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    时间:2020-12-08 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    创业公♥司♥ 前情回顾 我们可以到几家不同的银行 We can walk into a bunch of different banks 每家取一小部分 and ask for a little bit. 几次后银行就会递交可疑活动报告 After a few, they could file a suspicious activities report, 不过这会花上几周时间 but that takes weeks to go through. -是个好...我能掩盖踪迹

     -可以吗 - That"s a great... I can cover our tracks. - Yeah? 大元在哪里 Where"s Daewon? 趴下 Get down! -那笔钱不是你的

     -我拿去投资了 - That money isn"t yours! - I invested it. 你得拿回来 You gotta get it back. 尼克 Nick... 那我又从零开始了 So, I"d be back at zero? 不是的

     因为我们还有 30 万 No, no, no, "cause we would still have the 300. 我们是谁 Who is "We"? 你♥他♥妈♥随便 Fucking fine. 不支持我就是反对我 You either with me or you against me. 你会投资小型企业或者创业公♥司♥吗 You ever do any investing into small businesses or startups? 布里克尔的银行家 What does a banker from Brickell, 海厄利亚的黑客 a hacker from Hialeah, 还有小海地的混混有什么共同点 and a thug from little Haiti have in common? -不知道

     -我也不知道 - I don"t know. - Me neither. 但等我们知道了

     就能知道钱去哪里了 But once we do, that"s where the money went. 菲尔 Phil. 该死 Oh, goddammit. -菲尔

     -什么事 - Phil. - Yeah? 刚和金融犯罪执法网♥通♥过话 Just got off the phone with FinCen. 尼克·塔尔曼的账户几周前有过可疑活动 There was an SAR filed on Nick Talman a couple weeks ago. 在哪里

     多少钱 Where? How much? 她也不知道 She didn"t know, 但她今晚会扫描出来发给我 but she"s gonna scan it and send it to me tonight. 真是好消息 That"s good news. 这消息棒极了 It"s great news. 我们只要确定其中一处 All we have to do is nail down even one of those 就能查出钱款去向了 and figure out where it landed. 好

     吃点什么吗 All right. Should we get some food? 你先去吧 You go ahead. 她随时可能会发邮件 She"s supposed to be sending this any minute, 我想把文件打印出来 and I want to print the files. 我家有打印机 I got a printer at my place. 在上吊前我想快点离开这里 I gotta get out of here before I hang myself. 好吧 Um, okay. 我家不远 I"m close by. 街角有家不错的泰国餐馆 There"s a great Thai spot around the corner. -好吧

     -走吧 - Sure. - All right. Cool. 干得好 Hey, and well done. 该死 Fuckin"... 太辣了吗 What, too hot? 这是微辣的 Well, that"s mild. 我不常吃辣 I don"t usually do spicy. 华盛顿肯定有很多好吃的泰国餐馆吧 DC must have a ton of great Thai places though, huh? 确实 Yeah, it did. 可不是我的菜 Not really my thing though. 我家住郊区

     周围都是树林 I was a country girl. I grew up in the sticks. 都是树林 In the sticks? 是的


     里士满城外 Yes, sir. Outside of Richmond. 我爸会猎兔子

     松鼠 Daddy"d hunt rabbit, squirrel. 真的吗

     这是你的口音吗 No shit? That"s how you sound? 这才是我的真正口音 That"s my real accent. 改口音花了我好多年 Took me years to lose it. 改掉了真遗憾 It"s a shame you lost it. 很好听 It"s "Purty." 作业来了 Okay. Homework. 咱们各个击破 It"s divide and conquer. 这是贝莱德信托基金 Here"s the BFO. -好的

     -我拿瓦伦西亚 - Okay. - I"ll take Valencia. 干杯 Cheers. 祝你健康 Salud. 好的 Great. 贝莱德信托基金银行 尼古拉斯·塔尔曼 电子资金转账 伊莎贝尔·莫拉莱斯 瓦伦西亚 伊莎贝尔·莫拉莱斯 尼古拉斯·塔尔曼 伊兹·莫拉莱斯 概要 账户余额 开曼群岛 电子资金转账 瑞典

     斯德哥尔摩 账户余额 尼日利亚 印度尼西亚 余额 棉兰银行 我的天 Holy shit. 创业公♥司♥ 第一季

     第四集 你把 220 万都还他了 All two point two million, you gave it back to him? 除了你的 30 万 Except for your 300. 我拆开转的 I moved it all in pieces. 非常小心 Super careful. 没人会注意到 No one"s gonna notice. 但我们基本上... Yeah, but we are effectively... 我们又归零了 We"re back at zero. 除了我的 30 万 Except for my 300. 所以严格说来 So, technically... 我是你们唯一投资人 I"m your only investor. 说得没错 That is correct. Yes. 你们只有我 I"m all you got. 确实 Right you are. 我很开心你感觉不错 Well, I"m happy you feel good about it 因为我感觉这家伙不会同意 "cause I don"t think this guy"s gonna say yes, 好"积极"的态度啊

     尼克 That is a great attitude, Nick. 真会游说人

     伙计 I mean, powerful salesmanship, dude. 我只是在将我们的期望最小化 I"m just trying to keep our hopes to a minimum. 为什么不能抱有希望呢 And why not get our hopes up? 因为这家伙很难对付 Because this guy is pretty tough 当他拒绝时... and when he doesn"t say yes... 他会同意 Oh, he"s gonna say yes. 我希望我们能有所准备

     你可拿不准 I want us to be prepared. Well, you don"t know that. -他会同意

     -你这么想吗 - No, he"s gonna say yes. - Okay. Think so? 他会同意 He"s gonna say yes. 跟我一起说

     老兄 Now say it with me, dawg. 说出来

     他会同意 Now say it. He"s gonna say yes. -他...

     -他会同意 - He"s... - He"s gonna say yes. 他会同意 He"s gonna say yes. -他会同意

     -他会同意 - He"s gonna say yes. - He"s gonna say yes. -他会同意

     -他会同意 - He"s gonna say yes. - He"s gonna say yes. 他会同意 He"s gonna say yes. 没人说这破事会容易

     老兄 Hey, nobody said this shit was gonna be easy, dawg. -他会同意

     -他会同意的 - Hey! Hey! He"s gonna say yes. - He"s gonna say yes. 他会同意 All right! He"s gonna say yes. 各位

     布拉什先生可以见你们了 Hey, guys, Mr. Blush is ready for you. 他一定会同意 He"s gonna say yes, baby. 我对你们那些科技

     电脑 Me, I don"t know anything about tech 应用都一窍不通 or computers or apps or what have you, 但我的顾问很喜欢你的代码

     伊兹 but my consultant was very impressed with your code, Izzy. 尼克

     里奥会为你担♥保♥ And Nick, you know, Leo will vouch for you. 他说你是个好小伙 He says that you"re a good kid, 很明显 obviously... 因为你睡了他的女儿 "cause you"re banging his daughter. 但是 But, uh... 我还不能入股 I don"t think that I can jump in this pool just yet. 我很想 I"d like to. 相信我 Believe me. 但是我的人说 But, uh, some of my people say that 现在加密货币市场的竞争 there are a lot of other competitors out there right now 非常激烈 in the cryptocurency market. 比如拉德币吗 Like RadCoin? 那个也很火 That"s one of the big ones, yeah. 老兄

     玛雅·希贝尔 Dude, Maya Hibert, 她和我一起上的斯坦福 I went to Stanford with her. 他们一直在求我为他们工作 They"ve been begging me to come work for them. 他们就是个笑话 I mean, they"re a joke. 他们的代码烂爆了 Their code is shit. 也许吧 Well, maybe so. 但人们常说 But you know what they say. 谁最厉害不重 It doesn"t matter if you"re the best. 重要的是谁能抢占先机 It only matters if you"re first. 再来点喝的吧 Here, let me get you another drink. 不要吗 No? 我们要吃午饭了 We"re gonna grab lunch. 你们吃吗 Y"all want anything? 不用了 I"m good. 别啊

     你去吧 Oh, no, you should go. Come on. 走吧 Come on. 走吧

     麦蒂 Yeah, come on, Maddie. 我带你去桑多瓦尔餐厅 Take you to Sandoval"s. 让你尝尝真正的古巴食物 Get you some real Cuban food 你之前吃的都是外国佬做的垃圾 instead of the horse shit this gringo been feeding you. 我想自己待会 Well, I could use some alone time. 你去吧 You, you should go though. 去吧 Go on. Go. 好吧 Okay. -要带什么吗

     -不用了 - You want something? - No, I"m good. -一会见

     -回见 - See you in a bit. - See you later. 闲人免进 她叫什么 What"s her name? 你学校那妞叫什么名字 What"s that bitch from your school named? 洪秀 Hung-Soo. 洪秀 Hung-Soo. 什么鬼名字 The fuck kind of name is that? 她是中国人 She Chinese, yo. 真的吗 For real? 你以为呢 What you think she was? 反正不是海地人 She ain"t Haitian. 那是肯定的 That"s for damn sure. 她不是 No, man. 不是 No. 你在跟我开玩笑吧 You"re messing with me though, right? 没有啊 No, man. 我♥操♥

     快看 Oh, shit! Look, look, look, look, look. 我看见他了 I see him, dawg. 那是第三个妓♥女♥ That"s the third runner right there. 杰应该满足了 That"s all Jey need. 我们没事了 We"re good. 确实 For real, yo. 小子

     是洪丽吗 Shit, dawg. Hung-Lee? 随便吧 Whatever, man. 懂我意思吗

     我们得谈谈 Know what I"m saying though? We gotta talk about that. 她跟我们都不是一类人 That ain"t even in the blood though. 这样不对 Ain"t right. 别傻了

     明白吗 Stay woke. You feel me? 先跟她来一炮 Tap that ass first though. 好小子 Ah, my boy. -别闹了


     明白吗 - Get out of here. - But then leave. Feel me? 我就这个意思 Shit. That"s all I"m trying to say. 休息一下好吗 Can we just take a break please? 怎么了

     脚踝疼吗 What, your ankle? 稍等一下就好 Yeah. Just one second. -宝贝

     -有点酸痛而已 - Babe! - It"s just a little sore. 你得去看看医生 You gotta go to the doctor. 我来预约 I"m gonna make the appointment. 好多了

     有点酸痛而已 It"s getting better. It"s just sore. 好吧 All right. 真舒服 It"s nice. 我听说你昨天 I heard you hung out 跟我爸一个朋友见面了 with one of my dad"s friends yesterday. 是的 I did, yeah. Uh... 就是你♥爸♥让我一起打高尔夫的本尼迪克特 This guy Benedict that he had me golf with. 是要拉贷款还是别的 Was that for something for Valencia or? 不

     是一个小项目 No, it was a pet project. 我跟你说过的侦币 That GenCoin thing I was telling you about. 知道了 Right. 你干私活马尔西没意见吗 And Marci"s cool with you just like, doing something on the side? 没有

     只要不影响工作就行 Yeah, as long as it doesn"t interfere with work. 好的 Cool. 很好 Well, that"s good. 谈得怎么样 So how"d it go? 他不怎么感兴趣 He wasn"t all that into it actually. 他可能对拯救世界没兴趣 Guess saving the world"s not his thing. 那他喜欢什么 What is his thing? 钱吧 Money? 那你就该说点他想听的 Then I guess you just gotta tell him what he wants to hear. 让他看到其中的利益 Show him the money. 本 Hey, Ben. Hey. 你想听实话吗 You want the truth? 这实话我不能当着 And it"s a truth I can"t say 伊兹和罗纳德面说 in front of Izzy and Ronald. 更不能当着 And it"s certainly a truth that I would never, 里奥的面说 ever say in front of Leo. 侦币对我来说 GenCoin for me, 不是给阿富汗农民放贷的 it"s not about giving loans to farmers in Afghanistan 也不是政♥治♥难民的银行账户 or bank accounts to political refugees. 这些只是新时代的人 That is just something that"s a New Age hippie pipe dream 自欺欺人的空想 we like to tell ourselves 这样我们晚上才能安心睡觉 so we can feel good when we close our eyes at night. 但实际上这些事不会改变 But the truth is those things won"t change. 从不会改变

     你知道的 They never change. You know that. 这个世界就是这样 That is the way the world works. 但是投资侦币 But what GenCoin can do, as a business, 稳赚不赔 pure bottom line, 想象一下

     在美国花的每一分钱 just imagine owning a fraction of a penny of every dollar 都有一部分进你的腰包 spent in the United States. 想想看 Think about that. 拥有一种货币 Owning a piece of currency. 你知道我有多关心苏丹的孩子吗 You know how much I care about kids in the Sudan? 跟你关心猫狗的程度差不多 About as much as you care about cats and dogs. 给你个任务

     完成后可以拿回你的东西 All right, one job, you get your shit back, 我不再追捕你

     怎么样 I don"t chase you anymore. How"s that? 有个女孩 "Cause there"s this girl, see? 她把钱藏了起来 She"s hiding this money. 钱是我的 It"s mine. 她很厉害

     但没有你厉害 And she"s good, but she"s not as good as you, 所以我得靠你

     明白吗 so I have to trust you. You understand that? 我没有其他资源 I have no other recourse. 但这事干完

     我就放过你 But when it"s done, we"re done. 你可以留着你的硬盘 You get to keep your drive, 俄♥罗♥斯♥人给你的其他东西 whatever else the Russians gave you, 回台北

     新加坡或者任何地方 go back to Taipei or Singapore or wherever, 你也可以留在迈阿密

     我不在乎 or you can stay in Miami. I don"t care. 重点是

     如果你帮我做这事 The point is, you do this thing for me, 你就能得到保护 and you"ll be protected. 一劳永逸

     怎么样 Forever. How"s that? 顺便说一句

     这是承诺 That"s a promise, by the way. 一诺千金 Solid gold promise. 对 Yeah. 再联♥系♥ All right, I"ll be in touch. 给

     伙计 Here you go, fella. 给 There you go. 上膛

     上膛 Load it up, load it up, load it up. 这才对嘛

     快试试 That"s what I"m talking about. Let"s go. -来


     -你们都知道了 - Come on, come on, get some. - Y"all already know. 快试试

     兄弟 Turn up, Dawg. -大个子罗尼


     兄弟 - Big man Ronnie. - What it do, man? 好啊

     大罗尼 Oh, shit. Big Ronnie. 锡德

     你好啊 Sid, what it do? 这些就是吗 These them right here? 刚从亚特兰大运来

     无序列号♥ Fresh and clear from ATL. No serials. 不过要多花点钱 It"s some extra cash though. 杰和我会付清的 Jey and I will be squared with the shit. 没问题 It"s all good. 多亏了 G Thanks to my G right here. 小奥赚了些外快

     明白我意思吧 O pulled in some quick bills, you know what I"m saying? 必须的


     你懂的 Had to, dawg. You already know. 大罗尼说我们的钱不能流通了 Big Ronnie here say our cash ain"t liquid no more. 不过没事 It"s all good though. 周六晚上动手 It"s going down Saturday night. 我们要像点亮阿富汗那样 We gonna light up Overtown 点亮上城

     明白吗 like it"s goddamn Afghanistan. You feel me? -明白

     -我们从藏匿屋开始 - Yeah. - We"re gonna start off with the stash house though. 你儿子前几天晚上去侦察了 Hey, your little boy, he scoped "em out the other night. 他做得挺好

     做得不错 He did good. He did right. 他和小奥去监视了他们 Yeah. Him and O staked "em out. 戴维斯就在那里

     老兄 Yeah, that"s where Davis be at, man. 迦勒和他所有弟兄都会在那里埋伏 Caleb, all them niggas be up in there holed up. 等着我们 Waitin" to get us, 但我们要先下手

     明白吗 but we gonna get them first, you feel me? 周六晚上 Saturday night? 他们都会在那里

     兄弟 Their whole crew gonna be up in there, man. 一起吗 You with us? 跟我去吗 You with me? 宝贝

     你在想什么 Baby, where you at? 没什么 I"m right here. 你分神了 No, you ain"t. 他们找到了唐纳家的藏匿屋 They found them Towners" stash house. 就是袭击我们的那群人 Bunch a them that came at us. 他们杀了朱尔斯和乔尔 They killed Jules and Joelle. 杰把年轻人都煽动起来了 Jey got them young bloods all worked up. 那些小伙子跟涂易差不多大 Boys ain"t much older than Touie. 让他们带着砍刀到处跑 Got "em runnin" around with choppers 就像我们在作战一样 like we at damn war or somethin". 我们不就是在打仗吗 We are, ain"t we? 他们先动的手 They came at us. 坦

     不是吧 Tam, for real? 他们先动手 They came at us 是因为他们想挑事 "cause they trying to start some shit. 不再是为了争地盘 It ain"t about turf no more. 他们想让我们找上门 They want us to come at "em. 我们现在正中他们的圈套 And we doing exactly what they want. 你告诉过涂易 You told Touie. 记得吗 Remember? 你跟他说

     "这就是我们的命" You told him, "This the life we been given." 这里是我们的家

     宝贝 This our home, baby. 我们就是在这里养家的 This neighborhood, this where we raise our family. 你真觉得你正忙活的这事 Okay, look, you really think this thing you got 能改变我们吗 is gonna make a difference for us? 能改变我们家吗 For our family? 这得花时间

     宝贝 It"s just gonna take some time, baby. 好吧 All right. 好吧 All right. 但在那之前 But until that happens... 如果杰让你拿起砍刀 if Jey tell you to pick up that chopper 砍死上城那些杀死乔尔 and cut down them Overtown niggas that killed Joelle, 朱尔斯 that killed Jules, 把这个地方搅得翻天覆地的混♥蛋♥ that turned this whole place upside down... 那你就得担起责任 then you gonna do how you do. 好吃 Yeah. 我更喜欢巧克力 I like the chocolate more. 阿道菲托 Yeah, but see, Adolfito, 但冰淇淋跟纯香草蛋糕更配 the ice cream goes much better with the plain vanilla cake. 我同意妈说的 Yeah, yeah, I agree with Mom. 那我们为什么不做香草味 Then why aren"t we doing the vanilla? 我们在做

     爸 Oh, we are, Dad. 那你们为什么让我吃这个 Then why are you having me eat all these? 我也喜欢那个

     莫拉莱斯先生 I like that one too, Mr. Morales. 得了吧 Oh, come on. 我喜欢这小子不是没原因的 See, I knew there was a reason I liked this guy. 尝尝

     亲爱的 Okay, taste this, mija. 不了


     我不吃了 No thanks, Mom. I"m okay. 宝贝

     你是新娘 No, baby, you"re the bride. 你必须尝一下 You gotta taste it. -我知道


     -什么 - I know, but I gotta lose three more pounds. - What? 你不需要

     宝贝 No, you don"t baby. 等等

     我的心肝 Now, now, now wait a minute, corazon. 你看上去很完美 You look perfect. -谢谢爸


     听着 - Thanks, Dad. - Hey, baby, escucha. Listen. 我跟你说件事

     好吗 Let me tell you something, okay? 我在婚礼前变胖了 I gained weight before our wedding. 是吗 You did? 天天吞食烦恼 Eating my worries. 等不及要嫁给那完美可口的男人 I couldn"t wait to marry my perfect, delicious man. 我得吃个圣代才行 Think I need a sundae after that. -吃吧


     -给我 - Ven, papi. - Ya aca. 给 Ay esta. 你俩还记得 Do you girls remember 我们以前常做圣代吗 when we used to make these? 有点印象 A little. 必须要完美才行 Oh, it had to be perfect. 戴尔菲很固执 Delfi was insistent on it. 她是完美主义者 A perfectionist. -我承认

     -跟她妈一样 - Yeah, that"s true. - Like her mother. 她要将巧克力调至特定温度 No, no, she needed the chocolate to be a certain temperature. 有点过分 That was bad. 香蕉必须熟得恰到好处 The bananas to be perfectly ripe. 还有樱桃

     还记得你对樱桃的执念吧 And those cherries. You remember those cherries. 是的


     我记得 Yes, Dad, I remember the cherries. -必须买♥♥罗莎市场的樱桃

     -罗莎市场 - The ones we could only buy at Rosa"s Market. - Rosa"s Market. 罗莎家

     可惜他们关门了 Ay, Rosa"s. It was so sad that they closed, no? 我记得那天晚上 Oh, I remember that one night, 应该是戴尔菲 11 岁的生日 Delfi"s 11th birthday I think it was, 你妈为了准备你的生日派对 Mom was running around like crazy 忙得团团转 trying to get ready for your party, 当时她没时间去罗莎家 and she didn"t have time to go to Rosa"s, 所以就买♥♥了普通樱桃 so she just bought some regular old cherries. 我记得

     爸 Yeah, I remember, Dad. 戴尔菲又哭又闹 Well, Delfi threw quite a fit. "必须要他们家樱桃" "It has to be these cherries!" 行了

     爸 Oh, my god. Dad! 真的 It"s true! -你知道姐姐的反应吗

     -怎么 - And your sister, you know what she did? - What? 她摔了小猪存钱罐 She broke open her piggy bank, 骑车去罗莎市场 rode her bike to Rosa"s Market, 亲自帮你买♥♥了回来 and bought them for you herself. 这段我不记得了 I don"t remember that part. 是真的 Oh, she did. 她一直在用自己的方式照顾你 She"s always looked out for you in her own way. 她也在照顾着我们全家 And she looks out for all of us. -但你每次都讲错

     -真的吗 - But you always had the story wrong. - Really? 樱桃不是我买♥♥的

     是偷的 I didn"t buy the cherries. I stole them. 太好笑了 That"s hilarious. 她没开玩笑 It"s not a joke. 小伊

     你那个外国友人来了 Hey, Izz, your gringo"s here. 你怎么傻站在外面 Why are you just standing out there? 对了

     问他要不要吃蛋糕 Oye, ask him if he wants to try the cake. 你怎么来了 What are you doing here? 什么


     他们只是一起做项目 What? No, they"re just working on a project together. 一点小蛋糕

     妈咪 A little cake, mami. 真的 It"s true. 总金额 150 万 1.5 million. 抱歉


     我没听见 I"m sorry? I didn"t hear. I didn"t hear you. 你做了什么

     给他口♥交♥吗 What did you do, give him head? 你应该问我没做什么 What did I do? What didn"t I do? -我坚持不懈

     -我喜欢你的风格 - I persevered. - I like your style. 我也喜欢 I like my style too. 你好像不太会击掌 You don"t know how to give high fives, -不过没... -应该怎么击掌 - but that"s... - How do you give high fives? -不要...

     -刚那是更深层次的击掌 - Yeah, don"t... - I was doing more of a soul thing. -你那叫用手拥抱

     -真的 - No, you were doing a hand hug. - Yeah. 咱们去庆祝吧 Let"s go celebrate. 你想怎么庆祝 Yeah? What do you want to do? 给侦币转笔巨款吗 Transfer a lot of money to GenCoin? 好 Yeah. 转进去后

     咱们一醉方休 I want it in and then I want to get blackout drunk. 密♥码♥ -你真的很谦虚

     -我觉得 - You"re real humble. - You know like, you know, 有了这笔钱

     应该能保证项目启动了 I feel like some it, you know, I feel like this warrants it. 你说得没错

     我们去庆祝吧 Okay. You totally said it yourself. Let"s go celebrate. -你好厉害

     -好的 - You were good. - Okay. 150 万的庆祝就该这样 So 1.5., and that"s what a celebration looks like. 走吧 Let"s go! 欢迎驶入迈阿密八号♥街 知道这意味着什么吗 You know what this means? 我们有了第一个真正的投资方 We have a true first-in now. 他人脉很广

     产业合法 Someone... He"s very public, he"s legitimate, 业界声誉很好 he"s got a great reputation in the business community. 其他人看到也会想加入 Everyone"s gonna see it and they"re gonna want it. 投资会源源不断

     你等着看吧 It"s gonna be a windfall. Just watch. Just watch. 说到合法

     罗纳德怎么办 Speaking of legit, what about Ronald? 怎么了 What about him? 我们还需要他吗 Do we still need him? -你可真冷血

     -没有 - You"re cold blooded. - No! -你真冷血


     -没有 - You"re fucking cold blooded, and I like it. - No! -我们完全不需要他

     -但是你喜欢 - And we absolutely don"t need him now. - But you like it! 种子基金到账

     而他又很危险 We have the seed money and he"s dangerous. 那就把他的钱还给他 So, let"s give him his money back and... -直接走人

     -我觉得 - that"s it. - I don"t think 他不会善罢甘休 he would take kindly to that. 我也希望能这么简单 I wish it was that simple. 他的确是个累赘 I mean, yeah, he"s a huge liability. 但他也能杀了我们 But he can also kill us. 都到这份上了

     你觉得他会杀我们吗 I mean, at this point, you think he"s gonna kill us? 不会 No. 抱歉

     你没接我的电♥话♥ I"m sorry. You weren"t picking up your phone. 我有新发现

     能不能... I found something. Can I... 请进 Please. 我之前在看第二批可疑活动报告 I was going through the second batch of that SAR. 那笔钱转自伊莎贝尔的离岸空壳公♥司♥ The off-shore shell corps that the money was pulled from. 伊莎贝尔·莫拉莱斯创建这些公♥司♥的时间 Isabelle Morales opened each one of them 完全一样 at exactly the same time. 我知道

     我也查过 Yeah, I know. I looked into that too. 你查了 You did? 那你为什么没有... Why didn"t you... 因为她没有违法 "Cause she didn"t break the law. 那些公♥司♥全部合法 She opened the shell corps legitimately. 他们是用来转移投资款项 Yes, they"re for harboring investments, 但公♥司♥完全合法

     她甚至在交税 but it"s all legal and she even pays taxes on them. -真的

     -真的 - Really? - Really. 我当时跟你想的一样 I thought the same thing too though. 喝一杯吗 Drink? 算了

     你都要睡了 Oh, no. You"re going to bed. 没事


     别担心 No, believe me, I"m gonna be up late. It"s fine. -好

     -红酒可以吗 - Okay. - Wine okay? 还是咖啡吧 Maybe just coffee. 什么

     都十点了 What? It"s 10:00. 完全没影响

     一小时后照样睡过去 Doesn"t affect me. I"ll still pass out in an hour. 古巴浓缩可以吗 Oh. Well, cafecito? -在家能做吗

     -我做给你看 - You can make those here? - I"ll show you. 设备好高级 That"s some serious equipment. 从前妻手里只抢到了这个 Only thing I got from my ex-wife. 在咖啡问题上绝不妥协 Don"t mess with a man"s coffee. 可以了 All right, here we go. 一勺 One in. 好了

     你看... Oh, okay. Okay, so... 先不要碰它 you don"t touch it yet. 先用热水泡一下 You just let the... heat do its thing. 好 Okay. 现在可以搅拌了 Now we can stir. 搅拌好了

     来试试 Stir and here, try it. 我可不想把它搅混了 I don"t want to mess it up. 搅混不了

     把它搅没了就行 You can"t mess it up. Just beat the shit out of it. 搅吧 Just stir. 就是这样

     掌握好节奏 That"s it. Work up a pace. 加油

     全力以赴 Come on. Give it all you got. 我胳膊都酸了 My arm"s getting tired. 跟我前妻说的一样 Oh, that"s what she said. 可以了


     住手 All right, now you got it. Stop. All right, stop, stop, stop. 很好

     下一步 Good. Next step. 天啊 Oh, my god. -抱歉

     -不用道歉 - Sorry. - Don"t apologize. 可以这样吗 Can I do that? 好恶心 Oh, that"s gross. -你会跳萨尔萨吗

     -什么 - Dude, do you salsa? - What? 萨尔萨

     你会吗 Salsa. Do you do it? -不要

     -不要是什么意思 - Shit, no. - What do you mean "no"? 我跳给你看

     我是专业的 I"ll show you. You"re with a real pro. -我能教你

     -不 - And I can teach you. - No. -你个蠢货

     -我跳给你看 - Fucking dumbass. - I"m gonna show you. 我会跳

     只是不想跳 I know how to dance. I just don"t do it. 我觉得你在说谎 Now it feels like you"re lying. 来看看到底谁会跳

     谁需要学吧 Let"s see who knows how to dance and who needs lessons. 不要 No! -快来

     -不要 - Come on! - No! No! 舞池里见高低 Prove it on the floor! -团结

     -就是力量 - L"Union! - Fait la force! -团结

     -就是力量 - L"Union! - Fait la force! -团结

     -就是力量 - L"Union! - Fait la force! -团结

     -就是力量 - L"Union! - Fait la force! -团结

     -就是力量 - L"Union! - Fait la force! -团结

     -就是力量 - L"Union! - Fait la force! -团结

     -就是力量 - L"Union! - Fait la force! -团结

     -就是力量 - L"Union! - Fait la force! -团结

     -就是力量 - L"Union! - Fait la force! -团结

     -就是力量 - L"Union! - Fait la force! -团结

     -就是力量 - L"Union! - Fait la force! -团结

     -就是力量 - L"Union! - Fait la force! -团结

     -就是力量 - L"Union! - Fait la force! -团结

     -就是力量 - L"Union! - Fait la force! -团结

     -就是力量 - L"Union! - Fait la force! -团结

     -就是力量 - L"Union! - Fait la force! -团结

     -就是力量 - L"Union! - Fait la force! -团结

     -就是力量 - L"Union! - Fait la force! -团结

     -就是力量 - L"Union! - Fait la force! 我好饿 I"m really hungry now. 吃披萨吗 How about pizza? -在床上吃披萨

     -在床上吃 - Bed pizza. - Bed pizza. 很遗憾

     订披萨还得起身打电♥话♥ Unfortunately, that means having to make a phone call. 能让我... Can I... -有什么困难吗

     -够不到手♥机♥ - You having trouble? - Can"t reach the phone. 不行...差一点... No... almost... -要我帮忙吗

     -你根本没帮上忙 - Need some help? - You aren"t helping me at all. 你根本没帮上忙 You"re not helping me at all. -团结

     -就是力量 - L"Union! - Fait la force! -团结

     -就是力量 - L"Union! - Fait la force! -团结

     -就是力量 - L"Union! - Fait la force! -团结

     -就是力量 - L"Union! - Fait la force! -团结

     -就是力量 - L"Union! - Fait la force! -团结

     -就是力量 - L"Union! - Fait la force! 涂易

     能不能... Touie, can we just... -让开

     -涂易 - Step off. - Hey, Touie, 我要跟你谈谈 let me just to talk to you for a second. 涂易...我要跟你谈谈

     儿子 Touie... Let me just talk to you, son. -让开


     跟我...涂易 - Step off! - Touie, let me just... Touie! 涂易 Touie. 你觉得有枪就是硬汉 You think this make you tough, huh? 你觉得有枪就是硬汉了吗 Look. You think this make you tough? 有了枪你也什么都不是 This don"t make you shit. 懂吗

     有了枪你也什么都不是 You understand? This don"t make you shit. 罗尼


     去干场硬战 Ronnie! Let"s go, man! Let"s dip! 快走 Let"s go! 一起冲吗 We all goin" in at once? 不

     得放聪明点 No, we gotta be smart about this shit. 并且我还要... Plus, I"mma tell... 该死 Shit! -该死

     -有内奸 - Damn! - Someone ratted! -小心

     -该死 - Watch out! - Oh shit! 杰

     你看他们 Hey, Jey! Jey, look at them! 披萨来了 Pizza! 我在小便 I"m peeing! 来了 Coming! 菲尔在家吗 Is Phil home? 在 Yeah. 我拿到现金了 Hey, I got cash. 我重编了她的密钥 I reprogram her key. 她很快就会改回来

     我们得马上行动 She gonna change soon. We must do it now. 麦蒂

     我知道这状况不太对 Maddie, I know what this looks like. 她是谁 Who this? 她不是你女友吗 She not your girlfriend? 大家都不要紧张

     好吗 Let"s everyone just take a breath, okay? 大元来我家

     是因为他 Daewon is here because he has information 有另一个嫌疑人的信息 about another suspect. -好吧

     -很好 - Okay. - Okay. 我要和他谈谈 So, I am just gonna talk to him. 就两分钟

     不要担心 Two minutes. Nothing to worry about. 谈完后他就走

     好吗 We"re gonna have a chat, he"ll be out, okay? -好的


     -不不 - Okay. I"ll let you guys talk. - No, no, no, no. 慢着


     在这里就行 Wait, no, you don"t have to. Just... You can stay. You can stay. 大元


     我们谈谈 Daewon, come inside. I"ll talk to you for a minute. -我走了

     -为什么 - I"m gonna go. - Why? -我要走


     走什么 - I"ll go. - No. Maddie, why? -我要走


     -麦蒂 - I"m gonna go, Phil. - Maddie. -放开我


     拜托 - Let go. - Maddie, Maddie, please, I... 拜托

     不要逼我 Come on. Don"t make me do this. -逼你干什么

     -我不会让你走 - Do what? - I"m not gonna let you leave 我跟他谈谈就好 because I just need to talk to him. -我要走

     -你不能走 - I"m leaving. - No, you"re not. 别这样

     这太荒唐了 Come on. This is crazy. -是的

     -太荒唐了 - Yeah. - This is crazy. -是的

     -你不能走 - Yeah. - You"re not going. -我要走


     麦蒂 - I"m going. - You"re not going, Maddie. 干什么

     放开我 What are you doing? Get off me! -别这样



     你干什么 - Come on! Maddie! - Phil, what are you doing? -麦蒂


     菲尔 - Maddie, just... - Let go! Stop, Phil! 不行 No!

    推荐访问:第一季 剧本 第四集

    • 读/观后感
    • 精美散文
    • 读书笔记
    • 演讲
    • 反思
    • 方案
    • 心得体会