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    时间:2020-08-25 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    准备好了吗 Are we rolling? 好了

     准备好啦 Okay, we"re rolling. 戴夫的生日短♥信♥

     镜头一 Dave"s birthday message, take 1. 生日快乐

     戴夫 Happy Birthday, Dave! 我们知道


     超辛苦的 We know how hard you"ve been working on Ashley"s album... 所以我们决定给你准备了一个惊喜的小派对 so we thought it would be fun 相信你一定会喜欢的 to surprise you with a little party. 嘿

     你不是说过这是为我们办的欢送派对嘛 Hey! I thought you said this was a going-away party for us. 呃... Uh... 下一组镜头 Take 2. 为了庆祝你的生日 To celebrate your birthday... 还有花栗鼠美眉们即将去"美国偶像"

     做评委 and The Chipettes leaving to guest-judge American Idol... 我们为了办了一个小型... we thought we"d throw you a small get... 慢着

     那是 DJ Hold on, that"s the DJ! 什么"DJ"

      Wait, "DJ"? 好吧

     这可能是场中型规模的聚会 Okay, fine, so it might be a medium-sized get-together. 艾尔文


      Alvin, did you hire someone to build a half-pipe in the back yard? 没有

     是这次的派对策划搞的 Of course not! The party planner did. 你还雇了个派对策划

      You hired a party planner? 他没有

     这不叫雇佣 No, he did not hire a "party planner." 我的天


     我 Oh, thank goodness. For a minute there, I... 我就是派对策划 lam an event planner. 马克

     听我的指示 Marco, I"m done giving you instructions. 好的

     伙计 Oh, boy. 戴夫


     就我们几个 Dave, it"s all good. It"s just us. 你无需多虑 Nothing too cra... 喜多

     你按到了翻转按钮 Theodore! You hit the flip button! 噢


     不好意思 Oops! Um, hi. 哈哈

     今晚客人多来了几个 So, the guest list got a little out of hand. 几个

      A little? 戴夫

     这一切和我没半点关系 Dave, I had nothing to do with this! 生日快乐


     喔喔 Happy Birthday, Dave! Whoo-hoo! 瑞弗也在这儿

      Redfoo is here? 是的

     我特地邀请来的 Yeah, he is, because I got him here. 瑞弗

     他来自一个叫喷火战机的小乐队 The Redfoo, from a little band called The Foo Fighters. 什么

      What? 我觉得也没必要再和你掩饰了

     戴夫 WeH, there"s no way to sugarcoat it, Dave. 警♥察♥也来了

     喔 The cops are here! Ow... 他们也正玩得火热 And they"re having a blast! 生日快乐

     戴夫 Happy Birthday, Dave! 我已经忍♥不住要翩翩起舞了 This does wonders for my glutes! 戴夫

     请接受我们的这一片心意吧 This party is the least we can do for you, Dave. 对



      Yeah! Giving up songwriting to produce? 或者买♥♥个更大的新房♥子

      Buying a new house? 我们知道你做的一切都是为了我们 We know you"ve done all of this for us. 爱死你了

     戴夫 We love you, Dave! 生日快乐

     戴维尼 Happy Birthday, Dwayne. 是戴夫 It"s Dave! 这边


     他订了四十个披萨 I got 40 cheese pizzas here for a, uh, Theodore. 嗯哼


     付下钱吧 Whoo-hoo! Pay the man, Si. 喔 Whoo! 瑞弗 Redfoo! 准备好点燃今晚的派对了吗

      You ready to rock this party with a little Party Rock? 你们可能喜欢古典乐 Oh, you like the classics. 但我为你们带来一首新歌♥

     Juicy Wiggle But I got a new one for you, Juicy Wiggle! 那可是我的拿手好戏 This is my jizz-am! 太帅了 Ooh, cool! 我来到这个美妙派对 I walked into the party 一切让我大开眼界 I seen somethin" I never saw 摇头晃脑

     甩尾摇摆 Everybody was movin", groovin" 女孩们也已雀跃舞台 Girls, they were dancin" on the bar 她们跳的舞可有点不太一样 Now this wasn"t no ordinary dance 嘿

     为什么大家都好像在鱼缸里游泳 Hey, man, why is everybody swimmin" in a trance? 我猜不出来

     就像你爷爷说的谜语 I couldn"t figure it out like your grandpa"s riddle 问他们在嗨什么

     他们告诉我 I asked "em what they doin" and they said... 动起来 Juicy wiggle! 甩起你的翘臀

     像鱼一样自♥由♥地跳 Now move your hips and dance like fish 动起来 Get juicy 动起来 Get juicy 就这样

     动起来 Yeah, get juicy 动起来 Get juicy 动起来 Get juicy 动起来 Get juicy 动起来 Get juicy! 两位美女正在摇摆 Two girls was shakin" it 我在她们中间跳跃 I jumped in the middle 问她们在嗨什么

     她们告诉我 I asked "em what we doin" and they said... 动起来 Juicy Wiggle! 动起来 Get juicy 啊哈

     看我的 Oh, yeah! I"m in. 给他们看点厉害的

     喜多 Show "em what you got, Theo! 喔喔 Whoo-hoo! 动起来 Get juicy 他可真灵活 He"s so smooth. 对

     动起来 Yeah, get juicy 喔

     耶 Whoo! Yeah! 喔喔 Whoo-whee! 我已经开始失控 Now I done just lost my mind 这个东西安全么

      Is that safe? 很明显不安全 No, it is absolutely not. 天哪

     这是... What the... 呃



     这个滑道关闭了 Um, excuse me, young lady? The launch ramp is closed. 快看

     西蒙要跳啦 Hey, Simon"s gonna go! 不



     我没准备跳 No, no, no, I"m not going. 我就说

     这个玩意儿真的是... I was just explaining that this is really... 太刺♥激♥啦 High! 噢 Oh! 不行了

     我必须要再玩一次 That was awesome! I"m definitely going again. 男孩啊 Boys. 喔 Whoo! 动起来 Get juicy 我说"派对"

     你说"艾尔文" When I say "Party," you say "Alvin!" -派对

     -艾尔文 -Party! -Alvin! -派对

     -艾尔文 -Party! -Alvin! 派对 Party! 艾尔文 Alvin! 呃... Um... 是惊喜吗

      Surprise? 哇哈 Whoo-hoo! 哇哦 Uh-oh. 呃

     我的天 Oh, boy. 下次需要我们的时候 Uh, if anyone needs us, 我们漂洋过海也会来支持你们的 we"ll just be... Across the country. 出口在那边


     派对结束了 Over there, come on. Party"s over. 嗯


     那是我的 Oh, thank you. Yeah, that"s mine. -嗯


     -对 -Oh, you had to grab one last one? -Yeah. 没问题

     慢慢吃 Okay. Enjoy that yeah. 意不意外


      Were you surprised? 没有惊喜


      No, I wasn"t surprised, and you wanna know why? 因为


     这个话题上推特热门了 Because #Daves party was trending on Twitter. 太棒了 Nice! 我是说

     对不起 I mean, sorry. 我知道我的工作太满没时间陪你们... I know my work schedule is tough... 但我以为你们已经长大了 But I thought you guys were old enough 可以自己照顾好你们自己了 to take care of yourselves. 但很明显

     你们还不够成熟了 But I guess you"re not mature enough for that. 哪有


     我们不要太成熟 That"s insulting. We are very mature. 哈哈


     披萨屁 Sorry. Pizza toots. 听着

     我准备开始我人生的新篇章了 Look, I"m trying to start a new chapter in my life. 一个更稳定的未来 A more stable chapter... 那个时候你们就不用每晚在不同城市表演了 where you guys aren"t performing in a different city every night. 但是

     我们喜欢舞台啊 But, we love to perform. 你们随时可以回去上台表演

     但不是现在 You can go back to that, just not now, okay? 我只是希望你们几个过几年普通孩子的生活 I want you guys to have a few years of being normal kids. 但我们可不是普通小孩

     戴夫 But we"re not normal kids, Dave. 对 Yeah... 我们是双白金唱片组合

     花栗鼠 we"re multi-platinum singing chipmunks! Oops. 是嘛

     但是现在 Well, right now, 你们还是幼稚得像一群小动物 you"re acting like a bunch of animals... 没我的允许

     在家里搞个乌烟瘴气的派对 who just threw a giant house party without my permission. 明天不能举办迷你高尔夫球赛了

      Does this mean no miniature golf tomorrow? 很明显

     不可以 It should, and normally, it would. 但是

     你总该给我们最后一次机会吧 But, you"re gonna give us one last chance, right? 我想他说的是我们第 158 次机会

      I think he means our 158th last chance? 听着


     我也超想花时间陪你们在一起 Look, selfishly, I wanna spend as much time with you guys as I can... 但我现在确实要忙着去艾什莉在迈阿密的新专辑发布会 before I have to go to Ashley"s album release in Miami. 喔喔

     我们要去迈阿密了 Whoo-hoo! We"re going to Miami! 晃动你的身体

     快来跳康茄舞 Come on, shake your body, baby, do the conga 我知道你再也憋不住啦 I know you can"t control yourself any longer 感受这越来越强的完美节奏 Feel the rhythm of the music getting stronger 喜多


     耶 Theodore, get our Speedos! Yeah! 你们想多了 No, no Speedos. 是我

     我去迈阿密 I"m going to Miami. 机票只有两张 I only got a plus one, 我选谁哪个都对其他两个不公平 so it wouldn"t be fair to pick favorites. 嘘 Shh... 大家都知道我是你的最爱 We both know I"m your favorite. 艾尔文 Alvin. 并列最爱

      Tied for favorite? 你不需要说出名字 You don"t even have to say with who. 眼睛眨一下就是喜多

     两下是西蒙 Blink once for Theodore, twice for Simon. 懂了

     你一个都不喜欢 Got it, no favorites. 风向

     35 度

     西北方向 Wind, 35 degrees, out of the northwest. 抬尾

     10 度

     向下 Okay, tail up. 10, 10 degrees down. 抬肩

     放松 Shoulders up, shoulders down. 肩膀左转

     微微右调 Shoulders to the left, shoulders to the right. 收尾

     放松 Tail in, tail out. 啊



      Ah. While we"re young, Simon.


     再松一点 Loosen the grip, loosen the grip. 松过头了

     这样不行 Not too loose, not too loose, Simon. -我看下次吧

     -行了... -Any day, now. -And... 你让我的注意力一下子散了 my concentration is broken. -我又要从头开始了

     -好极了 -Now I have to start all over. -Oh, great! 天了噜

     等得我花都谢了 Let"s start this charade again. 嘿

     别这样 Oh, come on! 这不是 PGA 锦标赛

     西蒙 This isn"t the PGA Tour, Simon. 确实

     但仔细想想 PGA 不就是 Exactly. But this is what it"s all about. 四个家伙在那打高尔夫么 Just 4 dudes playing some golf. 确实


     呃 Actually, that reminds me, uh... 我今天邀请了一个朋友加入我们 I invited a friend to join us. 噢

     是那个大名鼎鼎的萨曼莎么 Oh, is this the famous Samantha 一直挂在戴夫嘴边那个美女

      we"ve been hearing so much about? -就是她

     -戴夫 -It is. -David! 呜啦啦 Ooh la la. 戴夫和萨曼莎正坐在树下 Dave and Samantha sittin" in a tree... 够了

     小家伙们 Very funny, guys. 我感觉开始有点紧张了

     所以 Anyway, it"s starting to feel kind of serious, so... 我需要准备一个好的开场 I thought an introduction would be nice. 你一定很爱那个女孩

     戴夫 You must really like this girl, Dave. 是的

     我希望你们也会喜欢她 I do, and I hope you guys do, too. 你的女朋友就是我们三个的女朋友 Yeah. Any girlfriend of yours is a girlfriend of ours. 我脑袋有点短路了

     请无视我 That sounded way less weird in my head. 原来你是这种花栗鼠

      You think? 她快来了 She"s here. 我看起来怎么样

      How do I look? 嗯

     呃... Well, uh... 说实话嘛

     看起来... You know? Looks. 艾尔文

     现在说实话不太好 Alvin! There is no time for honesty. 你看起来棒极了

     戴夫 You look great, Dave. 那条围巾让你看上去像一个慈祥的老爷爷 That sweater makes you look like a cozy grandpa. 谢了

     喜多 Thanks, Theodore. 刚刚到哪儿了


     下调一些 Okay, where was I? Shoulders up, shoulders down. 噢


     快打出去吧 Oh, brother. Hit the ball, already! 知道了 Okay! 它冲出去了 Look at it soar! 伙计们

     跟上来 Follow me, come on guys! 喔 WOW. 厉害 Awesome! 快跟上 Come on! 跟着它

     穿过嘴了 Follow the ball! Through the mouth! 熊嘴开门

     喔喔 Open wide! Whoo-hoo! 快点 Hurry up! 跟上来

     喜多 Hurry, Theodore! 我已经最快速度在跑了 I"m going as fast as I can! 转弯

     转弯 Turn, turn! 我的风向计算得相当准确 My wind calculations were accurate! 快点

     伙计们 Come On, guys! 天哪

     天哪 Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! 正中洞心... It"s a hole-in... 不


      No! Why? 对不起

     这是我兄弟的球 Excuse me, that"s my brother"s ball. 噢



      Oh, uh, this ball? 你们搞错了

     这是我的球 No, no, this is my ball. 什么

     刚才那个完美的进球是我的 What? I just hit that beautiful shot. 这样

     我们各退一步 Tell you what, let"s compromise, 这个球

     不属于我们任何一个 and we"ll call it... no one"s ball. 嘿 Hey! 我正式警告你 I"m warning you. 你惹了我们其中一个

     那你就是惹了我们一家人 You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us. -是的

     -哦 -Yeah! -Aw. 吓死宝宝了 I"m terrified. 啊 Ah! 干...干嘛


     停下来 What, what? Ouch! Wait! 你要拿我怎么样呢

      What are you gonna do? 等我转完一圈回来

     我们继续谈判 We will continue this conversation when I"m back. 嘿


     到你了 Hey, dude, it"s your turn. 好的

     就来 Oh, yeah. 太没素质了

     不屑和你抢球 Whatever! I don"t even need that ball! 对

     真是渣男一枚 Si"s right, you"re not worth it! 没错 Yeah! 噢


     感谢上帝 Oh, Dave, thank goodness. 嘿

     戴夫 Hey, Dave. 嗨


     这是萨曼莎 Hey, guys. This is Samantha. -萨曼莎


     -嗨 -Sam, these are my boys. -Hi. -嗨

     -那是喜多 -Hi. -That"s Theodore. 他年纪可能是最小的 He might be the smallest, 但他的胃口可是最大的 but he"s got the biggest heart. 嗨 Hi. 喔

     久闻美女芳名 Ooh, we"ve heard a lot about you. 美女好(法语) Enchanté. 我猜你是个惹祸精 I can tell that you"re trouble. 非也非也

     如果长得帅也是一种罪 If by "trouble," you mean "irresistible," 那么吾乃千古罪人矣 then guilty as charged. 这家伙就是这个样子

     然后这个是西蒙 Alvin, of course. And there"s Simon. 我猜


      So, you"re a doctor? 是的 I am. 是戴夫和你们说的吗

      Did Dave mention that? 不是

     你的听诊器还挂着呢 No, you"re wearing a stethoscope. 哈哈

     不好意思 Yes, I am. That"s embarrassing. 能给我看看你的听诊器吗

      Would it be okay if I tried it? -西蒙


     小家伙 -Simon. -Yeah, knock yourself out. 噢

     谢谢 Oh, thank you. 心率极其稳定


     每分钟 400 下 Heart rate is smooth and steady, 400 BPM. 所以


      So, it"s beating? 心脏不跳就挂了 Of course it"s beating. 很高兴和你们这些小家伙认识了 It"s so nice to finally meet you guys. 这是我儿子

     麦尔斯 Oh, and this is my son, Miles. 你儿子

     我的天 Son? Oh, no. 你们几个孩子蛮像的 You guys have a lot in common. 麦尔斯也是玩音乐的 Miles is also a musician. 我听过你的歌♥

     相当不错 Yeah, I"ve heard you"re pretty good. 塞维尔先生

     谢谢你的夸奖 Thanks, Mr. Seville. 太可怕了 Oh, brother. 我觉得这个地方蛮适合你们的 We thought this was the perfect place 你们一起玩慢慢培养下感情吧 for you guys to get to know each other better. 是的

     玩的时候乖一点 Yes, so behave, okay? 还有喜多

     你快从上面下来 And Theo, get down from there. 让我来吧 I"ll get him. 好

     重新开始我们的谈判吧 So, back to our conversation. 是不是感觉很爽

      No hard feelings, huh? 小伙子们

     玩得怎么样 Hey, YOU guys having fun? 耶

     我们在一起做棉花糖 Yeah, just getting some cotton candy. 好的 All right. 我可不想这么玩 This is not my idea of fun. 嗯 Mmm... 好吃 Yummy. 喜多 Theo! 艾尔文


      Alvin, where did Theodore go? 没看到

     上个球进洞后就没看到他了 I don"t know, I haven"t seen him since the last hole. 你觉得这只老鼠怎么样

      What do you think? 我觉得一只花栗鼠卖♥♥20 美元还是太贵了 Uh, 20 bucks seems like a lot of money for a chipmunk. 这可是只会讲话的花栗鼠 He"s a talking chipmunk. 快点


     说点什么 Go on, plump and juicy, say something. 呃

     我还会唱歌♥ Um, I also sing. 喔 Ooh... 耶


     耶 Yeah, yeah, yeah... 这不像喜多的风格

     会四处乱逛 This isn"t like Theo, to wander off. 我知道 I know. 为什么不去河里找找

      Why don"t you check the river? 花栗击打 Chip shot! 喔 Whoa! 艾尔文

     我找到他了 Alvin, I found him. -把我们兄弟还回来

     -对 -Give us back our brother! -Yeah! 我可是花了 20 美元买♥♥下来的 I just paid 20 bucks for him. 喜多是非卖♥♥品

     谢谢 He"s not for sale! -我出 40 美元


      -I want 40. -What? 他可是只会说话的花栗鼠 He"s a talking chipmunk. 我还会唱歌♥呢 I also sing. 喜多

     你可以不用说话 Theo! You"re not helping. 我喜欢大屁♥股♥

     我不会说谎 I like big butts and I cannot lie 你们这些家伙别想否认 You other brothers can"t deny 当蛇腰翘臀的女孩对面走 When a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist 你的脸会升起两个大红晕 And a round thing in your face 你情不自禁

     你想要大喊 You get sprung, wanna pull up tough 因为你发现你喜欢大屁♥股♥ "Cause you notice that butt was stuffed 你赢了 Ah. Fine! 这下你高兴了吧

     喜多 I hope you"re happy, Theodore. 我们零花钱全没了 That was all of our allowance. 对不起

     我为表演而生 Sorry. I was born to perform. 小家伙们

     看起来不错嘛 Great news, fellas. 今天和麦尔斯相处得挺不错的 You get to hang with Miles all day. 今天的打击也是好几次了 And the hits just keep on coming. Oh. 萨曼莎一会儿在医院还有活 Sam got a page from the hospital, 所以我四点带你们回我工作室 so I"m going to take you four to the studio with me. 好的 All right, be good. -再见



     宝贝 -Bye, Mom. -Bye, honey. 你忘了听诊器 Don"t forget your stethoscope. 噢

     对啊 Oh, yeah. Oh. 没事

     你留着做纪念吧 You know what? Keep it. 谢谢 Thanks. 祝你演出成功 Break a leg. 人家是医生

     戴夫 That doesn"t really apply to doctors, Dave. 对 Right. 祝你好运 Good luck! 你意思是心脏外科医生做手术靠运气 You kind of hope your heart surgeon doesn"t need luck. 呃

     玩得开心 Uh... Have fun! 搞定 Nailed it! 看

     是狗仔队 Look, paparazzi. 我猜他们听说我们要来了 I guess they heard we were coming. 嘿


     又和你们见面了 Hey, guys! Ah, it is good to see you. 这个角度再给我拍张照片吧

      Can you get one more from this side? 耶 Yeah. 小家伙

     他们不是特地来看你的 Guys, they aren"t here for you, come on. 快看

     艾什莉来了 There she is! Ashley! 我的爱人

     让我为你燃烧 Oh my love Let me be your fire 在一万英尺的高空

     我还要飞更高 We"re a thousand miles up And I"m "bout to get higher 心跳快要跳出来 Feel my heart beating Out my chest 为你祈祷是我最神圣的事 You"re the only prayer I need To make me feel blessed 我的爱人

     让我为你燃烧 Oh my love Let me be your fire 在一万英尺的高空

     我还要飞更高 We"re a thousand miles up And I"m "bout to get higher 嘿


     你干嘛呢 Hey! What the heck? 麦尔斯

     看你干的好事 Oh, nice, Miles. Ugh! Yuck! -噢


     -喂 -Oh, no! -Hey! 喔 Ow! 嘿

     在那边 Hey, down here! 你们注意点 Watch it, hey! -我的尾巴

     -麻烦让一下 -That"s my tail! -Excuse me. 你们能不能先向我的花栗鼠朋友道个歉 First, can you guys apologize for trampling my friends? 伙计们

     没事吧 Aw, sorry about that, guys. -谢谢你


     -没事 -Thank you, Ashley. -Sure. 格瑞小姐


      Miss Grey, when are you going back on tour? 格瑞小姐

     看这边 Miss Grey, over here. 呃


     我来 Oh, hey, you know what? 门交给我来帮你开 Let me, let me get this for you. 呃

     我觉得这个应该是用推的 Oh, you know, I think it"s "Push." 呃


     呵呵 Oh, yeah, you know, of course. 喔

     好了 Whoa. Okay. 麦尔斯已经开始失魂落魄了 Looks like Mr. Macho isn"t as cool as he thinks he is. 嘿

     你让我的爱得昏天黑地 Hey! Hello, you know You"re making me love sick 你是我的定时炸♥药♥

     我开始倒计时 You like my dynamite I"m like tick tick 我的天 Oh, man. 我真的想象不到 I didn"t realize how boring it is 录音室玻璃外面会是这么无聊 to be on this side of the glass. 是么

     那你们几个怎么不进去 Yeah, why aren"t you guys in there? 你们不是什么超级大明星嘛

      I thought you were, like, super famous or something? 昨天你还把没喝完粉色柠檬水 One day, you"re throwing back pink lemonades 落在了圣特罗佩老爹的游艇上 on Diddy"s yacht in Saint-Tropez... 啊哈

     中奖了 Ooh, jackpot! 但第二天

     你却只能吃着沙发上捡到的过期薯片 And the next, you"re eating stale chips you find in the couch. 我想死你了 I miss it. 呃


     沙发上的薯片是给艺人吃的 Uh, uh... Theodore, couch chips are for talent only. 哦 Oh. 真的吗


      Really, Barry? 好吧




      All right, you can keep it. Just don"t tell anyone, okay? 哇呼

     好吃 Whoo-hoo! Yum. 太棒了 We did it! 我们成功把自己孩子互相介绍认识了 We successfully introduced our kids to each other. 你也成功完成了一个心脏外视手术 And then, you performed open-heart surgery. 谢谢夸奖

     作为一个单身妈妈 Please, after being a single mom 还有一个医学院学生

     做梦都想不到我能完成它 and a med student, I could do this in my sleep. 我好像又把听诊器带出来了 And I wore my stethoscope out again, didn"t I? 我觉得这样很可爱 I thought it was cute. 我喜欢别人知道我在和一位医生在约会 And I like people to know I"m dating a doctor. 虽然每天忙的不亦乐乎

     但我都能乐在其中 All right, I guess my life is a little more hectic than I"d like to admit. 我明白 I get it. 我能问个问题吗


      So, I have to ask. The boys? 你是把它们当领养的孩子还是... Are they, like, your adopted kids, or... 嗯


      How does that work? 呃

     我还没完全认真考虑过这个问题呢 I don"t know, I never really thought about it. 怎么了

      What? 它们能遇见你真是太幸福了 They"re lucky to have you. 我有个提议 Crazy idea. 要不要和我一起去迈阿密

      Have you ever been to Miami? 这里是

     美国偶像 This is American Idol! 很抱歉

     我们给出的结果是... I"m sorry to have to do this... 你拿到去好莱坞的资格了 but you"re going to Hollywood! 啊

     那是我我梦寐以求想说的台词 Ah. I"ve always wanted to say that! 为什么她们可以出去在电视上风光潇洒呢

      Why did they get to move out and do all this cool stuff? 呃


     艾尔文 Uh, well, Alvin... 有科学依据说

     女孩子比男孩子心理上成熟早一点 girls are scientifically proven to mature faster than boys. 噢

     胡说八道 Ah, whatever. 嘿

     小家伙们 Hey, guys. -戴夫

     -嗨 -Dave! -Hi. 今天回来晚了

     因为回家路上捎带了一些东西 Sorry I"m late. I had to pick up a few things on the way home. 不用担心

     我们只是在思考 No worries, we"ve just been ruminating 为什么我们还要呆在家里 on why we still live at home. 你们觉得萨曼莎怎么样

      So, what"d you guys think of Samantha? 她非常棒 Oh, she"s awesome. 我们喜欢她 We loved her. 噢

     剩菜打包 Ooh, leftovers. 我要等不及啦 Ooh, I can"t wait. 让我先来尝一下

     肯定超好吃 Oh, I can taste it. Yes! Yummy. 啊

     这个东西不能吃呢 Oh. I can"t eat this. 喔

     这是一枚货真价实的订婚戒指 Whoa! That is a serious engagement ring. 等等

     这是戴夫要和萨曼莎求婚的节奏吗 Wait a second. That means Dave is going to ask Samantha to marry him. 别急

     不能妄下论断 Hold on, we don"t know that. 他们在一起才几个月 They"ve only been together a few months, 可能是你自己想多了而已 so you"re probably overreacting. 但如果真是真的怎么办

      But what if it"s true? 啊哦

     他来了 Uh-oh. Here he comes. 表现地自然点 Act casual. 你们这些家伙在干嘛呢 Huh. What are you guys doing? 呃



      Uh, yoga. Downward munk? 非常高兴知道你们也喜欢萨曼莎

     因为... Well, that"s great to hear that you guys like Samantha, because... 她即将成为我生活中重要的一部分 She"s gonna become a big part of my life. 还有个好消息 Oh, and good news. 我另外一张机票有用武之地了 My plus one isn"t going to waste. 萨曼莎和我一起去迈阿密 She is coming to Miami with me. 别提醒我了


     我听得一清二楚呢 I"m standing right here. I can hear what he"s saying. 我一直想要一个妈妈 I"ve always wanted a mom. 伙计们 Guys... 如果萨曼莎变我们母亲了

     那就意味着麦尔斯 if Samantha is our mom, that makes Miles... 是我们兄弟了 Our brother. 不 No! 深呼吸放松



     呼气 Deep breaths, Theodore. In and out. 一切都会好起来的 It"s going to be okay. 我们该怎么办 What are we gonna do? 伙计们

     开工了 Guys, it"s time. 戒指夺取行动开始 Operation ring retrieval is a go. 没了戒指

     戴夫就求不了婚 No ring, no proposal. 求婚失败

     就不用和麦尔斯在一起 No proposal, no Miles. 喜多


     士兵 Theo, fall in line, soldier. 噢

     等等我 Oh, brother. 艾尔文



      Alvin, what... Are we doing a charade? 噢


     两个字吗 Oh, cool. Two words. 不 No. 首先往下

     你是说... First down? What are you... 听起来像两个音节的 Two syllables. Sounds like. 是一部电影名吗

      Is it a movie? -还是歌♥名

     -一个单词 -A song? -First word. -生气

     -赶紧过来 -Angry. -Get over here. 好的 Okay... 我还是听不懂你刚刚说的 Still no idea what you"re saying. 喜多

     你负责监视戴夫 Theodore, you keep an eye on Dave. 西蒙和我去取戒指 Simon and I will get the ring. 啊哦 Uh-oh. 找到了 There you are. 艾尔文

     抓着 Alvin, grab this. 继续行动 Let"s do this. 成功 Yes! -那个纸包不见了

     -遭了 -The bag"s gone. -No. 你是说那边那个纸袋吗 You mean that bag over there? 干得好

     就是那只 And I"m back to "Yes." 啊哦 Uh-oh. 情况有点不妙了 And right back to "No." 快撤


     我们走 Abort. Abort. Let"s go. 伙计们 Guys... 你们在这干什么呢 what are you doing in here? 呃


     我们 Uh... Well... We... 想在你离开去迈阿密之前 just wanted to spend as much time as possible 能多点时间陪在你的身边 with you before you left for Miami. 是的 Yeah. 好吧

     我去给你们做早餐 All right. I"ll make breakfast. 喔喔

     我喜欢早餐 Whoo-hoo! I love breakfast. 艾尔文

     快去取走戒指 Alvin, grab it. 噢



     想想都激动呢 Ooh, ooh, Belgian waffles, pancakes. So excited. 好的

     孩子们 Okay, guys... 隔壁的普莱斯夫人这几天会来照看你们 Miss Price from next door, she"s gonna peek in on you... 确保你们不会再大闹天宫 make sure you"re all right. 什么

     那个笨女人 What? She"s nuts. 是我们该去监视她的行为 We should be the ones checking in on her. 好吧

     你们上次的派对让我心有余悸 Well, after that big party you guys threw... 我对你们还是不能完全放心 I don"t feel very comfortable with you guys 乖乖听话呆在家里


      staying here unsupervised. You got it? 噢

     肯定是萨曼莎和麦尔斯来了 Oh, that must be Samantha and Miles. 麦尔斯

      Miles? 对

     他会和你们一起呆几天 Yeah, he"s going to stay with you guys for a few days. 所以

     你不放心我们单独留在家里 So, you don"t feel comfortable leaving us alone, 但却安心把我们和那个精神病放在一起 but you"re okay leaving us with that psychopath? 别瞎说

     他是个很棒的小伙子 No, he"s a great kid. 你们会愉快相处的 It"ll be fun. 你们知道的


     这是一个 You know, it"ll be, uh, 很好的让你们互相适应的经历 a good bonding experience for you guys. 呃

     我确定麦尔斯会把我们用强力胶粘起来 Uh, I"m pretty sure Miles would interpret "bonding experience" "固定"

     我们的兄弟之情 as super-gluing us together. 嗨 Hi. 喔

     这地方不错哦 Wow. Great place. 噢

     谢谢 Oh, thanks. 不用客气

     随便坐 Make yourself at home. 我的家就是你的家(西班牙语) Mi casa, su casa. 戴夫

     谢谢你那么慷慨对我们开放你的屋子(西班牙语) Thank you, David, that"s very generous of you to open your home. 喔

     我刚才献丑了 Wow. That"s really impressive. 其实我不怎么会讲西班牙语 I actually don"t speak Spanish. 他刚刚说真谢谢你对他开放你的屋子 He said that it"s very generous of you to open your home. 我也会西班牙语 I also speak Spanish. 不要妄想戴着乖孩子的面具来耍任何人 And you"re not fooling anyone with your good boy routine. 我要玩弄所有人 I"m fooling everyone. 他们根本不知道我一会儿要把你们当佣人使唤 They have no idea that I"m going to make you my personal servant. 好吧



     周末愉快 All right. I guess this is it. Have a great weekend, guys. 你们几个 And boys... 正好趁这次在家证明你们已经成熟了


      try to show me you can handle some independence, okay? 好的



     乖一点 All right, bye, sweetie. Be good. 好的 Okay... 那我们出发了 All right. Here we go. 我感觉你们兄弟间纽带开始萌芽了 I can feel the bonding happening already. 嗯

     我们的感情会如胶似漆的 We"re gonna be doing tons of bonding. 强力胶在哪里

      Where"s the Super Glue? 麦尔斯

     如果要和平共处 Miles, if we"re going to make this work, 我们需要好好谈谈 we need to talk. 你就当我们正在谈 Feels like it"s working. 好了

     谈话结束 But, good talk. 你不能一直把我们关在外面 You can"t shut us out forever. 他说的是你的心门

     但是 He means emotionally, but... 我指的就是你为什么把我们关在本属于我们的房♥子外面 I want to focus on the physically shutting us out of our own home part. 我要尿尿 I have to pee. 你们这些家伙太幼稚了 You guys are so naive. 相信我

     戴夫和我妈之间只是暂时的 Trust me, this thing with Dave and my mom is temporary. 你说的暂时

     是说暂时到他们老去吗 If by temporary you mean, "till death do they part"... 那可真是完美的暂时 then yeah. Totally temporary. 你们这些家伙在说什么

      What are you talking about? 他是说结婚

     麦尔斯 He"s talking about marriage, Miles. 戴夫准备了结婚戒指 Wedding bells. 他一会儿就要把它戴到你妈手指上了 Dave liked it and he"s gonna put a ring on it. 装手纸的包而已 A bag of tissue. -什么

     -糗大了 -What? -Scandalous. 戒指不见了 It"s gone. 呃

     他一定把戒指带身上了 Uh. He must have packed the ring 昨晚睡前就拿出来了 last night before bed. 然后他会在迈阿密和萨曼莎求婚 He"s going to propose to Samantha in Miami. 所以你们觉得我们就可以变成那种

     呃 So you think we"re all gonna become, like, 相亲相爱的一家人

      one big happy family? 没人觉得高兴

     我们觉得你妈妈真的是个好人 No one said happy. No offense to your mom. 她非常有魅力又善良 She actually seems quite wonderful. 是的

     但我们不喜欢你 Yeah. It"s you we"re not thrilled about. 呵呵

     彼此彼此 Well, the feeling is mutual. 戴夫你们就自己留着吧 And you guys can keep Dave too. 我很小的时候父亲就不在了

     我一个人也过的非常好 My dad died when I was little and I"ve done just fine without one. 噢


     麦尔斯 Oh. I"m sorry, Miles. 没必要

     我不是太了解他 Don"t be. I didn"t know him. 如果戴夫和我妈结婚了 If Dave and my mom do get married... 他们会生一个属于他们的孩子 they"ll wanna have their own kids. 你们又不是戴夫的亲生儿子 And you"re not even Dave"s real sons... 到底只是他称作孩子的三只花栗鼠而已 you"re just a bunch of chipmunks that he calls his kids. 但当你们还没意识到这个事情之前 Before you guys know it, 可能已经被赶回森林里了 you"ll be back out in the forest. 抱着你们的坚果过冬吧 Holding your nuts all winter. 嘿 Hey. 首先告诉你

     那是松鼠干的事情 First of all, that"s what squirrels do. 我们是花栗鼠 We are chipmunks. 呃


     花栗鼠也是这种习性 Um, Alvin, chipmunks do that too. 我连花栗鼠的生活习性都不知道 And the fact that I didn"t know that... 我们更不能离开这里回森林里去了 is exactly why we cannot end up back in the forest. 但是

     我觉得戴夫不会做出那种事情的 But... Dave wouldn"t do that to us. 他已经做了 He already has. 不然你们觉得他为什么把你们留家里

      Why do you think you guys are here

     自己却和我妈去迈阿密了 and my mom"s in Miami? 开始花栗鼠会议 Meeting of the Munks. 我也不希望麦尔斯说的是真的 I don"t want Miles to be right any more than you do, 但各种情况都吻合了 but it all kind of lines up. 新工作



     还有新的家庭 New job, new house, new girlfriend, new family. 我不想回森林里去 I don"t want to go back to the forest. 我也不想和那个讨厌的家伙呆在一起 And I am definitely not going to end up related to that guy. 嗯

     完美回答 Hmm. Nice form. 麦尔斯

     和你作笔交易 Here"s the deal, Miles. 我们去迈阿密阻止这次求婚 We all go to Miami to stop this proposal... 然后我们就可以后会无期了 and then we never have to see each other again. 成交 I"m in. 我迫不及待地要离开你们这些小屁虫了 Can"t get you chipmunks out of my life fast enough. 这是认识你以来听你说过的最聪明的话了 That"s the smartest thing you"ve said since we met you. 你确定你的储蓄罐里有足够钱吗

      Are you sure there"s enough money in your piggy bank? 伙计

     这是信♥用♥卡♥ Guys, it"s a credit card. 够我们买♥♥四张票

     别担心 We"ll get 4 tickets. Stop worrying. 你们好啊

     孩子们 Hello, boys. 嗨

     普莱斯小姐 Hey, Miss Price. 我应该好好监视你们的 I"m supposed to be keeping an eye on you... 所以我觉得我该用这只眼来看 So I think I"ll use... this one. 如果她这样一直监视我们怎么去迈阿密啊

      How are we gonna get to Miami if she"s gonna be watching us? 伙计们

     我有个好主意 Guys, I have a plan. 最怕听到艾尔文说这四个字了 The 4 words society fears most. 你是怎么做到的 I can"t believe that worked. 对我来说

     把花生泡在止咳糖浆里并不算什么 It wasn"t so much me as it was the peanuts dipped in cough syrup. 他们睡得这么沉 That"s really messed up. 给你点赞

     谢谢 Respect. Thank you! 艾尔文

     他们可不是花栗鼠 Alvin, these aren"t even chipmunks. 只是松鼠而已 They"re squirrels. 不要再挑三拣四了 Beggars can"t be choosers. 另外


     我们只要把玩具花栗鼠身上的衣服脱下来给他们穿上 once we put them in the shirts from the Alvin, Simon and Theodore dolls... 普莱斯夫人她安能辨我是雌雄 Miss Price won"t be able to tell the difference. 好主意

     动手 Yeah, let"s do it. 哦哦

     我来换我的玩具衣服 Ooh, oh... I get to change me! 不敢相信买♥♥一张票就花光了信♥用♥卡♥的额度 I can"t believe I maxed out my mom"s entire card in this one ticket. 但不成大问题

     计划继续 We"re fine. Just stick to the plan. 我开始想我应该和喜多一起混进托运 I"m starting to think I should go through cargo with Theo. 嘘 Shh. 憋说话

     安静 Be silent. Be still. 还有你

     钻进去 And you. Get in there. 喔

     轻点 Ow! Easy! -你们俩个家伙

     -小心拉链 -Both of you guys. -Watch the zipper. 下一位 Next! 你里面塞了都什么东西 Who knows what you"re carrying in this thing. 往前走 Go on through. 喔 Whoa! 那是什么玩意儿

      What"s that? 这是...艾尔文填充玩具 That is a... stuffed Alvin doll. 你知道的

     那个十八线过气花栗鼠唱歌♥组合 You know, from that lame singing chipmunks group. 呃

     是的 Um, yeah. 抱歉

     请让我看看你的背包里到底是什么东西 I"m gonna need to see what"s in that backpack, please. 哦

     不 Oh, no. 那个 Yeah. 呃

     这只是一个玩偶而已 Um, it"s just a doll. 你看过"鬼娃回魂"吗 Chucky was just a doll. 这是艾尔文

     大写 A 就是他名字 This is Alvin. It"s what the "A" is for. 可伸可曲

     柔软度爆表 He does a lot of bending and back up. 还会劈叉呢 He does splits. 还能这么扭 He can twist. 像布莱尔琳达(驱魔人主演) Like Linda Blair almost. 也可以当成减肥锻炼工具 You can use it as a weight-loss device. 甩两下都感觉快出汗了 I can feel the sweat. 它还能讲话 It even talks. 它可以说"我是个傻瓜脑袋" It says, "I"m a dumb stupid-head." 不好意思

     可能电池电量低了 Sorry, the batteries might be a bit low. 哦

     我是个傻瓜脑袋 Ow! I"m a dumb stupid-head! 所以总的来说...哇 So, he"s... Ow! 它还会咬人 And it bites. 我觉得这是个设计缺陷 I think that was just a design flaw. 应该要被召回了 There"s probably a recall. 你可以把你的玩具收回去了 You can put the doll back in the bag. 不要回那么暗的地方 Not the dark place! 然后我需要麻烦你往站那边一下 What I am gonna need is for you to take a step right over there... 因为我们要对你做一个快速全身扫描 because we"re gonna need to do a quick body search. 全身扫描

      Body ...

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