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    时间:2020-08-31 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    我们的问题在性方面 Our problems are sexual. 让我来说吧 莫伊 Let me tell it, Moe. 那你说啊 不过你只会讲你的观点 So tell it, but you only give your point of view. 去年 我们的性生活跌到了谷底 Last year, our sex life came to a halt. 从没有美妙过 It was never great. 不要插嘴 莫伊 Do not interrupt me, Moe. 从一周三次变成两次 再到一次 It went from three times a week, to twice, to once, 然后没啦 他不肯再试了 and then, bingo, he stops trying. 因此既然他是个男人 So since he"s a man 有正常的性需求... with a normal sex drive... 强烈的性需求 A strong sex drive. 不再正常了 No more than normal. 我就有点怀疑了 I got a little suspicious. 然后我就注意到了他的信♥用♥卡♥账单 And then I notice his credit card bills. 她偷看了 - 嗯 - She snooped. - Mm! 没错 老娘我就是偷看了 You damn right I snooped. 然后我看到信♥用♥卡♥账单上 So I see this credit cd bill 有召♥妓♥朋务 对吧 with escort services, right? 按♥摩♥院 然后我就质问他 Massage parlors. So I confronted him. 然后我就承认了 - 嗯哼 - And I admitted it. - Mm-hmm. 那些朋务能让我性奋 Those encounters excited me, 而和我老婆上♥床♥则没法性奋了 and to get into bed with my wife no longer did. 你有听说过这种事吗 Did you ever hear of such a thing? 继续说 Go on. 所以我们来找你 So we came to you. 你听了我们的故事 你说 You listened to us, and you said, "不如你给你老婆付钱吧" "Why don"t you just pay your wife?" 我收他的钱 他付给我 I should charge him, he should pay me, 就有同样的化学反应了 and the same dynamic will exist. 听上去这个主意非常不错 Well, it seemed like a very good idea. 他需要把你想象成妓♥女♥ He needs to think of you as a whore, 那为什么不收他钱呢 so why not charge him? 是啊 而且这样起作用了 - 是 - Yes, and it worked. - Yeah. 给她付钱让我很性奋 Paying her was exciting, 感觉就像跟妓♥女♥在一起一样 and it felt like being with a hooker. 嗯 他觉得很有情趣 Mm, mm, which he finds naughty. 还有性奋 And exciting. 有时候一个创造性的办法... Sometimes a creative solution... 她开始收太多钱了 She started charging too much. 我不是低级妓♥女♥ 明白吗 I am not a low-class bimbo, okay? 如果我是职业妓♥女♥ If I was a professional, 我肯定是高级应♥召♥女郎 I would be a high-class call girl. 我才不要跟老婆打次炮就付七百美金 I"m not paying my wife $700 a pop. 上帝啊 洛娜 - 嗯哼 - Christ, Lorna... - Mm-hmm. 好吧 要花七百美金 Okay, for 700 bucks, 我能叫来一个完美的职业妓♥女♥ I could get a fantastic professional whore. 好啊 反正两百美金老娘不干 Great, well, I"m not doing it for 200 anymore. 为什么呢 这是情趣收费啊 Why not? It"s fun money. 在公开市场上 我至少能拿五百美金 I could get at least 500 on the open market. 这样更安全啊 你可以在家工作 This is safer, and you can work at home. 谁在乎呢 Who cares? 我真心觉得 你们能解决好这个问题 I really think we can work this out. 说真的... 都是一家人嘛 You know, it"s really... it"s all in the family, 或许你可以给他个小折扣 and you could give him maybe a little discount. 你看 他确实经常叫你吧 I mean, he does use you regularly. 与此同时 警方已经逮捕 Meanwhile, police have apprehended 另一名逃出旧金山的男士 the other man who escaped in San Francisco. 该男子名为艾尔文·布罗德纳克斯 He is Alvin Broadnax, wanted in the bombing 因在西雅图征兵局制♥造♥爆♥炸♥ of the Seattle draft board 并开枪射击州警♥察♥而遭到通缉 and the shooting of the state trooper. 布罗德纳克斯出现在了新泽西州 Broadnax had been traced to New Jersey, 在那里他... where he was picked up in... 天啊 凯 大祸临头了 Oh, Jesus, Kay, the noose is tightening. 怎么了 - 天啊 - Well? - God. 毛主席说过 Chairman Mao says that 一颗平静的心能阻止所有恐慌 a calm heart stills all panic. 去他的毛主席 Screw Chairman Mao. 你... 你和我要进监狱了 You... you and I will be in prison. 毛主席还在他的宫殿里吃肋排呢 Chairman Mao will be in his palace eating spare ribs. 我跟你讲 Let me tell you something. 如果我进了监狱 If I wind up in prison, 我一次澡都不会洗 I am never gonna take a shower. 我可以跟你保证一件事 I can promise you one thing, 她不会在这里太久了 that she will not be here long. 是啊 与此同时 她的同谋已经被逮捕了 Yeah, meanwhile, her accomplice was captured. 谢天谢地 那家伙不清楚她在哪里 You know, thank God the guy doesn"t know where she is. 呃 他... 他清楚 Um, he... he does. 什么叫 他清楚 What do you mean, he does? 你怎么知道他清楚 How do you know he does? 他们... 他们有联♥系♥过 They"ve... they"ve been in contact. 一切都完了 我... Well, that"s it. I"m... 我今晚就要逃去古巴了 You know, I"m leaving for Cuba tonight. 真有趣 她也要去呢 Oh, that"s interesting because so is she. 不是今晚 不过她有在计划去古巴 Not tonight, but she is planning to go to Cuba. 你知道吗 她这是异想天开 You know, she"s delusional. 她会被抓住的 She"s gonna be caught, 然后你知道会怎么样吗 and then you know what happens? 然后她就会揭发我们 Then she implicates us. 伦尼吗 Oh, Lenny? 伦尼绝不会告密的 Lenny will never talk. 她绝不会告密 我能说... She"ll never talk? Can I say... 我能跟你说... 说四个字吗 Can I say two words... two words to you? 嗯哼 - 好吗 Uh-huh. - Okay? 好 - 硫喷妥钠 - Yeah. - Sodium Pentothal. 他们会给她注射 They give her an injection. 然后立马 联邦调查局就会出现在我们门前 Next thing you know, FBI"s at our door 带着男女两人的手铐 with his-and-her handcuffs. 你知道吗 她给了我们 You know, she"s given us some 一些很有趣的书 very interesting things to read. 比如呢 Like what? 比如 Well, like things 让我打开了眼界 看到了 that opened my eyes to various things 之前许多视而不见的东西 that my eyes had been closed to. 什么啊 我们在说什么啊 Well, to what? What are we talking about here? 比如我们去鸡尾酒酒会 Well, like the fact that we go to cocktail parties, 只是款款而谈 却从未有实际行动 and we talk the talk, but we never walk the walk. 好吧 我不想实际行动 Yeah, well, I don"t want to walk the walk 也不想开枪射击 四处乱炸 or shoot the shooter, bomb the bomb. 好了 所以你直接去曼哈顿对吧 Okay, so you"re going straight to Manhattan, right? 对 对 我觉得我有... Right, right, right, and I think I have... 我确定给你准备好了所有提示 I"m sure I have all your instructions just right. 什么都不用担心 Don"t worry about a thing. 你能这样做 我真是太感激了 I can"t thank you enough for doing this. 生活很复杂 生活很复杂 Well, life is complicated. Life is complicated. 我已经... 你知道的 I"ve already... you know. 对你和西德来说太危险了 It"s so dangerous for you and Sid, 我待在这里 现在你又为我做这些事 me staying here, and now you"re doing this for me. 不 不 有黑色的问题 No, no, there are black issues, 就像毛主席说的 as Chairman Mao says... 有白色的问题 有灰色的问题 there are white issues, there are gray issues, 这些就是全部的问题 and this is all of those issues. 你有跟你丈夫说过什么吗 Have you said anything to your husband yet? 没有 他要去看他的心脏医生 No, he"s going to go to his cardiologist, 我不想让他到那之前就心脏停跳了 and I don"t want his heart to stop before he gets there. 真的不要担心 会没事的 Don"t worry about it, really. It"s going to be okay. 谢谢你 - 一切都会顺利的 - Thank you. - It"s gonna be great. 你没有仸何问题 There"s nothing wrong with you. 你非常健康 You"re absolutely fine. 你的心脏很好 Your heart"s good. 可能你有一点消化不良 You may have a little indigestion, 不过仅此而已 but that"s all. 那我的肺呢 And what about my lung? 我拿到的 X 光片是阴性的 Well, the X-ray report I got is negative, 所以你看 你真的非常健康 so you see, you"re really in good shape. 血液报告几天后我会拿到 I get the blood test back in a few days. 你是预测有什么问题吗 Are you anticipating something? 没有 No. 你上次的血液检测是正常的 Your last blood test was normal. 是啊 但那是... 那是什么时候了 Yes, but that was... that was when? 两周前 在你过敏症医生的办公室 Two weeks ago, at your allergist"s office. 我不想做个大惊小怪的人 You know, I don"t want to be an alarmist, 但你看我右大拇指 不是疼 but I notice in my right thumb... not a pain. 不是疼痛 但我有种感觉 It"s not a pain, but I have an awareness, 我意识到是我右拇指的问题 an awareness in my right thumb, and when I move 我一动右拇指 一动它 the right thumb, what happens is, I will experience 我就觉得头晕目眩 a kind of disorientation, a dizzy feeling, 还有点食欲不振 and... and maybe some slight loss of appetite. 可我不能不吃啊 我不能再瘦了 I can"t afford not to eat because I can"t lose weight, 因为我瘦了还怎么和病魔做斗争 because I need the weight to protect me against disease. 你和什么病魔斗争 What disease is that? 我是不是有可能得疟疾 Is there a possibility that I could have malaria? 等验血结果出来了 我会打电♥话♥给你 I"ll call you when the blood work gets in. 亲爱的 如果你觉得拇指有问题 If you become aware of your thumb, honey, 我们就直接去急诊室吧 we"ll go straight to the ER, really. 那你不说点什么吗 So what are you saying? 不给我的拇指提点建议吗 You"re not gonna give me anything for my thumb? 我们都应该很健康 We should all be so healthy. 至于你总是听到 And as for that ringing sound 你膝盖发出的声音... that you keep hearing in your kneecap... 没错 Yes. 没什么的 It"s nothing, 但我会留意的 but I"m going to keep my eye on it. 你看 我说对了吧 See, I was right. 就是嘴唇干裂 It was chapped lips. 不是什么食肉病毒 It wasn"t the flesh-eating virus. 没错 但嘴唇干裂不处理的话 也会致命的 Yes, but chapped lips, uh, untreated, can be fatal, 那走吧 我们去吃午饭 so... so now come on, let"s go have lunch. 几点了 - 一点了 What time is it? - It"s 1:00. 一点了吗 - 没错 - 1:00? - Yeah, you know, 你今天已经问我六次了 you"ve asked me that six times today. 我不明白怎么了 我们去吃午饭吧 I don"t understand. Let"s go have lunch. 放松一下 吃一顿美味的法国菜 We"ll relax. We"ll get a nice French meal. 我们去一家很棒的餐厅 We"ll... we"ll go to a nice restaurant. 来点葡萄酒 We can get some wine. 吃点美味的食物 We can get some delicious food, you know? 我们今天不用担心今天回去早了 We don"t have to worry about going home early today 也不用担心那个闯进我们家的疯子了 and that crazy crackpot who invaded the house. 再也不用管她了 We don"t have to think about her. 亲爱的 你说得很对 但首先 Darling, that sounds just great, but first, 我得去一趟布鲁克林 好吗 I"d just like to rundown to Brooklyn, okay? 哪里 Where? 布鲁克林 我要去维罗妮卡街 Brooklyn, I want to go to 119... 布鲁克林 - 119 号♥ - Brooklyn? - Veronica Street. 可以吧 就一会儿 Is that okay? Just take a second. 我们去布鲁克林干嘛 Well, what are we gonna do in Brooklyn? 我有个差事要做 真的 没什么 I just have a little errand to do. Really, it"s nothing. 什么意思 差事 什么差事 What do you mean, an errand? What kind of errand? 我得帮一个朊友拿点东西 好吗 I just have to pick something up for a friend, okay? 这么说可以吗 - 在布鲁克林吗 - Is that all right? - In Brooklyn? 就一会儿 好吗 It will take a minute, yes, okay? 先吃午饭不行吗 Can you go after lunch? 我必须两点到 - 一定要吗 - I have to do it by 2:00. - You must do it? 一定要两点到 亲爱的 I must do it by 2:00, darling. 你到这来干吗 买♥♥毒品吗 What are you doing down here, buying heroin? 真好笑 Oh, very funny. 这真是... 太疯狂了 I mean, this is... this is crazy. 我们在哪 这太荒凉了 Where are we? This is so desolate. 等到两点... So, wait, at 2:00... 两点会怎么样 What"s at 2:00? 一个男人会拿个公文包出现 A man will come and give us a briefcase. 我们要买♥♥一个新的公文包吗 We"re... you"re buying a new briefcase? 不 不是的 Uh, not... no, not exactly. 那是什么 你这么含糊 Well, what? I mean, you"re so cryptic. 你把我拉到这来... I mean, you drag me down here... 为伦尼做点事 Doing... doing something for Lenny. 现在真♥相♥大白了 为了伦尼 Ah, now it becomes clear, for Lenny. 没错 但我们为伦尼做点事 Yeah, but we"re doing something for Lenny 她明天就能离开了 so she can leave tomorrow. 那好吧 只要她明天能走 Oh, that"s fine, if she"s leaving tomorrow, 做什么都是值得的 then anything you have to do is great. 但这事很安全 对吧 But it"s nothing dangerous, right? 我是说... I mean... 和枪没关系吧... Has nothing to do with guns or... 不 她有把枪 No, she has a gun. 对 我知道她... Yeah, I know she... 我记得她有把枪 I remember she"s got a gun. 听着 一不做 二不休 Look, in for a penny, in for a pound. 我想要回我的钱 I want my penny back. 现在已经晚了 Well, it"s too late now. 那就最多花个一便士 Then keep it at a penny, you know? 1 英镑都涨到 1.8 美元了 The pound is up to $1.80. 我可不想投 1.8 美元 I don"t want to be in for $1.80. 那辆大众 肯定是他了 That"s the Volkswagen; that must be him. 天哪 Oh, Jesus... 嗨 伦尼说 Uh, hi, Lenny said 我们替你转交 你要给她的东西 you had something for her to give to us. 好的 我只是要确认一下你们是好人 Okay, okay, I just wanted to make sure y"all was good people. 公文包 一个公文包 Briefcase, a briefcase. 没错 就在这 Yeah, it"s right here. 我说了就一会儿 I told you it"d be a snap. 好了 再快点 这可是叛国罪 Yeah well, snap faster. This is treason. 拿着 Hold it. 你一定要知道 I just want you to know 能为国家做这件事 我们很自豪 that we"re proud of what you"re doing for America. 谢谢 听着 你得把那个给... Thank you. Now, listen, you need to give that to... 确保把那个给... make sure you give that to... 该死 他们跟来了 Oh, shit, they followed me. 跑 快跑 Run, run! 天哪 Oh, God! 那... Well... 我... - 警♥察♥找到你了 - I... I... - Police found you. 进去 快进去 In here, go in here. 快进来 Come in here. 西德 这边 Uh, Sid, this way. 你要去哪 Where are you going? 我的心脏 我的心脏 My heart, my heart. 你的心脏没问题 都检查过了 Your heart is fine; you just had a checkup. 没错 但血液检测结果还没出来 Yeah, but the blood work"s not back. 快点 Come on. 天哪 Oh, Jesus. 我们有麻烦了 被困在上面了 We"re trapped. We"re trapped up here. 我们可以跳过去 We can jump. 把公文包丢给我 Throw the briefcase over to me. 什么 What? 把公文包丢过来 西德 Throw the... throw the briefcase, Sid. 丢得好 跳过来 Good throw, now jump. 跳 Jump? 我从来不跳仸何有引力的地方 I never jump any place where there"s gravity. 快跳 Jump! 小心点 凯 这梯子在晃 Be careful, Kay, this thing is wobbling. 我知道 I know. 你小心点 You be careful. 拿好公文包 好吗 Hold on to that briefcase, okay? 稳稳地 - 好了 - Steady. - Okay. 天哪 快让我下来 Oh, my God, let me down here. 好了 这边 Okay, this way. 天哪 Ooh. Oh, Jesus. 天哪 快捡钱 Oh, my God, pick up the money. 不 什么 你疯了吗 Okay, no. What? Are you nuts? 这都是钱 It"s a fortune. 没错 但都是古巴的钱 Yes, but it"s Cuban. 有什么区别 What"s the difference? 这是线索 快捡钱 It"s a clue. Pick up the money. 她说得对 是线索 She"s right. It"s a clue. 我不太明白 Well, I don"t understand. 你为什么要推迟婚礼 Why do you want to postpone the wedding? 对你公平一些 Out of fairness to you. 你什么意思啊 Well, what does that mean? 我在重新思考 I"m having second thoughts 我的人生和职业 about my life, about my job. 你的人生就是要干金融行业啊 Well, your life is finance, 这没什么可以感到羞愧的 that"s nothing to be ashamed of. 不 只是... 我现在不是那么确定 No, it"s just... I"m not so sure that I want 我接下来的人生 to spend my life 是不是一直想干钱生钱的工作 using money to make more money. 你对钱有什么意见吗 What? Do you have a problem with money? 没有啊 只要运用得当 No, not if it"s used properly. 什么意思 Meaning? 就是说... 合理的使用 Meaning that... if it"s used fairly, 只要群众不被剥削 if, you know, the masses aren"t exploited. 你这话很像卡尔·马♥克♥思♥啊 Well, you sound like Karl Marx. 我最近在读的书里 有他的书 Well, that"s one of the people I"ve been reading. 你肯定不是共♥产♥党的吧 Well, surely you"re not a communist. 不是 我不知道我是谁了 No, I don"t know what I am. 我只知道我是站在人类尊严这边的 I know that I"m for human decency. 突然间你就有了这么多 激进的 Well, suddenly you have political ideas... 政♥治♥看法 你怎么了啊 and radical ones. What happened to you? 我只是说说 我开始怀疑 I"m just saying, I"ve grown skeptical 被动抵抗到底有没有用 of passive resistance. 那你想干什么呢 So what are you suggesting? 暴♥力♥推♥翻♥ The violent overthrow 美国政♥府♥吗 of the United States Government? 不 不是 我只是想做出改变 No, no, I"m not. I"m suggesting change. 我想要改变 我想... I"m for change; I"m for, you know, 不是那种很小的改变 而是意义重大的改变 not minuscule change but meaningful change. 你说翻天覆地的变化吗 You mean radical change? 用尽一切必要手段 By any means necessary. 你这样子 我感到很陌生 This is a you that I don"t recognize. 我的人格进化了 Well, my personality"s evolving. 我觉得 这可能只是 你通过这个来告诉我 Well, I think that this may all be a way of you 你不想跟我结婚了 telling me that you don"t want to marry me. 我就是这样想的 That"s what I think. 天哪 凯 这简直是我人生最糟糕的一天了 Jesus, Kay, this has been the worst day of my life, 而且现在还这么早 and, you know, it"s still early. 给你 Here. 你也可以往里放放钱啊 Come on, you can put some money in too. 我们别吵了 - 好吧 好吧 - Let"s not quibble. - Okay, okay. 给 拿着 好了 我觉得我们做到了 Here, take this. Okay. Now, I think we did it. 我们成功了 安全了 I think we made it. I think we"re safe. 好吧 - 我没看到有人跟过来了 - All right. - I don"t think anyone"s coming. 让我先把这玩意儿关上 Let"s just close this thing. 天哪 我们手上这可是烫手的山芋 God, we got hot merchandise here. 这真是... - 怎么 - You know, this is... - What? 那是辆警车吗 Is that a police car? 不是 - 别吓我 - No. - Don"t scare me. 你知道我有个荷兰隧♥道♥ You know I got an ulcer 那么大的溃疡的 the size of the Holland Tunnel. 你才没有溃疡呢 You don"t have an ulcer. 别跟我说我没有 Don"t tell me I don"t have an ulcer. 只是医生们没找到而已 我有溃疡的 Maybe they can"t find it, but I have an ulcer. 好了 我们应该没事了 Okay, I think we"re clear. 现在去哪啊 Where are we going? 我们要去... 把这个交出去 We"re going... going to hand this off. 交给谁啊 To who? 交给一个男人 我就知道这么多 一个男人 To a man, that"s all I know, to a man. 天哪 凯 我们做这个 Jesus, Kay, 上帝肯定会惩罚我们的 God"s gonna punish us for this. 我的天哪 Oh, for God"s sake. 上帝不会惩罚你的 你是个无神论者啊 God"s not gonna punish you; you"re an atheist. 是啊 但如果我错了 那我们就摊上大事了 Yes, but if I"m wrong, we"re in big trouble. 你看到那个电♥话♥亭了吗 You see that phone booth? 三点整 At 3:00, 你进去打个电♥话♥ you will enter that phone booth and make a call. 给谁啊 To who? 无所谓 It doesn"t matter. 你不是真的要打电♥话♥ You"re not going to make a real call. 你只是要假装拨号♥ 假装说话 You"re going to pretend to talk, pretend to dial, 然后装模作样地挂电♥话♥ and then mime hanging up. 意义在哪 And what is the point? 你要把这个公文包 You"re going to leave this briefcase 留在那个电♥话♥亭里 in that phone booth. 然后会有个男人 过来打电♥话♥ And then a man is going to come and make a call. 是真的打电♥话♥ 还是假装的 A... A real call, or will he mime it? 无所谓啊 It doesn"t matter. 重点是 他会带走这个公文包 The point is, he"s going to leave with the briefcase. 我已经等不到 Well, I can"t wait till that moment, 送走这个公文包的时候了 when this briefcase is gone, 这东西就是个大♥麻♥烦 cause this has been nothing but trouble. 我们这么做了 她明天就可以走了 Well, we"re doing this so that she can leave tomorrow. 她一走 Yes, and the minute she goes, 我就要给红十字会捐一大笔钱 I give a major donation to the Red Cross. 她会走的 Well, she"ll be gone. 不过你得承认 这很令人兴奋啊 But you"ve got to admit, it"s been exciting. 我真是不知道 你怎么会自愿 I don"t know how you could volunteer 做这种事 for something like this. 我们平常都处在 Well, you know, we just drag around in this, 日常的婚姻生活里 我就想 our everyday marriage, and I just thought, 这是一件很与众不同的事啊 you know, this is something so different and... 她给你那些书 Yeah, "cause, you know, she gives you these books, 让你满脑子都是... and it fills your head full of... you know? 我很庆幸她没给你《我的奋斗》 I"m glad she didn"t give you Mein Kampf. 然后你把那些书 And then you give them 又拿到你那愚蠢的读书会上去 to your silly book club, 然后那些女人就疯了 and then these ladies get crazy. 你身板挺不错啊 You"re in pretty good shape. 你跑上楼 When you ran up those stairs 还跳过屋檐 and you went leaping over those roofs? 是啊 被警♥察♥追的时候 Yeah, it"s amazing what the human body can do 人类身体真是可以挑战枀限呢 when it"s being chased by a policeman. 三点了 去吧 It"s 3:00, go. 明明是你自愿做这种事的 You know, you volunteered for the thing, 结果所有的脏活累活都得我来做 and all the dirty work, I have to do. 因为我是望风的啊 "Cause I"m the lookout. 我的听力和视力都比你好 I have better ears and better eyes, 而且比你机灵 and... and I"m sharper. 你就该让我在家来着 Yes, you should put me in a home. 马上回来 Be right back. 好了 然后呢 Okay, now what? 然后我们等那个男人来拿走东西 Now we wait until the man comes to pick it up. 然后分头行动 Then we split. 好吧 不过 那可不是个男人 Yes, but, uh, that"s not a man, 或者他男扮女装了 or he"s in drag. 我肯定她说的是个男人啊 I"m pretty sure she said a man. 那不是个男人 那是个女人啊 Well, that"s not a man. That"s a woman. 那是个女人对吧 It is a woman, isn"t it? 是个女人啊 而且 Yes, it"s a woman, and she"s... 而且她正准备把东西捡起来了 and she"s picking it up. 那... Well, let"s... 可能计划有变 Maybe the plan has been changed. 你能回去 然后悄悄试探一下 Can you go back and just very subtly try to find out 她是不是那个该拿走公文包的人吗 whether that"s the person who"s supposed to pick it up? 我怎么知道啊 How am I going to find out? 你说什么呢 What are you talking about? 那就把公文包拿回来 Maybe just take the briefcase back. 我怎么拿回来啊 How am I gonna get it back? 你说你不小心落在那了 Just say that you left it there by mistake. 是不小心而为 那是你的包 It"s a mistake, and it"s your package, 你要拿回来 去吧 and you want it back. Come on. 天啊 你就坐这出点子 Jesus, you sit here with these brilliant notions, 还得我来执行 and I carry them out. 抱歉打扰一下 小姐 - 什么事 - Uh, excuse me, miss? - Yeah? 我落下了... 这是我的 I left my... that"s mine. 我落在里面了 I left it in there. 我怎么知道 How do I know that? 我这不是告诉你了吗 Well, I"m telling you, 我落下了... 我刚刚... I left my... I was just... 我只看到你从咖啡馆出来 All I see is you running out of a cafe? 我怎么知道这是你的东西 How do I know that"s yours? 因为我告诉你那是我的公文... "Cause I"m telling you it"s my brief... 我把它落在这了 I left it in there. 有什么证据呢 Give me some proof. 我看不出来这是你的 I don"t know that"s yours. 我告诉你了那是我的公文包 I"m telling you it"s my briefcase. 相信我 - 不 这不是... - Believe me. - No, this is not... 这应该交到失物招领处 this should go to the lost and found. 不 不 不 它是我的 No, no, no, no, it"s mine. 我向你保证这是我的 - 别抢 - I promise you it"s mine. - Don"t grab it! 我没抢 我只是... I"m not grabbing! I"m... 你刚才就是在抢 You just grabbed it. 我是要把它拿过来 我没有在抢 I"m taking it. I"m not grabbing it. 住手 你... Well, no. Just... 我理解你认为这是你的 I... I understand that you think this is yours, 但我要是你 就不会跟我♥干♥仗 好吗 but I wouldn"t fight with me, if I were you, okay? 我没有跟你干仗 这是我的公文... I"m not fighting. It"s my brief... 这是我的公文包 It"s my briefcase. 别抢 我做的是对的 Don"t grab it. I"m doing the right thing. 警官 Officer! 别 不要 不是... Don"t, no, it"s not... 这应该送到失物招领处 This should go to the lost and found. 我来打电♥话♥ I went to make a phone call. 发现了这个公文包 I find this briefcase. 这人从咖啡馆里跑出来 This man comes running out of a caf? 告诉我这是他的公文包 telling me it"s his briefcase. 我怎么知道是不是他的 How do I know that? 这就是我的公文包 It"s my briefcase. 我是在做好事 - 这是我的公文包 Trying to do the right thing. - It"s my briefcase. 好吧 好吧 好吧 - 谢谢你 警官 - Okay, okay, okay. - Thank you, Officer. 你能认出它来吗 Can you identify it? 我能... 能 这是公文包 Can I... yes, it"s a briefcase. 里面放的什么 What"s in it? 公文包里放的什么 What"s in the briefcase? 没错 说出来 我来检查 Yeah, tell me, and I"ll check. 里面是... 我不... You know, it"s. I don"t... 其实这不是我的公文包 It"s not really my briefcase. 我是开玩笑的 So I was kidding. 好吧 好吧 Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. 你叫什么 What"s your name? 蒙茨辛格 西德尼 S. J. 蒙茨辛格 Muntzinger, Sidney. S. J. Muntzinger. 或许你读过我的书 Perhaps you"ve read some of my books. S 代表西德尼 J 是... The S is for Sidney, the J... 只是加上去比较像名人 I just put that in for prestige, 就像哈利·S·杜鲁门那样 like Harry S Truman. 我跟你说 Let me tell you something. 冒领不是自己的东西 Claiming that this was yours 可不是件好事情 was not a very nice thing to do. 我是生性♥爱♥说谎 Oh, I"m a congenital liar. 我们家族都这样 遗传的 我们... My family, it"s in the genes, we... 好吧 Okay, good, you know what? 现在走人 要么我就得 Move along now, or I"m gonna have to 按盗窃未遂逮捕你了 好吗 arrest you for attempted theft, okay? 给我留两张 Put me down for two tickets 警♥察♥消防员拔河比赛的票 to the Policeman-Fireman Tug of War. 我最喜欢那个活动了 It"s my favorite event. 好吧 谢谢你 Okay, all right, thank you. 再会 - 谢谢你 警官 - Have a good day. - Thank you, Officer. 没事 You got it. 嗨 Hey. 嗨 Hey. 你要去哪里 Where you off to? 我一直不太会看地图 I was never very good at reading a map. 哪里的地图 Ah, of where? 纽约州北部 Upstate New York. 我想你是真的要走了 Hmm, so I guess you"re really going. 我别无选择 I have no choice. 你走了我会很难过的 Well, I"m gonna be sad to see you go. 我不能留在这里 I can"t stay here. 那么终点是哪 So what is it? 加拿大 古巴 Canada, Cuba? 古巴 Cuba. 想要我和你一起去吗 And suppose I went with you? 这可不是个好主意 It"s not a good idea. 为什么 想想看 Why? Think about it. 在加勒比的月光下了解彼此 Get to know each other under the Caribbean moon. 别这样了 拜托 Oh, snap out of it, come on. 我在逃亡 而你快结婚了 I"m on the run, and you"re getting married. 我已献身于革命 只要世界尚未改善 I"m a devoted revolutionary, and until this world 我就不会停止斗争 changes for the better, my fight goes on. 现在我也是 Me too now. 你到古巴能做什么 What the hell would you do in Cuba? 我们可以一同努力让世界更美好 We"d work together to make the world a better place. 我们能... 那里不像这里 We could... It"s not like here. 物价更加便宜 Things are much cheaper. 我们可以想办法过下去 We could find a way to get by. 你会沦落到当侍应生的 You"d end up waiting tables. 你想要这样吗 Is that what you want? 是的 如果我不得不去当侍应生 我会的 Yes, if I had to, I would. 同时 我会努力组织 And meanwhile, I"d work to organize 一个集体农场 an agricultural collective. 如果他们给你种子和铲子 You couldn"t work at an agricultural collective 你是没法在集体农场干活的 if they gave you seeds and a shovel. 你知道你能在古巴撑多久吗 Do you know how long you"d last in Cuba? 我只知道我爱上你了 I know I"m in love with you. 忘掉吧 Forget it. 明天我就要离开了 Tomorrow, I"m out of here. 天啊 西德 God, Sid. 西德 我们... 你弄丢了所有她的钱 Sid, we... you lost all her money. 什么叫我弄丢了所有她的钱 What do you mean I lost all her money? 你指望我怎么办 What did you expect me to do? 当着警♥察♥的面打开公文包 Open the briefcase with the cop there? 是 警官 我总随身带着 Yes, Officer, I always carry around 三万美元的古巴钱 $30,000 in Cuban money 以防万一我要买♥♥黑豆汤 in case I want to buy black bean soup. 你们办成了吗 Were you able to do it? 确实把钱交过去了 是吧 You did transfer the money, right? 没出什么差错吧 Nothing went wrong? 没错 只一件小事出了问题 Well, yes, one small thing went wrong. 所有事情都搞砸了 Everything. 什么 我就指望着这事了 What? I was counting on this. 别指望这事 要办自己去 Well, don"t count on it. Do it yourself. 看在上帝份上 我们又不是职业罪犯 For God"s sake, we"re not professional criminals. 我正在写情景喜剧呢 You know, I"m writing a sitcom. 这是我们第一次从 It was our first time 两楼屋顶之间跳过去 jumping from rooftop to rooftop. 上帝 她带着满脑子那什么 Christ, she comes in here full of, you know, 对卡斯特罗还有... half-baked ideas about 切·格瓦拉的不成熟的想法 Fidel and... and Che 还有那个伟大的毛主席 and... and the great Chairman Mao, you know, 少数几个能超重的中国人之一 one of the few overweight Chinese. 本来应该是个 It was a simple pick up and drop. 简单的取货转手而已 It was supposed to be. 没错 简单枀了 只除了 Yeah, very simple, except, the guy 那个取钱的人被警♥察♥跟踪了 making the pickup was followed by the police. 什么 What? 我觉着他们正在追踪我们 伦尼 I think they"re closing in on us, Lenny. 他们清楚看清了西德 They got a pretty good look at Sid. 你没告诉我 You didn"t tell me that. 我不想让你担心 I didn"t want to worry you. 上帝啊 你像蝙蝠侠似的从楼顶跳过去 Jesus Christ, you know, you"re jumping around the roof 她却在她房♥间里安安生生地坐着 like Batman, and she"s safe up in her room 读斯巴达克斯 还得出一堆谬论 reading Spartacus and coming to all the wrong conclusions. 那些钱是用于我逃亡的 That money was for my escape. 我可不打算这样度过我的黄金岁月 Hey, this is not how I want to spend my golden years. 听着 我知道他们正在追踪我们 Look, I know they"re closing in on us, 但我们还有一些时间 but we have a little bit of time. 我只是... 我只需要保持低调 I just... I have to keep a low profile... 怎么回事 - 我的天哪 - What was that? - Jesus. 见鬼 我告诉过艾伦不要在我 God, I told Allen not to make a bomb 不在的时候做炸♥弹♥ without me there.

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