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    时间:2020-08-25 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    更好的世界 疼吗

     很好 Does it hurt? Okay. -姓名

     -凯文·亚德拉 - Name? - Kevin Abdela. 凯文·亚德拉


     没问题了 Kevin Abdela. Good, Mary. You"ll be fine. 怎么样

     她还需要坚持治疗 4 周 So, fine. She has to keep it on for four weeks. 即使不疼了

     她也必须带着这个 Even when the pain stops, she has to keep it on. 请大家在 10 分钟内收拾好东西 Let"s wrap it up in ten minutes, 10 分钟

     大家快点 folks, please! Ten minutes, thank you! -纳吆


      - Najeeb? - Yeah? -我们每人再多带两个病人


     再加 4 个没问题 - We take two more, each. - Two? - Ok, we can have four more. 告诉她给病人朋用退烧药 She will have to give her something for the fever. 一天 3 次 Three times a day. 然后在回到这里. Come back here... 纳吆快拿担架


      Najeeb, stretcher please! Prepare to operate! 小心

     小心 Easy, easy. Come, come, come. 把我后面系一下

     我需要帮助 Tie me on the back. I need help here. 她没问题的


     她能挺过来 She can make it. Check her pulse. She can make it. 灯光再强点 I need some light. -麻药起作用了


     医生 - Patient asleep? - Yes, doctor. 棉花棒 Swabs. 拿着 Take the swab. 钳子

     脉搏怎么样 Clamp. What"s the pulse? 脉搏 78

     情况稳定 Pulse at 78. Stable. 好的

     抓紧 Okay. Hold tight. 钳子

     看起来情况稳定多了 Clamp. Looks stable now. 没想到她死里逃生了 I didn"t think she"d make it. 她的伤我以前见过 I"ve seen that type of injury before. 是当地一个叫"大人物"的恶棍干的 It"s the work of a local villain. Big Man. 他跟手下打赌 He takes bets with his boys 猜她肚子里孩子的性别 as to what sex the child will be. 然后就剖开她的肚子验证 Then he cuts the girls open to see. 死神为了一首歌♥而归还了财宝 "And Death gave back these treasures for a song. 夜莺继续歌♥唱 The nightingale sang on. 它歌♥唱这宁静的墓园

     这里有白玫瑰生长 It sang of the quiet churchyard, where white roses grow 这里有接骨木之花芬芳 where the elderflowers make the air sweet, 这里草色常青 and where the grass is always green, 草叶已被生者的泪滴打湿 wet with the tears of those, who are still alive. 死神时常透过窗户 Death longed for his garden. 觊觎他的花♥园♥ Out through the windows 当死神离去

     他带走一片灰色的迷雾 drifted a cold gray mist as Death departed 谢谢


     国王说道 Thank you, thank you, the emperor said. 来自天堂的小鸟

     我很早前就认识你 Little bird from Heaven, I know you of old. 我曾把你从这片土地驱逐 I banished you once from my land 而你却为我驱赶了那恶者 and yet you have sung away the evil faces from my bed, 还有我心中的死神


      and Death from my heart. How can I repay you? 你已经报答我了

     夜莺说道 You have already rewarded me, said the nightingale. 当我第一次为你歌♥唱

     就把泪水带给了你的双眼 I brought tears to your eyes, when first I sang for you. 对一个真正的歌♥者而言 To the heart of a singer, 那比任何宝石都珍贵 those are more precious than any precious stone. 不过现在请睡下吧

     在我的歌♥声中成长壮大 But sleep now, and grow fresh and strong while I sing. 他就一直歌♥唱

     直到国王酣然入睡 He sang until the emperor fell into a sound, refreshing sleep, 做起甜美的梦 a sweet and soothing slumber." 她曾在我睡前读过这个故事 She used to read it to me before I"d go to sleep. -这太棒


     -是啊 - I think it"s good, that he did it. - So do I. 汉娜


     这是汉娜 Hey, Hanna. This is my mother. This is Hanna. -你会一直陪着他们吗

     -对 - You"re the one they"ll be staying with? - Yes. 我想你正盼着回家


      I think Christian is looking forward to getting back home, right? 很难相信她就这么走了 It"s so hard to believe she"s gone. 克里斯蒂安

      Christian? 我只想告诉你

     你做得很好 I just want to tell you, that you did really well. 我为你感到骄傲

     你奶奶也一定是这么想的 I"m really proud of you. Mom would have been too. 不用一直唠叨了

     爸 You don"t have to say something all the time, dad. 我们能谈谈吗 We can talk, can"t we? 你不用太担心我的事情 You don"t have to on my account. -准备好了吗

     -马上 - Are you ready? - Coming. -早上好



     先生 - Good morning, Mohammed. - Good morning, sir. 好了

     我们走吧 Ok, let"s go. 嗨 Hello. 嗨

     亲爱的 Hello, my darling. -欢迎


     妈妈 - Welcome. - Hi, mom. 房♥子很大 Here"s so much space. 这里很安静

     我不会打搅你的 Lots of peace and quiet. I won"t bother you. 互联网已经装好了 Internet has been installed for you, 你可以选择中意的房♥间 and you can choose which room you want. -这个房♥间太小了吧

     -没关系 - This is the smallest room. - It"s fine. -你不用这么早就做决定

     -到底我能不能自♥由♥选择 - You don"t have to decide now. - Can I choose myself or can"t I? 当然

     但你的桌子和床就放不下了 Of course, but your desk and your bed won"t fit in here. 不过

     一切随你 But you decide. 听你的 Your call. 风景不错 The view is great. 你会适应的 You"ll get it. 怎么样


      What"s up, ratboy? -是不是车胎没气了


      - Got air in your tyres? - Lost your bottom jaw? -兴奋吗

     -当然了 - Excited? - Yes. -要我陪陪你吗


     当然不要 - Want me to come with you? - No. Of course not. -注意安全

     -好的 - Take care. - Yep. -再见

     -你个夹着尾巴的耗子 - See you. - Crawl between our legs, rat. -回家吃你的奶酪吧


      - Go home and eat some cheese. - Aren"t you a rat? -想惹事吗

     -胆小鬼 - Is there a problem? - Walking fountain. -该死的瑞典佬

     -滚你个变异丑八怪 - Damn swede. - Mutant! Damn you"re ugly! 该死的耗子 Fucking rat! 请坐下

     保持安静 Please sit down and try to be quiet. 都做好


      Sit down! Whose is this? 这是克里斯蒂安


      This is Christian. Be quiet. 克里斯蒂安在很多国家待过 Christian lived in lots of 他刚从伦敦搬过来 countries and has just moved here from London. -他会说丹麦语吗


     崔娜 - Does he speak danish? - Of course he does, Trine. 现在我要把你的生日标记在日历上 Well, I"ll just mark your birthday on the calendar. -你生日是什么时候

     -7 月 7 号♥ - When"s your birthday? - July 7th. 跟伊莱亚斯一天生日

     真有趣 The same as Elias. That"s quite funny. 真有趣

     安静一下 That"s quite funny. Be quiet. 那你就坐伊莱亚斯边上吧 You can sit next to Elias then. -都闭嘴

     -真可怜 - Stop it! - Poor you! 待会儿我们就谈谈关于伦敦的事情

      Then we can talk about London during form time. That"ll be fun. 现在请拿出你们的历史书 Now please get out your history books. 别给我闹了 I don"t wanna fight you. 不会吧 No! -要我借打气筒给你吗


     没关系的 - Want to borrow my bicycle pump? - No thanks. It"s alright. 阀也被拿走了

     他们经常这样干 The took the valves too. They always do that. 没关系

     我走回家 I"ll just walk. It"s okay. 为什么不从别的车上卸一个 Why not take some from the other bikes? -那他就得走回家了

     -那今天就算他倒霉吧 - Then he"ll have to walk. - Then today is his turn. -拿着

     -谢谢 - Here. - Thanks. 敢放别人的气


      Letting other peoples" tyres down? And who the hell are you? 我叫克里斯蒂安 I"m Christian. 克里斯蒂安

     你跟这个耗子男什么关系 Christian? What are you doing with ratboy? -耗子男


     他的牙跟老鼠似的 - Ratboy? - Yeah, he"s got the teeth of a rat. 我可不会闲着没事观察别人嘴巴 I don"t go around looking in other peoples" mouths. 你该接住的 You"re supposed to catch it. 而你得给我都回家

     耗子男 And you"ll just walk home, ratboy. -你没事吧

     -没事 - Are you okay? - Yeah. 很抱歉 I"m really sorry. -需要帮助吗

     -没事 - Want me to help you? - No, I"m ok. -你确定

     -当然了 - You sure? - Yeah. 真的很抱歉 I"m really sorry. 这些都粘在一起了


      That one was really stuck in there. How many did you eat? 亲爱的 Hi sweetheart. -今天过得怎么样

     -还好 - How was your day? - It was alright. -看着我


     -当然 - Look at me? Are you sure? - Yes. -确定

     -确定 - Sure? - Yes. 你要是骗我

     我就吃了你 If you lie to me, I"ll eat you up! 我也要 Me too! 离我远点

     别碰我 Leave me alone! Just leave me alone. 伊莱亚斯... Elias... 我恨你 I hate you. -怎么还不睡

     -打完这盘游戏 - Aren"t you sleeping? - No, I had to finish my game. -衬衣上的是血吗

     -我们今天踢球了 - Is that blood on your shirt? - We were playing soccer. -是不是有人打你了


     不小心碰的 - Did someone punch you? - No. It was an accident. 下楼到厨房♥来陪我坐坐 Won"t you come down to the kitchen and keep me company? -怎么样

     -我不去了 - That"d be nice. - I"ll be right there. -爸爸


      - Hi dad! - Hi sweetheart. -见到你太好的


     想死你了 - It"s so good to see you. - You too. I missed you. -最近怎么样


      - How are you? - How was your trip? 路程很长

     不过还好 Long. But alright. 嗨 Hi. 嗨 Hi. 莫顿给你的礼物

     怕你饿着 Morten made you a present, in case you were hungry. -剪头发了

     -没有 - Did you get a haircut? - No. 很高兴你来了

     伊莱亚斯 It was good hearing from you, Elias. 但现在我们得跟你父母单独谈谈


      But now we"d like to talk to your parents alone, if that"s okay? -你说什么

     -说实话吧 - What do you say? - Let"s be reasonable. 伊莱亚斯太自闭了

     我们不能听之任之 Elias isolates himself a lot. We have to relate to that. 他的自行车天天被放气

     别的孩子都给他取外号♥ His tyres are let down every day. The other kids call him ratboy. 放他气的不是索菲斯 It"s not Sofus who lets his tyres down. 虽然不想针对他

     但他确实有自己的小帮派 Made not him personally, but he has his own little mafia. 都是他指使的 He"s behind it. 我们不能太责怪索菲斯...

     We shouldn"t give Sofus too much credit... 还有别的孩子也被放气了 Other pupils" tyres are let down too. 我们当然也意识到了 We are of course aware of that. 伊莱亚斯处境真的很艰难... It"s not an easy situation for Elias... 安东


     却常常出差 With you, Anton, who travels a lot. 父亲常常不在

     这对伊莱亚斯来说一定不容易 It must be hard for Elias, that his father is away so often. 如果说你们的关系也是原因之一的话... And if there are other problems between you... -我们之间有什么问题

     -你们分居的问题玛丽安 - What problems are those? - Your separation, Marianne. 给我听着 Let me tell you something. 我们的私生活不用你管 Don"t you interfere with our personal life. 这跟伊莱亚斯的事情没有关系 That has nothing to do with anything! 我很惊讶听到这些话 No, stop. I"m shocked that we have to listen to this. 我们会让伊莱亚斯转学 We"ll end up having to move 因为索菲斯就是个...

     Elias to another school, because Sofus is a... 虐待成性的精神变♥态♥

      ...sadistic little psychopath! 如果我们想 If we could try 做出积极的努力


      to be a little constructive, what do you suggest? 也许我们该送点花给妈妈 Maybe you should try buying some flowers for mom? 巧克力也行 Or some chocolate. -凑近看你更丑了


      - You"re even uglier up close. - Fuck off! 闭嘴

     你个瑞典佬 Shut up. You"re from Sweden. -亲亲我的鞋子就让你过


     垃圾 - Kiss my shoe if you want to pass. - What"s up, loser? 你真恶心 You"re so gross. 嘿




     What"s up, Elias? You know, yesterday? If anyone asks... -我不会说的

     -他没什么的 - I won"t tell. - Nothing happened to him. 把嘴巴管严 Just keep your mouth shut. 你要是敢说

     我就宰了你 If you talk, you"re dead. -别再动我一根汗毛

     -我不敢了 - Never touch me again! - I won"t do anything. 也不准在欺负别人 Not me or anyone else. 我可不管你的死活


      I don"t give a fuck if you die. Do you understand? 把刀藏起来

     不然你会被开除的 Hide the knife. You"ll be expelled. 我们改变了你的用药

     现在你可能有些疑惑 We changed your medication. You might get a little confused. 昨天吃了什么吗

      Did you eat anything yesterday? 烤肉


     我吃得一干二净 It ate it all. Pork roast. It was delicious. -那你就肯定更疑惑了吧


      - Then you are getting really confused, huh? - Marianne? 伊莱亚斯学校打了两次电♥话♥了 They have called twice from Elias" school. 你最马上打回去 You have to call them back. -你怎么没开机

     -我忘带电♥话♥了 - You forgot to turn on your cellphone. - I don"t have it on me. -你在撒谎



     -我没撒谎 - You"re lying, Elias. Why are you lying? - I"m not lying. 克里斯蒂安承认了他有一把刀 Christian admitted that he had a knife. 他用打气筒砸了好几下他的头 He hit him several times in the head with a bicycle pump. 我只看到他们扭打在一起

     没看到什么刀子 I only saw them hitting each other. There was no knife. 听着


     告诉我们你看到了刀子 Listen to me. Elias just told us that you had a knife. -我没带刀

     -好吧 - I didn"t have a knife. - Okay. 如果人人都说谎

     那你就得说真话 If everyone is lying, then you tell me the truth. 他先打我

     然后我就还手了 He hit me. Then I hit him. -你就用打气筒打他

     -我必须得这么做 - You hit him with a bicycle pump? - I had to. 他比我高大多了

     我打不过他 He"s much bigger than me. He was going to beat me up. 伊莱亚斯

     这可不是闹着玩的 Elias, this is serious. 搞不好他的眼睛都被打瞎了 He might go blind on one eye. 那他当初就不该欺负别人 Then he should leave people alone. 嗨 Hi. -你好



      - Hi, Marianne. - Where is Elias? -他们在跟警♥察♥谈话


      - They are talking to the police. - What happened? 这是一次非常恶劣的斗殴

     明显还使用了刀具 It was a vicious assault. Apparently there was a knife involved. -不可能

     -听起来确实不像是克里斯蒂安干的 - That can"t be right. - That doesn"t sound like Christian. -不过还没找到刀具

     -这跟伊莱亚斯有什么关系 - They haven"t found one. - What has this got to do with Elias? -伊莱亚斯动手了吗

     -还不清楚 - Did Elias hit Sofus? - We don"t know. 警♥察♥正在审问他们 The police are interviewing them, 很快我们就会知道真♥相♥了 and then we will find out what happened. 索菲斯真的会变成瞎子吗

      Is it true, that Sofus has been blinded? -谁说的

     -警♥察♥ - Who told you that? - The police. 不会

     只不过会头疼 No. He will have a headache, 最多留下疤痕

     应该问题不大 and probably get a scar, but he will be alright. 但受伤根本不是最严重的 It could have been much worse. 你为什么不说是他先打你的

      Why didn"t you tell me that he hit you? 那样我们就可以跟他和他家长好好谈了 Then we could have talked to him and his parents. -很多同学都在场

     -这算什么话 - A lot of kids saw it. - That"s no answer. 如果我回击他

     我就会从此被人看扁 If I hadn"t fought back, then everyone would think I was weak. 你老实告诉我


     我保证不说出去 Just tell me if he had a knife. I promise I won"t tell anyone. 没有

     别再问了 He didn"t have a knife. Stop asking. 如果你打他


     什么时候是个头 If you hit him, then he will hit you. It will never end. 难道你就不明白


      Don"t you understand? That"s how wars start. 如果下手够狠就不一样了 Not if you hit hard enough the first time. 其实你根本就不懂 You don"t know a damn thing about it. 学校就是这样的

     现在就没人敢欺负我了 It"s like that in every school. Now no one dares touch me. 我不会再问刀子的事情了

      I"m not going to ask you about the knife again. You understand? 但你要老实告诉我事情的始末 But I want you to know that you can tell me everything. 明白吗

      Understand? 好 Yes. -喂

     -喂 - It"s me. - Hi. -睡了吗

     -没 - Were you sleeping? - No. 你在干嘛

      What are you doing? 我在蹦迪 I"m at a discotheque. 有什么事

      What do you want? 只想聊聊 Just talk. 没有你我感觉很无聊 I"m bored without you. -跟伊莱亚斯谈过了吗

     -当然 - Did you talk to Elias? - Of course. 我很想你 I miss you. 别这样 Don"t do that. 我跟你道过歉了 I told you I was sorry. 我是真心诚意的 And I mean that from the bottom of my heart. 我曾经为我们感到自豪 I was quite proud of us actually. 曾经

      I was. 很高兴我们不像其他的傻夫妇一样 Proud that we weren"t like all the other idiots, 草草地分手然后离婚 who just give up and get divorced 很骄傲我们曾经相爱 I was proud that we loved each other. 我们仍然如此 We still do. 但是安东...

      But Anton... 我知道我错过了最佳时机 I messed up big time. 我试过...

     I tried... 我试过解释

     事情为什么会变成那样 I tried to explain, how it got that far 为什么我会那么傻


      and I was so stupid. I tried... 每次你回家

     心里就只有她 You only paid attention to her, every time you were home. 这事仍然令我伤心 It still hurts. 我们一起经历的一切 Everything we had together. 都因为你而变成了谎言 And when you were here, it was all lies. 都显得那么虚假 It was all make-believe. 我爱你 I love you. 我可以原谅你

     但我们不可能再像以前一样 I would like to forgive you, but I can"t keep up. -没什么好说的了



     等等 - That"s how it is. Good night. - No, wait. Don"t hang up. 这件事情我们可以私下解决掉 I think, we can consider this matter closed 你们都有错 All of you messed up. 不过你们都知道打架解决不了问题 But you have learned that no good comes from fighting. -是的

     -本来你们会被严惩的 - That"s right. - It could have ended much worse. 现在伊莱亚斯和索菲斯握手言和 Now Elias and Sofus shake hands. -对不起

     -很好 - I"m sorry, Elias. - Good. 克里斯蒂安和索菲斯握手 And Christian and Sofus. Please shake hands. 对不起 Sorry. 下周一再来见我



      And you"ll be back monday, no hard feelings, ok? -期待这周的主题活动吗

     -是的 - Looking forward to the theme week? - Yes. -大家都为此感到兴奋

     -我们对此充满期待 - The whole school is excited. - We"re looking forward to it. -你准备做什么


     -我加入的是武器小组 - What will you be doing, Sofus? - I"m in the weapons group. -我们准备做毛瑟枪

     -很好 - We"ll be making muskets. - Of course you will. -伊莱亚斯你呢

     -我跟克里斯蒂安是一个组的 - And Elias? - I"m in the same group as Christian. 我们打算做哥本哈根圆塔的模型 We"ll be making a model of The Round Tower. 要跟我一起走吗

      Want to walk with me, Christian? 不了


     伊莱亚斯 No. Come on, Elias. 就是这里了 Here it is. -你想要吗

     -谢谢 - Do you want it? - Thanks. 真酷 Cool! -克里斯蒂安

     -什么事 - Christian? - Yes? 我要走了

     明天早上 4 点的飞机 I"m leaving now. I"ll try to make the flight at four tomorrow. 我会打电♥话♥给你 I"ll call you. 如果你愿意

     可以留下吃饭 You can stay for dinner, if you want? 谢谢

     不过我还是回家吧 Thank you, but I should be going home. -周末怎么样


     爸爸 - Then maybe in the weekend. - Just go, dad. 再见了 See you. -保重


     -你也是 - Take care, Elias. - You too. -他去哪

     -伦敦 - Where"s he going? - London. -你妈妈在哪

     -她已经死了 - Where"s your mom? - She"s dead. 我父母快离婚了 My parents are in the middle of a divorce. -她怎么死的

     -癌症 - Why did she die? - She had cancer. 开始大家都觉得没事

     不过最后她没挺过来 At first they thought, she"d get well, but she didn"t make it. -她是被火葬的

     -好吧 - She was cremated. - Okay. 土葬恶心死了 Funerals are disgusting. 尸体会腐烂

     还会渗到地下水里 The bodies rot and seep into the groundwater. 我将来就想被火葬

     你呢 I want to be cremated when I"m dead. What about you? 也许吧

     不过我没想过这个问题 Perhaps. I never really thought about it. -我们来这干嘛

     -到上面去 - What are we doing here? - Going up. -可以上去吗

     -当然了 - You can do that? - of course. 来吧 Come on. -这太疯狂了

     -没错 - Wow, this is crazy. - Yeah. 以前我放假回家的时候常来这里 I use to come here when I was home on vacation. -你家在哪

     -我家 - Where"s your house? - My house? -那边某个地方吧

     -好吧 - Out there somewhere. - Okay. 这里还真高啊 It"s a long way down. 对

     就是那样 Yeah, like that. 我们去了码头边的筒仓顶上 We were on this silo down by the docks. 你不该去的 You can"t do that. 但克里斯蒂安每天都去那里 Christian is up there every day. 从那还能看到我们家 You can see our house from up there. 正因为如此我才不准你在那玩 I know it. That"s why I tell you not play there 太危险了

     答应我不再去了 It"s dangerous. Promise me that you won"t do it again. 别哼哼哼的

     说话 Don"t "Mmm" Me. Promise. -打气筒在哪

     -这 - Where"s the pump? - Here you go. -答应了

     -当然 - Promise? - Yeah. -答应我什么

     -再也不去那上面玩了 - Promise what? - That I won"t go back up there. 我们打气吧 Let"s pump it up. -放下吧


     -我们可以吃冰淇淋吗 - Put it down here, boys. - Can we have an ice cream? -当然


     -我想玩秋千 - Yes. Put it down gently. - I wanna try the swing. 谢谢帮忙 Thanks for the help. 划船真是太好玩了 Kayaking was so much fun. -别动我


     孩子们 - Don"t! - Come on, boys. 嘿


     莫顿 Hey! What are you doing? Morten! 住手



      Stop that. What are you doing? Why are you fighting? -怎么回事

     -他抢我秋千 - What"s going on? - He took my swing. -为什么

     -他无缘无故就打我 - Why? - He punched me for no reason. -你为什么打他

     -我没打 - Why did you hit him? - I didn"t. -为什么为了一个秋千打架



      - Why are you fighting over a swing? - What"s going on here, man? 我正荡着秋千 I was just using the swing, 他就突然跑过来干扰我 and he came up and started bothering me. -别动他的秋千


     - Don"t steal his swing! - Kids will be kids... 别再动我儿子一根汗毛


      I don"t wanna see you touch my boy again. You understand? -我没碰他

     -给我滚远点 - I didn"t touch him. - Get the hell outta here. 滚

      Fuck off! 你小子到底怎么搞的

     看着我 What the hell is wrong with you? Look at me. 总是打架

     到处给我惹祸 You"re always fighting. Always fucking trouble with you. -对不起


     -你没犯什么错 - I"m sorry, dad. - You did nothing wrong. 疼吗

     要去医院吗 Doesn"t it hurt? Are we going to the hospital? -不


     -对不起 - No, we"re not. - I"m very sorry. -要报♥警♥吗



     报♥警♥吧 - Shouldn"t you call the police? - Yeah, dad. Call the police. -不


     -但他动手了 - No, I won"t do that. - He hit you. 我们回家吧

     车上可不准吃冰淇淋 Let"s go home. You can"t eat your ice cream in the car. 这事到此为止了 End of discussion. -我们不该来这里的

     -为什么 - We shouldn"t be up here. - Why not? -你在干嘛

     -没干嘛 - What are you doing? - Just hanging out. 我得回家了 I gotta get home. -他在那


      - There he is. - Who? 打你♥爸♥爸的那个混♥蛋♥ The idiot, who hit your dad. 来吧 Come on. -他来了

     -我们可以从网上找到这个地址 - There he is. - We"ll look up his address online. -喂


     -快跑 - Hey! What the hell are you doing? - Run dammit! -嘿


     -嘿 - Hey dad. - Hey. 过来

     亲爱的 Come, sweetheart. -你还好吗

     -当然 - You okay? - Sure. -你来这里干嘛

     -我只是来给你这个的 - What are you doing here? - I just wanted to give you this. 我知道打你的那个家伙在哪工作了 I know where the guy who punched you works. -你怎么知道的

     -反正就是知道了 - How did you find out? - I just did. He works there. 你是怎么知道的

      How did you find out? 我们看见他了

     地址就在他车上 Christian and I saw him. It was on his car. -你们是不是又上高塔了


     没 - Have you been up on that silo again? - No no. 克里斯蒂安可能上了

     他每天都去 Christian might have been. He"s up there every day. -而你没有

     -没有 - But you haven"t? - I haven"t. -确定

     -确定 - Are you sure? - Yeah. 你难道不想做些什么吗

      Aren"t you going to do something about it? -比如说

     -冲上去揍他一顿 - Like what? - Go and beat him up. -你没开玩笑吧

     -当然了 - Are you serious? - Yes. -你害怕了

     -不是你想的那样 - Are you afraid? - That"s not the point. 你不能无缘无故地打人

     这对谁都没好处 You don"t go around beating people up. Nobody benefits from that. 要是那样

     世界还不乱透了 What kind of world would we live in then? 他是混♥蛋♥


     那我就更混♥蛋♥了 He"s an idiot. If I beat him up, I"ll be just as big an idiot. 我会去坐牢


     最后还是他赢 I"ll go to jail, and you"ll have no dad. He wins. 妈妈恐怕不希望你这么软弱 Maybe mom would like it, if you weren"t such a wimp. 我答应妈妈按时回家的

     我得走了 I promised mom I"d be home, so I better get going. 到底谁软弱了

      Who"s the wimp now? 当然是你 You are. -再见

     -向你妈妈问好 - Bye! - Say hi to your mom. 有人吗 Hello? 有人吗 Hello? -你好


     我在找一个叫拉尔斯的人 - Hello. - Hi. I"m looking for a Lars. -你说什么

     -有一个叫拉尔斯的人在这里工作吗 - Say what? - Does a Lars work here? -拉尔斯

     -拉尔斯 - Lars? - Lars? 拉尔斯

     有个瑞典人找你 Lars! Sweden calling. -嗨

     -嗨 - Hi. - Hi. 还记得我吗

      Remember me? 我叫安东

     我们在游乐场见过 I"m Anton. We met on the playground. 你还打了我


      You slapped me. Remember? 记得

     当然记得 Yeah, I remember. -你来干嘛


      - What do you want? - Why did you do it? -不想你碰我孩子

     -我只不过是在劝架 - Don"t touch my kids. - I broke up a fight over a swing. 听着


      Good for you. Know what you should do? 离我和我的孩子远点 Stay away from me and my son. 就什么事都没有


      And nothing will happen. Okay? You understand? 你要我来告诉你为什么打人吗

      Do you want me to tell you why you did it? 不需要


     然后滚回你瑞典老家去 No, shut the hell up. And get your ass back to Sweden. 这里没人管你的死活 Nobody understands you here anyway. 因为你有打人的能力



      Did you hit me because you could? -没错


     拉尔斯 - That"s right. - Maybe you should shut up now, Lars. 你是成心找抽是吧

      Do you want me to hit you again? 你像个白♥痴♥一样自以为了不起 You"re an idiot, who likes to feel you"re in charge. -实际上你什么都不是


     拉尔斯 - You"re not. - Stop it, Lars. -这没什么



      - It"s alright, boys. - What do you want? 我要怎样

     我要告诉孩子们 What do I want? I want to 我根本就不怕你 show the children that I"m not afraid of you. -你无法伤害到我


      - You can"t hurt me. - You"re not afraid of me? 我伤不到你

     那正吅我意 And I can"t hurt you? That"s exactly what I can do. 你最好赶紧离开吧

     带上孩子走吧 I think you should go now. Take your kids, and go home. -当你打人的时候


     -没错 - You frightened the children, when you hit me. - Good. 他们很生气

     然后找到了 They were very upset, and 你工作的地方

     所以我们就在这里了 found out where you work. That"s why we"re here. 还挺聪明的

     能找着我工作的地方 That"s very clever of them, finding out where I work. 干得不错 Good job. 而你却蠢得看到我们来了 You"re such a big idiot, that you 还不知道要说声道歉 can"t even apologize when I"m here with the kids, 反而继续打人 but continue to fight. -是吗


     -我们回家吧 - Huh? Want some more? - Let"s go home. 还想挨揍吗

      Want some more? 滚回老家去

     你个废物 Get the hell back to Sweden, you fag. 根本不疼

     我没事 It didn"t hurt. I"m okay. 我们走

     很高兴见到你们 Let"s go. Thank you for seeing us. 这不疼

     没什么好怕的 It didn"t hurt. Nothing to be afraid of. 这是他唯一能做的

     他输了 That"s all he knows how to do. He lost. 他是个大笨蛋


      He"s a moron. You understand? 明白什么

      Understand what? 他愚蠢之极

     不值得我们浪费时间 That he"s a moron, and not worth our time. -他是个笨蛋

     -对极了 - He"s a big moron. - Exactly. 可他自己不感觉输了 I don"t think he feels he lost. -也许吧


     -是吗 - Maybe not, but he did. - I"m not sure. -我们走吧

     -他是个大笨蛋 - Let"s go. We"re done here. - Giant wanker moron. -上车吧

     -他是个蠢货 - Get in the car. - He was such an asshole. -大蠢货


     够了 - Giant wanker moron. - That"s enough. -大蠢货


     快系好安全带 - Giant wanker moron! - Put your seatbelt on. Alright, stop. -能让莫顿一起玩吗

     -当然 - Should we let Morten try? - Yes! 等等

     看着 Wait a second. There. 快来

     莫顿 Come on, Morten. 很好 Perfect! 不对

     你们要同时松手 No, let go at the same time. 快看 Look at that. -烧退了吗


     好多了 - Has the fever gone down? - Yeah, it"s gone down. 情况很好 That"s perfect. 他在那 There he is. 人人都怕他

     但没人敢做点什么 Everybody"s afraid of him, but no one does anything about it. 我要找点能做栅栏的东西 I"ll try to find something we can use as a fence. 过来一下 Come here for a second. 肯定是我奶奶买♥♥的 Must be something my granddad bought. 不能放在这里

     搞不好会把整个房♥子都炸了 We shouldn"t keep it here. It could blow up the whole house. 可那不过是一些烟花 - They"re just fireworks. 你知道这里面有多少黑火♥药♥吗

      - You know how much black powder"s in this? 好几斤呢 Several pounds. -完全可以造一个大炸♥弹♥


      - You could make a huge bomb. - Really? 当然

     可以在电脑上给你看 Yeah. I"ll show you online. 他一而再

     再而三地打你♥爸♥爸 He just kept hitting your dad. 你♥爸♥爸也许不怕他

     但这不能阻止他 Your dad might not be afraid, but he just kept hitting him. 如果我们让他吃点苦头

     他也许会变老实点 If we get back at him, he might learn his lesson. -这玩意儿声音大不

     -相当大 - How loud will this be? - Very. -别人不会听到吗

     -不会有人发现的 - Won"t anyone hear? - Not out here. 拿着炸♥弹♥ Hold the bomb. 想点吗

      You want to light it? 待会儿你得马上跑 You"ll have to run. -还是你来吧


      - You do it. - Are you sure? -跑快点


     -好的 - Run fast, ok? - Yeah. 太棒了 Fuck, that was sick! 试想要是我们用的是大号♥的 Imagine if we use one of the big ones! 能把他的车炸成碎片 His car will be blown to pieces. -谁的车


     拉尔斯的 - Whose car? - That asshole, Lars". -你想炸他的车

     -没错 - You want to blow up his car? - Sure. 会被发现的

     一辆车可值不少钱 Someone will find out. A car is really expensive. -你♥爸♥爸会因此高兴的

     -我不知道 - Your dad will be pleased. - I"m not so sure. 没关系



      Doesn"t matter. No one will find out. Are you in or out? 我不知道...

     I"m not sure... 如果你不来

     就把小刀还给我 If you"re not in, I would like my knife back right now. -当心



     担架 - Easy, easy. - Stretcher! Stretcher! 抬起来 Lift. 继续

     还有脉搏 Keep on moving. There"s a pulse. 继续

     放上来 Move on! Up, up, up. 做好手术准备

     四号♥设备 Prep the patient. Put down IV. 抗生素 Antibiotics. -谢谢


     -是的 - Thank you. Patient asleep yet? - Yes. 让我看看 Let me take a look. 棉花棒

     谢谢 Swab. Thank you. 棉花棒

     按住那里 Swab. Hold that please. 告诉他病人还活着 Tell him she"s alive. 我们尽力了

     后面就看造化了 We"ve done all we can. Now we must wait and see. -谢谢你


     -问他到底怎么回事 - Thank you, doctor. - Ask him what happened. 一群开车的家伙追她

     她逃不掉 People came in cars. His wife could not run fast. "大人物"还剖开了另两个女人

     她们都死了 The Big Man cut open two other girls, who died. 我们明天再说吧 We"ll know tomorrow. -那有什么

     -没什么 - What have you got there? - Nothing special 既然没什么

     就让我看看 If it"s nothing special, then I can see it. 妈妈

     不行 Mom, you can"t do that! 伊莱亚斯这可是一把刀子 Elias, this is a knife. 你一直在骗我和警♥察♥对吧

      Have you been lying to me and to the police? -你是不是疯了

     -没有 - Have you gone mad!? - No. -到底怎么回事

     -没什么 - What the hell is going on? - Nothing. 没什么

      Nothing? 克里斯蒂安... Christian... 克里斯蒂安 Christian. 你这家伙到底在想些什么

      What the hell were you thinking? 捅死人

     你会毁了你自己的 Stabbing someone? You want to ruin your life? 看着我


     克里斯蒂安 Look at me. Look at me, Christian. 看着我

      Look at me! 克里斯蒂安...


     但这一切对我也不容易 Christian... I love you. But this isn"t easy for me either. 我们必须好好谈谈 We have to talk to each other. 你跟她上♥床♥了

      Did you fuck her? 你是不是睡了伊莱亚斯的妈妈

      Did you fuck Elias" mom? -你怎么会说这种话


     对吧 - Why would you say that? - You want to, I can tell. 你就这样放任自己吗 You achieve nothing by acting like this. -你不是想跟我谈谈吗

     -马上给我闭嘴 - You said we should talk. - Stop it, right now! 别再想也别再说那样的废话了 Stop thinking and saying crap like that. -这不是废话

     -这就是 - It"s not crap! - It"s crap! -这就是你一直生我气的原因吗


      - Is that why you"re upset with me? - You"re such a liar! 妈妈知道你在撒谎

     人人都知道你在撒谎 Mom knew you were lying. Everyone knows you"re lying. 你知道吗

     克里斯蒂安 You know what, Christian? 如果妈妈现在在这里

     看到你现在这个样子 If mom could see you know, she would be very unhappy to see 她也不会高兴的


      what you"ve become. Why do you say such mean things? -我到底做错了什么

     -我不管你跟哪个女人上♥床♥ - What did I do to you? - I don"t care who you"re banging. 只是不要来干涉我的事情就行 You don"t tell me what"s right and wrong. 但你确实错了


     别再把刀子带到学校去了 This is wrong. And illegal. Never bring a knife to school again. 听明白了吗


      Do I make myself clear? Never! 是你想要她死 You wanted her to die. -不


     -你就是那样想的 - No I didn"t. - Yes, you did! 你不能口口声声说这对她是最好的 You can"t just say it was the best thing for her. 她不想死

     而你却放弃了 She didn"t want to die, and you gave up. 我不能忍♥受随便放弃的人 I can"t stand people, who give up. -行了吗


      - Okay? - Christian... -嘿


     -待会儿见 - Hi, Sofus. - See you later. Have a nice day. 我没说什么


     她非常生气 I didn"t tell. My mom found the knife and freaked out. -难道你不相信我

     -让我一个人待会儿 - Don"t you believe me? - Just leave me alone. 别再联♥系♥我了 Don"t text me any more. 他说疼痛一直蔓延到手里面 It hurts all the way into his hand. 我能理解

     我会 I can imagine that. I"m gonna 给他一些药

     应该会好点 give him some pills and it will get better. 别慌


     冷静 Easy. Easy. Stay calm. 你是医生

      Are ...

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