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    时间:2020-12-08 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    我是说 我们早都习惯这种检查了 但是 I mean, we"re all being very grown-up about this, but... 如果感到不舒服请告诉我 Let me know if you feel any discomfort. 噢没有 棒极了 谢谢你 Oh, no, it"s lovely, thank you. 你父亲跟我说了你们的家族遗传史 Your father informed me of your family history. 是吗 坏咪♥咪♥真是到处都有 Yeah, evil boobs everywhere. 麻烦你抬手 Arm up, please. 快别摁了 Stop it! 抱歉 我有点怕痒 I"m sorry, I"m just ticklish. 今早我给你的姐姐做了检查 Examined your sister this morning. 真的吗 她有没有 Did you? Does she... 她还好吧 她看起来没什么事吧 Is she all right? Did she seem all right? 她没事 怎么了 Yes. Why? 呃 因为我联♥系♥不到她 Erm, just... can"t get hold of her. 她看起来很忙碌 She seemed very busy. 是啊 Sure. 老爸每年都给我们预约一次乳♥房♥♥检查 Dad books us boob appointments once a year, 确保我们没有像老妈一样得乳腺癌 to make sure our tits don"t turn on us like Mum"s did. 虽然有点麻烦 不过忙了一天以后 It"s a bit of a hassle but, at the end of the day, 被这样温柔地摸几下感觉还不错 it"s nice to be touched. 但是你更想检查克莱尔对吧 Bet you look forward to seeing Claire. 她更加有料 你懂吧 A lot more to touch, if you know what I mean. 我很抱歉 还有更糟的工作呢 I"m sorry. It"s just... there are worse jobs. 听着 呃 Look, erm... 我帮病人检查乳腺是否有恶性肿瘤 ...I check for cancerous lumps in mammary glands. 那么 我能不能从这份工作中 Now, any pleasure I derive 获得任何愉悦之情 from that is entirely dependent upon whether 完全取决于我能不能救你的命 or not I am about to save your life. 当然了 医生 Of course, Doctor. 你可以穿上衣服了 You can put your clothes back on. 伦敦生活 嘿 Hey! 嘿 Hey! 嘿 Hey! 嘿 Hey! 她来了 She"s here. 她来了 She"s here. 她来了 She"s here. 我在外面等了你差不多十分钟 I"ve been waiting out here for nearly 10 minutes. 我在外面等了你差不多十分钟 I"ve been waiting out here for nearly 10 minutes. 我在外面等了你差不多十分钟 I"ve been waiting out here for nearly 10 minutes. 是啊 你把我丢在那个破冥想山庄 Yeah, you left me on a fucking Silent Hill. 是啊 你把我丢在那个破冥想山庄 Yeah, you left me on a fucking Silent Hill. 是啊 你把我丢在那个破冥想山庄 Yeah, you left me on a fucking Silent Hill. 没错 我没有别的办法 你回来以后还好吧 Yes, well, I had to. Did you get back OK? 没错 我没有别的办法 你回来以后还好吧 Yes, well, I had to. Did you get back OK? 天啊我好紧张 God, this is so stressful. 悼念老妈的午餐 Mum"s memorial lunch. 我应该穿另一件外套来的 I should have worn my other coat. 对于克莱尔来说看望老爸就像下地狱一般 Visiting Dad is hell for Claire. 我顶多把这当成一项运动 I see it more as a sport. 她这种日子还待在我们家真的太不合规矩了 It"s so inappropriate that she should be here. -你跟马丁说话了吗 -没有 没事 我们都很好 - Have you spoken to Martin? - No, it"s fine. Everything"s fine. -一切都好极了 -听起来真好 - Everything"s totally fine. - It sounds like it"s fine. 你能给我点空间吗 Can you please just give me some space? 站得离我太近了 You"re standing so close to me! -准备好了吗 -没有 - Ready? - No. 先别跟老爸说芬兰的事 还有就是别惹她 Don"t tell Dad about Finland. And don"t provoke her. 我还想活着出这个屋呢 好吗 Let"s just get out of this alive, OK? 孩子们 Girls. 给她点面子 嗨 Got to hand it to her. Hi. 噢 你们不用带东西来的 Oh, you shouldn"t have. 噢 这个其实是买♥♥给老爸的 Oh, they"re actually for Dad. 噢 是小苍兰吗 Oh, are they freesias? 是啊 老爸挺喜欢它的 Yeah, they were sort of a favourite of... 噢 天呐 真特别 Oh... Gosh, how special. 好极了 真的太美了 How lovely. Aren"t they stunning? 嗯 那我们就把它放到 Aw, let"s just leave them... 这里吧 ...there. 真好 Lovely. 进来吧 Come in. 老爸在那里锯什么 Who"s Dad sawing in half? -噢 就是那棵树而已 -什么 - Oh, just the tree. - Sorry? 后园的树 The tree in the back garden. 为什么要把树锯掉 Why are you taking the tree down? 噢 费利西蒂想爬树逃出去 Oh, Felicity tried to use it to get out. 她很贵的 She"s very expensive. 外套不错 This is nice. 谢谢 Thank you. 噢 这件真漂亮 Oh, this is beautiful! 我希望你们不介意我在家里 I hope you don"t mind my being here, 我的普拉提课今天不开课 所以 but my Pilates fell through, so... -噢 当然不介意 -不会 这样也很好 - Oh, of course. - No, it"s lovely. 今天是个悲伤的日子 It"s a sad day. 非常非常悲伤的日子 A sad, sad day. 我去拿香槟 I"ll get the champagne. 这是我最喜欢的部分 This is my favourite bit. 我在想谁会先开口 I wonder who"s going to... 这个垫子真好看 That"s a lovely cushion. 谢谢 这是原创的 Thanks. It"s an original. 天啊 Gosh. 我喜欢你的帽子 I love your hat. 这是发带 It"s a hair scarf. 看起来像顶帽子 Looks like a hat. 好吧 这是发带 Well, it"s a hair scarf. 好吧 Ok. -马丁来吗 -噢 他不来 - Is Martin coming? - Oh, no. 他不在家 He"s away. 我很期待见到你的新男友 I"m very excited to meet your new chap. 他是不是 Is he... 噢 不不 是另一个 Oh, no, he"s a different one. 唔 Ooh. 你翻篇很快嘛 You do turn over fast! 老爸马上就会拿着奇奇怪怪的小菜进来了 Dad will come in with some weird canapes in a second. 孩子们 Girls! -你们好啊 -嗨 - Hello. - Hi. -嗨 你好 好啊 - Hi. - Hello... yeah. 很抱歉让你们听到那些噪音 Sorry about all that noise. -你们拿酒了吗 -噢 - You got a drink? - Oh... 噢 不好意思 Oh, sorry. 我忘记拿你的杯子了 I forgot your glass. 你们看起来都很健康 You"re both looking very healthy, very... 很好很健康 very good and healthy and... 你们跟塞缪尔斯医生谈论你们的 Did you talk to Dr Samuels about your...? 是的 Yes. 它们还好吧 跟你们相处 And they"re happy, getting along... 愉快吧 ...all right? -是的 -是的没错 很好 - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. Great. 那就好 很好 Good. Excellent. 你们是我的 You are my... 女儿 ...daughters. -没错 -是的 嗯哼 - Yep. - Yes, mmm-hmm. 是啊 我们是你女儿 Yeah, we are. 坐下吧 Sit down. 呃 Erm... 我觉得我应该对你们的母亲说几句话 I think I should say a few words about your mother. 无视我 无视我 无视我 Ignore me. Ignore me, ignore me. 今天可不一般 This day is not an easy one. 噢 Ooh! 干杯 Cheers. 敬妈妈 To Mum. 敬妈妈 To Mum. 敬玛格丽特 To Margaret. 敬爱的玛格丽特 Dearest Margaret. 最慷慨的女人 Just the most generous woman. -是啊 她绝对是 -是的她很伟大 - Yeah, well, she certainly was... - Yeah, she was great. 那是 It was... 那是她用来 It was the voice she used... 唤鸽子的声音 for the pigeons. 她总让她们听起来很粗鲁 你知道吗 She always made them sound so rude, you know? 但是 非常非常搞笑 But very, very funny. 她经常带女儿们去公园 然后指着那个 She used to take the girls around the park and point at the... 松鼠的声音最搞笑 The squirrel voices were the best. 跑 Run...! -跑啊 妈的给我跑啊 -跑跑跑跑 - Run! Fucking run! - Run-run-run-run-run! 跑跑跑跑 Run-run-run-run! 是啊 是啊 我前夫也是这样的 Yes, yes, my ex had a similar thing, 做搞怪的声音 人特有趣 voices and fun. 非常 非常有趣的一个男人 Really, really funny man. 非常有趣 Really funny. 我能帮你一起做菜吗 Can I help you with the food? 好啊好啊 我该 Yes, yes, I should... 把外套脱下来 And take that off. 你要去芬兰吗 So, are you going to Finland? 你早晚都要跟我说的 You"re going to have to talk to me eventually. 辫子 Plaits. 她要么是来大姨妈了 要么就是有坏事发生 Either she"s got her period or some serious shit"s gone down. 她总是在来大姨妈的这段时间举止怪异 She always does something slightly different around her period. 她有很严重的经前紧张症 She gets really bad PMT. 老妈以前说那是她一月一次的信心危机 Mum used to call it her monthly confidence crisis. 但是那其实是经前紧张症 But it"s PMT. 她唯一能熬过这个时期的办法就是 The only way she can get through it is to reinvent herself 在一些细微的方面改造她自己 in some small way. 干什么 What? 我正在这个沙发垫上面尿尿 I"m doing a wee on this cushion. 什么 What?! 还真有点希望你这么做了 I sort of wish you were. 你这是在干什么 What are you doing? 物归原主 好吗 Just put it back where you got it from, OK? -不行 -快去 - No! - Just do it. 我不想把它留在我家 I don"t want it in my house. 我在帮你一个大忙耶 I"m doing you a massive favour. 她完全有可能因为这个跟你翻脸 She could really go to town on you for this. 得了吧 她能把我怎么样 给我画幅画吗 Come on, what"s she going to do? Draw me? -去 -不去 - Go. - No. 好好好 Ok, ok, ok, ok, ok... 老天爷啊 Jesus! 为什么我们要鬼鬼祟祟的 Why are we sneaking? -因为我们不准上楼 -我们当然可以 - We"re not allowed upstairs. - Of course we are. 天啊 God... 我总是想不起来她还蛮有才的 I keep forgetting that she"s actually talented. 我知道 气死人了 I know, it"s infuriating. 快放回去 Go on, then. 她的头在哪 Where"s her head? 有胸就够了 不需要长脑子 She"s got your boobs, she doesn"t need one. 好吧 Ok... 好了 嘿 OK. Hey... 你还好吗 Is everything OK? 你和马丁 With Martin? 你今天还邀请别人来了吗 You"ve invited someone today? 对啊对啊 超级性感 Yeah. Yeah, he"s horrifically hot, 等你见到他会吐的 you"re going to puke when you see him. 你来大姨妈了吗 Are you on your period? -为什么要问这个 -辫子 - Why would you ask that? - The plaits. -就想问问 -快说 - No reason. - Say it. 辫子 The plaits. 嘿 Hey... 你觉得她会画老爸的裸图吗 Do you think she"s ever painted Dad naked? 我觉得你还是 I think you should take 少管点别人的家务事 your nose out of other people"s marriages. 噢 偷偷跑到这里来了是吗 Ooh! Sneaking a preview, are we? 抱歉 我的香槟洒了 Sorry, I spilled my champagne and... 去卫生间的路上就突然想上来了 I got distracted on my way to the bathroom. 我也是 Me too. 这些作品很漂亮 It"s really beautiful work. 谢谢 Thank you. 我带你去卫生间吧 Let me show you to the loo. 噢 不用麻烦你 Oh, that"s all right. 我在这里长大的呢 I grew up in this house. 不过现在都变样了 It"s all changed now, though. 你♥爸♥爸在厨房♥里 Your father"s in the kitchen. 噢 太好了 Oh, great. 那我去厨房♥折磨他一下 I"ll go and torment him. 他讨厌单独跟我待在一个房♥间里 He hates being alone in a room with me. 看我的 Watch this. -嗨 老爸 -噢 - Hi, Dad. - Oh! 呃 噢 Uh... oh... 啊 嗯 Ah... erm... 我要 I just need some... -我要一点 -你需要什么 - Just need... need some... - What do you need? 盐 salt. 就在那里呢 There it is. 噢 Oh. 就在这呢 是啊 Here it is, yeah. 那么 呃 So, erm... 你最近怎么样 亲爱的 ...how are you, darling? 你的衣服 Have you got enough... 够不够啊 clothes? 我的衣服怎么买♥♥都不够 I can never have enough clothes. 咖啡店怎么样了 And how is the cafe? 呃 还好吧 过几天租期就到了 Erm... Well, the lease is up in a couple of days, and... 但是我真的支付不起了 I don"t think I can really afford to... 我想我只能接受事实了 I think I"m just going to have to... accept that it"s... 我也感到很抱歉 亲爱的 I"m sorry about that, darling. 但是 当然了 But, of course, we"re just 我们的钱也比较紧张 a little bit tight on the purse strings, too. 噢 不是 我没有想问你要 Oh, no, I wasn"t asking you for any... 我们一直没怎么跟你们说 其实我们已经 We"ve just been keeping it quiet. We haven"t been able to... 买♥♥不起什么或者做什么了 而且 to buy anything or do anything, and... 噢 Ooh... 这是什么 What"s that? 噢 那个啊 那是 Oh, that? That"s just a... 我们在法国 tiny little house we"re... 买♥♥的 呃 we"re buying in, erm... 一座小房♥子 ...in France. 真不错 Lovely. 嗯 我 Yeah. I... 我想和你谈下 I just wanted to talk to you... 这次的展会 ...about this exhibition. 什么展会 What exhibition? -哦不 -天哪 老爸 不是吧你 - Oh, no! - Jesus, Dad! Again? 不 不要啊 快捡起来 捡起来 Oh, no, it doesn"t... Pick it up, pick it up! 快帮我捡起来 快 求你了 Help me pick these up. Please, please! 可不能让她看见 She mustn"t see it. -千万不能被她发现 -好的 好的 - She mustn"t find out. - OK, OK... 五秒钟规则大♥法♥好[食物掉在地上不超过 5 秒是可以吃的] Mmm, five second rule. 不 我可从来不相信这个规则 No, I have never bought into that rule. 真是太恶心了 It"s disgusting. 你们在干嘛呢 What are you doing? -噢 只是家庭小传统而已啦 -噢 - Oh, just a little family tradition. - Oh. 有意思 你们刚说什么规则来着 What odd fun. What are the rules? 噢 谢天谢地 一定是你男朋友来了 Oh! Thank God. That"ll be your man. 我想说 我并不是想炫耀啦 但是 I mean, I didn"t want to show off, but... 天啊 Gosh... 你真是太帅了 You really are... 你们是怎么认识的 So, how did you two meet? 他操过我菊花 Fucked me up the arse. 我以前是开酒吧的 然后 I used to manage a bar, and I... 有天晚上发现她 just found her crying, 在厕所哭得很伤心 in the toilet one night. 那你们俩呢 你们俩怎么认识的 How about you two? How did you two meet? 我妈介绍的 Through our mother, actually. 克莱尔 最近工作怎么样 How"s work, Claire? 噢 挺好的 Oh. Fine. 也没什么特别的 Nothing new. 她以前是我们的教母 She used to be our godmother. 我现在也还是啊 Still am. 但是后来他们的父母离婚了 But then their parents split up... 妈妈去世了 Mum died. 然后我们就变得更亲密了 And we just became even closer friends. 你知道吗 我身为一个艺术家 还是忍♥不住想说 Actually, you know, and I can say this because I"m an artist, 你真的长得好帅啊 but you really are very good-looking. 谢谢 Thank you. 真的好帅 Very. 谢谢你 Thank you. 太帅了 Very. 谢谢 Thank you. 我的意思是 未免也 I mean, almost... 太帅了点 ...too good-looking. 不介意的话 Well, if you"ll excuse me, 请允许我去下卫生间 I"m going to go and do that old human thing. 展会进行得怎么样了 How"s the exhibition going? 啊 对了 对了 呃 Ah, yes, yes, erm... 我正想和你说这个事呢 I wanted to talk to you about that. 是在讨论我吗 Talking about me? -是啊 你太帅了呀 -我发誓 我们都在说你的好话呢 - Very favourably. - All good things, I swear. 噢 那这次呢 Oh, and again... -你找到要举办展会的会场了吗 -什么展会 - Have you found a venue? - What exhibition? 谢谢你的关心 Thank you so much for asking. -其实 我们 -呃 - We have, actually... - Erm... 其实 我想和你们说下 There are some elements of the work that I, you know, 这个展会作品的部分元素 I wanted to talk to you about. 其实这是个性展会啦 It"s a "Sexhibition." 但是 不要慌 其实也没什么的 But, don"t panic, it"s nothing scary. 只是一些我的身体变化历程和性生活经历啦 It"s simply a journey through my physical and sexual life, 一些高♥潮♥作品都是受到你父亲的激发 climaxing in a few pieces 也是以你的父亲为模型而创作的 inspired by and moulded on your father. 还有一些照片 And there are photos. 在这过去 30 年里 I"ve taken a photo of my 每年我都会拍一张裸照 naked body every year for the past 30 years. 为什么 Why? 因为我想让各个年龄段的女人们 Well, I think it"s important for women of all ages to see how 来好好看看我的身体在这些年来发生了什么变化 my body has changed over the years. 这很有意义 因为她们会因此对我的身体 I think they have to have a healthy perspective 有一个健康的态度 on my body. -对吧 -噢 嗯 是的 - Don"t they? - Oh, erm, absolutely. 我想说 其实我没必要和你们说这个啦 I mean, I don"t need to tell you, 但你们的父亲真的是个非常性感的男人 but your father is a deeply sexual man. 噢 我不想听 No, you don"t. 可她刚刚已经说了啊 Just did. -我也知道了 -我真的是太幸运了 - Knew it. - I"m just very lucky. 我会被这样的人一直爱抚 I will be touched 直到我死去 until the day I die. 你也是 克莱尔 And so will you, Claire. 我是说 基本所有人 I mean, it"s really all that humans want... 都渴望被爱 is to be loved... 被爱抚 ...and to be touched. 呃 Erm... 克莱尔 和老爸说说你升职的事吧 Tell Dad about your promotion, Claire. 没什么好说的 There"s nothing to tell. 什么升职 What promotion? -她要去芬兰 -噢 - Finland. - Oh! -怪地方 -然后呢 - Odd place. - Any news? 没了 No. -她得到了 -噢 - She got it. - Oh...! 要不要这样 Fuck"s sake! 恭喜你呀 克莱尔 Congratulations, Claire. -谢谢 -真是了不起的姑娘 - Thank you. - Clever girl! 能不要这样吗 Can we not? 真是件令人开心的事 This is so exciting... 不过她准备拒绝 She"s turning it down. -为什么 -为啥 - Why? - Why? 为什么 为什么啊 克莱尔 Why, why not? Why, Claire? 克莱尔 难道你怀孕了吗 Claire, are you pregnant? 为什么要放弃升职加薪当上白富美的机会 Why aren"t you getting on a plane to your gold rich future? -这不是你一直追求的吗 -为什么 - This is everything you"ve worked for... - Why...? 因为我总不能直接拍拍屁♥股♥ Because you can"t just 坐上飞机就走 丢下奇怪的继子 fuck off on aeroplanes, and leave your weird 和心碎的妹妹不管不顾吧 stepson and broken sister to fend for themselves, OK? 失陪一下 Excuse me. 她是你的姐姐 妹妹惹姐姐生气是很正常的事 She"s your sister, it"s your job to annoy her... 不不不 我只是在生自己的气 No, no, I"m just so annoyed with myself! 我多希望我可以 I wish I could just... 坦诚面对我自己 meet myself and just... 好好骂骂我自己这个蠢货 have a go at myself! 来啊 尽情骂啊 Do your worst. 放马过来吧 小婊砸 Come on, bitch! 你不把你自己当回事 You don"t take yourself seriously. 噢 真不行 Ooh... pussy. 你应该和家人好好沟通 You need to reach out to your family. 不要再去惹你的姐姐了 成熟点好吗 You need to stop provoking your sister, just grow up. 还不认真把自己当个女强人是想怎样 You do not take yourself seriously as a businesswoman, 你♥他♥妈♥必须得自己还账了 好吗 you need to pay your fucking bills, you need to be 要对希拉里友善点 还有 你真该去买♥♥顶新帽子了 nicer to Hillary and you need to get a new hat! 好点没 Is that better? 嗯 好多了 Yeah, it"s better. 好了 Ok... 你走吧 Off you go. 这家里的艺术品 The art work in this house is... 让人感到震惊 stunning. 这些都是谁的作品 Who is it? 如果我告诉你 你能来参加的我的性展会吗 If I tell you, will you promise to come to my sexhibition? 不是你的作品 It"s not your work... 你会来吗 Will you come? 那将是我的荣幸 It would be an honour. 你的小餐馆怎么了 How"s your little restaurant? 是咖啡店 It"s a cafe. 噢 你不用强行补刀的 Oh, don"t do it a disservice. 我没有啊 就是咖啡店啊 I"m not. It"s a cafe. 噢 抱歉 Oh, sorry. 没事 It"s fine. 没事 It"s fine. 你父亲说你最近过得很艰辛 Your father tells me you"re struggling. 呃 谁不是呢 Well... I think we all are. 噢 确实 Oh, well, yes. 但是 我想说 现在只就剩下你一个人了 But, I mean, now there"s only one of you... 天哪 我都不敢想象你到底是怎么过来的 God, I can"t imagine what you"ve been through. 不好意思 有什么是我不知道的事吗 I"m sorry, have I missed something? 她的好闺蜜死了 Well... her dear little friend died, 只留下她一个人经营着她们的咖啡店 and left her to run the cafe on her own. 天哪 Jesus. 这么惨 她是怎么死的 Oh, God, that is truly awful. How did she die? -噢 她是自杀的 -是事故 - Oh, she killed herself. - It was an accident. 好吧 Well... 也许你不应该再苦苦死撑这个小饭店 Maybe it"s time to let the little restaurant go. 是时候放手了 Give it up. 卖♥♥了它 然后去度个假 Sell it, have a little holiday. 这是我们的店 We did this. 嗯哼 Mmm-hmm. 不管发生什么 我们都不要轻易放弃 好吗 And, whatever happens, we never let it go, OK? 失陪一下 Excuse me. 你看到费利西蒂了吗 Have you seen Felicity? 噢 没有 抱歉 Oh, no, sorry. 这屋子的东西总是神秘失踪 对不对 Gosh, all sorts of things go missing in this house, don"t they? -房♥子太大了 -是呢 舒适的房♥子 - Big house. - Yes, lovely house. 对了 我找到那个雕像了 Oh, the sculpture turned up. -是吗 -是的 - Did it? - Yes. 一定不小心从哪里掉到缝里去了 Must have just toppled off the side. 如果你把一个女性雕像卸了头和四肢 Well, if you rid a woman of her head and limbs, 那她啥也做不了 只能 you can"t expect her to do anything other than... 到处滚了 roll around. 怎么了 What? 噢 Oh... 你父亲经常和我说 当你喝上几杯后 Your father and I often say, when you"ve had a few drinks, 你的样子就尤其像你的母亲 you"re so like your mother. 噢 见鬼 Oh, whoops. 看看这些 Look at these. 看来派对都开到走廊里去了 是个好兆头呢 So, the party"s moved to the hallway. Always a good sign. 如果我直接走 没人会介意吧 我肚子痛 Does anyone mind if I leave? I"ve got a dicky tummy. 这么着急啊 So swift... 谢谢 Thanks. 我没办法亲你了 因为我感觉我要吐了 I"m not going to kiss you because I"m probably very ill. 你也是 跟我走吧 You too. Come on. 再见了 我的 Goodbye then, my... 我的女儿们 ...my daughters. 再见 Goodbye. 真是愉快的见面啊 What a lovely occasion. 是啊 到时候性展会见 Yeah. See you at the sexhibition. 不 你不用刻意来的 No, there"s absolutely no need to... -好啊 等你来哦 -嗯 嗯 我一定会去的 - Yes, lovely. - No, no. I"ll definitely be there. 我一定会去的 I will definitely be there. 等下 Hold up! 你是想留我过夜吗 You trying to keep me overnight? 你可真帅啊 Very good-looking. 你可真帅啊 Very good-looking. 我们可能不会再见面了 但你真的很帅 I might never see you again, but you"re very good-looking. 我们可能不会再见面了 但你真的很帅 I might never see you again, but you"re very good-looking. 是的 没错 帅呆了 Yes, yes... very good-looking. 谢谢 算我欠你的 Thanks, I owe you. 不 是我欠你的 No, I owe you. 能和普通的一家子共度一天很开心 It"s been really nice to spend the day with a normal family. 我都有点多愁善感起来了 I actually feel quite emotional. 你今晚能陪陪我吗 Will you stay with me tonight? 当然了 Sure. 我先去发动摩托车 I"m going to go warm up the bike. -很高兴见到你 克莱尔 -我也是 - Lovely to meet you, Claire. - You too. -呃 这是怎么 -他操过我菊花 - Erm... what"s his...? - Fucked me up the arse. -噢 嗯 -是的 - Oh. Mm-hmm. - Yep. It"s... 我现在懂了 I totally see that now. 抱歉 我之前 I"m sorry I was... 听着 Listen to me. 我会去和马丁分手 I"m going to leave Martin. 我会把咖啡厅需要的钱给你 I"m going to give you the money for the cafe, 我还要去该死的芬兰 and I"m going to go to fucking Finland. 好的 Ok. 噢 还有 呃 Oh, and, erm... 这是你做过的最帅气的事情了 That is the coolest thing you"ve ever done. 我知道 I know. 谢谢 克莱尔 Thanks, Claire. 我们不应该 Shall we...? 来吧 We can try. -那展会见了 -好 - I"ll see you at the sexhibition. - Yeah. 伦敦生活

    推荐访问:伦敦 第一季 剧本

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    • 心得体会