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    时间:2020-12-08 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站



     医学博士 Hi. I"m Devin Villiers, M.D. 你的项链非常吸引 I couldn"t help noticing your lovely necklace. 请问你从事哪方面的工作?

     威利尔斯博士 And what"s your area of specialty, Dr. Villiers? 杀猴子 I kill monkeys, 也杀老鼠


     偶尔也杀猪 As well as rats, gerbils, the occasional potbellied pig, 不过主要是杀猴子 But mostly monkeys. -他的意思是医学研究


     -不是 -He means medical research, dear. -Nope. 我的确是喜欢杀猴子 I just like to kill monkeys. 不早了



     博士 It"s late. We should be going. Good night, Doctor. -晚安

     -嗯 -Good night. -Yeah. 今晚和他搞得开心点! Go easy on him tonight! 怎么了? What? 哦

     我的天啊 Oh, my goodness. 你到底想干什么? What do you want from me? 谁能救救我啊! Somebody please help me! -那东西在哪里?

     -我不知道 -Where is it? -I don"t know. -我情况越来越不稳定了


     我发誓 -I"m getting worse. -I don"t have it, swear to God. 别跟我装了! Don"t fuck with me! 拜托

     你一定要相信我! Please, you gotta believe me! 我需要那缓冲剂

     戴文 I need that buffer now, Devin. 那东西锁在保险库里 It"s locked in a vault. 我不能拿出来

     其他人也不可以 I can"t get to it, nobody can. -那就多做点出来


     我不会做 -Then make some more. -No, no, not me. 那有谁会?

     谁会做缓冲剂? Then who? Who can make the buffer? 马吉!

     马吉·道尔顿 Maggie! Maggie Dalton. 她负责合成化合物的研究 She synthesized the compound, did the research. 只有她

     其他人都不会 Nobody else, just her. 马吉·道尔顿 Maggie Dalton. 求求你

     饶了我吧 Please, please let me go. 不要跟别人说你见过我

     事实上你也看不见我 Don"t tell anyone I was here. You never even saw me. 不


     不会 No, no, God, no. 可惜我能看见你 But I saw you. 嘿

     洗手间里面有个人在流血 Excuse me, there"s a guy in the bathroom, bleeding. 赶快 Come on. 靠 Oh, shit. 马上去叫救护车吧 We need paramedics in here right away. 怎么会发生这种事故? How could we have let this slip by? 嘿 Hey. -不是睡着了吧?


     没有 -Sleeping on the job? -Me? No. 只是在想事情 Just deep in thought. 嗯

     看上去像睡着了 Yeah, 40 winks deep. 你有什么发现吗? What"d you find out? 呃


     总在派对上搅和 Well, they said he was pretty trashed, committed some serious party fouls. 按理说疑犯的身上有血迹 Assume our suspect"s covered in blood. 他离开这里的时候怎么会没人发现? How does he walk out of here unnoticed? 而且还是赤脚的 And barefoot. 看

     新发现 Check it out. 凶器是手♥机♥ Death by cell phone. 目前仅有的线索 That"s a first. 他把手♥机♥卡拿走了 He popped the SlM card. 也就是说得到了死者的通讯录 So somebody"s got his address book. -情况不是大乐观啊

     -是呢 -That can"t be good. -Nope. 不好意思

     现场还没处理完毕 Excuse me, we"re not finished in here. -我的天呐!

     -不好意思 -My God! -Excuse me, excuse me. 对不起

     这位探员 I"m sorry, Detective. 这个人是我的一位助手 This man was one of my staff. 不好意思


     可以吗? I apologize. May I? 我是莱塞研究所的

     威廉·莱塞博士 I"m Dr. William Reisner, of the Reisner Institute. -雷德蒙的智囊团

     -没错 -Think tank over in Redmond. -Yes. 不过必要时

     我们做的比想的多 And on occasion, we do more than think. 您对这有什么看法? Any thoughts on this? 我们已经通知国防部了

     探员 We contract to the Pentagon, Detective. 我想你也知道

     我们的对手非常多 As I"m sure you can imagine, we have a long list of enemies. 嗯

     不过我希望你能到外面去 Great, well, we"d love to get a statement from you outside. -现在这里由我们接管

     -凭什么? -We"ll be taking over from here. -On whose authority? 我们已经知会了你的上级

     希望你明白 Well, I"ve cleared it with your superiors, if that"s what you mean. 他们授权了让你们破坏现场吗? They clear you to contaminate the crime scene, too? -那现在可以了吗?


     很好 -Are we good now? -Yeah, perfect. 带上手套

     我要取了一片手指甲回去化验... Let"s make sure Forensics bags the hands, I want to get a fingernail... 你没听到上校的话吗 You all heard the Colonel. 当然了

     我听到上校的话了 Yeah, I heard the Colonel. 算了吧

     弗兰克 Let"s let it go, Frank. 我们就这样不管这事吗?

     这不是我的作风 We"re rolling over on this? It"s not me. 国防部那边已经下了指令 DOD"s calling the shots on this one. 莱塞跟国防部有密切关系 Reisner"s hooked in with the Pentagon. 所以你就让他们接管这案件 You"re letting them investigate themselves. 我有说我心甘情愿吗? Did I say I liked it? 拜托


     汤姆 Come on, this isn"t Halliburton overcharging for unleaded, Tom. 这是一宗谋杀案

     他们无权插手 It"s a murder case, they have no jurisdiction. 回去读读爱国者法案吧 Read the Patriot Act. -我想让你们去保护这个女人

     -太好了 -I need you to run a soft cover on this girl. -Great. -但不能插手案件


     -没错 -Still letting us give out tickets, right? -Yeah. 她是研究所里的一位生物学家 She was the staff biologist over at the Institute. -莱塞很紧张她的安全

     -可以做保姆哦 -Reisner"s concerned about her. -Babysitting gig. 看来你好像还不想放弃 Look, you"re still on the case. 对了


     也许你能学到点什么 Besides, she"s got, like, eight diplomas, you might learn something. -你看



     弗兰克 -Look, Tom... -We"re done, Frank. 你们可以出去了 Now get out of here, 在我胃溃疡还没发作之前 Before my ulcer starts bleeding. 看什么看

     有点教养好么!(俚语) What, were you guys born in a barn? -我想我们应该学学生物


     没错 -I guess I should"ve studied biology. -Yeah, right. 好吧 Great. 你好


     谢谢你们来帮忙 Hello, Detectives. Thank you for helping us out. 请进 Come in. 嘿 Hey. -轻松点

     -嗯 -Hackles down. -Yeah. 这是马吉·道尔顿博士

     他们是特纳探员和... This is Dr. Margaret Dalton. Margaret, these are Detectives Turner and... 马缇尼斯

     我们会负责第一阶段的保安任务 Martinez. We"ll be taking the first shift. 很好 Great. 我的处境很危险吗? How much danger do you think I"m in? 具体的我们也不清楚

     道尔顿小姐 Well, we don"t know too many of the details, Miss Dalton, 我们只负责保护你 we"re just security. 我的同事被杀了 Well, my colleague was murdered, 太残忍♥了

     把我也牵扯进来 Brutally, from what I"ve been able to piece together. 说句实话

     我希望一些更有经验的人来保护我 And honestly, I expected someone more senior, more in the loop. 警方那边说他们俩是队伍里面最优秀的 The chief assures me they"re two of the finest on the force. 你放心吧

     小姐 You"ll be fine, ma"am. 不好意思

     不过我肯定你们很自信 Oh, I"m sorry, I"m sure you"re entirely competent. 谢谢

     可以让我们四处检查一下吗? Thanks. Do you mind if we secure the premises? 随便 Go ahead. 晚安

     威廉 Good night, William. 我明天早上再过来看看 I"ll check back in the morning. 好吧


     你请自便 Well, I"ll be upstairs. Make yourselves comfortable. -对不起


     -看来得找人回来修理 -Sorry, I was just gonna... -I"ve gotta get that fixed. 我有栋 1920 年建的房♥子

     也有这种问题 I got a 1920s bungalow. Does the same thing. 吱吱的响

     像是有鬼一样 Creaks and groans like a ghost. -你检查楼梯


     -我就猜你会这样 -You check downstairs, I"ll take up. -I"m sure you will. 好


     我负责楼下 Okay, you take upstairs, I"ll take down. 不



     我没想歪 No, no, go ahead, I"m fine. -你肯定?


     当然了 -You sure? -Yeah, why wouldn"t I be? 我喜欢在这里听吱吱的响 I like it down here with the creaks and the groans. -你这里房♥子里有灭火器吗?

     -没有 -You have any firearms in the house? -No. 平常有人来你这住吗?

     朋友或者亲戚 Anyone else regularly use your place? Friends, relatives? 没有 Nope. 你没有管家或者男朋友吗? You don"t have a housekeeper? Boyfriend? 我有一只猫 I have a cat. 哦


     这是你的办公室吗? I"m a dog person, myself. This your office? 没错 Yeah. 这里大部分都是私人资料 Mostly just some personal stuff. -如果你不介意的话



     没关系 -Do you mind? -No, no, not at all. 我也喜欢听着杂音工作 Rainfall noise works for me. 我需要到那边看看 I need to check in there. 我想你不会有什么偷♥窥♥的癖好吧? I guess if you"ve got any voyeuristic tendencies. 以工作之便哈 This is a great job, huh? 不用担心

     我们不会干这种事情的 Don"t worry, we take pills for that sort of thing. 我妹妹


     在德贝大学读一年级 My kid sister, Heather. She"s a freshman at U-Dub. 你们关系一定不错 Must be close. 也许我太关心她了 Or I"m over compensating. 这边已经检查完了 We"re done up here. 你跟威利尔斯博士从事哪方面的研究? What were you and Dr. Villiers working on? 你会跟别人谈及你的案件吗? Do you discuss your cases with strangers? 而且我目前仍然受限于一项不可外泄协议 I"m still bound by a non-disclosure agreement. 所以即使我乐意

     我也不能告诉你 I couldn"t tell you if I wanted to. "仍然"是什么意思? What do you mean "still"? 我已经离开那工作六个月

     我退出了 Well, I haven"t worked there for six months. I was let go. 那你现在干什么? What do you do now? 失业中 I"m unemployed. 看来你过去薪酬很高 Quite an overhead you got. 威廉·莱塞的确是一个很好的雇主 William Reisner was an extremely gracious employer. -楼下已经检查过了


     -很好 -All secure downstairs, Frank. -Great. 这是我的手♥机♥号♥码

     把它设为紧急呼叫 Here"s my cell phone number. Put it on speed dial. 有需要的时候告诉我们

     我们就在外面 We"ll be right outside if you need us. 如果你不介意的话

     她会留在室内 One of us could stay inside if you"d feel more comfortable. 不需要了

     我没事 I"ll be fine. 门就不要锁了

     这样我们能及时进来 I"d like to keep that door unlocked, in case we need to get to you quickly. 你觉得那是必须的吗? Is that standard? 不是

     但这是个好主意 Well, it"s a good idea. 那好呗 Okay, then. 好吧

     即使拥有八个学位的人也不至于那样吧 Okay, anyone with eight degrees has no right to look like that. 怎么样? Like what? 噢

     好像你没注意到她那不可一世的模样似的 Oh, yeah, act like you didn"t notice. 还有她那冰冷的一双蓝眼镜 She could probably melt concrete with those blue eyes. 其实是绿色的 They were green, actually. -巡逻队吗

     -不是我们的 -Bell Ranger. -Not one of ours. 向北去了


     N-7953 It"s heading north. I"ll call it in anyway. N-7953? 刘易斯吗


     帮我查一下 Lewis, it"s Turner. Get me an ID through Sea-Tac ATC. 非警用直升飞机 ATC 尾数为 N-7-9 Non-police Bell Ranger, tail number N-7-9

     -5-3. -5-3.


     -好的 -7-9-5-3. Got it. -Okay. -搞定

     -好的 -Have fun. -Okay. 嘿

     弗兰克 Hey, Frank. 小声点好吗

     隔壁的邻居都能听到了 Keep it down in there, you"re gonna disturb the neighbors. 放心吧

     他们有更欢乐的事可以"做"才没空听我哼呢 I"m sure they got better things to do than listen to me hum. 你保证吗?

     你真的真的保证吗? You promise? I mean, really, really promise? -别担心



     我就死定了 -Don"t worry. -I swear, if you parries me, I"m dead. 我爸会宰了我 My dad will kill me. -我是认真的


     你知道我不会骗你的 -I mean it. -Come on. You know I"d never do that. 如果我爸妈提前回家怎么办? What if my parents come home early? 我爸常常在附近绕一圈就回来

     给我搞突击 My dad sometimes drives around the block just to trick me. 我去看看 I"ll go check. 没问题 It"s all good. 把百叶窗关上

     好吗? Close the blinds, okay? 好了 All right. 现在开始


     给点激♥情♥ Now, play with yourself a little, have some fun. -你说话像是个 A 片导演

     -正合你意啊 -You sound like a porn director. -You wish. 很给力 Nice. 嘿


     看看镜子 Hey, Frank, look in the mirror. 你亚里桑那洲的肤色已经不见了 Your Arizona tan is officially gone. 你现在已经融入我们了 You"re one of us now. 噢?

     我自己都没发觉 Great, how"d that happen? 不错啊

     我觉得现在很适合你 I like it. It suits you. 谢谢 Oh, thanks. 靠 Shit. 就是这样 That"s it. 再给点激♥情♥ Come on, a little more. 很好 Nice. -就是这样


     该你了 -That"s it. -Okay, your turn. 这人是谁? What"ve we got here? 应该是她妹妹

     希瑟 Must be the sister, Heather. 你好

     你是希瑟吗? Hey. It"s Heather, right? 你看上去像是警♥察♥ You look like a cop. 为什么这么说? What makes you say that? 你的衣着 Your suit. 其他人不会穿成那样 Nobody would actually wear that. 我是探员

     马缇尼斯 I"m Detective Martinez. 难道她死了? She"s dead, isn"t she? 在电脑前

     窒息于一大堆资料中 At her computer, suffocated under a pile of printouts. 然后一直没人发现 Nobody found the body for days, 直到腐烂发臭的味道传出来 And now there"s some creepy bio-culture growing out of her nose. 不


     她很好 No, no, she"s fine. 安然无恙 Everything"s fine. 那代表一点都不好 Means everything"s not fine. 好吧

     她确实是个贱♥货♥ Oh, yeah, she"s a bitch. 好了

     现在轮到我拍 Okay, I think I got it. Okay. 等等

     别着急嘛 Wait, just a sec. 你怎么了? What are you doing? -我以为我看到其他人了

     -什么嘛? -I thought I saw someone. -What? 嘿

     拜托 Ash, come on. 这里只有我跟你 There"s nobody here. 好戏上演 Let"s play. 你到底怎么回事? What the hell is wrong with you? 这里还有其他人 Someone"s here. 这里只有我跟你

     没其他人 Ashley, there"s nobody here. Nobody. 马吉! Maggie! 噢

     天啊! Oh, shit! 希瑟


     我刚刚在工作 Oh, Heather, I"m so sorry. Something came up at the last minute. 我知道

     我跟外面那警♥察♥扯了好久 Yeah, I figured as much from the stakeout. 那只是一个保护措施 It"s just a precaution. 见你的妹妹也需要上司授权吗? Against unauthorized quality time with your sister? 只是工作需要 It"s a work thing. 那狗屁禁止外泄协议跟我无关 That non-disclosure shit does not apply to me. 别想太多了好吗 There"s nothing to worry about. -去看演唱会啊


     -我去了 -Go to the concert, take Chelsea... -I already did. 已经结束了 It"s over. 希瑟

     真的很对不起 Listen, Heather, I"m really sorry. 目前的情况是比较忙


     我保证 This is just a crazy time right now, but it will be over soon, I promise. 是啊 Right. 不过与此同时 Well, in the meantime, 我会出去鬼混


     然后怀孕 I"m gonna go shoot crystal and get pregnant by some guy I barely know. 不


     希瑟 No, you"re not. Heather. 还有


     是个诗歌♥会 And it wasn"t a concert, it was a poetry slam. 没什么事吧? Everything okay? 没事 Okay. 晚安 Good night. 麻烦你... Could you... 麻烦你好好照顾她好吗? Could you just make sure she"s okay? 放心吧 You bet. 谢谢 Thanks. 嘿

     小猫咪 Hi, kitty. 你想进去是吗?

     来吧 You want in? Yeah? Come on. 来吧

     小猫咪 Come on, kitty. 过来吧 Come on. 过来啊 Come on. 来吧 Come on. 进去吧 There you go. -我是特纳

     -我好像我听到点声音 -Turner. -I think I heard something. 莉萨刚刚进去了

     也许是她 Lisa just went inside, it"s probably her. 你留在房♥间别出来

     直到我们叫你 Stay inside your study until you hear from us. 莉萨

     里面的情况怎样? Lisa, how"s everything going in there? 没有发现什么情况

     我去检查一下楼梯 It all looks fine. I"m just gonna check upstairs. 好


     检查完毕后通知她一下 Okay. Maggie"s in her study, make sure she knows everything"s okay. 是谁啊? Who"s there? 是我


     你留在房♥间里别出来 It"s Detective Martinez, ma"am. Stay in the room. 莉萨? Lisa? 莉萨 Lisa. 靠 Shit. 莉萨! Lisa! 靠 Shit. 振作点


     振作点 Come on, baby. Come on, stay with me. Come on. 可恶 Damn it. 该死的 Oh, Jesus. 振作点 Come on. -留在里面

     -她还有脉搏吗? -Stay inside. -Does she have a pulse? -没有

     -让我来复苏术吧 -No. -I"ll do chest compressions. Breathe. 一



     四... And one, and two, and three, and four... 振作点


     呼吸啊 Come on, come on Lisa, breathe, breathe. 一




     五 And one, and two, and three, and four, and five. -快醒啊!

     -继续! -Breathe, damn it! -Take over! 一




     五 One, two, three, four, five. 拜托 Come on. 拜托

     醒一醒 Come on. Come on. -探员

     -干嘛! -Detective. -What! 她的瞳孔已经放大了 Her pupils are fixed and dilated. 很抱歉

     已经没有用了 I"m sorry, there"s no use. -各单位到自己的位置上


     前进! -All units, all units in position. -Move, move, move! 第二队马上就位 Second team. Move into Bronco position. -绕到后面去

     -明白 -Take around back. -Roger that. 好


     看着屏幕 Okay, watch your screens, watch your screens. 确认安全 Secure the perimeter! 检查窗户 Watch the windows. 特纳! Turner! 救命啊! Help! 祖鲁二号♥

     你那边是否安全? Zulu Two, are we clear? 马吉? Maggie? -马吉!

     -放在哪里? -Maggie! -Where is it? -我不知道

     -我知道你这有 -I don"t know. -I know you have it. 这里没有

     不过... It"s not here, but... 我们现在上楼

     各单位注意 We got movement upstairs. All units move into position. 注意观察屏幕! Keep your eyes on the screen! 他在哪里?


     他在哪里? Where is he? Where is he? Where is he? 我听到你跟他说话

     他在哪里? I heard you talking to him. Where is he? 给我滚开! Get out of my way! 到达二层 Get upstairs. -马上离开房♥间!

     -快走! -Clear out the room, now! Move! -Go! 二层开火了! They"re firing upstairs! 危险 Negative. 回报

     回报! Report, report! 保持阵型

     看看周边 Negative. Asserting perimeter. 自己人

     别开枪 Civilians clearing through, hold fire. -捉到他了吗?

     -仍在等待确认 -Did we get him? -Still waiting on confirmation. -罗林斯!


     上校 -Rollins! -Had him, Colonel Bishop. -他刚刚还在我们面前

     -情况怎样? -He was right here in front of us. -Bishop, what"s happening? -我们会捉住他的

     -他逃出视线范围了 -We"ll get him. -I got nothing on my screen. -看到他了吗?

     -看不到他! -Do you see? -I can"t see him! 威廉? William? 所有都是一个布局吗

     你把她当诱饵 This whole thing was a goddamn setup. You used her as bait. 一切安排都是有必要的

     不好意思 Our tactics were necessary. I"m sorry. 你现在清楚了就别妨碍我们工作了 Now clear out and let us do our job. 我失去了我的搭档

     你这狗♥娘♥养♥的! I lost my partner in there, you son of a bitch! 马上给我滚开! Get out of here, now! 重复

     开火 Repeat fire. 手榴弹

     手榴弹! Grenade, grenade! 这到底是什么回事? What the hell"s going on? 我们看不到目标! I can"t see a goddamn thing! 清理下层 Sweep downstairs. 我发现他了

     发现他了! I got him, I got him! 发现目标!

     干掉他! Target! Take him out! 走

     快走! Go, go! 走! Go, go! 可恶! Fuck! 长官

     我们围堵失败了 Plummer! Watkins! We"ve lost containment. 把照射灯撤掉 Get those sky-eyes off the dime. 罗林斯!

     到底怎么回事? Rollins! What the hell happened? 我们把目标丢了

     长官 We lost the subject, sir. 各单位撤离 All units, fall back! 好


     来 Okay, come on. Go, go! 那到底是什么鬼东西? What the hell was that thing? 你是什么样的生物学家? What kind of biologist are you? 我的搭档死了 My partner is dead. 他找到是你


     回答我 He wanted you. Not Lisa, you. I want answers. 听着

     我真的不知道 Look, I don"t know. 我自己也想弄明白

     但我真的不知道 I"m trying to understand this myself. It doesn"t make any sense. 那好 All right. 我们现在先回警局

     重新部署 We"ll go to the station and regroup. 不


     你是警♥察♥ No, you can"t take me to the police, you"re a cop. 如果我在警局的

     威廉一定会知道的 He"ll know I"m in there. 你没有选择 You don"t have a choice. -算了吧

     -特纳 -Let go! -Turner. 嘿


     是我刘易斯 Yeah, hey, dude, it"s Lewis. -你今天查的...

     -我不去警局! -About your Bell Ranger... -I"m not going to the cops! 我们这里完全没有记录 That tail number doesn"t show up in any of our databases. 我想你要到医院检查一下你的眼睛有没有问题 Maybe you should go get your eyes checked, dude. 靠 No shit. 培根被杀了


     培根被杀了 Bacon is murder. That"s right, people, bacon is murder. 没错


     培根被杀了 That"s right! Breakfast kills. Bacon is murder. 快跑! Run! 让一让! Excuse me! 继续跑! Keep going! 这边




     快走! This way! This way! This way! Come on. Come on. 我没事

     快走! I"m okay. Come on! 走吧 Come on. 噢

     靠 Oh, shit. 可恶 Oh, God. 该死的 Good Christ. 嗯


     我待会再回你电♥话♥ Yeah, he just walked in. Listen, I gotta call you back. -你没事吧?

     -嗯 -Are you okay? -Yeah. 我们已经收到消息了


     弗兰克 We"re all pretty shaken up around here. She was a good cop, Frank. 不仅仅是位好警♥察♥ Well, she was a little more than that. 道尔顿博士


     水还是咖啡 Dr. Dalton, can I get you anything? Some water, coffee? 我需要一台电脑


     和一个私人空间 I need a laptop, a secure landline, and some privacy would be helpful. -可以到外面聊几句吗?

     -失陪了 -Can I talk to you outside for a second? -Yeah. Excuse us. 他们根本在耍我们

     他们原本就知道凶手是什么人 These guys are fucking with us, they know who did this. -嗯

     -嗯? -Yeah. -Yeah? 那好


     让我逮捕他 Well, give the command, we"ll go after him. 我手下 100 多人在街上巡逻 I got 100 cops that wanna hit the streets, 随时能逮捕那兔崽子 And run that shit bag down. 但我收到的指令是按兵不动

     所以你也一样 But my orders are to hold them back, and that means you, too. 什么指令?


     他们的吗? What orders? Whose orders, theirs? 我不管这什么狗屁指令

     汤姆 I know all about taking bad orders, Tom. 控制一下你的个人情绪

     弗兰克 Well, keep your personal beefs out of this, Frank. 我也不想坐以待毙 I"m not asking you to plant evidence. 你什么时候开始委屈强权的? When did you start bending over for the big boys? -我看错你了

     -随便你怎么想 -I don"t even recognize you anymore. -You did what you could. -我希望你回避一下

     -回避什么? -Now I need you to walk away. -Walk away from what? 回避什么? Walk away from what? -你到底知道现在什么状况吗?

     -我很清楚 -You know what"s out there, don"t you? -I know enough to leave it alone. 我们看着她 Look, we hold her 直到联邦调查员来接管

     接下来的就跟我们无关了 Till the Feds get here, we transfer custody, and we"re home free. 好吧 Yeah. 然后就这样结案

     对吧? Another case cleared, right? -我们要让你到看守间去

     -什么? -We"re moving you to a holding cell. -I"m sorry? 直到联邦调查局的人到达 Just till the Feds get here. 联邦调查局? The Feds? 这是为了你的个人安全 It"s for your own safety. 好了


     她就交给你们了 All right, guys, she"s all yours. 这边走 This way. 进去之前

     或许你应该先上一下洗手间 You might wanna use the restroom before you go in there. 里面的洗手间非常脏

     对吧? Those holding cell toilets can get pretty nasty, right? -就在那边


     -好的 -It"s over there. You want me to take her? -Sure. 继续走


     快走 Keep walking. You heard me, go. 快点!

     到二楼去 Now! Fast. Second floor. 我们就在外面

     别耍什么把戏 We"ll be right outside, don"t try anything. -嘿


     -怎么了? -Hey, Chesley. -Yeah? 交给你没问题吧?

     我先上去了 You mind watching the head? I gotta run back upstairs. -没问题


     -谢谢 -You go on, then. We"ll take it from here. -Thanks. 这边走


     快 This way, this way. Come on. 你为什么要帮我? Why are you helping me? 我想知道这莉萨因为什么而死

     马上告诉我 I wanna know why Lisa died. Now. 你在干嘛? What are you doing? 弗兰克! Frank! 要么告诉我所有事情

     要么我们回去 Tell me everything you know, or we"re going back. -我不可以回去

     -但我可以 -I can"t go back there! -But I can. 你自己决定 It"s your call. 好吧


     我说 Okay, okay! Okay. 把它穿上 Here, put that on. -怎么了?

     -出来 -What"s happening? -Get out. 他只是一个警♥察♥

     麻烦把他的资料给我 Look, he"s just a cop, for Christ"s sake. Get me a fix on him now. 绕着湖区转 90 度 We"ve got a 90-degree swing around the lake. 没有桥

     直到这里 There"s no bridge, until here. 他们一定躲在这附近 Which would put them in this general vicinity. 如果特纳让道尔顿说出来

     那就完了 If Turner gets Dalton to talk, it"s over. -我们全完了


     我肯定 -For all of us. -He won"t, that"s a promise. 西雅图巡逻队在联合海湾附近发现一辆野马 Seattle patrol unit has found a Mustang abandoned near Union Bay. 把特纳的照片传到网上


     通缉他 Put Turner out over the Net, and get his picture to the local TV stations. 是

     长官 Yes, sir. 竟然有人能让我们阵脚大乱! How does someone like that just slip out of our hands! 你已经很了不起了 You"ve really outdone yourselves this time. 一般人都现在都会慌乱不堪

     至少你还没有 Usually when you people make a mess, at least you can see it. 谢谢夸奖 Thanks. 蹲下! Get down! 我们要在第五街设立路障 We need assistance setting up a roadblock at the 5th Street Bridge. 23 单位

     请回答 Unit 23, please respond. 好了


     上车 Okay. Come on. Get in, get in. -干什么?

     -我们不能停下来 -What are we doing? -We gotta keep moving. 如果停下来

     一定会被警♥察♥发现的 If we stay in one place, the cops will catch us. 你真有一套 This is some rescue. 我不是为了你

     我只是要情报 I"m not doing this for you. I need information. 好了

     开始说吧 Okay, start talking. 五年前

     一组分子生物学家 Five years ago, a team of molecular biologists, 破译了人体透明分子的基因编码 broke the code for human invisibility. 但几乎同一天晚上

     这个项目就被毁了 But the program was scrapped, almost overnight. 为什么? Why? 两位主要人员被谋杀了 All the two of the first team were killed. 不知道是什么东西出现了严重的问题 Something went seriously wrong. 一年之后

     莱塞得到国防部的资助 A year later, Reisner started up again, 暗地里重组了研究队伍 with covert funding from the DOD. 行动编号♥是无声游侠 The operation was codenamed Silent Knight, with a "K". 有意思 Cute. 目的是为了研发终极的国♥家♥安♥全♥武器 The idea was to create the ultimate national security weapon, 一个透明的军人 an undetectable soldier. 莱塞授命还原最初的研究结果 Reisner managed to reproduce the original test results. 然后让我负责修正里面一些缺陷 Then he called me in to correct the defects. 透明代码结构有一个缺陷 There"s a flaw in the invisibility code. 血清可以让人体组织透明 The serum turns human tissue invisible, 但有严重的并发影响 but it also has horrible side effects. 简单来说

     它能让光线穿过身体... Simply put, the serum allows light to pass directly through us... 我也看到了

     我相信你 I was there, I believe you. 好

     不过放射物... Okay, but the radiation... -只需要跟我说那透明人

     -会破坏细胞组织 -Just tell me about the guy. -It damages your cells. 时间长了

     就会杀死细胞 Over time, it kills them. 把科学理论的部分略掉 Skip the science lecture. 只需要跟我说那透明人

     简单一点 Just tell me about him, and make it simple. 好 Okay. 生还测试项目

     并不理想 Dying test subjects, not good. 所以我们制♥造♥了一种叫"缓冲剂"的化合物 So I developed a compound called "the buffer", 维持他的生命 to keep him alive. 他的名字叫

     麦克尔·格里芬 His name was Michael Griffin. 是特种部队



     还有伊♥拉♥克♥ He was Special Forces. He"d been in Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq. 感觉怎么样? How do you feel? 就像要点火起飞一样

     我准备好了 I feel like I"m about to blast off. I feel ready. 谢谢你们给我这个机会 Thanks, Doc, for this opportunity. 你叫什么名字? What"s your name? 道尔顿博士

     马吉 Dr. Dalton. Maggie. 马吉 Maggie. 好好照顾我啊

     马吉 Take good care of me, Maggie. -他情况如何?


     心率正常 -How"s he doing? -Blood pressure normal, heart rate normal. 皮肤电流响应为低压 Galvanic skin response shows low stress. 他一直在笑 He"s smiling. 来吧 Let"s do this. 莱塞跟我说测试很顺利 Reisner told me our test went well. 但后来有一次我们给他缓冲剂的时候

     他突然死亡了 But when they gave him the buffer a few days later, he suddenly died. 不知何故缓冲剂失效了 Somehow the buffer had failed. 所以我一直责怪自己 Of course, I blamed myself. 无法面对这个事实 I couldn"t see the truth. 莱塞允许我退出

     但我没有放弃研究 Reisner let me go, but I couldn"t let go. 我要知道为什么缓冲剂会失效 I had to know why the buffer failed. 直到今晚我终于知道了 And tonight I found out. 缓冲剂没有失效 The buffer didn"t fail. 是他们从来没有给他 They never gave it to him. 这就是所谓维护世界和平的工作 It was all about making the world a safer place. 嗯

     光荣任务啊 Yeah. Nice job. 报告长官 Tell Command, 市内所有的桥梁和路口都已设立路障 checkpoints at every bridge and road out of the city. 如果特纳和道尔顿尝试离开西雅图

     我们会逮捕他们 If Turner and Dalton try to leave Seattle tonight, we"ll catch them. 我们要担心的不仅仅是一个警♥察♥

     你意识到了吗 It"s not just the cop we have to worry about, you realize that. 外面还有一个隐形的刺客要对付我们 You"ve got an invisible assassin out there fighting his own war. -我会把他带回来的

     -你对他的控制权早就没有了 -And I"ll bring him in. -You"ve lost control of him. 格里芬一直从事特务工作 Griffin"s always operated on the edge of anarchy. 在军营的时候已经十分深沉忧郁 When he goes into combat, he goes deep, he goes black. 你就想想他凭什么听你的? So why the hell would he listen to you? 他还是名军人

     我还是他长官 He"s still a soldier, and I"m still his CO. 格里芬没有得到他的缓冲剂 Griffin cannot get the buffer. 就这么简单 It"s that simple. 你把他找出来

     然后处决 Now you find him, and end it. 相信我

     不会让他找到道尔顿的 Like I said, he won"t get to Dalton. 不能让她出什么乱子

     以至于牵扯到我 Nothing happens to her. Nothing that involves me. -明白了吗?

     -明白 -Are we clear? -We are. 在这等着 Wait here. 你有九条留言

     要听你的... You have nine new messages. To listen to your... 天啊


     你在哪啊? Jesus, I saw it on TV. Where are you? 请问到埃德蒙的渡轮现在还有吗? Does the ferry to Edmonds still run at this hour? 我不知道 I don"t know. 希望你喜欢吃金枪鱼罐头 Hope you like canned tuna. -请讲

     -刚刚发现了道尔顿的行踪 -Bishop here. -Dalton"s cell just went hot. 定位需要多长时间? How long till you get a fix? 我们在定位


     一分钟之内 We"re triangulating now, sir, should be less than a minute. 等你们的消息 I"ll be right here. 好

     继续说关于格里芬的事情 Okay, so finish telling me about this Michael Griffin guy. 还有其他要说的吗? What else do you know about him? 没有了

     我只见过他几次 Nothing, I only met him a couple of times. 他是军人


     对吧 Well, the guy"s a soldier. He"s held in high regard, you knew that. 没错 Yeah. 他们给他特别训练

     还投入大量资金在这项目上 So they spent years training him, millions on the program, 但为什么要杀死他呢? why are they trying to kill him? 我也不知道

     特纳 I have no idea, Turner. 你知道吗


     马吉 You know, you"re really on the ball, Maggie. 我很意外你怎么会什么都不知道 I"m surprised you weren"t running the place. 我一从事研究 I was in research. 军事部门的事情我从来不过问 The Department of killing must"ve been down the hall. 拜托

     你在那工作那么长时间 Come on, you telling me the whole time you were there, 你居然什么都没去了解 you didn"t ask one single question? 我只是干我觉得值得的事情 Look, I was doing something bigger than myself. 我只为了国♥家♥安♥全♥工作 I was working for national security. 噢


     我现在觉得很安全 Well, how patriotic of you. I feel so much more secure. 现在怎么办?

     天才 So what now, genius? 前面左拐

     上洲际高速 Take a left up there, get on the interstate. 两小时后就能到俄勒冈州

     他也找不到我们 In two hours we"ll be in Oregon. He"ll never find us. 这什么想法

     要跟一个透明人玩捉迷藏吗? That"s your big plan, play hide and seek with the invisible guy? 没有缓冲剂

     血清会破坏他的组织 Without the buffer, the serum"s attacking his organs. 他活不了一个月 He can"t live for more than a month. 我哪都不去

     那个兔崽子害死了莉萨 We"re not going anywhere. That bastard killed my partner. 我不能就这样跑了 I"m not turning my back on that. 她曾经努力的保护过你 She was trying to protect you. 如果你一开始就告诉我们真♥相♥

     也许她就不会死 She might still be alive if you"d told the truth. 我收到一条信息

     几分钟之前 I got a message. A couple of minutes ago. 很好 Great. 你还想让自己回去当诱饵吗 You just turned yourself into a tracking beacon. 我刚才想给我妹妹打个电♥话♥

     告诉她我没事 I was just trying to call my sister, let her know that I"m okay. 短讯是谁给你发的? Who sent the message? 这个人几个月来都一直给我发信息 Look, this guy"s been texting me for months, 从我为莱塞工作开始 ever since I started working for Reisner. 只是些小提示

     没有什么特别的 Little warnings. Nothing specific. 但他突然不发了

     直到刚才为止 But he stopped, till now. 不管是谁

     一定知道你家被袭击的事情 Whoever it is must"ve known about the attack on your house. 也一定有跟踪你 Must be tracking you. 我们现在去哪? Where are we going? 勒德洛路 2058 号♥

     找给你发短讯的人 2058 Ludlow. Meet your pen pal. 你怎么确定他不是坏人? How do we know he"s not one of the bad guys? 我不知道

     赌一把吧 We don"t. 很多人都不喜欢晚上工作

     对吧? A lot of people hate working nights, huh? 可是我却不介意 Me, I don"t mind it at all. 因为安静

     能静心的思考问题 It"s quiet. You can hear yourself think. 你明白我的意思吗? You know what I mean? 噢

     我明白你的意思 Oh, I know what you mean. 不过我很讨厌这个地方 I hate this place more than you could know. 不过肯定不是每个人都讨厌这里 Well, it"s not for everybody, that"s for sure. 嗯

     不是每个人 No, it isn"t. 我到了 That"s me. -请问你


     -什么? -Excuse me, ma"am. -Yes? 你知道比斯上校在哪里吗? You know where I could find Colonel Bishop? -左手边的最后一扇门

     -谢谢你 -It"s the last door on your left. -Thank you. 你的声音很有磁性

     你是北卡人对吧? You have a nice voice. That"s North Carolina, right? 在吗? Hello? 你是切里波因特人对吧

     小姐 Cherry Point, ma"am. 嗯... Cherry... 追踪她的号♥码

     查一下她最后打给谁 Then back trace her number. I want to know who made that last call. 有消息就通知我 Call me when you get a hit. 我替你查过了 Yeah, I checked it out, man. 有几个酒鬼


     仅此而已 You got a few winos o...

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