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    时间:2020-12-08 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    前两天我放了个屁 就跟老妈放屁时一个德行 I did a fart the other day that was exactly like Mum"s. 前两天我放了个屁 就跟老妈放屁时一个德行 I did a fart the other day that was exactly like Mum"s. 前两天我放了个屁 就跟老妈放屁时一个德行 I did a fart the other day that was exactly like Mum"s. 前两天我放了个屁 就跟老妈放屁时一个德行 I did a fart the other day that was exactly like Mum"s. 前两天我放了个屁 就跟老妈放屁时一个德行 I did a fart the other day that was exactly like Mum"s. 响屁还是哑屁 A door opening, or suspicious dark? 响屁还是哑屁 A door opening, or suspicious dark? 响屁 Door opening. 这说明 你长了和老妈一样的屁♥股♥ Means you"re getting Mum"s bum. 这说明 你长了和老妈一样的屁♥股♥ Means you"re getting Mum"s bum. 这说明 你长了和老妈一样的屁♥股♥ Means you"re getting Mum"s bum. 如果真是这样就好了 要知道我的翘臀早已不在 God, I"d be lucky. My bottom dropped ages ago. 如果真是这样就好了 要知道我的翘臀早已不在 God, I"d be lucky. My bottom dropped ages ago. 我以前放屁可是又干脆又响亮 啪 My farts used to be like, "Pah!" 但现在却跟泄了气一样 Now they"re just sort of fighting their way out. 我差不多已经三年没有放屁了 I haven"t farted in about three years. 生日快乐 Happy birthday. -反正她不吃 -谢谢 - She won"t eat it. - Thanks. 记得晚上七点提前到 为七点三十的生日惊喜派对做准备哦 So, it"s a 7 pm arrival tonight for a 7.30 surprise, OK? 好 我收到你的邮件了 Yeah, I got your e-mail. 其实 与其说是生日派对 不如说是商务酒会 It"s really a business birthday thing. 所以应该不会很嗨 你最好也别把这当成狂欢派对 It won"t be much fun, so just don"t expect a "Party" Party. 好的 I won"t. 还有 And maybe... 你穿着裤子去就可以了 just wear trousers. 记住 千万别喝嗨了 And don"t drink too much. 我有机会得到一个去芬兰就职的机会 There"s this huge promotion in Finland, 所以这个派对会比较严肃 so this party is quite a serious... 我的意思是 这基本就是工作会议 I mean, it"s basically a business meeting. 听着好厉害的样子 Sounds like a blast. 我能带个男伴吗 Can I bring a date? -哈里吗 -不 - Harry? - No. 那是谁 Who? 噢 我还不知道呢 Oh, I don"t know yet. 不过在墓地边上慢跑不太合适吧 It"s really inappropriate to jog around a graveyard. 为什么 Why? 感觉是在向长眠于此的人耀武扬威 Flaunting your life. 天啊 我好想赶快变老啊 God, I can"t wait to be old. 如果这能安慰你的话 其实你看起来比你实际年龄老啦 If it"s any consolation, you look older than you are. 不好意思 我接个电♥话♥ Sorry, sorry. -你好 我是克莱尔 -我们的妈妈在三年前去世了 - Hello, Claire speaking. - Mum died three years ago. 虽然她做了双乳♥房♥♥切除 但一直没有痊愈 She had a double mastectomy but never really recovered. 这对她来说尤其难熬 毕竟她曾拥有一对美胸 It was particularly hard, cos she had amazing boobs. 她以前常说我很幸运 She used to tell me I was lucky 因为平胸的人很难患上这个病 cos mine would never get in the way. 我姐也是巨♥乳♥娘 My sister"s got whoppers, 而且她继承了母亲所有的优点 but she got all of Mum"s good bits. 马丁送你什么礼物了 What"s Martin given you? 如果他能突然中风就是最好的礼物了 A cursory stroke would be nice. 什么 不应该是做♥爱♥做的事吗 What? No bang-bang? 他说他那里还长着那玩意儿呢 He says he"s still got that thing on his... 什么 What? 就在他的 On his... 加油 你可以说出来的 Come on, you can do it. -我没必要一定要说出来吧 -不 你必须得说出来 - I don"t have to say... - Yes, you do. -不 至少不能在这说 -快说嘛 快说嘛 - No, not here. - Come on, little one. Come on, please. -不 阴♥茎♥ -谢谢 - No. Penis. - Thank you. 他说他的阴♥茎♥上还长着那个东西呢 抱歉 He says he still has that thing on his penis. Sorry. 我的天 看看那个男人 Christ, look at that man. 哭得真惨啊 Tragic. 并不 他是个骗子 Nah, he"s a con. 你怎么能说一个悲伤的人是骗子呢 You can"t call someone who is grieving a con. -他才不悲伤好吗 -看看他 他可伤心呢 - That is shit grieving. - Look at him, he"s properly grieving. 没人伤心的时候会这样 除非他们是在表演 要么他们就是从意大利来的 No-one grieves like that unless they are in a film or from Italy. 你凭什么对别人的悲痛评头论足呢 Who are you to pass judgment on his grief? 相信我 他每天都在不同的墓碑前痛哭呢 Trust me, he"s at a different grave every day, 就是走不出戏啊 he can"t get enough of it. 怎么了 What? 你每天都来这吗 You come here every day? 别妄想在我的生日派对上做什么惊喜的事 Don"t do a jumpy-outy surprise thing, 更不要给我唱什么生日快乐歌♥ 我最受不了这个了 and don"t sing Happy Birthday, I couldn"t bear it. 我 呃 I"m, erm... 其实我还挺期待你唱给我听的 I"m actually looking forward to it. 嗨 哈里 是我 Hi, Harry, it"s me. 我知道我们已经分手了 Listen, I know we"re broken up, 但是今晚是克莱尔的生日派对 but it"s Claire"s birthday tonight 所以我想 and I thought that... 我想也许 I thought that maybe 你可以和我一起去 you"d like to come to her... 她的生日派对 ...birthday party. 总之 听到后给我回个电♥话♥吧 祝一切安好 再见 Anyway, give me a call, and I hope you"re OK. Bye. 我怕狗 I can"t go out with a dog. 我的前前男友以前老喜欢叫我 My boyfriend before Harry used to make me send him pictures of 拍私照给他 不管我在哪 my vagina wherever I was, 一天大概要发个十几张吧 ten or 11 times a day. 有天我正在做兼♥职♥呢 他发短♥信♥给我说 One day when I was temping he asked me to... 把你最满意的部位拍个照发给我 你的下面或者你的胸 求你了 爽 我在打飞机呢 再来一张 我还要 再来一张 是时候撒网了 Time to throw the net out. 我有大♥麻♥烦了 I am in so much trouble. 我的天哪 Jesus Christ. 我该给克莱尔送什么好呢 What am I going to get Claire? 我必须得给她送个完美的礼物才行啊 I am meant to get her the perfect present. -还有我没有喝多哦 -然而并不是 - I am not drunk. - Always drunk. 都说了 我没有喝多 I am not drunk! 奇怪 因为克莱尔总是很直接 Which is odd, cos Claire"s so straight. 快扇我巴掌 Smack me in the face. -用力点 -你确定 - Really hard. - Really? 是的 Yeah. 噢 很好 Oh, good. 棒 Fuck. 我觉得我快硬了 I think you gave me a semi. 我能喝点水 吃点三明治什么的吗 Can I eat a water or a sandwich, or something? 我想说 这男人绝对有毛病 I mean, the man"s got a problem. 跟我说呀 跟我说话呀 Speak to me. Speak to me. 但没人会愿意承认这点的 But no-one wants to admit 因为这样他们就不用 there"s a problem because then they don"t get 和滑稽的醉汉马丁一起共度狂欢夜了 to have crazy nights out with Fun Drunk Martin. 鸡肉 你是鸡肉吗 不 Chicken, are you chicken? No. 他就是那种轻浮不检点 喜欢和所有人乱开玩笑的人 He"s one of those men who is explosively sexually inappropriate 如果你往心里去了 难过的只有你自己 with everyone, but makes you feel bad if you take offence 因为他只是在“开玩笑”而已 because he was "Just being fun". 说真的 如果你和他说 你要去厕所 Honestly, you could tell him you"re going to pop to the loo 他就会说 and he"ll say... 好的 你先去厕所 脱好内♥裤♥ Yes, you pop to the loo, pull down your knickers, 我随后就“进来” and then I will come in 好好疼爱你一番 and fuck you. 我想说 这地方简直难以置信 I mean, this place is ridiculous. 有人光顾过这吗 Does anyone ever come here? 我是说 这地方也太令人毛骨悚然了吧 I mean, it is creepy as fuck. 你为什么不送她只豚鼠呢 Why don"t you get her a guinea pig? 这礼物在我们这还挺流行的 It was a surprise hit here. 什么 你觉得她会喜欢一头猪吗 那我能带走这个吗 What, you think she"d like a pig? Can I take this one? 不 不要选这只 No, not that one. 我的天 妹子 快看 那只好像生病了 Christ, woman, there"s something wrong with that one, 没看见它眼里闪烁着死亡的光芒吗 it"s got death in its eyes. 嗯 他们说她得抑郁症了 Yeah, the vet says she"s depressed. 我们不也是吗 妹子 Aren"t we all, girl? 你知道吗 豚鼠会因为孤独而死 You know, guinea pigs can die of loneliness. 真的吗 Can they? -来 抱抱她 -不 - Hold her. - No. -她需要爱的抱抱 -不 - She needs it. - No. 嘘 Shh! 我有个主意 I have an idea. 他不仅不太检点 还吃生香肠 He"s sexually inappropriate and he eats raw sausages but no-one"s 但也只有他可以这样逗乐克莱尔 这点我不得不承认 made her laugh like he does, so I guess I have to give him that. 好了 来穿上 你干嘛 干嘛呢这是 Right, just put your... What are you doing? What are you doing? 不 别这样 No. Stop it. 不 不 不 这儿呢 No, no, no, there. 这就对了 There we go. 我是个天真的人 I"m an innocent man. 我给她买♥♥了条刻着她名字的项链 I bought her a necklace with her name on it, 但是她发现后叫我不要买♥♥ that she found and told me not to buy -好吧 -我给她买♥♥了一本 - OK. - I bought her a book -她看过的书 -呃 - that she already has. - Mmmh. 她还说不要给她买♥♥仸何衣服 And, she says not to buy her any clothes 因为她基本是不会穿的 because she probably won"t wear them. 她吓到我了 She scares me! 这个三明治真不错 This sandwich is so good. 听着 这里可是伦敦啊 Look, this is London. 赶紧给我滚去买♥♥点又奇怪又昂贵的东西就是了 Just fuck off and buy something weird and expensive. 不 不 我必须得给她最完美的礼物 帮帮我吧 No, no, it"s got to be good, all right. Help me! 给我钱啊 给我就帮你 Pay me and I"ll help you. 去你的 Fuck off. 你要多少钱 How much? 六十英镑 60 pounds. -七十 -成交 - 70. - Done. 耶 Yeah! 我不知道她喜欢什么样的 I don"t know who she is. 这个吗 Is she...? 不 No. 那这个呢 What about...? 不 No! 那如果是你的话 Just... get whoever you are. 你想挑哪个 Who are you? 我不知道 I don"t know. 我应该会选这双吧 I want to be that person. 我以前就是穿这种鞋的人 I have been that person. 哈 Ha. 但大部分时间我都是穿这种鞋的人 就跟大家一样 But most of the time I"m that person, like everyone else. 这双挺不错的 对吧 也挺时髦的 They"re good, right? Chic. 时髦的潜台词就是无聊 别告诉那些法国人 Chic means boring - don"t tell the French. 那这双呢 What about these? 不 我的天 No. God. 别看手♥机♥了 好吗 谁会找你啊 先帮我挑礼物 Stop checking, all right, nobody loves you. Help me here. 那这双怎么样 Who is this person? 当然不行 Fuck, no. 这双绝对合适 This is perfect. 给她买♥♥她自己平时不会买♥♥的东西 Get her something she"d never get herself. 这才叫惊喜 Surprise her. 她一定会觉得我疯了 She"ll think I"ve gone nuts. 不 她会觉得你一直把她当做时尚狂野的人 No, she"ll think you see her as this person, 每个人都希望别人这么看自己 and everyone wants to be this person. 我不知道 我 I don"t know, I... 这些难道不是给孩子们的吗 Aren"t these for children? 不是吧 No. 咱们走吧 我在这看到好几件她讨厌的东西 Let"s keep going. I saw some more stuff she"ll hate over there. 我的邻居 My neighbour 身材真的好棒啊 is really fit. 哪个 Which one? -身材很棒的那个啊 -有着性感腹肌的那个吗 - The fit one. - The one with the sexy big belly? 不 不 他是另一个邻居 这个邻居他 他长得 等下 No, no, he"s the other neighbour. He"s like, he"s like, OK... 我来模仿给你看 I"m going to hold his face in my head so you can see him. 好的 Ok. 我还是想不到是哪个啊 I"m not getting anything. 快点好好模仿下他的表情 Make your face his face. 好吧 Yeah, OK. 他是混血的吗 Is he mixed race? 我觉得他是混血儿 I"m getting mixed race. 好的 Yes! -就是他 -然后呢 - That"s him. - Go on. 不 No. 好吧 好吧 Ok. Ok! 我的天 Jesus. 真的很抱歉 我们玩嗨了 I"m really sorry, we"re really high. 我们真的很想知道你长什么样 We just really wanted to know what you look like. 她觉得你很可爱 She thinks you"re lovely. 我的天哪 快看看我这双优美的脚 Oh, my God, look at my elegant feet. 嘿 嘿 嘿 Hey. Hey! Hey. Hey. 喂 Hello! 嘿 嘿 Hey. HEY! 你怎么了 那是谁啊 What"s your problem? Who was that? 噢 没谁 就是 Oh, no-one, it was... 什么 What? 不 没谁 我想去喝一杯 No, no-one. I just need to go and get a drink, or something. 好吧 Ok. 很好 Excellent. 我可以去换回自己的鞋子了吗 Can I go and get my shoes? 当然了 去吧 Yeah. OK. 哇喔 慢点喝 Whoa. Easy, tiger. 这居然是你会说的话 Coming from you? 得了吧 刚才是怎么回事 干嘛这么伤心 So, come on, who was that heartbreaker, hmm? 他以前和小波一起出去玩 He used to go out with Boo. 然后就和别的女人一起过夜 然后她 Then he slept with someone else, and then she... 好了 好了 我懂了 Yeah, yeah, I know, OK. 该死 Fuck. 我从来没有怎么表达过对此我有多难过 I"ve never really said how sorry I was. 你应该买♥♥那双运动鞋的 You should get the trainers. 那她一定会说我不懂她 She"ll say I don"t know her. 你确实不懂她 You don"t. 你不也是吗 You"re just as bad. 我真的不知道她想要什么 It"s never clear what she wants. 要不买♥♥瓶香水好了 I should just get her some perfume. 我的天 你就直接上了她 好吗 Jesus, just fuck her, please, 以此表达你的爱慕 for the love of a good woman. 把你的小丁丁系上蝴蝶结打包好给她就是了 Just wrap your willy up in a bow 然后上了她 她快发疯了 and just screw her, she"s going insane. 有什么事情吗 What is it? 你是有外遇了吗 Are you having an affair? 你觉得你是只聪明的小野猫吗 嗯 Think you"re a clever little puss, don"t you? 一点点婚姻的试探不会要你命的 A little marital poke isn"t going to kill you. 那带我出去吃晚饭会要了她的命吗 Would it kill her to take me out to dinner? 你们女人呐 上帝 You girls, Jesus. 谁对她说这个话 他们会被绞死的 Anyone said that to her, they"d be hung. 如果都被绞死了的话 那她大概也就不会抱怨了 If they were hung, she probably wouldn"t be complaining. 已婚男士给你一点点小建议 Little advice from a married man. 你应该离开这里了 亲爱的 You should probably get yourself out there, sweetie. 你才刚刚步入你最好的年华 You"re just tipping your prime. 再来一杯吗 Another drink? 来了 Bingo. 抱歉 我有个约会 Excuse me, I have a date. 买♥♥那双运动鞋吧 商店在一小时后就关门了 Get the trainers. Shop closes in an hour. 哦 上帝啊 Oh, God. -我可没想到还能再见你 -闭嘴吧 - I was not expecting to see you again. - Shut up. 我是说 别理解错我的意思 我高兴坏了 但 I mean, don"t get me wrong, I"m chuffed to my boots, but... 哦 谢谢你的短♥信♥ 真有料啊 Oh, and thank you for the text, saucy. 哦 还有抱歉我迟到了 Oh, and sorry I"m late. 哦 没事 没关系 本来也是事出突然 Oh, no, it"s fine, it was last-minute. -很高兴见 -不 不 我简直就像个工具箱 - It"s really nice to see... - No, no, I"m such a tool box. 你知道吗 我想说 You know, I"d like to say 我刚试着去救一条小狗 I was trying to save a puppy, or something, 但在地铁外我发现我的外套 but I just got my coat 和别人的外套缠上了 caught on someone else"s coat outside the Tube. 我们俩试着把衣服分开 当时真的超级尴尬 When we went to separate ourselves, it was fucking intense. 我不得不把我外套给他了 我们去做什么 I had to give him my coat. What are we doing? 是我姐姐的生日惊喜派对 It"s my sister"s surprise birthday party. 哦 我的天 我爱惊喜 继续说 Oh, my God, I love surprises, go on. 但我在想 我要先给她买♥♥个礼物 But I just thought... I need to get her a present first. 哦 上帝啊 你要给她买♥♥什么呢 Oh, my God, what are you going to get her? 我知道有一家漂亮的香皂店 I know this beautiful soap shop. 我是说 看到它你就马上想去洗澡 I mean, this stuff just gets you straight in the bath. 哦 我是在想给她买♥♥ Oh, I was thinking more like... 哦 耶 总是这种地方 Oh, yeah... these places all the time... 那么 好吧 So... Yup. -你还好吗 -嗯 - Are you OK? - Yeah. 抱歉 我不会逛很久的 Sorry, I won"t be long. 哦 不 不 Oh, no, no. 嗨 Hi. -嗨 -嗨 - Hi. - Hi. 嘿 你想找什么样的 Hey, what are you craving? 哦 非常廉价的快♥感♥ Oh, just a really, really cheap thrill. -你自己用吗 -哦 你好 - For you? - Oh, hello. 不是的 是给她姐姐买♥♥的 No, it"s for her sister. 是给我那个性事不满的姐姐的 It"s for my very sexually frustrated sister. 一只简单的小兔子就可以啦 Just a basic bunny would be great. 好的 嗯 我去找找 你可以继续逛逛 OK, well, I"ll see what I can dig out and you go browse. 谢谢 Thanks. 哦 我觉得你只要 Oh, I think you just... 开关在底部 do it at the bottom. 这玩意好在它会扭 It"s all in the twist. 我知道 I know. 你真的应该买♥♥一个 You should totally get one of those. -阴♥道♥ -是啊 - A vagina? - Yeah. 哦 我早就有一个了 Oh, I"ve already got one. 真的吗 你有 不 Really? You have... No... 你有一个这个 You"ve got one? 我去哪儿都带着它 I take it with me everywhere. 你说谎吧 你不会现在身上就有一个吧 You lie. You don"t have one on you now? 是啊 这家伙看来是听不懂啊 Yep. Never going to get it. 在哪儿 Where? -我的阴♥道♥在哪里 -是的 - Where"s my vagina? - Yeah. 哈 你难倒我了 Ha, you got me. 我才不会随身带着阴♥道♥呢 I don"t carry a vagina around with me, 那样的话也太勾引人了 that would be way too provocative. 他还是没听明白 Didn"t get it. 好了 这一个呢特别的好 OK, so this one"s really great. 现在是半价出♥售♥ 这件很凶残 It"s half price because it"s quite relentless. 名字是钻穴者 It"s called the Burrower. 基本上你没有高♥潮♥的话它是不会停下来的 Basically it doesn"t stop until you"ve cum. 失陪一下 Excuse me. 哦 别担心他 他过一会就好了 Oh, don"t worry about him, he"ll be fine in a minute. 哦 上帝啊 我爱死惊喜派对了 Oh, my God, I love surprise parties. 爱死了 爱死了 爱死了 I love them, I love them, I love them. 你父母会到场吗 Will your parents be there? -我爷爷可能会过来 -哦 好紧张 - My dad might be... - Oh, intense. 家长都很喜欢我 Parents adore me. 我想让你在今晚结束前就深深地爱上我 I want you to be totally in love with me by the end of the night. 好吗 Ok? 那是谁 Who"s that? -哦 那是我姐姐 -哦 不 - Oh, it"s my sister. - Oh, no! -我们会破坏惊喜的 -不 不 我们 - We"re going to ruin the surprise. - No, no... we... 不 不 不 No, no, no. -不用 说真的 -蹲下来 - No, really. - Get down. 没关系的 It will be fine. 惊喜吧 Surprise! 哦 上帝啊 太谢谢你们了 Oh, my God, thank you so much. 我太意外了 I"m so surprised. 她表演得真好 She"s very good. 多好啊 你真是有个好丈夫 How divine. What a lovely husband you have. 那么他现在在哪里呢 Where is he then? 啊 忙着呢 Ah. Busy. 我太惊讶啊 I"m blown away. 我一点都没有想到 I had absolutely no idea. 希尔德加德 我能和你说两句话吗 Hildegard, can I just grab you for a second? -你好 -你好 - Hello. - Hello. 哦 爷爷 嗨 Oh, Dad, hi. 谢谢你问我 我其实是一个纪录片制♥作♥人 Thank you for asking, yeah, I"m essentially a documentary maker. 纪录片 Docs. 哦 真的吗 你最近的项目是什么 Oh, really? What is your latest project? 这个吗 先生 我对人生很感兴趣 Well, sir, I"m interested in life, 还有人生是怎样在很多方面影响到许多人的 and how it affects lots of people in all sorts of different ways. 耶 好极了 Yeah, it"s awesome. -你们怎么遇见的 -我们俩在巴士上遇见的 - How did you meet? - I met her on a bus. 现在约到女人简直太容易了 So easy to pick up girls these days. 我和她打招呼 然后她就说 “这是我的电♥话♥” I was, like, "Hi", and she was, like, "Take my number." 我就说 好的 I was, like, "Yeah." 我去看看有没有别的酒我可以尝试下 I"m just going to see if there are any other wines to try. 好极了 我去看看还有没有别的 It"s lovely, I"m just going to see if there are some others. 失陪一下 我也去看看 Excuse me. Can"t resist. 你找到什么好酒了吗 Did you find anything nicer? 哦 你和哈里分手的事情真是遗憾啊 Oh, I was so sorry to hear about Harry. 可爱的哈里 Lovely Harry. 我真喜欢哈里啊 Love Harry. 他的新工作很让人激动啊 Exciting news about his new job. 是啊 很令人激动啊 Yes, very exciting. 我真开心 你这么快就找到别人了 I was so pleased that you"d found someone else so fast. 我只是忍♥不住脑海中浮现出 I just can"t stop conjuring 你坐在你的咖啡店里 an image of you sitting around that cafe, 独自一人 感觉是如此的孤单 just all alone, feeling so terribly lonely. 我就是忍♥不住去联想这个画面 Just can"t stop picturing it. 我觉得独自一人不一定意味着孤独 I don"t think you have to be alone to be lonely. 爷爷总是这样教我的 Dad always taught me that. 你♥爷♥爷和你说了我有一件作品丢了吗 Did your father tell you that one of my pieces has gone missing? 他说了 He did. 太糟糕了 我很抱歉 That"s awful, I"m so sorry. 你真好 So sweet of you. 真好 Very sweet. 我能插句话吗 May I cut in? 可以 当然 Yes, of course. 你知道吗 你们是最登对的一对 Do you know? You are the most perfect-looking pair. 这群人简直太棒了 Such a great gang. 你想要吃些正常的东西吗 Do you want some normal food? 不 不 No, no. 我真的想让你做的 What I really want you to do... 是这个 ...is this. 对不起 什么都没有发生 Sorry, nothing happened. 我只是想性感一些 I was trying to be sexy. 是的 是很性感 It was, it was really sexy. -真的吗 -什么破了 - Was it? - What broke? 什么破了 给我看 What broke? Show me. 没什么 我滑了一下 Nothing, I just slipped. 克莱尔 这是我朋友 Claire, this is my friend... 是的 是的 我们早就见过了 Yes, yes, we"ve already met. 我的妻子 My wife. 我的妻子 My wife. 所有你想要的都包裹在了这里 All of your desires are wrapped up in here. 好的 Ok. 打开它 Open it. 这个 金色一直是 Well, gold has always... 哇哦 Wow. 这真的太棒了 That"s really rather wonderful. 谢谢你 Thank you. What is it? 它是个书镇呢 还是 Is it a paperweight, or...? 这是你身体的圣地 It is a shrine to your body... 因为我爱你的身体 ...because I love your body. -谢谢你 -哇哦 - Thank you. - Wow. 哇哦 这真的 Wow. This is really... 我能 我能看看吗 Can I... Can I see this? 这真是非同寻常啊 This is really quite something. 哇哦 我觉得这不是很合适 让你的宾客们 Wow, I think it"s probably a bit inappropriate for your guests 在这看见你的身体 to see your body at this... 我会 我能把它放到安全的地方去吗 I"m just going to... Shall I put it somewhere safe? 做得好 Smooth. 我告诉你我会给你找到买♥♥家的 I told you I"d find you a buyer. 你男朋友 他很有趣 聪明 滑稽 Your boy, he is hilarious, smart, funny... 闭嘴 Fuck off. 你什么人都愿意上 是吗 You"d fuck anything, wouldn"t you? 你只要别告诉她那尊雕塑是从我这儿来的 Just don"t tell her you got the statue from me, OK? 那尊雕塑你要价多少 How much do you want for it? 那尊雕塑你要价多少 How much do you want for it? 手指入后♥庭♥ 还是奶头挠痒 Finger up the ass, nipple tickle...? 手指入后♥庭♥ 还是奶头挠痒 Finger up the ass, nipple tickle...? 别这样 放松点 Come on, lighten up. 她迟早会离开你的 She"s going to leave you one day. 你希望她离开我吗 You looking forward to that? 你是个混♥蛋♥ You"re an asshole. 嘿 Hey. 嘿 Hey. 我觉得你拿了我的外套 I think you took my coat. 不好意思 这是我的外套 I"m sorry, that"s my coat. 对不起 Sorry. 你为什么这么早走了 Why you leaving so early? 我要去给希拉里喂一些格雷伯爵茶 I have to give Hillary some Earl Grey. 她身体不是很好 所以 She"s not feeling well, so... 哦 我给你买♥♥了这个 Oh, I got you this. 哦 我没想到你会给我买♥♥东西 Oh, I wasn"t expecting anything. 它叫钻穴者 基本上你没有高♥潮♥前它是不会停的 It"s called a Burrower - it basically won"t stop until you cum. 听起来真不得了 谢谢你 Sounds horrendous. Thank you. 生日上生意谈的怎么样 Good birthday business? 一笔大的 Huge. 你知道吗 我不想乌鸦嘴 但是笔大生意 You know, I don"t want to jinx anything, but huge. 可能会改变我的人生 Could be life-changing. 很好 Great. 好 生日快乐 OK, happy birthday. 谢谢你 Thanks. 你没事吧 Are you OK? 没事 Yeah. 跟我说实话 Tell the truth. 我们要走了吗 Are we leaving? -是的 -生日女郎 - Yes. - Birthday girl... 派对很棒 很谢谢你 我们今晚很开心 Awesome party, thank you so much. We had such a great night. 这是什么 哦 What"s that? Oh. 晚安 Goodnight. -晚安 -晚安 - Goodnight. - Night. 我们可以吗 Shall we? 居然这么瘦 Surprisingly bony. 我快到了 我快到了 I"m nearly finished. I"m nearly finished. 就像是和量角器做♥爱♥一样 It"s like having sex with a protractor. 我要♥射♥了♥ 我要♥射♥了♥ I"m finishing. I"m finishing. 我射了 我射了 I"m done. I"m done. -我射了 -好的 - I"m done. - OK. 耶 你来了吗 Yeah. Are you done? 哦 是的 是的 Oh, yeah. Yeah. 太棒啦 太棒啊 Amazing. That was amazing. -耶 是的 -真的很棒 - Yeah, yeah. - That was amazing. 是的 Yeah. -棒极了 -耶 - That was amazing. - Yeah. 我的天哪 For fuck"s sake. 什么 What? 好 我长着这样的牙齿活了这么多年 OK, you don"t go through life with teeth like these 是不会不知道别人在装模作样的 and not know when someone"s pretending. 这该死的是什么 What the fuck is that?! -我要踢了 我要踢了 -不 不要 - I"ll kick it! I"ll kick it! - No, no. 我要踢走它 什么 I"ll kick it. What? 我们抓的它还是说这是你的 Did we catch that, or is that yours? -这是只老鼠 -它是只豚鼠 - That is a rat. - It"s a guinea pig. 这是只老鼠 That is a rat. 伦敦生活

    推荐访问:伦敦 第三集 第一季

    • 读/观后感
    • 精美散文
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    • 心得体会