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    时间:2020-12-08 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    伦敦生活 -爽 -爽翻了 - Yeah! - Yeah! -喔 -哦 快看我 - Oh! - Oh, look at me. 我想再看看你的小奶♥子♥ I want to see those tiny things again. 要性感 要性感 Stay sexy. Stay sexy. 你的奶♥子♥ Those tits. -喔 爽 -可真是够小的 - OK. Yeah! - They are so fucking tiny. 你能不能 May I...? 爽呆了 Yeah. 哦天 Oh, God. 总会有这样的情况 There"s always a stage when someone"s falling 有人实在是太爱你了 爱到小♥弟♥弟♥都硬不起来了 in love with you that they lose their erection. 他们迷茫 他们恐慌 他们害怕失去 They get confused, they panic, the stakes get too high, 血液从下半身涌到心里去了 the blood rushes from their dick to their heart. -老天 -然后就没有然后了 - Jesus. - And everything is fucked. 怎么了 What? 没 我觉得希拉里肯定不愿意听到这个消息 No, I don"t think Hillary is going to want to hear this. 说吧 Go on. -我不说 -说吧 - No. - Go on. 好吧 一个十一岁小男孩被关进少管所了 OK, an 11-year-old boy was put in juvenile prison 原因是他一直拿铅笔的橡皮头 for repeatedly sticking rubber ended pencils 戳他们学校仓鼠的屁♥股♥ up his school hamster"s arsehole. -啥 -没错 - What? - Yeah. 他们干嘛要这样 Why would they do that? 看来他挺喜欢看仓鼠眼睛凸出来的样子 Apparently he liked it when their eyes popped out. 不是 他们干嘛要把他关起来 No, why would they send him away? 他需要帮助 He needs help. 她挺不走寻常路的 She was a surprising person. 他们不该只是把他关起来 They shouldn"t have just locked him up. 他可是用铅笔操仓鼠的人啊 He pencil-fucked a hamster. 是啊 但他很显然并不幸福 Yeah, but he"s obviously not happy, 幸福的人不会做这种事的 happy people wouldn"t do things like that. -说得对 -而且啊 - Fair point. - And anyway, 就是因为这样 that"s the very reason 所以才要在铅笔上安橡皮头嘛 why they put rubbers on the end of pencils. 就为了操仓鼠吗 To fuck hamsters? 不是 因为人们会犯错误啊 No, because people make mistakes. 嘿 Hey. 嘿 Hey. 嘿 Hey. 听着 昨晚的事 Look, about last night. 我不常对女人产生感情 I don"t usually connect with women. 我知道 我就喜欢你这点 I know, that"s what I like about you. 呃 好吧 Yeah, OK. 我 I... 不安恐怕就是这种感觉 This must be what insecure feels like. 其实 这件事我们可以以后再谈吗 Actually, can we speak about this later? 我要好好想想怎么跟你说 I want to find the right words for you. 那就性展会上见了 I"ll see you at the sexhibition? -好 在那见吧 -我要去做瑜伽了 - Yeah, I"ll see you there. - I"m going to go to yoga. 好 Ok. -太棒了 -你能来真是太好了 - Marvellous. - I"m so relieved you"re here. 你好啊 Hi. 你也好啊 帅哥 And, hello, good looking. 你好 Hello. 谢谢 Thank you. -看你们好恩爱啊 -谢谢 - Well clung to. - Thank you. 你是不是都听腻了 Does it get very boring, 总有人夸你帅 everyone telling you how gorgeous you are all the time? -有点吧 -要不我们 - A little. - Should we... 没错 我不会忘记的 真的 Yes, I won"t forget this, I promise. 没事 克莱尔到了吗 Sure. Is Claire here yet? 没 还没有 你能来真太好了 No, not yet, you"re an angel for being here. 你能端一下吗 Would you just hold on to that? 里面的小吧台上有续杯用的酒 There are bottles for topping up on the little bar just inside. 有你帮我真是感激不尽 I"m the luckiest thing to have you. 还有 And... 这个 ...there. 毫无违和感哦 You"re a natural. 不 不过 其实 这个性展会 No, really, though, this sexhibition 不是为了让你们性奋才办的 isn"t about me trying to get you all aroused, 而是为了展示性的美好 it"s about the beauty of sex. 还有性是怎么让我们走到一起的 And how it brings us all together. 如何让人兴奋 让人们互相联♥系♥ 如何让人开放心胸 How it excites and connects, how it opens people"s minds, 毕竟 是性让我们来到这世界 after all, sex got us all here. 性创造生命 Sex brings life. 我从十一岁多一点就开始在筹备这次性展会了 I"ve been building this sexhibition since I was 11 and a quarter, 当时我在坐式浴盆里意外高♥潮♥了 which is when I first climaxed by accident on a bidet. 当然了 那个浴盆 The bidet is, of course, 正在这里展览 作为 exhibited here, as are all 我首次性展会的所有展品之一 of the pieces from my first ever sexhibition. 但只有一件展品不在这里 All apart from one. 几周前我工作室里的一件 A few weeks ago one of my 最珍贵的展品被偷走了 most delicate pieces was stolen from my studio. 但是塞翁失马焉知非福 But in a sense it was a blessing. 事实上 她的野蛮掠夺 In fact, her brutal snatching 使我想到世界上那些 made me think of the women of the world 被夺走自♥由♥ 幸福 以及 they"ve been robbed of their freedom, of their happiness, and, 最不幸的 身体被掠夺的女性们 in the saddest of cases, of their bodies. 所以我十分感谢那名窃贼 是她让我创造出了 So in many ways I have to thank the thief for creating my most 我至今为止最深刻的一件作品 profound piece of work to date... 被掠夺的女人 A Woman Robbed. 现在 请你们把不纯洁的心思都扔到门外 Now, I would ask you all to leave your genitals at the door 用你们的思想来欣赏这些展品 and bring your minds to these pieces. 我不相信当人们看见裸体时 I don"t believe people always 会只想着性事 think about sex when they see a naked body, 我相信他们会想到自己的思想 自己的身体 I believe they think about their own minds, their own bodies, 和自己的力量 and their own power. 而这场展览正是有关于此 And that"s what this show is really about... 关于力量 ...it"s about power. 谢谢 Thank you. 说得真好 Beautiful. 克莱尔 是我 就想问问你在哪 Claire, it"s me, just wondering where you are, 因为我在这里全心全意地等你呢 because I am very much here and waiting for you. 好了 拜拜 OK, bye. 该死 克莱尔 你有没有 Dammit, Claire. Have you 在哪里见过 seen a sort of stressed out version of me 压力山大的我 anywhere? 我竟然会流口水是不是很奇怪啊 Is it weird that my mouth"s watering? 真是很精彩的展品 真的 非常棒 It"s really fantastic work, honestly, it"s amazing. 非常感谢 Thank you so much. 是啊 非常不错 Yes, it"s extraordinary. 非常 非常感人 Really, really moving. 很前卫 要是我家也能有一件就好了 Present. I"d love one of these on my floor... 比方说竖满旗杆的地毯之类的 ...like a rug with perks. 我知道你想要 但是现在 I"m sure you would, but it"s 这些固定措施是非常牢固的 very securely nailed to the wall this evening. 你发现你♥爸♥了没有 - Have you found your father yet? 嗯呐 他好像在衣帽间那里 - Yes, I think he"s by the coats. 不 不是 你发现你♥爸♥了没有 No, no, have you found your father yet? 我一眼就能看出来哦 It"s just so very obvious to me. 没错 Yeah. 康纳 Connor. 听着 今天早上 Look, about this morning... 听着 我想说的是 Listen, what I was trying to say is... -来了来了 -我本来 - Here we go. - I didn"t 没注意到 直到我们之前上♥床♥ 然后 realise this until we were having sex earlier and -我没能 -勃起 - I lost my... - Erection. -勃起 -你说什么 - Erection. - One more time. 勃起 Erection. 但是这使我醒悟 我发现了真爱 But it made me realise... I"m in love. 好吧 我是说 我不知道怎么 OK, I mean, I don"t really know what to... 我不想跟其他人滚床单了 I don"t want to have sex with anyone else, 这是前所未有的情况 and that"s never happened to me before. 我发现了真爱 I"m in love. 我得告诉她 And I need to tell her. -她 -是啊 我们在一起几个月了 - Her? - Yeah, we"ve been together for a couple of months. 在身体上她从没满足过我 And physically she just never satisfied me, 她的胸又大 she has these really massive, 又有弹性 但对我来说没什么用 bouncy tits that really don"t do anything for me. 而你一直表现得像个性感的 And you just kept turning up like this sexy... 飞机场 ...plank. 我很困惑 And it confused me. 我觉得我不该 I just don"t think I should 再背着她乱搞了 be fucking around behind her back any more. 我觉得我应该跟你 I just thought I should say that I am 道歉 如果我 sorry if I have 让你误会了的话 led you on. 没有 No. 天啊 没事 反正我前任随时都可能回到我身边 所以 God, no, my ex is due back any day now anyway, so, 嗯 it"s... 真为你高兴 I"m happy for you. 我 我就知道你不会在意这种事的 I... I knew you wouldn"t give a shit. 这话我咋接呢 What can I say? 对不起 我不在意 I"m sorry, I don"t give a shit. 好了 Cool. 永远别穿胸垫 好吗 Never wear padding, OK? 克莱尔 你在哪 Claire, where are you? 我要淹死在鸡♥巴♥的海洋里了 I can"t survive much longer in this sea of penises. 我一个人都不认识 而且 I don"t know anyone. And, so... 哈里 Harry? 哈里 Harry? -嗨 -嗨 - Hi. - Hi. 她对你做了什么 What did she do to you? 就是 你懂的 把我用石膏糊满 We just, you know, covered me in plaster and 然后在院子里晾了几小时 left me in the garden for a couple of hours. 哦 天啊 你好 Oh, God, hi. 能见到你真是太好了 It"s so good to see you. -嗨 -嗨 - Hi. - Hi. 嗨 Hi. 嗨 Hi. 我要到处去逛逛了 I"m just going to go and browse around. 很高兴见到你 It was really nice to meet you. 我也是 You, too. 她是 伊莱恩 That"s... Elaine. -我们 -你见到 - We"re... - Did you see that 跟我一起来的那个帅哥了吗 really good-looking guy that came in with me? 没有 不过我见到 No, but I saw a really 外面有个超帅的哥们骑摩托走了 怎么 good-looking guy on his motorbike outside, why? 对 就是他 呃 我和他 Yeah, that"s, he, well, he and I... 真好 Great. 嗯 他刚刚甩了我 所以 Yeah, he just dumped me, so... 不好意思 I"m sorry. 这可真是 挺像你的 This is very... you. 是 是的 她说你一点都不在意我们做 Yeah, yeah, she said you were cool with us doing... 这个 ...that. 我不 我不知道她为什么 I don"t... I don"t know why she... 我的阴♥茎♥去哪里了 ...where"s my penis? 在那边的墙上 左数第二个 It"s on the wall over there, second from the left. 我应该过去找伊莱恩了 I should probably go and find Elaine, 她不喜欢被落下一个人 she doesn"t like being left on her own. 你在公♥寓♥里面还有东西没拿走 You"ve still got some stuff at the flat. 我还一直在轮换着穿我的内衣 I"ve been rolling around in my lingerie, 全部都穿一遍 等着你来 等你来拿走 all over it, waiting for you to come and collect it. -是啊 -就只有你的特百惠 - Yeah... - Just your Tupperware, 你的电视 还有你的恐龙盘子 and your TV, and your dinosaur plate. 我买♥♥了个新的恐龙盘子 但 I got a new dinosaur plate, but... 但是 Yeah, but, 谢谢你 但你可以留着那些东西 thank you, but, you can keep those. 嘿 Hey, 你有时候还会想着我手♥淫♥吗 do you still wank about me sometimes? 不会 No. 伊莱恩 Elaine. 克莱尔 我的天 这里简直是地狱 你去哪里了 Claire. My God, it"s been hell, where have you been? 我 I... 车都停好了 All parked up. 你好啊 Hello, you. 我们差点赶不过来 但 We almost didn"t make it, but... 我们不想让老朋友们失望 We didn"t want to let the old boy down. -我以为 -我们只是来 - I thought... - We"re just going 草草地逛一圈 露露脸 to do a quick whizz around, to show our faces. 好 但 OK, but... 我们就来很快地逛一圈 We"re just going to do a quick whizz around. 不好意思 你能 Sorry, could you just, 你能去上酒吗 谢谢 could you do something with those? Thank you. 不要 Don"t! 新员工不小心的失误 The joys of butter-fingered staff. 别给你自己丢人现眼的 把这儿清理干净 Stop making a spectacle of yourself and clean that up. 你去清理干净 You clean that up. 快道歉 Apologise. 我很抱歉 I"m sorry. 看来我并不是那么天生做这个的 Turns out I"m not such a natural after all. 别装了 Fuck off. 我只说一次 I"m just going to say this once... 我值得获得幸福 我可以往前看 I deserve to be happy, I am allowed to move on, 我有一个好的生活 而且我很快乐 好吗 I have a good life and I"m happy, all right? 好吗 如果你不介意的话 All right? If you don"t mind... 我要过去 去拿 ...I"m going to go and get... 去我车上拿我的羊毛衫 ...my cardy from the car. 这里有些冷了 It"s a little chilly. 我很抱歉你要听刚才那番话 I"m sorry you had to hear that... 但你不得不听刚才那番话 ...but you did have to hear it. 不 不 她会清理的 No, no, she"ll do it. -刚刚是发生什么了 -他在这里做什么 - What the fuck was that? - What is he doing here? 你没有要去芬兰 You"re not going to Finland. 哦 上帝啊 Oh, God. 你在这里做什么 What are you doing here? 我来帮忙的 I"m helping. -他是 -他没有要吻你 - He is... - He didn"t try to kiss you. -他吻了 -他说那更像是你要吻他 - He did. - He says it was more like the other way around. 什么 What? 可 可那不是真的 Well, that"s just not true. 不 去你♥妈♥的♥ No, fuck you. -克莱尔 -你别 - Claire. - Please don"t... -不 克莱尔 他走到花♥园♥ - No, Claire, he came out into the garden... -我不想听这个 -克莱尔 你要相信我 - I don"t want to hear it. - Claire, you have to believe me. 我怎么样才能相信你 How can I believe you? 因为我是你妹妹 Because I"m your sister. 在你对小波做了那样的事情之后吗 After what you did to Boo? 他和别人上♥床♥了 他说 He slept with someone else, he said, 他告诉我他上了别人 he told me he fucked someone else. 我很抱歉 I"m sorry, 但是你要从我的角度看问题 but you just have to see it from my point of view. 走吧 Come on. 我觉得我爱上了他了 I think I love him. 我要伤害我自己 我要去被自行车撞到 I"m going to hurt myself, I"m going to get hit by a bike, 然后弄伤我的手指 and then hurt my finger and 那他就会来医院看我 then he"s going to have to come and see me 然后对他的所作所为感到抱歉 in the hospital and be really sorry for what he did. 我不知道你是从哪里来的 I don"t know where you came from. 什么 难道不觉得我俩很相像吗 What, you don"t think we are the same? 你额头上有和我一样的纹路 You have the same lines on your forehead as me. 谢谢你关注到这一点 Thank you for fixating on them. -而且你也很固执 -闭嘴 - And you"re stubborn. - Snap. -还很悲伤 -并不是生来如此 - And sad. - Not born sad. -有些人就是 -但你不是 - Some people are. - You weren"t. 不 我的确不是 No, I guess not. 上帝啊 为什么女儿们可以 Jesus, why do daughters get 说她们的人生是被她们的父亲搞砸的 to say that they"re fucked up by their fathers 但其实事实总是反过来的呢 when it"s so often the other way round? 你为什么这样对待自己 Why do you do that to yourself? 看起来很酷啊 Looks cool. 我觉得你妈妈会 I think your mother would 欣赏你在楼上的精彩表演 have admired your little performance up there. 你有想过她吗 Do you ever think about her? 是啊 Yeah. 你会想你的朋友吗 Do you think about your friend? -一直想 -那么 - All the time. - Well... 对不起 I"m sorry. 我 I... 觉得你应该离开了 ...think you should go. 嗨 我是小波 我现在接不了电♥话♥ "Hi, this is Boo. I can"t come to the phone right now, 请留言 我稍后回电 "but please leave me a messiagio and I"ll get back to you." 嗨 我是小波 我现在接不了电♥话♥ "Hi, this is Boo. I can"t come to the phone right now, 请留言 我稍后回电 "but please leave me a messiagio and I"ll get back to you." 你没事吧 Are you OK? 多事之夜 是吗 Big night, then? 什么 What? 我看到你的贷款申请上写着你有一家咖啡馆 I thought in the application for your loan it said you ran a cafe 是给豚鼠开的 for guinea pigs. 这是我为什么觉得有趣的原因 我 That"s why I thought it was funny. I... 从来没有想过豚鼠需要 never thought guinea pigs needed... 这里是以豚鼠为主题的 It"s guinea pig themed. -好吧 -好的 -这就合乎情理了 - OK. - Yeah. - That makes sense. 是啊 Yeah. 需要我给你倒杯茶吗 Can I get you a cup of tea? 已经没有茶了 I"ve run out. 咖啡呢 Coffee? 也没货了 Run out. 那么 我应该回办公室去了 Well, I should probably be heading back to the office. 咖啡馆是非常 Cafes are a very... 难做的生意 difficult business. 你的确把这一家办的非常 You"ve certainly made this one very... 独特 ...unique. 我同样把它开到破产清算的份儿上了 I also fucked it into liquidation. 好吧 Ok. 我还扰乱了我的家人 And I fucked up my family. 是吗 Did you? 我还上了我朋友的男朋友 因此害死了我的朋友 And I fucked my friend by fucking her boyfriend. 好吧 Right. 有时候我希望我不知道那场做♥爱♥曾经存在过 And sometimes I wish I didn"t even know that fucking existed. 我知道我的身体 就现在而言 And I know that my body, as it is now, 真的是我唯一剩下的东西了 really is the only thing I have left, 当我变老了 不能再做♥爱♥了 我还不如了结自己 and when that gets old and unfuckable I may as well just kill it. 不知怎么我觉得没有人愿意上我 And somehow there isn"t anything worse... 才是对我来说最糟糕的事情 ...than someone who doesn"t want to fuck me. 我什么事都办不好 I fuck everything... 除了我去你办公室的时候 ...except for when I was in your office, 我真的不是想和你上♥床♥ I really wasn"t trying to have sex. 你知道吗 所有人都或多或少是这样 You know, everyone feels like this a little bit, 但是他们从来不会开口谈论 and they"re just not talking about it, 而我就彻底的孤单一人 or I"m completely fucking alone... 这他妈的一点都不好笑 ...which isn"t fucking funny. 好的 那么 Right, well... 我大概应该 ...I should probably... 我大概应该 ...I should probably... 我大概应该 ...I should probably... 人都会犯错误 People make mistakes. 这就是为何他们会给铅笔装上橡皮头的原因 It"s why they put rubbers on the ends of pencils. 这是个笑话吗 Is that a joke? 我不知道 I don"t know. 我觉得我们应该再面试你一次 I think we should start your interview again. 在这儿吗 Here? 是的 Yeah. 开始吧 Go on. 好 Ok. 嗯 谢谢你的前来 Well, thank you for coming in. 没什么 No problem. 我看过你的申请表了 I"ve read through your application form. 上面写着你为豚鼠开了一家咖啡馆 It says you run a cafe for guinea pigs. 我告诉过你这很有意思了 Told you it was funny.

    推荐访问:伦敦 第一季 剧本

    • 读/观后感
    • 精美散文
    • 读书笔记
    • 演讲
    • 反思
    • 方案
    • 心得体会