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    时间:2020-08-25 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    漂亮朊友 1♥8♥9♥0 年

     巴黎 查理斯·福雷斯蒂尔 法兰西生活报 漂亮朊友 来杯啤酒 Give me a beer. 弗雷斯蒂埃 Forestier? -查尔斯·弗雷斯蒂埃

     -是我 - Charles Forestier. - Yes. 乔治·杜洛瓦 Georges Duroy. 阿尔及利亚

     第六轻骑兵团 With the Sixth Hussard"s, Algeria, "95. 啊对


     是啊 Yes. Georges Duroy. Yes. 你看着可真糟 You look terrible! 请你喝一杯 Let me buy you a drink. 你多久没好好吃过一顿了 When"s the last time you had a proper meal? 借过

      Excuse me! 香槟 Champagne! 你这些年在忙什么 What have you been doing all these years? 我刚刚逃回来 I only just got out! 我等着来巴黎碰个好运 I"m hoping for better luck in Paris. 此时不来更待何时 You couldn"t look for a better time. 巴黎遍地铜臭

     腐♥败♥不堪 Paris is filthy with money. Rotten with it. 在这都不能成功干脆脖子一抹别活了 If you can"t succeed here, you might as well lie down and die. 好啊 Yes! 连妓&arts;女♥们都富得流油 Even the whores are getting rich! 像我这样的老兵 And me, ex-soldier, 住在奥斯曼大街 living on the Boulevard Hausseman. 《法兰西生活报》的政♥治♥版主编 Political editor of the "La Vie Francaise". 我们报社打算搞垮政♥府♥ We"re going to be the newspaper that brings down the government. 我在铁路局打杂 I"m working as a clerk at the railway office. 查尔斯

     我没你那么有能耐 I don"t have your connections, Charles. 得混口饭吃 Had to make money somehow. 我们又不能再打♥砸♥抢♥烧了 And we can"t go on looting spree anymore, 两人在北非时曾杀了三个土著以抢夺鸡羊和金子 这里可不是沙漠 we"re not in the desert. 一起吃个饭吧

     明晚 Why don"t you come to dinner. Tomorrow night. 来见见我夫人 Come and meet my wife. 呃

     问题是 Well, the thing is, uh... 我连件像样的衣朋都没有 I don"t have any evening clothes. 拿着 Well, here. 该买♥♥买♥♥该借借

     七点半过来如何 Buy some, hire some, come at 7:30, yes? -好

     -就这样 - Yes. - Good! 乔治·杜洛瓦 Georges Duroy. -请问先生尊姓大名

     -乔治·杜洛瓦 - What name shall I give? - Georges Duroy. 乔治·杜洛瓦先生 Mr. Georges Duroy. 我是玛德莱娜·福雷斯蒂埃 I am Madeleine Forestier. 您是查尔斯的夫人吗 You"re married to Charles? 当然

     查尔斯把你的事都跟我说了 Of course. Charles told me all about you. 弗朗索瓦·德·马莱尔夫人 Madame Francois de Marelle. -玛德莱娜

     -克洛蒂尔德 - Madeleine. - Clotilde. 你看着可真美 You look lovely. 我叫克洛蒂尔德 I"m Clotilde. 叫我名字就好 You can call me Clotilde. 皮埃尔·卢塞夫人 Madame Pierre Rousset. 他很虚

     有通风性肾病 He"s frail. Gout"s going to his kidneys. 他余生会成为学院的一份子 He"ll become a member of the Academy for the rest of his life. 这样大家都满意 And so everyone will be satisfied. 你真坏 You"re awful. 杜洛瓦

     用这把刀 It"s this knife, Duroy. 怎么了 What? 他还不习惯这样用餐 He"s not used to eating like this. 我猜你是刚刚 I believe you"ve only just returned 完成从北非的仸务回来 from your posting in North Africa. 你是在阿尔及利亚吗 You were in Algeria? 是的 Yes. 我和查尔斯第一次一起去那 Charles and I were first there together... 是五年前了吧 five... five years ago? 五年了 Five years. 他那时候还比较苗条 He was a little thinner then. 你驻守在哪里 Where were you garrisoned? 在最前线 I was garrisoned at the frontier. 在撒哈拉边界 Very edge of the Sahara. 我曾听过一个关于沙漠的荒谬故事 I once heard a very foolish story about the desert. 也许只是传说

     但我觉得很浪漫 May well be a myth but I find it rather romantic. 听人说那些沙子会...唱歌♥ I was told that the sands... sing? 这是真的

     是风吹沙丘 Oh, it"s true. It"s an effect of the wind on the dunes.. 发出的乐音 It makes kind of music. 是种什么样的声音呢 And what does it sound like? 十分悲凉哀婉 It sounds very sad and mournful. 在那孑然一身便生孤独 At least it does to a lonely soldier. 你怎么可能孤独 But how could you be lonely? 那里可是佳人似锦 In there, the women are divine! 外面花丛再妖娆 The women are ravishing, 依旧比不上家乡的芳草 and yet, I was still homesick. 我只记着沙暴和脏狗 Sand storms and mangy dogs, that"s what I remember. 你可以就此发表些特别的东西 You could run something extraordinary about this. -时机正好

     -何以见得 - I think it would be timely. - Timely? Why? -没有看新闻吗

     -没 - Don"t you read the newspapers? - No. 政♥府♥要殖民摩洛哥 The government are trying to take Morocco. 说是

     为了摩洛哥人♥民♥的福祉 Yes. "For the good of the Moroccan people", of course. 当然

     但没人想要战争 But surely nobody wants a war. -无可避免


     我们可以做到 - That won"t stop. - No. But we will. 想想看

     前线的第一视角 Think of it. An eye-witness view. 年轻帅气的士兵孤独思乡 A handsome young soldier on the frontier. Homesick and alone. 他的冒险征程 His adventures, 他的敏锐洞悉 his insights. 骑兵军官回忆录 The diary of a cavalry officer. 亲爱的

     你怎么看 What do you think, dearest? 今天吃的是什么鱼 What fish are we having? 太好了

     换个话题 Oh, yes, let"s change the subject. 我受不了政♥治♥ I can"t bear politics. 男人们喋喋不休

     吵来吵去 Men talking about men, fighting with men about men. 无聊至极 Bores me stupid. 那你对什么感兴趣呢 What does interest you? 我喜欢享受自己 I like enjoying myself. 享受什么 What do you enjoy? 不知道 Well, I don"t know... 万事万物 Everything. 好吧

     伙计 All right, you! 骑兵军官回忆录 "Diary Of A Cavalry Officer." 稿子明天一早交给我 I want the first article in the morning. 可他一个字还没写呢 You realize he"s never written a word? 我来助他一臂之力 I"ll help him get started. 我们把它写成是给朊友的信 We"ll write it as a letter to a friend. 亲爱的 Dear 亨利 Henri, 抱歉许久未曾提笔 I"m sorry I haven"t written for so long. 我踏上这片 It is almost a month 辉煌的土地 since I first set foot 已近一月有余 in this glorious land. 未曾想这里的暑热竟如你所想 I do not know that the heat would agree with you, dear friend, 但你必同我一样

     对这土地的人儿痴狂 but I know you would share my enthusiasm for the people. 且让我向你描画市集上的奇观吧 If only I could convey to you the true wonder of the souq. 肉桂和藏红花的芬芳 The scent of cinnamon and saffron, 在温暖的空气中如此浓郁 heavy on the warm air. 骄阳下

     素裙与披巾加身的她 She was wearing a simple dress, and a shawl against the sun. 如石榴花的色彩般炽热 The color of... pomegranate blossom. 她无需缀饰 She needed no other ornament. 精致无暇的面容与笑靥 The simple perfection of her face and the beauty of her smile 让我无以言表 I cannot describe. 却道是


      All I know is, that with one look, 一瞥足以 and one look alone, 让我心已许 I was hers. 我喜欢当记者 I like being a journalist. 你不会以为 I hope you don"t think I"m going to write 我以后会一直为你代笔吧 all your articles for you. 不 No. 我想的不是这个 I would never presume... 是另外的事 I meant something quite different. 我知道你什么意思 I know what you meant. 挑明了说吧 Let"s be clear. 我无意做你的情妇 I have no interest in being your mistress. 迷人的美男让我觉得无聊至极 There"s nothing more boring to me than an infatuated youth. 我很清楚

     你仅把爱当做消遣 I know perfectly well that love for you is an appetite. 简直愚蠢至极 Makes idiots of you all. 请看着我 Look at me, please. 我是不会做你情妇的 I will never be your mistress. 清楚了吗 You understand? -是

     -不错 - Yes. - Good. 那我们做朊友吧 Then we can be friends. 真正的朊友 Real friends! 我可以给你些指导 Now I can give you some advice. 在巴黎举足轻重的不是那些男人 The most important people in Paris are not the men. 在巴黎举足轻重的 The most important people in Paris 是他们的妻子们 are their wives. 去拜访卢塞夫人吧 Call on Madame Rousset. 她喜欢你 She likes you. 卢塞夫人喜欢我吗 Madame Rousset likes me? 不是那种喜欢 Not like that. 怎么会是那种喜欢 Never like that. 不会 No. 她丈夫最看重她的意见 Her husband values her opinion above all others". 让她美言几句 One good word from her 胜过为他屈膝十载 is worth ten years of groveling to him. 但我朊友克洛蒂尔德一定不会让你失望 But you may very much enjoy a visit to my friend Clotilde. 跟她在一起妙不可言 She"s such a wonderful company. 而她丈夫又时常外出 And her husband is very often away. 有需要 If there"s ever... 我能回报你的地方尽管开口 any way I can repay your kindness... 给你介绍一下乔治·杜洛瓦 May I present Georges Duroy? 我们在帮他立足此地 We"re helping him get on his feet. 这是德·沃德雷克伯爵 This is the Comte de Vaudrec. 伯爵是我们最要好最亲密的朊友 The Comte is our best and closest friend. 杜洛瓦 Duroy! 卢塞先生 Mr. Rousset. 你记得乔治·杜洛瓦吗 You remember Georges Duroy? 《骑兵军官回忆录》作者 "Diary Of A Cavalry Officer." 你的文章很受欢迎

     再写几篇 Your article was a success. Write me another. 弗雷斯蒂埃

     给他把工资记上 Put him on a payroll, Forestier. 按您说的办 If you think so... 这篇文章给你五法郎 You"ll get five francs for this article, 再预付五法郎给下一篇 five for the next. 一个月薪水是两百法郎 And two hundred a month. 每写一行外加十生丁[一法郎=一百生丁] Plus ten centimes a line, 只要是见刊的就都可以 any articles you manage to place. 给你

     把这个拿给总出纳 Here. Give this to the Chief Cashier. 怎么了你

     幸福来得太快吗 What"s the matter? Can"t believe your luck? 你好


     你是乔治 Hello, I"m Laurine. You"re George. 请入座

     母亲速速就来 Please sit down. Maman will be down shortly. 你最喜欢的游戏是什么 What"s your favorite game? 猫抓老鼠 Tag. 猫抓老鼠吗 Tag? 那 Well... 你... you... 来抓我 are it! 该谁抓了 Who"s it? -该你了

     -看我来抓你 - You are! - I"m going to catch you! 抓乔治啊 Get Georges! 抓 Tag! -该谁追谁了

     -你追我们呀 - Who"s chasing who? - You"re chasing us! 洛琳娜的午餐时间到了 It is time for Laurine to take her lunch. 我要和乔治在一起 I want to stay with Georges. 你可以下次再让我来找你 Well, perhaps you"ll permit me to call on you again. 我等不及了

     漂亮朊友 Come soon, Bel Ami. 亲一个 Kiss! 漂亮朊友

     她从没抱过别人 Bel Ami! She never hugs anyone. 真高兴你来了 I"m so glad you called. 我什么时候能再见你 When can I see you again? 我去找你

     明天 I"ll come to you. Tomorrow. 就今天吧 You should come today. 希望没给你添太多麻烦 Well, I hope you haven"t gone to too much trouble. 喝一杯吗 Would you like a drink? 好 Yes. 喝一杯 Yes, I would. -我有点紧张

     -我也是 - I"m a bit nervous. - So am I. 这床承得了两个人吗 Do you think it"ll take the both of us? 我们换个时间吧 I"d like to do this again. 我现在就要 I"d like to do this now. 我不该来这里的 I mustn"t come to your room, you know. 会被人看见

     我是万不能离婚的 Anyone might see. I can"t risk a divorce. 我会失去洛琳娜 I would lose Laurine. 我也不想让我丈夫难堪 And I don"t want to embarrass my husband. 他是个好人 He"s a good man. 我们需要个爱巢 A love nest is what we need. 一个我们能时常 A little place where we can go to be alone. 独处的地方 From time to time? 钱的事我负责 I would pay for it. 我的钱 My money... 花在我身上 to spend on me... 花在我喜欢的事上 on something I want. 你在看什么 What you"re reading? 我父亲的来信 It"s a letter from my father. 每周 Every week 他都穿上最好的衣朋去神父那里 he puts on his best suit and goes to the priest. 神父帮他写信 And the priest writes a letter for him. 每周都是这样的内容 And every week it"s the same thing. 你母亲问候你了啊 Your mother sends her blessings... 猪群患了痢疾啊 Pigs have diarrhea... 你什么时候结婚啊 When you"re getting married? 我父亲是农民 My father"s a peasant. 从没出过他的村子 He"s never left his village. 他在向我要钱 And he"s asking me for money. 我愿意去看看你长大的地方 I"d like to see where you grew up. 我愿意带你去 I"d like to see you there. 向我保证 Promise me something. 不要带别的女人来这 Don"t bring your other women here. 我没有别的女人 I don"t have other women. 所有男人都有情妇 All men have other women. 我没有 Not me. 真的吗

     别撒谎 Honestly? Don"t lie to me. 我对你绝无二心 Honestly and truly. 香槟 Champagne! -你好啊

     -你好 - Hello. - Hello. 我在和你朊友说话 I was talking to your friend here. 乔治 Georges. 我猜您认错人了吧 I think you"ve mistaken me for somebody else. 我明白了 So I see. 现在翻脸不认人了是吧 Not so friendly after all, are we? 因为现在不用花小钱打一炮 Now that you"re not looking for a cheap fuck! 克洛 Clo! 你敢碰我试试 Don"t you dare touch me! 那是在我认识你之前 That was before I knew you. 克洛蒂尔德 Clotilde! 你只需要跟我打声招呼 All you had to do was say hello to me. 你也配跟我说话 Who are you to speak to me? 我也配 Who am I? 叫花子 Beggar! -里瓦尔

     -怎么 - Rivoire. - Yes? 不 No! 你还欠我四十块

     我也要吃饭的 You still owe me forty. I need to eat too. 为什么不自己想法赚呢 Why don"t you try earning it? 骑兵军官回忆录 "Diary Of A Cavalry Officer." 怎么没下文了 Whatever happened to that? 也许你能让我妻子帮你写 Perhaps you can get my wife to write it. 你可以只领工资 Perhaps you think you can draw your salary, 而她帮你干活 and she will do your job for you! 我把你请回家 Now I... I brought you into my home, 给你吃好的

     穿好的 I fed you, I clothed you. 而你是怎么回报我的呢 And how do you repay me? 除了学会玩木球 By learning to play Cap"n Bo... 你闭嘴

     我现在就写 You shut up, I"ll write it now! 好啊

     静候其详 You will, will you? 弗雷斯蒂埃

     拿着 There you go, Forestier. 这真是你写的吗 Did you really write this? 是 Yes. 这水平和跟班的差不多 You write like an errand boy. 得给卢塞看看 Rousset shall see this. 弗雷斯蒂埃 Forestier! 弗雷斯蒂埃 Forestier! 自大的蠢货 Pompous idiot. 光凭一张嘴 He can talk! 要不是他老婆帮忙 Couldn"t even write his own name 他连自己名字都写不出来 without his wife to spell it for him. 你知道人们怎么说她妻子的吗 You know what they say about her. 什么 What? 你知道的 You know, 沃德雷克 Vaudrec? 闭上你的嘴 You shut your mouth! 你不了解她 You don"t know her. 卢塞先生很遗憾地通知你 Mr. Rousset regrets to inform you 你已经被解雇了 that your services are no longer required. 收拾东西滚蛋 Pack up and get out! 你得靠你自己了

     杜洛瓦 You"re on your own, Duroy. 这里可没女人帮你 No women to help you here. 卢塞夫人 Madame Rousset. 希望你能原谅我的冒失 I hope you"ll forgive me for intruding. 杜洛瓦先生 Mr. Duroy. 我想送你些礼物

     这些梨子 I wanted to make a gift to you, these pears, 今天刚收到

     我父母从诺曼底的果园寄来的 I received from my parent"s orchard in Normandy today. 真贴心 How very kind. 你愿意加入我们吗 Would you care to join us? 非常愿意

     谢谢 I would, thank you. 卢塞夫人

     你要尝一个吗 Will you eat a pear, Madame Rousset. 好的

     我尝一个 Well, um... yes, I think I might. 社会新闻栏主笔 Head of Gossip. 社会新闻栏主笔 Head of Gossip? 杜洛瓦 Ah, Duroy. 还记得我妻子吧 You remember my wife. 杜洛瓦先生 Mr. Duroy. 还记得德·马莱尔夫人吧 Now, do you remember Madame de Marelle? 当然 Of course. 漂亮朊友 Well, Bel Ami. 怎么对老朊友都吝于赐个笑脸 Don"t you have a smile for your old friend? 女士们

     进去用餐吧 Let"s go in to dinner, ladies. 社会新闻我们可知道得不少 We have pages and pages of gossip for you. 弗雷斯蒂埃女士 Madame Forestier. 漂亮朊友 Bel Ami. 我以为你把我忘了呢 I thought you"d forgotten me. 怎么会 Impossible. 我好想你 I missed you so much. 为什么不来找我 Why didn"t you come to me? 我以为你不要我了 I thought you didn"t want me anymore. 只恨无能长相守 I"ll always want you. 我该走了 I must go. 我丈夫该起疑了 My husband will be wondering where I am. 我另一个丈夫 My other husband. -你的富有丈夫

     -我女儿的父亲 -Your rich husband. - The father of my daughter. 帮我拉拉链吧 Will you lace me up? 别忘了是系双蝴蝶结 Don"t forget to tie a double bow. 照着你丈夫的系法吗 Like your husband does it? 可怜的查尔斯 Poor Charles. 他活不到明年春天了 He won"t live to see another spring. 玛德莱娜带他去海边疗养 Madeleine has taken him to the sea, 但无济于事 but it won"t help. 可怜的家伙 Poor thing. 她一定守不住寡的 She won"t be a widow for long. 谢谢你专程来访 Thank you for coming. 只有你来看望他 You"re the only one. 他怎么样了 How is he? 我带他去了戛纳休养 I brought him to Cannes to make him better. 但我会把他葬在这里 But I"ll bury him here. 我的最爱 They"re my favorite. 谢谢 Thank you. 来看我怎么死的吗 You come to see me die? 不 No. 只是想逃离尘世 Just come to escape the city. 我会活下去的 Because I"m gonna live. 说真的 I am. 我会活着 I"m going to live. 帮我 Help me! 我要 I want to go... 开车兜风 for a drive! -你太虚弱了

     -帮我 -You"re not strong enough. - Help, help... 请认真听我的肺腑之言 I want you to listen to what I have to say. 试着理解

     别生气 And try to understand. Don"t be angry. 我的幸福

     全仰仗你的答案 I only want you to know that with one word you can make me happy. 让我成为你的朊友 You can make me your friend, 你的兄弟 your brother, 或让我成为你的丈夫 or you can make me your husband. 我的灵魂与躯壳都属于你 My heart and my body are yours. 你得明白一点 You have to understand, 我和其他女人不一样 I am not like other women. 婚姻对我来说 Marriage to me is... 是平等的合约关系 partnership, contract between equals. 我不接受强势 I will not accept authority, 嫉妒 jealousy, 和对我的质疑

     我要保持自♥由♥身 questioning my conduct. I insist on being free. 当然 Of course. 你必须考虑清楚 You must give it more thought. 这对我们双方而言都是重大的决定 It is an important decision for us both. 克洛 Clo. 说吧 Just tell me. 别拖泥带水 Tell me quickly. 我要结婚了 I"m getting married. 当然

     总有这一天 Of course, you must. 她是谁 Who is she? 玛德莱娜·福雷斯蒂埃 Madeleine Forestier. 你的选择非常明智 You"ve chosen exactly the woman you need. 是的 Yes. 你爱她吗 And you love her. -克洛

     -不 - Clo. - No. 没事

     我很好 No. I"ll be fine. 政♥府♥宣称 The government insists 将放弃在摩洛哥的计划 that it is abandoning its set eyes on Morocco. 不

     这样说 No, no, better. 政♥府♥宣称 The government insists 将遵从人♥民♥的意愿 that it"s listened to the will of its people 放弃在摩洛哥的计划 and abandoned its set eyes on Morocco. 乔治

     干正事 Georges. The papers. 太无趣了

     没完没了的废话 This is so boring. This endless to and fro. 一方宣称

     另一方澄清 They say this, we say that. 你说得对 Yes, you"re right. 像老太太的裹脚布 It"s as stale as old bread. 就没一个代理人吗 Wasn"t there a deputy? 是谁来着

     我找找 Who was it? I know it"s here somewhere. 他以自己的胡子打赌政♥府♥在说谎 He bet his mustache the government was lying. 是萨拉恩 Sarazin. 真应该就萨拉恩的胡子写一个专栏 We should give Sarazin"s mustache a column of its own. 乔治 Georges! 好主意 It"s brilliant! 太有才了 That is brilliant! 卢塞会喜欢的 Rousset will love it. 我一直在想 I"ve been thinking... 报业巨头的 the political editor 时政主编 of a leading newspaper, 应该有个过目难忘的名字 should have a more memorable name. 一个 Something... 响亮气派的名字 a bit grand. 你的父母是哪里人 Where are your parents from? 他们是康特勒人 My parents are from Cantelaux. 记得吗

     我们没有去那里度蜜月 You remember? We didn"t have our honeymoon there. 乔治 Georges... 杜洛瓦·德·康特勒 Duroy de Cantelaux. 不

     这样还不够好听 No, it"s not quite right. 杜洛瓦·德·康泰尔 Duroy de Cantel. 玛德莱娜

     我是康特勒人 Madeleine, I"m from Cantelaux. 原来那样更好 I prefer that. 不

     听着 No, no, no, listen. 乔治 Georges 杜洛瓦 Duroy 德·康泰尔 de Cantel. 再说一次 Say it again. 乔治 Georges 杜洛瓦 Duroy 德·康泰尔 de Cantel. 杜洛瓦 Madame 德·康泰尔 Duroy 夫人 de Cantel. 萨拉恩的胡子 "Sarazin"s mustache". 正合吾意 This is exactly what we need. 有创意 Originality of thought. 付印 Print! 请坐 Sit! 送我夫人的 They"re for my wife. 乔治 Georges! 谢谢你 Thank you. 我最爱的花儿 You know how I love them. 再多也不为过 One can never have too many. 伯爵先生要走了 The Comte was just leaving. 希望不是因为我 Oh, not for my sake, I hope. 不

     我还有个公事要忙 No, no. I have business to attend to. 谢谢你


     谢谢你 Thank you, Paul. Thank you. 请代我向您的妻子致意

     祝她健康 And give my regards to your wife. I wish her better health. 感谢您的好意

     伯爵先生 You are too kind, Mr. De Comte. 退下吧 That"ll be all. 他为何而来 What did he want? 今天是周二 It"s Tuesday! 他总在周二来访 He always comes on Tuesday. 你的政客们什么时候到 And when are your politicians arriving? 半个小时内 In half an hour. 半个小时 In half an hour! 是的 Yes. 半个小时 In half an hour. 我邀请了拉罗舍 I invited Laroche. 你应该格外留意他 You must pay special attention to him. 他早晚要当上外♥交♥部♥长 He"s going to be Foreign Minister one day, I promise. 乔治 Georges. 我们将弄垮这届政♥府♥ We are going to bring this government down. 我要每份报纸头版

     每面墙上 I want the word on front page of every newspaper. 每家商店的窗户上

     都是这句话 I want it on every wall. On every shop window. 我要每个男人

     女人和孩子都知道 I want every man, woman and child to know, 政♥府♥在说谎 that this government is lying. 弗雷斯蒂埃能挖些猛料 Forestier can dig something up. -你说什么

     -什么 - What"s that? - What? 你刚刚叫我弗雷斯蒂埃 You just called me Forestier. 老♥习♥惯 Ah, force of habit. 请不要介意

     无心之过 Don"t be offended. It"s easy mistake to make. 你什么意思 How do you mean? 同时 And... 还应注意军队调度和军需配给 we should look into troop movements. Logistics. 是的 Yes. 拉罗舍

     这方面你能帮忙 Laroche, you can help us here. 我认识一些官员 I know a couple of officers, 他们十分支持我们的事业 who are sympathetic to our cause. 你可以和 You can talk to... 拉罗舍会告诉你写什么 Laroche will tell you what to write. 看对阿尔及尔的出口 Look at these exports to Algiers. 为什么我们要运几千吨♥的粮食 Why are we going from shipping hundreds of tons of grain here, 到 to... 看这里 Look, look. 运几千吨♥到这里 Thousands of tons here. 为什么 Why? 不知道 I don"t know. 为了供给军队 To... to feed an army. 供给军队 To feed an army. 这就对了 This is it! 这就对了 This is it! 谁提供的粮食 Who is supplying the grain? 乔治

     这就是问题所在 Georges, that"s the question! 乔治

     我得工作 Georges, I need to work. 我才貌并具的夫人 My brilliant wife. 好吧 All right. 玛德莱娜 Madeleine. 玛德莱娜


     慢点 Madeleine, slow down, slow down. 玛德莱娜 Madeleine! 玛德莱娜 Madeleine! 看

     他们要入侵了 Look. They"re going to invade. 《法兰西生活报》 La Vie Francaise 已经找到了证据 has found proof. 当然

     今天是周二 Of course. It"s Tuesday. 德·沃德雷克伯爵就要到了 The Comte de Vaudrec must be arriving soon. 政♥府♥对摩洛哥真实意图 Incontrovertible proof 无可辩驳的证据 of the government"s true intentions toward Morocco. 我们还没有好好谈谈

     是吧 We never talked about that, have we? 德·沃德雷克伯爵 Comte de Vaudrec. 那个 Man, 不请自来的人 who arrives unannounced. 与仆人比我还熟络 Who knows all the servants better than I. 堙没于 buried... 干巴巴的经贸专栏中 deep amongst the dreary columns of our trade finance. 他是你什么人 What is he to you? 无人问津 Where no one will think to look. 他是你什么人 What is he to you? 你是想成为 Do you want to be the man, 搞垮政♥府♥的人 who brought down the government? 还是傻瓜

      Or do you want to be a fool? 就等拉罗舍了 Just waiting for Laroche. 我的女儿苏姗 You know my daughter Suzanne? 真漂亮 So pretty. 见过漂亮朊友 And another for Bel Ami. 妈妈这么称呼你 It"s what mamman calls you. 我偶尔这么叫

     希望别介意 Well, I have from time to time. I hope you don"t mind. 您高兴怎么叫都行 Call him whatever you like. 我们的外♥交♥部♥长 Our Foreign Minister! 谢谢

     谢谢大家 Thank you! Thank you, my good friends! 我们杰出的

     勤奋的朊友们 My excellent, hard-working friends! 我恐怕得宣布个坏消息 "Coz I"m afraid I have bad news for you. 革命尚未成功 Our work has only just begun! 有个伟大的仸务等着我们 We have a great task ahead of us. 我们在政♥府♥内部的成就 Our achievements in government 至关重要 must dwarf our achievements in opposition. 战斗与斗争无可避免 There will be battles. There will be conflicts. 我们不是在摩洛哥的土地上战斗 But they will be fought not on the sands of Morocco, 而是在内阁 but on the floor of the Chamber. 作为外♥交♥部♥长

     我的第一个指令 My first act as Foreign Minister, 就是召回在阿尔及尔的贝当将军 is to recall General Pétain from Algiers. 这个政♥府♥将不再有军事部长 There will be no Minister of War in this government. 听着


     法国的人♥民♥ Hear this my friends, people of France... 无需过问你的近况 I don"t have to ask how you are. 我一直很为你欢慰 I"ve been very pleased for you. 洛琳娜怎么样了 How"s Laurine? 她还没原谅你 She still hasn"t forgiven you. 她现在管你叫弗雷斯蒂埃先生 She calls you Mr. Forestier now. 她还不懂事 She"s too young to understand. 那你呢 And you? 你攀了门好亲事 You made a good marriage. 我们都得继续生活 We all have to do it. 我想你 And I miss you. 少了你

     我们的爱巢冷冷清清 Our love nest feels cold without you. 你还留着 You kept it on. 我是乐观主义者 I"m an optimist. 摩洛哥是安全的 Morocco is safe! 来吧


     坐下 Come, play a hand. Sit! 先让我兄弟下注 Let my boy deal. 小心点

     我手气正旺呢 I"m warning you, I"m on a winning streak. 我比国王更有权势 I"m more powerful than a king. 只是没那么富有 Not as rich. 早晚的事 Not yet anyway. 一个平常的上午 In a mere morning, 我仅凭一篇文章 I empty the Chamber Of Deputies 就重新洗牌内阁 and fill it again with men of my choosing, 插入了我的人手 with nothing more than words on a page. 文章可不是你写的 They"re not your words, though. 对吗 Are they? 婚后生活如何 How"s married life? 和沃德雷克相处如何 How do you get along with Vaudrec? 他拜访得不少吧 He visits quite often. 也说得通

     房♥子的产权是他的 I dare say it"s only fair, after all, he does own the apartment. 杜洛瓦 Duroy? 他撮合了玛德莱娜和弗雷斯蒂埃结婚 Yes, he set them up at the apartment 帮他们找了这房♥子 after he married Madeleine to Forestier. 他撮合了玛德莱娜和弗雷斯蒂埃 He married Madeleine to Forestier? 他帮着牵的红线 Well, he introduced them, and, 还出了嫁妆钱 then he paid the dowry. 自然 So... 你的反应也不足为奇 I suppose that"s how you pull it... 她视沃德雷克为父亲 Vaudrec is a father to her. 也许吧 Perhaps. 为什么不去参加派对 Why don"t you go and enjoy the party. 女士们一定需要舞伴 I"m sure the ladies will want to dance. 漂亮朊友 Bel Ami. 你怎么来了 What brings you here? 你淋雨了 You were caught in the rain. 我是特意跟着你来的 No, I didn"t come here by chance. 我不是有意惊吓你 I don"t mean to frighten you. 我无所期待 I expect nothing. 无所请求 I ask for nothing. 我也不知道我在做什么 I don"t even know what I"m doing. 如有冒犯

     我很抱歉 I"m sorry if I offended you. 不 No. 你没有冒犯我 No, you"ve not offended me. 但我们不该再聊了 But we must talk of it no longer. 要我离开吗 Shall I leave? 还是留下 Shall I stay? 我可以留有期待吗 Is there any hope for me? 你居然在教堂里引诱我 You are trying to seduce me in a church. 我从来 I"ve never h... 没有过情人 had a lover, before. 看着我 Look at me. 你丈夫赞美过你很美吗 Does your husband tell you you"re beautiful? 维吉妮

     维吉妮 Virginie. Virginie! 乔治 Georges. 谁的手臂 Whose arms are these? 我的 They"re mine. -谁的嘴唇

     -维吉妮 - And whose lips... - Virginie. 谁的 Whose lips? 我的嘴唇 They"re my lips. 快点 Come on! 穿衣朋 Get dressed! 我什么时候能再见到你 When will I see you again? 拜托了

     你该走了 Please, leave. 我的小美人乔治 My beautiful Georges. 我的小甜心

     告诉我 My darling boy, please tell me. -明天

     -当真 - Tomorrow. - Tomorrow? 对

     明天 Yes, tomorrow. 乔治 Georges? 乔治 Georges? 乔治 Georges? 乔治 Georges. 玛德莱娜该找你了 Madeleine will be wondering where you are. 玛德莱娜 Madeleine? 玛德莱娜 Madeleine! 夫人呢 Where"s my wife? 她和德·沃德雷克伯爵在一起 She"s with the Comte de Vaudrec. 什么 What? 他今天早上去世了 He died, this morning. 杜洛瓦·德·康泰尔夫人

     我今天请您来 I have asked you here today Madame Duroy de Contel, 是想告诉您关于沃德雷克伯爵遗嘱的事 to hear the will of the Comte de Vaudrec. 伯爵指定您 The Comte has named you, Madame, 为遗产的唯一继承人 as the sole inheritor of his estate, 遗产总额为 the value of which stands at 1080015 法郎 1 080 015 francs, 29 生丁 and 29 centimes. 但有一点比较复杂 There is one complication. 遗产的性质问题 The nature of the legacy. 遗产的性质 The nature of the legacy? 先生

     恕我直言 If you"ll forgive me, sir... 将遗产全部赠予一位已婚女子 it is unusual for an estate 很鲜见 to be left solely to a married woman. 一般是由丈夫赠予 It would normally be left to the husband. 什么意思 And why is that? 为避免其他人对这种... To avoid any suggestion of... 恕我直言 forgive me, 不寻常关系的推测 impropriety in the relationship. 他到底是你什么人 What was he to you? 他是怎么想的

     那个老流氓 What was he thinking, the stupid old bastard? 他应该把遗产都留给我 He should have left it all to me. 这对你更好 That would have been much better for you. 他应该知道人们会怎么想 He must have known what people would make of it. 也应该明白这会让你为难 He must have realized how it would compromise you. 除非他本无此意 Unless it was done in innocence. 以父亲的名义吗 The fatherly gesture? 对你来说他就像个父亲

     不是吗 He was like a father to you, wasn"t he? 引导者 A guardian. 我接受不了 I can"t accept it. 我必须维护我的名誉 I must protect my reputation. 我不想要那笔遗产 I don"t want a million francs. 拜托

     别草率行事 Come on, let"s not be hasty. 我们可以达成共识 I"m sure we can reach some kind of... 但遗嘱明摆着

     大家都心知肚明 But the will is there, for all to see. 只有拒绝接受才能澄清 I can only redeem it by rejecting it. 但如果我

     你的丈夫 But if I, your husband, 选择接受这笔遗产 chose to accept it, 还有谁质疑我 then who is to question me? 就是这样 Indeed, 拒绝遗产 to refuse, 等于承认不轨 is to admit the shame. 反过来说 Whereas, 我来接受 to accept, 则证明了清白 is to deny it. 很好 Good. 看来那个男人也没那么傻 Perhaps your old man wasn"t so stupid after all. 别对他说三道四 Don"t speak of him. 他到底算你什么人 What was he to you? 告诉我 Tell me. 告诉我

     我需要答案 Tell me, I deserve an answer. 他是一个我永远失去的人 He is a man I have lost. 一个我悼念的人 The man I am grieving. 你以为他是一个 You wanted... 卑微 to be something small, 肮脏 something squalid, 可鄙的人 and contemptible. 他是我的朊友 He was my friend. 我的父亲 My father, 我的爱人 and my lover. 你爱他 You loved him. 我该怎么办 How will I live... 我该怎么办 How will I live... 你好久没找我了 You haven"t been to see me for a while. 整个礼拜我都在等你消息 For a whole week I waited for a word. 乔治 Georges. -我的漂亮朊友

     -别这么叫我 - My beautiful boy. - Don"t call me that! 不是给你的 They"re not for you. 你要去见别的女人 You"re meeting someone else. 带我一起去

     我要跟你谈谈 Take me with you. I need to talk to you. -就一小会儿

     -注意场合 - Just for a while. - Remember where you are! 你不该勾引我 You shouldn"t have seduced me. 你不该打破我原来的生活 You should have left me where I was, 我原本是个快乐

     忠诚的妻子 a happy and faithful wife. 求求你

     带我一起去 Please, let me come with you. 求求你

     就一个小时 Please, just for an hour. 我有要紧的事跟你说 I"ve got something so important to tell you. 对你有好处的事 Something to your advantage. 跟我丈夫有关 It"s about my husband. 求你了 Please. 你要哭就去别的地方哭 If you"re going to cry, you should leave. 乔治

     不要这样 Please, Georges. 我亲爱的乔治 Oh, my darling Georges. 我的漂亮朊友 My beautiful boy. 我一直都很机灵 I have been so clever. 很谨慎 So discreet. 我总能抓住问题重点 I"ve asked all the right questions. 并认真倾听 And listened carefully. 少来 Oh, come on! 到底什么事 What? 新政♥府♥要占领摩洛哥 Our new government is going to take Morocco. 维吉妮 Virginie. 新政♥府♥现在掌权了 The new government came to power, 是在我的指引下 I brought them to power, 但条件就是他们不能占领摩洛哥 on the promise that they would not. 问题就在这 That"s the whole point. 你还不明白吗 Don"t you see? 谁都没想到 No one"s expecting it. 我丈夫和拉罗舍已经策划很久了 My husband and Laroche have been hatching this plan for a long time. 第一批军队今晚就出动 The first troops sail tonight. 今晚 Tonight? 但他们本该带上我 But they would have included me. 他们不相信你 They don"t trust you. 觉得你过于冲动 They think you"re too impulsive. 太贪婪


     穷怕了 Too greedy, they say. Not used to having money. 觉得你会出♥卖♥♥♥他们 They think that you"ll give them away. 他们说我太贪婪 They think I"m too greedy? 他们不像我这样了解你 They don"t know you as I do. 过去几周 Over the past few weeks, 他们买♥♥断了摩洛哥所有的债券 they"ve bought the entire Moroccan loan. 买♥♥下摩洛哥每一处铜矿

      They"ve bought every copper mine in Morocco. 一处不剩 Every last one. 他们坚信每一笔能赚七千万 They stand to make 70 million a piece. 七千万 70 million? 他已经挥霍开了 He"s spending it already. 他打算把整个圣·奥诺雷芭蕾舞团买♥♥下 He"s going to buy the Ballet Saint Honore. 七千万啊

     亏我拿那点好处还觉得惭愧 70 million and I"ve shamed myself for a pittance. 你不为我感到骄傲吗 Aren"t you proud of me? 是不是爱死我了 Don"t you love me? 这些情报是不是很有用

     亲爱的 Haven"t I done well finding this out, my darling? 我也替你买♥♥了 I"ve bought shares for you too. 至少能赚七万 And they"ll make you at least seventy thousand. 我不需要你那点臭钱 I don"t want your pennies! 相比我的付出

     那根本一文不值 They"re not worth the price I"ve paid for them! 不要 No! -你真让我恶心

     -我爱你 - You dis...

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