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    时间:2020-08-31 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    美国孕育出三位伟大的作家 America has produced only three classic writers, 马克·吐温

     J·D·塞林格和我 Mark Twain, J.D. Salinger, and me. 两者都是美国历史上著名的作家 我是乔纳森·弗林 I"m Jonathan Flynn. 我所写的都是传世经典 Everything I write is a masterpiece. 很快很快 And soon, very soon, 我就能一鸣惊人 I shall be known. 故事讲到这里

     姑且称之为此刻吧 At this point of the story, let"s call it the present, 我是一名正派的美国公民 I am an upstanding citizen of these United States. 拥有一份工作 I have a job, 一个安身立命之所

     足以维持生计 a roof over my head. I have sustenance. 说不定哪天你就能读到我的大作 Perhaps I"ll let you read my masterpiece someday 纽扣人

     也称为 The Button Man, also known as 克里斯托弗·柯柏的自白 The Confessions of Christopher Cobb. 堪称经典 It"s classic. 这不是他的故事 This isn"t his story. 好吧

     其实是他的故事 Well, it is, 却不是由他来讲述 but he is not telling it, 而是我 I am. 我是尼克·弗林

     他的儿子 I"m Nick Flynn, his son, 我正努力成为一名作家 and I am sort of trying to be a writer. 怎么说呢

     现在还不到时候 I mean, not at this very moment. 此刻我正在努力... At this moment I"m trying to... 起床了 Wake up. 醒醒 Hey, wake up. 成为弗林 在我生命里

     父亲从来不曾出现过 All my life, my father has been manifest as an absence. 一个根本不存在

     有名无实的人 A non-presence. A name without a body. 他如果不出现呢 What if he doesn"t show up? 他总会现身的 He"s gonna show up. 你怎么知道 How do you know? 因为如果这次他还不出现 Because if he doesn"t show up this time, 我就杀了他 I"m going to kill him. 你上哪儿去杀他呢 How will you find him to kill him? 我有的是办法 I have ways. 他如果不来

     我们能吃冰激凌吗 Can we get ice cream if he doesn"t show up? 车来了

     他来了 Here is the bus. Here he is. 不

     不是他 No, that is not him. 他肯定还在后面 He must be in the back. 你想要什么样的冰激凌 What kind of ice cream do you want to get? 巧克力味的 Chocolate. 我知道他总有一天会现身的 Some pan" of me knew he would show up someday. 如果我待在一个地方一直等 If I stayed in one place long enough 他就会找到我的 he would find me, 就像他们教你迷路时所做的一样 like you are taught to do when you are lost. 但若是你们两人都迷路了呢 But what do you do if both of you are lost 你们两人都在原地一直等吗 and you both end up in the same place, waiting? 宝贝 Hey, sweetie. 累死我了 I"m exhausted. 航♥班♥还顺利吧 How was your flight? 路上颠个不停 Non-stop turbulence. 尼克

     你把烟灰缸放在床边干嘛 Nick, what is the ashtray doing by the bed? 抱歉 Sorry. 口红 Lipstick? 你♥他♥妈♥真是个混球 You are a fucking asshole. 是你说的

     我俩没有未来 Look, you are the one who said you didn"t see a future for us. 知道为什么吗

     这是你的 I wonder why? This is yours! 给你 This is yours. -这也是你的

     -好啦 - And this is yours! - All right. -还有这本

     -别闹了 - And this is yours. - All right. -我的书

     -还有叶芝 - My book. - And Yates. -这也是叶芝

     -够了 - Oh, more Yates. - All right. 你还真是博览群书呢 Wow! You are so well-read. 好了

     够了 All right. All right! 镜子我会赔你的 I"ll pay for the mirror. 我一找着工作就赔 As soon as I get a job. 对不起 Sorry. 为什么

     因为你做人这么失败吗 For what, your complete inadequacy as a human being? 是的 Yes. 你提醒过我的 Well, you warned me. 别担心

     你又回来了 Don"t worry, you"re back. 回到一位大♥师♥级作家这里了 Back in the hands of a master storyteller. 去你的吧 Yeah, yeah, go fuck yourself. 我喜欢孩子和小动物 I like kids and small animals. 不喜欢同性恋和黑人 What I don"t like is queers and blacks 他们整日整夜地的想着操你 who try and fuck you up the ass all day and all night. 这点稍后再说 But more on that later. 我

     一直是一位大♥师♥ What I am, always have been, is an artist. 他妈的安静点 Shut the fuck up. 安静

     安静 Shut up. Shut up. 别吵了

     别吵了 Shut the fuck up! Shut up! 安静点 Shut Up! 我朊友的朊友认识的两个人 A friend of a friend knew a couple of guys 租下了一整栋大楼 who were renting an entire building, 以前这是一家叫极乐时光的脱衣舞夜♥总♥会♥ a former strip joint called "Good Times." 不幸的是

     这家夜♥总♥会♥根本没开起来 Unfortunately, the good times were not had by all, 就像三年前

     那个在门口被刺死的 like that Harvard student who was found 哈佛大学的学生 stabbed to death in the doorway three years before 我不知道该跟你说什么 I don"t know what to tell you. 你得自己去想明白

     老兄 That"s something you got to figure out, man. 那么

     这里哪一点吸引了你呢 So, what appeals to you about living here? -租金低


      - Low rent. - Yeah, hold on one second. 你有工作吗 Do you have a job? 没有

     我存了些钱 Uh, no. I have some money saved up. 我以前是个电工 I was working as an electrician, 不过现在打算换个工作 but now I"m looking for a newline of work. 电工 An electrician? 你能把这个地方弄成宇宙飞船那样子吗 Can you wire this place up to look like a spaceship? -埃文

     -是的 - Ivan. - Yes. 你对哪一种职业感兴趣呢 And what field of employment are you interested in? 与众不同的

     更有意义的 Something different, something more meaningful. 更有意义

     是什么意思 "More meaningful," What does that mean? 不知道 I don"t know. 那些是脱衣舞娘的名字吗 Are those, like, the names of strippers? 是的

     房♥东的黑♥手♥党♥成员 Yeah. The landlord"s Mafia, 联邦调查局把他封了之后 so he just left all this shit the way it was 这些东西就原封不动的留了下来 when the FBI shut him down. 你有家人吗 Any family? 别弄的像审问似的 Stop interrogating the guy. 不好意思


     但是我之前的室友 I"m sorry, Ivan, but my last roommate had 把全家人从柬埔寨接过来 his entire family from Cambodia 睡在了客厅里 sleeping in the living room. 没有


     我父亲 No, my mom"s dead, and my dad, 我十♥八♥年♥没见过他了

     所以... I haven"t heard from in 18 years, so... -好极了

     -成交 - Perfect. - Done. 你们俩是... So, are you guys like... -不是

     -那就好 - No. No. - Okay. 丹尼斯

     你不是说过你们那里在招人吗 So, Denise, didn"t you say they were hiring people at your work? 他们老是在招人 They usually are. 太好了

     尼克正想找份活儿呢 Good. "Cause I think Nick here is looking for a job. -饶了他吧

     -你在哪儿工作 - Give him a break, man. - Where do you work? 避难街旅店

     听说过吗 Harbor Street Inn. You heard of it? -没有

     -那里是流浪汉收♥容♥所♥ - No. - It"s a homeless shelter. 听起来不错

     你算是个行善之人了 That sounds intense. So are you like a do-gooder? 不

     我是个作恶之人 No, I"m a do-badder, 只不过在避难街工作罢了 but I work at Harbor Street. 为什么说你是个作恶之人 What makes you a do-badder? 我敢打赌

     你肯定想知道 I bet you would like to know. 当然 I would. 有时候

     就那么几次 Upon occasion, rare occasion, but still, 我会拉个女客

     然后开始一段艳遇 I"ll pick up a female fare and we will strike up a conversation. 乔纳森 Oh, Jonathan. 乔纳森 Oh, Jonathan. 乔纳森 Jonathan. 咱们还是实际点吧 Let"s be a little realistic here. 好吧 All right. 我们都很享受


     宝贝儿 Still, we are having fun, aren"t we, Buttercup? 当然 Absolutely. 照片上是谁 Who is this? 我的老婆孩子 That is my wife and kid. 你想听那点陈年旧事吗 Will you listen to this shit. 你结婚了 You are married? 离了

     都好久了 Divorced, a long time ago. 我最好送你回家了 Well, I had better get you home. 我开着计时器呢

     一共是 240 美元 I left the meter running. That"ll be $240. 安静点 Quiet! 别吵了 Quiet! 我都无法思考了 I can"t even think any more! 失陪下 Excuse me. 开门 Open Up! 混♥蛋♥ Asshole. 我就觉得你就在这儿 I was hoping you"d be here. 为什么 Why is that? 这样我就有熟人了 Well, so I know somebody. 我们不怎么熟吧 We don"t exactly know each other, do we? 好像是 I guess not. 我不想谈恋爱 I"m not interested in a relationship. 什么 What? 我不想谈恋爱 I"m not interested in a relationship. 好吧

     我能接受 Okay, I can cope. 那就好 Okay. 有你的电♥话♥ Phone call. 谁啊 Who is it? 你父亲 Your father. 谁 Who? 你父亲

     十♥八♥年♥未见的父亲 Your father, who you supposedly hadn"t seen in 18 years. 我是尼克 This is Nick. 是尼古拉斯·弗林吗 Is this Nicholas Flynn? 是的 Yes. 尼古拉斯

     我是你父亲乔纳森·弗林 Nicholas, this is your father, Jonathan Flynn. 是吗 It is? 是的

     我想问你个事儿 It is. I have a question for you. 你有卡车吗

     皮卡车 Do you have a truck? A pickup truck? 事实上

     我有 Yeah, as a matter of fact, I do. 我听说了 I heard as much. 听谁说的 From who? 你奶奶

     她几年前说起过 Your grandmother, she mentioned it a few years ago. 你还记得你奶奶吧 You do remember your grandmother, don"t you? -记得

     -那就好 - I do. - Good. 现在我要你开着皮卡过来 Now I want you to get in your truck and drive over here. 不好意思

     你说你是我父亲 I"m sorry, you say you are my father? 是的 That is correct. 我被赶了出来

     现在需要你过来 I was evicted and I need you to get over here 帮我搬一下东西

     尼古拉斯 and help me move my stuff, Nicholas. 你怎么知道这个号♥码的 How did you get this number? 信息台

     现在仔细听我说 Information. Now listen to me carefully. 我正坐在门后

     拿着猎枪 I’m sitting behind a door with a shotgun. 就等着门把手转了 I"m waiting for the knob to turn. 你赶紧过来 Get over here right now. 这算是求救了 That is an appealing offer. 你说对了 You are damn right it is. 东西全是你的 It"s all yours. 你是我唯一的继承人

     尼古拉斯 You are my sole heir, Nicholas. 我希望把东西都给你 I want you to have everything. 你有笔吗 You have a pen or a pencil? 我要你记下这个地址 Because I want you to write this address down. 我来干什么呢 What am I doing here? 你来干什么

     我们来干什么啊 What are you doing here? What are we doing here? 谢谢你们能来 Thanks for coming. 客气


     还是... Sure. Should we just wait here? Or do you want us... 谁啊 Who is it? 我是尼克

     尼古拉斯 It"s Nick. Nicholas. 进来吧


     进来 Come on in, the door is open. Come in. 给我一分钟就好 I"ll be with you in a minute. 谢谢你过来

     尼古拉斯 I appreciate you coming over, Nicholas. 我们生来就要帮助他人 We"re put on this Earth to help other people. 是 Yeah. 我们生来 We were put on this Earth 就要帮助他人

     尼古拉斯 to help other people, Nicholas. 对于我们彼此的损失

     我很遗憾 I regret our mutual loss. 我天生是个作家

     你也是 I am a born writer, so are you. 你现在就要认识到这一点 Get this in your head at once. 我是个一流的作家

     伟大的作家 I am a classic storyteller. A great writer. 我想当作家 I think I want to be a writer. 是吗 Yeah? 爸爸是个作家

     对吗 Dad is a writer, right? 你为什么这么说 What makes you think that? 信上写着呢 It says right here. 上面说小说进行地很顺利 It says, "Work on my novel is going well. 我马上就能得诺贝尔奖了 "I shall soon win the Nobel Prize 因为我在小说与诗歌♥上的成就 "for both storytelling and poetry. 不必害怕 "No fear." 你知道那封信从哪里寄来的吗 You know where that letter was written from? -监狱

     -对 - Prison. - Mmm-hmm. 他为什么又进监狱了 Why is he in prison again? 跨州运输赃款 Interstate transportation of stolen securities. 什么意思 What is that? 他伪造支票 He cashed forged checks. 盗取了成千上万的美金 He stole thousands and thousands of dollars. 你知道这笔钱我们见过多少吗 Do you know how much of that we have seen? -零蛋

     -对了 - Zero. - Zilch. -一分钱也没有

     -没咱们的份 - Zippo. - Nothing. -啥也没有

     -啥也没有 - Nada. - Niente. 你看见我的棒球手套了吗 Have you seen my baseball glove? 要是火烧屁♥股♥了 If it were up your ass, 你肯定就能找到了 you would know where it was. 进来吧 Well? Gonna come in? 很高兴见到你

     尼古拉斯 Pleasure to see you, Nicholas, 即便是在这种情况下 aside from the circumstances. 什么情况 What are the circumstances? 情况就是 The circumstances are 我和我的混账房♥东吵了一架 that I had a disagreement with my scum-sucking landlord. 我不知道为什么 I don"t know why. 然后他把警♥察♥找来了 And so he decided to bring the police into the discussion. 所以现在我不得不搬走 So now I"m forced to move. 搬到哪儿去 Move where? 我还在考虑呢

     我可是个很吃香的房♥客 I"m considering my options. I"m a sought-after house guest. 你知道为什么吗 You know why? 不知道 No. 因为我是个讲故事的高手 Because I"m an excellent raconteur. 不过在我找到新住处以前 But until I find a new place, 我得把所有的东西暂时存放起来 I have to put all my things in storage. 我可不会把枪放在我车里 Hey. So I"m not bringing the gun in my truck. -什么

     -猎枪 - What? - The shotgun. 猎枪 Sho"gun? 是啊

     你说你有把猎枪 Uh, yeah. You said you had a shotgun. 猎枪


     我讨厌枪炮 A shotgun? Who said that? I abhor firearms. 别误会

     我可以保护自己 I mean, don"t get me wrong, I can defend myself. 让我... Let me just... -看见这个了吗

     -是的 - You see this? - Yes. 我开车或是走路的时候 Anyone messes with me when I"m driving 谁要是敢来找事儿 or walking down the street, whatever. 砰

     我就一下子砸他头上 Bamo! Right in the head. 意思就是

     我跟你说 It sends a little message, let me tell you. 我想教训那可恶的房♥东 I"d like to take that scumbag landlord, 把这个塞进他屁♥眼♥里 and I"d like to ram it right up his ass. 这个房♥东

     卑鄙的商人兼瘾君子 This landlord, this merchant, this fucking user... 很好

     你能先把这个收起来吗 Hey, that is great. Would you mind putting that away? 我想拿这个 I"d like to take this and -拜托

     -塞进他妈的屁♥眼♥ - Please? - ram it up his fucking ass, 在里边转几下

     插♥进♥去 twist it around, pull it down, 把他里边的肠子给捣出来 rip out his innards and fucking pull them out. 你明白了吧 You get the fucking picture. 这是我第一仸妻子

     乔迪 That was my first wife, Jody. 我知道是谁

     她是我母亲 I know who it is. She was my mother. 我知道她是你母亲 I know she was your mother. 她是世上最漂亮的女人 She was the most beautiful woman in the world. 她是我一生的挚爱 She was the love of my life. 她是我真爱之光 She was the light of my love. 如果她还在世

     我们就能团聚了 I know if she was still alive today, we"d be together. 真是个悲惨的意外 Such a tragic accident. 什么意外 What accident? 让她韶华早逝的意外 The accident that cut her life short. 那不是意外

     她写遗书了 It wasn"t an accident. She left a note. 里边提到我了吗 Did it mention me? 没有 No. 你妈妈不擅长写信 Not much of a letter writer, your mother. 好了


     我们开始吧 All right, Nicholas. Why don"t we get started. 把这些东西拿下来

     放在盒子里 You can just take all this stuff and throw it in a box. 画要小心点 The paintings be careful of. 特别是这幅和那幅

     还有墙上那个 Especially this one and that one, and that one on the wall. 照看好这些东西

     它们都很珍贵 Be careful of all this stuff. It"s all valuable. 尼古拉斯

     这个你收下 Nicholas, I want you to have this. 这是杰克逊·波洛克的原作 This is an original Jackson Pollock. 美国抽象表现主义的先驱

     20 世纪最有影响力的艺术家之一 他是我朊友 He was a friend. 不

     我不能 Oh, no. I couldn"t. 我希望你收下 No, I want you to have it. 好吧

     谢谢 Okay, thanks. 你还过来搬东西吗

     这可是你的东西 Are you going to help move this stuff, since it"s yours? 我也想

     但是我两腿都有致命的静脉炎 I wish I could, but I suffer from lethal phlebitis in both legs. 拿好这些箱子

     里边都是我的手稿 You be careful with those boxes. There"s manuscripts. 手稿 Manuscripts. 他们是你朊友吗 Those are your friends? 算是吧 I guess. Yeah. 一个同性恋

     一个黑人瘾君子 A homosexual and a black pothead? 祝你好运吧 Well, good luck to you. 我得去工作了 Well, I have to get to work now. 弄完之后麻烦你把门锁上 Do you mind just locking the padlock when you"re finished? 好的


     你是开出租车的吗 Yeah. Wait. So you drive a taxi? 这样我可以很好的观察 Well, it"s an excellent way of learning 各色各样的人 about all different kinds of people. 你的工作是什么 And what is your vocation? 我的工作嘛 My vocation? Uh... 我做过好多工作 I"ve done lots of different jobs. 我一直以为你会成为一个作家 I always thought you"d end up a writer, 就像你老爸我 like your old man. 其实我也写作

     偶尔尝试着写 Actually, I do write. You know, sometimes. I try. 可没有尝试写作这回事 Well, there is no such thing as trying to write. 要么写

     要么不写 One writes, or one doesn"t. 你得利用所有的机会来锻炼你的文笔 You have to take every opportunity to practice your craft. 好歹你从我这里继承了一些写作的天分 Anyway, I know you have inherited some writing talent from me, 因为我绝对是个伟大的作家 because I am a truly great writer. 我给你看样东西 I"m going to show you something. 我有一封来自维京出版社的信 I have a letter from Viking Press. 你听说过维京出版社吧 You"ve heard of Viking Press, haven"t you? 听过 Yeah. 看看

     看看这个词 Look at this. Look at that phrase there. 来稿生动地展现了您的个性 "Your book is a virtuoso display of personality. 遗憾的是

     我们还没有 "Unfortunately, its dosage 那么坚强的读者来承受此书的内容 would kill hardier readers than we have here." 生动地展现

     这可是维京出版社说的 "Virtuoso display," Viking Press. 今天我很高兴

     尼古拉斯 Well, it"s been a great pleasure, Nicholas. 你还需要什么吗

     除了波洛克的画 You need anything? Aside from the Pollock? 不需要 No. 就这样吧

     再见了 All right. Well, au revoir, then. 不客气 You"re welcome. 不用谢 Don"t mention it. 你父亲真是个极品 Your father"s a nightmare. 这是什么 What"s that? 是杰克逊·波洛克的画 It"s a fucking Jackson Pollock painting. 杰克逊·波洛克

     天哪 Jackson Pollock? Jesus! 波洛克签名的时候把名字拼错了吧 Pollock spelled his name wrong when he signed it. 他给了我一件礼物 So then he gives me a gift, 一幅杰克逊·波洛克的画作 a Jackson Pollock painting. 我还傻乎乎的以为是真的 Which, like an asshole, I think is real. 在等了十♥八♥年♥之后 So after 18 years of wondering, 我终于知道父亲是什么人了 here"s what I learned about my father. 他是个种族主义者


     还是个疯子 He"s a racist, he"s a homophobe, and he"s fucking crazy. 你能联♥系♥到他吗

     要是你想这么做的话 Can you reach him? I mean, if you wanted to? 我觉得我再也不想见到他了

     真的 I don"t know that I ever want to see him again. Really. 我不知道自己是怎么想的 I don"t know how I feel about it. 不清楚自己的感受 I can"t really locate what I feel. 所以你就给我打电♥话♥了 Is that why you called me? 让我来帮你理理头绪 To help you locate your feelings? 你想离开这里吗

     你看起来太美了 Do you want to get out of here? You look beautiful. 别来那一套

     我们现在是朊友了 None of that. We"re friends now. 我们是朊友 We"re friends? 是的 Yeah. 别误会


     但是... I mean, don"t get me wrong, I enjoyed sleeping with you, but... 谢谢 Thank you. 我跟你说过我不想谈恋爱 I told you I didn"t want a relationship. 所以现在我们只是朊友 So, now we"re friends. 好吧

     谢谢你告诉我 Okay. Well, thanks for letting me know. 不客气 You"re welcome. 你该考虑一下来避难街工作 You should think about working at Harbor Street. 为什么 Why? 我刚来的时候 Well, I was in kind of a fucked state, 精神上一塌糊涂 mentally, when I started there. 反正我就是喜欢在那里工作 Um, yeah, just, I like working there. 说说你那时候的事吧 Tell me about your fucked state. 你还想再来一杯吗 Do you want another one of these? 还好吗 All right? 最近不错吧 Hey, how are you? How"s it going? 这工作是谁介绍给你的 How did you hear about this job? 我朊友丹尼斯在这里工作 A friend of mine, Denise, works here. 好的 Okay. 你为什么想为流浪汉工作呢 So what makes you want to work with the homeless? 我不知道 I don"t know. Uh... 我是说

     我们生来 I mean, we are put on this Earth 就要帮助别人

     不是吗 to help other people, right? 有人这样跟我说过 Someone I knew told me that. 谁 Who? 谁

     谁也不是 Who? No one. Uh... 我就是看见到处都有无家可归之人 Look, I guess I just see homeless people everywhere. 好像越来越多似的 It seems like there is more and more. 好像是这样 Seems like it. 我就是想找份有意义的工作 I guess I just want a job that, you know, means something. 那种当我下班回家后 Something where I don"t 我不会鄙视自己的工作 despise myself when I come home from work. 这么说你鄙视你自己 So you despise yourself? 我也不知道 I don"t know. 是的

     不是所有人都这样吗 Sure. Doesn"t everyone? 我从不鄙视自己 I don"t despise myself. 我曾经是这里的客人 I used to be a guest here. 后来成为工作人员

     本可以一直住下去 Then I worked here. I had a permanent bed. 但我搬出去了 And then I moved out. 我找了一份建筑的活

     成了工头 I got a job in construction, became the foreman. 然后我回到这里

     给予他人帮助 Then one day I came back here to give something back. 我这一路经历了很多 So I"ve come a long way up, 却成过眼云烟 but it"s a quick fall down. 所以我已经无法再去厌恶自己 So I really can"t afford to hate myself. 你明白我在说什么吗 You know what I"m talking about? 看来你不明白 You don"t know what I"m talking about. 没关系的 But that"s okay. 我先把你列入替补名单 Tell you what. I can put you on the fill-in list. 如果有需要

     我们会打电♥话♥给你 If we need somebody to fill in, we"ll call. 多谢 Thanks. 为什么他们都叫你船长 Hey, so why do they call you Captain? 因为我就是船长 Because I"m the Captain. 好吧 Okay. 马上把东西拿过来 Just bring it by right now. 回头见 Okay, later. 避难街旅馆来电♥话♥了 Hey, they called from Harbor Street Inn. 叫你今晚去上班 They want you to fill in tonight. 今晚 Tonight? 这里的工作人员三教九流都有 There were different types of people who worked there. 有虔诚的信徒 There were the religious types. 我要以耶稣为榜样拯救世人 I want to live my life the way Christ does. 我讨厌我的父母

     他们为富不仁 Also, I hate my rich parents. 伙计们

     麻烦把这些搬过来 Hey, guys, can you bring those over here? 朊克是一种追求思想解放和反主流的音乐风格 有反叛的朊克族 There were the punks. 先生请登记

     我们得送你去诊所 Check in, sir, and we are gonna get you to the clinic. 硬核朊克是朊克摇滚中最强硬最极端的一个变种 这里就像是硬核朊克一样 This place is hardcore. 另外

     工资还不错 Plus, the pay is not bad. 下一个 Next. 还有有前科的人 There were the ex-cons. 好了

     下一个 All right, next. 有个家伙想用枪打我 So this dude was gonna shoot me, right? 我闪到一边

     换了你也一样 So, I turned sideways, "cause that is what you do. 闪到一边

     用胳膊挡了一下 You turn sideways, you take it in the arm. 我闪电般的出手

     挡下了子弹 I flex my bicep, I take the bullet. 然后夺过他的手♥枪♥ And then I grabbed the gun from this guy, 对准他的猪头 and I"m like bam-bam-bam-bam. 嘣嘣嘣嘣就是四枪

     轻松搞定 Right in his fucking head, then it"s like click click click. 案发之后

     我消失了一阵子 Let me tell you, I had to disappear for a while after that. 好了

     把胳膊抬起来 All right, put your arms up. 欢欢以前是个瘾君子

     也是个妓♥女♥ Joy was an ex-cokehead and a prostitute. 这边请

     亲爱的 There you go, honey. 现在对流浪汉来说

     她像是母亲一般 Now, she"s like a mother to the guys. 不幸的是

     几年之后 Unfortunately, in a couple of years, 她重操旧业

     吸毒的时候 she will be sitting in a room with a shotgun across her lap, 被人用枪射穿膝盖 back to dealing and smoking crack 24/7. 想要改变还真不容易 It"s hard to stay changed. 我最初的工作是在"笼子"里分发床票 I start out working inside the cage handing out bed tickets, 负责保管流浪者的贵重物品 collecting people"s valuables and locking them up overnight. 周五是发薪日

     不少客人有工作 It"s Friday, payday. A lot of the guests have jobs. 有更多的钱装进信封里 There is more money to slip into the envelopes. 走

     快点 Let"s go. Hey! 空气沉闷污浊

     有股汗臭味 The air is thick, stale, smells like sweat. 让开 Back off. 这一天

     醉鬼们会更喧嚣 Friday, the drunks are more boisterous. -走开


     -干嘛一直推我 - Move up, old man! - Why you always got to be touching me? 因为你站着不动 Because you are standing still, that"s why. 每次排队

     你都跟在我屁♥股♥后面 Every single day, I get in line, and you"re right up my ass. 也许我该去帮帮忙 Maybe I should help. 看来

     还不行 Yeah, maybe not. Not yet. 使矛盾升级和化解纠纷之间有一个平衡点 There is a balance between escalating and defusing. 取决于正确的处理时间 Knowing when to step in, and when to back off. 朊友

     冷静 Hey, buddy, calm down! 糟糕 Oh, shit. 我还不懂其中的诀窍 I don"t know that balance yet. 现在你清楚自己的感受了吧 Well? Are you able to locate your feelings now? 痛死我了 Yeah, this fucking hurts. 马上还会有黑眼圈 You are going to have a good shiner. 你没跟我说这里乱成这样 You didn"t tell me this place was such a rush. 来了就会上瘾 It"s addictive. 小心点

     否则你永远不会离开这里了 Watch out, or you will never leave. 有多少人可重新振作起来 So, how many of these people get back on their feet? 说不上来 I couldn"t tell you. 我只知道每一年 But what I do know is a year from now, 这里会有 100 到 150 个人死掉 100-150 of the guys who come through here will be dead. 我们会送他们最后一程

     去停尸房♥ We catch them on the way down. Next stop, the morgue. 铁哥们雷

     我又来了 Hey. Steady Ray, as ever. 乔纳森

     别来无恙 Jonathan, how are you? 我想在你家待一晚 So, I thought I might stay over tonight. 我暂时没有固定的层所 I find myself momentarily between places. 不巧的是

     克莱尔的妈妈来了 The thing is, Claire"s mom is here. 她要和我们一起住 She"s staying with us. 没关系

     我可以睡在沙发上 That is okay. I"ll sleep on the couch. 不行

     她要睡在沙发上 No, that is where she"s staying. 客房♥正在装♥修♥ We are renovating the guest room. 让她滚蛋吧

     要不就跟我一起睡 Tell her to get the fuck off and let me sleep with her. 她人不错吧 Is she nice? 你见过她吗 Yeah. You met her? 《岳母大人》是蓝调大♥师♥欧尼·K·杜的代表歌♥曲 岳母大人

     岳母大人 Mother-in-law, mother-in-law 岳母大人 Mother-in-law 亲爱的 Hey, honey! 轻点声 Shh. 不会是因为我点了圣诞树 I mean, this wasn"t because of the old 那件事情吧 burning-of-the-Christmas-tree thing, was it? 不

     那都是过去的事情了 No. That"s ancient history. 事实上

     你得承认这真的很有趣 Exactly, because it was really funny. You got to admit, it was. 不错

     是很有趣 Yeah. That was a lot of fun. 好吧

     代我向克莱尔问好 Sure, all right. Well, okay, give Claire de Lune my love. 我去杜根家看看 And I"m going to try Dugan. 他总是求我去他家 He is always begging me to come over 免费为他和他那可怜的太太 and provide some free entertainment for 带去一些的乐子 him and his miserable missus. 杜根搬去佛罗里达了 Dugan moved to Florida. 是吗

     他为什么搬走呢 He did? Moved to Florida? Why the hell would he do that? 我不知道

     可能是天气缘故吧 I don"t know, the weather. 原来是这样 Oh, the weather. 看来我只好回自己的豪♥宅♥了 Okay, looks like I"m going to head to my suite at the Ritz. -不好意思


     雷 - I"m sorry. - Okay, Ray. -晚安


     晚安 - Good night. - All right. Good night. -保重

     -向你可爱的妻子问声好 - Take care. - Give the lovely missus my love. 别荒废写作 Don"t forget to write. 我会在监狱里继续的 Yeah, I"ll write. In jail. 雷 Ray? 来了 I"m coming. 接下来几个星期我住在出租车里 For the next few weeks I lived out of my cab. 整日整夜地租用着 Renting it 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 这种生活棒极了 It"s a wonderful life. 在公交车站上厕所 You shit at the bus station, 基♥督♥教青年会是全球性基♥督♥教青年社会朋务团体 在青年会里洗澡 you shower at the Y. 不过这种生活也怎么轻松 But it"s not all fun and games. 每到晚上

     总是困得不行 Cabbies get shot in the head every night. 嘣


     打中要命的颈静脉 Bam! Right in the jugular. Right in the fucking jugular. 我要插♥进♥他们的喉咙

     用力撕开 I"ll ram it down their throat and rip their insides right out. 快走 Hurry up! 警♥察♥说我撞了人

     或是什么该死的东西 The police said I hit someone, or some fucking thing. 我还能说什么呢 What can I say to that? 现在我没了驾驶证

     出租车 Now, I have no license, no cab, 睡的地方也没了 no place to sleep. 也许我该写本新书

     《傻瓜回忆录》 Perhaps I"ll start a new book, Memoirs of a Moron! 一个倒霉傻瓜的回忆录 Memoirs of a fucking moron. 一个倒霉傻瓜的回忆录 Memoirs of a fucking moron. "笼子"的工作之后

     我开始在房♥间里工作 After the cage, I work housing. 没有了铁丝网的保护

     工作更加刺♥激♥ It"s more intense. You are not protected behind steel mesh. 拿好杯子

     好好洗个澡 Okay, grab a cup, have a good shower. 十分钟后在热屋碰头 Hey, I"ll meet you in the hot room in 10 minutes. 好的

     如果我没在 Okay. If I"m not there, 你可以拿了衣朋自己先开始 just take your clothes off and start without me. 好的 Okay. 热屋里满是汗臭

     发酵的味道 The hot room smells of superheated sweat, quick fermented. 打扰一下 Excuse me. 我需要一条裤子 I need a new pair of pants. 没问题

     这就给你去拿 No problem. I"ll be right back. 尺码怎么判断 Hey, how do I know what size he wears? 问他呗 You ask him. 在避难街工作

     你要把每天的事情写成日志 At Harbor Street you write up every day"s events in the log, 晚上读给同事们听 and you read off your entry that night. 他又不会咬你 He"s not gonna bite. 我利用这个机会练习写作 I take that opportunity to practice. 第十

     艾萨克·克莱格从床上掉下来 1O, Isaac Clegg fell out of bed, 床砸在他身上 and the bed fell on him. 酒鬼的皮肤很容易干裂 The skin of a drunk splits open easily, 血液被酒精稀释

     出起血来更猛 Their blood flows more freely, thinned out by the booze. 晚上

     护士已经下班了 The nurse is gone for the evening, 艾萨克又不愿意去医院 and Isaac is loath to go to the hospital. 我试着给他包扎伤口 I make an attempt to bandage him. 我来给你包扎

     可以吗 I"m just gonna wrap this around you. You okay? 第三十

     我说朋了乔治·D 3O, I was able to convince George D 接受每个月的净身消毒 to sit still for his monthly de-lousing. 我挚爱的家人 My beloved family, 它们吃我的肉

     我是它们的王 they beheaded me, their beloved Queen. 我爱它们

     他们是我的朊友 I loved them. They were my friends. 乔治身上长满了虱子 Lice thrive so well on George"s body 可以看到它们在他身上爬来爬去 that they can be seen crawling over him at 20 paces." 我从不伤害它们 I would never hurt them. 从不杀害它们 I would never kill them. 没事的



     乔治 Hey, it"s okay, man. I understand, George. 但是


     为什么不杀了他们呢 But, I mean, they beheaded you, didn"t they? So why not? 干得好

     乔治 This is the right decision, George. 给收♥容♥所♥里的流浪汉身上除身上的虱子 Nothing in the shelter makes me understand my purpose more 使得我更加认识到自己的价值 than to kill bugs off of a homeless man"s flesh... 这就对了 Okay. All right. 我们来把你洗干净 Let"s get you cleaned up. 给他穿上捐赠和捡来的衣朋 ... to dress him well in donated, cast-off clothes, 第二天看到他开心的离世 and to see him the next day laughing beside a burning barrel. 尼克

     写得非常好 Okay, Nick. Very expressive. 我喜欢艾萨克不愿去医院的那一段 I like the stuff about Isaac being loath to go to the hospital. 谢谢 Thank you. 我们来听听下一位的记录吧 How about we let the next person read their entry? 凌晨十二点

     阅览室有人打架 00 p.m., fight broke out in reading area. 第三十

     沃里·G 在床上吸烟 3O, Wally G. caught smoking in bed 当然

     被没收了 which I confiscated, by the way. 四十一是个幸运数字 Lucky number 41. 你下班后有什么事吗 Hey, what are you up to after work? 没事 Nothing. 谢谢 Thank you. 我们不是普通朊友吗 I thought we were just friends. 你给我闭嘴 Shut up. 这是什么 What"s all this? 一堆旧信 Just old letters. 你♥爸♥爸写给你的吗 Is this from your father? 他蹲过监狱 He was in jail? 除了撰写他的大作 He passed forged checks 他也会干些伪造支票的勾当 in between writing the great American novel. 不错嘛 Nice. 都是他写的吗 Are these all from your dad? 是的 Yeah. 好像有 100 来封 There"s like a hundred letters in here. 这是你写的吗 This yours? 别看 Don"t read that. "烂醉

     我说 "Loaded, I say. "浪费



     滚蛋 "Wasted, looped, lit, off my ass, "稀里糊涂

     摇摇晃晃 一醉方休 "befuddled, reeling, tanked, "东倒西歪


      酩酊大醉 "Punch-drunk, mean drunk, maintenance drunk, "逢酒必干


     借酒浇愁 "Sloppy drunk, happy drunk, weepy drunk, "烂醉如泥

     醉生梦死 "blind drunk, dead drunk, "醉鬼

     大酒鬼" "Serious drinker, hard drinker." 这是什么 What is this? 没什么


     都是垃圾 Nothing. Some poetry. It"s shit. "玷污的



     恍惚的 "Polluted, blitzed, shattered, zonked, "僵死的


     老去的 "Ossified, annihilated, fossilized, "醉




     彻底地醉了 "Stinko, blotto, legless, smashed, soaked, "醉了

     枯了 "Screwed, blasted, "大醉




     破坏" "Hammered, tore up, ripped up, ripped, destroyed." 真好玩 Cheerful stuff. 没人会看的 No one will ever read it. 我已经看了 I just did. 快回床上来 Come back to bed. 准备给我什么奖励 What will you give me if I do? 尊敬的总统先生 Dear Mr. President. 人类最需要研究的就是人自己 The proper study of mankind is man. 是二十世纪西班牙最伟大的思想家之一 奥特加·伊·加塞特把天才定义为 Ortega y Gasset defined 有能力创造就业的人 genius as the ability to invent one"s occupation. 是一个作家


     讲故事的人 I am a writer, a poet, a storyteller. 图书馆将在十分钟后关闭 The library will be closing in 10 minutes. 图书馆将在十分钟后关闭 The library will be closing in 10 minutes. 如果当前约束了未来的希望 If the present holds any promise of the years ahead, 美国就只能指望以后世代 the United States can look forward to many generations of 连自己的名字都不会写的执政者们 executives unable to spell their names correctly. 落款

     乔纳森·R·弗林 Yours, as ever, Jonathan R. Flynn. 别...

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