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    时间:2020-08-31 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    走着 Yeah. 该死 Shit! 天哪 Holy shit. 也许枪里确实有颗真子弹 Maybe there was a bullet in there. 你真坏 You"re a bad man! 凯文

     冷静 Kev, chill out. -现在谁是疯子了

     -他妈的 - Who"s the lunatic now? - Motherfucker! -不不不不不不

     -天哪 - No, no, no, no, no, no, no. - Oh, my God. -乔什


     -这太扯淡了 - Josh, stop. - This is bullshit! -不


     -你♥他♥妈♥想杀了我 - No, buddy. - You"re trying to fucking kill me! 你脑子有毛病吧 What"s your problem? 我已经跟你道过歉了 I already apologized to you. -什么时候


     -我以为我道过歉了 - When? When did you apologize? - I thought I did. -这个...

     -你以为你道过歉了 - Well... - You thought you apologized? 你知道吗

     或许我会向你道歉 You know what? Maybe I would apologize to you 如果你把我的项链还给我的话 if you gave me back my necklace! 说出来了吧

     说出来了吧 There it is. There it is. 你知道是我拿走了项链

     所以你就想杀了我 You knew I took the necklace, so you tried to fucking kill me! -你就承认吧

     -凯文 凯文


     冷静 - Just admit it, man! - Hey, Kev. Kev, Kev, Kev, Kev. Just chill out. 我们只是在胡闹而已


     好吗 We"re all just goofing around. We"re just having a little fun. Okay? 没人受伤

     没人受伤 Nobody got hurt. Nobody got hurt. 你们是在开玩笑是吧 Oh, it was a goof. 没错

     玩玩而已嘛 Yeah, it"s a goof. -你们这么一说


     -是吧 - Well, now that I know that, I guess I feel better. - All right. 你知道这是在开玩笑吗

     乔丹 Did you know it was a goof, Jordan? 这个


     好吗 You know what? I don"t know, okay? -就是...


     -你不知道 - It was... I-I don"t know. - You don"t know? 我不参与这事 I"m staying out of it. -现在你要置身事外了是吧

     -没错 - Now you"re staying out of it. - Yeah. 这样吧 You know what? Okay. 现在大家都有点上头 Everybody"s tempers are a little hot right now. 或许咱们可以休息一会儿 Maybe we could all just take a break, -休息五分钟

     -咱们休息一下 - maybe take five. - Let"s take a break. 咱们喝点水

     吃点牛肉干... We drink some water, we have some beef jerky, we just... -过会儿咱们再碰头好吗



     可以 - We reconvene in a bit, okay? You cool? - I"m cool. I"m cool. -我没问题



     抱一下 - I"m cool. Give... - Come on. Give him a hug, man. -来抱抱



     我不...不 - Give me a hug. Give me a hug. - I don"t... I don"t... No. 来吧


     兄弟 Come on. I love you, man. -真美好


     -我爱你 - That"s beautiful, right? - I love you. -你怎么会爱我


     -怎么会吗 - How do you love me? How? - How? 爱这件事还需要理由吗 How does anybody love anybody? 什么 What? -这话很深刻

     -好问题 - That"s profound. - It"s a good question. 第一季

     第八集 猫胆虫威 我们会想你的 We"re gonna miss you, big guy. 我也会想你的 I"ll miss you, too, baby. 现在他终于让我们见天日了

     搞得好像我们有自♥由♥一样 Now he"s letting us see daytime as if we"re free. 我从没说过你们不许离开 I never said you weren"t allowed to leave. 你想象力有点丰富啊

     伙计 You got a little bit of imagination there, buddy. 我记得我的车之前就在这里 Well, I remember my car used to be here, 但现在我的车正躺在山沟底 but now my car is at the bottom of a ravine. 这大概也是我想象出来的吧 Guess I"m imagining that, too? 这国家吸毒的人可多了 Yeah, well, you know, this is meth country. 可能几个瘾君子把你车偷走兜风去了 Probably a couple of tweakers going for a joyride. -是啊


     -他们会回来的 - That"s right. I forgot. - They"ll be back. 瘾君子们都喜欢开车

     这事我老忘 Tweakers love to drive. I keep forgetting. 我还以为咱们已经冰释前嫌了 I thought we were gonna be cool, baby. -是啊


     -我很冷静啊 - Yeah. What about that? - I am cool. 听着 Hey, look. 我知道这对你来说不容易 I know this has been tough on you. 但再撑几天就结束了 You only got a couple days left. 我的建议是

     尽可能的学学这家伙的智慧 My advice, take as much wisdom as you can from this guy. 然后玩得开心点 And just have some fun. 嗯


     乔什 Yeah. Thank you. Appreciate you, Josh. 再见

     凯文 See you, Kev. -我爱你


     -我也爱你 - I love you, man. - I love you, too, man. 乔丹 Jordan. 你这是什么反应 What the fuck was that? 哈特探员 Agent Hart. 我想告诉你点事 I want to tell you something. 我不太想听

     罗恩教练 I don"t really feel like dealing with it, Coach Ron. 真子弹的事情我很抱歉 Look, look, I"m sorry about the live bullet, man. 真的对不起 I really am. 我想要的就是这个 That"s all I wanted, man. 我只想要一个道歉 All I wanted was an apology. 我知道 I know. 你这句话对我意义重大 You saying that to me makes the world of difference. 抱歉我之前说你... I"m sorry that I accused you of... 试图杀我和其他人 of trying to kill me and other people. 来抱抱

     谢谢你 Now, give me a hug, man. Thank you. 谢谢 Thank you. 二位 Guys? -怎么了

     -那是什么人 - Yeah. - Who is that? -天哪

     -该死 - Holy shit. - Oh, shit! 该死 Oh, shit! -进去

     -他妈的什么情况 - Get inside! - What the fuck was that? -快进去


     -该死 - Come on! Now! Goddamn it! - Oh, shit! 该死 Oh, shit! 那是个炸♥弹♥啊 It"s a bomb! 到底什么情况 What the hell is happening? 罗恩

     我不知道有这场戏 Hey, Ron, I-I don"t know this scene. 这场戏在剧本的哪里 Where is it in the script? 剧本上他妈的没有 It is not in the fucking script! 不不不

     告诉我你在开玩笑 No, no, no. Tell me you"re kidding. 告诉我那只是特技 Tell me that was just a stunt! 告诉我我们没有目睹乔什·哈奈特被炸死 That we did not just watch Josh Hartnett explode! 这不是特技

     剧本里没有这段 It is not a stunt! It is not in the script. 乔什·哈奈特死了 Josh Hartnett is dead! 天哪

     我搞砸了 Oh, God, I fucked up! 我搞砸了 I fucked up! -到底什么情况


     好吧 - What the fuck is going on? - Shit. Okay. 到底什么情况 What the fuck is going on? 好了


     别生气 Okay, Kevin, don"t-don"t be mad. 别生气

     但这整件事 Don"t be mad, but this whole thing, 除了刚刚乔什·哈奈特遭遇的意外以外 aside from what just happened to Josh Hartnett, 都是有剧本的 has-has been scripted. 你这口音怎么回事 What the fuck is that accent? 我之前的口音是装出来的

     抱歉 I was acting! I"m sorry! 我不是芝加哥人

     我来自埃塞克斯 I"m not from Chicago! I"m from Essex! 演员本人确实是英国埃塞克斯人 克劳德·范德维尔德想要你最真实的表演 Claude Van De Velde wanted you at your most authentic, 所以他在这里藏了一堆摄像机 so he-he hid a bunch of cameras in here 来拍下我们演角色

     做特技的全过程 to film us playing roles, doing the stunts, all of it. 但刚刚发生的事并不在剧本之中 But whatever just happened wasn"t part of it, 简直他妈疯了

     罗恩 which is fucking insane, Ron! -他妈的

     -他妈的 - For fuck"s sake! - For fuck"s sake? 这就是你要对我说的吗 That"s what you want to say to me? 他妈的 For fuck"s sake?! -用你正常的口音说话

     -好吧 - Talk in your regular voice. - All right, that... 不行


     我现在脑子一团乱 No, I"ve lost it now. I"m in my head! 谁会这么做

     哪个正常人会对别人做出这种事 Who does that?! Who does this to somebody? 该死 Shit! 操 Fuck! 该死

     你没事吧 Oh, shit. You okay? 天哪

     我真是个大傻♥逼♥ Oh, God, I"m such a fucking idiot. -我当时怎么想的啊

     -到底什么情况 - What was I thinking? - What the hell was that, man? 你想知道什么情况吗 You want to know what the hell is going on? 废话

     我当然想知道 You"re goddamn right I want to know what"s going on. 我买♥♥了些毒品 I bought some drugs. 我把毒品卖♥♥给了错误的人 I sold them to the wrong people. -什么

     -然后罗德里戈就开始冲我发火 - What? - And Rodrigo got mad at me. 然后我们就开始争执 And we got into a fight, 然后我就不小心杀了他 and then I accidentally killed him. -所以你确实杀了罗德里戈

     -没错 - So you did kill Rodrigo! - Yeah. 我就说他杀了他 I told you he fucking killed him. 还有那条项链

     那条项链是他的 Yeah, that necklace? That necklace was his necklace. 我真是个可怕的人 I"m a horrible person. 我会直接下地狱 I"m going straight to hell. 人贵有自知之明 You"re goddamn right you"re going to hell. -你去哪儿

     -克劳德 - Where are you going? - Claude! -你要去哪儿


     -克劳德 - Where are you going, Ron? - Claude! 克劳德


     立刻报♥警♥ Claude, if you"re watching, you call the cops right now. 快他妈报♥警♥ You call the fucking cops. 威尔考克斯先生 Señor Wilcox! 该死 Oh, shit!

     我侄子的尸体在离这里四英里的地方被冲上了岸 My nephew Rodrigo"s body washed up four miles due south of here! 这不会是巧合吧 A coincidence, no? 我给你两分钟时间

     不多不少 I"m gonna give you two minutes, exactly dos minutos 让你出来

     像男人一样面对我 to bring your ass out here and face me like a man! 如果你不出来

     我就烧了这里 If not, I"m gonna set fire to the building 把你烧成猪油渣 and burn you like a chicharrón. 你给我振作点 Snap out of it! 我做不到

     全完了 I can"t. It"s over. 听着

     你这个混账 Listen, you motherfucker. 这就是为什么不该让男人掌管任何事 This is why men shouldn"t be left in charge of anything! 我努力了一辈子 My career is just now becoming the thing 我的事业才终于有点起色 that I have worked my entire life towards! 我才不要因你而送命

     你个白♥痴♥ And I"m not dying because of you, you fucking idiot! 反正大家都会死 Well, we-we"re all gonna die! 该死 Oh, shit. 搞什么 What the fuck, man? 大家都他妈冷静点 Everybody got to calm the fuck down! 这些都是空包弹 They"re all blanks. 看着我 Look at me. -别打我


     我不会打你的 - Don"t hit me. - What? I"m not gonna hit you. 当我第一次踏进那扇门的时候 Look, when I first walked through that door, 你告诉我说"凯文" you told me, you said, "Kevin," 你说

     "动作明星靠的不是脑子" you said, "An action hero is not in here." 你说

     "靠的不是脑子" You said, "It"s not in here." 你说靠的是心 You said that it"s here. 靠的是你的心 It"s in your heart. 确实

     你犯了错 Now, granted, you done made some mistakes. 并且错误之一包括了 And one of those mistakes involved 杀害了某个毒枭的侄子 murdering the nephew of some kind of a drug lord. -天哪

     -别激动 - Oh, God! - Okay, hey, hey. Hey, man. 我杀了人... I killed... 我这些话无意让你难过 I"m not trying to fucking upset you, man. Listen. 我知道你知道... I know that you know... 我知道你知道你的心里有着一个动作英雄 I know that you know that there"s an action hero in there. 我知道一个真正的动作英雄 And I know that a true action hero 应当坚韧

     自信 is-is-is tough, is confident, 有的小细节能扰乱平常人 and they"re unfazed by the minor details 但他们却不为所动 that disrupt your average layperson. 男子汉敢作敢当 They will take responsibility for their shit. 你就出去

     告诉他们真♥相♥ You go out there, and you tell the truth, man. 把他妈的真♥相♥说出来 Tell the fucking truth! 说罗德里戈的死是个意外 Say Rodrigo"s death... say it was an accident. 说那是个意外

     然后把这个... Say it was a fucking accident, and give them... 把这个给他们 give them this. 给


     说你想解决问题 Here, you give them this, say you want to make things right. -我会解决问题的

     -你只需要这么做 - I"m gonna make it right. - That"s all you got to do. 你就说



     我搞砸了" Say, "I want to make it right. I"m sorry. I fucked up." -我搞砸了

     -"我想说出真♥相♥" - I fucked up. - "I want to tell the truth." -我想说出真♥相♥

     -就是这样 - Want to tell the truth. - That"s it. -我犯了错


     听着 - I-I made a mistake. - Okay, listen. 你只需要成为

     你想在世界上看见的 All you got to do is be the action hero 那种动作英雄 that you want to see in the world. 谢谢

     谢谢你 Thank you. Thank you. 说出真♥相♥吧 Tell the truth, man. 一语点醒梦中人啊 That was amazing. 朋友们

     朋友们 Amigos, amigos. 和平

     和平 Peace. Peace. 和平 Paz. 天哪

     好像真的有用 Holy shit, I think it"s actually working. 凯文

     你刚刚是不是救了我们的命 Kevin, did you just save our lives? 不 No. 我只知道当英雄就意味着要敢作敢当 I just know that being the hero means owning up to your mistakes. 我在自己的人生中学到了这一点 I had to learn the same thing in my life. 我只是很高兴罗恩也能明白这一点 I"m just glad that Ron can learn the same thing, too. 该死 Oh, shit!

    推荐访问:第一季 剧本 第八集

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