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    时间:2020-12-08 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    你不可能知道的 没有人能记得住一张地图 You cannot know this. No-one can hold a map in their head. 你不可能知道的 没有人能记得住一张地图 You cannot know this. No-one can hold a map in their head. 你不可能知道的 没有人能记得住一张地图 You cannot know this. No-one can hold a map in their head. 但我可以 还有三个路口就到了 I can! It"s three turnings away. 但我可以 还有三个路口就到了 I can! It"s three turnings away. 你一定会发现自己错了的 You"re so going to get this wrong. -快停下 -怎么了 - Stop it. - What? 我感觉你在心里瞧不起我的驾驶技术 I can feel you judging my driving. 我没有瞧不起你的驾驶技术 I"m not judging your driving! 那你松开把手 Let go of the handle, then. 天哪 我们应该在刚刚那个路口拐弯的 Oh, we were supposed to go down that turning. -什么 -对呀 - What? - Yeah. -你说还有三个路口的 -不 我漏掉了一个 - You said three turnings. - No, I missed one. 你就用一下你的手♥机♥不行么 你手♥机♥上有卫星定位的 Just use your phone, you have a Sat Nav on your phone. 哦 天哪 就在那儿 小心 农场 就在那儿 Oh, my God, there, Mindful. Oh, God. Farm, there it is. 我们走的是对的路 We"re going the right way. 我是对的 I was right. 我是对的 Was right. 你知道类似于基达[男同交友软件]的女同交友软件叫什么吗 Do you know what the lesbian app for Grindr is called? 小妞定位 Twat Nav. 你不要以此取乐 Don"t make this fun! 我还好 我真的还好 我感觉很好 It"s OK, I"m fucking OK, I"m excellent. -我知道我看起来有病 但我确实没事 -好吧 - I know I seem mental, but I"m fine. - OK. 我只是 I just... -我只是有时候需要你别 -嘲笑你 - I just sometimes need you not to... - To take the piss. 你别接我的话 Don"t finish my sentences! -嘲笑 -你和你的 - Take the piss... - Out of you and your... 你不是总知道我要说什么 好吗 You don"t always know what I"m going to say, OK? -对不起 当 - Sorry. - Out of... 当她在开车时取笑她 Out of her when she"s driving. 我在开车时取笑我 ...me while I"m driving. 对不起 I"m sorry. 是因为家里的原因还是 Is it at home or... 因为工作还是马丁 work or Martin? 我很好 一切都好 I"m fine, it"s fine. -马丁一直很体贴 -真的吗 - Martin"s been lovely. - Really? 一切都好 It"s fine. 我很好 I"m OK. 疯女人 Fucking psycho. 伦敦生活 哇 父亲这次真的出大血本了 Wow! Dad really splashed out this time. 哇 父亲这次真的出大血本了 Wow! Dad really splashed out this time. 哇 父亲这次真的出大血本了 Wow! Dad really splashed out this time. 哇 父亲这次真的出大血本了 Wow! Dad really splashed out this time. 哇 父亲这次真的出大血本了 Wow! Dad really splashed out this time. 他一定是想做什么肮脏的事 He must be about to do something awful. 他一定是想做什么肮脏的事 He must be about to do something awful. 他一定是想做什么肮脏的事 He must be about to do something awful. 不 只是因为今天是母亲节 No, it"s just Mother"s Day. 不 只是因为今天是母亲节 No, it"s just Mother"s Day. 不 只是因为今天是母亲节 No, it"s just Mother"s Day. -哦 -母亲节快乐 - Oh. - Happy Mother"s Day. -哦 -母亲节快乐 - Oh. - Happy Mother"s Day. 我们不会因为这个活动重归于好的 对吗 We"re not supposed to bond on this, are we? 因为我不认为这样会有个好结局 Because I really don"t think that"s going to end well. 我们其实不该有任何交谈的 We"re not supposed to talk at all. 幸亏是冥想活动 上帝都在帮我们 It"s a silent retreat, God help us. 咖啡馆还好吗 你 How"s everything at the cafe? You... -你真的不用勉强找话题 -谢谢你 - You really don"t have to. - Thank you. 你好 Hi. -你好 -早上好 - Hi. - Good morning. 你好 你好 Hello, hello. 来人呀 Come on. 他们说不定觉得我们是情侣呢 They"re probably going to think we"re a couple. 你的想法都无可救药了 The fact that your mind even goes there is beyond disturbing. 嘿 我们会成为很可爱的一对的 Hey! We"d make a really cute couple. 荡♥妇♥ "Sluts!" 有事吗 Yes? 今天我会死在这儿的 我们都会被奸♥杀♥的 I"m going to die here. We"re going to be raped and die. 每一片云 Every cloud... 哦 把门打开啊 难道永远都不能 Oh, just open the fucking door. It"s been fucking forev... 欢迎 Welcome. -非常感谢 -你好 - Thank you so much. - Hi. Yeah. 这里真不错 It"s really wonderful. -地板真好看 -非凡的精气神 - Really beautiful grounds. - Extraordinary energy, yeah. 有人请你们两位来我们这里做冥想 你们俩真幸运 I see you"ve been gifted this retreat. How lucky you both are. 我希望这个周末之后 你们会感到灵魂得以安放 精神受到鼓舞 I hope after this weekend, you will feel rested, inspired. -你们这里有无线网吗 -没有 - Do you have Wi-Fi? - No. 呃 你们是要两张单人床还是一张双人床 Erm, would you like two single beds or a double? -两个单人床 -一个双人床谢谢 - Two singles. - A double, please. -事实上 你有没有分开来的房♥间 -恐怕没有 - Actually, do you have a separate room? - I"m afraid not. 在这里每个人都要和别人同住 这是共同生活的一部分 Everyone has to share here. It"s part of the communal... 那就单人床吧 你们早上有报纸吗 Singles, then. Do you get newspapers in the morning? 不 我们试着在你们住宿期间 No, we try to keep the outside world on the outside 将外界信息隔绝在外 during your stay here. 我承诺 你们最终会感激这点的 You"ll appreciate it in the end, I promise. -好 这是你们的钥匙 -谢谢 - So, here is your key. - Thank you. -祝你们度过一个放松的周末 -你也是 - You have a restful weekend. - You too. -哇哦 没有报纸 -你又不读报 - Wow, no papers. - You don"t read the news. -不 我读 -昨天发生了什么事 - Yes, I do! - What happened yesterday? 黏糊糊的旧白牛仔裤和一只小狗卡在了风扇里 Sting wore white jeans and a puppy got stuck in a fan. 真是个大日子 Big day. -那个是干什么的 -涂我的脖子和胸 - What"s that for? - My neck and chest. -那个是干什么的 -涂我的腿和膝盖 - What"s that for? - My legs and knees. -那个是干什么的 -涂我的发尾 - What"s that for? - Ends of my hair. -那是干什么的 -涂我的眼袋 - What"s that? - For my under-eyes. -那是干什么的 -涂我的脸和全身 - What"s that? - That is for my face and body. 如果有个人把这些都偷走了 你会怎么办 What would you do if someone stole all of those? 我会自杀 I"d kill myself. 为什么这里没有插座 Why are there no plug sockets in here? 别碰我的东西 Don"t touch my stuff. -这些是干什么的 -没什么 - What are these for? - Nothing. -嗯 -怎么了 - Mm-hm. - What? 没什么 只是 Well, it"s just... 你为什么要带这么小的电池 Why would you bring such tiny batteries? 我只是准备得充分而已 I"m just prepared. 只是我曾经 Just I"ve only ever... -看见遥控器里用过 -对 - seen them used for remote controls. - Yes. -或者闹钟里 -对 - Or alarm clocks. - Yes, all right. -或者震动棒 -对 就是这个 - And vibrators. - Yes! All right! 你根本不用申请分开的房♥间 You didn"t have to ask for a separate room! 什么 What? 如果你想自♥慰♥ 我可以给你空间的 If you want to have a wank, I can give you some space. 哦 我的天哪 Oh, my God! 不是的 如果你需要花十分钟 No, if you want to take ten minutes, 我会去浴室给我的手腕擦点霜 I"ll go into the bathroom and moisturise my wrists for a bit. -你真幼稚 -我还没完呢 - You are so immature! - Oh, give it a minute. 哦 天哪 严肃点 Oh, God. Seriously! 你脑子有什么问题 - What is wrong with your insides? 你为什么要带这些小电池 - Why did you bring the tiny batteries? 你这个天才 You"re a genius. 总能发现备用品在哪里 Always know where the reserves are. 放下你的过去 Let go of your past. -说到点子上了 -现在是时候放下了 - Bit on the nose. - Now is the time to let it go. 开放你的感官 闭上嘴 享受现在 Open up your senses, close your mouth and live now. 欢迎来到只对女性开放的寂静之息冥想活动 Welcome to the female-only Breath Of Silence retreat. 女性们应该沉默 Women don"t speak. 呃 对不起 我觉得我应该在 Erm, sorry. I think I"m meant to be at... -“可恨的荡♥妇♥” -那个活动 - "Fucking sluts!" - ...that one. 可惜了 Shame. 是的 现在最重要的问题是你们为什么在这里 Yes, the first major consideration is why are you here? 现场谁能回答这个问题 Can anyone here answer that question? 我想隔绝外面的噪音 重新回到我的内心 I want to shut the noise out and reconnect to my inner thoughts 去获取更多关于自身的感觉 on the road to feeling more at one with myself. 不错的态度 Excellent attitude. 那么 你来对了地方 Well, you"re in the right place. 这个周末有关于专注内心 And this weekend is about being mindful. 关于将你的声音留在头脑里 It"s about leaving your voice in your head... 将你的想法困在头颅中 ...and trapping your thoughts in your skull. 想象你的大脑中有一个思维监狱 Think of it as a thought prison in your mind. 首先 我们将会教你如何呼吸 Firstly, we"re going to teach you how to breathe. 接着我们会有一次短暂的冥想 Then we will have a short meditation, 然后我们会在参加枯燥任务的过程中寻找到我们心灵的庇护所 then we will find our sanctuary in the partaking of menial tasks, 这一切都在绝对的寂静中 all in perfect silence. 原则性的规定就是不要讲话 Principal rules are no talking. 如果你想和我们其中一位监管员交流 If you need to communicate with any of our other superiors, 你可以写在那个黑板上 you can write on that board. 在任何你想交流的情况下 Under no other circumstances must you communicate, 甚至是想互相交流的时候 even with each other. -如果是紧急情况呢 -感谢你们今天到场 - What about an emergency? - Thank you all for coming here today. 不管发生了什么 一点声音都不能发出 No matter what happens, a word must not be heard. 嘘 Shh! “荡♥妇♥” "Slut!" “荡♥妇♥” "Slut!" “贱♥人♥” "Bitch!" “贱♥人♥ 贱♥人♥” "Bitch, bitch!" 可恨的贱♥人♥ 你就是一坨屎 Fucking bitch! You fucking piece of shit. 过来 过来 到我这儿来 Back here! Back here, back to me. Back to me. 好的 现在 不管那些怨言是因为什么 是因为你的教养也好 All right, now, wherever it"s come from... your upbringing, 或是因为你和女人的经历也罢 现在是时候改变一下了 your experiences with women, now is the time to turn that around. 重装你的思想 To reprogram your mind, 你的身体 你的嘴 your body and your mouth. 成为一个更好的男人 To be the better... man. 好吗 All right? 那么 这位是帕特希亚 So, this... is Patricia. 好吗 她是个朋友 Yeah? She"s a friend. 现在 帕特希亚刚刚在工作中获得升职 Now, Patricia has just earned a promotion at work, 打败了其他六位候选者 beating over six other candidates. 她是获得这个这个职位最年轻的人 She"s the youngest person to ever achieve this role. 我们在遇见她的时候不能说什么 What should we not say when we meet her? -聪明的小不点 -好极了 - Clever little munchkin? - Excellent. -你为谁口♥交♥才得到的这个职位 -好 - Who did you blow to get that job? - OK. -荡♥妇♥ 你这个可恶的蠢荡♥妇♥ -好的 - Slut, you fucking stupid slut. - OK. 好的 Ok. 我们应当对她说什么呢 What should we say to her? 嗯 Hmm? -做的不错 帕特希亚 -非常好 - Well done, Patricia. - Very good. “做的不错 帕特希亚” "Well done, Patricia." 请离开 Please leave. -变♥态♥ -荡♥妇♥ - Perv. - Slut. 哇哦 Wow! 做的不错 帕特希亚 Well done, Patricia. 荡♥妇♥ Slut! 伙计们 没事 Guys, it"s OK. 凯斯 来 Keith, come. 我的天哪 对不起女士 你不能来这里 Oh, my God. Excuse me, miss, you can"t be here. -好的 -你真的不能到这里来 - OK. - You really can"t be here. 这会让他们感觉不好的 求你了 It"s a feel-no-good. Please. 现在 举起你们的手 And now, hands up. 掌心相对 Mirror your palms. 看着对方的眼睛 Look each other in the eye, and... 然后触碰 ...touch. 绝对是她最可怕的噩梦 Literally her worst nightmare. 噁 Eugh! 你还好吗 Are you all right? -和我说说 -没什么 - Talk to me. - It"s nothing. 天哪 God. 我感觉不到我的脚了 I can"t feel my feet. 你还记得我们曾经玩“从头到脚”吗 Do you remember we used to go top-to-toe? 现在的孩子都很怪 Now kids are so weird. -我们以前总是玩那个游戏 - We used to do that all the time. -对呀 我们那时才十岁 也很可爱 - Yeah, when we were ten and cute. -现在我们三十岁了 而且愤世嫉俗 -我不是在说我们 - Now we"re 30 and angry. - I"m not suggesting that we... 就是别说了 行吗 Just don"t, OK? 别偷我的东西了 Stop stealing my things! 我只是试试它好不好使 I"m just checking it"s working. 哦 它绝对好使 Oh, it"s working, it"s definitely working. 嘘 "Shh!" 玩的开心 Have fun. 这真是个十分体贴的礼物 谢谢你 It"s actually a really thoughtful present. Thank you. 马丁给我了那个小雕塑 And Martin getting me that sculpture. 他为了买♥♥到这个东西肯定花了不少心血 He must have bent over backwards to get something like that. 我觉得自己好幸运 I feel very lucky. 我跟你说啊 I have to tell you something. 什么 What? 那个雕像是我从别人的工作室顺手拿的 I stole that sculpture from a certain somebody"s studio 然后想通过马丁找个买♥♥主 and then I tried to sell it through Martin, 不过马丁把雕像留下了 还送给了你 but Martin took it and gave it to you. 这事你可别当着老爸 Just don"t put it pride of place when Dad... 呃 当着他们的面说 well, when they come over. -好吗 因为 -好 - OK? Because... - Right. 克莱尔 Claire! -克莱尔 -嘘 快睡吧 - Claire! - Shh. Go to sleep. 该死 Shit. -我们越快适应 -啊 - The sooner we get on... - Ah. 我们越快适应 就能越快离开这里 The sooner we get on with it, the sooner we are out of here. -这外套真好看 -谢啦 - That"s a really nice outfit. - Thanks. 深入挖掘你的回忆 Delve into your past. 想想你无法释怀的东西 Think of something you can"t let go of. 一段噪音 A moment of noise. 一个紧张时刻 A moment of tension. -不要 -现在 - Not for now. - Now... 想想你觉得内心平静的时刻 ...A moment when you were peaceful. 要是你能随心所欲 If you could change 改变世上的任何东西 你想改变什么 anything in the whole world, what would it be? 我的大腿 My thighs. 整个世界你就想改变这个 In the whole world? 可别跟别人说 那你呢 Don"t tell anyone I said that. You? 我一直对自己的颜值挺不满的 I"ve always been insecure about my face. -你明明知道 -我知道 - You know that. - I know. -你不用不满啊 -谢了 不过 - You shouldn"t. - Thank you, but... 不啊 真的 你的鼻子一点问题都没有 No, seriously, there"s nothing wrong with your nose. -我的意思是 你的脸 -你再说一遍 - I mean, there"s nothing wrong... - Say that again? -我的意思是 你的脸 -你说什么 - I mean, there"s nothing wrong... - What? 不知道 I don"t know. -啊 -哦天 - Ah! - Oh, my God. 我总说错话 I always say the wrong thing! 啊 啊 Ah! Agh! 好烫 Hot. 这是干嘛 我在自己家都不干这些活的 What is this? I don"t even do this in my own home. 道理很简单 Well, it"s very simple. 我们是花钱给人家做扫除 还不能出声 We"ve paid them to let us clean their house in silence. 老天 Jesus. 我不想像老师一样批评你们 I don"t want to come down on you like a schoolteacher, 但是你们明目张胆违反这里的规则 but I"m afraid your flagrant lack of respect for the one rule 恐怕已经影响到其他学生了 that we have here is now affecting the other students. -顾客 -你是说囚犯吗 - Clients. - Inmates? -或者说是清洁工吧 -参与者 - Cleaners? - Participants! 你们对这个活动有什么不满吗 Do you have a problem with the programme? 我建议你们在这里静♥坐♥一小时 I suggest you try sitting here in silence for the next hour. 对你们有好处的 It will benefit you. 我以灵魂发誓 肯定有好处 I swear by my soul, it will. 我翻你的包来着 I went through your bag. 什么 What? 我什么也没找到 所以你得 I couldn"t find anything, so you"re just going to have 亲自告诉我你到底怎么了 to tell me what"s going on with you. 说话 不然我就喊啦 Talk! Or I will scream. 我获得了升职到芬兰的机会 I got the Finland promotion. 什么升职到芬兰 What Finland promotion? 你怎么还问 我都跟你说过了 How can you ask that? I"ve told you about it! 我知道 挺好的呀 I know the Finland promotion, that"s amazing. 谢谢 Thank you. 这是不是就意味着你现在是土豪啦 抱大腿 Does that mean you"re a millionaire now? Handy. 别傻了 Don"t be ridiculous. 是啊 会是 Yes, it would. 所以你有钱还不开心吗 All that money makes you cry? 我准备拒绝掉 I"m turning it down. 什么 What? 为什么 因为马丁呗 Why? Martin? 马丁说这样对杰克不公平 Martin says it would be unfair on Jake. 杰克是她的继子 他真是个怪胎 Jake"s her stepson, he"s really weird, 从症状来看是这样 但是没人这么说 probably clinically, but no-one really talks about that. 要是她有超过一天不在身边 他就吓尿了 He freaks out if she"s gone for longer than a day 他甚至想跟她一起洗澡 and he"s got this thing about trying to get in the bath with her. 不 不 不 杰克 不行 No, no. No, Jake. No! 他都十五岁了 He"s 15. -他又不是你儿子 -重点不在这 - He"s not your son. - That"s not the point. -去吧 -我就知道你会这么说 - Go! - I knew you"d say that. -你不是一直想要这个机会吗 -我知道 - This is what you"ve always wanted. - I know. -再也不用穿职业装 还到处都是雪 -我知道 - No more power suits, fuckload of snow. - I know. 那地方很适合你这种冷血动物啊 Perfect place for your cold, cold heart. 我知道 但我做不到 I know, I can"t! -我有我的责任 -噢 别闹了 - I have responsibilities. - Oh, come on. 别让别人妨碍你追求理想 Don"t let other people get in the way of what you really want. 芬兰就是你的理想 Finland is what you really want. 我丈夫可不是什么“别人” 好吗 My husband isn"t "Other people", OK? 我丈夫就是我的生活支柱 My husband is my life. 你丈夫在你生日那天还想亲我来着 Your husband tried to kiss me on your birthday. 真的吗 Did he? 真的吗 Did ? 荡♥妇♥ "Sluts!" 荡♥妇♥ "Sluts!" 荡♥妇♥ Slut! -荡♥妇♥ -不错 不错 - Slut! - Lovely, lovely. 好了吗 Ok? 站起来 我们要说“对不起 帕特希亚” Up on your feet. We"re going to say, "Sorry, Patricia." 对不起 帕特希亚 Sorry, Patricia. 很好 给自己鼓鼓掌吧 Lovely, give yourselves a round of applause. 好了 各位 做得很好 All right, guys. Well done. 我们要以崭新的面貌回到屋里 好吗 We are going to head back to that house better men, yeah? 很好 不错 很棒 Well done, good work. Great stuff. -对 崭新的面貌 -很好 - Yeah, a new man. - Well done. 继续 Go on. 你可以的 You can do it. 加油 You"re ready. 嗯 我觉得我认出你了 Yeah, I... thought I recognised you. 好吧 Fair enough. 这样就好 Probably for the best. 所以 你的生意 So, is your business... 还好吗 ...surviving? 对不起 I"m sorry. 对不起 I"m sorry. 噢 我不想抽了 No, I don"t want that. 噢 我不想抽了 No, I don"t want that. 所以 你是在 So, you"re doing the whole... 沉默训练营之类的 silent escape thing. 看来是的 Indeed. 还好吗 Going well? 我摸了一个同事的胸 I touched a colleague"s breast. 不止一次 More than once. 在派对上 我 At a party, I... 他们让我去参加训练营 They asked me to go on a workshop to... 我就是个非常 I"m just a very... 令人失望的人 ...disappointing man. 不了 谢了 我正在戒呢 No, thanks, I"m trying to quit. 另一方面 那些人 Those, on the other hand. 他们一直问我“你想从训练营得到什么” They keep asking me, "What do you want from this workshop? “你想要什么” "What do you want?" 我才不会告诉他们我想要什么 I"m not telling them what I want. 我想回家 I want to move back home. 我想抱老婆 I want to hug my wife. 保护孩子 保护女儿 Protect my children, protect my daughter. 我想重新开始 I want to move on. 我想道歉 I want to apologise. 跟所有人道歉 To everyone. 想去电影院 Want to go to the theatre. 我想把干净的杯子从洗碗机里拿出来 I want to take clean cups out of the dishwasher 放到我家的壁橱里 and put them in the cupboard at home... 第二天早上 我想看着我老婆用这些杯子喝水 ...and the next morning, I want to watch my wife drink from them. 我想让她开心 And I want to make her feel good. 我想让她再次达到高♥潮♥ I want to make her orgasm again. 一遍又一遍 And again. 真的 Truly. 我只是想哭 I just want to cry. 一直都是 All the time. 克莱尔 Claire? 你们看见我姐姐没有 Have you seen my sister? 我回家了



     -克莱尔 你好 我是小波 "Hi, this is Boo. 现在无法接电♥话♥ "I can"t come to the phone right now, 请留言 "but please leave me a messiagio, 稍后我会打给你 "and I"ll get back to you." 要是有人把电♥话♥线拔了就好了 Someone should probably disconnect that. 伦敦生活

    推荐访问:伦敦 第一季 剧本

    • 读/观后感
    • 精美散文
    • 读书笔记
    • 演讲
    • 反思
    • 方案
    • 心得体会