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    时间:2020-12-08 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    创业公♥司♥ 前情回顾 我想拿回我的钱

     伊莎贝尔 I want my money, Isabelle. 你的钱很安全 Your money"s safe. 尼克投资了一家创业公♥司♥ Nick"s invested in a startup. 拉斯克探员 Agent Rask? 我是特别探员玛德琳·皮尔斯 Special Agent Madeline Pierce. 幸会

     如今安德鲁·塔尔曼才是重点 Pleasure. Today"s all about Andrew Talman. -那笔钱谁给你的

     -我爸 - So who gave you that money? - My dad. 他通过他的银行洗钱 He launders money through his bank. 我发誓永远不会成为那种人 I swore I would never be that person. 今天差这么点就失去你了 This close to losing you today. 你杀我们一个

     我们杀你十个 You kill one of us, we gonna kill ten of y"all. 剩下的我们明天补齐 We"re gonna get the rest tomorrow. 不用了

     我要成为合伙人 No, you"re not. I wanna be your partner. 我们还需要八百万才能启动侦币项目 We still need $8 million to get GenCoin on its feet. -我认识很多人

     -他也是 - I know a lot of people. - And so does he. 为什么不给他个机会 Why not give him a shot? 两


     前 老天 Jesus Christ. 传球

     三防一 Pass to... three on one. 直逼球门

     射门 Takes it down to the net, shoots. 欢迎

     朋友 Welcome, my friend. 你要喝一杯吗

     把杯子给我 Please, would you like a drink? Give me the glass. 你喜欢这妞

     这妞不错吧 You like this girl? This is a good girl, huh? -她叫卡瑞娜

     -大元在哪里 - Karina. - Where"s Daewon? 大元

     没听说过这号♥人 Daewon? I don"t know who this is. 瓦迪科

     你知道 Vadik, you do. 想知道我怎么知道的吗 You know how I know? 说说看 Tell me. 因为自从上次我来过这儿之后 "Cause after the last time I was here, 我回到办公室


     等待 I went back to my desk, I watched, and I waited 直到 400 万美元从德意志银行不翼而飞 until four million US suddenly vanished from Deutsche Bank 又在从马来西亚到维京群岛的 and magically reappeared in six different shell companies 六家不同的空壳公♥司♥神奇地出现了 from Malaysia to the Virgin Islands. 爽 Oh yes. 我重新追踪了每一笔 I retraced each one of them... 转账的地点和方式 where it moved, how it moved. 我能想到的只有一个人 And there"s only one person in my mind 能够这么干净利落地转走这么多钱 who could manage all of that so quickly, so cleanly. 大元 Daewon? 他不在这里

     看看周围 He"s not here. Look around. 我的人追踪 IP 地址到这里 My guy traced the IP address back here... 就在今天早上 this morning. 我的朋友

     你看上去是个工作认真的人 You, my friend, look like someone who works very hard, huh? 或许你应该放松一下 Maybe you should have a little fun. -卡瑞娜归你


     别这样 - Please, take Karina. - Don"t do that. Don"t do that. 我说了别这样 I said don"t do that! 别这样 Don"t do that. 行 Sure, okay. 什么事 What? What? 联调局的


      Feds. We have to go now. 还有两分钟

     马上好 Two minute, almost done. -证明给我看

     -看什么 - Show me. - Show you what? 证明他不在这里 That he"s not here. Show me. 你有搜查令吗 Do you have a warrant? 放聪明点 Be smart. 快走吧 Let"s go! 每次你来

     都逼我给你情报 Every time you come here, you bust my balls for information, 我都给你了不是吗

     不是吗 and I give it to you, don"t I? Don"t I? 快点

     走吧 Come on, hurry. Let"s go! 别收拾了

     快点 Put it away. Come on. 快走 Let"s go. 趴下 Get... get down! 手背后 Arms! 天啊 Jesus. Yeah. 创业公♥司♥ 第一季

     第三集 很不幸

     我 Unfortunately, I-I-I... 我得辞了这里的工作 I have to resign here. 那好吧 Okay. 好吧 Okay. 还真没想到 Wasn"t expecting that. 这世上一半的人没办法使用银行业务 You know, half this world ain"t got access to banking. 你要是去苏丹鸟不拉屎的村子里 You go to some messed up village in Sudan 那里的人连个子儿都没有 where a nigga ain"t got two coins to rub together, 但我跟你保证

     他还有台手♥机♥ guarantee you, he still got a cell phone. 谢谢你见我 Thanks for making it. -什么时候来的

     -周六 - When"d you get in? - Saturday. 午餐晚餐连轴转

     只有 It"s... it"s lunches, dinners, and just... 午餐和晚餐 Lunches, dinners. 听着

     我知道你们贩毒很赚 Look, I know the powder been good to y"all, 但现在 2016 年了 but it"s 2016. 联调局早晚端了那玩意儿 The feds are locking that shit down. 是时候换个营生了 It"s time to start looking ahead. 我还有 20 万学生贷款 I got like $200,000 in student loans, 每天利息都在涨 I have interest climbing every day, 我都说不出当初为什么要贷款 and I can"t even justify why I got "em in the first place. 所以比特币 So, the difference between 和其他加密货币与这个的区别 BitCoin and this and other cryptocurrencies 在于我们的最好 is that we have the best one. 而且我们比最好的还要好 And I know that we have a better than the best one, 我们绝无仅有

     而且 we have "the" one, and... 品质和等级经得起时间考验 quality and class tells over time. 数字货币

     不受政♥府♥控制 Digital currency. Free from government. 你有这个就够了 All you need is this here. 我们已经在短时间内募到了 220 万 We"ve actually already raised 2.2 million very fast, 我们还需要 800 万来全面启动 and we"re looking for an additional eight to launch. 你的团队是什么样的 So, what type of team do you have? 我们刚刚开始组建团队 We"re just starting to assemble that, 所以目前团队正在建立中 so the team is being built as we speak. -好吧

     -泰勒怎么说 - Okay. - What does Taylor have to say? 你跟她说了吗 Have you talked to her about it? 我们之间这阵子挺太平的 Things been quiet between us for a minute, 所以这不是跟你抛橄榄枝什么的 so this ain"t no olive branch or nothin" like that. 在商言商

     你懂吗 Straight up business. You feel me? 我们打算在营销和公♥关♥上投入 530 万 Um, we are gonna put 5.3 towards marketing and PR. 这些投入的目标一向是 The goal with these things always has to be 在启动前获得更高的关注度 to generate a massive awareness before the launch. 我只想知道你有没有兴趣 I just wanted to see if you wanted to 成为这个大事业的创始人之一 get in on the ground floor of something big. 看看这个

     别紧张 A"ight, check this out. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. 你的公♥关♥专长

     恕我直言 Your PR expertise and, to put it bluntly, 你的公♥关♥资源前途无量 your PR capital would go a long way, 因为我们想在这方面投很多钱 "cause that"s what we want to put a lot of the money into. 加密货币

     你觉得呢 Cryptocurrency. What you think? 我会让我的手下看看她的代码 I"ll have some of my guys take a look at her code, 我们会

     我们会在几周内 and we"ll just... we"ll... we"ll circle back 跟你联♥系♥的

     好吗 in a couple of weeks, okay? 我这么跟你说吧

     一定要联♥系♥我们 Well, here"s what I would say. Definitely do that, 但越快越好 but the sooner the better, 只因为我们的进展非常快 only because we"re moving very, very fast... -失陪



     祝好 - I"m sorry. I gotta go. - All right. Feel better. 你以为你能大摇大摆地来忽悠我们 Come up here, think you gonna take us for some sorta ride? 我只是来给你一点建议 I"m just offering you a little piece. -仅此而已


     -想都别想 - That"s all, my nigga. - Ain"t gonna happen. 资金供给 这就是那种 This the kinda game, 让波多黎各人像古巴人一样富起来的办法 bring the Puerto Ricans up like the Cubans? 这家公♥司♥无疑是货币的未来 This company is truly the future of currency. 幸会 It"s a pleasure. 我还有别的门路

     你们别担心 I got plenty more trees to shake. Y"all don"t fret. 没关系 No, it"s fine. 我们等 2056 年启动吧 We"ll just launch in 2056. 娘们

     这才过了几天 Bitch, it"s only been a few days. 真的

     我们可是"未来的货币" Truly, "the currency of the future." 那你呢

     一家子移♥民♥来的 Yeah, what about you? A family of dry foots? 我家没钱

     我以为我已经告诉你了 Family doesn"t have money. I thought I told you that already. 但他们总认识有钱人吧

     不是吗 Yeah, but they know some folks that do. Ain"t that right? 我不能这么做 I can"t do that. 最开始你给尼克他爸的 30 万呢 What about the first three you gave Nick"s dad? -你拿不到更多了吗

     -更多 - You can"t get more? - More? 那 30 万已经是全部了 That first three, that was everything. 我们整个街区

     全部的家当 Our entire hood, that was our stash. 不是我们哪一个人的

     是所有人的 Ain"t come from one of us. Came from all of us. 如果你再给我点时间

     我可以 But you gimme some time, I can... 我能搞定 I can make shit work. DR 的人和我们

     我们要结盟了 The DR"s and us, we working on an alliance. 那是什么 What"s that? -一个帮派

     -什么是 D - The gang? - What"s the D...? D

     不行 The D... No. 不

     不能再用黑帮的钱了 No. No more gang money. 我们要做的是合法生意 This is supposed to be a legitimate business. 是吗


     你的 Oh yeah, South Beach, "cause your... 你的种子基金看起来还真是合法呢 Your seed money looking real legit right now. -那不一样

     -有什么不一样 - That is different. - How is it different? 它


     就是不一样 It"s... just trust me, it"s different. 你抬杠呢你 Boy, you are tripping. 罗纳德

     我们要你做合伙人 Ronald, we made you a partner 是因为你保证拉来更多的投资 because you"d secure more investors! -让他成为合伙人

     -给力点 - Made him a partner - Man up! -是因为他拿枪指着我的头

     -尼克 - "cause he hit me in the head with a gun.

     - Nick! 对

     你要是管不住嘴 Yeah, I"ll do it again, 我还会再指一次

     小子 you don"t watch your goddamn mouth, son. 看见没 All right, you see? 我不需要那样 I don"t need that. -我不...


     白佬 - I don"t... - You just gonna walk away like that, white boy? -对


     -某个什么 - Yes! I don"t need some, some... - Some what? 继续


     小白脸 Go on. Spit, South Beach. 直接把"黑鬼"说出来不就完事了 Just say "Nigga," Be done with it. -老天



     不 - God, I was not gonna say that! - No! No! -听着

     -帮个忙 - Listen! - Do me a favor. 事情不是这样的

     闭嘴 That"s not what this... shut up! -除非没有人再来

     -你要来真的吗 - Let me know when there"s no one - Are you for real right now? 威胁我还有我的家人 making threats to me or my entire family. 我们才能谈公事 We can talk about business. 等你有种了再说吧 Let me know when you grow a sack of nuts. -还说


     伊兹 - Really? - Listen, I believed in GenCoin, Izzy. -我仍然相信


     -尼克 - I still do, but not like this. - Nick. -像这样是行不通的

     -尼克 - Not if it"s gonna be like this, no. - Nick. 我们要这废物还有什么用 Do we even need that cracker? 你个混♥蛋♥ You"re an asshole. 是

     他们还没有 Right, well, they didn"t 正式确认

     不是吗 confirm yet officially, though, did they? 老实说

     我觉得干脆所有椅子都不要了 Y-y... honestly, I think we can just scrap the chairs altogether. 人们最多会在外面待个 5 到 10 分钟 People are gonna be out there for like five, 10 minutes tops. 是的

     我们就不要了 Yeah. No, let"s-let"s, uh, let"s just scrap it. 好吧

     祝你愉快 Umm... okay, have a good one. 再见 Bye. 很抱歉 Hey, sorry about that. 周六的活动规模比我预期的大多了 This thing on Saturday"s gotten way bigger than I expected. 这是好事才对

     是你♥爸♥的聚会 No, it"s good. Your dad"s thing? 是

     他的筹款活动 Yeah, his fundraiser. 我想能不能要你加入他的四人组 I was thinking about putting you in a foursome with him. -真的

     -我是说你 - Really? - I mean, you 如果不想去的话完全不用勉强 totally don"t need to go if you don"t want to. 我就是不太想他 I just don"t want him 帮我介绍工作或什么的 to try and hook me up with a job or anything. 我理解

     但他就是这样 I know, I know, but look, that"s my dad, okay? 他只会通过这方式 It"s literally the only way 来表达对别人的关心 he knows how to show people he cares about "em. -他喜欢你


     他并不喜欢我 - He likes you. - No, he doesn"t. -他喜欢


     他不喜欢 - Yes, he does. - No, he doesn"t. 相信我

     和另一个尼克比起来 Trust me, compared to other Nick, -就那一身纹身

     -别和我说 - all those tattoos... - Don"t talk to me -另一个尼克

     -如果你真的不愿意去 - about other Nick. - If you really don"t want to go, 那就别去了 you don"t have to. 我还以为你会想多结交些人呢 I just thought you might want to rub some elbows. 我去 I"ll go. -你确定

     -确定 - You sure? - Yeah, absolutely. 我总得找到自己的圈子 I just gotta find my clubs, 学着当个种族主义者 gotta learn how to be racist. 你真好 Oh, that"s so sweet. 谢谢你为我做这些 Thank you for doing that for me. 不用谢 You"re welcome. 顺便说下

     我又"性"致盎然了 I"m open for business again, by the way. -我也是

     -是吗 - So am I. - Oh, really? 谁啊 Who is that? 你约了人吗 Are you expecting someone? -没


     -你确定 - No. Are you? - Are you sure? 没 No. -只是


     -别管他 - Just... damn it. - Ignore it. -别管他


     -该死 - No, come on. - Damn it. -不



     等一下 - No. Babe. - No, one second. -让我



     -宝贝 - Let me just... I think I know. Let me... - Babe. Babe. -不要


     -等我一下 - Don"t. No. - Just wait for me. -尼克

     -不能在这说 - Nick. - Not here. 我们车里见

     车里见 I"ll meet you in the car. I"ll meet you in the car. 你不能就这样出现在我家门口 You can"t just come to my house. 你来我家干什么 Why would you come to my house? 打电♥话♥更不安全 The phone would"ve been worse. 没人跟踪我

     我敢肯定 N-no one followed me, I made sure of it. 你给我的钱是谁的 Whose money did you give me? 那是谁的钱

     你不是说是你的吗 Who else"s money was that? You said it was your money. 我都不知道我淌进了什么浑水 I had no idea what I was walking into! 有人找过你吗 Did someone talk to you? 是的

     有人找我谈了 Yeah, someone talked to me! 罗纳德跟我谈过了 Ronald talked to me! 我们交谈甚欢 We had a very nice talk! 天啊

     那个海地人吗 Oh Christ, the Haitian? -他来找你了

     -他可把我拖进大沼泽 - He came after you? -He dragged me out to the fucking Everglades. 你看我脑袋 Look at my head. -他想杀了我


     不要 - He was about to kill me! - It"s cracked. Don"t... 然后联调局的人也来我办公室了 Then the FBI came to my office. 可想而知有多糟了 Guess how much that sucked. -是拉斯克探员吗


     你朋友吗 - Was it an Agent Rask? - Yeah, a friend of yours? -你跟他说什么了

     -我什么都没说 - What"d you tell him? - I didn"t tell him anything, 但他从我脸上都看出来了 but he could see it all over my face. 那就没事

     你做得很好 It"s okay. You did good. 我可不像你这么游刃有余 I"m not well-versed in this like you! 听着

     他 Look, he... 他不会对你做什么的

     好吗 he won"t do anything to you, okay? -他不能

     -他可是联调局的 - He can"t. - He"s FBI! 和拉斯克的事说来话长 It"s... complicated with Rask. 就这样说吧

     他 Just put it this way, he... 他不是你想的那种人 He"s not what you think he is. -你还好吧

     -我可没盯着她看 - You doing okay? - I wasn"t looking at her. 你需要什么吗 You need anything? 我想要你别冷落我了 I need you to stop ignoring me. 好吧 Sure. 抱歉让你久等了 Sorry it took me so long. 这里晚上 10 点了还堵车 There"s still traffic here at 10:00? 你喝什么 So, what do you drink? -不


     -你不喝酒吗 - Umm, no, I"m okay. - What, you don"t drink? 我工作时不喝酒 Not when I"m working. 纳特


     谢谢 Nat? Two Zippers. Thanks. 在这里我们寓工作于娱乐 Here we mix business with pleasure, 否则就没时间消遣了 otherwise there"s no time for pleasure. 他那边进展怎么样 How"d he get on? 实际上比我想的要顺利 Actually, better than I thought. 我跟踪了尼克 I tailed Nick, 因为我觉得你说的也许是对的 "cause I was thinking you"re probably right. 如果我从贝莱德信托基金那里 If all the accounts I grabbed 查到的账户冻结了 from BFO went cold, 那安德鲁就只能通过另一个庄家 then the only way Andrew could"ve moved the money -转移款项


     我说过 - was through another banker. - Yeah, I told you. -他在惹火上身

     -没错 - He"s pissing himself. - Right. -还有

     -这是什么 - And also... - What"s that? 他的朋友还真多样化 Diverse group of friends he"s got. 这是什么 W-what is this? 他们在海滩上开联♥合♥国♥会议吗 A UN meeting on the beach? 谢了

     纳特 Thanks, Nat. 老天 Oh, Jesus. -这是什么

     -这就是奇珀酒 - What is this? - This? It"s a Zipper. -请用

     -看起来像一杯龙舌兰加啤酒 - Enjoy. - It looks like a shot of tequila and a beer. 是挺像的 It kinda does, huh? 祝你健康 Salud. 你没事吧 You all right there? 没事 Yeah. 这姑娘叫伊兹·莫拉莱斯 The girl is Izzy Morales 海厄利亚来的

     没有前科 from Hialeah, no priors. -目前只知道这些

     -查查那个黑人 - That"s all I"ve got so far. - Find out who the black guy is. 纳特 Oh, uh, Nat? -请再来两杯



     等等 - Two more, please. - Wait. No. Wait. 要等你等吧


     纳特 No, you wait. Thanks, Nat. 你真是个麻烦鬼 You"re trouble. 他们都这么说 That"s what they say. 你不如干脆 Why don"t you just... 你不如干脆给他们想要的 why don"t you just give him what he wants? -因为钱不是我的

     -我知道 - "Cause it"s not my money! - I know that. 不管怎样我都是死路一条 I"m screwed either way! 我要是不逃就得去蹲监狱 I can run or go to jail! 或许你就该去蹲监狱 Maybe you should"ve gone to jail then! 尼克

     你手里头是一颗定时炸♥弹♥ Nick, you are holding onto a time bomb. 你必须把钱转到我给你的账户 You"ve got to move it into that account I gave you 不然别人就... before somebody else... 我拿去投资了 I invested it. 你拿去投资了 You invested it? 对


     Yeah, in a startup, 一家叫侦币的小技术公♥司♥ small tech company called GenCoin. 全部 220 万吗 All 2.2 million? 我以为或许我可以 I thought maybe I could... 我以为我可以用那笔钱做点好事 I thought I could do something good with that money! 你得拿回来

     尼克 You"ve gotta get it back, Nick. 那笔钱不是你的 That money isn"t yours. -也不是我的

     -我知道 - It wasn"t mine either! - Yeah, I know. 你该把它转移的

     你该把钱放到 You were supposed to move it. You were supposed to put it... -我没有



     -该死 - Well, I didn"t, did I? I didn"t! - Shit. 你还是不明白 You still don"t get it. 你总喜欢觉得自己非常正直 You like to think you"re so... righteous 这么多年来从不拿我的钱 all these years, never taking my money, 但并非因为这是脏钱 but it wasn"t because it was dirty. -是吗

     -是 - No? - No. 你就是想泄愤 It"s out of spite. 这让你觉得怎么样 So... where"s that gotten you, huh? 有什么效果 How"s that working out? 明天所有钱都会到账

     海地人的除外 Money"ll all be there tomorrow, all but the Haitian"s cut. 这是我最后一次跟你说话 It"s just gonna be the last you"ll ever hear from me. 给 Here. 你真是天使 Mmm. You"re a saint. 我闻到培根的味道 I smell bacon. 因为确实有培根 That"s "cause there is bacon. 挺多的

     你饿了可以吃 There"s plenty if you"re hungry. -我今天上白班

     -我帮你打包 - I work the day shift today. - I"ll box it up for you. 我真不饿

     谢谢 I"m not hungry, really. Thank you. 好贴心 It"s sweet. 伊莎贝尔 Isabelle? 帮我弄下电脑

     亲爱的 I need help with my computer, mija. 别对我发脾气

     都快中午了 Look, don"t get all grumpy with me. It"s almost noon. 我忙了个通宵 I worked all night. 是啊

     工作相当努力吧 Yeah, it must"ve been hard work, 把你♥爸♥的喜力啤酒都喝光了 drinking all of your father"s Heineken. 伊兹 Hey, Izzy. 你要玩"俄勒冈小道"吗 You trying to play "Oregon Trail"? 一款西部冒险游戏 -什么


     这电脑跟我一样大了 - What? - Ma, this computer"s as old as me. 行吧

     听我说 Okay, look, 我想把这个视频发给海蒂 I"ve been trying to email this video to Heidi, okay? 之前从来没出过问题 I never have a problem with it. 对


     起开 Well, right, obviously. Move. -你在干什么

     -什么都没干呢 - What are you doing? - I"m not doing nothing yet. 这破玩意儿脑梗了 This shit"s having a damn aneurysm. 我去开 I got it! -小伊


     戴尔 - Hey, Izz. - What, Del? 有人找你 Someone"s here for you. 他怎么说

     So, what"d he say? 这个


     他想要回去 Uh, well, he-he... he needs it back. 多少

     How much? 所有的

     除了罗纳德的 30 万 All of it, except for Ronald"s 300. 那是 Look, it was... 你想吃点东西吗 Do you wanna get some food or something? 吃东西

     是什么 Food? It was what? 好好好

     很显然 Okay, okay, okay, obviously, 我没对你百分百坦白 I wasn"t 100% transparent with you... -明摆着的

     -一开始没有 - Clearly! - In the beginning. 还有一件事情我忘了说 And there was one other thing that I neglected to mention, 就是 which is... 我应该说的

     我绝对应该说 And I should"ve. I definitely should"ve, 一周前有个联调局的人来我办公室 but this FBI guy came to my office a week ago 找我爸

     显然还要找那笔钱 looking for my dad and apparently the money, 所以我们肯定得还回去 so we should just definitely give it back. 你不认为 Don"t you think that 你一开始就跟我坦白这堆破事吗 you should"ve been straight up with me about shit like this? 是的

     我当然应该说 Yes, of course I should"ve. 肯定的

     我非常抱歉没有说 Of course, and I"m... I"m very sorry I didn"t. 我不想坐牢

     尼克 I"m not going to prison, Nick. 你肯定不会坐牢 No, of course not. 你都毫不知情

     很容易摆平的 Look, you didn"t even know. This can go away. 我们只要把钱还回去

     行吗 We just have to give it back. Okay? 还回去就行 That"s all we have to do. 我们把钱还给我爸 We give the money to my dad, 联调局的人找到我爸 FBI guy finds my dad, 他去坐牢

     我们就没事了 he goes to jail, we get left alone. -真冷血

     -说来话长 - That"s cold. - Well, it"s a long story. 那我又从零开始了 So, I"d be back at zero. 不

     不是的 No. No, no, no, -因为我们还有 30 万

     -我们是谁 - "cause we would still have the 300... - Who is we? 我还是很想参与这个事业 Well, I would still very much like to be involved. -参与什么

     -公♥司♥ - Involved in what? - In the company! -参与我的公♥司♥吗

     -是的 - In my company? - Yes! 你不过是个穿着西装给我投钱的人 You are a guy in a suit who gave me cash! 行


     行吗 Okay. Okay. Put the money back, I"ll be on my way, all right? -祝你找到新的筹款人

     -筹款人 - And good luck finding another fundraiser. - A fundraiser? -对

     -你毛都没筹到 - Yes. - You didn"t bring shit to the table! 才不是

     我有很多好人脉 Actually, no, I have a lot of good leads. 你有个毛才对 Actually, you have dick! 行


     你♥他♥妈♥随便 Fine. You know what? That"s fucking fine. 你留着 Keep... 你想坐牢吗 You want to go to prison? 你想活着看到侦币流通吗 Do you want to be around to see GenCoin through? 那你就得把钱还回去

     明白吗 Then you have to give the money back, all right? 你是答应了吗

     你会还回去 So, is that a yes? Are you gonna give it... 你会还到账户里去吗 Are you gonna put it back in the account? 好

     我会把那收拾干净 Okay, I would like to clean that up... -滚出去

     -好 - Get out! - All right. 你可以等一下的 Oh. You could"ve waited. -我正要...


     我不想你 - I was gonna come... - No, I... I just didn"t want you 一整天都带着这个 to have to carry this around all day. -请进

     -谢谢 - Come on in. - Yeah, thanks. 算是小小的 It... it"s just a little... 接风礼

     我一直打算做点什么 welcome gift. I"ve been meaning to do something, you know? -朗姆酒吗

     -不是普通的朗姆酒 - Rum? - Not just any rum. 那是海地五星品饮朗姆酒 That there is Haitian five-star sipping rum. 八年窖藏

     这里真的很不错 It"s aged eight years. This is really nice. -看上去很贵

     -也没有那么贵 - It looks fancy. - Oh, it"s so not fancy. 但很好喝 Tastes good, though. 现在你可以寓工作于娱乐了 Now you can mix business with pleasure. 对啊

     谢谢 Right. Thank you. -怎么

     -没什么 - What? - Nothing. 走吧


     我们走 Okay, come on. Get your shit, let"s go. 好 Right. -再等我一下

     -好 - Just give me one sec. - All right. 密♥码♥ 侦币文件夹 资产负债表 你确定要转账到这个账户吗 转账进度 完成度 余额 转账金额 汽车旅馆 尼克 可用余额 明天继续吗 Same tomorrow? 明天我不会再来了 Not gonna be here tomorrow. 卡门

     多谢你陪我 Thank you, Carmen, for... keeping me company. 对我来说意义非凡 Meant the world. 公♥寓♥待售 你真行

     比分快追上了 You the man. I ain"t got that much left in the tank. -防守


     -我们上 - Defense! Defense! - Let"s go. 玩得开心


     谢谢 Enjoy. Thank you. Thank you. 怎么


     谢谢你们过来 What"s up, family? Thanks for coming out. -给你


     非常感谢 - There you go. Hey. - Thanks. Thank you very much. 真感动


     玩得开心 Oh, how touching. Thank you. Enjoy it. -你好吗



      - What"s up, Lance? - Big Ronnie! 你好吗

     好哥们 What"s going on, baby? 兄弟

     很高兴见到你 Oh, bruh. Hey, man, good to see you. 很高兴见到你 It"s good to see you. 至少有十年

     十五年了吧 It"s been, what, 10, 15 years at least, right? 你看上去还是很不错

     兄弟 You still looking good, bruh. 不


     靠膝盖和脚踝 No, man, 10, 15 years 干个十年十五年可不好受 on the knees and ankles ain"t that good. 又见到你真好

     兄弟 Damn, it"s good to see you, bruh. 我也很高兴

     哥们 Good to see you too, dawg. 能占你几分钟时间吗

     哥们 Hey, can I holla at you for a minute, dawg? 来吧


     一整天都行 Come on, man. Come on. All day. -坦怎么样


     挺不错 - How"s Tam doing? - She a"ight, she good. She good. -已经生了两个

     -真的 - Got two now, you know? - No shit? 我记得很久之前见过你的儿子 I remember meeting your boy a long time ago. 对

     他叫涂桑 Yeah, Toussant. 没错


     对吧 That"s right. You brought him to a game, right? 是啊

     你当时来跟热队打 Yeah, you was in town against the Heat. 他闹着非要下到场边

     当时才五岁 He got to go down to the floor, he was five years old, 都快把他激动疯了 blew his goddamn mind. 你来找我♥干♥什么

     罗 So, what you got for me, Ron? 你说你想帮大伙儿过上好日子 You said you"re trying to help the neighborhood out? 你想给我看什么

     说说 What you got for me? Come on. 好吧

     看看这个 All right, check this out. 你投资了房♥地♥产♥

     都是来钱的生意 You in the real estate game. That"s a solid game. 人人都知道

     这是最保值的一行 Everybody know it. Safest game there is. 但这个市场没有未来 But it ain"t what the future about. 加密货币 Cryptocurrency. 这才是未来 That"s the next game. -你说什么

     -我说的是一种新的货币 - What you talking about? - I"m talking about a new currency. 不受管制


     没有腐♥败♥ Unregulated, untaxed, incorruptible. 不隶属于任何政♥府♥或经济体 Not part of no government or economy, 因为它本身就是一种经济体 "cause it"s its own economy. 能让小海地的男女老少 Give every man, woman, and child in Little Haiti, 让全世界的人都有公平的竞争环境 across the world, a level playing field. 看看这个 Check this out. 假设你现在要沿着我们的道路向上爬 Pretend like you one of us coming up the way we done come up. 一心想快点混出个男人样 You a boy fixing to become a man, right quick, 努力打入工商界 trying to go into business for yourself 而不是沦落到街头贩毒 instead of slinging rocks. 你能从哪里贷出一笔贷款来 How you supposed to lock down one of them loans? 银行不会理你

     你根本没有信用积分 Bank ain"t gonna touch you. You ain"t got no credit score. 拼了命才能从头来过 Breaking your back to get even. 而在侦币

     你就能直接申请到那笔钱 GenCoin. You can apply for that money right here. 这笔贷款完全不关乎另一方的利益 A loan that ain"t got nothing to do with profit on the other end, 因为你不是在向企业借钱 because you not borrowing from a corporation, 也不是在向银行借钱 you not borrowing from no bank. 你是在向货币本身借钱 You borrowing from the currency itself. 真正属于人♥民♥的货币 A currency owned by the people. 你又磕嗨了吧

     兄弟 You smoking that pipe again, man? 你知道我不嗑药的

     哥们 You know I ain"t for that, dawg. 我说正经的

     兄弟 Shit is serious, dawg. 是啊

     你真的清楚 Yeah, yeah, you know what it takes 建立这种东西需要投入多少吗 to put something like this out there? 我们已经有了启动资金 We already got the seed money, 但我还是想先给 but first I figured I"d give 一些人趁早加入的机会 some folks the opportunity to get in early. 我就觉得可以找一些自己人 I figured, shit, it might be somebody from the hood. 你是来找我要钱的

     是这么回事吧 You come here to ask me for money? That"s what"s up? 我是来给你一次良机

     哥们 I came here to offer you an opportunity, dawg. 我来告诉你我要怎么办 I"m gonna tell you what I"m gonna do. 你拿着这钱回家找坦和两个孩子 You take that home to Tam and the kids... 然后你就尽你所能 and you do whatever you need to do 让生活回到正轨 to get your life back on track. 去买♥♥套好衣服 Go buy yourself a nice suit, 找份好工作 apply for a real job. 我不是来求你施舍的

     哥们 I ain"t for no charity, dawg. 你是把我当傻子吗 What, you think I"m a sucker? 你知道每天有多少穷光蛋 You know how many broke-ass niggas 敲我的门伸手找我讨钱吗 come knocking on my damn door every day with their hands out? 来给我做推销

     扯什么 Trying to sell me a bullshit line 所谓的商业机会 about some business opportunity? 你不是这样的人

     罗纳德 You better than that, Ronald. 至少我之前这么认为 Shit, at least I thought so. 一会见 See you later. 好极了


     布拉特 Awesome. Thank you, Brett. 谢谢

     知道那个海地人的身份了 Thank you. Got an ID on the Haitian. 罗纳德·达西

     海地帮的头目之一 Ronald Dacey, major player with the LH7. 好吧

     安德鲁·塔尔曼 Hmm. Okay, Andrew Talman... 他半辈子都在洗钱 Been doing this half his life. 但他的儿子没有前科

     据我们所知 But his son has no priors, no previous experience 也从未干过这类事 in this kind of thing as far as we know. 可能他只是紧张而已 Maybe he was just nervous. 很多人见着警♥察♥都会紧张 Most people get nervous like that, 即使他们根本没干什么 even if they haven"t done anything. 不是

     我能区分紧张和说谎 Nah. I know nervous, and I know liars. 他肯定隐瞒了些事情 He"s hiding something for sure. 也许他只是在隐瞒 Maybe that"s all he"s doing. 他可能知道些什么 He could know something, 而且只是在保护他的父亲 and he"s protecting his dad, 但不一定是在帮他处理钱 but it doesn"t mean he"s helping him with money. 来

     我给你看点东西 Come on, let me show you something. -耐斯特


     兄弟 - Nestor! - What"s up, my man? -现在可以吗

     -我们走 - Good to go? - Let"s do this. 好的 All right. 请止步 禁区

     闲人免进 你妻子怎么样 Hey, how"s the wife? 她挺好

     把我给甩了 Ah, she"s great. She left me. 多谢


     不会很久的 Thanks, Nestor. Won"t be a minute. 你随意 Long as you need. 我们来这干什么 What are we doing? 你在迈阿密待了多久

     有两周吗 How long you been in Miami now? Is it... two weeks? -三周


     好吧 - Three. - Three? Right. 首先你要知道

     迈阿密这个地方 Well, the first thing you gotta understand is that Miami 是一座脏钱的避风港 is a haven for dirty money. 弗罗里达的宅地豁免政策 Florida"s homestead exemption 意味着那些金融罪犯 means that white-collar criminals 可以把钱全投入房♥地♥产♥ can dump all of their money into real estate 政♥府♥也没法碰一分钱 and the government"s not allowed to touch any. -就算他们已经定罪了

     -就算... - Even if they"re convicted. - Even... -我知道

     -很好 - I know. - Good. 很好

     现在注意听 Good. Now, pay attention. 那里当然就是迈阿密滩 Here we got Miami Beach, obviously. 而我们在这里看到的所有的房♥子 But all these houses that we can see from here, 我敢说有百分之十八是用赃款买♥&heats;的 I would say about 18% of them, bought with dirty money. 很多钱就是通过那里转来的 A lot of that money flows from over there. 布里克尔

     迈阿密繁华的新兴金融区 Brickell, Miami"s shiny new financial district. 你以为华尔街的交易脏

     老天爷 You thought Wall Street was sleazy? Jesus. 去看看布里克尔的近期文档吧 Try pulling a few recent files on Brickell. 除了被视为赃款圣地 Now, as well as being a mecca for unclean wealth, 迈阿密流入的枪♥支♥

     毒品和豪车 Miami is also bringing in more guns, drugs, and hot cars 比东海岸的其他城市都要多 than any other city on the East Coast, 主要都是从那里的迈阿密港来的 mainly through Port Miami just there. 最近那里基本被古巴人控制着 These days it"s largely controlled by the Cubans. 说到这里

     我带你去看 Speaking of... Let me show you. 在迈阿密也生活着 Miami is also home to 全美国最多的移♥民♥ more immigrants than anywhere else in the US. 到明年

     这里一半的新生人口 Next year, half the babies born in this city 都将来自移♥民♥家庭 will be born to immigrant parents... 多米尼加人

     海地人 Dominicans, Haitians, 尼日利亚人

     俄♥罗♥斯♥人和中国人... Nigerians, Russians, Chinese... 不胜枚举

     而在所有的移♥民♥之中 The list goes on. But of all those populations, 有一类人取得了 the one group that has climbed 极高的社会经济地位 the socioeconomic ladder startlingly well 就是古巴人

     比如在比斯坎湾那些房♥子 is the Cubans. Like those houses out on Biscayne Bay? 那些豪♥宅♥

     很多都是古巴人名下的 The big ones? A lot of that is Cuban coin. 而至于他们的根源

     他们兴起的地方 But their roots? You know, where they started? 在这里

     你看 Over here. Look. 看到了吗

     中间有座公园的那一片 See that? With the park in the middle? -看见了

     -那里是海厄利亚 - Yeah. - That"s Hialeah. 古巴以外最大的古巴人社区 Biggest population of Cubans outside of Cuba itself. 大家都把那里视作小哈瓦那 Everyone thinks that"s Little Havana, 不过那只能算作迷你版的 but that"s just the postcard version. 要是想看看真正的古巴就得过河去 You want the real Cuba, you gotta cross the river. 而海地人

     就大不相同了 Now the Haitians... Oy, that"s something different. 古巴人来时... Unlike when the Cubans came here... 政♥府♥允许他们避难

     欢迎他们过来 They"re granted asylum, they"re welcomed in... 而海地人来时却遭到拒绝 The Haitians come, they"re told to go back. 因此

     留在这里的人都备受压♥迫♥ So, anyone who does stay is going to be persecuted, 毫无尊严

     并被赶到了那片地方 demeaned, relegated to this patch of land 195 号♥州际公路后面就是小海地 just across the 195 there. That"s Little Haiti, 迈阿密戴德郡中

     就数那些人 some of the most desperate people...

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