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    时间:2020-12-08 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    创业公♥司♥ 前情回顾 调查皮尔斯探员失踪一案 Investigating the disappearance of Agent Pierce. 起飞之前

     把护照烧掉 Before you take off, better burn your passport. 付款方式

     这些账户都是空的 Payment method. These accounts are empty. 可用资金 打扰一下 Uh, excuse me. 这里的才是真正的生意 This right here is the real deal. 你们是为了什么 Why each of you? 我在杰杰那已经拖过了期限 I"m past due with Jey-Jey. 我们昨天就需要这笔钱了 We need that cash yesterday. 你得做个选择

     小当家的 Gonna have to make a choice, lil" homey. 我们整个街区的积蓄 I took my entire hood"s stash, 都给了这个小丫头 and I gave it to this little girl. 我对侦币就是这么信任 That"s how much I believe in GenCoin. 那就是原因 That... is why. -你们饿了吗

     -我们一起出去吃饭 - You guys hungry? - We"re gonna go to dinner. 意大利 拉斯维加斯 要不我给你写张支票 Okay, how... how about I write you a check? 给我订班飞机

     我走了你再兑现 Get me on a flight, and cash it when I"m gone. 你知道我能怎么报答你 You know what I can do for you. Come on. 也知道我能怎么对付你 You know what I can do to you. 必须先看到钱 I need to see the money. 开门 Door. 创业公♥司♥ 第一季

     第八集 我要饿死了 I"m just famished. 一周没正经吃饭了

     谢谢 Good. Haven"t eaten in a week. Thank you. -创业日程太满了

     -没错 - Startup schedule, huh? - Yeah. That"s it. 谢谢 Thank you. 这里很棒

     你常来吗 Great. So, this is your spot? 办要事时会来 Yeah, when the occasion demands. 谢谢 Thanks. 确实是要事

     亚历克斯 Oh, it demands, Alex. 谢谢 Thank you. 贝尔先生 Mr. Bell. -托尼

     -很高兴见到你 - Hey, Tony. - Lovely to see you. 感谢你这么快帮我们安排位置 Thanks for getting us in so last minute. 今晚我们为您准备了这瓶美酒 We"ve opened this lovely bottle for you tonight. 非常配我们的招牌开胃菜 Superb with our specialty app, 小牛肉和陶罐野生菇 veal and wild mushroom terrine. 很好 Sounds great. 今晚有特别的事要庆祝吗 Celebrating anything special tonight? 的确 Oh, we are, in fact. 我正要告诉这三位 I"m about to tell these three 我会全力为他们的创业公♥司♥注资 that I"m gonna fully finance their startup. 这项目叫侦币 It"s called GenCoin. 是货币的未来 It is the future of currency. 真棒 That sounds fascinating. 来两瓶吧 Let"s do two of those bottles? -好的

     -再来一轮古典鸡尾酒 - Absolutely. - And a round of old fashioneds. 可乐就行

     伙计 Actually, you know, just Coke is good for me, dawg. 好


     一杯可乐 Oh, okay. Three old fashioneds and a Coke. 我也要可乐吧 Actually, I"ll have a Coke, too. 可乐很好喝 Coke is delicious. 好的 Absolutely. -谢谢

     -那就 - Thank you. - And let"s get, like, 每样菜来一份吧 one of everything on the menu. 好的

     慢用 Perfect. Enjoy. 这朋务员不错 He"s a good waiter. 亚历克斯

     你是认真的吗 Alex, are you serious? -什么意思

     -全力注资 - What do you mean? - Fully finance? 那个

     为什么不呢 That. Sure. Why not? 我们得谈谈注资计划 We need to talk about our funding schedule. 我喜欢抢占商机 I want to stay ahead of any competition, 拉德币一个月内就要启动了 "cause RadCoin launches in less than a month. 我们谈谈吧 Yeah, let"s talk about it. 但拉德币烂透了 Yeah, but they"re full of bullshit. 你自己说的 You said it yourself. 率先进入市场

     最为重要 First to market, all that matters. 没错

     非常重要 That"s true. Very important. 但我们可以明早 But you know what? We could talk about that, 再聊项目

     签文件 sign some paperwork in the morning. -今晚先庆祝吧

     -这简单 - Tonight, let"s celebrate. - That"s easy. 这简单 That"s easy. -非常棒

     -是啊 - Yes. Very nice. - Yeah. 这里是你的吗 So, you own this place? 只是这栋楼 Just the building. 这会所是附带的 The club came with it. 拜托

     "只是这栋楼" Excuse me. "Just the building." 我不怎么喜欢这里 It"s not really my scene, but hey. -时不时来这里庆祝还不错

     -没错 - Sometimes it"s good to celebrate. - Right. 你买♥♥下这里多久了 How long have you owned it for? 亚历克斯 Alex! 那是谁 Who she is? -宝贝们

     -太棒了 - Hi, babies. - Perfect. 女士们

     欢迎 Hello, ladies. Welcome, welcome. 这是露西

     这是克里斯蒂娜 Guys, this is Lucy, and this is Kristina. 她们在楼下酒吧工作 They work the bar downstairs. 你们下班了 You guys finish your shifts already? -谢天谢地

     -今晚我不上班 - Thank god. - I"m not even working tonight. 我就是来玩的 I just came to hang. 那来见见伊兹

     尼克 Well, then, I want you to meet Izzy, Nick, 还有那边拘谨的绅士

     罗纳德 and that intense gentleman over there is Ronald. 我要投资他们公♥司♥ I"m financing their company. 恭喜

     太棒了 Congratulations. That"s amazing. -谢谢

     -真不错 - Thank you. - Yeah, that"s great. 他人很好 He"s a good egg. 看来我们该庆祝一下了 Sounds like we should be celebrating, huh? 这不正在庆祝吗 What does it look like we"re doing? 我是说去舞池庆祝 I mean out there. On the dance floor. 你知道我不跳舞 I don"t dance. You know that. 随便啦

     你老这么说 Oh, whatever. You always say that. 事实也是如此 And it"s always true. 你看起来很会跳舞 You look like you dance. 我有这种气场是吧 I give off that vibe, huh? 如果音乐喜欢

     我就跳 If I like the music, I dance. 不喜欢就不跳 If I don"t like the music, no dancing. 你喜欢这里的音乐吗 Do you like the music here? 超喜欢 Yeah. I love the music. 很好

     那我们去跳吧 Good. Let"s go dance. 好

     我们去跳舞啦 Okay. We"re gonna go dance. 我去小便 I"ve gotta take a piss. 尼科给我看了你们的代码 Nico walked me through your code. 弄得我又想编程了 It made me wanna code again. -你不编了吗

     -不编了 - You don"t code anymore? - No. 真没时间

     但我很怀念 No time, really. But I miss it. 我怀念自己动手创造的日子 I miss being creative, you know? Hands-on. 你不编程 Well, it doesn"t look like 干得也挺好啊 you"re doing too bad without it, though. 万变不离其宗 It"s all relative. 干杯 Cheers. 我不得不承认 You know, I"ll admit it. 我很久以前就想弄这类项目 I"ve been trying to figure something like this out for a long time. 像侦币一样吗 Something like GenCoin? 是的

     市面上这样的东西太多了 Yeah. I mean, there"s so many other ones out there. 自从有了比特币 Ever since BitCoin hit the scene 以及其他开源的端对端 and all those other open-source peer-to-peers, 我一直在想 all I could think was... 如果能创造出一种闭源 if you made one that was closed-source... 无法被腐化 Impervious to corruption. -对


     -没错 - Yes! To human nature altogether. - Exactly. 没人能破解 No one could crack it. 所有程序都不够稳定 No one"s code was stable enough. 我编程花了五年 It took me five years to write. 算上失败的初稿就是七年 Well, seven, if you count all the drafts that imploded on me. 你很特别

     伊兹 You"re special, Izzy. 不要相信别人的质疑 Don"t let anyone ever tell you otherwise. -上酒

     -满上 - We need shots! - Gimme! -龙舌兰

     -龙舌兰 - Tequila. - Tequila, tequila. 请给我杯水 Could I... could I get a water as well, please? 你得来点龙舌兰水 You need agave water. 需要点酸橙配酒吗 How about some limes for this drink? 他马上回来 Oh, dude. He"ll be right back. 我马上 Okay, I"ll be right... -干什么

     -听着 - What? -Hey, just listen, all right? -别往右看

     -好 - Don"t look right off. - All right. 这里很有问题 Some massive shit"s been going on right here. 什么意思 What do you mean? 薇拉整晚都在那间隔间 Vera at that booth right there with some Russians, 跟一群俄♥罗♥斯♥人混在一起 been getting all chummy all night. 别太显眼 Now, don"t make a thing. -哥们

     -怎么了 - Bruh. - What? 这样就很显眼 That"s a thing. 你刚刚那样就很显眼 What you did right there, that was a thing. 好了

     我知道了 All right. I know. I got it. -别太显眼


     -好的 - Don"t make a thing, just look. - I got it. All right. 哥们

     我也说不好 Dude, I don"t know. 她只是在和几个壮汉聊天

     管她呢 She"s talking to some guys with big arms. Whatever. 他们带着枪

     我能从他们的坐姿看出来 They packing. I can tell by the way they sat back down, dawg. 难道你没带吗 I mean, you"re... Aren"t you packing? -那你觉得他们

     -他们武装好了 - So, you think they"re, like... - They clipped up. 而且不只是枪的问题 And it ain"t just the heat, dawg. 一晚上有很多人在进进出出

     哥们 Lots of folks been comin" and goin" all night, dawg. -谈了很多生意

     -罗纳德 - Lots of business bein" discussed. - Ronald? 听我说 I want you to listen to me. 你得去找些乐子 You have to have some fun. -我只是觉得 -行啦 - Hey, dawg, all I"m sayin"... - Come on! 听着

     我们做到了 Listen. This is it. 有人投资侦币了

     全靠你 We got GenCoin financed. You did that. 我们将改变世界 We"re gonna change the world. 你就不能好好享受吗 Can"t you just enjoy that? 尼古拉斯 Nicholas! 来跳舞吧 Let"s go dance! 你怎么还没睡 What are you doing up? 睡不着 Couldn"t sleep. 我明天还要工作

     就先... Okay. Well, I gotta work tomorrow, so... 伊兹 Izzy. 怎么了 What? 你还好吗 Are you okay? 当然 Yeah. 你昨晚没回家 "Cause... when you didn"t come home last night... 爸

     我 25 了 Dad, I"m 25. 但你还欠着债 But you owe money. 我搞定了 I took care of it. 真的吗 You sure? 已经搞定了

     没事了 It"s handled. Everything is good. 你饿吗 You hungry at all? 你饿了 You"re hungry. 我做点早饭吧 How "bout I cook us some breakfast? 能治好我的宿醉吗 Is it gonna cure my hangover? 会有点用的 It"s a good start. 我会再买♥♥点的 I"ll buy you some more. 我是让你给我也拿一瓶 No. I mean, give me one. 给 Take that. 我没做大餐

     可以吗 I"m not doing anything fancy here, okay? 没事 That"s cool. 我一下厨

     你妈就各种挑剔 Your mother always intimidate me when it comes to cooking. 挺挫败的 It"s demoralizing. 我根本不喜欢她做的炒蛋 I don"t even like her scrambled eggs. 你做的更好吃 Yours are better. -是吗

     -别告诉她 - Really? - Don"t tell her. 还记得我们常在上面加肉桂糖吗 Remember when we used to do them with cinnamon sugar? 记得

     所以我才喜欢 Yeah, that"s why I like them. 撒上吧 Pour it up. 太棒了 Yes. 手艺不减当年啊

     老爸 You still got it, old man. 你没事了 So, you"re good? 我没事

     爸 I"m fine, Dad. 我又找了家投资商 I got a new backer, 他会摆平我们的所有欠款 and he"s gonna take care of all our debts. 怎么了 What? 别再这样了 No more, okay? 别再找不该找的人要钱了 Asking the wrong people for money. -你妈和我


     爸 - Your mother and I... - I know, Dad. I know. 宝贝 Mija... 你永远无法脱身 It never leaves you. 还清后也一样 Even after you"re square. 我们没事 We"re good. 一切都很好

     只是生意而已 Everything"s okay. It"s just business. 快吃吧

     你得补充能量 Eat up. You need the protein 来帮我妈筹备婚礼这种烂事 to deal with Mom on all this wedding bullshit. 我要告你状 I"m gonna quote you. 千万不要 No, please, don"t. 喂 Yeah. 我是科萨拉斯

     看下邮箱 It"s Kossaras. Check your e-mail. 我发了些监控资料 Sent you some surveillance. 我们在调查你的目标 We"ve been looking into your guys, 他们好像跟亚历克斯·贝尔走得很近 and it seems like they"ve been getting cozy with Alex Bell. 你调查过他吗 Have you been investigating him for anything? 没 No. 这有什么联♥系♥吗 Any connections you can think of? 会不会麦蒂知道了 Anything there Maddie might have found 不该知道的事 that she wasn"t supposed to? 昨晚很开心 That was a fun night. 是啊

     特别开心 That was fun. That was a lot of fun. 我们怎么回来的 How did we get here? 克里斯蒂娜开的车 Kristina drove us. 克里斯蒂娜 Kristina? 她人呢 And she"s, um... 好像在沙发上 I think she"s on the couch. 好吧 I see. -早

     -早 - Morning. - Hey there. 你们昨晚动静很大啊 Sounded like a good time last night. 泰勒是谁 Hey. Who"s Taylor? 你在车里一直叫我泰勒 You kept calling me Taylor, in the car. 我觉得挺好玩

     就应了 I thought it was funny, so I just went along with it. 我家姑娘起来了吗 My girl up yet? 起来了 Yeah. She"s up. She"s up. 马上就来 She"s comin". -小婊♥子♥


     贱♥人♥ - Hey, bitch. - What up, slut? 不是吧

     你好意思说这话 Really? Look who"s talking. 昨晚是谁在翻云覆雨 After last night. 你们想吃华夫饼吗 Hey, you guys wanna go get waffles? 华夫饼 Waffles! 就知道你肯定喜欢 I knew you"d be down. 还有

     我朊友史蒂夫有艘游艇 Better yet, I"ve got this friend Steve...and he"s got a yacht, 我们请谁去都行 and we can invite whoever we want. 不是吧

     你是说真的吗 You"re not doing that right now. Are you kidding me? -你太棒了

     -我得喝点提神酒 - You"re amazing. - I need a pick-me-up. 你觉得凯思琳会去吗 Do you think Kathleen will want to come? 凯思琳肯定超想去 I think Kathleen will so want to go. -你会喜欢凯思琳的

     -肯定 - You would love Kathleen. - For sure. 你想去吗 You wanna go? 抱歉

     我去不了 I can"t, unfortunately. 还有活要干 I gotta go to work. 你不是替亚历克斯干活了吗 No, you work for Alex now, right? 我确实在和亚历克斯吅作 I do work with Alex, yeah. 他 11 点才会去公♥司♥ He doesn"t get in till like 11:00. -真的吗

     -伏特加 - Really? - Vodka. 那些人都这样 None of those guys do. 我们在这里做华夫饼吧 We should make waffles here. -我赞成

     -是吧 - I"d so be down for that. - Right? -谢谢尼克

     -不客气 - Thanks, Nick. - My pleasure. 天啊

     好刺眼 God, it"s so bright. 谢了 Thank you. 昨晚太棒了 This was really fun. -有机会再约

     -没问题 - We should do it again sometime. - Absolutely. 再见 Bye! 我好像酒劲还没过

     开不了车 I think I"m still too drunk to drive. 小婊♥子♥

     昨晚你还开车送我们回来了 Bitch, you drove us home last night. -真的吗

     -真的 - Did I really? - Yes. 天啊 Oh, my God. 再见

     扫兴的家伙 Bye, party pooper! 尼克 Hi, Nick. 我能进去吗 May I come in? 我能拒绝吗 Can I say no? 你♥爸♥走前没给你做突击辅♥导♥吗 Your dad didn"t give you the crash course before he left, huh? 没有搜查令

     我得经允许才能进屋 Without a warrant, I have to be invited into your home. 就像吸血鬼 Like a vampire. 没错

     就是那样 Yeah. Just like that. Just like that. 只是吸血鬼搞不到搜查令

     我可以 Except vampires don"t get warrants. I do. -那你有吗

     -没有 - So, do you have one? - No, I don"t. 不过我能搞到

     要我去申请吗 I can get one, though. Would you like me to? 不必了 No, it"s okay. 谢谢配吅 Thank you. That"s sweet. 玩得挺开心啊 Having fun, right? 搞个小项目

     捞到一大笔钱 Building your little project, getting into bed with the big money? 是创业公♥司♥

     吅法业务 It"s a startup. It"s a legitimate business. 我知道你在找我爸

     可我在... I know you"re looking for my dad, but what I"m doing... 可你什么 But what? It"s-it"s... it"s what? 你在干什么

     说说吧 What you"re doing is what? Tell me what you"re doing. 我完全按照规定办事 What I"m doing is completely by the book and 跟我爸没有任何关系 doesn"t have anything to do with my father. 那就好 Good. That"s... that"s good. 再跟我多说点 Please, come on. Tell me more. 说说你第一笔投资 Tell me how your first lot of money wasn"t 并不是非法毒资 actually illegal drug cash. 算了

     不用说了 Actually, no, don"t tell me that. 就站在那里好好想想 Just stand there and think about 进联邦监狱的第一天会是什么样 what your first day in federal prison will be like. 你会和谁结伙

     集体淋浴是什么感觉 Who you"ll make friends with, how showering would feel. 干杯 Salut. -你要逮捕我吗

     -看情况 - Are you gonna arrest me? - That depends. 什么情况 Yeah, on what? 亚历克斯·贝尔 Alex Bell. 你在跟他吅作吗 You"re doing business with him? -还在谈


     挺好 - Trying. - Trying, that"s good. Good. 我需要情报 "Cause I need information. 你要亚历克斯的吗 Do you? On Alex? 金融犯罪执法网正准备立案 FinCEN"s building a case. 我不知道有什么可以告诉你 Yeah, I don"t know what to tell you. 我觉得他人挺好 I mean, he seems like a good guy to me. 当然

     但这里是迈阿密 I"m sure he is, but this is Miami. 好人也会变坏

     问问你♥爸♥ Even the good get dirty. Ask your daddy. 我需要账单和银行记录 I need bills and bank records. 我需要他所有非法空壳公♥司♥的产权史 I need the chain of title for all his illegal shells. 他有"程序猿"替他锁护信息 He"s got code monkeys keeping it all locked tight. 你凭什么觉得我能弄到 What makes you think I can get it? 你应该弄不到 Nothing makes me think you could get it, 可伊莎贝尔·莫拉莱斯可以 but Isabelle Morales could. 我需要你们三位通力配吅 I need full cooperation from all three of you. 好好想一想 So, understand that. 如果你们不配吅 If you can"t help me with this... 那 Well... 那又怎么样 Well, what? 请问你到底抓不抓我 I"m sorry, are you gonna arrest me, or not? 我觉得你该抓

     抓我吧 I think you should. Go for it. 你知道我犯了什么事 You know what I"ve done. 你显然知道我拿了谁的钱 You know whose money I"ve taken, apparently. 现在把我铐走 Haul me in, right now. 把这事闹大 Let"s make this very, very public. 除非 Unless, of course, 这会妨碍你像敲诈我爸那样 that would get in the way of you blackmailing Alex 敲诈亚历克斯 the same way you blackmailed my dad. 你可以走了

     请你离开 So, you can go. I"d like you to leave. -什么

     -请你离开 - What? - I would like you to leave. 送客金句 The magic words. 去申请搜查令啊 Go get the warrant! 给我滚 Get the fuck out of here. -喂

     -特别探员拉斯克吗 - Hello? - Special Agent Rask? -是我

     -我是特别探员格拉 - Yeah. - This is Special Agent Guerra. 他们找到具尸体 They found a body. 在等牙齿匹配结果 We"re waiting on dental, 但我们怀疑是皮尔斯探员 but we suspect it"s Agent Pierce. 我们有几个问题想问你 We"d like to ask you a few questions. 你在办公室吗 Are you at your office? 倒霉 Dammit. 该死 Fuck! Fuck! 真该死 God dammit. 不好意思 Excuse me. 我也不想问 I hate being this guy to ask, 你能帮我 but I... you wouldn"t be able 买♥♥点汽油吗 to spare a few bucks for some gas, would you? -不行


     -听我说 - No, sorry. - I hate to... Listen. -我身上没现金

     -我也没有 - I don"t have any cash. - No, neither do I. 我不想问的

     但是 I hate to ask, but, um... 你帮我刷个卡 If you put it on your credit card, 我会连本带利还你 I will pay you that right back, with interest. -抱歉

     -我们可以交换联♥系♥方式 - No, I"m sorry. - We can swap details. 我很可靠 And, listen. I"m a trustworthy guy. 我是联调局探员 You know, I"m an FBI agent, right? 我一定会还你的 So, you know you"re gonna get it back. 我也不想求人 I hate to ask. 不好意思

     我没钱 No. Sorry. I don"t have any. 你卡上 Not even on your... -也没有吗


     抱歉 - Card? No? - No. No, sorry. 好吧

     伙计 All right, man. 谢谢 Thank you. 抱歉

     我知道很晚了 Look, I"m sorry. I know it"s late, 但我得求你件事 but I need to ask a favor. 我想借点钱 I need to borrow some money. 干什么用 What for? 我会还你

     我不知道还能找谁 I can pay you back, I just didn"t know where else to go. 你要几百还是几千 Like, do you need hundreds or thousands, 你说你要多少吧 or how much do you need? 能借多少就多少 As much as you can give me. 好吧

     我给你开张支票 Okay, I"ll...I"ll write you a check. 不

     我今晚就需要 No, I need it now, like tonight. 出了什么事 What is going on? 没什么


     就是缺钱而已 Nothing. I"m just short on money, like I said. 另外 And I... 天啊 Christ. 菲尔

     你有点吓到我了 Phil, you"re kinda freaking me out here...with your... 我知道 I know. 那就告诉我吧 Yeah, okay, so...just talk to me. 跟我说说 Just... talk to me. 我杀了我的搭档 I killed my partner. Okay? 我当时在敲诈别人 I was on the take. 我认识的人都在敲诈

     我也想跟风 Every one I know is on the take, so I wanted in. 本想干一票就收手 Just once. Just gonna do it once, then quit. 但她发现了 But she found out and... 她很聪明

     也很能干 she was being clever, she was a real go-getter, 她对我很不利

     非常不利 and she put me in a bad spot, a real bad spot. 当我发现后

     别无选择 And once I know that, there"s nothing I can do. 只好除掉她 She"s gotta go. 所以 So... 我给她的头来了一锤 Look, I bashed her head in. 很重一下 I mean... wham. 把她头骨打裂了 Split her skull. 血 Blood. 地上到处都是血 Blood just everywhere on the floor. 而我 And... 深陷其中 And I"m really in it. 那种情况你能怎么办 "Cause where do you go from there? 要不要我告诉你始末 Shall I tell you where I went from there? 我拿了个行李箱 I got a suitcase out. 把她折起来 I folded her up, 塞到箱子里 and I stuffed her inside. 开车带着她到河边 And then I drove her to the river, 我以为在别人发现前 thinking the gators have got to get to her 鳄鱼会把她给吃了 before anyone finds out. 尽管她被鳄鱼吃了

     还是被发现了 Only people did find out, even though the gators got to her, 差不多吧 kinda, sorta. 可能还剩些四肢 But there were arms and legs, I guess. 头发牙齿

     我不确定 Hair, teeth... I"m not sure. 我得跑路 Oh, I"ve gotta get away. 但那个臭不要脸的小越南黑客 But that little Ho Chi Minh fuckface hacker, 他像个娘们一样把我的钱都偷走了 he stole all my money like a little pussy. 所以现在

     该死 So, now what? God only... Fuck. 该死

     她叫麦蒂 Fuck. Her name was Maddie. 这是你钱包吗 This your purse? 我会还你

     我保证 I"ll pay you back. I promise. 走吧 Let"s go. 你是谁 Who the fuck are you? 你到底是谁 Who the fuck are you? 坦

     怎么了 Hey, what"s it Tam. 罗

     你在哪里 Ron, where are you at? 我在回家路上

     怎么了 I"m on my way home. What"s wrong? 几个奥斯卡的手下来家里 Some of Oskar"s boys came by the house. 色眯眯地看我和埃尔丝 They started lookin" at me all nasty and lookin" at Els, too. 他们冲我们来的

     罗尼 They comin" for us, Ronnie. 冲我们全家来了 They comin" for all of us. 宝贝

     你在哪里 Okay, baby. Where you at right now? 我在街角的店里 I"m in that corner store. 我带上埃尔丝跑了出来 I just took Els, I started walking. 我只想待在公共区域 I just wanted to be someplace public. 涂易在哪里 All right. Where Touie at? 我不知道 I don"t know. 我给他打了一天电♥话♥

     找不到他 I been callin" him all day. I can"t find him. 好


     待在店里 Okay, baby. Stay at that store. 我去接你们回家 I"m gonna come get you. We"re gonna go home. 我们找到涂易后就走

     好吗 We gonna find Touie, and we gonna leave, a"ight? 好的 Yeah. Yeah. 快一点 Just hurry. 好 Okay. 你看起来很拽嘛 Somebody smack that ass, you out here. 爸 他不接电♥话♥ He ain"t answerin". 他不会有事

     怎么找他呢 He"ll be fine. How we gonna find him? 妈

     怎么了 Mom, what"s going on? 我们在找你哥 We"re just tryin" to find your brother, okay? 你好啊

     兄弟 What are you doin", man? 你好啊 How do you do? 庆祝一下

     烟鬼 Celebrate, smoker. 我知道你那天看见你♥爸♥的事了 I know you seen what went down with your daddy the other day. 不过你跟他不一样

     对吧 You ain"t like that, though, right? 这是你跟我说的吧 That"s what you told me, right? -是吧

     -是的 - Right? - Right. 你♥爸♥很强悍 Your daddy, he"s strong, man. 他很强悍

     他从小就很强悍 He"s strong. He"s been like that since we was chilluns. 这点很难否认 Hard not to respect that. 但他现在做的事 But, hey, the way he going? 很不上道

     涂易 That ain"t right, Touie. -大家都知道


     -当然 - Everybody know that, right? - Sure. 我们都看在眼里 We all see it. 你♥爸♥继续这样下去 Your daddy, he keep going like that, man... 会拖垮大家 that"s just gonna bring everybody down. 你♥爸♥ Your daddy. 让我们没得选 He gave us no choice. 所以只能这么办

     明白吗 So, this how it gotta go down, you feel me? 你要做正确的事 You gotta do what"s right. 为了你

     为了你妹妹 For you, for your sister. 你得为你妈做正确的事 You gotta do what"s right for your mama. 你得为大家这么做 You gotta do right for all of us. 这事只能这么办 So, that"s how it"s gotta go down. 你知道怎么用枪吧

     小子 You know how to spray that, right, young blood? 会用吧

     很好 Right? Good. 他没问题

     够兄弟 He good. He blood. 你可以的

     兄弟 Yeah, yeah, yeah. You"re good, man. 没问题 Fo sho. Fo sho. 我跟你直说

     兄弟 I need more front to you, dawg. 那是你♥爸♥ That"s your daddy. 肯定很难下手 That ain"t gonna be easy. 可一旦动了手

     你就会重生 But after you do that, you gonna have a new life. 明白吗

     涂易 Feel me, Touie? 你会重生 You gonna have a new life. 不仅你会重生

     大家都会 New life for you, new life for everybody. 必须的 For sho. 你会称王 You about to be a king. -小心

     -快拿毛巾来 - Watch out! - Somebody get me a towel! 快点

     快点 Hurry up! Hurry up, man! -快开门

     -涂易 - Okay, open the door. - Touie? -快进去


     -涂易 - Get in there. And... Elsie, get in. - Touie? 怎么回事 What"s going on? 涂易 Touie? 涂易



     罗尼 Touie, are you in here? Touie? Ronnie, god. -涂易


     他不在家 - Touie? - Ronnie, he is not in here. 把需要的东西收拾一下 Okay, pack everything that you need. 我们不回来了 We ain"t comin" back here. 不能丢下涂易 We"re not leavin" without Touie! 我去找他

     一定找到他 I"ma find him, I swear to you. I"ma find him. 跟着你妈

     听到没 Go with your mama, okay? 埃尔丝


     回房♥间去 Elsie, listen. Listen, baby. Just go in your room. 把所有需要的东西打包 And pack a bag. Just pack whatever you need. 爸 Dad? 爸

     爸 Dad? Dad? 这你能拿着吗 Can you take this, please? 儿子

     过来 Son, come here. -出了什么事


     是你吗 - What"s goin" on? - Touie, is that you? 涂易 Touie! 宝贝 Oh, baby. 我好担心你 I was so worried about you. -我杀了他们

     -什么 - I-I killed "em. - What? -你杀了谁

     -这是谁的血 - Who"d you kill? - Whose blood is this? Wh... 我杀了他们 I killed "em. -你在说什么


     你干了什么 - Okay, what are you talking about? - What you talking about, son? 我杀了奥斯卡和杰杰 I killed Oskar and Jey-Jey. 天啊 Oh, Jesus. 对不起 I"m sorry. -对不起


     -儿子 - I"m-I"m sorry, Dad. - Son, Son. 爸

     对不起 Dad, I"m sorry. 没关系


     没事 It"s okay, Son. It"s okay. No, it"s okay. 没事 It"s okay. 没事 It"s okay. 没事

     没事 It"s okay. It"s okay. 罗尼

     我就知道他们要冲我们来 Ronnie, sh... I told you I knew they was coming for us, Ronnie. 枪里有四发子弹 We got four in here. 带埃尔丝去厕所 Take Elsie to the bathroom. 谁叫都别出来 Don"t come out for nobody. -去厕所



     好 - Go to the bathroom, baby. - Okay. Okay. Okay. -宝贝


     -好的 - Baby, go to the bathroom. - Okay. Okay. -怎么回事



     进去 - What"s happening? Mama! - Elsie, get in the bathroom. -怎么回事


     进去 - What"s happening? - Listen, get in the bathroom. 不要出声 Do not make a sound. 待在这里 Stay in here. 乖乖待在这里 Stay right here. -别乱跑


     爸 - Stay right here. - Okay, Dad. 左手放在我左手位置 Put your left hand where my left hand is at. 右手放在我右手位置 Put your right hand where my right hand is at. 准备好了再扣扳机

     明白吗 Finger off the trigger till you"re ready to pull, all right? 过来 Come here. 好好待在你房♥间 Now, you stay in your room. 一有人开门

     你就开枪 First person to open that door, you put a bullet in their head. 然后去保护你妈和你妹 Then you go protect your mama and your sister. 明白吗

     我们不会有事 You understand? We gonna be all right. 进去吧 Okay, get in there. 达西

     达西 Dacey! Dacey! 达西

     达西 Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! 达西

     达西 Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! 达西

     达西 Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! 达西

     达西 Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! 达西

     达西 Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! 达西

     达西 Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! 达西

     达西 Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! 达西

     达西 Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! 达西

     达西 Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! 达西

     达西 Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! 达西

     达西 Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! 达西

     达西 Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! 达西

     达西 Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! 达西

     达西 Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! 达西

     达西 Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! 达西

     达西 Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! it la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force! 团结就是力量 L"Union! Fait la force!

    推荐访问:第一季 剧本 第八集

    • 读/观后感
    • 精美散文
    • 读书笔记
    • 演讲
    • 反思
    • 方案
    • 心得体会