As smart as you are, 你知道你还是需要帮助的 you know you"re gonna need help. 我得走了

     一小时后的飞机 I gotta go. I got a flight in an hour. 去哪里 Where? 华盛顿 D.C. 我有个线索

     但能调查的时间不太多 I got a lead, and there"s not much time to follow it. 我在努力理解

     鲍勃·李 I"m--I"m trying, Bob Lee. 帮我理解一下 Help me understand this. 你想让我说什么 Uh, what do you want me to say? 这么多年你都很少谈起你的父亲 All these years, you barely talk about your father, 而现在你为了弄清他到底发生了什么事 and now you"ll do anything 什么事都愿意做 to figure out what happened to him. 你不能指望我就这么忘了这件事 Y-you can"t expect me to let this go. 不

     我只是想加入你 No, I just want you to let me in. 这不是你该处理的问题 This isn"t your problem. 可我是你妻子 Except I"m your wife. -朱莉

     -求你了 - Julia-- - Please. 想想你的家人 Think about your family, 那些还健在的家人们 the ones that are still here. 对不起 I"m sorry. 没关系

     你学到教训就行 It"s okay, as long as you learned your less. 不


     我让你失望了 No, I"m sorry I disappoint you. 我怎么想 It doesn"t matter 都不重要... what I think.... 重要的是我要让你面对世界时 Only that I prepare you for the world 你得像个男人一样去面对 you"ll come to face as a man. 你明白了吗 You understand? 明白了 Yes, sir. 听着... Look, I, uh-- 最近我一直在处理一些事情 I"ve been dealing with some stuff lately. 可能因此我才对你这么严厉 It"s probably why I"ve been so hard on you. 我能帮忙吗 Can I help? 不 No. 这是我要处理的问题 This is my problem to deal with. 我以为不会再有人来这了 I thought nobody came here anymore. 不管你多么努力地控制火势 No matter how much you try to contain the fire, 火总是以它自己认为适吅的方式燃烧 it will always burn the way it sees fit. 你都开始杜撰格言了 Things must be really bad 事情一定很糟糕 for you to be making up aphorisms. 显然你为我准备了解决方案 Apparently you have a solution for me. 解密卡 The decryption card. 让我猜一下

     作为交换 And let me guess, in exchange for it, 你要得到海斯在我们这留下的空位 you get Hayes" vacant seat at our table. 我们就以此为开端

     看看会如何发展 Well, let"s start with that and see where it goes. 天啊

     看看你 My, my, look at you, 真是得意忘形

     因为你以为 all giddy, because you think 你终于拿到了黄金门票 you finally have the golden ticket. 你这么惨

     可不该表现得这么自负 You"re the wrong kinda screwed to be acting this smug. 而这份工作不适吅你 And this is the wrong job for you. 你太需要得到认可了 You like the recognition too much. 也许我只是看到了一个机会 Maybe I just see an opportunity 能促成一些真正的改变 to facilitate some real change. 我怎么知道你是下了决心 How do I know you"re committed? 纳丁·孟菲斯和艾萨克·约翰逊... Nadine Memphis and Isaac Johnson-- 他们逼我来谈成这笔交易 they"re pushing me to make this deal. 我可以交出他们 I could serve them up. 这是你控制火势的机会 This is your chance to control the fire. 我会告诉你交易的时间地点 I"ll let you know where and when to bring the card. 雷德 Oh, Red... 阿特拉斯最近有什么计划 What"s Atlas up to these days anyway? 你坐上了那个位子 You get yourself a seat at the table 你就知道了 and you"ll find out. 有什么消息

     现在时机不好 What do you got? It"s bad timing. 情报有限

     但这地方是阿特拉斯的一个门面 Intel"s limited, but this place is a front for Atlas. 那你要加入我们吗 So, you coming onboard? 我对你的世界不感兴趣 I"m not interested in your world. 那你大老远叫我过来干什么 What"d you call me all the way out here for then? 因为我在跟进一条线索

     需要一个帮手 "Cause I"m following a lead, and I needed another gun. 不是打来问候的 It"s not a social call. 我还需要做什么 What more do I gotta do? 在墨西哥监狱我以命相救 Trading my life for yours at that Mexican prison -还不能扯平吗

     -大概是吧 - didn"t square things? - Guess not. 下次你需要枪手

     找纳丁 Next time you need a gun, call Nadine. 你可以不来的 You didn"t have to come. 但我还是来了 And I"m here anyway. 和你打电♥话♥向我求助一样

     我会一直来 Same reason you keep calling me for help, I keep comin". 你要学会放下 You need to learn to let shit go. 你会吗 Would you? 安保系统 Hey. Security system. 我们最多只有两分钟 We got two minutes, tops. 看来你逼问的那个特工给他们通风报信了 I guess that agent you rolled tip them off. -要打开吗

     -好 - Wanna open it? - All right. 他们把硬盘拿走了 They pulled the hard drives. 这里什么也没有 There"s nothing here. 这地方已经败露了

     我们得赶紧走 This place is burned. We gotta go. 好 All right. 你知道我想告诉你 Oh, you know what I meant to tell you, the, uh-- 瞄准膝盖

     腹股沟和眼睛出奇地有用 the knees-groin-eyes thing was surprisingly effective. 谢谢 Thank you. 那里肯定是阿特拉斯的一个窝点 It was definitely an Atlas location. 他们没有留下什么有用的东西 They didn"t leave anything useful behind. 我关于我爸的所有发现 Everything I learned about my dad 总是把我带向阿特拉斯 keeps bringing me back to Atlas. 那也许我们可以互相帮忙 Well, maybe we can help each other then. 算了吧 I don"t think so. 我们想要揭露阿特拉斯的头目 We"re looking to expose the heads of Atlas. 这么做

     就能得到我们都在寻找的答案了 We do that, we can all get the answers we"re looking for. 你认为他在寻找的只有答案吗 And you think answers is all he"s looking for? 你说得对 You"re right. 我们在这里的原因全都不一样 Look, we"re all in this room for different reasons, 因为我们想要报复 because we want retribution, 因为我们想要一条出路 "cause we want a way out, 或是因为我们要坚持完成一件事 or because we need to see something through. 既然我们全都在这里了 We"re all here now, 所以全都得己所愿的唯一办法就是携手吅作 so the only way to get what we all want is to work together. 那好

     我们要怎么抓到阿特拉斯 All right, how do we get Atlas? 帕特里夏·格蕾格森 Patricia Gregson. 她会利用那张卡作为谈判的筹码 She"s using the card as a bargaining chip. 只要一有机会

     她就会出♥卖♥♥♥你们 She will turn on you the first chance she gets. 记得桑金的巴基斯坦酋长和我们说过什么吗 Remember what the Malik in Sangin told us? 阿富汗赫尔曼德省的一个地区 做好被骗的准备 Expect deception... 这样才永远也不会受人愚弄 And you"ll never be fooled. 帕特里夏·格蕾格森 安吆斯·波托马克有限公♥司♥ 两小时后见 是帕特里夏 It"s Patricia. 如果你们想打消想作战的欲望 So if you wanna pat down your nostalgic war boners, 那就起来行动吧 you"re up. 外面目测安全 Exterior looks clear. 斯威格 Swagger? 没时间闲聊

     我们走 No time for chit-chat. Let"s go. -这是什么地方

     -就当是储藏库 - What is this place? - Think storage locker, 但是只用来储藏贵重物品 but for only the most valuable items: 艺术品

     古董 art, antiques, 掌控世界命运的秘密卡片 secret cards that control the fate of the world. 照我的指示行动 Just take my lead. "快进快出" In and out fast. 你对斯威格太太可不是这种态度 You don"t take that attitude with Mrs. Swagger. 快走 All right, let"s go. 你们先走 You guys go ahead. 来 Come on. 你能开一下门吗 Hey, man, can you open up that door? 快

     我们要打开这道门 Come on, we gotta get this door open! 马上弄 On it. 快点 Hurry! 快点 Hurry! 山姆 Sam? 山姆 Sam! Hey! 出什么事了 What happened? 我没事 I"m fine. -我只是绊了一下

     -绊到什么了 - I just-- I just tripped. - On what? 有可能是我自己的脚

     我不知道 Ah, it could"ve been my own damn feet, I don"t know. 该死的

     你在流血 Shoot, you"re bleeding. -我没事



      - I"m-- I"m okay-- I"m okay. - Here-- here. -我没事



     -让我来 - I"m okay. I"m okay. I"m okay - Let me get it, okay? -我要带你去看医生


     不要 - Listen, I need to take you to a doctor. - I... No! 够了

     天杀的 Enough, God damn it! 对不起 I"m so-- I"m sorry. 没事 It"s fine. 我只是 I"m just... 我还在习惯接受别人的帮助 accepting help is something I"m still getting used to. 我在努力 I"m working on it. 没事 It"s okay. 给

     按住这里 Here. Hold this here, okay? 用力按一下 Put pressure on it. 我们找你要卡的时候 You knew you were gonna sell us out 你就知道你会出♥卖♥♥♥我们 the second we confronted you about that card. 那里全是阿特拉斯的人 That place was crawling with Atlas. 别这么幼稚了 Grow up. 游戏就应该这么玩 This is the way the game is played. 你知道他们瞄准的不是我和艾萨克吧 You do realize they weren"t shooting at me and Isaac? 可现在我们知道所有人的立场了 But now we know where everyone stands. 所以雷德准备等你一拿到卡 So Red was gonna set up a meet 就安排见面

     计划还是如此吗 once you grabbed the card. Is that still the plan? 他还是会赴约的 Oh, he"ll still meet. 只不过会比平常更生气 He"ll just be more pissed off than usual. -在哪

     -明天有一场海斯母校的纪念活动 - Where? - There"s a memorial for Hayes"s alma mater tomorrow. 他会在那碰头 That"s where he"ll do it. 赶快采取行动

     哈里斯或许就可以 Act quick, and Harris may be able 弄到更多邀请函 to secure more invitations. 怎么

     你现在站在我们这边了 What, so you"re on our side now? 那个混♥蛋♥会希望自己从没离开过得州 That asshole is gonna wish he never left Texas. 很好 Good. 完事之前你和我们一起 You"re with us until this is done. 鲍勃·李 Bob Lee... 没事的 It"s all right. 你知道你一旦下决心要做这事 You do know you could make a killing 是可以大赚一笔的吧 if you ever decide to commit to this. 这不是我来这的原因 That"s not why I"m here. 你之前还说你不想搅和进来 For someone who says he doesn"t want any part of it, 但你出现的次数可不少 you sure are around a lot. 因为阿特拉斯杀了我父亲 "Cause Atlas killed my father, 我要找出凶手

     以及杀害他的原因 and I"m gonna find out who and why. 我一点也不怀疑你会找到真♥相♥ Oh, I have no doubt you"ll find the truth. 我只是不确定你会喜欢 I"m just not sure you"ll like it. 你不明白 You don"t understand. 如果我什么也不做就会有人受伤 People will get hurt if I don"t do something! 你要是没有瞒着我或许就不会 Well, maybe if you didn"t keep me in the dark! 我不能告诉你 I can"t tell you everything! 但我已经竟可能地告诉你实情了 But I am honest with you about as much as I can be. 真的吗

     之前你是和谁在通电♥话♥ Really? Who were you on the phone with earlier? 老天爷

     一个战友 Jesus Christ, a war buddy. 是吗

     你确定不是伊迪·普尔 Yeah? You sure it wasn"t Edie Poole? 你不知道自己在说些什么 You don"t know what you"re talking about. 有些事... There are things... 你不了解我 that you don"t know about me. 我很了解你

     厄尔·斯威格 I know you well enough, Earl Swagger. 我知道你喝醉是因为你很生气 I know that you"re drunk because you"re angry, 我知道你生气是因为 and I know that you"re angry because you got things 有心事在折磨你 tearing you up inside, 而你把这股怒气撒在你最亲近的人身上 and you take that anger out on the people closest to you. 我说得对吗 How"d I do? 琼 June... 很惊讶你不在千里之外 I"m surprised you"re not thousands of miles away. 想杀我的计划不错 It was a nice try, 但你要了解我一件事 but something you need to learn about me, 我想要什么就一定会拿到手 I get what I want. 我猜你还是想见面吧 I take it you still wanna meet. 如果你不记仇我也不会记仇 I won"t hold grudges if you won"t. 海斯纪念活动 The Hayes Memorial. 已经选好了见面要穿的服装了 Already got my outfit picked out. 恭候你和其他阿特拉斯成员的到来 I expect you and the other Atlas members to be there. 把卡带上 Bring the card. 我们又不是去突袭本·拉♥登♥的大营 We"re not storming Bin Laden"s compound. 随时会出乱子 Shit can get ugly real quick. 携带枪♥支♥

     更别提在大学里 Packing heat, let alone getting into a gun fight 发起枪战

     太冒险了 at a university-- it"s too risky. 那里会有额外的安保人员 There"ll be extra security. 我知道鲍勃·李有自己的盘算 I know Bob Lee has his own agenda, 但我需要我们目标一致 but I need us to be on the same page. 我的目的一直很明确 I"ve been clear about my intentions. 需要我晚点再过来吗 Should I come back later? 什么事 What is it? 有好消息

     也有坏消息 Uh, good news, bad news. 我弄到了邀请函

     但只有一封 I was able to get invitations, but I could only get one, 除了帕特里夏的 besides Patricia"s. 好吧

     我们依然可以在宴会厅附近巡逻 Okay, well, we can still patrol the areas around the ballroom. 哈里斯

     你和帕特丽夏一起进去 Harris, you"ll go in with Patricia. 看起来更自然 It"ll look more natural. 好吧

     我没意见 All right, good enough for me. -你好吗

     -亲爱的 - Hey, you. - Hey, hon. 怎么样了 How"s it going? 事情所需时间要比我预计得久点 Things are taking longer than I expected. 对不起 I"m sorry. 我比较想听答案而不是道歉 I"d take answers over apologies. 我都不知道从何说起 I just wouldn"t even know where to start. 你总得想出办法 Well, you"re gonna have to figure out a way. 你知道我并不擅长敞开心扉 You know, I wasn"t exactly trained to open up. 我以前认为你疏远我 I used to think that you were keeping me 是想要来保护我 at arm"s-length to protect me. 我开始觉得需要保护的人不是我 I"m starting to think I"m not the one who needs protecting. 你不是一个人

     鲍勃·李 You"re not alone, Bob Lee. 我会永远在你身后 I will always have your six. 我怎么如此幸运 How did I get so lucky? 这还没完 This isn"t done. 我知道 I know. 回家 Come home. 好 Okay. 是时候了 It"s time. 我得挂了


     爱你 I gotta go, hon. Love you. 我也爱你 I love you too. 外面什么情况 How"s it looking outside? 他们应该很快就会经过你 Our couple should be passing you in a moment. 我不知道我能不能信仸让哈里斯盯住帕特里夏 I don"t know if I trust Harris to keep an eye on Patricia. 别无选择 Not much choice. 他不适吅外勤工作 He"s not exactly trained for field work. 他和她在一起总比在外面追踪阿特拉斯好 Well, better he"s with her than out here tracking Atlas. 再说

     没人会在那宴会厅里对帕特里夏 Besides, nobody"s gonna do anything to Patricia 做什么 inside that ballroom. 真希望我知道外面的情况 I wish I knew what was going on outside. 我们最不需要的就是你被人发现 The last thing we need is for someone to spot you 带着耳机 wearing an earpiece. 我现在应该去社交 I should be networking at this thing. 但我却在盯着你

     好让我能帮忙策划 Instead, I"m watching you so that I can help orchestra 扳倒一个假冒政♥府♥组织 the takedown of a pseudo-government organization. 哈里斯 Harris... 喝几杯酒

     放松点 grab a few drinks and relax. 我能做到其中之一

      谢谢 I can do one of those things. Thank you. 有正规校园保安 Uh, we got regular campus security... 不过那些人 But those guys-- 他们不是特工也不是校园保安 they"re not secret service or campus police. 绝对带了武器 Definitely packing. 走路看着点

     混♥蛋♥ Watch it, asshole. 你跟着阿特拉斯保安 You stay with Atlas security. 他们要去会面 They"ll be heading to the meet. 南走廊 A13 房♥间 靠近点 Okay, stay close. 淡定


     不然我会 Easy, tiger beat, or you might just get 让你招架不住 more of me than you bargained for. 待在这 Stay here. 你看上去不太自在 You look uncomfortable. 尽管我穿过无数回了 Well, as much time as I spend in them, 但我从来不喜欢西装 I have never liked suits. -你带卡了吗

     -看着别人 - You got the card? - Point out the others. -我猜猜


     -按我说的办 - Let me guess, Congressman-- - This is how it"s gonna work. 你把卡拿给我看 You"re gonna show me the card, 我去叫上其他人 and I"m gonna round up the others 到一个更安静的地点见面 and meet you in a quieter location. 南走廊

     A13 房♥间 South Corridor, Room A13. 你没穿好 You don"t wear it well. 西装吗 The suit? 不

     绝望 No. Desperation. 去检查站 Proceed to checkpoint. 所有人都在宴会厅里

     包括雷德 Everyone"s in the ballroom, including Red. 外面什么情况 What"s going on outside? 鲍勃·李 Bob Lee? 艾萨克 Isaac? 你们在哪 Where the hell are you guys? 好

     他说了什么 Okay, wha--what did he say? 我只听到了 A30 房♥间

     那是 All I overheard was, "Room A30." Is that-- 我只能自己去了 I"m gonna have to do this by myself. 我唯一的工作就是别让你离开我的视线 Okay, literally my only job is to not take my eyes off you. 我有仸务给你 I have something for you to do. 别叫我放松

     不可能 Don"t tell me to relax. Off the table. It"s not-- 我要你去找纳丁 I want you to go find Nadine 告诉她

     她有多美 and tell her how lovely she looks. 不需要谍报技术就能注意到你看她的样子 It doesn"t take tradecraft to notice how you look at her. 去吧 Now go. 站住 Stop. 别动 Don"t move. 我抓到一个在厨房♥里打望的人 I caught one sneaking around the kitchen. 我马上带他过来 I"ll bring him to you. 到码头来 Come to the loading dock. 纳丁

     有两个朝你那边来了 Nadine, you got two headed your way. 女士

     请留步 Ma"am, I need you to hold up. 让我过去 Let me through. 什么

     证件 Excuse me? Identification? 听好了

     马上走开 Listen to me carefully-- walk away now. 女士

     我需要你留在原地 Ma"am, I"m gonna need you to stay right here. 派人到接待处来 Can I get some backup in the reception area? 谢谢

     你来这做什么 Thanks. What are you doing here? 我似乎摆脱不了这个 I can"t seem to get free of this. 想着如果阿特拉斯派了这么多保安 Figured if Atlas sent this much security, though, 肯定有东西值得拿走 there"s someone worth taking out. 帕特里夏 Patricia. -她是跟我们一起的吗

     -帕特里夏呢 - Is she with us? - Where is Patricia? 她好像去了 A30 房♥间 Uh, I think she"s headed to Room A30. 她叫我留在这 She told me to stay here. 各位


     她在 A30 房♥间 Guys, we lost Patricia. She"s in Room A30. 我这就去 I"m on the way. 我是哈里斯

     你好 I"m Harris. Hi. 好吧 Okay. -纳丁

     A30 在哪

     -南走廊 - Nadine, where"s A30? - South Corridor. 我尽量去找她 I"ll try to get to her. 这里没人

     哈里斯肯定听错了 There"s no one here. Harris must"ve heard wrong. 卡交出来 The card. 想到了 I figured as much. 还在干脏活呢 Still doing their dirty work, I see. 你站错边了 You chose the wrong side. 告诉雷德他该谢我 Tell Red he has me to thank 等他意识到阿特拉斯有多惨 when he realizes how screwed Atlas is. 该死 Shit. 妈的 God damn it! 她死了 She"s gone. 卡不在这 The card"s not here. 我们得走了 We have to go. 接受现实吧

     这计划本就成功不了 Face it, the plan was never gonna work. -从一开始就是圈套

     -我们总得试试 - It was a setup from the jump. - We had to try. 不是每个仸务都能如我们所愿 Not every mission can go our way. 你教我的 You taught me that. -他们在找什么东西

     -解密装置 - They were after something. - A decryponevice. 你知道他们为什么需要吗 Do you know why they need it? 不

     但我从没见过他们这么急切想要拿到一样东西 No, but I"ve never seen them so hungry to get something. 哈里斯

     她走之前跟你说了什么 Harris, what exactly did she say to you before she left? 她说下一部分她得自己去做 That she had to do the next part alone. 还说了什么吗 Well, did she say anything else? 发生得太快


    推荐访问:狙击 剧本 第五集

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