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    时间:2021-09-21 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    新路径英语六年级上期期末测试 班级:______ 姓名:______ 得分:_____ 听力部分(50分) 一、听单词,选择你所听到的单词。(10分) ( )1、A、boat B、coat C、goat ( )2、A、classroom B、classmate C、class ( )3、A、bathroom B、bedroom C、living room ( )4、A、teaching building B、teathers’ office C、Teachers’ Day ( )5、A、fairy B、angel C、witch ( )6、A、lantern B、pumpkin C、fireworks ( )7、A、meal B、tea C、meat ( )8、A、drink B、eat C、use ( )9、A、lettuce B、cabbage C、sweet potato ( )10、A、computer room B、music room C、art room 二、听句子,为下面的句子排序。(10分) ( )Put a candle in it. ( )Cut the holes for the eyes, nose and mouth..( )Top a tangerine.( )Make two small holes.Tie string to the tangerine.( )Take out the middle.三、听句子,判断正误,正确的“T”错误的写“F”。(10分) ( )1、This is a pumpkin.( )2、The potato is not big.( )3、He is cleaning the blackboard.( )4、May I play the piano? ( )5、Who’s this? 四、听句子,选择你听到句子的汉语意思。(10分) ( )1、A、他正在洗杯子。B、他正在洗餐具。

    ( )2、A、那是一个杰克灯。B、那不是一个杰克灯。

    ( )3、A、他们是谁?B、他们是什么? ( )4、A、厕所在第一楼。B、厕所在第三楼。

    ( )5、A、客厅在饭厅的对面。B、客厅在饭厅的旁边。

    五、听句子,选择正确的答语。(10分) ( )1、A、Water ,please. B、Bread, please.( )2、A、Tingting is playing the piano.B、He is playing the piano.( )3、A、Yes, it is. B、Yes, they are.( )4、A、Merry Christmas! B、Happy New Year! ( )5、A、I’m in Class 1,Grade 6. B、I’m in class 1, grade 6.笔试部分(50分) 六、选出下列单词画线部分读音不同的一项。(5分) ( )1、A、knee B、knife C 、kite ( )2、A、yellow B、coat C、paw ( )3、A、class B、game C、name ( )4、A、floor B、room C、fork ( )5、A、count B、mouse C、would 七、选择题。(10分) ( )1、What ____ he doing? A、is B、are C、am ( )2、Who are they? A、They are bats. B、They are ghosts. C、These are ghosts.( )3、How are you? A、I’m fine. B、I’m nine. C、I’m Tingting.( )4、What are you doing?__________ A、They are practicing English. B、I’m practicing English.C、I’m practiceing English.( )5、The toilet is ____ the third floor.A、in B、on C、at ( )6 、What would you like____ drink? A、to B、on C、for ( )7 、May I___________? A、haveing a look B、having a look C、have a look ( )8 、Sit down, please._________ A、Thank you. B、Stand up. C、Yes, of course. ( )9 、Those are potatoes.____ potatoes____ big.A、Those , is B、Those ,are C、The ,are ( )10 、_____ a pretty Christmas card! A、How B、What C、what 八、找出下列句子中的错误,并改正。(10分) ( )1、It’s very hot in nanjing in July.________ A B C ( )2、I’m runing on the playground.________ A B C ( )3、Where is he doing? He is reading in the study._______ A B C ( )4、What would you like drink?_______ A B C ( )5、Lele is on Class1,Grade 6._______ A B C 九、看一看,连一连。(5分) 1、Let me show you around. A、They are roses.2、What would you like to drink? B、Thank you.3、Please sweep the floor. C、No problem.4、What are these? D、It’s on September 1st.5、When is your birthday? E、Milk,please. 十、连词成句。(10分) 1、do flowers you send usually what (?) 2、is study the bedroom the opposite (?) 3、tell please something me Mid-autumn Festival about (.) 4、class are in what you (?) 5、our third teachers’ office is on the floor (.) 十一、阅读并回答问题。(10分) Tomorrow is Wednesday.It’s New Year’s Day.Look at Sam’s classmates.Everyone is busy this morning.Sam’s good friend Peter is cleaning the blackboard.Sam’s sister, Mary is sweeping the floor.Mr.Black is Sam’s English teacher.He is cleaning the windows.And three boys are helping him.Five girls are setting the desks and chairs.( )1、Today is ________ .A、Wednesday B、Thursday C、Tuesday ( )2、Everyone in Sam’s class is _______ .A、busy B、free C、sad ( )3、Mr.Black is Sam’s________ teacher.A、PE B、English C、art ( )4、_________ is sweeping the floor.A、Peter B、Sam C、Mary ( )5、_________ boys are helping Mr.Black clean the windows.A、Three B、Five C、Six 部编版三年级语文(上)期末精选卷 姓名 班级___________ 座位号 ………………………装…………订…………线…………内…………不…………要…………答…………题……………………… (四) (时间:90分钟 满分:100分) 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分 得分 一、读拼音,写词语。(8分) chì bǎng yǎn zòu nǎo dai shì xiàn shuǐ ní chí dào yáo huàng cōng míng 二、我能给加点的字选择正确读音,用“√”标出。(6分) 钥匙(shi chì) 喇叭(lǎ cì) 海滨(bīn bīng) 钓鱼(diào gōu) 凑近(còu chòu) 战斗(dǒu dòu) 三、比一比,再组词。你一定行!(4分) 搭( ) 泡( ) 洁( ) 猜( ) 答( ) 跑( ) 结( ) 清( ) 四、仿照例子写词语。(6分) 风尘仆仆(ABCC式) 飘飘摇摇(AABB式) 又松又软(ABAC式) 五、选词填空。(4分) 继续 连续 陆续 持续 观众们( )走进体育馆观看乒乓球比赛。在男子单打比赛决定胜负的最后一分钟,两个运动员( )打了十几个回合才见分晓。接着,( )进行女子双打比赛。运动员们高超精湛的球技,博得观众一片喝彩,掌声( )了整整一分钟。

    六、按要求写句子。(8分) 1.可怜的红头和草一起被大黄牛卷到嘴里了。(改为“把”字句。) 2.树叶落下来。(把句子写具体,至少要扩两个地方) 3.难道科学家的实验没有获得成功吗?(改变句子的说法,但意思不变。) 4.我们全校师生和王老师都参加了这次运动会。(修改病句) 七、选择正确的关联词填在括号里。(4分) 不但……而且…… 因为……所以…… 虽然……但是…… 如果……就…… 1.( )海底高低不平,海水有深有浅,( )色彩就不同了。

    2.王小明( )学习成绩不错,( )同学们都不喜欢他。

    3.( )我好好学习,( )能考出优异的成绩。

    4.一个好老师( )要有渊博的知识,( )还要有一颗热爱孩子的心。

    八、按要求填写。(8分) 1.小兴安岭一年四季景色诱人,是一座 ,也是一座 。


    , 。这首诗的作者是 朝的诗人 。

    3.《夜书所见》的作者是宋朝诗人 ,从诗句“ ”可以看出是“夜”书。

    九、阅读理解。(22分) (一)阅读《掌声》选段,回答问题。(9分) 英子犹豫了一会儿,慢吞吞地站了起来,眼圈红红的。在全班同学的注视下,她终于一摇一晃地走上了讲台。就在英子刚刚站定的那一刻,教室里骤然间响起了掌声,那掌声热烈而持久。在掌声里,我们看到,英子的泪水流了下来。掌声渐渐平息,英子也镇定了情绪,开始讲述自己的一个小故事。她的普通话说得很好,声音也十分动听。故事讲完了,教室里又响起了热烈的掌声。英子向大家深深地鞠了一躬,然后,在掌声里一摇一晃地走下了讲台。

    1.“鞠”用音序查字法应查音序( ),用部首查字法应先查( ),再查( )画。(3分) 2.短文中讲了教室里共响起两次掌声。从两次的掌声中,我体会到:第一次掌声是同学们对英子的 ,第二次掌声是同学们对英子的 。(2分) 3.文中最让“我”感动的句子是 “我”感动的原因是 (4分) (二)阅读短文,回答问题。(13分) 一只(zhī zhǐ)蚂蚁偶然爬上了一幅地图。一位男孩看见了,惊喜地欢呼:“哈!小蚂蚁登上了珠穆朗玛峰!”“哟!小蚂蚁越过太平洋啦!”            小蚂蚁听了很(满意 得意),心想:“啊!地球上最高的山和最大的洋都被我(征服 打败)了,我多伟大!得(dé děi)赶快回去,向伙伴们(荣耀 炫耀) 一番!”于是,他调(tiáo diào)头向大树下的巢里爬去。

          不想,归途中他不知被什么挡住了去路,好不容易爬到一半,一阵风又吹得他腾空而起,飘荡在一片汪洋之中。幸好,又被那位男孩看见了,那孩子一面伸过一根枯枝,带他脱险,一面叹息道:“唉,真可怜,连这么个小土堆和小水洼都过不去!”小蚂蚁一面喘气,一面疑惑不解:“什么?连小土堆和小水洼都过不去?我不是战胜过最高的山和最大的洋么?”       面对赞颂,需要的不是陶醉,而是深思:自己是否名副其实? 1.给带点的多音字选择正确的读音,打“√”。(3分) 2.读第2自然段,在括号里选择恰当的词语,打“√”。(3分) 3.按照短文内容填空。(5分) 小蚂蚁以为自己登上了 ,越过了 ,结果自己连 和 都过不去,这个故事告诉我们 。

    4.给文章加个题目,写在文前的横线上。(2分) 十、习作。(30分) 在童话世界里,花草树木会跳舞,鸡鸭鹅会唱歌,甚至砖块石头都会吵架,真是有趣极了!请你选择两样或两样以上我们身边熟悉的东西作为主人公,编一个童话故事。


    2.语句通顺,将内容写具 体,字数在250字左右;


    [来源:Zxxk.Com] 100 [来源:学科网ZXXK] 200 [来源:学科网] 300 参考答案 一、翅膀 演奏 脑袋 视线 水泥 迟到 摇晃 聪明 二、shi lǎ bīn diào còu dòu 三、搭船 回答 气泡 跑步 洁白 结果 猜测 清水 四、示例:文质彬彬 小心翼翼 世世代代 郁郁葱葱 又白又嫩 又香又脆 五、陆续 连续 继续 持续 六、1.大黄牛把可怜的红头和草一起卷到嘴里了。




    七、1.因为……所以…… 2.虽然……但是…… 3.如果……就…… 4.不但……而且…… 八、1.美丽的大花园 巨大的宝库 2.两岸青山相对出 孤帆一片日边来 唐 李白 3.叶绍翁 夜深篱落一灯明 九、(一)1.J 革 八 2.鼓励 肯定和赞赏 3.英子犹豫了一会儿,慢吞吞地站了起来,眼圈红红的。在全班同学的注视下,她终于一摇一晃地走上了讲台。


    (二)1.zhī děi diào 2.得意 征服 炫耀 3.珠穆朗玛峰 太平洋 小土堆 小水洼 面对赞颂,需要的不是陶醉,而是深思:自己是否名副其实 4.示例:一只蚂蚁



    Leon 1 I’m New Here

    Teaching aims:

    1.Students can say the words: draw a picture, read a book, play the piano, clean the blackboard, clean the claroom, wait for a clamate.2.Students can read the text. 3.Students can listen and number.Teaching contents: 1.Words: draw a picture, read a book, play the piano, clean the blackboard, clean the claroom, wait for a clamate.2.Students can work in pairs.3.Students can listen and practice.Importance and difficulties: 1.The pronunciation of the words. 2.Listen and practise the new words.3.Everybody can learn to introduce himself/herself and his/her friend.Teaching aids:

    Pictures, tape, recorder, cards. Teaching proce: 2 periods Period 1 Teaching aims:

    1.Students can read the new words.2.Students can work in pairs.3.Students can listen and number them. Teaching contents: 1.Magic box: draw a picture, read a book, play the piano, clean the blackboard, clean the claroom, wait for a clamate.2.Work in pairs.3.Listen and number.Importance and difficulties: 1.The pronunciation of the words.2.Let‟s talk about the dialogue.Teaching aids:

    Pictures, tape, recorder Teaching proce: Step 1.Greetings: The teacher and students greet each other. T: Hello, boys and girls! Ss: Hello, Mi Yang! T: Nice to see you again! Ss: Nice to see you, too! Step 2.Work in pairs.The teacher asks: How‟s the weather today? S1: It‟s warm.T: Look at the pictures.Ss look at them and read together:wash my face, ride a bike, do housework, dig a hole and so on.Then ask students: What are you doing? Ss: I‟m planting trees.We are playing badminton.Then students ask and answer into pairs. Step 3.Listen and practise The teacher shows pictures.Ss look at them and follow the teacher: draw a picture, read a book, play the piano, clean the blackboard, clean the claroom, wait for a clamate.Then ask students to read the words.

    The teacher points to a picture: What is he doing? S1: He is reading a book.Then points to another picture: What is she doing? S2: She is drawing a picture.Then ask students to practice the sentences into pairs.Step 4.Listen and number The teacher plays the tape.Students listen to the tape and number them.⑴ What cla are you in? I‟m in Cla 7, Grade 6.⑵ What are you doing? I‟m waiting for my teacher.⑶ What cla are you in? I‟m in Cla 1, Grade 2.⑷ What is he doing? He is cleaning the claroom. Step 5.Play a game Students look at the two circles.Ask them to act as Betty or Simon.The partner choose the other.T: Tick three pictures in your balloon.Ask your partner‟s questions.For example: What are you doing? I‟m flying a kite. Step 6.Homework 1) Read the words and recite them.2) Listen to the text and read it. Summary: Period 2 Teaching aims:

    1.Students can talk about the text.2.Students can act as the roles in the text.3.Students can read and tick the words.Teaching contents: 1.Magic box: draw a picture, read a book, play the piano, clean the blackboard, clean the claroom, wait for a clamate.2.Look, read and tick the words.3.Read and write.Importance and difficulties: 1.The pronunciation of the words.2.Students can understand the meaning of “ first name” and “ family name”.Teaching aids:

    Pictures, tape, recorder Teaching proce: Step 1.Greetings: The teacher comes to the cla, and say “Hello” to the students. T: Hello, boys and girls! Ss: Hello! Mi Yang! Then the students sing the song together. Step 2.Revision: The teacher shows pictures, students look at them and read them.We can review the words phrases.Then pratice them into groups.At last ask students to make sentences like this: I‟m doing housework.We‟re cleaning the claroom. Step 3.Let‟s talk:

    Students look at page 2 and listen to the tape.Then students read after the teacher.T shows questions: 1) What‟s the name of the new student? 2) Who is talking to him? 3) What cla is WangTing in? Students answer them one by one.Ask students to act as the dialogue.Then listen to the tape again and choose the correct answers.Step 4.Look, read and tick the word that matches the picture.Students look at the picture and choose right word.Then read words.Fill in the blanks with the paired words in the box.1) Birds fly in the sky.2) My sister is very shy.3) Try not to cry.4) Some pies fell on my tie. Step 5 Read and write Look at the pictures and read the story.Students can understand the meaning of “ first name” and “ family name”.Then answer the question: What is the boy‟s first name and family name? The boy‟s first name is Sam, and his family name is Smith.At last students can write an article about himself. Step 6.Homework 1.Recite the text.2.Finish an article about yourself.Summary:

    Leon 2 What a Nice School Teaching aims: 1.Students can say the words:teaching building,art room,music room,computer room,teachers‟ romm, library,toilet,playground.2.Students can read the text. 3.Students can listen and number.4.Listen and sing.Teaching contents: 1.Words: teaching building,art room,music room,computer room,teachers‟ room, library,toilet,playground.2.Students can work in pairs.3.Students can listen and practice.4.Students can say the sentence:Where is the …? It‟s ….5.5.Listen and sing.Importance and difficulties: 1.The pronunciation of the words. 2.Listen and practise the new words.3.Everybody can learn to introduce school and other things.Teaching aids:

    Pictures, tape, recorder, cards. Teaching proce: 2 periods Period 1 Teaching aims:

    1.Students can read the new words.2.Students can work in pairs.3.Complete the sentences. Teaching contents: 1.Magic box:.:teaching building,art room,music room,computer room,teachers‟ room, library,toilet,playground.2.Work in pairs.3.Complete the sentences.Importance and difficulties: 1.The pronunciation of the words.2.Let‟s talk about the dialogue.Teaching aids:

    Pictures, tape, recorder Teaching proce: Step 1.Greetings: The teacher and students greet each other. T: Hello, boys and girls! Ss: Hello, Mi Zhang! T: Nice to see you again! Ss: Nice to see you, too! Step 2.Review ordinal numbers .The teacher draw a teaching building and write down some numbers.(让学生认读是第几层)

    Step 3.Listen and practise (老师把每层楼写上各楼层的用途进行新词教学,如:art room,music room,computer room,teachers‟ romm, library,toilet,playground and so on.

    The teacher shows pictures.Ss look at them and follow the teacher: teaching building,art room,music room,computer room,teachers‟ room, library,toilet,playground.Then ask students to read the words.

    The teacher points to a picture: Where is the art room? S1: It‟s on the fifth floor.Then points to another picture: Where is the art room? S2: It‟s on the fourth floor.Then ask students to practice the sentences into pairs.Step 4.Complete the sentences: Look at right picture and fill in the blank.(P7) Step 5.Listen and sing.First:Listen the song:The Children on a Bus.Second:Read the words of song.Third:Sing after the tape.Fourth:Match and sing.Step 6.Homework 1) Read the words and recite them.2) Listen to the text and read it. Summary:

    Period 2 Teaching aims:

    1.Students can talk about the text.2.Students can act as the roles in the text.3.Students can read and recite the words.Teaching contents: 1.Let‟s talk.

    2.Look, read and say the words.3.Read and write.Importance and difficulties: 1.The correct use of prepositions.2.Letter‟s pronunciation:-oa-,-oe,-ow,o. 3, Teaching aids: Pictures, tape, recorder Teaching proce: Step 1.Greetings: The teacher comes to the cla, and say “Hello” to the students. T: Hello, boys and girls! Ss: Hello! Mi Zhang! Then the students sing the song together. Step 2.Revision: The teacher shows pictures, students look at them and read them.We can review the words phrases.Then pratice them into groups.At last ask students to make sentences like this: Where is the art room? It‟s on the fifth floor. Step 3.Let‟s talk:

    (1)Students look at page 6 and listen to the tape.Then students read after the teacher.T shows questions: 1) What are the boy and the girl talking about?

    2) Where are they now? 3) Who is the new pupil? 4)What is the girl? Students answer them one by one.Ask students to act as the dialogue.Then listen to the tape again and choose the correct answers.(2)Act the text.Step 4.Words‟s pronunciation.-oa/əu/ oe/əu/ ow /əu/ o/əu/ boat doe row go coat hoe snow no goat toe yellow yoyo

    Students look at the picture and say the Chinese means. Step 5 Read ,write and say.Look at the pictures and read the story.Students can fill in the black.Then answer the question: 1)What is the title of the text? 2) Draw a picture of your school and then introduce it briefly.Step 6.Homework 1.Recite the text.2.Introduce your school for your friend.Summary:

    Leon 3 Happy Teacher’s Day

    教学内容:花类单词flowers,sunflowers,carnations,lilies,roses。 教学目标:


    2、基本了解I like……句型。

    3、了解教师节的相关情况,进上步培养学生尊师的美德。 教学重点、难点:


    2、能应用喜欢某物的表达法“I like……”


    教具准备:鲜花类单词卡片,ppt课件。 教学过程:




    3、并听、唱歌曲《Happy Teacher‟s Day》




    A、出示图片,提问:What are these?引导出flowers.B、教师教读。 C、分组别练读。

    D、老师再次教读,并带“上I like …… ”句型。 E、让学生也跟着练习句型。

    F、学会后,老师再提问:Do you like flowers? 引导学生用Yes 或 No 回答。

    2、教学sunflowers carnations lilies roses 用同样方法。



    2、完成ppt 上面听力练习。


    1、复习I like ……句型,可用以前学过的单词。

    2、提问:What flowers do you like ? 让学生回答。




    2、了解I like ……句型。


    Leon 4 Paying a visit

    第一课时 教案设计


    1、词汇:掌握房间类单词living room, dining room, study, kitchen, bathroom以及动词短语take a bath

    2、掌握方位介词回答的句型:Where is your kitchen?

    It‟s beside/opposite/in front of the dining room.教学重、难点:


    2、句型It‟s opposite/beside… 教学准备: PPT,A4画图纸,拼图字谜




    1、纪律整顿,集中注意:(口令)One,two ,three,

    sit up straight!

    2、问候:good afternoon,cla!/ How are you?并个别问候。

    二、复习方位介词:on, in, under, behind, between, in front of , next to,beside, opposite




    4、抽学生上台根据老师指令站位,如:XX is opposite xxx,两名学生迅速面对面站好。


    1、词汇:living room, dining room, study, kitchen, bathroom, take a bath.



    2、句型:Where is your dining room?

    It‟s opposite the study.





    1、PPT出示一副场景图,提问学生where is the tree/house/dog?等等;老师给指令,学生动手操作将PPT上得图按照老师要求的方位摆放正确;


    Exercise: Please draw a picture

    There is a teaching building, there are some clarooms, Grade 6 is beside Grade 5 and Grade 4.

    The library is opposite the teaching building.

    There is a big tree in front of the library, and some children are playing under the tree.

    Leon 5 Making Yourself at home

    第一课时(40分钟) 教学内容:

    SB(学生用书)与AB(课堂活动用书) Unit1 I want a hot dog, please.教学目标:


    What do you want to eat? I want a hamburger, please.What do you want to drink? I want a cola, please.单词:hamburger cola, dollar, cent, enjoy.

    2、能听懂What do you want to eat?这类语句,并能口头运用I want a hamburger, please.说明自己想要的食物。

    3、能识别单词:hamburger ,cola, dollar, cent, enjoy.重难点:能听懂What do you want to eat?这类语句,并能口头运用I want a hamburger, please.说明自己想要的食物。 功能:点餐 教学程序:


    1、教师热情地和学生打招呼,师生之间互相问好。教师向学生展示有关食物和饮料的图片,鼓励学生说出相应的单词,并将在黑板上进行罗列。如果学生有能力,可以给他们在黑板上书写单词的机会。然后引入单词hamburger 和cola。要求学生跟读,并让个别学生朗读,教师注意纠正学生的发音。

    2、鼓励学生运用句型“I like…”和“I don‟t like…”谈论自己喜欢或不喜欢的是食物及饮料。 二.任务呈现与课文导入

    1、教师和学生谈论自己喜好的食物,例如,“I like noodles.”并告诉他们如果自己去餐厅,就会要些面条。“I want some noodles.”使用这种方式逐一把单词带入句型中,给学生进行本课目标句型的大量输入,然后向学生提问:“What do you want?”进行交流,引导学生回答。进行多组师生问答后,鼓励学生相互问答。

    2、教师告诉学生:“今天要进行„模拟快餐店点餐情景短剧‟的表演,现在,Daming, Simon和Simon‟s dad正在一家快餐店里点餐,我们先来听听他们点了哪些食物,运用了哪些语言。



    2、在播放第二遍录音前,教师可以结合活动用书第一单元练习1中的问题向学生提问。学生带着问题听录音并寻找答案。提示学生要特别注意用“I want ”表述的句子。

    3、录音播放完毕后,允许学生相互讨论问题的答案,然后再请个别学生进行口头表述,教师进行订正。教师可以根据学生的回答,重点讲解单词dollar ,cent 以及enjoy.并要求学生跟读及简单运用。教师要注意纠正学生的语音和语调。







    第二课时(40分钟) 教学目标:

    1、学习语句: How much is it? It‟s thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.单词:hamburger cola, dollar, cent, enjoy.

    2、能口头运用How much is it?这类语句询问物品价格,并能口头运用It‟s ten yuan.这类语句回答。

    3、能识别单词:chicken, orange juice, tea,并能书写单词:rice, tea.eat, drink.

    4、学习歌曲What do you want.重难点:、能口头运用How much is it?这类语句询问物品价格,并能口头运用It‟s ten yuan.这类语句回答。

    功能:谈论点餐和就餐的情况 教学程序:






    2、教师告诉学生:“Today Lingling and her dad go to the restaurant .Now let‟s listen to the tape.Then please tell me what lingling and her dad want to eat and drink.”在讲述的时候,重点强调“eat”和 “drink”.教师可以通过肢体语言来强调词义并要 求学生能书写。


    1、播放SB第二单元活动1课文录音,教师可以提以下的问题: (1)What does Lingling want to eat and drink? (2)What does Lingling‟s dad want to eat and drink? 请个别学生回答,并及时纠正答案。

    2、再次播放录音,请学生集体跟读。并把以下句子进行板书: What do you want to eat/drink? I want …

    3、引导学生看SB第二单元活动2中的菜单,要求学生能识别单词:chicken, orange juice, tea,并能书写单词:rice, tea。然后教师扮演服务员来询问个别学生:“What do you want to eat/drink?”鼓励学生可以根据自己的喜好来点餐,并进一步引导学生来询问价格:“How much is it, please ?”








    (1)完成AB第二单元练习1。 (2)菜单设计竞选


    Leon 6 What a me!

    一.Teaching aims 1.复习" May I ....?" 句型。

    2.复习单词和短语:kitchen, study, bathroom, living room.3.学习新短语: make the bed, make the tea, cook the meal.4.学习新句型:Can I help you? Yes, please.....二.Teaching procedures Step 1 Greeting T: Good morning cla.S: Good morning teacher.Step 2 warming up T: May I close the door? S: Yes, of course.T: May I listen to music? S:Yes, of course.T: Ok, very good.Now it\\"s your turn, you ask me, who want to try? S: May I .....? T: Yes,of course.Step 3 presentation Good, boys and girls, now we sill play a game,"pa words".Here are 4 rooms.You have 4 groups, so g1 is a kitchen, g2 is a study, g3 is a bathroom, g4 is a living room.And here are 4 brooms, the first student should clean your seat and then pa my words and the broom one by one.Ok , good job,through this game, we review the words....T: Cla, do you help your mum do housework? S: Yes T:When you help your mother, you will say: "Can I help you?"Ok, follow me .......Plese gue, what\\"s the meaning? S:.............T: Very good, now I need help, who can help me to clean the blackboad? S: Can I help you? T: Yes, please......Step 4 practise High low voice: read new words.Paire work: practise the dialogue.Step 5 Homework Review the words and dialogue.

    Leon 7 Happy Halloween Background Information : 42 students from Grade 6 Teaching Contents:

    1.Vocabulary: pumpkin jack-o’-lantern ghost witch

    2.Sentence structure:

    This /That is a tomato.This /That is not a pumpkin.These / Those are tomatoes.These / Those are not tomatoes.3.Communication: Use the new sentence structure and new words to communicate with each other.

    Teaching Objectives:

    1.To master the new words: pumpkin jack-o’-lantern ghost witch

    2.To enable to make a conversation using the sentence structure correctly: This /That is a tomato.This /That is not a pumpkin.These / Those are tomatoes.These / Those are not tomatoes.

    3.To enable to use the new words and new structures in communication correctly .4.To learn how to pay a visit or how to welcome the visitors.

    Important points and difficult points:

    1.To enable to distinguish the four new words easily.2.To master the new structures: This /That is a tomato.This /That is not a pumpkin.These / Those are tomatoes.These / Those are not tomatoes.

    3.To use the structure to ask for yes or no.

    4.Can change the two sentence structure correctly: T his is a tomato.-----Is this a tomato?

    Teaching Aids: Pictures, Radio .PPT Teaching Procedures:

    step1 Greeting step2 Warming up:

    1).Review: Check the homework- ( Choose two or three groups to act it out .) step3.Lead in : Look at the video on the PPT.step4.Reading the paage about the Halloween and answer the questions.step5.Tell students the backgroud information of Halloween and lead in the new words.

    Step6 New words: pumpkin jack-o’-lantern ghost witch

    1.pumpkin : 1)Show a picture of pumpkin ,then teach them read: This is a pumpkin.2) Ask students make sentences use this words.

    2.jack-o’-lantern : 1)teacher ask one students come to the stage, show a picture of it.Ask the students do right action , then let other students gue .After that teacher teach them read :This is a jack-o;-lantern.2) Ask students make sentences use this words.

    3.witch: 1) Gueing game lead in and then teach them read: This is a witch 2) Ask students make sentences use this words.

    4.ghost : 1)Teacher do the action and in a strange voice , ask students gue ,then teach them read: This is a ghost.

    2) Ask students make sentences use this words.Step7 Play games: 1) What\\"s miing 2)Booming Step 8 Practice:

    1) Match the words and pictures.2)Listen and number.Step 9 New structure:

    1.Use the game to lead in: What’s this ….2.Teach students read the new structures .3.Practice: work in pairs.Step 10 Consolidates

    1)Work in pairs : Work in pairs to practice the new words and structures three minutes ,then ask some pairs to show their conversations on the stage.2)Play a game: One student come to the stage face to the students, wear the hat with new words, and he should ask like this : “Am I a pumpkin?” Other students answer “Yes, you are./No you are not.” 3)Practice : Play the game on page 44.Step11 Listen to the tape and finish the task 1) Tick the words .2) Order the pictures.3) Fill in the blanks.

    1.That -----a pumpkin.2.That –---a jack-o’-lantern.3.what’s ----? It’s an orange.4.------are clowns.

    Summary : Ask students sum up what we have learnt in this cla, and then teacher do some additions.


    1) Write the new words and make sentences.

    2) Tell the story of Halloween to others and get ready for a party of Halloween.

    Blackboard Design:

    Leon 7 Happy Halloween New structure New words This /That is a tomato.pumpkin

    This /That is not a pumpkin.Jack-o’-lantern These / Those are tomatoes.ghost These / Those are not tomatoes.witch

    Leon8 Thanksgiving Day 教学内容:

    1、与本课所学节日相关的单词tukey、sweet potato、corn、cabbage、potato、pie、lettuce。








    2、熟练的使用the作特指的用法。 教学准备:CAI课件 教学过程: Step1:Greeting Step2:Listen and practice


    T:In the last leon,which festival have we learned? P:Halloween.T:Good!In this leon we are going to learn another important festival—Thanksgiving Day.(介绍Thanksgiving Day)如果你们要庆祝感恩节,你们要买一点什么呢,大家去超市看看,我给大家准备了一些东西,看看大家认识些什么。


    2、教学turkey.T:What‟s this? P:chicken.T:No,this is not a chicken.It is very big and very popular in the USA.P:火鸡。

    T:We call it turkey.……


    3、巩固新单词。 ①教师随意指图画,学生读出单词。 ②抽部分同学朗读。 Step:Work in pairs.


    T:出示一张鸟的图片。Boys and girls , what‟s this ? P:This is a bird.T:Good ! This is a bird.Is the bird big? P:No.T:The bird is small.同上说出:This is a elephant .The elephant is big.These are moon cakes.The moon cakes are round.T:为什么两句话中一个地主用a一个地方用the呢?



    出示更多图片学生先同桌互相练习,然后抽学生回答。 Step4:


    T:Today we have learned some food for Thanksgiving Day.They are …..Then we learned when to use “the ”.

    2、Home work 查找关于 Thanksgiving Day和中秋节的资料。


    Leon 9 Merry Christmas 一,教材分析:“Merry Christmas” 是六年级英语教材“新路径英语”(Book 7)第九课的内容。本课内容与西方最重要的节日——圣诞节联系非常紧密,所以学生很感兴趣。 二,学情分析:六年级的学生已经有了比较扎实的英语基础。大部分同学已经养成了良好的英语学习习惯,有了一定的知识储备。能够根据单词写法、音标进行简单的拼读。他们已经接触过名词的单复数形式,能基本说出其组成结构。 三,教学目标: (一)情感态度与价值观

    1.培养良好的学习英语的习惯,激发学习英语的兴趣。 2.通过自主学习和合作学习,提高学习的能力。 (二)、过程与方法


    2.掌握运用句型的能力,能够自主对话。 (三)、知识与技能

    1.掌握本课中出现的新单词,并能运用这些单词进行正确的问答。 2.掌握本课中出现的四个疑问句,并能正确回答。 四,教学重、难点:

    1.本课中出现的单词和句型。 2.部分重点单词的拼读和拼写。

    3.能够区分对事物和人物提问的不同疑问词。 五,教学资源: (1)单词图片; (2)多媒体课件; (3)录音机及磁带。 六,教学过程:

    Step one Warming-up/Revision

    1.T show the song “ Jingle bells” and the Christmas tree.2.T introduce herself to the pupils.3.T play CAI, pupils look at the screen and do the exercises.Then T and pupils check the answers together.Step two Learning words and sentences.

    1.T play CAI, then teach the words“a lantern”“a firecracker”.2.T play CAI, pupils ask and answer.“What‟s this/that? It‟s ___.”

    3.T show a present and teach the word .Then T ask a pupil to open it.They are markers.T teach the word and the sentences: “What are these? They are markers.”

    1.T play CAI, pupils choose the words and make dialogues.2.T show three persons “Father Christmas” “Little Red Riding Hood” “Snow White”, then T teach them one by one.3.老师举例,让学生自己区分“What”和“Who”.

    A game: T say answers, pupils choose the correct questions.7.T play CAI , a clown ( clowns ).T show ghosts / witches, then pupils make sentences.Eg.Who are they? They are clowns.

    Step three Games and practise.

    1.T show the pictures, pupils read them one by one.2.T tell pupils how to play it: pupil A should stand behind the others.T show a picture , pupil B ask, pupil A gue what picture it is.3.Pupils play the game.

    Step four Books

    1.T point to the blackboard , pupils read the words and sentences.2.Pupils open the books and read the words and sentences.3.Pupils make the new sentences as the models.

    Step five Look, match and read.

    1.T conclude this cla.2.Pupils do the exercises.3.Pupil say their answers.T and other pupil check the answers.4.Pupils read the sentences.

    推荐访问:英语 期末 路径

    • 读/观后感
    • 精美散文
    • 读书笔记
    • 演讲
    • 反思
    • 方案
    • 心得体会