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    时间:2020-08-25 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    大家好 Hello. 感谢大家给我站在这里演讲的机会 Thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk to you today. 我叫大卫·舒尔茨 My name is Mark Schultz. 我想聊聊美国 I wanna talk about America, 我想说说我为什么摔跤 and I wanna tell you why I wrestle. 这是一块奥♥运♥金牌 This is an Olympic gold medal. 三年前的第 23 届奥♥运♥会上 I won this three years ago 我在加利福尼亚州的洛杉矶市赢得了它 at the 23rd Olympic Games in Los Angeles, California. 它不仅仅是一块金牌 This is more than just some piece of metal. 更重要的是它所代表的意义 It"s about what the metal represents. 还有获得金牌需要具备的品德 The virtues it requires to attain it. 20 美元

     整 Twenty dollars and zero cents. 你叫戴夫还是戴维 Is it Dave or David? 都不是

     我叫马克 No, it"s Mark. 马克·舒尔茨 Mark Schultz. 戴夫是我哥哥 Yeah. Dave"s my brother. 本来排的是他 He was originally scheduled. 好的 Okay. 我俩都得过金牌 We both won golds. 看着它

     还有咖啡 Make it the works, and coffee. -放这吗

     -对 - For here? - Yes. 二号♥


     放这儿 Number two, number three, here. 请来一下

     教练 Please come, coach. 我们现在不想给你任何压力 We don"t want to put any pressure on you right now. 但你得好好想想这些事情 You gotta think it through and all that. 我知道

     我很感激 No, I get it. I appreciate it. 所以我才不跟他摔 That"s why I didn"t wrestle him. 你不怀念那场比赛吗 But didn"t you miss that match? 我很怀念那场比赛 I missed that match. 马克 Hey, Mark. 这几位是美国摔联的人 You know the guys from USA Wrestling. -马克




     格雷格 - Mark, how"s it going? - Fred, Bruce, Greg. 你好

     马克 Hey, Mark. 好


     行 Well, all right. All right. -给我们打电♥话♥


     布鲁斯 - Just give us a call. - Appreciate it, Bruce. -谢谢你们过来


     先这样 - Thanks for coming all this way. - Okay. All right. -好好练习

     -谢谢 - Hey, have a good workout. - Thank you. 老弟 Hey, buddy. 你还好吗 You all right? 我说

     是你一直打了我电♥话♥又挂掉吗 Hey, you been calling my machine and hanging up? 什么

     来 What? Come on. 说什么呢 What do you mean? -有人一直打了又挂

     -来 - Somebody"s leaving hang-ups on my machine. - Come on. 来 Come on. 你怎么样


     还好吗 How you doing, buddy? You all right? 好了 Okay. 马克

     认真点 Mark. Come on. 收紧臀部 Keep your hips in. 收紧臀部

     马克 Keep your hips in, Mark. -明天还这时间

     -好 - Same time tomorrow? - Yeah. 美国摔联的那帮人来干什么 What"d the USA Wrestling guys want? 来谈让我做教练的事 We"re talking about me doing some coaching. 去科罗拉多州 In Colorado. 来

     抱一下 Hey. Give me a hug. 喂 Hello? 你好

     请问马克·舒尔茨在吗 Hello. May I speak with Mark Schultz? 我就是 Speaking. 马克·舒尔茨

     那位奥♥运♥摔跤选手 Mark Schultz, the Olympic wrestler? 对

     你是哪位 Yeah. Who is this? 我代表约翰·杜邦先生致电 I"m calling on behalf of Mr. John E. Du Pont. 他急于跟您取得联♥系♥ He has been anxious to get in touch with you. -谁

     -杜邦家族的约翰·杜邦 - Who? - John E. Du Pont of the Du Pont family. 杜邦先生想问您能不能抽一天 Mr. Du Pont asked that you consider taking a day off 来狐狸猎手庄园见见 to come out to Foxcatcher Farms, 面对面谈一谈 so you men can meet face-to-face. 谈什么 About what? 他想亲自跟您在宾夕法尼亚州谈 He"d like to discuss it in person in Pennsylvania. 可以的话


     舒尔茨先生 If I may, I"d like to make travel arrangements for you, Mr. Schultz. 全程高级服务

     请放心 First class, of course. 见谁来着 Who"d you say again? 杜邦家族的约翰·杜邦 John E. Du Pont, of the Du Pont family. 欢迎来到费城国际机场 Welcome to Philadelphia International Airport. 马克

     杜邦先生今天本想亲自驾机来接你的 Mark, Mr. Du Pont wanted to fly you himself today. 可是临出门时 But last minute, he got called in 他接到了纽顿广场警局的电♥话♥ by the Newtown Square Police Department. 请求战术支持 For tactical support. 我们到的时候他也应该到了 He should be back at the estate by the time we get there. 顺便提一句

     这下面是福吉谷 By the way, that"s Valley Forge below you. 这里是书房♥ This is the library. 杜邦先生马上就来 Mr. Du Pont should be here in a few minutes. 好的 Okay. 马克 Mark. 我是约翰·杜邦 John Du Pont. 我很激动

     很激动你来了 Thrilled. Thrilled that you"re here. 我们下楼吧 Let"s go downstairs. 这里是奖杯陈列室

     显而易见 We call this the trophy room, for obvious reasons. 请坐吧 Have a seat. 一路上怎么样 How was your flight? -非常好

     -那就好 - It was good. - Good. 谢谢 Thank you. 要来点吃的或喝的吗 Can I get you something to eat or drink? 不不


     谢谢 Oh, no, no, I"m good. Thank you. 我可以让他们给你做点东西 I could have them whip you up something. 不用了


     没事的 No, sir, I"m fine. 那好 Good. 我知道你非常忙 Well, I know how busy you must be. -你在为世锦赛做准备吧

     -是的 - I assume you"re training for the Worlds? - Yes, sir. 很好 Good. 那可是大赛 It"s a big one. 训练怎么样了 How is training? 挺好的 It"s good. Um... 很紧张 It"s intense. 一天训练两次 We"re in two-a-days. 早上是调理和力量训练 Conditioning and weights in the morning 还有技术训练 and technique... 晚上是摔跤训练 We wrestle in the evenings. 不错

     充分准备 That"s good. Get yourself prepared. 刻苦训练 Work hard. 你看起来很好

     很壮 You look good. You look strong. -很紧实

     -谢谢你 - Fit. - Thank you, sir. 有自信吗 Feeling confident? 比赛最重要的 That"s one of the most important elements 就是要有自信 of entering a match is feeling the confidence, 坚信自己会赢 knowing that you"re going to win. 要坚信不疑 Feeling it inside. 如果你怀抱着必赢的信念去比赛 If you go to a match knowing that you"re going to win that match, 那你基本上就会赢 odds are you"re going to win that match. 你和你哥哥戴夫在一起训练吗 You"re training with your brother Dave? -是的

     -那个出色的戴夫·舒尔茨 - Yes, sir. - Great Dave Schultz? -是

     -而我在和出色的马克·舒尔茨说话 - Yeah. - I"m talking to the great Mark Schultz. 你知道我为什么请你来这里吗 Do you have any idea why I asked you to come here? -不知道

     -不知道 - No. - No. 马克

     你知道 Well, Mark, do you...? 你知道我是谁吗 Do you have any idea who I am? -不知道

     -不知道 - No. - No. 一个给你打电♥话♥的金主 Some rich guy calls you on the phone. "我要马克·舒尔茨来见我" "I want Mark Schultz to come visit me." 其实我是

     一名摔跤教练 Well, I"m a... I"m a wrestling coach. 我对摔跤运动有着极深的感情 And I have a deep love of the sport of wrestling. 我想跟你谈谈你的未来 And I wanted to speak with you about your future. 谈谈你想要达到的层次 About what you hope to achieve. 你想达到什么层次

     马克 What do you hope to achieve, Mark? 我想成为世界顶级选手 Well, I wanna be the best in the world. 我想参加世锦赛

     赢得比赛 I wanna go to Worlds and win gold. 我想参加 88 年的首尔奥♥运♥会

     赢得比赛 I wanna go to the "88 Olympics in Seoul and win gold. 很好 Good. 我为你感到骄傲 I"m proud of you. 你有得到训练所必需的支持吗 Are you getting the support that you need? 什么意思

     先生 What do you mean, sir? 你也知道苏联政♥府♥非常支持他们的摔跤选手 Well, you know how the Soviets support their wrestlers. 是的 I do. 马克

     我们国家没能给你应有的尊重 Mark, we as a nation have failed to honor you. 这是个问题 And that"s a problem. 不仅仅是对你

     是对整个社会 Not just for you, but for our society. 应当得到尊重的没有得到尊重 When we fail to honor that which should be honored, 这就是个问题 it"s a problem. 就像把金丝雀仍在煤矿里 It"s a canary in a coal mine. 你研究野鸟吗 Do you bird-watch? -不

     -你可以从鸟身上学到很多 - Uh, no. - You can learn a lot from birds. 我是一名鸟类学家 I"m an ornithologist. 但更重要的是

     我是个爱国者 But more importantly, I am a patriot. 我想看到祖国再次振翅高飞 And I want to see this country soar again. 我也想 I want that too. 我能看出来 I can see that. 我们一起去首尔

     震惊全世界 I"d like us to go to Seoul, stun the world. 你觉得怎么样 What do you think? 有三千人在这里战死 Three thousand men died here. 这些爱国者愿意放弃一切 These patriots were willing to give up everything... 包括他们的生命 including their lives... 去换自♥由♥ for freedom. 我喜欢来这里 I like to come here 提醒自己真正重要的东西 to remind myself what really matters. 我们将会成就壮举

     马克 We"re going to do great things, Mark. 壮举 Great things. 是的

     先生 Yes, sir. -你好


     -你好 - Hey, Mark. - Hey. -我能和你谈谈吗


     好的 - Can I talk to you for a second? - Hey, Mark. Yeah. -我能跟他谈谈吗

     -去吧 - Can I talk to him? - Go on. 你看

     想想办法 Here! Do something. 我们国家已经失去了道德观价值观 The country has lost their morals and values, 年轻人迷惘无措

     没有榜样 and the kids are lost and they don"t have role models and heros, 我同意他的看法 and I agreed with him. 他所说的一切 Everything he was saying. 真不敢相信他能说出... I couldn"t believe he was saying stuff that I... 说出我一直在想的事 It was in my head all the time. 你们谈

     谈钱了吗 Did you guys talk... Did you talk money? -谈了


     -怎么说的 - Yeah, yeah. - What"s he talking? -准备好了吗

     -嗯 - You ready? - Yeah. 一年两万五 Twenty-five thousand a year. 他说

     你开个价 He said, "Name your price," 我就开出了我心中最高的价 and I just said the highest price in my head. 我们得开始精心组队了 And we get to handpick our team. 你要让谁带你训练 Who are you gonna train with? 不


     我们 No. No, we"re... "我们"指的是我和你 I meant "We" as in me and you, 我俩一起

     组个队伍 together, picking a team. 我和杜邦先生希望你能加入 Mr. Du Pont and I would love to have you. 马克

     他... Mark, what"s, uh...? 他能从中得到什么好处 What"s he get out of all this? -杜邦先生吗

     -对 - Mr. Du Pont? - Yeah. 让祖国获胜 America winning. 让你获胜

     我们聊过你 You winning. We talked about you. 让我获胜 Me winning. -好吧


     戴夫 - Okay. - What are you thinking about, Dave? 就是这样 This is it. 这就是我们一直想要的一切 This is everything that we"ve... that we"ve ever wanted. 马克

     我不能走 Mark, I can"t leave. 我已经定在这里了 I"m settled here. 南希很幸福 Nancy"s happy. 山德在学校表现很好 Xander"s doing well at school. 他们可以一起来 They can come. 马克 Mark, 我还有合约 我有承诺 I got a contract, I got commitments. 很好 That"s great for you. 我该拒绝这些去跟你一起训练吗 I should just pass this up to be your training partner? 马克

     马克 Mark. Mark. 这对你来说可能真是好事 This could be a real good thing for you. 我为你感到骄傲 I"m proud of you. 我觉得你可以闯出一片天地 I think you can make something real good for yourself here. -是吗

     -是啊 - Yeah? - Yeah. 我爱你

     马克 I love you, Mark. 你好

     请问杜邦先生在吗 Hi. Is, uh, Mr. Du Pont home? 杜邦先生知道你要来吗 Is Mr. Du Pont expecting you? 是的

     女士 Yes, ma"am. 他不知道确切的这个时候 Not at this exact moment, 但他知道我这礼拜要来 but, you know, this week sometime. 我是马克·舒尔茨 I"m Mark Schultz. 请坐吧

     稍等一会 Have a seat here, for a moment. 我想 I need to... 请问有马桶吗 Do you have a commode? 或者厕所

     我能用一下吗 Or, like, a washroom or something I could use? -在那里左手边

     -谢谢 - Just in there to the left. - Thank you. 贝克先生请你进去 Mr. Beck will see you now. 抱...抱歉

     谁 I"m... I"m sorry. Who? 好吧


     马克 All right. How old are you, Mark? Twenty-seven. 学历 Education? 俄克拉荷马大学 University of Oklahoma. -本科吗

     -是的 - Undergraduate? - Yeah. -毕业了吗

     -是的 - And you graduated? - Yes, sir. 你有房♥子吗

     马克 Do you own any property, Mark? 没有 No. 你父母还在一起吗 Are your parents still together? 分了 No. 他们分手时你多大 How old were you when they separated? 两岁 Two. 谁把你带大的 Who raised you? 我们经常搬家 Well, we moved around a lot. 但主要是我哥哥 But my brother, mainly. 好吧 Okay. 马克

     你犯过罪吗 Mark, have you ever been accused of a crime? 没有

     先生 No, sir. 我 I... -杜邦先生

     -你在这啊 - Mr. Du Pont. - Oh, you"re here. 是的

     我直接开过来了 Yes, I drove straight down. 这是今晚的演讲稿 Tonight"s speech. 好的 Okay. 看来他们要让他住小木屋了 So they"re putting him in the chalet? 是的 Yes, sir. 准备上好的床 Excellent bed. 上好的床垫

     要牢固的 Good mattress. Firm. -太好了


     -谢谢你 - That"s great. - All right. - Thank you. 好 Good. 水电气都付过费了 Utilities are paid for, gas, electric, water. 厨房♥


     冰箱里已经塞满了 Kitchen, dining room. Refrigerator is fully stocked. 办公室 Office. 给你钥匙 Here"s a key for you. 谢谢 Thank you. 健身房♥很近

     从这都能看到 The gym is close. You can almost see it. 往前几百码就是主屋 Couple hundred yards up is the big house, 以防那边邀请你去吃饭 in case you ever get invited to dinner. -否则


     -好的 - Otherwise, it is off-limits. - Okay. 还有

     你过来时看到的那些马 Also, the horses that you saw on the way in, 都是杜邦先生的母亲的 they all belong to Mr. Du Pont"s mother. 它们都是世界顶级赛马 They"re all world-class animals. 你也不许接近它们 They"re also off-limits. 给你杜邦家族的历史 Your history of the Du Pont dynasty. 还有一件事 One more thing, 私下跟你说 just between you and me, 如果你碰见杜邦夫人

     别去打扰她 if you happen to see Mrs. Du Pont, just give her her privacy. 好的

     当然 Yeah, of course. 还需要些什么吗 Anything else I can get you? 不


     不用了 No. No, no, I"m fine. 好

     那么就这样吧 Well, I think that"s it. 晚安 Have a good night. 晚安 You too. 杜邦

     一个掌控着财富和权力的王朝 Du Pont, a dynasty of wealth and power. 美国对军♥火♥的需求 America"s need for ammunition 令这个家族积累下了巨额财富 enabled the family to amass a fortune 并将家族企业发展壮大成为了 and grow their company into what is today 当今世界上最大的化学公♥司♥ the largest chemical corporation in the world. -杜邦先生

     -嘘嘘嘘 - Mr. Du Pont? - Shh-shh-shh. 听到了吗 Do you hear that? 是猫头鹰在叫 That"s a barred owl. -我没有打扰到你吧

     -没有 - I hope it"s not too late. - No, no, no. 我来是想看看一切是否都好 I wanted to make sure that everything was all right. 确保你一切安好 That everything was fine. 给你带了几样东西

     希望你能喜欢 Drop a few things off that I thought you might enjoy. 这有副望远镜 Here are some field glasses. 这房♥子附近有各种各样的鸟 There are many varieties of birds right here on the property. -有了望远镜你能看得更清楚

     -好的 - That"ll give you a better vantage point. - Okay. 这是一本十年前的书 And this is from ten years ago, 我猜也许你会想看 but I thought you might find it interesting. -等等



     对 - Wait, you wrote this? - I did, yeah. 谢谢 Thank you. 离世锦赛还有多久 How long do we have till the Worlds? 两个月


     不到两个月 Two months. Well, a little less, actually. 我们会赢的 Well, we"ll get it done. 我发誓

     我会使出浑身解数的 I promise you, I"ll give you everything I have. 我对你有信心

     马克 I have great faith in you, Mark. 谢谢

     先生 Thank you, sir. 别客气 You"re welcome. 晚安 Night. 《东北的鸟》 作者

     约翰·杜邦 《东北的鸟》 作者

     约翰·杜邦 《东北的鸟》 作者

     约翰·杜邦 林肯和罗斯福 Certainly Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, 我渴望追求他们的精神 they gave me something to aspire to. 我父亲是我的榜样 My father was a role model. 互相认识一下 Guys, introduce yourself. -大家六点见吧

     -好 - See you guys at six? - All right. 很好

     我们三个月后见 Very good, I"ll see you in three months. 好 Good. 马克 Mark. 进来 Come in. 坐吧 Have a seat. 喝点什么吗 May I get you a drink? 不用


     我不渴 No. No, sir. I"m good. 不错


     训练得不错 Good. Good man. In training. 你哥哥戴夫怎么样了 How is it looking with your brother Dave? 戴夫 Dave? 您指哪方面 How do you mean? 你说过你会再劝劝他 You said you were going to talk to him again. 我劝过了 I did. 那他什么时候来 When is he coming? 他不来了 He"s not. 他

     他不愿意 He... He"s just not... 他不愿意带着家人背井离乡 He"s just not willing to uproot his family. 他明白我们要干什么吗

     马克 Does he understand what we"re doing here, Mark? 我都跟他说了 I told him. 他就是不想离开 He just really doesn"t wanna move. 他想要多少钱 How much does he want? 不 No, it"s... 不是钱的问题 It"s not about that. 那是什么问题 About what? 戴夫不是用钱就能收买♥♥的 Well, you can"t buy Dave. 马上就要世锦赛了吧 So the World Championships are coming up soon? 是的 Yes, sir. 我要你赢 I want you to win. 你来这里就是为了这个 That"s why you"re here. 还好吗

     马克 Everything okay, Mark? 还好 Yeah. 怎么了 What is it? 有什么事 What"s wrong? 没有


     我很好 Nothing. I"m... I"m fine. 不

     你不好 No, you"re not. 我只是 I just... 我只是不想让你失望 I just don"t wanna let you down. 上啊

     加油 Do it! Go! 就是这样 That"s it. 1987 年世界锦标赛 法国

     克莱蒙费朗市 -出击



     控制转身 - Attack! Attack! - Control his rolling. Control his rolling. 收紧肘部 Keep your elbows in! 马克·舒尔茨获胜 Mark Schultz. 干得漂亮

     马克 Good job, Mark. 戴夫·舒尔茨上场 Dave Schultz. -你好


     你♥爸♥爸呢 - Hello. - Hey, Xander. Where"s your dad? 在那边

     你好 Over there. Hello. 马克


     老弟 Hey, Mark. Come on in, buddy. 天呐

     我被抓住啦 Oh, God, he"s got me. 戴夫


     这位是杜邦先生 Dave, I wanted to... I want you to meet Mr. Du Pont. 等一下


     我得起来 Hold on a sec. We got a guest. I gotta get up. 你怎么样

     我得去打个招呼 How you doing? I have to say hi. 不要

     就不让你起来 No. We"re not letting you up. 我得跟杜邦先生打个招呼

     等下 I wanna say hi to Mr. Du Pont. Hold on. -你好


     快来 - How you doing? - Dad, come on. -幸会


     这是约翰·杜邦 - It"s nice to meet you. - Dave Schultz. John Du Pont. -那是我妻子


     -你好 - That"s my wife, Nancy. - Hey. -你好

     -这是疯起来的小家伙们 - Hello. - My beautiful, relaxed children. 山德和丹妮 This is Xander and Dani. 他们要吃了我 They"re eating me. 丹妮


     过来 Hey, Dani? Dani, come here. -喝点什么吗


     我该走了 - Can I get you a drink? - No. No, I should go. 祝你明天好运 Good luck tomorrow. 马克

     谢谢你 Mark, thank you. -你不跟他...

     -不了 - You sure you don"t want to...? - No, no. 马克

     留步吧 No, Mark, stay. -我能得 A

     -该睡觉了 - I can make an A. - It"s bedtime now. -快走

     -不走 - Let"s go. - No -好了

     -快去睡觉 - Here it comes. - Get ready for bed. -戴夫


     -快放上 - Dave, I got that tape on Nanev. - Yeah, pop it in, buddy. 我们得好好看看他是怎么使出臂旋的 We need to check out his arm spin. 我们要看摔跤啦 We"ll watch some wrestling. 举起手来

     退出手来 Get your arm up. Get your arms out of there. 好咧 There we go. -快点让我走

     -不能让你走 - Hurry up. Let me go! - I"ll have to keep you here. -不要

     -我得把你的紧身裤脱下来 - No. - Let me get these tights off. -好乖的小公主

     -好了 - Good princess. - Okay, get... 要你跟他打个招呼就那么难吗 Was it too much for you to come over and just say hi to him? -好玩不

     -你说什么 - Aren"t they fun? - Excuse me? 你知道他是谁吗

     是约翰·杜邦 You know who that is? It"s John Du Pont. -我打过招呼了


     -他可是约翰·杜邦 - I said hi, Mark. - It"s John Du Pont. 全美国最慷慨的人 The most generous man in America. 你不能像对普通人那样对他 You can"t treat him like he"s anyone. -马克


     -她打过招呼了 - Mark, I said hi, okay? - She said hi. 你离那么远打招呼 You said hi from over there. 老弟

     马克 Buddy. Mark. -她打过招呼了


     -马克 - She said hi, pal. - Mark. -这可是我家



     行 - You"re in our room. - I"m in your room? Okay. All right. 好


     你都不知道 Great. You know what? You don"t even know. 你都不知道你有多无知

     这你知道吗 You don"t even know what you don"t know. You know that? -戴夫

     -爸爸 - Dave? - Dad. -马克


     爸爸 - Mark. - Why? Dad. -别走

     -随他 - No. - Yes. -爸爸


     马克 - Dad. - Buddy. Mark. 老弟

     回来 Buddy. Come here. 过来 Come here. 录像带给我

     好了 Give me the tape. Okay. 南威如果不先摆好架势就没法使出臂旋 Nanev can"t set up his arm spin without setting up himself. 你先准备好


     出击 You just hit yours first. When you feel him drive, hit it. 知道了吗 All right? 他会发力


     然后... He"s gonna drive and turn you and... 就是这样 There it is. 没错


     逼他出界 That"s it. Drive him out. Drive him out. 压制住他 Drive him. 发力

     发力 Drive, drive! 肘部放低



     发力 Elbows deep, Mark. Drive! Drive! 还有 5 秒

     马克 Five seconds, Mark! 压制住他

     就是这样 Drive him. That"s it. 压制住他



     抱他转身 Drive him, drive him, drive him! Pop him up! 赢了 Yeah! 漂亮

     兄弟 That"s it, buddy! 好耶

     好耶 Yeah! Yeah! 美国


     美国 USA! USA! USA! 来

     满上 Oh, there we go. 谁要再来一杯 Who needs a refill? 不醉不归 Let"s all get very drunk. -能看看你的金牌吗

     -当然 - Can I take a look at your medal? - Yeah. Yeah. 多美妙的夜晚 What a fantastic evening. 行了

     行了 All right. All right. 够了

     够了 Enough. Enough! 音乐关了 Turn that off. 那个拿走 Take that down. -那要把它放哪

     -我不在乎 - Where do you want me to put it? - I don"t care. 扔了 Throw it away. 架子上的所有东西 All of it, whole shelf. 马都是蠢货 Horses are stupid. 只会吃和拉 Horses eat and shit. 不干别的 That"s all they do. 蠢东西 It"s very silly. 真是蠢死了 It"s all very silly. 我很爱我的母亲

     可是... I love my mother very much, but she... 她... She... It"s... 太可笑了 It"s ridiculous. 以为骑着一头畜生就更显高贵 Sitting on an animal was more dignified. 可我想要的是你们的成绩 But I wanted to do what you"re doing. 把奖牌都摆上来 Let"s have those medals. 都给我 Give me those. 把奖牌都给我 Give me those medals. 我不认同我母亲对马的喜爱 I do not share my mother"s affection for horseflesh, 我要让你们知道 I"ll have you know. "你的马♥会♥越障吗" "Did your horse jump over the thing?" "你抓到狐狸了吗

     母亲" "Did you catch the fox, Mother?" 总之 Anyway, 是好是坏尝试过才知道 the proof is in the pudding. 我们最终抓到了狐狸

     对吧 We caught the fox, didn"t we? 这就是那只狐狸 This is the fox. 没错 Yes, sir. 我要把这些奖牌全都摆上 I am going to put these in there. 向大家介绍一下

     马克·舒尔茨 Gentlemen, I give you Mark Schultz, 狐狸猎手队的世界冠军

     很好 Foxcatcher world champion. Yes. Good. 教练 Whoa, whoa, coach. -你还好吗

     -扶他起来 - You all right? - Get him up. -教练


     -我看他是喝多了 - Coach, you all right? - I think he had too much to drink. -发力



     发力 - Drive! Drive! - Drive, drive! -把他撂倒

     -把他撂倒 - Get on his other side. - Get on him. -推他

     -他被你撂倒了 - Push him. - Come on. You got him. -什么

     -好戏来了 - What? - The jig"s up. 压他身上



     压他压他压他 Climb up on him. Come on. Come on. Work him, work him, work him! 好 Yes! 别让他压制住


     别让他压制住 Don"t let him drive you, Dan. Don"t let him drive you. 翻他



     对 Turn him. Come on, turn him. That"s it. -快把他翻过来



     翻他 - You gotta turn him. Yes! - Turn him. Turn him. 好 Yes! -约翰

     -约翰 - John! - Johnny D! 约翰


     约翰 John! John! John! 约翰



     好耶 John! John! John! Yeah! -约翰

     -约翰 - Yo, Johnny D! - Yeah, Johnny D! 马克 Mark. 训练完洗过澡来见我

     好吗 After practice, I want you to shower and come talk to me, all right? 好的 Yeah. All right. 离首尔奥♥运♥会还有 387 天

     先生们 Three hundred eighty-seven days to Seoul, gentlemen. 好好训练

     好吗 Let"s have a good practice, shall we? -你没必要这样

     -这是你应得的 - You don"t have to do this. - You earned it. 你给我的足够了

     没必要再给这个了 You"ve given me enough. This is not necessary. 马克


     这是你应得的 Mark, Mark, you earned that. -谢谢你


     马克 - Thank you. - You"re welcome, Mark. 你不只是戴夫·舒尔茨的弟弟

     马克 You"re more than Dave Schultz"s little brother, Mark. 嗯 Okay. 戴夫·舒尔茨是一名出色的摔跤选手 Dave Schultz is a wonderful wrestler. 我相信

     他一直是你的榜样 He, I"m sure, has been an inspiration to you. 你的良师益友 A mentor to you. 但他也一直以哥哥自居 But he will always be your older brother. 他会限制 He will never let you 你未来的发展 be everything that you can be. 马克

     你一直都活在你哥哥的影子里 Mark, you have been living in your brother"s shadow your entire life. 是时候了

     该独♥立♥了 It"s time. It"s your time now. 我明白 I know what you mean. 是吗 Do you? 因为我的所有成就 Because everything that I"ve done, 我觉得... I feel like... 某种程度上都是戴夫的功劳 has somehow been credited to Dave. 我觉得... And, you know, I feel that... 是时候... it"s time for me to... 跟他保持距离了 distance myself from him. 做我自己 You know, become my own person. 离开你哥哥 Without your brother... 你可以做任何

     你决心要做的事 you can do anything that you choose to set your mind to. 杜邦先生

     我想让你知道 Mr. Du Pont, I need you to know that I"m... 我很感激你为我所做的一切 I"m so grateful for what you"ve done for me. 首先 Well, first of all, 我不希望你再叫我"杜邦先生"或"先生"了 I don"t want you to call me "Mr. Du Pont" or "Sir" anymore. 我觉得我们是朋友 I consider us friends. 我的朋友都叫我"老鹰"或者"金鹰" And most of my friends will call me "Eagle" or "Golden Eagle". 叫哪个都可以 So either of those will work. 好 Okay. 约翰或者教练也行 Or "John" or "Coach". 好的

     没问题 All right. That"s not a problem. 很好 Good. 下午好

     长官 Good afternoon, sir. -这是 M1-13


     -我知道 - M1-13, sir. APC. - I know what it is. 枪呢 Where"s the gun? 什么枪

     长官 What gun, sir? 50 口径机关枪 Fifty-caliber machine gun. 长官

     没要求配备机关枪 Sir, there wasn"t a machine gun ordered. 应该在那里的 It"s supposed to be mounted right there. 配备单上没写机关枪

     长官 There"s no gun on the order, sir. 长官


     我去配备 Sir, I just need a signature to complete the order. 把枪弄来 Get my gun. 这车本该配备一架 50 口径机关枪的 It"s supposed to come with a .50-caliber machine gun. 会有的 We"ll get it. -饿吗

     -嗯 - You hungry? - Yeah. 我们去吃点东西 Let"s get something to eat. 你把他往下拉 You snap him down. 他就会往后躲

     你的机会来了 He"ll posture up, that"s your window. 一只手进攻

     另一只手把他拽过头顶 Shoot in and pull him over the top. 非常好 Excellent. 再来一次 One more. 很好 Great. 抹上油后你看起来非常精神

     马克 The oil looks really good on you, Mark. 胳膊再弯一些

     来 Bow your arms a little bit. Here we go. 非常好 Excellent. 非常好



     马克 Very good, and all right. Very good, Mark. 你的演讲稿

     你的东西 Your speeches, your kit. 我母亲到了吗 Do we know if my mother has already arrived? 她在路上了

     先生 She is en route, sir. 外套不错 The blazer looks good. 谢谢 Thank you, sir. 我给你写了几句演讲词 I wrote down a few things for you to say. 别紧张

     你会很棒的 Don"t be nervous. You"re gonna be great. 读

     大声读出来 Read it. Read it out loud. 好

     现在吗 Okay. Right now? -练习练习

     -好的 - Get some practice. - Yes, sir. 他是受人敬仰的鸟类学家 "Highly respected ornithologist, 作家

     世界探险家 "author, world explorer, 集...

     集... "phil... phila..." -集邮家

     -集邮家 - Philatelist. - Philatelist. 就是收集邮票的 Stamps. 收...我直接说"收集邮票的"行吗 Sta... Can we say "Stamps"? -不行


     -集邮家 - No, philatelist. - Philatelist. 不要被这些人吓住 Don"t be intimidated by these people. 会有多少人到场 How many people are gonna be there? 400 左右吧 About 400. 来吧 Go ahead. -这是什么

     -可♥卡♥因♥ - What is it? - It"s cocaine. 这样好吗 Uh... I"m not sure that"s such a good idea. 马克

     可♥卡♥因♥而已 Mark, it"s just cocaine. 又不会要了你的命 It"s not going to kill you. 我该怎么...你是想... What am I...? You"re supposed to just...? 打开小瓶 Take the vial, 在镜子上轻拍些粉 tap some on the mirror, 拿着吸管

     用鼻子吸进去 take the straw, just inhale it through your nose. 他是受人敬仰的鸟类学家


     世界探险家 "Highly respected ornithologist, author, world explorer, 集邮家

     以及前五项全能运动员 "philatelist and former pentathlete." -全说了


     一口气 - All of that? - All of it. Straight down. 杜邦先生将要回归竞技体育 "Mr. Du Pont will be making his return to competitive sports 赞助 50 多项争霸赛 in the over 50 category of the masters..." 听到我是怎么说的了吗 Did you hear how I was doing it? 要全神贯注

     马克 It"s just all one thought, Mark. 你可以的 You got it. 给我吧 Give that to me. 好吧 Okay. 他是受人敬仰的鸟类学家

     作家 "Highly respected ornithologist, author, 世界探险家

     集邮家 "world explorer, philatelist." 集邮家 Philatelist. -慈善家

     -慈善...哪个... - Philanthropist. - Philanthrop... Which one...? -鸟类学家

     -你想把哪个词放在前面 - Ornithologist. - Which one do you want to come first? 鸟类学家


     慈善家 Ornithologist, philatelist, philanthropist. 好



     慈善家 Okay, ornilo... Ornithologist, philatelist, philanthropist. 鸟类学家


     慈善家 Ornithologist, philatelist, philanthropist. 鸟略...鸟类学家

     集邮家 Ornilo... Ornithologist, philatelist... 鸟类学家


     慈善家 Ornithologist, philatelist, philanthropist. 鸟略...鸟类学家 Ornilo... Ornithogolist... 鸟类学家


     慈善家 Ornithologist, philatelist, philanthropist. 鸟类学家



     看着我 Ornithologist, philatelist, philanthropist. Look at me. 鸟类学家


     慈善家 Ornithologist, philatelist, philanthropist. 再来 Again. 鸟类学家


     慈善家 Ornithologist, philatelist, philanthropist. 再来 Again. 鸟类学家


     慈善家 Ornithologist, philatelist, philanthropist. 很好 Good. 我们认识吗 Do I know you? -认识啊



     -很高兴再会 - Yes, John. How are you? - Good to see you again. -这位是马克·舒尔茨

     -你好 - This is Mark Schultz. - Hi. 你见过奥♥运♥会金牌得主吗 Have you ever met an Olympic gold medalist before? 马克是 1984 年奥♥运♥会摔跤金牌得主 Mark won the Olympic gold medal for wrestling in 1984. 你见过奥♥运♥会金牌得主吗 Ever seen an Olympic medalist before? 没有

     我没见过 No, I don"t think I have. 马克

     马克 Mark. Mark. -这位是丹尼尔议员

     -很高兴见到你 - This is Congressman Daniel. - Nice to meet you. -我是鲍勃


     到底叫什么 - Bob. - Congressman Daniel... Bob or Daniel? -是叫鲍勃


     幸会 - Bob, yes. - Bob. Bob, nice to meet you. 这位是马克·舒尔茨 This is Mark Schultz. 马克是 1984 年奥♥运♥会摔跤金牌得主 Mark won an Olympic gold medal in the 1984 Olympics. -了不起

     -了不起吧 - Impressive. - Isn"t that impressive? -恭喜

     -谢谢 - Congratulations. - Thank you. 真是年轻有为 Quite a young man. 我为他感到骄傲

     很高兴和你聊天 Very proud of him. Nice meeting you. 很荣幸向大家介绍我的导师 I"m so proud to introduce my mentor. 他是我的伯乐

     为我指引人生方向 He has the ability to look at me and see where I am in life. 他让我感受到的不仅是师徒情

     更是父子情 I feel his love for me as an athlete and as a human being. 我的父母在我两岁时就离婚了 My mother and father were divorced when I was 2 years old. 我一直在寻找能给我父爱的人 And I spent a lifetime looking for a father, 而我找到了

     他就是美国金鹰约翰·杜邦 and I found one in the Golden Eagle of America, John Du Pont. 马克·舒尔茨


     孩子 Mark Schultz. Thank you, son. 你好

     妈妈 Hello, Mother. 女士们先生们

     我想读一段东西 Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to read something. 我们国家的自♥由♥ The liberties of our country, 公民宪法的自♥由♥ the freedom of our civil constitution, 值得我们不惜一切代价捍卫 are worth defending at all hazards. 而捍卫自♥由♥不被侵犯是我们的职责 And it is our duty to defend them against all attacks... -喂


     -我想你了 - Oh, hey. Hey, what"s up? - I miss you. -嗯

     -在忙什么 - Yeah. - What you up to? -啥

     -在忙什么 - Huh? - What you up to? 没忙什么 Nothing. Nothing. 你在训练吗

     在准备吗 Are you working out? Getting ready? 是啊


     我现在在休息 Yeah... No. I mean, I"m taking a little bit of a break right now. 让身体好好休息

     我得慢慢来 Just resting up the body. I"m gonna ramp it up, you know, 你也知道

     越是接近世锦赛... when it gets closer to world... trials. 是吗

     还有多久 All right. How close? -等下


     -怎么了 - Hey, hold on. Hold on one second. - What? 怎么了 What"s happening? 马克 Mark! 快起来

     去画廊练习 Gear up. Practice in the gallery. 你还好吗 You all right? 喂 Huh? 你是个真朋友

     马克 You are a good friend, Mark. 谢谢你

     约翰 Thank you, John. 从小到大我只有过一个朋友 I only had one real friend growing up. 他叫休·切利

     阿休 Hugh Cherry. Hughby. 是我母亲的司机的儿子 He was the son of my mother"s chauffeur. 16 岁的时候

      When I was 16, 我发现原来是我母亲一直在付钱 I found out that my mother had been paying him 让他做我朋友 to be my friend. 从小到大我只有戴夫一个朋友 Dave was my only friend growing up. 我们可以把它放在罗斯蒙特箱里 I thought we could put it in the Rosemont case. -这上刻的是约翰·鹰·杜邦

     -没错 - It says John "Eagle" Du Pont. - That"s right. -是冠军吗

     -是 - First place? - Yes. 你出钱办的吧 You funded this. 不难猜 Presumably. 你可以把它放在奖杯陈列室 You can put it in the trophy room. 谢谢你

     母亲 Thank you, Mother. 你的铁路模型要怎么办 What are we going to do about your train set? 我的铁路模型 My train set? 贝克先生跟你谈过了吧 Well, Mr. Beck spoke to you about this. 没有 No. 我知道你们谈过了 Oh, I know he did. 我知道的 I know he did. 你从不想把它送人 You"ve never wanted to give it away, but... 我不在乎铁路模型


     我不在乎 I don"t care about my train set, Mother. I don"t care. 我们应该... Well, I think we"ll... 儿童博物馆有地方的话

     就送去那吧 We"ll give it to the children"s museum, if ...

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