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    时间:2020-08-25 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    您正在离开俄克拉荷马州 雪莉 相信你一定能梦想成真 爱你的曼多拉 欢迎来到新墨西哥州这片令人着迷的土地 波旁室酒吧



     下周:喷气机男孩 美国音乐人 波旁室酒吧 今晚兵工厂乐队专场 今晚兵工厂专场 兵工厂专场

     告别演出 招聘服务员 Cognac 原意指法国干邑 冰凉维普:人造奶油品牌

     野火鸡:威士忌品牌 日落旅社 招聘售货员 马蒙特城♥堡♥酒店 维纳斯酒吧

     欢迎男士 我就是个街头小痞 没人可以占我便宜 借点钱填饱肚子 我会改天还你 能拖多久拖多久 带我去天堂之城吧 那里灯红酒绿

     美女如云 回家吧 带我去天堂之城吧

     那里灯红酒绿 Just an urchin living under the street a hard case that"s tough to beat m your charity case so buy me something to eat I"ll pay you at another time it to the end of the line Take me down to the paradise city Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty home Take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green. 修女啊

     终于等到了这一天 而你清楚你只能独自承受 一切 Sister Christian Oh, the time has come And you know that you"re the only one to say Okay 你去往哪里

     你在追寻什么 Where you going, what you looking for 男孩们再不想和你玩感情游戏 You know those boys don"t want to play no more with you 千真万确 It"s true 你蓄势待发 你愿付出多少来找到自己的真命天子 You"re motoring What"s your price for flight in finding Mr. Right 今夜你会安眠 You"ll be all right tonight 就像活在天堂一样 令我流连忘返 就像活在天堂一样 令我流连忘返 小姑娘

     你命中注定来到这里 她命中注定 没有任何疑问 一切风平浪静 但只是暴风雨来临前的安宁 就像活在天堂一样 天堂一样 令我流连忘返 This must be just like living in paradise And I don"t wanna go home This must be just like living in paradise And I don"t wanna go home Girl, you"ve been meant for this since you were born Since she was born No problem now The coast is clear It"s just the calm before the storm This must be just like living in paradise Paradise And I don"t wanna go home 我身无分文

     付不起房♥租 这周都很难挺过去 周六晚上我想和姑娘约会 而现在却入不敷出了 每日重复着庸庸碌碌的生活 必须得冲破这陈旧的常规 我需要一个逃离这一切的机会 若你能明白我的想法

     就请听一听 只求享受一段美好时光 我又怎能拒绝 只求享受一段美好时光 美妙无与伦比 Not a dime, I can"t pay my rent I can barely make it through the week Saturday night I"d like to meet my girl But right now I can"t make ends meet I"m always working slaving everyday Now I gotta get a break from the same old same old I need a chance just to get away If you could hear me think this is what I"d say Don"t need nothing but a good time How can I resist Ain"t looking for nothing but a good time And it don"t get better than this 都说我烧钱于美人佳酿 却不记得昨夜与谁共眠 抱歉我已大腹便便 但却自我感觉良好 每日重复着庸庸碌碌的生活 必须得冲破这陈旧的常规 我需要一个逃离这一切的机会 若你能明白我的想法

     就请听一听 只求享受一段美好时光 我又怎能拒绝 只求享受一段美好时光 美妙无与伦比 Say spend my money on women and wine But I couldn"t tell you where I spent last night I"m really sorry about the shape I"m in I just like my fun every now and then I"m always working slaving every day Gotta get a break from the same old same old I need a chance just to get away If you could hear me think this is what I"d say Don"t need nothing but a good time How can I resist Ain"t looking for nothing but a good time And it don"t get better than this 我敬各位一杯 敬给那些日夜操劳的人 如果追寻幸福也是一种罪 主啊

     干脆杀了我吧 敬你们 只求享受一段美好时光 You see, I raise a toast to all of us Who are breaking our backs every day If wanting the good life is such a crime A-Lord, then put me away Here"s to ya Don"t need nothing but a good time 就像活在天堂 令我流连忘返 Living in paradise And I don"t wanna go home 从二手乐器店里 买♥♥了把破旧的吉他 不知道如何弹奏 但我很清楚 这把吉他 让我感觉棒极了 没过多久 我就明白 一把吉他 挂在那里 是我唯一的出路 唯一的出路 于是我开始摇滚 永不停歇 继续摇滚 总有一天我会一鸣惊人

     放声高唱 我爱摇滚 投币

     再点唱一曲 我爱摇滚 邀你与我跳支舞 在一个无名小镇 大雨瓢泼 我在后台门外 摆脱了自己旧日的影子 正如回到过去 个雨夜 就是那把吉他 改变了我的一生 我们一直唱着那首老歌♥ 和我一起唱 一起来当点唱英雄 投币

     再点唱一曲 我是点唱英雄 邀你与我跳支舞 就是这把吉他 点亮了我眼中的星光 我是点唱英雄 点唱英雄 我爱摇滚 点唱英雄 邀你与我跳支舞 我们眼中的星光 我爱摇滚 Bought a beat-up six string In a secondhand store Didn"t know how to play it But I knew for sure That one guitar Felt good in my hands Didn"t take long To understand Just one guitar Slung way down low Was a one-way ticket Only one way to go So I started rocking Ain"t never gonna stop no Gotta keep on rocking Someday I"m gonna make it to the top and sing I love rock and roll So put another dime in the jukebox baby I love rock and roll So come and take your time and dance with me In a town with no name In a heavy downpour Thought I passed my own shadow By the backstage door Like a trip through the past To that day in the rain And that one guitar Made my whole life change And we"ll be moving on and singing that same old song Yeah, with me Singing And be a jukebox hero So put another dime in the jukebox, baby I"m a jukebox hero So come and take your time and dance with me Just one guitar Got stars in my eyes I"m just a jukebox hero Jukebox hero I love rock and roll Jukebox hero So come and take your time and dance with me Stars in our eyes I love rock and roll Well, you"re a real tough cookie with a long history Of breaking little hearts like the one in me That"s okay let"s see how you do it Put up your dukes let"s get down to it Hit me with your best shot Why don"t you hit me with your best shot Hit me with your best shot Fire away come on with a come-on You don"t fight fair That"s okay see if I care Knock me down it"s all in vain I"ll get right back on my feet again Hit me with your best shot Why don"t you hit me with your best shot Hit me with your best shot Fire away Pow! Pow! Well, you"re a real tough cookie with a long history Of breaking little hearts Like the one in me Before I put another notch in my lipstick case You better make sure you put me in my place Hit me with your best shot Come on! Hit me with your best shot Hit me with your best shot Fire away Hit me with your best shot Why don"t you hit me with your best shot Hit me with your best shot Fire away 你总是冷酷无情 让我这样的人心碎 不要紧

     看看你的行动 伸出你的双手让我们开始 尽你的全力痛击我吧 快尽你的全力痛击我 尽你的全力痛击我吧 开枪 从诱惑开始 你没有公平竞争 没问题

     看我在意吗 击倒我吧

     一切都是徒劳 我会再次站起来 尽你的全力痛击我吧 快尽你的全力痛击我 尽你的全力痛击我吧 开枪 砰 砰 你总是冷酷无情 让我这样的人心碎 我在唇膏盒上刻下下一道裂痕前 你最好正视我的存在 尽你的全力痛击我吧 来吧

     尽你的全力痛击我吧 尽你的全力痛击我吧 开枪 尽你的全力痛击我吧 快尽你的全力痛击我 尽你的全力痛击我吧 开枪 这么久了 我找的太累等得太久 有时我不知道结果如何 只知道时间会证明一切 当你爱上一个人 So long I"ve been looking too hard I"ve been waiting too long Sometimes I don"t know what I will find I only know it"s a matter of time When you love someone 感觉美好温馨妙不可言 想知道你是否也有同样感受 It feels so right so warm and true I need to know if you feel it too 也许我错了 我太强硬了吗

     请你告诉我 Maybe I"m wrong Won"t you tell me If I"m coming on too strong? 我的心曾受过伤 这次我想万无一失 heart of mine has been hurt before This time I wanna be sure 我在等待一个如你一般的女孩 来到我的生命中 我在等待一个如你一般的女孩 成就一段长久的爱情 I"ve been waitin" for a girl like you To come into my life I"ve been waitin" for a girl like you A love that will survive 我在等待另一个人 让我充满活力 I"ve been waitin" for someone new To make me feel alive 我在等待一个如你一般的女孩 来到我的生命中 你会来到我的生命中吗 Yeah, waitin" for a girl like you To come into my life Won"t you come into my life 你如此完美 当我们做♥爱♥时一切明了 不仅仅是触碰不仅仅是言语 只有梦中才会如此 当你爱上一个人 真爱一个人 现在我才知道 从我在夜里醒来的时候 我再也不愿去任何地方 除了轻轻地抱住你 我在等待一个如你一般的女孩/男孩 来到我的生命中 我在等待一个如你一般的女孩/男孩 成就一段长久的爱情 我在等待 另一个人 让我充满活力 我在等待一个如你一般的女孩/男孩 来到我的 生命中 You"re so good When we make love it"s understood It"s more than a touch a word we say Only in dreams could it be this way When you love someone, yeah Really love someone Now I know it"s right From the moment I wake up till deep in the night ere"s nowhere on earth that I"d rather be Than holding you tenderly I"ve been waitin" for a girl/boy like you To come into my life I"ve been waitin" for a girl/boy like you A love that will survive I"ve been waitin" For someone new To make me feel alive I"ve been waitin" for a girl/boy like you To come into my Life 说我爱你 这不是我想听你说的话 我不想是通过这种方式 希望你能明白

     不仅仅是言语 用行动 来让我了解你的内心 其实很容易 你只需要 真实地表现出来 你就无需说出口 说你爱我 因为我已知晓 Sayin" "I love you" Is not the words I want to hear from you It"s not that I want you Not to say, but if you only knew How easy It would be to show me how you feel More than words Is all you"d have to do To make it real en you wouldn"t have to say That you love me "Cause I"d already know 我爱你的一举一动 你眼中的光芒 其中隐藏着一种颜色 那是市郊天空的蔚蓝 我不需做世界之王 只做你一个人的 英雄 天堂不再遥远 每天都离天堂更近一点 不论朋友怎么说 我们都会想办法(超越言语) 你只需 真实地表现出来 你就无需说出口 天堂不再遥远 超越言语 天堂不再遥远 超越言语 因为我已经 知晓 说我爱你 How I love the way you move And the sparkle in your eyes There"s a color deep inside them Like a blue suburban sky I don"t need to be the king of the world As long as I"m the hero Of this little girl Heaven isn"t too far away Closer to it every day No matter what your friends say I know we"re gonna find a way(More than words) Is all you have to do to make it real Then you wouldn"t have to say Heaven isn"t too far away More than words Yeah, heaven isn"t too far away More than words "Cause I"d already Know Sayin" "I love you" 一切都是老样子 只有名号♥会不断更替 万事蹉跎 另一个地方 那里人情冷漠 我日夜兼程只为回家 我是个牛仔 骑着我的摩托车 我亡命天涯 亡命天涯 我一睡不醒 有时候则几夜不眠 我遇到的人 总是分道扬镳 有时候你得借着酒精来分辨日期 当你孤身一人时 唯思考伴随左右 我是个牛仔 骑着自己的摩托车 我亡命天涯 亡命天涯 我骑着车 当我走在街上 背着吉他 我为了生计而演奏 因为我或许再没法回到过去 我四处游荡 依然昂首挺胸 我阅人无数 我惊艳了所有人 我是个牛仔 骑着我的摩托车 我亡命天涯 亡命天涯 我是个牛仔 与夜晚为伴 我亡命天涯 亡命天涯 我骑着 亡命天涯 我仍一路向前 亡命天涯 It"s all the same Only the names will change Every day it seems we"re wastin" away Another place Where the faces are so cold I drive all night just to get back home I"m a cowboy On a steel horse I ride I"m wanted dead or alive Wanted dead or alive I sleep Sometimes it"s not for days The people I meet Always go their separate ways Sometimes you tell the day by the bottle that you drink And times when you"re alone All you do is think I"m a cowboy On a steel horse I ride I"m wanted dead or alive Wanted dead or alive and I ride Oh, when I walk these streets A loaded six string on my back I play for keeps "Cause I might not make it back I"ve been everywhere Still standing tall I"ve seen a million faces And I"ve rocked them all I"m a cowboy On a steel horse I ride I"m wanted Wanted dead or alive Well, I"m a cowboy I got the night on my side I"m wanted Wanted dead or alive And I ride Dead or alive I still drive Dead or alive 我需要一点时间 好好地思考 我得仔细品味其中的含义 以在以后的日子中学以致用 I gotta take a little time A little time to think things over I better read betwethe lines In case I need it when I"m older 在我的一生中 有过心痛与苦楚 我不知道 自己能否再次面对 无法停止 为了改变寂寞人生我已走得太远 In my life There"s been heartache and pain I don"t know If I can face it again Can"t stop now I"ve traveled so far to change this lonely life 问世间情为何物 我要你告诉我 我欲感受爱的真谛 我知道你能告诉我 na know what love is t you to show me wanna feel what love is I know you can show me 我得花一点时间 好好地自我反省 I"m gonna take a little time A little time to look around me 我已经无处可躲 似乎真爱终于找到了我 I"ve got nowhere left to hide It looks like love has finally found me 在我的一生中 有过心痛与苦楚 我不知道 自己能否再次面对 我已无法停止 In my life There"s been heartache and pain I don"t know If I can face it again I can"t stop now 让我们谈谈爱吧 问世间情为何物 Let"s talk about love I wanna know what love is 你心中感受到的爱 Love that you feel inside 我要你告诉我 I want you to show me I"m feelin" so much love 我感受到许多的爱 我欲感受爱的滋味 I wanna feel what love is 不 你不能躲起来 No You just cannot hide 我知道你可以告诉我 I know you can show me 问世间情为何物 I wanna know what love is 让我们谈谈爱吧 Let"s talk about love 我想让你告诉我 I want you to show me 滋味 我欲感受爱的真谛 我知道

     我知道 我想让你告诉我(我知道) 我知道 I wanna feel it too And I know, and I know I want you to show me(And I know, and I know) And I know 我说要摇滚起来 起来 摇滚起来(摇滚) 小声点

     你说 我想说的只有无数次的 不要





     不 不让我玩音乐 当你说不让我音乐玩时我只想对你说 不要





     不 所以如果你问我为何喜欢这种音乐方式 我只能对你说 (摇滚) 我要摇滚 摇滚(摇滚)

     摇滚(摇滚) 我要摇滚 摇滚(摇滚)

     摇滚(摇滚) 我要摇滚 I said I wanna rock Rock I wanna rock Rock I want to rock(Rock) Turn it down, you say All I gotta say to you is time and time again I say no oh, no, no, no, no, no Tell me not to play All I gotta say to you when you tell me not to play I say no oh, no, no, no, no, no So if you ask me why I like the way I play it There"s only one thing I can say to you na rock(Rock) t to rock I wanna rock Rock(rock) Rock(rock) I wanna rock Rock(rock) Rock(rock) I want to rock 爱情就像炸♥弹♥ 炸♥弹♥ 爱情就像炸♥弹♥


     来试试吧 有雷达电♥话♥的情人般生活 像个娼妓一样放浪形骸 祸水红颜

     我能做你的男人吗 做你的男人 吃喝玩乐

     眼花缭乱 电视情人


     持续整夜 偶尔


     给我甜蜜 天真小姐

     给我甜蜜 来吧 拿个瓶子 狠狠地摇 打破气泡 狠狠打破 给我甜蜜 以爱之名 给我甜蜜 来吧

     来点燃我 给我甜蜜 我还要得更多 我欲♥火♥焚身

     满身甜腻腻 你有水蜜桃

     我有奶油 甜到不行 我欲♥火♥焚身

     满身甜腻腻 从头到脚 你有糖吗 一块还是两块 拿个瓶子 狠狠摇晃 打破气泡

     狠狠打破 狠狠打破 给我甜蜜 以爱之名 给我甜蜜 拿来

     快拿来 给我 多点甜蜜 Love is like a bomb Bomb Love is like a bomb, baby come and get it on Livin" like a lover with a radar phone Lookin" like a tramp, like a video vamp Demolition woman, can I be your man Be your man Razzle "n" a dazzle "n" a flash a little light Television lover, baby, go all night Sometime, anytime, sugar me sweet Little Miss Innocent, sugar me C"mon Take a bottle Shake it up the bubble Break it up Pour some sugar on me In the name of love Pour some sugar on me C"mon, fire me up Pour your sugar on me I can"t get enough I"m hot, sticky sweet You got the peaches, I got the cream Sweet to taste saccharine "Cause I"m hot, say what sticky sweet From my head, my head to my feet Do you take sugar One lump or two Take a bottle Shake it up the bubble. Break it up Break it up Pour some sugar on me In the name of love C"mon, fire me up your sugar on me Pour some sugar on me Get it, come get it your sugar on me Pour some sugar on me Sugar me 在角落哭泣

     在雨中徘徊 我发誓

     我不要再等待 对我许下的誓言 只是你编织的谎言 亲爱的

     即使在我最狂野的梦中 我也从未想过会离开 但现在你要明白 狠下心来 咽下泪水 我要放下你

     转身离开 我的一生

     都在雨中等待 我所等待的感情却迟迟不肯来 它近在咫尺 又消失得无影无踪 Cryin" on the corner. Waitin" in the rain I swear I"ll never, ever wait again You gave me your word But words for you are lies Darlin", in my wildest dreams I never thought I"d go But it"s time to let you know harden my heart swallow my tears I"m gonna turn and leave you here All of my life I"ve been waitin" in the rain I"ve been waiting for a feeling that never, ever came It feels so close But always disappears 亲爱的

     即便在你最狂野的梦中 不见雪泥鸿爪 但现在你要明白 我 你要狠下心来 我要咽下 咽下你的泪水

     孩子 我要离开(离开) 把你留在这(留在这) Darlin", in your wildest dreams You never had a clue But it"s time you got the news I"m gonna harden my heart Harden your heart I"m gonna swallow my tears Swallow your tears, girl I"m gonna turn(Turn) And leave you here(Leave you here) 像一支蜡烛 Oh, like a candle 你说


     这是个冰冷的世界 你把所有的心事藏在心底 我说

     你不能将它们藏在心底 那些你受过的所有委屈 你的心灵需要救赎


     不要回头 只因我们孑然一身 我们和夜里的影子赛跑 宝贝


     一切都会过去 今晚暂且放下你的梦想 他们最终会实现 我要狠下 狠下你的心来

     我要忍♥住泪水 忍♥住你的泪水 我要放下你

     转身离开 亲爱的

     即便在我最狂野的梦中 我也从未想过会离开 但现在你要明白 我要狠下心来 咽下我的泪水 我要放下你

     转身离开 You said, "Oh, girl It"s a cold world When you keep it all to yourself" I said, "You can"t hide on the inside All the pain you"ve ever felt" You better ransom your heart. And, baby, don"t look back "Cause we got nobody else We"re running with the shadows of the night So, baby, take my hand. It"ll be all right Surrender all your dreams to me tonight They"ll come true in the end I"m gonna harden my heart Harden your heart, girl. I"m gonna swallow my tears Swallow your tears I"m gonna turn and leave you Darlin", in my wildest dreams I never thought I"d go But it"s time to let you know Oh, I"m gonna harden my heart swallow my tears I"m gonna turn and leave you here 我不知道该去何方 我只记得从哪里走来 坚守着誓言

     唱着昨日的歌♥ 我下定决心 不再虚度光阴 再次行动起来 我苦苦寻觅一个答案 却始终一无所获 上帝

     请你赐予我力量继续前进 我知道那意味什么 在梦想的道路上踽踽独行 现在我孑然一身 沿着这条仅有的道路前行 像一个流浪者

     我注定踽踽独行 我下定决心 不再荒废光阴 我还有一颗心需要救赎 等待爱情的甜蜜将我救赎 我还要继续我的人生 我知道那意味着什么 在梦想的道路上踽踽独行 我又孑然一身 沿着这条仅有的道路前行 像一个流浪者

     我注定踽踽独行 我下定决心 不再虚度光阴 再次行动起来 行动起来 再次行动起来 行动起来 行动起来 I don"t know where I"m going But I sure know where I"ve been Hanging on the promises. In the songs of yesterday And I"ve made up my mind I ain"t wasting no more time Here I go again Though I keep searching for an answer I never seem to find what I"m looking for Oh, Lord, I pray you give me strength to carry on "Cause I know what it means To walk along the lonely street of dreams And here I go again on my own Going down the only road I"ve ever known Like a drifter, I was born to walk alone And I"ve made up my mind I ain"t wasting no more time I"m just another heart in need of rescue Waitin" on love"s sweet charity And I"m gonna hold on for the rest of my days "Cause I know what it means To walk along the lonely street of dreams And here I go again on my own Going down the only road I"ve ever known Like a drifter, I was born to walk alone And I"ve made up my mind I ain"t wasting no more time But here I go again again again . Here I go Here I go 我再也不能忍♥受 我害怕它随风飘走 该如何让我们的友情更进一步 我只希望我能不再隐忍♥ 我告诉自己坚持不到永恒 你在开什么玩笑 我说过那莫名的恐惧 如今一语成谶 我们在一起时无忧无虑 你为我指引生命的方向 你让一切清晰明亮 即使我还在彷徨 你依旧不曾离开 你是窗里的一支蜡烛 在冰冷黑暗的冬夜里燃烧 让我靠近你 我从不敢想象 情难自禁 我早已忘记我的初衷 让漂泊的小船靠岸 丢掉所有的船桨 只因我早已情难自禁 我早已忘记我的初衷 我不得不匍匐而行 闯进你的心门 宝贝

     我早已情难自禁 I can"t fight this feeling any longer And yet I"m still afraid to let it flow What started out as friendship has grown stronger only wish I had the strength to let it show I tell myself that I can"t hold out forever You"re not fucking with me, are you? I said there is no reason for my fear This is a dream come true. "Cause I feel so secure when we"re together give my life direction You make everything so clear And even as I wander I"m keeping you in sight You"re a candle in the window On a cold, dark winter"s night And I"m getting closer Than I ever thought I might And I can"t fight this feeling anymore And I can"t fight this feeling anymore I"ve forgotten what I started fighting for It"s time to bring is ship into the shore And throw away the oars forever "Cause I can"t fight this feeling anymore I"ve forgotten what I started fighting for And if I have to crawl upon the floor Come crashing through your door Baby, I can"t fight this feelin" anymore 这才是你需要的 随便何种方式 听天由命吧 她爱唱歌♥

     她爱欢笑 她无所不做 还有塞菲娅 舞动

     寻欢作乐 她爱一切可爱 一晚

     一夜 每一夜 这里只有一条箴言 紧紧拥抱


     紧紧拥抱 如果有客人来 她说


     这才是你要的 随便何种方式 她说


     这才是你要的 随便何种方式 , that"s the way you need it Any way you want it Take Destiny loves to laugh. She loves to sing She does everything And Sapphire o move. She loves to groove She loves the lovin" things One night. All night Oh, every night There"s one motto here So hold tight Hold tight. Baby, hold tight When it comes to the customer... She said, "Any way you want it That"s the way you need it Any way you want it" She said, "Any way you want it That"s the way you need it Any way you want it" 等等 Hold on 这才是你要的 何种方式 这才是你要的 随便何种方式 她说


     这才是你要的 这才是你要的 何种方式 随便何种方式

     这才是你要的 这才是你要的 随便何种方式

     这才是你要的 这才是你要的 这才是你要的 何种方式 这才是你要的 随便何种方式 她说


     这才是你要的 这才是你要的 That"s the way you need it you want it Any way you want it That"s the way you need it Any way you want it Oh, she said, "Any way you want it That"s the way you need it " . That"s the way you need it you want it That"s the way you need it you want it That"s the way you need it you want it That"s the way you need it you want it That"s the way you need it Any way you want it Oh, she said, "Any way you want it That"s the way you need it Any way you want it" 你盖着丝滑的被单 宝贝

     把我也裹进去 我是你的秘密情人 You got silky sheets Baby, put me underneath I"m your undercover love 夜深人静之际

     你我都静卧在床 虽然我们近在咫尺 心却远在天涯 是我说错了什么

     还是做错了什么 我是否说了无心之言 我已经试着尽我所能不去伤害你 我尽力了 但我猜这也是为什么别人会说 玫瑰美艳却掩饰不了利刺 就像漆黑的夜也会破晓 快活的牛仔也会唱起伤心的歌♥ 玫瑰美艳却掩饰不了利刺 确实如此 虽然往事已经如风 我仍能感受胸中的疼痛 就像一把刀子

     伤害了你 伤口会愈合 但疤痕

     疤痕却无法褪去 确实如此 我知道那晚我本可以拯救我们的爱 要是我知道如何表达该有多好 我们非但没能结合 反而分道扬镳 我听说你现在已心有所属 也知道原来我对你并没有那么重要 听到此

     我的心在哭泣 看到你

     就像一把刀将我活生生切开 玫瑰美艳却掩饰不了利刺 就像漆黑的夜也会破晓 快活的牛仔也会唱起伤心的歌♥ 玫瑰美艳却掩饰不了利刺 We both lie silently still in the dead of the night Although we both lie close together We feel miles apart inside Was it something I said or something I did Did my words not come out right? not to hurt you Though I tried But I guess that"s why they say Every rose has its thorn night has its dawn Just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song Every rose has its thorn Yeah, it does Though it"s been a while now I can still feel so much pain Like a knife that cuts you The wound heals But the scar that scar remains Yes, it does I know I could have saved our love that night If I"d known what to say Instead of making love We both made our separate ways now I hear you"ve found somebody new And that I never meant that much to you To hear that tears me up inside And to see you cuts me like a knife Every rose has its thorn night has its dawn Just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song Every rose has its thorn 摇摆的太爽了

     忘记了锁门 她老爸走进来

     身高 6.4 英尺 他说

     你休想和我女儿在一起 Swingin" so hard, forgot to lock the door In walks her daddy, standin" six foot four He said, "You ain"t gonna swing with my daughter no more" 甜蜜的惊喜

     味道如此美妙 成年人都为之痴狂 她是我的樱桃派 把嘴咧大

     要笑容满面 她看起来真美

     让人为之一振 甜蜜的樱桃派 A sweet surprise, tastes so good Make a grown man cry She"s my cherry pie Put a smile on your face 10 miles wide Looks so good, bring a tear to your eye Sweet cherry pie 天尚早

     太阳升起 昨晚满室旖旎 我的小猫快活的边打呼噜边挠我 再罪恶一次又有何妨 那娘们饥渴异常

     需要安抚 所以尽量满足她

     把她填饱 时日尚多

     还要去新的地方 我必须要走

     表演即将开始 出现

     如飓风般让你倾倒 我的身体在燃烧

     它已开始吼叫 欲望来临

     嘶喊咆哮 它一直被笼子锁起

     直到暴风雨将它释放 我只是需要和我选定的人做♥爱♥ 黑夜在召唤

     我必须得走 饥饿的狼 他操控所有 他舔了舔嘴唇

     做好胜利的准备 在爱的初夜

     狩猎就即将成功 我的出现

     如飓风般让你倾倒 宝贝儿

     你准备好了吗 我的出现

     如飓风般让你倾倒 如飓风般让你倾倒 我的出现

     如飓风般让你倾倒 来吧


     来吧 如飓风般让你倾倒 我的出现 It"s early in morning, the sun comes out Last night was shaking and pretty loud My cat is purring and scratches my skin So what is wrowith another sin? The bitch is hungry, she needs to tell So give her inches and feed her well More days to come, new places to go I"ve got to leave, it"s time for the show Here I am, rock you like a hurricane My body is burning. It starts to shout Desire is coming, it breaks out loud Lust is in cages till storm breaks loose I just have to make it with someone I choose night is calling, I have to go The wolf is hungry runs the show He"s licking his lips, he"s ready to win On the hunt tonight for love at first sting Here I am, rock you like a hurricane Are you ready, baby? Here I am, rock you like a hurricane Rock you like a hurricane Here I am, rock you like a hurricane Come on, come on, come on, come on! , rock you like a hurricane Here I am 靠的是摇滚 我们建造这座城市 我们建造这座城市

     靠的是摇滚 是谁在吧台下 数着钞票 是谁拿着撬棍 破坏我们的吉他 别说你需要我们 因为我们同是一船愚人 寻找着美国大地 和各种不同的人打交道 绝不接受 我们建造这座城市 不

     我们绝不接受 建造这座城市 不会再继续忍♥受了 建造这座城市

     靠的是摇滚 绝不接受(我们建造这座城市) 不会再继续忍♥受了 我们建造这座城市

     靠的是摇滚 We built this city on rock "n" roll Built this city We built this city on rock "n" roll Who counts money Underneath the bar Who rides the wrecking bar Into our guitars Don"t tell us you need us "Cause we"re the ship of fools Lookin" for America Crawlin" through your schools "re not gonna take it We built this city No, we ain"t gonna take it built this city "re not gonna take it anymore built this city on rock "n" roll We"re not gonna take it(We built this city) No, we ain"t gonna take it(We built this city) "re not gonna take it anymore We built this city on rock "n" roll 你无人能及 我迫不及待要和你共度良夜 我想象着我们要做的事 你无人能及 我迫不及待要和你共度良夜 我想象着我们要做的事 我只希望得到你的爱 实在没有语言能够描述 我是多么渴望得到爱 我不想压抑我的情感 宝贝儿

     我现在更加需要你 There"s no one like you can"t wait for the nights with you I imagine the things we"ll do No one like you can"t wait for the nights with you imagine the things we"ll do I just wanna be loved by you Girl, there are really no words strong enough To describe all my longing for love I don"t want my feelings restrained Ooh, babe, I just need you like never before 你和我 将来我们可以生个小孩 仍然想成为 宝贝

     我们话说的太多了 我就想盯着你的...嘘 双手握住 挤压

     触摸 不要着急 You, me One day we chave a baby girl, I wanna still be Baby, we"ve been talking too much I just wanna stare at your... Shh Put my hands around it Squeeze, touch Don"t rush 你有爱

     我有情 You got L-O-V Baby, I could be the E 一个小镇女孩 生活在孤独之中 她坐上了午夜的列车去往别处 一个城市男孩 在南底特律出生长大 他坐上了午夜的列车去往别处 在烟雾缭绕的酒吧里奋斗的歌♥手 被各种烟酒与脂粉味所笼罩 只为在夜晚能够分享他们内心的喜悦 然后再这样不断唱下去 陌生人在林荫大道 来来去去地等待 夜晚有他们寻寻觅觅的身影 路灯

     人群 活着只是为了找寻 藏匿于黑夜的情感 努力工作养活自己 每个人都想变得激动兴奋 不惜一切抛掷骰子 机会只有一次 有人会赢 也有人会输 有些人生而忧伤 这场电影永远不会结束 它就这样延续不断 陌生人在林荫大道 来来去去地等待 夜晚有他们寻寻觅觅的身影 路灯

     人群 活着只是为了找寻 藏匿于黑夜的情感 要一直怀揣信心 坚定不移 路灯

     人群 要一直怀揣信心 坚定不移 路灯

     人群 要一直怀揣信心 坚定不移 路灯

     人群 一直相信 Just a small-town girl Livin" in a lonely world She took the midnight train goin" anywhere Just a city boy Born and raised in South Detroit He took the midnight train goin" anywhere A singer in a smoky room The smell of wine and cheap perfume For a smile they cshare the night It goes on and on and on and on Strangers waitin" Up and down the boulevard Their shadows searching in the night Streetlights, people Livin" just to find emotion Hidin" somewhere in the night Workin" hard to get my fill Everybody wants a thrill Payin" anything to roll the dice Just one more time win ill lose Some were born to sing the blues Oh, the movie never ends It goes on and on and on and on Strangers waitin" Up and down the boulevard Their shadows searching in the night Streetlights, people Livin" just to find emotion Hidin" somewhere in the night Don"t stop believin" Yeah, hold on to that feelin" Streetlights, people Don"t stop believin" Hold on to that feelin" Streetlights, people Don"t stop believin" Oh, hold on Hold on to that feelin" Streetlights, people Don"t stop 斯泰西


     斯泰西 Stacee! Stacee! Stacee! 女士们先生们

     准备好摇滚了吗 Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready to rock? 欢迎来到日落大道波旁室酒吧 Welcome to the famous Bourbon Room on the Sunset Strip: 有请斯泰西·杰克斯的兵工厂乐队 Stacee Jaxx and Arsenal! 晚上好

     洛杉矶 Hey, Los Angeles! 这首歌♥叫做《天堂之城》 This is a little song called Paradise City. 小子

     给我起来 Come on, son. Up you get! 戒毒去吧 Go to rehab! 朗尼

     你怎么从来不去倒垃圾 Yo, Lonny, how come you never take out the trash? 那是你的活儿

     你是音乐家 I leave that to you. You"re a musician, 所以你必须经历磨难 so it"s important that you suffer. 我没有音乐天分

     受苦也是白费 I"m talentless, so suffering"s wasted on me. 你上次受苦是什么时候 When was the last time you suffered? 今天晚上 6 点起来上班就是受苦 Six o"clock this evening when I got up for work. 丹尼斯

     丹尼斯 Dennis! Dennis! 宝贝儿

     让我亲一口 Hey, baby, come on, give me a kiss. -德鲁


     让我亲一口 - Drew! - Come on, give me a kiss! Hey! 把他拖出去 Get him out! 我受够了

     告诉丹尼斯我不干了 I"ve had enough of this! Tell Dennis I quit! 哥们儿

     我很爱她 I love her, man! Come on! 你们都去死吧 You"re all gonna go to hell! -你从哪儿来

     -俄克拉荷马 - Where you from? - Oklahoma. 欢迎来到好莱坞 Well, welcome to Hollywood. -谢谢

     -给我 - Thanks. - Give me that! 别碰她 Leave her alone! 你还好吗 Are you okay? 妈的 Shit. 他抢了你的钱吗 Did he take your money? 不

     是我收藏的唱片 He took my records. 我很抱歉

     这实在糟透了 Look, I"m sorry this happened. It sucks. 我叫德鲁 I"m Drew. 我叫雪莉 Sherrie. 波旁室酒吧 "The Bourbon Room"? 你在波旁室酒吧打工 You work at The Bourbon Room? 是啊

     我在那儿的吧台打工 Yeah. I"m a barback. 总有一天

     那上面会有我的名字 One of these days, my name"s gonna be up there. -你玩儿乐队吗

     -我是个歌♥手 - You"re in a band? - I"m a singer. 不会吧

     我也是 Get out! Me too. 天啊


     我收藏的 Oh, my God. The Bourbon Room. I have, 差不多十张唱片都是在那儿录制的 like, 10 albums that were recorded there. 你是说

     曾经吧 More like had? 曾经 Had. 总之

     谢谢你 Well, thank you. 再次感谢 Thanks again. 别进去

     那地方很肮脏 Don"t go in there, it"s filth! 你需要工作吗

     我可以找 Do you need a job? I could talk to 我老板丹尼斯·杜普利谈谈 Dennis Dupree, my boss. 为你祈祷

     愿你平安 Pray you"ll be saved! 你是说真的吗 Are you serious? 无论怎样

     千万别跟他说你是歌♥手 Just whatever you do, don"t tell him you"re a singer. 吉米 Jimmy! 我跟你说过无数遍了 I told you ten thousand times. 姑娘酒水免费

     爷们儿要付全价 Girls drink free, dudes pay full freight. 他们就是爷们儿啊 They are dudes. 自从 73 年开始我就没让姑娘付过酒钱了 Look, I haven"t charged a girl since 73. 刚才我似乎看见 For a minute, I thought 《霹雳娇娃》里的凯特·杰克逊 that Kate Jackson from Charlie"s Angels 在酒吧里 had walked into my club. 更像是迈克尔·杰克逊吧 More like Michael Jackson. -他脸色有那么苍白吗

     -确实有点 - Doesn"t he look pale to you? - He does a bit. 丹尼斯


     她需要份工作 Dennis! Meet Sherrie. She needs a job, man. 我可不觉得

     她是个歌♥手 No, I don"t think so. She"s a singer. 不

     她刚刚来这里 No, she just came in from out of town. 好吧

     让我猜猜 Oh, okay, now, if I may. -以前每周日都会去唱诗班

     -路德教 - You sang in the church choir every Sunday. - Lutheran. 高三那年

     你在学校音乐剧当女三号♥ Senior year, you had the third lead in your high school musical. -估计是《音乐之声》

     -之后有人 - Sound of Music. - And then somebody 或许是你亲爱的贝蒂阿姨说你很有才华 ...

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