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    时间:2020-12-08 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    《创业公♥司♥》前情提要 现在一切就看盖泽能否成功 奥列格指望着我 答应我

     你不会下手 你就是一团糟 You"re all messed up. 我从船上就能闻到你身上的酒味 Could smell you from the damn boat. 趴下


     趴下 Get down, get down, get down. 他把他老婆女儿给送走了 He sent his wife and his daughter away. 我又做了什么

     斯泰拉 And what did I do, Stella? 把你带到漩涡的中心 Right in the middle of the problem. 我就是这么对你的

     你就不该在这里 That"s where I put you! You shouldn"t have been here. 我们成功削减了盖泽的用户基数

     可是... We managed to undercut some of Guizer"s user base, but-- 他们已经有太多曝光量了 I mean, they, they just got too much exposure. 运动场 SchoolYard. 他们把用户数据卖♥♥给出价最高者 They selling their user data to the highest bidder. 他们需要给自己改头换面 They need to reinvent themselves. 我们就能接下他们所有的用户 We would inherit all their users. 你这是敲诈 This is blackmail. 他们本周内要把他们的用户 They"re gonna migrate their users 迁移给我们 to our network within the week. 好的



     女王 Okay, okay. Do it again, Queen. 阿♥拉♥克网

     用户数量 干了 Drink. 再看看盖泽的数字 Okay, now go back to Guizer"s numbers. 盖泽活跃用户数 这看着可不太妙 Those aren"t very good. 我觉得我们应该喝一杯 I think maybe we should just drink 幸灾乐祸一下 out of sheer schadenfreude. 不是这么玩的 That"s not the game. 闭嘴

     贱♥人♥ Shut up, bitch. 继续来回看 Okay, now just keep switching back and forth. -看我们的数字

     -好 - Go back to our numbers. - Okay. 女王 Queen? 你看见了吗 Did you see that? 用户数 使用阿♥拉♥克网的活跃访客数 庆祝一杯 Drink? 干了 Drink. 你感觉怎样 没事 当然 什么事 我的人查了一下他名下所有公♥司♥ 佛罗里达群岛上的项目和投资

     所有近岸的对吧 接着说 还有 千里马有限责任公♥司♥ 他 1997 年成立的空壳公♥司♥ 在这上吗 这整座岛 都是他的 创业公♥司♥ 天啊

     看看你们 I mean, Jesus Christ, look at you all. 一群谦虚的年轻梦想家 Humble... little army of young dreamers. 我向你们致敬

     因为在短短四个月内 I salute you because in four short months, 你们成功取代了一家科技巨头 you managed to supplant a tech giant. 一家大型企业

     直接把他们挤出了市场 A corporate Goliath and knocked "em right out of the market. 我知道我比亚历克斯·贝尔帅多了 While I know that I am much better looking than Alex Bell... 有什么好笑的 Why is that funny? 有什么好笑的 Why is that funny?! 逗你呢 Kidding. 当我们盖泽的朋友收到了 And while our friends at Guizer were funded 安讯士和它的伙伴的资助时 by Axis and all of its partners, 可以说 suffice it to say... 我们弄死了他们 we fuckin" smoked "em. 当然也是因为你们废寝忘食的努力 And of course you all worked your god given asses off. 做出的难以想象的贡献 Sacrificed more than anybody will ever know. 所以 So... 敬幕后英雄 Here"s to the ones who matter. 顺便说一句

     你们会收到 By the way, you will all be presented 今晚晚餐的账单 with a small bill for tonight"s meal. 我们不收侦币 And we do not take GenCoin. 把你们的杯子凑过来 All right, bring all your cups together. 我来给你们倒酒 Finna waterfall this right here. 走一个

     走一个 Here we go! Here we go! 就像以前一样 Just like old times. 我想说两句 All right, I wanna say something though. 对我的朋友们说 Something to my niggas. 你们听好了

     注意 Let me holla at y"all. Bring it in, bring it in! 我们有过分歧 We had some differences, right? 但你们都不离不弃 But y"all was there. 同甘共苦 Through thick and thin. 你们在我的低谷时

     让我振作起来 Y"all niggas lifted me up when a nigga was down. 就像饶舌里唱的那样 Like on some R&B shit. 我当时真的很消沉 And I was real down! 说真的 Real talk. 我失去了儿子 I lost my son. 有人说这是混黑帮的代价 They say that"s the cost of livin" in the hood. 要我说

     我不会再付出这种代价了 I say I ain"t finna pay that price no more. 明白吗 You feel me? 我们会为了你们的孩子去改变街区

     小伙 We gonna change the streets for your kids, boy. E

     为了你的孩子 E! For your kids! 敬涂易 To Touie, boy! 敬涂易 Touie! -敬涂易

     -敬涂易 - Touie! - Touie. 伊兹 Izzy... 你看见舞池了吗 You see that dance floor? 看上去不错

     对不对 It looks good, doesn"t it? 对不对 Doesn"t it? -别这样


     来嘛 - Stop. - Come on, come on. 斯泰拉 Stella. 伊兹 Izzy? 看着我 Hey, hey, look at me. 就今晚

     你能不能... Just this one night, can you just... 求你了 Please. 这才对嘛 That a girl. 这家伙 This nigga... 他不回报任何人 He don"t pay back nobody! 他拿着钱买♥♥了头猪 He take that money and buy a pig. 还记得鳄鱼皮鞋吗 And remember them alligator shoes? 天啊

     那些鞋 Oh my God, them shoes though. 先有他们

     再有了鳄鱼皮 Them now and later gators. -拿那个

     -我没拿 - Take that right there. -I didn"t take-- 现在而后鳄鱼皮 Now and later gators! 鳄鱼皮

     待会见 Alligator! See you later! 过来 Come here. -你要来点吗

     -不了 - You want some? - Nah. 所以 Oh, so... 你可以和我聊的

     知道吗 You can talk to me, ya know? 和你聊


     姑娘 Talk to you? What you mean talk to you, girl? 我知道你很受伤 I know you"re hurting. 我知道 I do. 而你正独自承受 And you"re hurting all alone. 没人 No one... 没人应该那么做的 No one should ever have to do that. 让我来帮你 Let me help you out. 等等

     等等 Wait-wait-wait-wait-wait. 等等


     等等 Wait-wait, wait! Wait, no, wait. 等等


     慢点 Wait-wait, slow down, slow down. 停停停

     停下 Stop-stop-stop-stop. Stop. 说真的 For real. 我做不到

     你就坐着吧 I can"t do this. Just sit down for a second. 你很好 You fine as hell. 你很好 You fine as hell. 谁能得到你都很幸运 Any nigga"d be lucky to have you. 但我有女人了 But I got a girl. 她也很好 And she a good one. 别介意

     没事的 No, it"s... it"s all right. -抱歉


     这没什么 - I"m sorry. - No, no, it"s a"ight. 派对不错 Nice party. 当然 Sure was. 好好睡一觉 Get some sleep, okay? 说起来 So, um... 我要你和尼克分手 ... I"m gonna need, uh, you and Nick to stop seeing each other. 你有什么可害怕的 What are you so afraid of in there? 只是为我的公♥司♥着想 Just looking out for my company. 你确定 Are you sure? 不是因为你害怕失去我吗 Not because you"re afraid you might lose me? 塔姆 Hey, Tam? 罗尼

     没事吧 Yeah, Ronnie, is everything okay? 罗尼 Ronnie? 我在纠结 I"m strugglin". 罗尼

     怎么了 Ronnie, what"s going on? 我要来看你们 I need to come see y"all. 我要来看你们 I need to come see y"all. 我爱你

     宝贝 I love you, baby. 我也爱你 I love you, too. 别挂

     宝贝 Stay with me, baby. 别挂

     宝贝 Stay with me, baby. 别挂 Stay with me. 来

     挪一下 Here, scooch. -给你看个东西


     算了 - I wanna show you something. - Might break it, but... -你没事吧

     -没事 - You good? - Yeah. -我想给你看

     -我的脚 - I wanted to show you-- - Oh, my foot. 抱歉 Sorry. -看看

     -这是什么 - Check it out. - What"s this? 我觉得如果我要留在迈阿密

     那或许... Well, I figured if I"m gonna be staying in Miami, then maybe... 我们可以一起 You know, we could do it together. 是的 Yeah. 我知道我们得等事情平息 I mean, I know we have to wait for things to blow over, 保持低调

     但是... but-- lay low, but... 我觉得它很完美 I mean, I think it"s perfect. -是吗

     -是的 - Yeah? - Yeah. 可以 For sure. -大概吧

     -是的 - Maybe, right? -Yeah. 大概

     可以 Maybe? For sure, yeah. -多给我看点照片

     -好的 - Let me see, show me more. - Sure, look. 你好

     奥列格 欢迎 这里情况怎么样

     没事吧 是的


     当然 我一直很喜欢这里 我希望等一切结束后 我能退休 然后住在这里 我侄女对你还不错吧 是的

     还不错 加夫里尔和米沙真丢人 -情况很糟


     是的 调大声点 歌♥

     你能不能调大声点 谢谢 我是维斯 Wes. 不

     我知道你是谁 No, I know who you are. 可以

     我们能做到 Sure, we can do that. 我知道个安静的地方 I know a quiet spot. 爸爸 Daddy! 宝贝 Oh, baby! 好想你

     你想我吗 Miss you so much. Did you miss me? 嗯 Yeah. 萝丝 Hey, Rose. 老爸回来了 Daddy"s back. 至少现在有人陪我喝酒了 Least I got someone to drink with now. 对不起


     这笑话好冷 I"m sorry, baby, that was a crappy joke. 不

     很有趣 Nah, you good. 我们会一起挺过去的 We gonna get hold of it together. 我也会退出 I"ll quit, too. 真对不起

     塔姆 I"m so sorry, Tam. 我对你说的那些话 All that shit that I said to you. 让你陷入那种境地 Put you in the situation... 我不该让你陷入那种境地的 I shouldn"t have put you in that situation. 我们没事 We all right. 是吗 Are we? 我们 We... 不能继续责怪对方了 Gotta stop blaming each other. 也不要继续责怪自己 And we gotta stop blaming ourselves. 他已经不在了 We lost him... 因为生活就是这样 "Cause that"s the life. 他当时听不听你的话 And it wouldn"t have mattered if he listened to you 或者听我的话

     或者听谁的话 or didn"t listen to you or listened to me... 都不重要了 Or no one. 我们所在的地方 And where we at... 我们抚养他长大的地方 Where we had to raise him... 我们现在抚养埃尔丝的地方

     那是... And where we raisin" Els now, that"s... 那就是生活 That"s just the life. 我觉得你不能改变这一点 And I don"t think you can change that. 你不能


     就是... Not you, not no one, just... 这就是生活 It"s just the life. 但我能改变这一点

     为了我们 But I can change it... for us. 是吗 That right? 我有办法 I got a way. 等着我 维斯 Wes? -薇拉

     -幸会 - Vera? - Pleasure. -喝酒精饮料吗

     -好 - Alcohol beverage? - Sure. 这叫"豌豆" Call this... Chichaito. 源自波多黎各 It"s a Puerto Rican thing, all right? 渔民很喜欢这东西

     因为它... The fishermen love this stuff because it... 它能让人欲♥仙♥欲♥死♥ Well, it messes them up. 干杯 Cheers. 够烈吧 Good burn, right? -是的

     -再来杯吗 - Sure. -"Nother? 他们有黑皮诺吗 Do they have a Pinot Noir? 先生 Sir? 他们有啤酒 They have beer. -好吧

     -卡利托 - Okay. - Hey, Carlito! 我自己拿了 I"m taking one a these. 谢了 Thanks. 所以 So, um... 这不是你的主意吧

     这次会面 This wasn"t your idea, was it? This meeting. 你和你的团队取得了惊人的成就 You and your team have done an impressive job. 孩子们很聪明 Smart kids. 是的 Yeah. 而我们愿意承认 And, um, we are willing to concede 市场上没有足够的空间 that there is not enough room in the marketplace. 让盖泽和阿♥拉♥克网并存 For both Guizer and ArakNet. 你可能是对的 You"re probably right, yeah. 竞争性货币 Same goes for, um... 也是一样的 competitive currencies. 你想让我们接受侦币 You want us to accept GenCoin. 我们有什么好处 What do we get out of it? 我想运行一个经济体一定很困难 I assume it"s hard to run an economy 当你的流通货币一文不值的时候 when your most prevalent currency is worthless. 不不不

     我们用比特币挺好的 Oh, no, no, we"re, we"re good with BitCoin. 暗币


     傻币 DarkCoin, BlueCoin, DickCoin. 市面上有很多币 Lot of coins in the sea. 也许现在是这样

     但侦币显然是主流 Maybe right now, but GenCoin is obviously the leader. 薇拉

     你干脆把想说的说出来吧 Vera, why don"t you just say what you came here to say? 让侦币上线 Put GenCoin on the network. 而你就不会再杀我的孩子了 And you... stop tryin" to kill my kids. 你是不是想来说这个 Isn"t that what you came here to say? 不管怎样

     我会问问他们 Anyway, I"ll... I"ll ask "em. 看看他们怎么想 See what they think. -不




     但伊兹 - No. Hell no. - No, I know, but Izzy-- 你知道那些是什么人吗 Do you know who these people are? 不是关于他们是什么人

     是关于... It"s not about who they are, it"s... 他们做了什么

     他们从我这拿走了什么 What they did, what they took from me? 是的


     但我们还是该谈谈这事 Yes, yes, but we should still talk about it. 而我们却要帮他们 And we"re gonna help them? 我们要帮他们赚钱 We"re gonna help them make money? 来保全你的命 In exchange for not killing you. -其实这提议不错

     -闭嘴 - It"s kind of a good deal. - Shut up! 你这小贱♥人♥怎么长了这么大张嘴 How does a bitch your size have such a big ass mouth?! 天啊 Hey, Jesus Christ. 我们三个能不能单独聊会儿 Listen, can the three of us sidebar for a minute? 不行

     这不再是你们三个的事了 No, there is no three of you anymore. 现在是我们五个的事 There"s the five of us now. 来投票 Take it to a vote. -明天投吗

     -今晚 - Vote on it tomorrow? - Tonight. 我们今晚投票

     10 点 We vote tonight, 2200 hours. 好吧 All right. 这是什么 那是你的行程单 回莫斯科吗 坐下


     坐下 请坐 是你的主意吗 波格丹 我以前很喜欢你 自信


     我想证明自己 你父亲和我 都想 我们的侦币 是企业集团的支柱 它的成功关系到很多权贵人士 我需要阿♥拉♥克网确认它的货币性质 不然我们撑不住 我就快要解决了 我知道他们在哪里 我的人手很厉害 我们正在提出和解 什么 和解 波格丹


     小伙子 你在这里是个累赘 你的家人想要你回去 我不敢相信我们居然会讨论这事 I can"t believe this is even a discussion. 就是这帮人坑骗了我们 I mean, these are the people that ripped us off. 他们还杀了我妹妹 They killed my sister. 我知道

     这也是为什么我觉得要考虑一下 I know, I think that"s why we should consider it. 他们把我拖去了小树林

     尼克 They dragged me out to the glades, Nick. 是的

     因为你惹到了他们 Yes... Because you messed with them. 我们警告过你的 We warned you not to. 所以你现在站他们那边了吗 Okay, so now you"re on their side? 完全不是

     完全不是 Not at all, not at all. 那这是什么意思 So, what is this? -你们认真的吗

     -听着 - Are you guys for real? - Look, look... 我们几个月前就讨论过了 We talked about this months ago. 我们同意了要做大到不可动摇 We agreed to try and become too big to fail. 现在我们做到了

     我们赢了 And now we are, we won. 现在是关于活下去 And this is how we stay alive now. 我们和侦币合作 We partner with GenCoin. 我们让他们彻底依赖我们 We make them completely reliant on us, 这样他们就无法再伤害我们了 and they cannot hurt us anymore. 罗尼


     你还没发表意见 Where you at with this Ronnie? You haven"t said anything. 我只想让这一切结束 I just need this to end. 什么 What? 这么做是正确的

     伊兹 It"s the right thing to do, Izzy. 如果你按我说的做

     这一切根本不会发生 This wouldn"t have happened if you"d just done what I asked. 怎么


     伊兹 Why? What you want me to do, Izzy? -说吧

     -在戴尔的葬礼上 - Go on, spit. - At Deli"s funeral... 继续说 Okay, go on. 你问我想要什么

     我也告诉你了 You asked me what I wanted and I told you. 而你做不到

     现在又到了这一步 And you couldn"t do it and here we are now. 你想让我怎么处理 How"d you want me to do it? 告诉我你怎么想的 Tell me what you had in mind 当时你要我就这样轻易干掉他们 when you asked me to just casually kill "em? 要我去他们家里 Want me to go to each a they houses, just... 有人吗 Hello?! 在他们孩子面前杀了他们 Pop "em in front of their kids? 或者我等在车里 Or maybe I"ll wait in the car. 等他们上车 Wait for "em to get in. 嘣 Pow. 杀个措手不及 Before they see it coming. 把绳子绕在他们脖子上

     然后勒紧 Put that rope around their neck... and squeeze 直到他们死去 until just before they go all the way. 我知道

     尼克 I can tell, Nick. 在他们失去意识到死亡之间 There"s a small window between them nodding off 有段间隙 and before they heart stop. 那是"甜区" That"s the sweet spot. 因为他们可以感受到死亡 "Cause they feel what it"s like to die. 就一瞬间 Just for a second. 当他们回过神 And when they wake up... 会放空 There"s this relief. 因为他们看上去像是已经死了 "Cause they looked death in the face 而他们撑了过去 and they beat that shit. 活了下来 They survived. 对我来说好戏刚上演 That"s where the fun starts for me. 这时我会抽出刀子 That"s when I whip out my blade. 他们马上会意识到

     还不如刚才 And it ain"t long "fore they wishin" they"d just cashed out 死了算了 when they had the chance. 当我擦干净我的刀 And after I clean off my blade, 我的弟兄处理完尸体 and my boys get rid of the body, 我回到家坐下和家人一起吃晚饭 I go home and I sit down to dinner with my family. 我用捅人时盯着对方的那双眼睛 And I stare at the people I love with the same eyes 注视着我爱的人 that just stared into homeboy"s soul as I dug into his belly. 然后我用刚才捅人的那只手 And I serve little Els mashed potatoes 给埃尔丝端上土豆泥 with the same hand that did the cuttin". 然后我和家人道晚安 Then I kiss my family good night, 躺在床上

     想到了他的家人 lay down in bed and I think about his family. 想到了他的父母 I think about his parents. 想到了他出生那天的场景 Think about what it"s like the day he was born 以及之后的每一天 and every day after that. 他的第一次接吻

     第一份工作 His first kiss, his first job. 他去过的地方

     他交的朋友 Travels he had, friends he made. 因为无论他做过什么坏事 "Cause no matter where that nigga went wrong, 他始终是个人

     是一条生命 he"s still a human being. That"s a life. 这时我就会和上帝交流 And that"s when I talk to God! 我躺在床上祈祷 I lay down in my bed and I pray! 我会求祂原谅我

     我祈求 I beg Him to forgive me, I beg! 尽管已经太迟了 Even though it"s too late. 已经迟得太久了

     但我还是会祈祷 It"s been too late for too damn long, but I pray! 我会祈祷到天亮

     伊兹 I pray till the sun come up, Izzy. 这种事听上去很有趣吗 That shit sound like fun? 让我告诉你

     小姑娘 "Cause let me tell you something, little girl. 就算我是指使别人杀人

     感觉也是一样的 It don"t feel no different when I order the hit. 想想吧 Think about that. 她会没事的 She"ll walk. -是吗


     肯定 - Really? - Yeah, 100%. 在这么多事之后

     在这些成功之后 After everything, after all this success, 你真的觉得她会... you really think she"s gonna... 你不了解她

     你不了解她 You don"t know her, you don"t know her. 好吧

     但我的意思是 Okay, but, I mean... 不管有没有她 With or without her, 我们都不用再偷偷摸摸地工作 we wouldn"t have to work in hiding anymore. 我们可以公开地接下 We could go public and attract 世界上最好的项目 some of the best programmers in the world. 我知道 I know. 我知道这很艰难 Look, I know this is hard, okay? 我知道她是你朋友 I know she"s your friend. 但你呢 But what about you? 先不管她

     你觉得怎样对你最好 Forget about her for a second. What"s best for you? 对罗纳德


     对你和我 For Ronald, for me... For you and me? 显然是和侦币的合作 The GenCoin partnership, obviously. 是的 Right. 听着 Listen... 无论你做什么决定

     我都支持你 Whatever you decide, I"m with you. 我会听你的 I"ll follow your lead, okay? 我们会回来拜访的 有点嫉妒

     兄弟 美国妞很有趣

     但是 她们不会像我们国家的妞一样管好自己 掉头 什么 马上掉头 你的航♥班♥两小时后要起飞了 你叔叔说了 去他的 他不懂这里是怎么运作的 威慑力是多么重要 臭婊♥子♥幸灾乐祸 是时候让她闭嘴了 我不喜欢形♥式♥主♥义♥

     直入主题吧 I"m not big on ceremony so let"s just get to it. 赞同让侦币成为阿♥拉♥克网货币的举手 Favor of using GenCoin as currency on ArakNet. 伊兹

     听着 Izzy, look, uh... 我无法想象 ...I can"t even begin to understand 那些人给你带来的痛苦 the pain that these people have caused you. 但我认为这是最佳的方案 But I think this is the best thing 来确保我们的安全

     对公♥司♥也是最好的 to keep us all safe, and it"s definitely best for the company. 成了

     四比一 There it is, four to one. 我去告诉安讯士的人 I"ll let the people at Axis know. 我能不能... Can I have a... 我知道你... Look, I, I know you"re... 你太软弱

     尼克 You"re soft, Nick. 你太软弱

     而且你太渴望不软弱 You"re soft and you so desperately want not to be. 很可悲 It"s sad. -我只想帮忙

     -这就是你女友离开的原因 - I"m just trying to help-- - That"s why your girl left you. 这是你♥爸♥离开的原因 That"s why your daddy left you. 这也是维斯终将离开你的原因 That"s why Wes will leave you, too. 他发现你一无是处只是时间问题 Only a matter of time before he realizes you ain"t shit. 我懂 Look, I get it. 帮助安讯士那些人这个想法 The thought of helping these Axis people 让你很反感 makes you sick. 我懂 I get it. 但是 But... 你能想明白的 I mean, you"re smarter than that. 这个合作关系可以改变一切 This partnership could change everything. 我们可以过上自己的生活

     但是... We could just live our lives, but... 我认为你是害怕自己高兴起来 I think you"re afraid to let yourself be happy. 那是... And that"s... 也许是我能想到的最悲伤的事了 maybe the saddest thing that I can think of, so... 你身上有 100 块吗 Got $100 on you? 说没有 Say no. -我吗

     -100 块 - Me? - $100. 100 块 $100, uh... 好吧

     我玩 Yeah, okay, sure, I"ll play. 100 块

     赌我开球进三个球 $100, I make three blows on the break. -你赌吗

     -不可能的 - You in? - There"s no way. -100 块

     -我赌 - $100. - I"m in. 很好

     好好学着点 All right, good. Watch and learn. 该死 Oh! Shit! 什么 What?! 好


     要么退出 All right, double or nothing. -我能一杆清台

     -不 - I clean up all these puppies... - No! 在轮到她之前 Before she even gets a shot. -不可能

     -不可能 - No. - No. 等等

     等等 Hang on, hang on, hang on. 等等

     不行 Hang on? No way. 罗纳德 Hey, Ronald. 来根雪茄吗 Can I get you a cigar? 不用了

     我就要走了 Nah, it"s good, I"m about to get up out of here. 你打给保罗了吗 Did you call Raul? 打了

     他在等我 Yeah, yeah, he"s, uh, he"s down there waiting on me. 兄弟

     我们俩一直没机会交流 Listen, man, you and me, we never get a chance to bond. 我一直都在

     兄弟 I been right here, bruh. 我想做些改变 Well, wanna do something about that. 你喜欢钓鱼吗 You like to fish? 不喜欢 Nah, man. 你不必做这些的

     兄弟 You don"t need to do all that, bruh. 我在这完事了

     大伙 I"m done here, y"all. 我要进行股权收♥购♥ I"m gonna ask for a buy out. -什么

     -什么 - What? - What? -我们才刚开始

     -是的 - We"re just getting started. -Yes. 我们和薇拉达成了和解

     所以... And we called that truce with Vera, so... 你们不再需要我了 Y"all don"t need me no more. 这也是你的公♥司♥ Hey, this is your company, too. 马上就要变得不同了 It"s about to be very different. 没事的 Ay, it"s all good. 你们现在是个合法公♥司♥了 You guys are a legit company now. 你们不需要海地流氓了 You don"t need no Haitian thug. -别这么说

     -相信我 - Uh, hey, don"t say that. - Trust me. 我还有事情要办 There"s something I gots to do. 好吗 A"ight? 我也马上需要那笔钱 And I"ma need that money soon, too. 你们一起谈谈 So, get together. 看看要花多少钱打发我走 Figure out what it"s gonna cost to get rid of me. 我们以后再见

     好吗 And I"ll see y"all later, a"ight? 晚安 Have a good night. 真搞不懂 I don"t know... 听着

     我知道你应得的 Look, I just-- I know you deserve better 比你在这里得到的更多

     我懂 than what you"ve gotten here, I know that. 但是

     你得承认 But... you have to admit. 这里的情况尤为特别 It"s a pretty unique situation here for a minute. 我懂的


     我懂 Look, I get it, bruh, I get it, a"ight? 但你们不需要我了 But y"all don"t need me. 我完全反对 I wholeheartedly disagree. 你确定要这么干吗 Are you sure you wanna do this? 什么 What?! 你没事吧 Are you okay? 去厕所

     去厕所 Go to the bathroom! Go to the bathroom! 天啊

     天啊 Oh, my God! Oh, my God! 尼克

     你中枪了吗 Nick, you hit? 没有

     罗纳德中枪了 No, no! Ronald"s shot. 尼克 Nick! 尼克 Nick! 罗尼



     罗尼 Ronnie! Ronnie! Oh, God, Ronnie! 不不不


     罗尼 No! No! No! Ronnie, Ronnie? 不


     别这样 No, Ronnie, stop, stop. 别这样

     不要 Stop! Stop! No! 不要 No. 斯泰拉

     快去求救 Stella! Call someone! -好


     不要 - Okay! - Stop, stop, no! 罗尼

     不要 Ronnie, no. 喂 Hello? 罗尼

     看着我 Ronnie, look at me. 我朋友中枪了 My friend got shot!

    推荐访问:第二季 剧本 中英文对照

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    • 演讲
    • 反思
    • 方案
    • 心得体会