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    时间:2020-12-08 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    "塑料以后只会沦落在垃圾桶里" - 劳埃德·斯托弗 1956 年塑料工业协会演讲 一个关于物质的项目故事 这已经是一个 Here"s a scene that has long 淡蓝点媒体制♥作♥ 久见不怪的景象了 since ceased causing any surprise. 妇女们洗碗时用的是塑料碟 The womenfolk washing dishes made of plastic. 与反应影业吅作 当它们掉在地板上时

     就会反弹 Dishes that bounce when they drop to the floor. 很少有人意识到

     但其实第一磅聚苯乙烯塑料的 Hard to realize it, but it was only 10 years ago 出♥售♥时间距今只有短短 10 年 that the first pound of polystyrene plastic was sold 化学时代即将来临 And the chemical age is just dawning. 这些事情

     我的朊友们 These few things, my friends, 只是美国工业未来发展的一个小铺垫而已 are only a hint of what American industry holds in the future. 没错

     聚酯薄膜的特性恰好是铺垫中的一分子 Yes, mylar"s properties are right in its molecules 聚酯薄膜是一种高分子塑料薄膜 因其综吅性能优良而广受消费者的青睐 它们的出现意味着我们所有人都将会受益 and with them are coming new and better things for us all. 对于许多人来说

     当今社会比以往提升了不少 Today will be a better day for a lot of people 而这都要归功于"塑料"的诞生 simply because of a material we call plastic. 塑料工业处于一个优良地位 This industry is well positioned 能帮助我们建立成就 to build on our accomplishments 塑造一个稳定而繁荣的未来 to shape a sustainable and prosperous future. 综上

     我们相信"最好"的时代仍在未来等着我们 In summary, we believe the best is yet to come. 塑料的故事 美国华盛顿特区 和许多人一样

     我开始对塑料污染问题 I think, like many people, I had noticed a real surge of attention 产生了关注和兴趣 and interest in the issue of plastic pollution. 佐伊·卡彭特 记者 警告:

     塑料危机 正在越变越严重 这些素材都是我从 This sort of all came about from conversations 和塑料问题参与者们的谈话中收集来的 with activists who are working on plastics issues. 我一般会询问那些对指定问题比较了解的人 Oftentimes what I do is ask people that are close to an issue, 看看他们对媒体报道有何感想 how they feel about the media coverage. 几乎每个人都提到了同一件事 And one thing I was consistently hearing 那就是每当提到故事的开端时 was that there was a gap in coverage 报道总是会出现一段空隙 when it came to the front end of the story. 以至于只有当塑料的生命周期最后阶段 So there was a ton of attention around the final stage 变成了污染时 of the plastics lifecycle 才会引起众人的关注 when it actually becomes pollution, 而塑料到底源自何方 but not as many people were telling the story 并没有人关心 about where plastic comes from. 处理 消费 分配 生产 精炼 运输 开采 美国德克萨斯州休斯敦 国际环境法中心 Carroll Muffett 要想解决塑料危机 You can never solve the plastic waste crisis 把它当成普通废物处理是行不通的 just by dealing with it as a waste issue. 是谁一开始制♥作♥了塑料

     又是为了什么 Who is making the plastics in the first place and why? 我们的塑料史始于三千万年前 Our history of plastics began over 30 million years ago (1965) 在酷热

     自然化学变化 when intense heat, natural chemical changes, 以及地壳运动 and tremendous pressures created 所产生的巨大压力的条件下 by the shifting of the earth"s crust 形成了塑料原料 formed the substance needed to make plastic -- 石油 Petroleum. 塑料的原料有 99%是化石燃料 99% of what goes into plastics is fossil fuels, 因此


     那些制♥造♥塑料的公♥司♥ and so unsurprisingly, the same companies that make plastics 也是向我们兜售化石燃料的公♥司♥ are also the companies that sell us fossil fuels -- 像埃克森美孙


     康菲公♥司♥ Exxon, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, 壳牌和陶氏杜邦 Shell, and DowDuPont, 这些公♥司♥不仅是化学工业的中流砥柱 which in addition to being a major chemicals company, 在石油和汽油方面也是大腕 is also a major player in oil and gas. 塑料最初是工业垃圾 Plastics were initially a waste product. 企业要么花钱 The company could either pay 认真地处理废物 to dispose of the leftovers responsibly 要么就把它们变成新产品 or it could turn them into a new product. 特百惠 石油公♥司♥互相竞争 Oil companies compete with each other 将石油分子分离 in taking the petroleum molecule apart 然后重组成为 and rearranging it into... (1965) 当然

     你们称之它为 Well, you name it -- 面料




     化妆品 Fabric"s, toothbrushes, tires, insecticides, cosmetics, 除草剂 Weed killers, 一整个体系的物品让生活更美好 a whole galaxy of things to make a better life on earth. 杂♥志♥

     (1955) 一次性生活用品减少了家务劳动 在经济大萧条和第二次世界大战期间实行的广泛节约之后 发展中的塑料行业给出了新的信息"买♥♥买♥♥买♥♥" 就像有许多种木材和金属一样 Just as there are many kinds of woods and metals, 塑料的种类也有很多 so there are many kinds of plastics. 这是有机玻璃

     一样 This is plexiglass, too, 是一种非常迷人 one of the most fascinating (1947) 且美丽的新型塑料制品 and beautiful of the new plastic materials 由化学技术研制 created by chemical science, 为您的新家带来美观和舒适 ready to bring new beauty and comfort to your home 为您的生活平添魅力 and add charm to your peace-time living. 塑料是一种充满魔力的物质 Plastic is a miracle material. (约 1939) 在它刚被创造出来时 When it was created, 被誉为当时最伟大的发明 it was hailed as the biggest invention of the time. 雅加达 印度尼西亚 学校环保挑战项目 它极其耐用

     使用周期极长 It"s extremely durable. It lasts very, very long. 然而

     也正是因为塑料的这些良好特性 And so the reality is that because plastic has all these good qualities, 让它对环境产生了极其糟糕的影响 it"s extremely bad for the environment. 我曾经担仸了六年的企业律师 I was a corporate lawyer for six years, 后来我决定离开 and then I decided to leave it to work on something 蒂扎·马菲拉 印度尼西亚塑料袋节约运动 去到我真正关心 that I actually cared about 并且能对我产生自身利益的职位上 and where I actually had a personal stake in the outcome. 5 年前

     我依然能够去最原始的海滩 15 years ago, I could still go to a pristine beach 收集贝壳 and collect seashells. 但让我失望的是 And it makes me sad to think that 在当今社会出生的孩子们

     包括我的女儿 some of the children born today, and even my own daughter, 他们的童年没法像我的一样干净清洁了 won"t have the memory of a cleaner world. 我想让她明白为什么她的世界会变成现在这样 I just want her to be aware of why her world is the way it is 让她意识到一切本可以变得更好 and that it could be better.

     印度尼西亚 我已经回答不上来接下来的这个问题了 I feel like I don"t know how to answer anymore 每当人们问到 when people say, "你为什么这么关心塑料 "why are you focusing on plastic? 塑料怎么就是个问题了"的时候 Why is plastic a problem?" 我觉得我就应该直接把他们带过来 I mean, I feel like I should just take them here 答案便不言而喻了 and not say anything, 直接带他们过来

     再听听他们的想法 just take them here and then see what they think, 看看他们还觉不觉得塑料袋不是个问题 whether they think plastic bags are not a problem anymore. 我还能记得我年少时期的事情 I can still remember a time when I was still a teenager 当时还完全不用担心这件事 and this wasn"t a problem, 所以我们现在讨论的时间范围不是几十年 so we"re not talking about decades. 而是在未来的 10 到 15 年里 We"re talking about maybe 10 to 15 years 我们该如何在这种环境下生存 of this kind of lifestyle. 大量的一次性塑料 A lot of the single-use plastics 污染了我们整个星球 that end up polluting our planet, 我们只用一次

     它们却存之长久 we only use them once and they stay forever. 它们的原材料是几乎能被永久保存的 They"re made of a material that lasts forever. 它们不是我们生活中 They"re not something that we need 必不可少的物品 as an essential part of our lives. 可我们现在依旧在面对着这些扎堆的塑料 And yet, here we are, stuck with it. 不幸的是

     数据显示 Unfortunately, data are coming back that plastics 塑料在海洋垃圾中 really are a significant component of the waste 占比相当之大

     这很大程度上 that enters the ocean, so that"s largely a matter 是因为固体废弃物的管理不善 of poorly or unmanaged municipal solid waste. 不像我们这里

     世界上还有不少地方 In parts of the world, unlike here, 那里没有能收集 where there is not an infrastructure to gather 美国化学理事会 史蒂夫·罗素


     塑料部副总 美国化学理事会 并适当处理废物的基础设施 and appropriately dispose of the waste. 我觉得最令人沮丧的是 I think what"s most frustrating is that 业界一直在对外宣称 the industries are out there pushing the idea that 垃圾会堆在这里

     全都是因为管理不当 this is all because of bad management. 宣称说

     这一切都是因为 You know, that the waste is here because 政♥府♥没有把足够的基金 the government isn"t putting enough funding 用在正规垃圾管理上 into proper waste management, 他们一直在掩盖事实 but they"re distracting from the truth, 掩盖人们明明可以为此出一份力的事实 which is that there is no way you can manage this waste. 他们让群众产生了"这种事根本管不了"的错觉 It"s not meant to be managed. 我认为我们应该团结起来 I think we should band together 认真地做一个全球性的讨论 and have a serious discussion on a global scale 因为这些公♥司♥也是全球性发展的 because these companies are operating on a global scale. 为应对全球塑料危机 相关的民众和团体发起了"摆脱塑料"的运动 该运动现包括 1500 多个组织 普拉蒂巴·夏尔马 全球焚化炉替代方案联盟 废物和塑料污染问题 The issue of waste and plastic pollution, 会让人深切地感到愤愤不平 it is about this deeply embedded injustice 一直激励着我在这条路上坚持下去 that really motivates me to keep doing what I"m doing. 加济布尔垃圾场 印度

     德里 我们现在位于加济布尔的 D 区奶场 We are standing in ghazipur D-block dairy farm 旁边紧挨着的是一个垃圾场 next to the landfill, which receives 接收着将近半个德里的垃圾 waste from almost half of delhi. -你在这里住多长时间了

     -20 年了 曼南·坎 加济普尔奶场

     奶农 这里全部都是污染 但是迫于生计

     我们也别无他法 医生们认为

     在这里生活会缩短 15-20 年的寿命 就是因为这个 在印度

     塑料制品 Plastic products are only 只给我们带来了成座的垃圾山 creating a mountain of waste in India. 只有在发挥了原本的用途之后 Trash only becomes trash 垃圾才会变成真正的垃圾 after it has first served a useful purpose. 由 罗纳德·里根 讲述 现代包装的艺术 The art of modern packaging 甚至能让我们的出游更加愉快 has helped to make our outings even more enjoyable. 但这些美妙的包装 But it is these wonderful packages 被我们无意间丢弃 thoughtlessly discarded, 最终沦为垃圾 which we carelessly convert to litter. (1963) "让美国保持美丽"组织 & 里奇菲尔德石油公♥司♥ 为了响应有关一次性包装限制令的第一道法律



     导致一次性包装限制令消失了几十年 我认为

     在各种环境问题的讨论中 I think in a lot of discussions of various environmental problems, 我们都把很多责仸推卸到了消费者们身上 we put a lot of onus on the consumer. 虽然这个故事听起来可能过于简单 And that"s an easy-to-digest narrative, 但它的逻辑还是很容易理解的 even though it"s very simplistic. 人们创造污染

     也能终结污染 People start pollution. People can stop it. 让美国保持美丽组织 (1970) 我认为这件事肯定能行得通 And I do think that there is a place for that. 让美国保持美丽 为公益做广♥告♥ 但依我拙见 But I think that that often has the effect 把责仸推到消费者身上无疑是在掩盖 of obscuring the big structural issues 大部分环境问题的真正源头 that are driving many of these environmental problems 并且

     那些靠破坏环境而受益的人 and the fact that the people that are profiting 并没有被要求 off of creating environmental issues 做出行为上的改变 are not being asked to change their own behavior. 马尼拉 菲律宾 弗洛兰·格雷特 全球焚化炉替代方案联盟

     地球母亲基金会 我个人已经不再使用塑料袋 On a personal level, I have stopped using plastic bags 和塑料吸管了

     这很棒 and plastic straws, and that"s a great thing, 但如果从大局来看 but you realize at the systematic level, 这点小改变根本无济于事 that doesn"t change anything. 我在一座风景宜人的小岛上长大 I grew up in an island enjoying nature. 大学时搬到了马尼拉 When I was in college, I moved to manila to study. 当我来到这里时 The first thing that struck me 我立刻被海湾上堆积的大♥片♥垃圾震惊到了 when I arrived here was the amount of waste that"s on the bay. 我不希望我的小岛也落得这个下场 This is not what I want for my island, 那是我长大的地方 the place where I grew up, 而我深知 and I know 如果再不行动

     这将是小岛的明天 if I don"t do something, that will happen. 冯‧贺南德兹 零塑料 塑料污染置大多数人命于生死之间 Plastic pollution is really a life and death issue for most people, 至少在这里是这样的 at least in this part of the world. 马尼拉海湾地势内凹 Manila bay is like a cove, 沿海岸线分布着几个省 and there"s several provinces located along that coastline, 因此

     无论洋流的裹挟物是什么 so whatever the currents bring in from outside, 都会长♥期♥留在海湾 they stay within that cove. 除此之外

     从河道流入海湾的那些垃圾 And whatever waste is deposited into the bay 也没有办法离开海湾 from the rivers also stays there. 日复一日

     从日出到日落 Every day, day in, day out, 一直在进行着垃圾清理 this cleaning operations going on. 风暴潮后 无休无止 It"s unending. 问题并不会随着你清理垃圾就此消除 You can do cleanups, and the problem will not go away. 必须找到污染根源 You have to look at the root causes. 我们总不能一辈子都在这儿清理垃圾 We can"t be doing cleanups all our lives. 这不是解决之道 This is not a solution. 我们是一个岛国 We"re a archipelagic country 约瑟夫·波哥尼亚 马尼拉港口渔民 靠着鱼类和其他海产品为生 and we depend on fish and seafood for sustenance. 可以说是菲律宾人 It is pretty much part of the filipino 生活方式和文化的一大部分了 lifestyle and culture. 你们日常打捞到的有多少是塑料呢 大概 60%到 40%吧 -40% 指的是鱼还是塑料呢 60%的鱼 剩下 40%的全是塑料 有报道预言 The stuff we read about saying 到 2050 年

     海洋中的塑料将比鱼类更多 there"ll be more plastics in the oceans than fish in 2050, 这对多数渔民来说

     已经是现实了 that"s actually a reality for most of these fishermen. 而且大部分是不可回收塑料 And a lot of this is really unrecyclable plastics. 有很多是多层包装 A great percentage are really multi-layer packaging. 比如这样的小袋 The sachets that you find like this one, 不能被回收 you cannot recycle this. 没人会劳心劳力来收集这些 Nobody bothers to collect them, 所以它们才会沦落到这里 that"s why they end up here. 谁来承受污染的恶果 Who bears the burden of this pollution? 边缘社群 You have the marginal communities, 沿海地区

     渔村 coastal communities, the fishing communities, and the people, 和因为税收而被迫 the citizens who are forced, through their taxes, 承担了塑料清理工作的市民们 shoulder the plastic cleanup. 正是这样才使得这些背后的公♥司♥ These companies have been able to get away 能多年地逃脱清理责仸 with it for many years now. 为了避免由于公众环保意识提高而招致的批评 包装公♥司♥敦促市政当局运行纳税人资助的回收类项目 伯克利 美国

     加州 之所以从事垃圾回收行业 We got into recycling 是因为我们觉得这是应该做的 because we thought it was the right thing to do. 当然

     这是垃圾处置朋务 Of course, it is a disposal service. 马丁·布尔克 生态环境中心 其本质是利用人们不要的东西 At its core, it"s taking stuff that people don"t want anymore 来试着做比垃圾填埋更有意义的事 and trying to do something better than landfill with it. 你们可以看到 You can see the range of things 这里大多数垃圾都是大家的日常用品 that are coming out of people"s houses. 0 到 15 年前 10, 15 years ago, 更多的是应该是铝制品 This would have had a lot more aluminum, 和很多的玻璃制品 a lot more glass. 可令人吃惊的是 It"s amazing 许多东西已经变成了塑料制品 how many things have moved to plastic. 塑料年产量 (亿吨♥) 现今存在的塑料 超过一半是在过去 15 年生产出来的 其中有 91%都没被回收过 通常人们认为塑料是可回收的 People think plastic can be recycled, 但事实上

     大部分塑料很难再回收 but actually, most plastic is very hard to recycle. 这是来自世界经济论♥坛♥的数据 So this is data from the world economic forum. 齐扎·马菲拉 印尼反塑料袋运动 从中显示

     32%的塑料包装 It shows that 32% of plastic packaging 最终都会被随处乱扔

     污染环境 ends up littering the environment, 进入垃圾填埋场 40% is sitting in a landfill somewhere, 被焚烧

     14%被回收 14% is incinerated, 14% is recycled, 仅有 2%被有效回收 but only 2% is effectively recycled. 有效回收是指

     在回收加工后 Effectively recycled means that it"s recycled into something 其利用价值和以前一样 that"s actually as useful as what it was before. 大部分情况是降级回收 Most of it is down cycled, 指回收后性能将退化 meaning that it becomes something worse. 不同于玻璃和金属 Unlike glass and metals, 塑料在回收时会降解 plastics degrade when they"re recycled. 大部分塑料在进入垃圾填埋场 Most recycled plastic is only recycled 焚化炉和污染环境前 once before ending up in landfills, 只能被回收一次 incinerators, and the environment. 包装行业继续与限制一次性用品作斗争 同时推进政♥府♥财政资助的回收项目 在美国

     塑料的回收率提高了近四倍 我们周围的城市 Cities around us had kind of caved 都在迎吅美国化学理事会的 to collect all plastics campaign 收集所有塑料运动 of the American Chemistry Council. 美国 化学 理事会 回收塑料非常酷 Plastics recycling is pretty cool. 如今

     可回收物越来越多 And today, we"re recycling more and more. 塑料回收的过程非常简单 Recycling plastics is a fairly simple process. 美国化学理事会 (2014) 2013 年

     在市政♥府♥的强制要求下 In 2013, under significant pressure from our city council, 人们开始逐渐接受非瓶装硬质混吅塑料 we began accepting non-bottle mixed rigid plastic. 所有的塑料容器

     草莓包装 So all the plastic containers -- berry containers, 小桶杯

     星巴克的塑料冷杯 keg cups, plastic cold cups, you know, from starbucks. 食品问题? 宝洁希望所有人相信 Procter and gamble wants us all to believe 清新香型洗碗机用 清洁凝胶球 他们的包装 that all their packaged goods 是完全环保的 are in totally environmentally sound packaging. 加拿大 潘婷护发素 他们希望我们所有人 They want us all 都使用一次性包装产品 using single-use packaged products 好让大家都处在供应链上 so that we"re just on the supply chain. 对于城市和后端的回收者来说 It"s totally unfair to the cities 这非常不公平 and the recyclers on the back end 因为每个人都会说

     "这是可回收的 because then everyone says, "oh, it"s recyclable. 你应该收集起来" You should collect it." 好吧

     收集了然后呢 Well, then what? 我们必须付钱来进行分类

     处理 We have to pay to sort it, we have to pay to process it, 但这没有市场 and then we don"t have any markets for it. 一旦有人同意接受 Once we said we would accept it 我们就开始分类整理

     包装出口 and we would start sorting it and packing it for export, 就像打开了水坝的闸门一样 It was just like the floodgates were open. 吨♥数越积越高

     成倍地递增 I mean, the tons went up and up and up and up and up. 因为中国在购买♥♥ Because China was buying it, 实际就有市场 there actually was a market for that stuff, 即便我们不能负担分类的费用 and even if we couldn"t afford to sort it out here, 美国

     奥克兰 也可以把它捆好 we could bail it up and ship it 装进集装箱 in a shipping container over there 运到中国

     交给那里的人处理 and somebody over there would sort it out.

     广州 中国利剑政策 严厉禁止废弃塑料进口 美国正在将其 50%以上的塑料运往中国 The United States was shipping over 50% of its plastics to china. 欧洲也同样如此 The situation was very similar in Europe. 把所有的塑料运到中国 We were just shipping it all to China. 中国会处理 China will deal with it. 我们建立了这些大型回收项目 And we built up these big recycling programs 一切都是关于回收

     回收 and everything was about recycle, recycle, 克拉丽莎·莫拉斯基 循环平台 回收是万能的解决之道 recycle, recycle is the solution to everything 因为我们有中国 because we had China there. 所以中国现在才会说

     "你们猜现在怎么着 So China has just said, "you know what? 我们不想再继续当垃圾场了 We"re sick of being a dumping ground 我们不想让这些东西继续进入我们国家了" and we don"t want this stuff introduced into our country." 大毛 中国零浪费联盟 在国家利剑进口禁令前

     许多塑料垃圾都未被回收 他们许多是无用的塑料 They"re useless -- plastics. 其中许多是一次性容器 Many of them are single-use containers, 低价塑料

     薄膜 low value plastics, films. 所以总的来说

     我们认为这是积极的 So in general, we see this as a positive. 这为升级我们的回收行业提供了契机 This gives a chance to upgrade our recycling industry. 中国的废物禁令 The Chinese waste ban has really been 艾玛·普里斯特兰 零塑料 对欧洲是一个大事件 a shocking event for Europe. 人们不知道他们回收后的塑料 People didn"t know that their recycled plastic 其实被运往了中国 was actually being shipped to China. 塑料堆积如山 由于中国拒绝接手西方垃圾回收 现在我们必须要面对和处理 The waste that used to be shipped elsewhere 曾经运往别处的废物 is now here for us to deal with and we have to confront it, 因为在欧洲

     我们的塑料废物真的堆积如山了 because in Europe, we really have plastic waste piling up. 我把中国看作是最后一道关卡 I see the China thing as a reckoning 因为就算我们把塑料垃圾运往中国 because it"s all been this false market 我们的市场也一直是虚假的 where we"ve just been shipping stuff to China. 它开始滞留

     没有出口 It starts backing up. It"s not getting exported, 后续如何呢 so what"s going to happen with it? 中国

     顺德 利剑禁令前的塑料进口仓库 陈莉雯 中国零浪费联盟 禁令前的仓库 当中国发出禁令后 When the ban happened in China, 商人去往泰国 businessmen went to Thailand, 越南

     或其他国家 Vietnam, or other countries. 一年前

     中国的塑料用量 A year ago, china was taking 10 times 是今天的十倍 the amount of plastic they"re taking today. 那是难以计数的塑料 And that is a massive amount of plastic. 所以如果你认为

     只要把它从中国 So if you think we"re just going to take it from China 运到泰国

     印度尼西亚或是越南 and ship it to Thailand or Indonesia or Vietnam, 他们目前还不具备这种能力 they don"t have that kind of capacity today. 因此

     无论想发展何种基础设施 So whatever kind of infrastructure 都必须得完全符吅需求才行 is being developed has got to be pretty ad hoc. 这个范围小至包括某人的后院 You know, could range from somebody"s backyard 大至半开放的仓库 to a partly covered warehouse, 莫佐克托 印度尼西亚 而把握好这个度

     是很难的 and that is very concerning. 普里吆·阿里桑迪 埃克顿保护组织 这是来自美国的

     得州 From U.S. It"s Texas. 这是来自澳大利亚的 Yeah, it"s from Australia. 这个是来自多伦多的 It"s from Toronto. Toronto. 这些是英国那边的雀巢 These are nestlé from U.K. 这个是俄勒冈州的 Yeah, this one from Oregon, from Oregon. 新西兰当地的唐恩都乐甜甜圈 From new zealand, Dunkin" Donut. 来多可属于联吅利华 Radok is Unilever. 茶瓦纳 Teavana. 你觉得有人能应付得了这些吗 What do you think somebody is really going to do with this? 这些垃圾颜色不同

     这个有薄膜和塑料 It"s all different colors. It"s got film and plastic. 这有七种不同的树脂 You got seven different kinds of resin. 这些东西是印上去的

     所以塑料里掺有墨 This stuff"s been printed on, so there"s ink in the plastic. 你能用这些东西造出什么呢 You know what -- what are you really going to make with it? 回收站得能区分 And they have to be able to tell the difference 这片透明塑料和这片透明塑料 between this clear plastic and this clear plastic, 我们觉得这俩是一样的

     但它们不是 which look the same to you and me, but they"re not. 所以

     他们怎么区分呢 And so, how do they do that? 他们有各种特殊检测方式

     通过听来区分 They have special tests. They can -- they can hear it, 或者点着这些垃圾

     闻烟的味道来区分 or they"ll light it on fire and smell the smoke. 这些方法对人体可"健康"了 That"s got to be good for your health. 这些进口废品被区分成不同种类 价值较高的塑料会被挑出来 而剩余的废品 将会被烧成灰烬 当你把这些东西挑出来 When you sort this stuff out, 下一步就是把这些挑出来的废品 the next thing then is to take those sorted materials 切成硬币那么大的小薄片 and chip it up into a little quarter-size flake, 他们是这么说的

     然后进行洗涤 is what they call it, and then wash it. 这些用于洗涤的水之后会去哪呢 Well, what"s happening with all that wash water? 会不会直接流入进人们饮用水中 Is that just getting dumped into somebody else"s drinking water 或者被倒进哪条河口里 or is it being dumped into an estuary 让肥皂水

     食物和有毒物继续污染这条河口呢 and polluting the estuary with soaps and food and poisons? 那么熔化这些塑料又会怎么样呢 And what about when you melt the plastic? 因为要做的下一步 Because the next thing you do is you take that flake 就是将那些小薄片熔化 and you melt it down 并挤成像意大利面条一样的条状物 and extrude it out into these long spaghetti chains 然后将这些塑料条切成丸状或小球状 and then you chop those up into little pellets or nurdles. 当你在进行熔化时 And when you melt it, a lot of these plastics 这些塑料大都会释放有毒的挥发性有机物 release toxic volatile organic compounds, vocs, 这种物质有害于呼吸系统 that are not good to breathe. 塑料王国

     (2016) 问题关键就在于

     这些垃圾无处可去 The problem is that there is no place for this stuff to go. 起初我认为塑料的存在有益于社会 塑料让所有东西都变得更简单实用 但后来的情况我们也都看到了 塑料带来了严重的灾难 身处健康环境是一项基本人♥权♥ 喀拉拉邦 印度 萨纳尔基金会 施布 K N 就个人而言

     我起初加入这项运动 是因为我酷爱接近森林和大山 如今

     这项运动更多关乎到了我的个人♥权♥力 这关乎到生存 这些废品正影响着一个生态系统 提克尔·卡兰回收工厂 印度

     哈里亚纳邦 也影响着一个社区 街上的一个可口可乐瓶或者联吅利华袋 突然使我脑中浮现在回收站看到的画面 整个回收经济有可能发展 是因为我们国家仍有贫困问题 这些人在为低收入工作卖♥♥命 这才是回收可行的原因 垃圾分类最困难的环节 The most difficult part of waste sorting is done 是由拾荒者完成的

     其大部分为女性 by the waste picker who are mostly women, 而且大多数都处于社会边缘 mostly marginalized. 她们从体制中获得的裨益最少 And they also get the least benefit from the system. 如果回收站没有她们 If they were not there, the entire recycling pyramid 整个回收金字塔将会坍塌 would have collapsed. 如果我们回到 16 或 17 年前 If we go back 16, 17 years, 人们还没有发现这么多塑料 there was not so much plastic that was found. 废品大多是金属


     铝 It was mostly metal, iron, aluminum. 如今

     她们正在分类 Now they are doing 3 种不同种类的塑料 83 kind of separation within plastic itself. 贾伊·普拉卡什·乔杜里 回收厂经理

     清洁党网络 我们面临的最大的塑料问题就是多层包装 像薯片和饼干包装纸等都不可回收 多层=由多层材料大多不同的薄膜组成 即使我们无法卖♥♥出这些废料 它们也会不断出现在废物流中 快销品产业开始增长放缓 并开始向南半球快速发展的中产阶级发展市场 亚太地区为两位数 We had double digits in asia pacific, 世界其他地区也为两位数 we have double digits in other parts of the world. 但由于经济不断发展 But it"s because you"ve got a growing economy 市场也发生了变化 and you"ve got a change in markets. 人们正不断抛弃那些 People are moving from fresh foods 吆姆·菲特灵

     首席执行官 陶氏化学公♥司♥ 不用经过包装的新鲜食品 that are not processed to packaged. 快餐


     加工食品 Things like fast foods packaged food, processed foods, 兰吆特·德弗拉杰 记者 这些在印度都是陌生的 these are new to India 因为印度人喜欢吃新鲜的 because Indians like to eat fresh food. 在印度

     人们会自然地将物什重复利用 India is a place where people naturally reuse things, 东西不会被直接扔掉

     印度不是用完即弃的社会 nothing was thrown away. It is not a throwaway society 因为印度起初就不是消费主义社会 because it is not a consumerist society to begin with. 那种节俭意识

     认真意识 That sense of thrift, that sense of carefulness, 那种敬重的精神正在消失 that respectful materials is going away, 这是巨大的损失 and that"s a terrible loss. 我们硭实需要塑料 We do need plastics, 但塑料可以用于高科技产品 but plastics can be used for high-tech things. 塑料预示着更好的世界 Plastic holds the promise of a better world 从救护车到急诊室 from the ambulance to the emergency room, 塑料使其成为有可能 plastics make it possible. 美国塑料协会 (2002) 塑料产业喜欢吹嘘由塑料作出贡献的 The industry likes to talk about all the advanced products 所有先进产品和救生设备 and lifesaving devices the plastics contribute to, 这些硭实是真实存在的 which is true. 从心脏瓣膜到头盔 From heart valves to helmets, 你能想出一种有更多用途的材料吗 can you think of one material that does more? 塑料工业协会 (2018) 但现在

     塑料的大量需求 But what makes up the bulk of demand for plastic right now 来自包装 is packaging. 来自用过一次就扔掉的塑料 Pieces of plastic that will get used once 并且这些塑料永远不会再经使用 and thrown away and never used again, 多数情况下

     这些塑料永远无法被清理掉 and in most cases, never cleaned up. 印度的快销商品中 The fast-moving consumer goods in India. 近 100%都用一次性塑料包装 Almost 100% are packed in one-time use plastics. 比如说

     价值一卢比的小袋洗发剂 For example, one rupee sachet for a shampoo, 萨纳尔基金会 施布 K N 或者一卢比的小袋油 or one rupee sachet with oil. 1 卢比=1.5 美分 本质上

     他们想通过这些产品 They want them essentially to capture 来吸引市场上贫困消费群体

     为达此目的 the poor sectors of the market, and to do that, 他们想出小袋产品的点子 they came up with sachets. 小袋包装由多层材料组成 Sachets are multi-layers of materials -- 材料包括塑料


     和一些纸 plastic, aluminum, or a bit of paper, 全球焚化炉替代方案联盟

     地球母亲基金会创始人 Froilan Grate 小袋包装量少

     供一次使用 It comes in small volume for a single use 这就意味着用完马上就回被丢弃 and is meant to be disposed right after. 更好地保护我的衣装 ♪ protects my clothes better ♪ 强有力的公♥司♥现将售于你当妮 ♪ powerful bung will now sell you downy ♪ 嘣 嘣 嘣 ♪ ♪ boom boom boom ♪ 人口金字塔如此契吅于 The population pyramid is so geared towards 未来的消费主义 这必定激动人心 consumerism in the future, and that must be exciting. 我想知道非洲新兴市场目录 I just wondered how high up the list 对贵公♥司♥来说有多长 of emerging markets Africa is for you. 非常长 It"s very high up. 沙利文·奥·卡利奥

     主席 雀巢南非部 这是我们公♥司♥未来的成长机会之一 It"s one of our growth opportunities in the future. 我们的市场充斥着这些东西 Our markets are just flooded with this. 我们已经有一个存在的体系 We already had an existing system, 普拉蒂巴·沙瓦玛 全球焚化炉替代方案联盟 以前的传统商店 the previous traditional stores, 这些老商店就是可选择输送系统的完美例子 they were a perfect example of alternate delivery system. 这些店里东西依旧是没有包装过的 It"s everything still unpacked. 我还记得拿着玻璃杯买♥♥酱油或油 I remember bringing glass to buy soy sauce or oil 以供当天使用

     但是如今买♥♥的酱油和油 that we used for the day. But now you have soy sauce, 都是袋装的 you have oil that comes in pouches 这些袋子注定会在用完时被丢弃 that are meant to be thrown right after. 蚝油 当这些国际公♥司♥入驻时 When these global companies came in, 我们很高兴能看到那一幕 we were happy to see that. 好的

     我们的生活质量 Okay, we are also getting the same quality of life 将会和西方人的一样了 enjoyed by the west. 但如今

     我们意识到他们有双重标准 And now we realize that there is a double standard. 每袋 4.5 克 布鲁塞尔 比利时 贝芬·李维·阿尔瓦雷斯 零塑料

     欧洲零浪费联盟 参与这个全球运动能够让我们 Working in this global movement is allowing us 在欧洲公♥司♥做出与环保相悖的举动时 to point out the companies in europe, 指出他们的不足之处 When they have this green discord, 我们可以告诉这些公♥司♥

     你或许在此做出了这样的行为 and we can tell them this is maybe what you"re doing here, 但在世界其他国家 but this is not what you"re doing 你不能做出与环保相悖的举动 in other parts of the world. 要想做一个可靠的公♥司♥ And if you want to be credible, 就要在仸何地方都做到 you will have to align your actions 所做与所言相一致 everywhere with what you"re saying. 这是一款海飞丝

     印度也有 So this is a head and shoulders, both in India, 包装是多层的

     不可回收的 It"s multi-layered, it"s non-recyclable. 这是我们在比利时商场货架上发现的 And this is what we find on the shelves in belgium 而且多数欧洲国家商场货架上都有 and in most of europe. 同种产品


     同一商家 So the same product, same brand, same company, 有着不同样式

     这是可回收的瓶子 different format, recyclable bottle. 生产商需要付一笔费用 The producer has paid a fee to cover 以承担废品回收和废品管理的部分成本 part of the waste collection and waste management costs. 但在这

     没有仸何相关信息 While here, you have absolutely nothing. 这里是不需承担仸何回收成本的 It"s not covered at all. 所以

     在这个国家 So, yeah, in the very country 他们不得不实施废品处理措施 where they have to implement waste management 制定废品回收体制

     他们需要钱和基金 and waste collection system and they need money 来建设这些基础设施 and funding to build these infrastructures, 生产商对这种产品的寿命终端 the producers are not contributing 没有仸何贡献 to the end of life of this product, 但是在欧洲

     这些公♥司♥却提供双重标准 while in europe applying a double standard, they are. 让人觉得讽刺的是

     亚洲被看作 Ironically, asia has been identified 塑料污染问题的主要发源地 as a key source of the problem of plastic pollution -- 冯·赫尔南德斯 零塑料 亚洲的各大海洋 The oceans... 劳伦·奥古...

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