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    时间:2020-08-31 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站


     一个中国偏远西部的农村 White Horse Village, a farming community deep in Western China. 几百年来

     这里的生活几乎一成不变 Life here hasn"t changed much for hundreds of years 而现在

     却面临着历史的巨变 but now it faces transformation on an epic scale. 村庄将被拆毁

     为城市发展让路 The village is to be destroyed to make way for a city. 这里要讲述的是

     一个家庭被变革所颠覆 This is the story of a family torn apart by change. 你就告诉我只能在家里苦苦地辛苦等待 就是这么苦

     你才晓得 一位农民试图 A farmer trying to forge 在中国无情的经济浪潮中建立自己的商业帝国 a business empire in China"s ruthless economy. 一起来做那些不正当的事

     欺负百姓 一位党委书♥记♥必须 And the communist party secretary who has to convince 说朋村民舍弃他们曾经的生活方式 the villagers to give up their way of life forever. 第一批这样


     第三批还是这样 不接受

     政♥府♥根本不听我们的意见 这一历经六年拍摄而成的故事 Filmed over six years, 是全中国千千万万村庄的缩影 it"s a story being replicated in thousands of villages all over China. 人类历史上最大规模的城市化 The biggest urbanisation in human history 一切为了发展的必胜信念 and a giant leap of faith in the name of progress. 全球变化最快的地方 我断断续续在中国生活和工作了近 30 年 I"ve lived and worked in China on and off for nearly 30 years 当我开始拍摄白马村的故事时 and when I started filming in White Horse Village 这里不过是中国赤贫的角落之一 it was just another dirt poor corner of the country. 农民用双手在地里刨食 Farmers working small plots by hand, 指望着养猪养蚕

     年收入 2000 人♥民♥币 counting themselves lucky to earn 200 pounds a year 就算丰年了 from selling pigs or silkworms. 十年前

     中国政♥府♥启动了 A decade ago, the Chinese government embarked 一项雄心勃勃的工程 on an ambitious piece of social engineering. 实施西部大开♥发♥ The plan was to drive development west 让成千上万的农村进入现代化 to modernise thousands of rural communities. 白马村就是其中之一 White Horse Village was on the list. 这个数百年历史的偏僻村庄 After centuries as a rural backwater, 注定要在短短几年内变成高楼林立的城市 it was destined to become a high-rise city in a few short years. 译者注:此地图有严重问题

     非中国标准地图 中国的人力和物力集中在 China"s power and wealth are concentrated 沿海大城市 in its coastal mega-cities. 而白马村坐落于千里之外的 White Horse Village lies a thousand miles inland, 偏僻小城巫溪县 in remote Wuxi County. 现在面临的挑战是要将中国经济的成功 Now the challenge is to bring China"s economic success 惠及内陆地区 to the hinterland. 2006 年 小张是一名 32 岁的农民


     养猪 Xiao Zhang is 32 and she"s a rice and pig farmer, 生活正如她母亲一样 just like her mother before her. 她家住在村头

     有两个孩子 She lives on the outskirts of the village with her two children, 阳阳和佩佩 Yang Yang and Pei Pei 快点薅 扯猪草 学会扯猪草

     扯得快点 她的丈夫在北♥京♥的一家工厂工作 Her husband works in a factory in Beijing. 所以小张要自己一个人养育孩子 So Xiao Zhang is bringing up her children alone 同时照料公婆 as well as cing for her in-laws. 没钱买♥♥食物 There"s no money to buy food, 所有吃的东西都要靠她自己种 so she has to grow everything they eat. 你对地有感情吗 非常辛苦地工作

     赚不了多少钱 边带孩子边挣钱 边种地什么的 一天到晚非常辛苦


     晚归 所以你宁愿做什么 想出去打工 或者做一点什么小生意 让孩子上大学

     去城里找一个工作 不像我们这样辛苦 那是最完美 这就是小张渴望她和孩子能过上的生活 This is the life Xiao Zhang wants for herself and her children. 东部沿海城市 The cities of the east coast. 上亿的农民聚集在此 Hundreds of millions of farmers flock here 在市场大潮中寻找工作 for jobs in the money economy. 现在

     政♥府♥想要逆转这一趋势 Now the government wants to reverse that tide by bringing 方法就是将农村城市化 the cities to the countryside instead, 将五亿农民变为城市消费群体 turning half a billion farmers into urban consumers, 以优化财富分配 hoping to spread the wealth 解除中国对西方市场的依赖 and cure China"s dependence on western markets. 但对于那些从未离开过白马村的人来说 But for those who"ve never left White Horse Village 这一切都是难以想像的 all of this is unimaginable. 我都 60 了

     当了一辈子的农民 I"m in my 60s and I"ve been a farmer all my life. 我不会做生意

     现在也学不会了 I don"t know how to do business and I can"t start now. 我们不知道什么发展计划 We don"t know anything about the plans for development. 他们说


     不得不 They told us we have to sell and that we"ll have to rely 依赖政♥府♥的财政补贴 on financial support from the government. 村庄必须要为城市建设让路 The village must go to make way for the city 而这个人必须要去传达这一命令 and this is the man who must deliver the orders. 向财国恰生于 Xiang Caiguo was born 1949 年的共♥产♥革命之后 just after the Communist revolution of 1949, 共♥产♥党造就了如今的他 and the party has shaped his life. 他成长于毛♥泽♥东♥时代

     参过军 He grew up under Chairman Mao and he served in the Red Army. 二十年来 For the last 20 years, 他一直担仸白马村的党委书♥记♥ he"s been White Horse Village"s communist party secretary. 这工作挺艰巨 It"s a hard job 既要执行上面的命令 because I have to carry out orders from above. 下边群众的意见

     我也要听 On the other hand, I have to listen to ordinary people 解决他们的问题 and find solutions to their problems. 共♥产♥党的立业之本是农民斗争 For a party that was founded to fight for the peasants 然而古怪的是 it"s awkward that the cities 从中国的发展中获益的却是城市 have benefited so much more from China"s growth. 保持政♥治♥稳定必须缩小城乡差异 Political stability depends on closing the gap. 进入城市化生活 把这个迁移的工作 党委书♥记♥必须 It"s the party secretary who has 说朋村民放弃自己的住♥宅♥ to convince his neighbours to give up their houses. 警♥察♥都来了 那些执法队能起到什么作用呢 故土难离

     心疼是很正常的 It"s very sad that people have to move. 很多家庭在这片土地上生活了几十年 Many families have been on this land for decades, 甚至数百年 even hundreds of years. 他们会想念这片土地上的生活 They"ll miss their old lives here on this land. 新生活不会像务农一样艰苦 The new life can"t be as tough as farming. 务农真的是苦活儿 Farming is really hard work. 工作辛苦

     收入却低 You have to make a lot of effort for very little reward 实实在在地说

     这是事实 and that"s a fact. 计划中的巫溪新城 The plan for Wuxi New Town - 这一 20 万人的城市将要改变山谷旧貌 a city of 200,000 that will transform the valley. 这一远景中不需要农民 Farmers have no place in this vision. 所有的摩天大楼都将建立在某个人的土地上 Every new tower block has to be built on somebody"s fields. 政♥府♥和开♥发♥商敲定了协议 Government and developers cutting deals. 在中国

     土地是不允许私有的 In China there"s no private land ownership. 国家可以仸意从农民手里拿走土地 The state can take fields from the farmers at will, 只给枀少的补偿 give them minimal compensation 然后再以高达 30 倍的差价转租给开♥发♥商 and lease the land to developers instead at 30 times the price. 农民认为这很不公平 The farmers think that"s unfair. 农业用地和城市用地 永远不在同一个比较范围内 农业每年只能有很微薄的收入 现在政♥府♥补贴给他 通过土地转让 手里有了一定的本钱 他就可以把钱投入其他地方 去做一些其他的事情 山谷中有很多地方已经开始了建设 Construction has already started in some parts of the valley. 这位是谢廷明 This is Xie Ting Ming. 他曾毫不犹豫地 He had no hesitations about 接受对他农田的征地补偿 taking the compensation for his farmland. 43 岁时


     外来务工者 At 43, he"s been a farmer and a migrant worker. 城市规划给了他创业的机会 The plan for a city has given him a chance to start a business 他把自己的补偿款投资于挖掘机了 and he"s invested his compensation in a bulldozer. 谢先生努力经营关系 Mr Xie is making friends where it matters. 是可以跟政♥府♥做生意的村民 A villager the government can do business with. 下一步是建房♥子 The next step will be to build houses, 大厦

     和公路 high-rise buildings and roads. 这可比当农民赚钱多了 You can make much more money than being a farmer. 我现在有自己的工程了 I"ve got my own projects now, 但我还入伙了其他人的工程 but I"m also getting involved in other people"s projects. 谢先生及其团队工作繁忙 Mr Xie and his team have been busy. 山谷中的大部分土地已经清理好了 Much of the land on the valley floor has already been cleared. 但城市建设的下一步更加艰难 But the next step towards the new city is harder. 村民们虽然并不拥有他们的土地 The villagers may not have owned their fields 但却拥有他们的房♥子 but they do own their houses. 所以他们没那么容易被强制迁出 So they can"t be forced out quite so easily. 党委书♥记♥的工作是去测量每一家农舍 It"s the party secretary"s job to measure each farmhouse. 补偿款是根据占地面♥积♥算的 Compensation is calculated on floor space 他必须要说朋农民接受 and he has to convince the farmers to accept it. 广大村民同志们

     乡亲们 要召开村民大会了 关于搬迁安置的问题

     请大家认真收听 每个人都被许诺新城建好后

     会有房♥子住 Everyone"s been promised an apartment and places 孩子会有新高中可上 for their children in the new high school when the city is built. 但他们觉得自己的农田 But they feel cheated at the low price 被人为压低了价格

     非常可疑 they received for their farm land and many are suspicious. 他们赚到钱了

     我们没有 要先把我们安排好了

     再来建设 补偿款太少了 有些上了年纪的村民回忆起过去 Some villagers are old enough to remember another attempt 共♥产♥党为改变他们的生活而发动的大♥跃♥进♥运动 by the party to transform their lives - the Great Leap Forward. 当时许诺是美好的

     但却以饥荒收场 Grand promises were made but the result was famine 白马村死了不少人 and in White Horse Village many died. 现在共♥产♥党再次许诺改变 Now the party is promising transformation again 唐仁定说出了大家共同的担忧 and Tang Rending voices their shared anxiety. 他们不安排我们就生存不了 在会上说得好 做就不是这个做法了 全面包


     包入学 还有穿的了 衣食住行都包 所以这个标准

     必须要大幅度提高 请大家放心 做为基层干部 As party secretary, 我不能反对中♥央♥政♥府♥的政策 I can"t disagree with central government policy. 这个项目是为群众造福的 The programme is for the welfare of the public 所以我们都得作出牺牲 so we must all make sacrifices. 对有些人来说

     城市化来得还不够快 For some, the city can"t come fast enough 小张住在首批发展规划区域外 but Xiao Zhang lives outside the first zone of development 她担心还要等上几年才能受益 and fears it will be years before she benefits. 生孩子前

     她在北♥京♥当保姆 Before she had children, she worked as a maid in Beijing 她知道城市才是能赚到钱的地方 and she knows the cities are the only place to make real money. 几乎所有的年轻夫妻都把孩子 Almost every young couple leaves their children 留给长辈带 with their grandparents 自己外出务工赚钱 and goes away to work as a migrant to make money. 我很羡慕那些能出去的人 I feel very jealous of those who can go. 我就没办法 I don"t have a way to do that. 我就是请[求]你 这些年为了赚钱给孩子上学 我在家带孩子这么辛苦 养猪


     也赚不了多少钱 但你不想

     我们能改变孩子的生活吗 因为你的孩子太小了 先不急 他们不听话啊 我的意思是想办法我先出去 我去打工

     去赚钱 维持这个家的生活 你就告诉我只能在家里 苦苦地辛苦等待 就是这么苦

     你才晓得 真受不了 大部分年轻人都去城市了 Most young people leave for the cities. 谢先生及其夫人从工作中抽出时间 Mr Xie and his wife are taking time out from business 为他们的女儿玉倩庆祝 20 岁的生日 to celebrate their daughter Yuqian"s 20th birthday. 她作出了一个重大的决定 She"s made a big decision. 我不想一辈子待在这里 你为什么不在这里创业 我们可以帮你

     你认为呢 今年我就要跟男朊友去深圳了 以后结婚了

     肯定要经常回来 你要想自己能做主 经济独♥立♥ 肯定要努力

     当个女强人 这里的高山深谷 The deep valleys and high mountains of this region have kept it 将巫溪和玉倩渴望的现代化中国切割了出来 cut off from the modern China that Yuqian wants to belong to. 但现在

     她唯一的决定是如何庆祝自己的生日 But for now, her only decision is what to do for her birthday. 我们先去吃晚饭吧

     然后再去 KTV 唱歌♥跳舞 那你要跟你男朊友今晚一直待在一起吗 我还没有出嫁噢 再说吧 在白马村

     党委书♥记♥的工作是要 In White Horse Village, it"s the party secretary"s job 说朋他的乡邻 to persuade his neighbours 为了新城建设而舍弃家园 to give up their homes for the new city. 但这也关系到他个人 But it"s personal too. 他的祖先就葬在这片生前耕耘的土地中 His ancestors are buried in the fields they once farmed. 二哥的坟也要搬啊 那没办法啊

     该搬的还得搬啊 党委书♥记♥和他的同龄人 The party secretary and his generation 都经历过动♥乱♥和饥荒 have lived through chaos and famine. 但这片土地的生活传统得以传承 But the traditions of life on the land have always endured. 现在他们被要求放弃自己所熟悉的一切 Now they"re being asked to give up everything they know. 确实有一些难舍 因为从小就土生土长在这里 但是为了下一代的幸福 为了孩子们的幸福 我们必须这样做 你觉得说朋大家难吗 是比较困难 一是要把上级政♥府♥的精神传达给乡亲们 然后还要乡亲们接受

     需要时间和努力 你觉得这个政策公平吗 原则上是公平的 但有一些小的地方

     不公平的地方也有 6 6 2007 年 2 月 八个月后 Eight months later, 新城的建设进展良好 construction of the new city is well under way. 所有这些建筑都是政♥府♥办公楼 All these buildings are government offices. 许诺的新高中

     却不见踪影 There"s no sign of the promised new high school 农民的新房♥子同样如此 or the apartments for the farmers. 这让他们开始担心 So they"re concerned about 几时才能轮到自己 where they come on the list of priorities. 这些一直都没有征询过民♥意♥ There"s been no public consultation. 那位在村民大会上滔滔不绝的唐先生 Mr Tang, who had so much to say at the village meeting, 他的问题仍然没有答案

     他们要怎么赚钱呢 is still waiting for answers on how they"re going to make money 现在他们的农田已经被没收了 now their farmlands been confiscated. 只能住家

     做生意不行 没有做生意要去外边的门市 老百姓拒绝接受 就想每家都有个店面 但据说他们现在准备开始修房♥子 所以如果你们不同意的话

     你们怎么办 不同意我们就不搬了 吗 就不搬 马上就要到中国的春节了 It"s the run up to Chinese New Year, 这是中国农历最大的节日 the biggest festival in the calendar 合家团聚的日子 and a time when families get together. 小张正在准备迎接 Xaio Zhang is preparing for 她的丈夫常森难得的回家之旅 a rare trip home by her husband Chang Seng. 接下来的几天

     她要屠宰掉 In a few days, she"ll slaughter 自己养了一整年的猪 the pig she"s been fattening up all year. 常森在远在千里之外的北♥京♥工作 Chang Seng works a thousand miles away in Beijing. 白马村根本没有工作 With no jobs in White Horse Village, 为了孩子的未来

     这是唯一的攒钱方法 this is the only way they can save for their children"s future. 在化工厂工作

     每周只能赚到 200 元人♥民♥币 Earning 20 pounds for a seven-day week in a chemical factory, 常森正是创造 Chang Sheng is one of the 中国经济奇迹的默默无闻的英雄之一 unsung heroes of China"s economic miracle. 以廉价劳动力支撑的产品横行世界市场 The low cost labour behind the products that flood world markets. 其实我很不想出来

     孩子还那么小 I never wanted to leave home while my children were so small. 我儿子出生的时候我都不在 I wasn"t even there when my son was born. 去年一共我只在家里待了三周 Last year I only spent three weeks at home 然后就不得不回北♥京♥ and then I had to come back to Beijing. 常森这次想要说朋小张 Chang Sheng plans to persuade Xiao Zhang that this time, 他应该留下来跟家人在一起 he should stay with the family for good. 1.5 亿人背井离乡

     在城市打工 150 million people leave their families to work in the cities. 对于常森

     回家的旅途要走三天 For Chang Seng, it"s a three-day journey home. 你会想他吗 会想

     但有时候我太累了 会在电♥话♥里跟他着急发脾气 你会想他这次过春节回来吗 非常想 因为他回来能帮我做很多事 也是一次面对面的交流 旅途中

     常森 On his journey home, Chang Sheng 见证了中国巨变 witnesses the extent of China"s transformation. 长江沿岸超过一百万人 Along the Yangtze River more than a million people 被移♥民♥到了新城市 have been resettled in new cities 以便为三峡工程让路 to make way for the Three Gorges dam and reservoir. 所有这些新城市都被高速公路网连接了起来 And all these new cities are being linked with a motorway network 这是 21 世纪基础建设雄心伟业的一部分 part of the ambition for a 21st century infrastructure. 也许等阳阳和佩佩长大后 Perhaps when Yang Yang and Pei Pei grow up 在家乡就能有收入丰厚的工作 there will be well-paid jobs at home. 但是现在

     工作只意味着分离 But for now, work means separation 和几乎不认识的父亲 and they have a father they barely remember. 爸爸 都不认识爸爸了吗 村子里

     党委书♥记♥正在挨家挨户地 In the village, the party secretary is taking his campaign 继续努力

     希望新年礼物能打开新局面 from house to house, hoping a new year gift will smooth the way. 现在关键是想办法

     住进过渡房♥ 我也不愿意搬 这件事我认为应该这么去处理比较合适 一定要大力地支持高中城的建设 损失一点自己的小利益

     这是肯定有 给我们这些老年的

     劳动能力退化的 到底怎么办

     怎么安置 现在土地也被征收完了 也不能下地了

     都五十五六的人了 这个政♥府♥考虑一下要怎么给我们解决 没放进去就烧 小张和常森相聚的第一天 Xaio Zhang and Chang Sheng spend their first day together 用来为传统的年夜饭准备猪肉了 preparing the pork for their traditional New Year feast. 但他们有了分歧 But they don"t see eye to eye. 你现在不去工作

     我们怎么维持生活 不能这样下去 小孩还小 我是想回来 那你说怎么办吧 回来干 那我就没话可说了 那样我就出去

     你就在家 -不可能的

     -我就走 你走吧 大门给你敞着

     开着咧 春节是中国的大日子 New Year is a rare moment in China 所有的建设也难得都停止了 when construction actually stops. 但对谢氏夫妇来说

     生意永远不停 But for Mr and Mrs Xie business never stops. 放假之前 On the eve of the holiday, 工人必须拿到他们的年终奖 the workers must get their annual bonus. 签了字就拿钱 在我们这里拿钱的都要打个条子 这里写 2007 年 感觉赚到钱的并非只有谢家 It"s not just the Xies who are feeling rich. 这一年 It"s been another year in 中国经济的增速再次超过 10% which China"s economy has grown by more than 10%. 谢家用赚到的钱举办了 The Xies" new wealth paid 村里第一个新娘穿上白色婚纱的婚礼 for the village"s first ever white wedding 把他们的女儿玉倩嫁给了她的商人男友 when their daughter Yuqian married her businessman boyfriend. 我女儿结婚后

     我生意都还可以 Business has been good since my daughter got married. 发展项目上换届了新的班子 New officials have been appointed to the development project 这意味着新城的建设速度会更快了 which means the new town will happen even faster. 我要采购更多的设备

     再多台挖掘机 I"m going to buy more equipment, another new digger 再雇一些工人 and hire more workers. 我希望生意能更上一层楼 I"m hoping business will get even better. 婚礼之后

     玉倩拒绝了父母的建议 After the wedding, Yuqian rejected her parents" advice. 她前往深圳 She moved to the city of Shenzhen

     和丈夫开始共同创业 to start a new business with her husband. -新年快乐

     -恭喜发财 还有个重大消息要宣布 There"s important news to catch up on. 好大的肚子 像是双胞胎呢 检查了

     不是双胞胎 要模样像他爸爸

     身高像她舅舅 赚钱的脑袋像他外婆 我唯一可取的就是喜欢赚钱 你今年想赚几个亿 两个亿就够了 你赚三个亿 比爸爸妈妈还要多一个亿 新年赚大钱

     下半年回来 把孩子抱回来

     车子开回来 拿个几千万的存折带回来给妈妈看看 听到没 有信心 党委书♥记♥终于 The party secretary can 可以放下村里的烂摊子了 finally forget the chaos of village politics, 虽然仅此一夜 even if it"s just for one night. 来

     满上 不要了 再喝点 有一个人缺席了 One person is missing. 他的女儿瑞琳正在深圳务工 His daughter Rui Lin is a migrant worker in Shenzhen 决定要多存点钱

     今年就不回家了 and has decided to save money rather than spend it coming home. 党委书♥记♥夫妇把她的小女儿领来了 The party secretary and his wife are bringing up her little girl. 坐好 恭喜发财

     红包拿来 红包给你 今夜

     村民欢庆春节 Tonight, the villagers celebrate the new year. 很快

     谢氏夫妇就要抱外孙了 Soon the Xies will get a grandchild 而常森不得不 and Chang Seng will have 踏上回北♥京♥的漫漫旅途 to make the long journey back to Beijing. 然而对村子来说

     未来仍然充满不确定 But for the village, the future is as uncertain as ever. 2007 年 10 月 七个月后

     新城的建设放缓了 Seven months later and progress on the new city has slowed down. 村民们仍然不接受 The villagers still don"t 他们的新楼房♥计划 like the plan for their apartment blocks 并拒绝离开他们的农田 and are refusing to move out of their farmhouses. 官方开始失去耐心了 Officials are getting impatient. 我们当地的农民一般来说比较落后 Farmers here are rather backward. 他们想要养猪 They want to be able to feed their pigs, 养牛


     养羊 cows, chickens and sheep - 他们不习惯住在楼里 they"re not used to the idea of living in an apartment block. 所以新城的建设过程 So the process of building a new town 同时也是观念的改变过程 is also about changing their way of thinking. 谢家一直热烈欢迎新城建设计划 The Xie family have always embraced the plan for the new city. 谢氏夫妻用他们的关系 Mr and Mrs Xie have used their contacts 以枀低的价格买♥♥了一套商务公♥寓♥ to buy a commercial apartment at a knockdown price. 他们希望能说朋女儿玉倩 They"re hoping they can persuade daughter Yuqian 带着她新成立的小家一起搬回来 to move back home with her new family. 这种的小区 就像深圳 90 年代的 甚至像 80 年代的 电梯都没有 没有地下停车场 有地面停车场 太阳一照很晒 要赚钱还是要回深圳去 我们想涵涵在这里长大 距离白马村 700 公里之外的深圳 700 miles from White Horse Village is Shenzhen 是中国珠三角地区的出口中心 China"s export hub in the Pearl River Delta. 0 年前

     这里只是一个小渔村 30 years ago, it was little more than a fishing village - 而现在

     这里有 1 千 2 百万人口 now, with a population of 12 million 是世界上最大工业区的中心 it"s the centre of the biggest manufacturing region in the world. 一个创造财富的地方 A place where fortunes are made. 小张说朋了她的妈妈帮她照顾孩子 Xiao Zhang has convinced her mum to look after her children, 自己来到深圳

     想找一份工作 and come to Shenzhen to see if she can find work. 这里已经有了同来自白马村的 There"s already a network of friends and relatives 亲友网络

     也许可以提供帮助 from White Horse Village who might be able to help. 瑞琳是党委书♥记♥的女儿 Rui Lin is the party secretary"s daughter. 她在一家鞋厂工作十年了 She"s worked here for ten years in a shoe factory. 你在外边挣多少钱 但孩子跟你的感情生了 只要在花钱的时候才想着你 我上次回去就是因为女儿想要双运动鞋 要我回去给她带双 那天叫了一天"妈妈妈妈" 第二天我买♥♥了鞋子 她一拿到

     就不认识我了 把我当陌生人了 气死了 真羡慕你们家有爷爷奶奶带孩子 你们都能在外边打工 又不用担心家里 我妈带的孩子都不亲近我 妈妈走后

     阳阳不得不赶快成熟起来 While her mum"s away, Yang Yang has to grow up quickly. 去当地小学要走三公里的路 It"s a three-mile walk to the local primary school. 升学压力非常大 Competition for places at the new high school will be intense. 四岁的阳阳

     已经知道自己得好好表现 At four, Yang Yang already knows she has to stand out. 老师

     我写完了 他们的外婆病了

     又没有医保 Their grandmother is ill and has no health insurance. 如果小张能在城里找到工作

     就有钱付药费了 If Xiao Zhang gets a city job, it"ll pay for medicine. 喊妈妈 你在家里要听话 把弟弟要好好带 考一百分你要多给钱 每科都是一百分 拿一百分要给钱 给钱 妈妈等几天就回来了 村政方面

     战线已经拉开了 In village politics, battle lines are being drawn. 建成政♥府♥大楼 Finishing the Communist Party headquarters 已经占用了大部分的工程预算 has taken up much of the construction budget, 现在老大们又想在前边再加个广场 and now the bosses want a public square in front. 农民们的泥砖房♥挡了路 The farmers" mud brick homes are in the way, 搬迁通知已经公布了 and eviction notices have been posted. 你看

     这是他们的黑心政策 黑心行为 北♥京♥当局想要给他们带来繁荣 Beijing"s intention was to bring them prosperity, 但村民们看到的 but all the villagers see 是当地官员只顾自己 is local officials looking after themselves. 搬他们就拿出手铐来 你不执行就把房♥子给你挖了 他们就是来这一套 叫不来人


     二没刀 他们要来强拆怎么办 只有拼着脑袋不要 2007 年

     中国有超过 7 万起群♥体♥事♥件♥ In 2007, China saw over 70,000 riots, 其中绝大部分是因为土地和家园的征用问题 most of them sparked by the confiscation of land and homes. 对此

     中♥央♥政♥府♥提出了新的施政口号♥ In response, central government announced a new slogan, "和谐社会"

     提醒地方政♥府♥ "Harmonious Society", a reminder to local government 每个人都应该从发展中受益 that everyone should benefit from progress. 但和谐之风 But the harmonious message 还没有吹到白马村 hasn"t reached White Horse Village yet. 这是对我们的敲诈 他们不负责仸

     我们没办法 只有砖头石头跟他们干 干到头破血流 上边才有人管 我一点成绩都没有

     工作没有成效 老百姓不赞成

     一户都没搬 他们为什么不接受 政♥府♥的条件与老百姓的要求差距过大 强制执行真的会执行吗 只能针对少数 多数不赞成是不会强制执行的 这是法律的规定 2008 年 土地被征用已经四年了 It"s four years since their land was confiscated, 村民们知道 and the villagers know 这个房♥子的僵局不能再继续下去了 the stalemate over their houses can"t go on. 党委书♥记♥被命令要作出榜样 Now the party secretary"s been ordered to set an example 先把自己的房♥子拆掉

     否则就下台 and have his own home demolished - or face the sack. 这是转折点 It"s a turning point - 绝大多数农民跟从他们的头领

     most of the farmers follow his lead

     舍弃了自己的家园 and give up their homes. 在新楼房♥建好之前

     这就是他们的新家了 Until the apartment blocks are built, this is their new home. 这里没有热水

     没有供暖 There"s no hot water or heating, 厕所是公用的 and the toilets are in a communal block. 这可不是他们被许诺的美好生活 Hardly the good life they were promised. 党委书♥记♥一家 The party secretary"s family 世世代代居住在此 have lived on this land for generations. 要舍我肯定是舍不得 我们住了那么多年 非常留恋老房♥子 但一来上级要求我们迅速撤下来 二来要给老百姓起个带头作用 也没什么了 在这边住吧

     看你头发都白了 搬到那边的过渡房♥吧

     下雨就漏 一想起来心里只有

     哭鼻子掉泪 看到挖掘机把房♥子 真的是我们的压力也大 政♥府♥的压力也大 为了顾大家只有舍弃小家 我们认为现在是最艰难的时刻 Right now is the hardest time. 我们已经失去了我们的土地和房♥子 We"ve lost our land and our houses. 政♥府♥正在考虑要怎么安置我们 The government is thinking about how they can resettle us. 他们有千头万绪的工作 They"ve got lots of things to sort out. 中国新兴的内陆城市要消耗巨大的能源 China"s new inland cities will consume vast amounts of energy, 而这片群山蕴藏着丰富的资源 and these mountains are rich in natural resources. 谢家拿到了一份合同

     The Xies have won the contract

     修通往煤矿和大坝的公路 for a road to a coal mine and dam, 让他们的生意飞跃山谷 growing their business beyond the valley. 煤老板打电♥话♥了 我们放炮的时间要分开 白天通车我们晚上放炮 通了车再继续放炮 这笔生意复杂而危险 It"s a difficult and dangerous business. 已经有三人死于这一工程 Three people have died on this project already. 这工作真的很艰难 It"s really tough up here. 经常有石头滚落下来伤到人 There"s a constant danger of rock falls hurting people 损坏机器 and damaging equipment. 非常危险 It"s very dangerous, 但这工程是政♥府♥交给我们干的 but this is the project the government has given us. 所以再大的困难也要上 We have to get it done and we have to do it fast. 我们这里有好多工程 We have many projects around here,

     但这里的钱不够了 but there"s not enough money in the area. 我们不得不加大投资

     竞争很激烈 We have to invest a lot and it"s very competitive. 在重庆弄钱就容易多了 It"ll be easier to make money in Chongqing. 新兴的超级城市重庆远在 200 公里之外 The emerging mega-city Chongqing is 200 miles away, 尽管距离如此之远 but despite the distance 重庆的边界却一直延伸到白马村 its boundary extends to White Horse Village - 由此可见中国意图把这城市扩展到何等规模 a sign of how big China intends this urban region to become. 谢家已经说朋玉倩搬到了重庆 The Xies have persuaded Yuqian to move to Chongqing, 并且让她丈夫从建筑业开始起步 and given her husband a start in construction - 他们在这座城市中规划的第一步 the first stage of their own plans in the city. 喊婆婆

     喊婆婆 婆婆在噢 玉倩有了新的开始

     开始了新生意 Yuqian"s got to start again and build a new business. 我现在就想找个地方开餐馆 我们打电♥话♥问那个朊友 他说只要 2 万块钱就可以了 我也有事做了

     每天收下钱就行了 我们也有个活儿 当全职妈妈从不是她的计划 Being a full-time mum was never her plan, 她并不想被困在家里 and she doesn"t want to get trapped at home 外边的机会太多了 when there are so many opportunities here. 小张的城市生活并没有持续多久 Xiao Zhang"s taste of city life didn"t last long. 她妈妈自己带孩子吃不消了 Her mum found looking after the kids on her own too much. 便宜点多少钱一个 你想多少 价格合适我就买♥♥ -365 块

     -250 块吧 250 不行

     最少 350

     说老实话 原来的愿望


     你放弃了吗 目前是


     我的丈夫 他们觉得孩子小

     应该是这样子 所以你负责抚养孩子 目前的计划是这样吗 是的

     没办法 小张只有一个希望了 The one hope left for Xaio Chang 就是她的孩子可以上新中学 is that her children might go to the new high school. 这是县里最好的

     马上就要有 5 千名学生 It"s the best in the county, and will soon have 5,000 pupils. 这里教英语

     也教电脑科学 English is taught here as well as computer science - 这是中国帮助下一代 part of China"s campaign 迎接全球竞争挑战的努力之一 to prepare the next generation for global competition. 村民们被许诺会有他们孩子的一席之地 The villagers were promised places for their children. 但却无人可以登记入学 But none have been allowed to enrol. 在中国

     说起受教育机会 Rural children have always been the outsiders 农家的孩子永远是被拒之门外的 when it comes to educational opportunity in China. 现在看来他们又输了

     即使是在新城里 Now it looks they might lose out, even in the new city. 一如既往

     唯一能够 As usual, the only person 听到村民不满声音的人 to whom the villagers can air their grievance 是党委书♥记♥ is the party secretary. 我们都在闭塞的山区 但再穷不能穷教育 我担心一旦曝光了

     他们私下搞 搞得我们子女升学啊什么的 卡得还更严了 我跟领导反映了 他们镇上也解决不了村上的事 124 个孩子 每张桌子 3 人 这样怎么行 你把我们土地征收了

     房♥子拆了 我也没事做

     我去外边找工作算了 2010 年 城市诞生了

     巫溪新城 The city has arrived. Wuxi new town. 仅仅四年前

     这里还是一片田野 Just four years ago all of this was fields, 但现在

     白马村已是难觅踪迹 but there"s no trace now of White Horse Village. 取而代之的

     是蓬勃发展的货币经济 Instead, a thriving money economy, 每天都有新的生意开张 where every day brings the launch of a new business. 但村民们还没有进入城市生活 But the villagers are not yet part of city life. 他们仍住在临时住♥宅♥里 They"re still living in the temporary housing. 他们的新楼房♥已经建好了 Their apartment block has now been built, 但他们对质量非常不满 but they"re unhappy with the quality 拒绝搬进去 and they"re refusing to move in. 他们认为开♥发♥商 They think the developers 偷工减料

     中饱私囊 have cut corners to line their own pockets. 他们录了相

     绕过地方政♥府♥ They"ve made a video, and bypassed local officials 直接向重庆表达了他们的不满 to send their complaints direct to Chongqing. 问题就是他们欺负我们老百姓 就自己的楼搞得好 肯定有问题

     不然的话 建筑方面懂都不懂

     怎么能招到标呢 他们都把我们都当儿戏了 两年前

     汶川地震死了几乎 7 万人 Two years ago, an earthquake nearby killed 70,000 people. 建筑质量是生死攸关的事 Building standards can mean life or death. 老百姓的房♥子都塌了

     就汶川地震 掉下来砸死人他们都无所谓 是修在了一个好地方 好地方修这种坏房♥子的确不满意 确实是不满意 新城的工作和生意前景 The prospect of jobs and businesses in the new city 吸引年轻的务工者们回到家乡 is bringing young migrants home. 党委书♥记♥的女儿瑞琳已经存够了钱 The party secretary"s daughter Rui Lin has saved enough money 在一个高档小区买♥♥下了她梦想中的房♥子 to buy her dream apartment in an upmarket block. 她的父母前来祝贺 Her parents have come round to celebrate. 回来就回来了

     回来就完全没有事做 你现在也干不了苦活 挣钱比外边差好多 在外边还是两个人挣

     在家就靠他一个人挣 一个人挣

     我们四个人用 现在还好一点了


      过去根本找不到事做 在家里种地

     根本就没有办法 我在家里种了番薯和土豆 根本就办法 城市还没有扩张到小张的房♥子 The city expansion hasn"t reached Xiao Zhang"s house yet. 不过她已经靠着把自己房♥子的顶楼 But she"s been making a little money by renting out 租给建筑工作赚到了一点钱 the top floor of he...

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