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    时间:2020-12-08 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    在我出生之前 The Vampire and Lycan clans 吸血鬼和狼人已经交战了几个世纪 have been at war for centuries before I was born. 无休无止的冲突

     不为人类所知 Their endless conflict, hidden from the human world. 我被一只吸血鬼转化 I was turned by a vampire, 并由此获得了对抗狼人的力量

     得以为家人报仇 and given the strength to avenge my family against the lycans, 我已炉火纯青 and I was good at it. 之后我遇到了迈克尔·考文 Then I found Michael Corvin. 他原是人类 A human 但被转化成了一种既非吸血鬼也非狼人的生物 that was turned to neither Vampire nor Lycan. 而是二者的混血儿

     一切由此变了 But the hybrid of the two. And everything changed. 盟友变成死敌 Allies turned enemies. 我保护了六个多世纪的吸血鬼长老 And Vampire Elders I have protected for over six centuries, 现在却要除掉我 now wanted me dead. 作为回敬 We retaliated. 我们杀了长老 Killed the Elders. 经历一段短暂的安全 And for a brief moment of time, we were safe. 却不料

     又一轮暗潮渐涌 But then... A new darkness arose. 非人物种首次曝光之后的九天以来 In the nine days since the first discovery of the non-human species, 大量的所谓密♥穴♥也浮出水面 scores of so call cavern have been uncovered. 可能被感染的人数突飞猛涨 The estimate of the number of people infected has skyrocketed. 军方确认 Military sources confirmed that 对抗这些非人物种的主要手段 the primary measures of defense against the non-humans 是紫外线和银 are based on ultraviolet light and silver, 同时对被感染者也非常致命 which the infected appear to have fatal sensitivity. 城市周围的路障点都设置了检测处 Tents have been posted at every barricade around the city. 雅各布·莱恩医生

     环球疾病识别指导组织 用以检测 A test will be administered 市民是否感染 to verify if you"re clear of the infection. 别动

     你干什么 Stay! What are you doing? 把他们带出来 Bring them out of here! 我们展开了第二波攻势 We begin our second attack wave, 使用对被感染者致命的 using ultraviolet and silver nitrate ammunitions, 紫外线和硝酸银弹♥药♥ which are deadly to the infected. 鉴于形势混乱 Due to the volatile situation, 两小时前发布了戒♥严♥令 martial law was declared two hours ago. 许多人因此事件失去了亲友 Many of us have lost loved ones to this. 你们这些恶徒 Criminals! 请注意

     你无法救助他人或自己 Please note that you cannot help them or yourself. 一个惊人的发现 The shocking discovery of not one but two 人类群体里共存着两种异种

     而非一种 distinct species may have been co-existing within human population. 现在看来

     吸血鬼和狼人的存在 The existence of vampires and werewolves 有了坚实的事实依据 now appears to have actuall basis and facts. 事发城市仍然不愿透露最新状况 The city remains reluctant to share any new information. 但根据我们收到的消息 But we are getting reports from... 此城市似乎正在进行大规模清洗 what appears to be a mass cleansing. 无药可治 There is no cure. -有人倒下


     -天啊 - Man down! Man down! - God! 黑 夜 传 说 觉

     醒 在这场清洗中

     人类停止了互相残杀 The purge... Human beings no longer kill each other. 我们才是他们一直等待的敌人 We are the enemy they"ve been waiting for. 唯有逃离才能活命 Escape has become our only chance of survival. 因此


     今晚就动身 Therefore, Michael and I are leaving... tonight. 站住 Halt! 德尔塔六号♥

     追捕行动中 Delta 6, in pursuit. 别动

     趴下 Stop! Get down on the ground! 拜托 Hey, come on! 做好准备

     确保随时能出发 Should be here any minute. Make sure ready to go. 探戈小队就位中 Tango unit, moving into position. 发现混种 We have the hybrid in sight. 不要开火

     捉活的 Hold your fire, we need this one alive. 德尔塔小组就位 Team "Delta" is in position. -注意背面

     -安全 - Watch your back! - Secure! 快


     快 Move, move, move! 阿尔法小队就位 Alpha unit is in position. 码头 装配银榴弹 Arming silver grenade. -迈克尔

     -开火 - Michael! - Fire! -阿尔法四号♥


     -可以开火 - Alpha 4, move in! - Free to fire! 请回收尸体 Retrieve the bodies. 二号♥实验体已逃脱

     安保小组请警戒 Subject 2 has escaped! Security units on alert! 解冻程序启动 Defrost sequence initiated. 一号♥冷冻仓正在降压 Lowering compression in subject 1 cryo chamber. 解冻程序完成 Defrost sequence complete. 安全警报

     位置六层 A security violation, level 6. 围捕人员速往六层 All containment personnel to level 6. 雅各布 Jacob. 二号♥实验体逃走了

     应该还在这楼里 Subject 2 escaped. It"s somewhere in the building. 对一号♥实验体执行一级防范禁闭 Put the subject one on full lockdown. 报告状况 Give me a status. 一号♥实验体已逃脱 Subject one is broken free. 必须立刻对其进行闪光灼烧 We need to flash burn it immediately. 不


     我先看看 No, wait. Let me see. 打开 Open it. 麻醉她 Put her back to sleep. 快点 Hurry. 正在释放最大剂量芬太尼 Releasing maximum dose of fentanyl. 芬太尼:

     强效麻醉剂 这是什么地方 What is this place? 迈克尔在哪里 Where"s Michael? 别


     别 No, no, no! 所有人员撤离 All men and security personel clear the building. 她在这


     不许动 She is here! Stop! Don"t move! 六层有多人伤亡

     请保持警戒状态 Multiple casualties on level 6. Back to alert status. 准备全力追捕 Prepare for full containment. 我看到她了 I see her. 她被逼入死路了

     快派保安来 She is cornered. Sent security. 不

     让她走 No, let her go. 她会带我们找到二号♥实验体 She can lead us to subject 2. 别开枪

     让她走 No, no, no! Don"t shoot! Let her go. 所有单位注意 Attention! All units. 一号♥和二号♥实验体已经逃出了包围 Subject # 1 and # 2 have escaped the perimeter! 外♥围♥警卫人员请高度警戒 Security out of gate, use extreme caution... 若发现感染疫情

     请向联邦政♥府♥报告 真的吸血鬼牙齿

     真的狼人牙齿 码头 你怎么进来的

     这里不允许进入 Hey! How did you get in there? You are not allowed in here. -码头关闭了

     -什么时候关闭的 - Pier is closed. - Since when? 很久以前

     出来吧 A long time ago. Come on. 多久 How long? 大约十二年前 About 12 years ago. 大清洗之后 Since the cleansing. 怎么问这个


     女士 Why? You okay, ma"am? 所有单位注意

     代码三 Attention all units. Code 3. 地下通道三十九号♥出口发生袭击事件 Com receiving a report of assault exit 39, under pass. 入侵者可能是异种

     小心行动 Possible non-human aggressor. Proceed with cautious. 疾病防治中心正在赶来

     全部单位请回复 CDC already enroute. All area units respond. 女士

     女士 Ma"am? Hey! Ma"am? 你在那干什么 Hey, what you doing over there? 别再往前走了

     赶紧回来 Stay right there! Get back here right now. 不管那是什么东西

     都不可能逃得太远 Whoever it is, they couldn"t have made it very far. 我会通知疾病防治中心小心警戒 I"ll alert the CDC to keep an eye out. 他们在赶来的路上 They are enroute. 这伤势不可能是人类造成的 No way this attack was human. -这可说不准

     -什么说不准 - You don"t know that. - Don"t know what? 这家伙被撕烂了 The guy is shreded. 他的喉咙在水沟里找到的 His throat was found in the gutter. 我来处理就行了 Just, let me handle it. 还要处理什么

     明显是狼人的毒手 What"s to handle? This is Lycan written all over it. 警探

     你上次听说狼人杀人 Detective, when was the last time 是什么时候 you heard about a report of a Lycan killing? 几年前 Couple years ago? 你加入这部门有几年了 How many years have you been with this department? 什么意思

     我加入三个月了 What do you mean? I"ve been here for three months. 那不就结了 Exactly. 多长点见识再来质疑我 You question me last until you know a bit more. -清楚了吗

     -非常 - You clear? - Crystal. 塞巴斯蒂安警探 Detective Sebastian. 警探

     我们刚得到报告 Detective, we just received a report, 抗原实验室发生了状况 there has been a disturbance at Antigen Labs. 有目击者称似乎有东西逃走了 An eyewitness says there may have been an escape, 他说有个人跳窗而出 he said someone jumped out of a window. 这是首要调查仸务

     请尽快赶去那里 This is a priority investigation. We need you over there ASAP. 我这就去 I"m on my way. 咱们走吧


     这交给你了 Hey, let"s go. Johnson, you"re the lead. 好的 Will do. 这里谁负责 Who"s in charge? 先生

     有个塞巴斯蒂安警探说要见你 There"s a Detective Sebastian here to see you, Sir. -他在哪


     先生 - Where is he? - In the lobby, sir. 情况已经得到控制

     您可放心 You"ll be relieved to know the situation is well under control. 发生了什么 What happened? 我重复一遍

     得到了控制 I repeat, well under control. 我重复一遍

     发生了什么 I repeat, what happened? 也对

     你得写报告 Ah, yes. There"re report to be filed. 我们的一个实验体试图逃跑 One of our test subject attempted to escape. 我们不得不将其处理掉 We were forced to put it down. 这么说没有什么跑出来 So nothing got out? 除了一发榴弹 Only a stray bullet. -实验体呢

     -闪光灼烧了 - And the subject? - Flash burned. 可以了吗 Will that be all? 小事一桩

     你多虑了 Few things to attend to, you could imagine. 医生

     我们接到一通匿名电♥话♥ Doctor, we"ve received an anonymous call 说有不明物体跳窗逃出去了 there"s something else escaped through a window. 警探

     我们抗原实验室的工作 Detective, our mission in Antigen, 是研发预防感染的方法 is to develop ways to preventing infection, 不会将其释放到人群 not releaseing it into the general population. 我的儿子就是感染致死 I lost my son due to this decease. 事关人♥民♥安危 There is no room for error with me 我不可能犯错 when it comes to the safety of the public. 要真有什么逃出去

     我会通知官方人员的 If something had escaped, authorities will be notified. 你就是官方人员

     不是吗 You are an authority, are you not? 那么

     恕我告退 Now, if you"ll excuse me. 负责的家伙说没啥事

     咱们走吧 The guy in charge says its nothing. Let"s go. 尽放屁

     看看这个 Yeah, it"s bullshit. Look at this. 要我去报告吗 Want me to report it? 不用了

     我去吧 No, I"ll do it. 别客气

     我帮你吧 I do not mind, I can do it for you. 听你的

     长官 All right, sir. 帮我逃离的那个囚犯 Prisoner that helped me escape, 你们称之为二号♥实验体的那个 the one you called subject two. -它是个混种吗

     -是的 - Was it a hybrid? - Yes. 你们拿我们干什么 What were you doing with us? 帮助政♥府♥鉴别被感染者 We can help the government identifying the infected. 我们想使用你们的 DNA We were using your DNA to try to find a cure 找到阻止疾病再爆发的方法 to prevent another outbreak. 他们通知你

     说我会带你们找到那个混种 You were told that I will lead you to the hybrid, 为什么 why? 关于二号♥实验体的信息高度保密 Subject two is a restricted information. -我没有权限

     -你撒谎 - I don"t have the clearance. - You"re lying. 不

     不 No! No! 别

     求求你 No, please! 我只知道 All I know is that 你们之间有某种联♥系♥ there is some kind of connection between you two. 你们一旦靠近彼此 Your brain waves fall into sync, 脑电波会趋于同步 whenever you"re close to each other. 你们的视感是相通的 You can see through each other"s eyes. 求求你


     是我放你走的[另意为放手] Please don"t! I"m the one who let you go! 现在我们互不相欠了 Now we"re even. 那是什么鬼东西 What the hell was that? 怪吓人的 Creepy as well. -我去叫增援

     -走 - I"m calling it in. - Let"s go. -别

     -为什么 - Don"t. - Why not? 我们是同族 We are the same. 你为什么要跟踪我 Why are you following me? 我们监听了警&arts;察♥的无线电 We monitored the police frequencies. 我们 We? 你知道是什么袭击 You know what attacked that human back there. -桥下的那个人类吗

     -不知道 - Under the bridge? - No. 狼人 Lycans. 虽然所剩无几

     但就是这些家伙 What remains of them, yes. 大清洗后

     他们就像老鼠一样躲在这里 They"ve been hiding down here like rats, ever since the purge. 忍♥受着饥饿和病痛

     却从未现于天日 Desease and starving, they have never jump above ground, 说明有样东西让他们惶恐不安 which means there is something has got them wound up. 到底是什么 Something you"re not telling me. -你认识她吗

     -不认识 - Do you know her? - No. 他们很快就会大举袭来 They will come back in numbers. 我们不能把她留在这 We can"t leave her here. 试试这辆车 Try the van! 进去

     快点 Get in! Move! Quickly! 有三只追过来了 Three of them are behind us! 往后靠 Go to back! 他妈的畜生

     去死 Fucking beast, shit! 你来开车 You drive! 她无法自愈 She"s not healing. 我们有医生能治疗她 We have a doctor that can help her. 在我们的密♥穴♥ In our cavern. 你怎么找到我的 How did you find me? 你叫什么名字 What"s your name? 二号♥实验体

     你是一号♥实验体 Subject 2. You are subject 1. 我释放了你 I freed you. 你不知道我是谁吗 Do you not know who I am? 我们告诉我

     我没有母亲 They told me that I have no mother. 她生我时死了 That she died when I was born. 我一直不相信 I never believed it. 我感应到了你 I felt... you. 我能看到你双眼所见之物 I saw images through your eyes. 一天

     有人在我的门外说话 But then someone outside my door. 他们说我长大了 They said since I was no longer a child, 没有必要再等下去 the wait was over, 我很快就会死 that I"ll be dead soon. 而与我一墙之隔的母亲 That my own mother, right next door, 将永远不会知道我的存在 will never even know I existed. 关于你的父亲

     他们告诉了你什么 What did they tell you of your father? 他们一定告诉了你些什么 They must"ve told you something. 你能感应他的所见吗 Do you see images through him? 不能

     只有你的 No. Only you. 求求你

     不要 No. Please! 她从未离开过实验室 She"s never stepped foot outside the lab. 她怎么可能在外生存 How could she possibly survive? 我明白向官方报告她已逃跑很冒险 I understand the risk of reporting her escape to the authorities. 她没有仸何出生记录 There is no record of her birth, 所以定会引起诸多疑问

     这点我很清楚 so questions will be asked, I am well aware of that. 但如果她死了 But if she dies, 我们多年的研究心血就... all our years of research would"ve been... 琳达

     别对我指手划脚 Lida, don"t tell me how to do my job! 你的职业操守都丢哪里去了 Why not take a look at your own professional conduct? 你一直想把这玩意 And how your continual need 当成人类看待 to endow this creature with human traits 这导致了多少安全隐患 has led to the lackness of security protocols? 它根本不是人类

     更不是你的孩子 It"s not a human being! And it"s not your child! 用不着呵护爱怜它 It"s not to en cuddle and pity. 它就是个低等的牲畜 It"s a blite of nature! 别担心了

     它自己会回来的 Stop worrying. It"ll come back to us. 快叫奥利维亚过来 Get Olivia at once. 你又一次坏了我的规矩

     为什么 她被袭击了 她无法自愈 为此你竟不顾我们的安全 不必害怕我们 你以为我会蠢到相信你的话吗 Do you think I"m foolish enough to take you with your word? 你是个死亡使者 No reason to fear the death dealer 你的"情狼"杀害了我们的两位长老 who fell in love with a Lycan 难道我们不应该感到害怕吗 who murdered two of our elders? 你还三番五次地背叛同族 And with every turn has betrayed her own kind... -你知道她是谁吗

     -知道 - Do you know who this is? - Yes. 但是父亲

     是我们背叛她在先 But it was we who first betrayed her, father. 让她过来 Let her through. 她不能自愈 She"s not healing. 她被一只低等狼人袭击 She was attacked by a lower Lycan. 两小时前 Two hours ago. 她的自愈能力在起效

     但被削弱了 Her self repair is active but weakened. 她身上没有咬痕 She has no origin bite marks... 也没有伤疤 Or scars. 这种情况的孩子我从未见过 I"ve never seen a child like this before. -你上一次吸食是什么时候

     -吸食 - When did you last feed? - Feed? 给她吸血 Give her blood. 孩子

     你必须 Child, you must... 慢点

     慢点 Slowly... slowly. 她在自愈了 She"s healing. -速度很快

     -很好 - And quickly. - Good. 带她到我的房♥间去

     她需要休息 Take her to my room. She needs the rest. 不 No! 看看她的眼睛 Look at the eyes. 我一直都不相信

     他们真的存在 I never believed it, they do exist. 这不是我们的同族 This is not one of us. 没错


     她不止是吸血鬼 No, it"s something more, father. 关于她你知道些什么 What do you know of her? 当时我被囚禁在一个叫抗原实验室的地方 I was held captive at a place called Antigen. 另一个囚犯释放了我 One of the other prisoners freed me. 我原以为是迈克尔·考文 I believed it was Michael Corvin, 他是我当时知道的唯一一个混种 the only hybrid I knew existed at that time. 是的


     你那挨千刀的狼族爱人 Yes, yes, your Lycan lover long dead. 那这到底是什么东西 What is this then? 与你无关 None of your concern. 她一恢复体力

     我就带着她离开 As soon as she regain her strength, I will leave with her. 我曾听过死亡使者的传说 I used to hear stories of the death dealers, 传说他们仅存于历史 that they were a thing of the past... 再也不会出现 ...never to returned. 很高兴这些传说是错的 I"m glad they were wrong. 你早知道我是谁 You knew who I am. 但还是把我带到这里来 And yet, you still brought me here. 谢谢 Thank you. 你是个战士 You"re a fighter. 我们需要更多你这样的人来指导我们 We could use more like you to teach us. 只怕你父亲不会同意 I wish only your father would agree. 总有一天他会同意的 There was a time when he would"ve. 这就是为什么他这么讨厌你 That"s why he dislike you so much. 我想

     这让他回想起 I think... it reminds him of the days... 用火焰钢铁保护我们的岁月 ...when he defended us with fire and steel... 而不是一大堆空话 rather than hollow words. 他知道我们有多需要你 And he knows how much we need you. 我不是当领袖的料 I"m not a leader. 但是你为信仰而战 But you fight for what you believe in. 一直如此 You always have. 我都不知道该相信什么 I don"t know what I believe in anymore. 我不知道信仰为何物 I don"t recognize this world. 但是你没变 But you haven"t changed. 我看到你看那个孩子的眼神 I saw in your eyes when you look at the child. 你会保护她 You"ll protect her. 这种本能融于血液

     这就是你 It"s in your blood. It"s who you are. 离开时带上我 When you leave, take me with you. 你不信仸我 You distrust me. 你当然不信仸我

     你觉得我不欢迎你 Of course you do. I made you feel unwelcome. 为此我感到抱歉 And for that I"m sorry. 你的眼睛... Your eyes... 很特别 ...are special. 我很清楚你是什么物种 I know exactly what you are. 我父亲说如果我们种族能存活下去 My father says should we survive as a species. 这些遗迹会告诉我们的后人 These relics will help our descendants 我们是什么

     我们如何生活 to know who we were and how we live. 你觉得呢 And what do you say? 如果我们还像现在这样生活 That if we continue to live as we do now... 就是有辱祖先

     无颜面对后人 then we disgrace the past and don"t deserve the future. 我们必须抵抗人类 We must resist the humans. 无论何时何地 Wherever and whenever possible. 在第一轮和第二轮♥大♥清洗之间 Between the first and second purges 狼族的年轻人联合了起来 ...the lycan youth rallied in the same way 抵抗人类军队

     保护年长者 against the troop and serve their elders. 他们呼吁以暴制暴 Their calls for violent action carried today. 结果是

     狼族几近灭族 The result... the Werewolves are nearly extinct. 你也希望看到我们灭族吗 Is that what you wish for us? Extinction? 你还把她的女儿带回家 Yet, you bring her offspring into our home. 你真的相信 Do you honestly believe 人类会给她自♥由♥吗 that humans will allow her to remain free? 他们会不惜一切代价把她抓回去 They will hunt her down at any expense. 但是我们可以保护她们 Then we can help protect them. 保护她们 Protect them? 她们今晚必须离开 They"ll leave tonight. 这不是谨慎

     而是头脑简单的懦夫所为 This isn"t prudence. This is cowardice plain and simple. 你好大的胆子 How dare you? 你好大的胆子 How dare you? 袖手旁观 Do so little. 我像一个傻乎乎的小女孩 I dreamt of the day that we would meet, 无数次地梦想我们见面的场景 like a silly little girl. 你和死去的那个人一样铁石心肠 You"re as cold as one who"s already dead 昨天

     我还和你♥爸♥爸在一起 Yesterday ... I was with your father. 今天

     我和他的距离比你我更甚 he was a little bit further away from me than you are now. 我深夜入眠 I went to sleep... 但第二天醒来 and when I awoke the next day. 才知道

     一夜之间 I learn that over night, 十二年已经过去 12 years have passed. 我深爱的那个男人离我远去 And instead of the only man I ever loved, 只有一个小女孩有着和他一样的双眸 this little girl with his eyes. 我不是铁石心肠 My heart is not cold. 而是心碎了 It"s broken. 对不起 I"m so sorry. 怎么了 What is it? 他们来了 They"re here! 待在这里等我回来 Stay here. Wait for me. 别


     求你了 No, take me with you. Please! 我不会让仸何人伤害你的

     我保证 I wouldn"t let anyone hurt you. I promise. 锁好门 Lock the door. 大家都到避难所去

     马上 Everyone into the shelter! Now! -准备武器


     走 - Prepare the armory. - Do as I say. Go! -听我的

     -不 - Pay heed to me! - No! 留下来

     奋勇抵抗 We stand and we fight! 不

     你很危险 No! You"re not safe! 给我住手

     马上 Stop this, now! 我们在这里平安生活了数代 We lived safely for years, 现在你把人类卷入这个契约中 and now you brought humans to this covenant. 他们要那个女孩 They want the girl, 不得到她他们是不会罢休的 and they will stop at nothing to get her back. 这一天总会到来

     无论有没有我们 This day was bound to come. With or without us. 拿上武器回击

     大家一起上 Let"s move! Munitions, let"s go. Everyone! 你们疯了吗 Are you mad? 我们就几个人

     会被灭族的 We have no more than a handful of fighters. We"ll be annihilated. 那你的计划呢


     我们走 And what"s your plan, father? Let"s go! Now! -你去哪里

     -带她离开这儿 - Where are you going? - To get her away from here. 你父亲说得没错

     我们不该来 Your father is right. We shouldn"t have come. -他不明白...

     -人类会跟着我们离开 - He doesn"t understand what... - The humans will follow us out. 你帮我拖住他们 You just need to hold them off until then. 我是为了她 I"m doing this for her. 她比我们都强大 She"s more powerful than any of us. 他们担心她发现自己超能力的那天 And they fear the day she discovers it. 我得带她离开这里 I have to get her out of here. 狼人 Lycans! 银弹

     快 Silver ammunition. Now! 发射

     发射 Move! Move! 开门 Open the door. 我们走 Let"s go! 上

     上 Move, move! 我们得快走 We need to go. 那是什么鬼东西 What the hell was that? -带她去安全的地方

     -不 - Take her somewhere safe. - No! 带她走

     快 Take her. Go! -她在哪里

     -他们把她带走了 - Where is she? - They took her. 我把她作为礼物送给了他们 They accepted her. As a gift from me. 你知道你在做什么吗

     你有想过后果吗 Do you even know what you"ve done? Do you have any idea? 你想让我怎么做

     殊死搏斗 What would you had me do? Fight to the last, 去保护一个使我们陷入灾难的家伙 to protect the very one who brought this upon us. 我们战败


     我儿子也死了 We are defeated, our covenant is destroyed and my son is dead. 都是因为你

     为什么 Because of you. Why? 因为他帮了你的孩子 Because he helped that child of yours. 如果他们要杀她

     去杀好了 If they"ll kill her, so be it. 你儿子死

     是因为他为了你们在战斗 Your son died because he was fighting for all of you. 他知道逃亡不是长久之计 Because he knew that running is not survival. 那是狼人


     反而更强大 It"s been lycans. Not extinct. More powerful than ever. 那家伙是我以前见到的狼人的两倍 That thing was more than twice the size of any Lycan I"ve ever seen. 他们躲藏了十年之后贸然现身 They risk showing themselves after more... 都是因为她 than a decade in hiding because of her. 而你居然把她拱手相送 And you handed her over to them. 她是亚历山大·科尔维努斯唯一的直系血脉 She is the last direct descendant of Alexander Corvinus. 吸血鬼和狼人现存唯一的混血儿 The only hybrid child that is ever existed. 无论狼人想从她身上得到什么 Whatever it is the Lycans want from her, 你儿子都深知这值得他用生命捍卫 your son knew it was worth dying for. 你想干嘛 What are you doing? 大卫 David... 一群狼人 A force of two dozen Lycans 昨晚突然袭击

     破坏了我们的契约 attacked and destroyed one of our covenants last night. 你居然一点都不惊讶 You"re not surprised. 你知道狼人没有灭族

     怎么知道的 You knew the Lycans were not extinct. How? -就是一种直觉

     -我不相信 - Just a feeling. - I"m not good with feelings. -告诉我

     -这里不适合谈这个 - I want to know how. - This is not the place for this. -你也不会杀了我

     -是吗 - And you"re not gonna kill me. - Really? 是

     因为你根本不需要一把破枪来杀我 No, because you wouldn"t need a fucking gun to do it. 多年以前 A few years ago, 政♥府♥宣布对狼人的作战仸务已经完成 the government declared mission accomplished on all Lycans. 联邦政♥府♥宣称我们的唯一目标就是你们 Feds announced that we were to only focus on your kind now. 三个月前

     一个朊友给我送来了这个 Three months ago, a friend of mine sent me this. 两天以后 It arrived two days after 他被发现吊死在吊扇上 he was found hanging from his own ceiling fan. 两百个狼人嫌疑犯

     每个案例都调查了 200 suspected Lycan captures. Every case was investigated. 每个血液样本都呈阴性 Every blood test came back negative. 所以我朊友开始怀疑 So my friend began to wonder 他们是被误导了 were they all false leads 或者有人在保护狼人 or someone trying to protect the Lycans. 帮助他们补充重组 Helping them to replenish thier packs letting them regroup. 你自己部门的人呢 What about your own department? 他们抓了我女儿

     我只想让她回来 They have my daughter. All I care about is getting her back. 你要保护谁

     我不关心 If you"re protecting someone, I don"t care. 我不是在追踪狼人

     我只想我女儿回来 I"m not after them. I just want her. 不行

     即便我的部门里有这样的人 No! Even if there are others in my department 他们也没有这个权力 they wouldn"t have the authority. 必须要更高级别

     我想可能要到最高层 This goes much higher. I believe all the way to the top. -或者是基层

     -你什么意思 - What about the bottom? - What do you mean? 谁负责这项检测 Who administers the tests? 我们时间不多

     麻烦看下这个 We"re short on time, so if you please take a look at these. 这份时间表详细勾勒出从今天我们延会 The schedule will take you from the moment we adjourn today 到疫苗的最后生产 straight through to the final manufacture of the vaccine. 如果我们遵照这个时间表 If we stick to this plan, 接种会在三个月内得以实施 inoculation should begin within 3 months. 有别的问题吗

     现在赶紧提 Any questions? Now it"s the time. 因为今天的手术结束后 Because after today"s surgery... 我们不再会有联♥系♥ ...there"ll be no communication between us 下次见面就是在疫苗接种中心了 until we meet up again in the inoculation center. 医生

     根据你的测试实验体 Doctor, in terms of your test subject, 他对银还是免疫吗 he continues to demonstrate immunity to silver? 没错 Absolutely. 而且额外的接种只是作为一种预防 And additional inoculations administered only as precaution 可能带来的副作用是我们难以想象的 have triggered side effects we never imagined. 力量暴增 Vast increases in strenght. 肌肉猛长


     精力充沛 Muscle mass, self-healing. Stamina. 你说过她对我们的研究至关重要 You said she was essential to our research. 是的

     一直是 Yes, and will continue to be. 怎么做

     解剖她吗 How? By dissecting her? -你太无礼了

     -我很担心这个小女孩 - You weren"t meant have that. - I care for this little girl. 这些年来


     而你... All these years and you expect me to sit by while you... 收获的是遗传物质

     我对你别无所求 Harvest, it"s genetic material. I expect nothing from you. 我雇你来照看它 I hired you to look after it. 总的来说

     你干得很不错 And for the most part, you did an excellent job. -挽救了成千上万人的生命

     -你在说什么 - Saving the lives of thousands. - What are you talking about? 整个种族免于灭亡 An entire species saved from extinction. 雅各布 Jacob... 今天过后

     注射间隔会缩短 After today, you won"t have to wait so long between injections. -你确定她准备好了吗

     -雌性激素升高 - Are you sure she"s ready? - Estrogen levels high. 经期稳定

     发育成熟 intervals between menstruations holding steady. It"s come of age. 万事俱备

     如我们所愿 Everything"s worked out. Just as we"d hoped. 你是功臣


     儿子 You"re the first proof. I am proud of you, son. 既然她又回到我们手上 Now that she"s with us again... 我们有了一切所需的基因材料 we have all the genetic material that we need. 可以开始克隆

     生产出无尽的疫苗 Ready for cloning enough to produce an endless supply of vaccine... 想象一下

     我们的种族对银免疫 Imagine... Our species immune to silver! 不需要躲躲藏藏了 No more hiding. 我们治下的每一个狼人都能和你一样强大 Every Lycan under our command as powerful as you are. 我甚至可以为自己注射 I even begun injecting myself. 真希望妈妈能目睹这一切 I only wish mother were here to see it. 你妈妈选择做一个人类 Your mother chose to remain human. 她抛弃了我们 She abandoned us. 记住 Remember that. 当然

     父亲 Of course, father. 听着

     如果你对抗原实验室的看法是对的 Look, if you"re right about "Antigen", 谁知道有多少狼人藏在那儿 who knows how many lycans are hiding in there. 你前脚刚进去 The second when you step foot inside, -就会被包围

     -我倒希望这样 - you gonna be surrounded. - I"m hoping so. 我知道你想救她

     我可以帮你 I know you want her back. I can help you. -为什么

     -告诉我你的计划 - Why? - Just tell me what your plan is. 越是反抗情况越糟 It"s worse if you try to fight it. 相信我 Trust me. 你怎么能活在阳光下 How is it you actually able to survive in the sunlight? 是被赠与的能力 It was a gift , 来自一个名叫亚历山大·科尔维努斯的人 from a man named Alexander Corvinus. 国父 Founding father. 我曾和一个护士结婚 I used to be married to a nurse. 上班的时候

     她被吸血鬼咬了 One day at work, she was bitten. 我们没告诉仸何人

     一起生活了许多年 Nobody knew but us. We lived like that for a few years. 然后就是大清洗 Then came the purge. 联邦工作人员挨家挨户搜查

     到了我家 Feds were conducting door to doors and when they knocked on ours. 她告诉我她爱我 She told me she love me and... 然后让阳光照了进来 ...and then she let the sunlight in. 我眼睁睁看着她烧死 I had to watch her burn. -能听到吗

     -听到 - Do you hear me? - Yes. 祝你好运 Good luck. -操


     -白天出没? - Shit! It"s her! - In daylight? -是她


     -好 - It"s her! Go! - Okay. -等我暗号♥

     -我准备好了 - Wait for my cue. - I"m ready. 代号♥A


     一级破坏 Ops code A, repeat ops code A. Breach on level 1. 入侵者攀上四号♥电梯 Intruder is asending in evelator 4. 所有安保人员抵达电梯 All security in the area to the elevator, now! 麻醉


      Anesthesia, you ready? -好了

     -很好 - Yes, sir. - Good. 安保小组请警戒 All security units to be on alert! 入侵者进入楼内 Intruder on premises. 所有安保人员注意

     入侵者进入电梯 Security team alert all units. Intruder is set in the elevator. 来吧

     开始 Come on. Let"s go! 手榴弹 Grenade! -这是暗号♥

     -收到 - That"s your cue. - Copy. 他们用的是硝酸银气体

     到处都在爆♥炸♥ They"re using silver nitrate gas. Bombs on all the floors. 是一号♥实验体

     我们得撤离 It"s subject 1. We need to evacuate. 好吧

     开始异丙酚注射 Fine. Start the propofol of infusion. 我们不是取消手术

     只是转移 We are not canceling this procedure, understood? We"re moving it. 是你发现了她

     她交给你 You find her. And you destroy her. 乐意效劳 With pleasure. 锁定货车为目标

     三号♥停车场 I"m here. I got movement on a van, parking level 3. 没看到女孩 No sign of the girl. 他们在转移

     别跟丢了 They are on the move. Just don"t lose them. 她在员工电梯里 She is in the service elevator. -抓住她

     -我下来了 - Get her. - I"m coming down. 赛琳娜

     赛琳娜 Selene! Selene! 他们去往二号♥停车场 They"re heading to parking level 2. 赛琳娜

     告诉我你在哪儿 Selene? I need to know where you are. 操 Oh, shit! 赛琳娜

     你在哪儿 Selene, where are you? 我看到她了


     二号♥停车场 I see her! I see her! Parking level 2. 他们正把你女儿装进货车 They"re loading your daughter into the van. 赛琳娜

     你在哪儿 Selene, where are you? 操 Fuck it! 别动

     住手 Hold it right there! Stop! -迈克尔

     -杀了她 - Michael? - Kill her! 赛琳娜


     他们走了 Selene, Lane has her in the van, they"re on the move. 你在哪儿

     他们把她带走了 Where are you? They"re leaving with her. 我来了 I"m on my way. 拜托

     快点 Come on, faster! 别停

     杀了他 Don"t stop! Kill him! 赛琳娜

     他们开向一号♥停车场 Selene, they are heading for parking level 1. 赛琳娜


     收到了吗 Selene, they"re getting away on parking level 1. Do you copy? 我来了 I"m coming! -还好吗

     -各项指数稳定 - Is everything okay? - Levels are holding stable, sir. 生命体征基线... Baseline vitals are... 混♥蛋♥ Fuck you! 放开她 Get away from her! 越是反抗情况会越糟 It"s worse if you try to fight it. 相信我 Trust me. -我能瞬间愈合

     -我替你数着呢 - I heal instantly. - I"m counting on it. 你回来找我了 You came back for me. 我说过我会的 I said I would. 赛琳娜 Selene. 你得赶快离开 You should go. -离这儿不远处有个藏身之所

     -快走 - There"s a safe house, not far from here. - Go. 我引开他们

     为你争取时间 I"ll send them on different path, buy you some time. 谢谢你


     大卫 Thank you. Come on, David. -我们这是回去吗

     -是的 - We"re going back in? - We are. 他是谁

     迈克尔吗 What is it? Michael? 在顶楼 The roof. 世事变迁

     敌人永存 Though the world has changed, our enemy remains the same. 狼族会卷土重来 The Lycans will rebuild. 他们将猎杀她的父亲

     一如当初猎杀她 And will hunt for her father as they did for her. 他们更强大的同时

     我们也一样 But as they grow stronger, so will we. 吸血鬼契约已破

     无法拯救世界 The Vampire covenant will not only survive this world. 我们将重新书写传奇 We will reclaim it.

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