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    时间:2020-12-08 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    前情提要 我和我朋友小波 一起开了家咖啡馆 她挂了 I opened a cafe with my friend, Boo. Yeah, she"s dead now. 感谢你今天的到来 Thank you for coming in today. 这招对我已经没用了 That kind of thing won"t get you very far here any more. 认识一下希拉里 I suppose you should meet Hillary. 它好可爱 She"s beautiful! 妈妈三年前去世了 Mum died three years ago. 还好吗 爸爸 All right, Dad? 爸爸作为单亲 抚养我们的方法是 Dad"s way of coping with two motherless daughters was to buy us 买♥♥票让我们去听女权讲座 并上了我们的教母 tickets to feminist lectures, start fucking our godmother, 最后还玩失联 and eventually stop calling. 你拿了那个雕像吗 Did you take the sculpture? 什么雕像 What sculpture? 马丁最近对我很好 Martin"s being lovely. 我没醉 - 没有不醉的时候 - I am not drunk. - Always drunk. 杰克是她继子 奇葩一枚 精神病患者 Jake"s her step-son. He"s really weird, probably clinically, 但大家避而不谈 but no-one really talks about that. 我被提拔去芬兰了 No. I got the Finland promotion. 太棒了 - 谢谢你 - That"s amazing! - Thank you. 大家都会犯错 People make mistakes. 你老公想在你生日会上亲我 Your husband tried to kiss me on your birthday. 这句话我只说一次 I"m just going to say this once. 他没有要亲你 He didn"t try to kiss you. 他说是你要亲他 - 相信我啊 He says it was more like the other way around. - Believe me! 我怎么相信你 - 我是你妹妹啊 - How can I believe you? - Because I"m your sister! 在你辜负了小波之后吗 After what you did to Boo? 对不起 - 我想你该走了 - I"m sorry. - I think you should go. 371 天 19 小时 26 分钟后 要帮忙吗 Can I do anything? 不了 谢谢 No, thank you. 他们都走了 They"ve gone. So... 谢谢 Thank you. 这将是一个爱情故事 This is a love story. 伦敦生活

      第二季 第 1 集 当你真的百无聊赖 无所事事时... You know when you"ve done everything? When you"ve been all... 蹲 - 蹲 - Squat! - Squat! 以及 ..and 甚至... You"ve even... 想做♥爱♥吗 Do you want to have sex? 不想 No! 我帮你口也行啊 - 休想 - Can I at least go down on you? - No! 当你做了所有能做的事 慢慢找回自我 You"ve done everything, and you feel great. 不再去想... You"re not even thinking about... 也不再去想... You don"t even think about... 尽管你姐姐依然恨你... - 谢谢 - And even though your sister still hates you... - Thank you. 但依然假装是朋友 因为爸爸已经... ..you"re pretending to be friends because your dad is... 开玩笑的 他就在这儿 - 为了爱 I"m joking, he"s just there... - Here"s to love. 还订了婚 - 为了爱 - ..and engaged. - To love! 为了爱 Love. 祝贺你们 两个老东西 Congratulations, you assholes! 这件事对我们俩意义重大 So, it means a great deal to both of us 你 我 that you, that we, 这个家庭... the family, are... 都... ..are all... 一齐... 交... 欢... ..together here for a very special family, er... 聚一堂...... ..gang-bang, um... 此时此刻... It"s just, you know, being here... 我知道我们有过... ..you know, I know we"ve had our... 因为我... Cos I... 自心底... I have the feeling, um... 感觉到... ..in... here... 我只是想说... So I just want to say... 足够了 ..very much. 说完了 - 亲爱的 And that"s it. - Oh, darling! 祝贺你 爸爸 - 祝贺你们 干杯 - Congratulations, Dad. - Congratulations! Cheers. 白头偕老 May these be the worst of our days. 这人谁啊 - 为你高兴 老头儿 - Don"t know who this guy is. - Happy for you, old boy. 世界上最英明的决定了 Best decision a man can make. - 你气色不错 - 谢谢 You look well. Thank you. 都喝酒吗 Right. Wine, everyone? 我想来点 - 你会喜欢的 我亲自选的 - I"d love some wine. - Oh, you"ll adore it. I chose it. 我们不用了 谢谢 Not for us, thanks. 我们戒酒了 - 已经六个月了 - Off the sauce! - Six months and counting. 为什么 Why would you do that? 享受彼此的陪伴 - 一秒都不想错过 - We just... enjoy each other more this way. - Don"t want to miss a thing. 自从那次 我就没见过她... I haven"t seen her since... 除了刚才... Except for... 连体衣不错 - 谢谢 Nice jumpsuit. - Thank you. - 你气色不错 都去哪了

     - 训练营 You look well, where"ve you been? Boots. 这段时间那边天气非常好 It"s lovely there this time of year. 精神不错啊 Oh, you look fantastic. 你俩今晚也是容光焕发 Oh, well, you both look gorgeous! - 谢谢 - 是真皮吗 Oh, thank you. Is that fur? 是 但还好 反正它也中风了 Yes, but it"s OK because it had a stroke. 真不错 Oh, lovely! 我不会因此下地狱吧 神父 I can"t go to hell for that, can I, Father? 不会的 只要你去忏悔 No. Not as long as you confess. 妈耶 是他俩的牧师 Oh, God, he"s their priest. 之后就什么都不用担心了 Then you"ve nothing to fucking worry about! 他们又酷又甜的牧师 Their cool, sweet priest. 爱死天主教了 做什么都能逃脱 Love the Catholics! You can get away with anything. 确实很多都能 A lot of them did. 能做你们婚礼的牧师 我很荣幸 谢谢 It"s an honour to be marrying you two. Thank you. 你们神父不带狗也可以出门吗 I didn"t realise you were allowed out without your little doggy thing. 抱歉 我让你失望了吗 Oh, sorry, have I disappointed you? 当然没有 - 无语了 - Of course not. - Devastated. 要再来一瓶吗 Can I get you another bottle? 找存在感的服务员 Needy waitress. 不用 我们已经点过了 Ah, no, it"s all right. We"ve already ordered wine. 真的吗 Oh, no, really? 我再来杯龙舌兰 - 我也再要一杯 - I"ll have another tequila. - I"ll have a tequila. 好的 非常感谢 Great, thank you so much. 我要一杯苏打水加青柠 Can I get a glass of sparkling water with a dash of lime, please? 我也要一份 Oh, yes, I"ll have the same. 心有灵犀 Dream team. 这位神父最牛逼的一点 You know the most fascinating thing about Father here, 他妈妈原来是个拉拉 is that his mother was originally a lesbi...! 你看起来很累啊 You do look tired. 其实没我想象中累 Oh, it"s not as exhausting as I thought it would be, actually. 她要经常往芬兰跑 She"s commuting from Finland. 她现在收拾东西只要十分钟 She has narrowed down her packing to a ten-minute turnaround. 太牛了 - 你只需要 It"s... Fabulous! - It"s all about... 把东西卷起来 而不用... - 叠 - Rolling it up, rather than... - Folding it. 我听说过 你们确定不喝点吗 I read about that. Now, are you sure you don"t want any wine? 不了 谢谢你 - 口感非常不错 - Oh, no, thank you! - It really is delicious. 我太羡慕你们了 I admire you both so much. 戒酒真的改变了我们 是吧 宝贝 Well, it"s really turned us around, hasn"t it, honey? 每天都精力充沛 在芬兰... Oh, so much more energy. You know, in Finland... 你们为什么戒酒啊 - 他酗酒 Is there a reason that you"re not drinking? - He"s an alcoholic. 有意思 我爸妈也是 - 巧了 - Oh, fun, my parents are alcoholics. - Oh, great. 我们想两个人一起戒会容易点儿 We thought it"d be easier if we did it together, 其实我根本不爱喝酒 and I don"t really like the taste... 而且我们准备要孩子 And we are trying for a baby! 天哪 克莱尔 Oh, Claire! 我们还以为你生不了呢 We thought you couldn"t have them! 什么 为什么 What? Why? 你看上去有点儿... Well, you just seem a little... 大家都说改变生活方式会有帮助 Well, they say a lifestyle change can help, 不妨一试 so here we go. 也算双喜临门了 - 谢谢 爸 - That is so exciting, darling. - Thanks, Dad. 祝你们心想事成 Good luck. That"s wonderful. 有奸♥情♥ - 而且现在也有钱请月嫂了 - Something"s up. - And now you have the money to pay for proper help. 那些没钱请月嫂的人 呕 Ghastly without help, I imagine. 给我们讲讲芬兰吧 Tell us about Finland. 好啊... 芬兰 Oh, well, it"s, um... 冰冷 美丽 黑暗 ..cold and beautiful and dark. 她好像真的很开心 I think she might be happy. 压力很大 但我超爱这个工作 It"s a lot of pressure, but I love it. 我现在有个新合伙人 I have this amazing new partner 他超厉害 对公♥司♥发展帮助很大 out there, he"s really pushed the company forward... 我都不记得上次我们出远门是什么时候了 I can"t remember the last time we went away. 你们最近不是去日本了吗 Weren"t you both in Japan recently? 日本 哇 - 对 才去了两周而已 Japan, wow. - Oh, yes, but that was just a little fortnight. 不要问 - 你们去干嘛呢 Don"t ask her! - Why were you in Japan? - 我呢... - 打断一下 亲爱的 Well, the... I was... - Oh, sorry, darling. 没事 - 谢谢 - Oh, no, no. - Thank you. 飞去参加一个性展览 They flew us over with the Sexhibition. 抱歉 亲爱的 你是要... Sorry, darling, do you want to...? 不 不 - 不用了吗 - No, no, no. - No? Oh. 一般大家都认为日本人十分拘谨 You see, you think of the Japanese as a very prudish people. 也不能一概而论 Not to generalise. 其实 他们的文化对性有着浓厚的兴趣 But actually they have a very deep interest in sex in their culture, 只是不易察觉而已 it"s just hidden in the underbelly. 不许公诸于众 - 好吧 - It"s not allowed to come to the surface. - Fair enough. 他们非常欣赏... They really appreciated... 性展上的直白展现 The honesty of the sexhibition, 而美国人... The Americans, oh, well... 却对我的作品嗤之以鼻 Well, they just took me in their street 我的作品深深地打动了那些日本人 But the Japanese were deeply moved by my work, I think. 对吧 亲爱的 Weren"t they, darling? 对 - 激起了文化界的巨浪 - Yeah. - It caused quite a cultural wave 波澜 A ripple. 巨浪 巨浪 Wave. 四十五分钟了 没人搭理我 No-one"s asked me a question in 45 minutes. 你是做什么的 So what do you do? 开咖啡馆 Er, I run a cafe. 还顺利吗 It"s going well, is it? 当然 很好 Yes, it is. It really is. 真的很好 It actually is. 真的 It is. 有人要冰块吗 Can I get anyone any ice? 美女 还有烟吗 - 当然 - Fellow smoker. Do you have a spare one? - Sure. 你和家人经常聚会吗 还是... So, do your family get together much, or...? 操 Fuck you, then. 再等等 We should wait. 好的 OK. 他特别贴心 - 是的 He"s such a lovely man. - Yes. 你抽烟了 - 是的 - Did you have a cigarette? - Yeah. 我只是希望你可以看到他... I just, I wish you could"ve seen him in... 他们甚至不能手♥淫♥ You know, they can"t even masturbate! 凄惨啊 - 抱歉 - Shit alive, man. - Oh, sorry. 我们刚才在说 使命的意义 We were just saying, it"s fascinating, 非常迷人 the notion of a calling. 是的 婚姻也是一种使命 Yeah, well, marriage is a calling, too, of course. 你一直想当神父吗 - 卧♥槽♥ 当然不 - Did you always want to join the priesthood? - Oh, fuck, no. 抱歉 Sorry. 其实我很晚才意识到 No, no, no. I came quite late to it, actually, 但对我来说

     这真的是美好的生活 but it"s been a really good life to me. 我找到了平静 I"ve really found peace in it. 你有家人在教堂工作吗 Is anyone in your family in the Church? 实际上 我的父母都是律师 我的哥哥 Actually, both my parents are lawyers and my brother 是一名长途卡车司机 - 真不寻常 - is a long-distance lorry driver. - How unusual! 你父母很成功吧 Are your parents successful? 他们做酒鬼倒是很成功 They were very successful alcoholics, yeah. 但都比你强 Better than you, anyway. 除了他们 我的家人几乎都是修女 No, but beyond them, my family"s literally crawling with nuns 所以也不算太离谱 so it wasn"t too much of a leap. 你一定很压抑吧 Must be hard on the balls. 马丁 Martin! 比连续五个月坚持造小孩容易多了 Not as hard on them as trying to make a baby for five months, 好吃吗 Food good? 酱汁超恶心 This sauce is disgusting. 都还好吗 - 很好吃 谢谢 - Is everything OK? - Oh, it"s delicious, thank you. 都很好吃 Delicious. Lovely, lovely. 亲爱的... Um, darling... 不用 我们自己倒就行 No, no. We"ll just pour our own wine, please. 我很乐意为您... - 谢谢 Oh, I actually love doing... - Thank you. 帮我倒点吧 - 谢谢 - You can pour me some. - Oh, thank you. 你主持过很多老年人的婚礼吗 So, do you do a lot of older weddings? 我不觉得我们... I don"t think that"s how we... 没有 实际上这是我的第一个婚礼 No, this is my first-ever wedding, actually. 我一直对宗教持怀疑态度 Do you know, I"ve always been so suspicious of religion, 但不得不说 婚礼上有一个真正的神父 but I must say, I think there"s something rather chic 确实很带感 about having a real priest at a wedding. 你是真正的神父吗 Are you a real priest? 是的 Yeah. 花时间去了解我们婚礼的主持人 真好 Do you know, it"s so nice spending time getting to know the man who"s going to marry us. 这很常见吗 Is that usual? 并不 我才来这个教区 我只是... No, but I"m new to the parish, and I guess I"m just... 太他妈的孤单了 I"m really fucking lonely! 所以我很感激 非常感谢 So I appreciate this. Thank you very much. 刚来这个教区 New to the parish? 神父帕特里克不幸去世了 Father Patrick sadly died, 所以我得到了这份工作 so I got the gig. 他怎么死的 What did he die of? 就 老死的 Just, um, time. 他是个敬业的人 一位伟大的神父 But he was a dedicated man, he was a brilliant priest. 有点言过其实吧 Sounds like a riot. 他就是 真的 He was, actually. 知道我们是怎么认识的吗 Do you know how we met? 不知道 - 通过杰克 No. - Through Jake. - 奇葩继子 - 他吹笛子... Creepy step-son. He plays the flute... - 吹大管 - 在教堂的乐队里 非常可爱 The bassoon...in the church band. Just adorable! 克莱尔介绍我们认识 我们一见如故 And Claire introduced us and we just hit it off. 对吧 - 没错 - Didn"t we? - We did, yeah. 确实如此 They did. 她要为义卖♥♥会捐赠一幅画 肯定会引起轰动 She"s donating a painting for the fete, it"s going to cause quite the stir! 只是一幅旧作 Oh, it"s just an old one. 听着 我们不想在婚礼上收礼物 Now, listen, um, we don"t want gifts at the wedding. 有些人太敷衍 I mean, it"s enough that people slug it over 烦都烦死了 without then expecting a gift. 所以我们决定让人们捐钱 So we"ve decided to ask people to make a small donation, 以我们的名义 捐给他们选定的慈善机构 to a charity of their choosing, in our name. 听着不错啊 That sounds lovely. - 想知道我送你父亲什么礼物吗 - 天啊 Do you want to know what gift I"m giving your father? - Oh, God 一幅你们的... - 天啊 It"s a portrait... - Oh, God. 肖像 - 天啊 - ..of you girls. - Oh, God. Um... 你是说... 我们一起 还是... You mean...? Together, or...? 只需要你们当几次模特 I"d only need a couple of sittings. 就不能用照片吗 Right. Can"t you use photos? 不能 光线不够好 No, because the lighting"s never good enough, 如果你不上镜 画出来也不好看啊 and if you"re not very photogenic then it does you no favours. 而且 唯一一张你俩在一起的照片 And besides, the only photos there are of you two together 是你们小时候 你就像个假小子 所以... are of when you were children,and you looked like a boy, so... 你从没告诉我你有个妹妹 克莱尔 You never told me you had a sister, Claire. 我们... Oh, well, we, um... 我们很少见面 We don"t get to see each other much. 你常见你哥哥吗 Do you see your brother? 我和我哥形同陌路 Oh, I don"t really speak to my brother. 天啊 太可悲了 Oh, God, how desperately sad! 为什么 - 因为... Why is that? - Oh. Um, well... 可以不说... - 没事 - You don"t have to... - No, that"s OK. 他不赞成你的职业 你的选择吗 Does he not approve of what you do, of your choices? 不 不是的 No, it"s not that, it"s not that. 他不在教会里吗 Is he not in the Church? 不 他不在 - 你一定很难过吧 - No, he"s not in the Church. - Oh, it must be so hard! 主要是... Well, it"s mainly hard... 是因为他是妈妈的最爱吗 Is it cos he"s Mummy"s favourite? 因为他是个恋童癖 ..because he"s a paedophile. 我知道这很讽刺 I"m aware of the irony of that. 只是想呼吸一下新鲜空气 Just a... Just a breath of air, eh? 有趣的人 Interesting man. 不 谢谢 No, thanks. 亲爱的 很抱歉 我错过了你的生日 Darling, I"m sorry I missed your birthday, 所以 我... - 没关系 - so I just got- Oh, that"s OK. 不 不 我只是... No, no. I just... 万一你过得不好 In case you"re struggling. 爸爸 咖啡馆很好... Oh, Dad, the cafe"s going well... 不 不是因为工作 No, no, this is not for work. 主要是因为你 It"s just for you. 谢谢 Thanks. 你看起来很... You look, er... 强壮 - 谢谢 - ..strong. - Thanks. 对吗 Are you? 要打一架吗 Are we going to have a fight?! 不 不 不用 No, no! I"m sorry, no. 我只是想确认一下... I just want to check that... 你和我... ..that you and I are... 你一直都很... Well, you"re being very... 你今天怎么这么安静 You"re not being naughty. 是的 - 为什么 - No! - Why? Oh... 因为 我... Because, I guess... 什么 Yeah? 一切都无所谓了 ..it doesn"t matter. 这样啊 OK. Is that right? 我为你高兴 爸爸 I"m happy for you, Dad. 谢谢 Thank you. 谢谢 真是个出色的服务员 Ah! Thank you. You"re an exceptional waitress. 苹果汁吗 Apple juice? 是的 Yeah. 我... I... 我只是想说 我很好奇 I just wanted to say, I am so intrigued to see 一会儿你会如何让自己成为今晚的焦点 how you"re going to make this whole evening about yourself. 哦 不 Oh, no. 或许我们不应该一起回餐桌 We probably shouldn"t arrive at the table together. 很多人会说祈祷只是在黑暗中 A lot of people would say praying is just talking to yourself 自言自语 in the dark. 看起来是这样 但是 I guess it could look like that, but, no, 更重要的是 在每一天结束的时候 it"s more just about connecting with yourself 审视你自己 这需要付出努力 但... at the end of each day. It takes a bit of effort, but... 是的 是的 我完全同意 Yes, yes, I completely agree. 正能量需要付出努力 Positive energy takes work. 在过去的六个月里 我表现出色 In the last six months, I"ve excelled. 我把所有的负面情绪都埋藏了起来 I take all the negative emotions and just bottle them and bury them 从未表现出来过 and they never come out. 我不确定... I"m not sure... 从没感觉这么好过 I"ve basically never been better! 没错 - 感觉棒极了 - Been there - I feel fantastic! 不得不说 真是个积极向上的家庭 You"re a very positive family, I must say. 当然 Oh, absolutely. 积极的心态非常重要 I think it"s all about positivity. 没有付出就没有收获 It takes real commitment to be this happy. 生活不止眼前的苟且 It"s not just about eating and drinking well, either. 欲望的满足也不能让人成长 Putting pine nuts on your salad doesn"t make you a grown-up. 做♥爱♥可以 - 就好像... - Fucking does. - It"s about... 芬兰有句谚语 Well, in Finland, we, um...They have this saying, 我记不太清了... which I can"t quite remember now... 是关于... It"s, um... It"s about 对想要去爱你的人敞开心扉 opening yourself up to the people who want to love you. 她最近确实开朗了很多 And she is wide open lately. 你是做什么的 - 做金融的 What do you do? - Oh, I work in finance. 什么 - 什么 - What? - What? 两家公♥司♥ Across two firms, 一家在芬兰 一家在这里 one in Finland and one here. 不 她是个律师 - 你不是律师吗 No, no, she"s a lawyer. - I thought you were a lawyer? 不是 - 什么 - No. - What? 我和律师一起工作 但我不是律师 I work with lawyers, I"m not a lawyer. 亲爱的 你是初级律师啊 Darling, you are a solicitor. 拜托 我学的是商科 I went to business school. 该说话的时候怎么不说了 说点什么 You"re being so quiet! Why aren"t you saying anything? 你想让我说什么 - 什么都行 What do you want me to say? - Anything! 你手里拿着什么 - 她不需要... - What"s that in your hand? - She doesn"t need to... 爸爸给我的生日礼物 Birthday present from Dad. 是好事 克莱尔 It"s a good thing, Claire. 钱吗 - 不 是... - Chunk of change? - No, it"s, er... 什么东西 What is it? 不知道 - 你不用现在就... - Don"t know. - You don"t need to... 我喜欢礼物 我从没收到过 I love presents, I never get presents. 也许是因为... - 是心理咨♥询♥的 - Well, it"s because you might... - It"s a voucher 优♥惠♥券 for a counselling session. 谢了 爸爸 Thanks, Dad. 好周到 - 我超想要的 - So thoughtful! - I"d kill for one of those! 我不相信钱能解决所有问题 I don"t believe you can pay your problems away, 要勇于正视自己 勇于承担后果 I think you have to face who you are and suffer the consequences. 这才是通往幸福的唯一道路 It"s the only road to happiness. 也许幸福不在于你相信什么 Maybe happiness isn"t in what you believe 而在于你相信谁 but who you believe. 妈的 Fuck. 失陪 Excuse me. 她需要什么吗 Oh! Do you think she needs anything? 不需要 No. 那本来是个卧室礼物 That was meant to be a bedroom present. 一个什么 A what? 一个只适合独自一人 在卧室里打开的礼物 A present that you open in your bedroom, alone. 我所有的礼物都是卧室礼物吧 All my presents are bedroom presents, aren"t they? 还要酒吗 Do you want some more wine? 好啊 - 不行 - Oh, yes. - No, actually. 克莱尔 Claire? 你进来好久了 You"ve been ages. 你是生气了 还是在拉屎 Are you pissed off or are you doing a poo? 妈的 该死 Fuck. Fuck it. 克莱尔 我们能不能... Claire, can we just... 你有卫生巾吗 Have you got a... sanitary towel? 没有 但咱们那个服务员会非常乐于效劳 Oh, no, but I know a waitress who would jump on that request. 你想让我找她要吗 - 不要 - Do you want me to ask her? - No! 好吧 这里有些硬手纸 OK, well, there are some sturdy hand towels here. 我应该可以叠成护翼形状的 I could try and fashion something with wings out of these. 好吧 随便 Yes, fine. 把门打开 Open the door. 我♥操♥ 直接递给我 Fuck, just give it... 操 给我就行 不要进来 Fuck! Give it to me! Don"t come in! 就是来个姨妈 又不会咬人 It"s a period! It"s not going to bite me! 不要看 - 我没看你姨妈 - Don"t look at it! - I"m not looking at your period! 拿着吧 Just take this. 天啊 Oh, God. 我没来姨妈 我流产了 It"s not a period, it"s a fucking miscarriage, OK? 天啊 克莱尔 Jesus, Claire! 我没事 - 怎么可能 你得去医院 - It"s OK. - No, it"s not OK, you need to go to a hospital! 没事 我只是需要... It"s fine, I just need the... 让我... - 不 - Let me just... - No! 不要碰我的孩子 Just get your hands off my miscarriage! 他是我的 It"s mine. 我的 It"s mine. 好了 OK. 克莱尔 Claire. 我很好 我没事 It"s OK. It"s OK. 我们得马上去医院 OK, we need to go to a hospital now. 马上 Now. 好吧 Yes. 好的 - 好的 OK - OK 好的 - 好的 - OK - OK 走吧 Come on. 我没事 - 好 It"s all good. - OK. 不许和别人说 - 好 - Don"t tell anyone. - OK. 拿上外套 我去打车 Let"s get the coats, I"ll get a taxi. 我就和他们说我身体不舒服 I’ll tell them I don"t feel right. 谢谢你 - 好 - Thank you. - OK. 我没去过那儿 但我收藏了不少那里的古董 I"ve never been there, I get antiques from there all the time. 是我从没去过那儿 - 真的 I still haven"t gone.- Oh, really? 那里简直就是购物天堂 - 没错 - It"d be a wonderful place to buy things like that. - Yeah 我不喜欢水... I don"t like all the water... 不管了 我要喝点 Fuck it, I"m having some. 对不起 亲爱的 Sorry, darling. 好样的 放肆一晚吧 Oh, good girl! Have one night off. 你跟她说什么了 - 我... - Wow! What did you say to her? - I, um... 没什么 快坐下吧 Oh, nothing. I just, er... Just sit down. 快点 这是个聚会 - 那我也喝点 - Come on, it"s a party. - Can I have some? 某人突然领略到聚会的精髓了 Oh, someone"s suddenly getting into the party spirit now! 快坐下 Sit down! 你们是嗑药了吗 What did you take in there? 你妹妹总算对你有点好的影响了 Your sister is finally a good influence on you. 不 我们只是突然意识到 No, we just suddenly realised 今天真♥他♥妈♥的是值得纪念的一天 what a monumental fucking day this is! 快喝 Drink. 说真的 她俩才独处了一会儿 Honestly, just leave them in there two minutes 就好像突然回到了青春期 and they"re suddenly being teenagers again! 能再给我来一杯吗 - 当然 Shall I get another bottle? - Yes! 好啊 - 服务员去哪了 - OK! - Where"s the waitress? 我们刚聊到我们在威尼斯的美妙旅行 We were just talking about Venice, and this wonderful trip we had... 我们计划过多少次要去威尼斯了 How many times have we said we have to go to Venice? 我一直想去那里 梦寐以求啊 I"ve always wanted to go there. Top of my list. - 简直太美了 - 没错... - It"s great. - Yeah, I know... 够了 都给我闭嘴 Oh, for fuck"s sake, stop it! 你没事吧 Are you OK? 没事 我... Yeah, I"m, er... 是不是... Is, um... Is it...? 抱歉 我只是... No, I"m sorry, I just... 又来了 - 抱歉 我就是 - Here we go. - Sorry, I just... 怎么回事 What"s happened? 没事 - 怎么回事 Nothing"s happened. - What"s happened? 确实有事 - 来吧 - Something"s happened. - Come on! 说吧 Come on! 说啊 - 我就是有点... Well, spit it out. - I just had a little... 说啊 - 我就是有点... Just say it. - I just a little... 我就是... - 怎么了 宝贝 - I just... - What, darling? 我刚才流产了 I had a little miscarriage. 我的天 - 什么 - Oh, my God. - What? 搞什么 What the fuck? 你怀孕多久了 How far gone were you? 你得去医院 - 孩子是谁的 - You should go to the hospital. - Whose was it? 你不能等会再八卦吗 Maybe leave that for later. 是那个龅牙男吗 - 快去医院 - Was it the tooth man? - Hospital,now. 那谁来结账 坐下 What about the bill? Sit down. 我帮她付 No, I"ll cover her. 我帮你付 I"ll cover you. 她不想去医院 She doesn"t want to go! 为什么 - 因为我很固执 - Why?! - Cos I"m stubborn, 以及难以启齿的原因 我宁愿坐在这里 and for some inexplicable reason I"d rather stay here and have 参加一个尴尬至极的聚会 a passive-aggressive party, 你怀了多久了 How far gone were you? 没多久 - 你知道 - It was VERY early stages. - You knew? 我真的觉得她需要看医生 I really think she should see a doctor. 我也这么觉得 Yeah, so do I. 你们不是不说话了吗 I thought you hadn"t spoken? 她没事 她真的没事 She"s fine. She"s absolutely fine! 喝你的吧 没了就没了呗 Drink. If it"s gone, it"s gone! 克莱尔 - 也许还能保住呢 Claire... - What if it"s not gone? 保不住了 - 宝贝 - It"s gone. - Darling... 也许是宫外孕 太惨了 Probably ectopic. Awful. 回头还你钱 - 需要有人陪你去吗 - I’ll pay you back. - Do you need someone to go with you? 不必 如果可以的话 就让我固执下去 No, I think I"ll just deal with this in my own insane, irrational, 无理取闹下去吧 anal way, if that"s OK. - 也许这样最好 - 你说什么 That"s probably for the best. - What did you say? 别理他 他一直在喝酒 - 什么 - Ignore him, he"s been drinking. - What? 天要下雨 娘要嫁人 You know, it"s like a goldfish out the bowl, sort of thing. 拦是拦不住的 If it didn"t want to be in there, it didn"t want to be in there 天意如此 Something wasn"t right. 你瞅啥 What? 不作死就不会死 不是吗 It"s the kid"s choice if it wants to jump ship, right? 马丁 别说了 - 不管怎样 - Now, Martin, just... - Either way... 她出尽了风头 she got her spotlight. 你在干什么 操 What the fuck?! Fuck! 操 Oh, fuck! 我的天啊 天啊 Jeez... Jesus Chr...! 我能为你做点什么吗 Is there anything I can do...? 操 Fuck! Argh... 我的个亲舅老爷啊 Oh, for God"s sake! 要帮忙吗 Can I do anything? 不了 谢谢 No, thank you. 他们已经走了 They"ve gone. So... 谢谢 Thank you. 日了狗了 Fucking hell... 嘿 Oh, hey. 我帮你拿了东西 你还好吗 I got your stuff. You OK? 没事 你没事吧 - 我没事 - Yeah, are you OK? - Yeah, yeah. 如果你想找人倾诉一下的话 If you ever need someone to talk to, or, you know, be there... 我随时都在 I"m always there. 嘿 Hey! 嘿 Hey! 谢谢 Thank you. 告诉司机你家的地址 我们明早再谈 Just tell him where you live and we"ll talk about this tomorrow. 送我们去最近的医院 - 好 Can you take us to the nearest hospital, please? - Yeah. 那个神父太他妈帅了 - 人间极品 - The priest is quite hot. - So hot.

    推荐访问:伦敦 第一集 第二季

    • 读/观后感
    • 精美散文
    • 读书笔记
    • 演讲
    • 反思
    • 方案
    • 心得体会