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    时间:2020-12-08 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站



      Some people swear there"s no beauty left in the world. No magic. 那么你如何解释全世界的人在一夜之间聚在一起 Then how do you explain the entire world coming together on one night 庆祝并祈福新一年的到来? to celebrate the hope of a new year? 预备 Ready. 用力拉! Pull! 把布放下来


     轻点 Ease it off. Ease it. Gently. 做得好


     把篷布收起来 Well done, boys. We"ll pack up the tarp.

     看起来今天会是美好的一天 Looks like it"s gonna be a beautiful day. 是的


     哈哈哈 Hello, Your Majesty. Ha... ha... ha. 我们要展现出 We wanna see a show of strength 纽约城市警♥察♥局的力度 from the New York City Police Department. 早上还

     这里是瑞安·西克雷斯特从纽约为您报道 Good morning, this is Ryan Seacrest here in New York 欢庆的人潮已经开始准备向时代广场进发了 where the crowds of revelers are already beginning to arrive in Times Square. 我将会通过收音机为您做全天报道 I"ll be coming at you all day on radio 并且将为您实况直播晚上的盛况


     别走开 and all night live from the center of it all, so bundle up and stay tuned. 早上好


     他们需要你上去接受采访 Good morning, Claire! They need you up here for an interview. 这就是克莱尔·摩根

     今天她负责 This is Claire Morgan. She"s in charge. 介意为我们的新闻报道说几句吗? Mind giving us a sound bite for the newscast? 当然不介意

     我很乐意说几句 No, I"d be happy to. 我们现在听到的是克莱尔·摩根

     时代广场集团新任的副♥主♥席♥ I"m talking to Claire Morgan, the new vice president of the Times Square Alliance. 真是一个盛大的夜晚 So big night. 是的

     这话太轻描淡写了 Well, I"d say that"s an understatement. 今晚全世界可是有超过十亿人收看我们的 Over a billion people all over the world will have their eyes on us tonight 新年之球降落

     所以说是一个非常十分盛大的夜晚也不为过 as the ball drops, so I"d say that qualifies as a very big night. 刚才我对准镜头了吗? Am I looking in the right spot for camera? 我们是广播电台的 We"re radio. 对

     是的 Right. Of course. 这一站是 14 大街公园 This is 14th and Park. 你还好吗


     没事吧? Are you all right, lady? Are you all right? 把手给我 Here. 不用




     去忙你的吧 No, I"m fine, I"m fine, I"m fine. Go away. 心情怎么样



     都好吗? Yeah, what"s up, girls? How you doing? All right? 我见过你

     兄弟 Yo, I see you, player. Ha. 新年快乐

     新年快乐 Oh, oh, hey, happy New Year. Happy New Year. 是的

     你也一样 Yeah, you too. 在这里签字

     但是你们得等到今晚才能入住 Sign this, but you can"t check in until tonight. 没问题

     我们今晚会回来的 No problem. We"ll be back tonight. -我们会赢到那笔钱的

     -那笔钱肯定是你们的 -We"re gonna win the money. -Oh, of course you are. 什么钱? What money? 新年里第一个在医院降生的婴儿

     可得到两万五千美元的奖励 Oh, the first baby delivered in the new year at this hospital gets 25 grand. 不




     我觉得没那么多 No, no, no, honey. I think it"s much less than that. -不是的


     -两万五? -No, it"s 25 grand. -Twenty-five grand? 亲爱的


     要比这少得多 Honey, you"re mistaken. It"s much less. 况且


     就剩不下几个钱了 Plus, after taxes and all the red tape, you end up with no money. 我有提过在你生孩子之后

     马上会有摄影机对着你的脸吗? Did I mention the news cameras in your face right after giving birth? 那真是太可怕了

     这件事根本不值得做 That"s horrible. It"s not worth it at all. 那可是两万五千美元 It"s 25 grand.

     就算他们在我的临盆大喊大叫的时候拍我也值 They could put the camera in my hoo-ha and it"d be worth it. 在你临盆的时候! In your hoo-ha! 在我临盆的时候 In my hoo-ha. 伯恩先生和夫人? Mr. and Mrs. Byrne? -我们就是

     -跟我来这边 -That"s us. -Right this way. 好了


     我们回家吧 Come on, Grace. Let"s go home. 好吧

     我们得想办法诱产 Okay. Let"s figure out how to induce. -我马上就去网上看看

     -都听你的 -I will ask the Internet right now. -By command. 这笔钱可以付清我的助学贷款 This could pay off my student loan. 好了



     充满了节日气息 Okay, honey, the hallway looks great. Very festive. 可以挂的更高一点

     把胶带递给我 This could be a little higher. Hand me that tape. 给你


     你干的真棒 Here you go. It looks beautiful. You did a nice job. 我不知道你为什么要志愿装饰楼道

     但是看起来真不错 Why you volunteered to decorate the floor I"ll never know, but it looks great. 小声点 Oh, hush up. 快点

     我们该穿好衣服上班去 Come on, we gotta get dressed for work. 打电♥话♥请个病假吧 Let"s call in sick. -保罗

     -我的好兄弟 -Hey, Paul. -My dog. -今晚我们怎么过?

     -你在上班 -What are we doing tonight? -You"re working. 我没有

     所以让我一个人呆着吧 I"m not. So leave me alone. 兰迪



     别又一个人坐在阴暗角落 Randy, listen to me, don"t do this right now. Don"t go into your black hole. 今晚是除夕夜 It"s midnight on New Year"s Eve. 我们必须有点活动

     你没得选 We have to do something. Not an option. 什么


     兄弟? What, are you still on this anti-New Year"s kick, bro?


     立马停住 Get over yourself. Now. 你知道么?


     这就是我个人的核心宗旨 You know what? It"s not a kick. It"s a core tenet of my being. 就像我说的

     我今天休假 Like I said, I get the day off 所以我会一直呆在公♥寓♥里啥也不干

     我就爱这样 so I"m gonna hang in our apartment by myself and do nothing, and love it. 作为你最好的朋友

     我现在该做的就是无视你 It"s my job as your best friend to just ignore you right now 因为你听起来像是疯了 because you sound crazy. 我没有疯! I"m not being crazy! 好的

     我会找到一件有趣到你无法拒绝的事情 Okay, I"m gonna find something so epic that you will not be able to say no. 我觉得很好笑


     我肯定会拒绝的 I got a funny feeling, Paul, that I"m gonna say no. 你这是在挑衅我吗?


     我会再打给你的 You want to throw the challenge flag in my face? Okay. I"ll call you back. 省省吧 Save your minutes. 这样才像样 Now we"re talking. 我代表赋予我权利的康乃狄克州 By the power vested in me by the state of Connecticut 罗里和特丽莎

     我宣布你们结为夫妻 Rory and Trish, I now pronounce you man and wife. 你现在可以亲吻新娘了 You may give kisses to the missus. 我的侄子会付钱给你的 My cousin will pay you. 祝福你们两位

     这真是太美好了 Oh. Congratulations to both of you. That was just beautiful. 谢谢你们各位的捧场 Thank you all for coming. 我们想要为蜜月省点钱 We wanted to save money for the honeymoon. 好吧


     山姆 Well, you"re the last of us, Sam. 在曼哈顿区闲逛

     带着你半夜在酒吧厮混的战利品 Roam the plains of Manhattan and carry on the legacy of late-night barhopping 随便与一个穿着精致鞋子的女人上♥床♥ and casual sex with random women in good shoes. 那些事

     罗里以后再也不会知道了 Which Rory will never know again. 不管怎样

     我能看出为什么这个男人对你那么痴迷了 For better or worse, I can see why the man"s crazy about you. 我得走了 I"m out of here. -你不能留下来吃早饭吗?

     -改天吧 -You can"t stay for breakfast? -Rain check. 单位给我打了一上午电♥话♥了

     我真得赶回去 Office has been calling all morning. I really gotta get back. -我晚上要做一个演讲

     -那女孩儿怎么办 -I got that big speech tonight. -What about the girl? -哪个女孩儿?

     -就是你去年除夕遇见的女孩儿? -What girl? -The one you met last New Year"s Eve? 你今晚还会去见她吗? Are you gonna meet her tonight?


     我们都变了许多 It was a year ago. We"ve moved on. 看看你们两个 Hey, look at you two. 都已经结婚了 All married. -他们出来了!

     -恭喜你们! -Here they come! -Congratulations! 不




     快过来 No, no, no. These two. Here. -好的



     山姆 -All right. I"ll see you. -Bye, Sam. 肯定也有个人在那里等着你

     兄弟 Hey, there"s someone out there for you too, buddy. 是的 All right. 好的 Okay. 好吧

     我们的第一件事就是整理亚麻餐巾 All right. Our first event with linen napkins. 我们现在不仅要环保 Not only are we now eco-friendly,

     而且这场派对将是我们最大最重要的派对 but this will be our biggest A-list party to date. 我知道现在很冷


     I know it"s cold, okay?


     所以你必须集中精神 But we cannot mess this up. So you gotta focus. -艾娃在哪儿?

     -她好像在哪儿看到个明星 -Where is Ava? -She thinks she saw a celebrity somewhere. 这里的明星可比戒毒所多多了 There"s gonna be more celebrities here than Rehab. 现在


     确保单子上的酒都备好了 Okay, Sunil, make sure we have all the booze on this list. 找到艾娃

     然后在我视察完厨房♥之后来大堂找我 Find Ava and then I"ll meet you in the lobby after I scout the kitchen. -艾娃!

     -给我和这大巴照一张照片 -Ava! -Take a picture with the bus. -我太激动了


     现在没时间激动了 -I"m freaking out. -Ava, there is no time for freaking out. 我忍♥不住

     你看到那辆大巴了吗? I can"t help it. Do you see that bus?

     我在他的演唱会上也见过这辆车 I saw it when I went to his concert. 他是詹森! It"s Jensen! 那是詹森的车? That"s Jensen"s bus? 就是那个詹森? The Jensen? 那真是太棒了 That"s fantastic. 我很喜欢他 I love it. 继续跳! Keep jumping! 你看起来棒极了

     别停下来 You are very sexy, but don"t stop. 我跳


     我跳! Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy! ♪别伤心♪ ♪Now don"t be sad♪ ♪因为三选二并也不算很糟♪ ♪"Cause two out of three ain"t bad♪ 詹森啊!


     詹森啊! Jensen! Jensen! Jensen! 你们知道

     我很了解他 You know, I know him personally. 大家注意了

     我们要在厨房♥做尽可能多的准备 Everybody, let"s get as much prep done in the kitchen as possible. 所有需要的酱料

     现在就可以开始准备了 And any sauces that need to get done can start now. 然后我会去大堂确认所有的供货 And I"ll check the deliveries up in the lobby. Oh. 有没有人去帮苏尼尔和艾娃他们卸一下货?

     那就太好了 Anyone who can, can you please help Sunil and Ava unload the truck? That"d be great. 劳拉

     你肯定猜不到谁在这儿 Ay... ay... ay. Laura. You"re not going to believe who is here. 是詹森吧 Jensen. 你怎么知道的?

     你是神经病吗? How did you know? Are you psychotic? 那叫"通灵师"



     如果你看到他 It"s "psychic." And do me a favor. If you see him 告诉他别去惹在厨房♥里那个金发的拿着一把大刀的女士 tell him to avoid the blond in the kitchen with the really big knife. 劳拉

     你认识他吗? Ay, Laura, do you know him? 见到你真高兴

     劳拉 It"s good to see you, Laura. 你还在吗? Are you still there? 你觉得詹森会在香蕉上签名吗?

     我没有纸 Do you think Jensen will sign a banana? I don"t have any paper. 不错呀

     还在处理这些计划? All right. Working on those resolutions, huh? -不是的

     -好吧 -No. -Okay. 我这里有一份给乔纳森·科克斯先生的快递 I have a delivery here for Mr. Jonathan Cox. 你是在这里工作的吗? Do you work here? 不是的

     我是干快递的 No. I work for a courier service. 我已经给你送包裹送了


     有一年了 I"ve been delivering packages to you for about, I don"t know, a year now. 但是这好像是你第一次抬起头来看我 But I think this is maybe the first time you"ve ever looked me in the eye. 最近怎么样? How you doing? 抱歉 Sorry. 那其实是一个以前的计划

     更多的眼神交流 That"s actually an old resolution. Make more eye contact. 所以这些都是新年的计划? So those were New Year"s resolutions, huh? 看起来好长一串

     你可能快点动手了 Looks like a long list. You gotta get on it. 我不知道

     可能得拖到明年 I don"t know, maybe next year. 天哪!

     你是认真的吗? Whoa. Jeez! Are you serious? 这是很抢手的票子 That is a hot ticket. -真的吗?

     -那真是太棒了 -Really? -It"s amazing. 他们有最棒的食物

     最棒的音乐 They have the best food, the best music. 他们还有很多的单身姑娘 They got so many single girls. 而且都戴了面具

     所以你根本不需要担心他们长什么样 And it"s a masquerade, so you don"t even have to worry about their faces. 你只需要用你的想象力就行了 You kind of just use your imagination. 如果有人想要把你踢出局

     或者甚至问你是谁 If anybody tries to kick you out, or even asks who you are 你就堂而皇之的说个谎

     他们又能怎么样呢? you just straight-up lie. What are they gonna do? 那真是太聪明了 It"s brilliant. 那就像是 Facebook

     但是是真人版的 It"s like Facebook, but real. 我现在记起来你是谁了 I remember who you are now. 是的

     千真万确 Right, exactly. 不管怎样

     我愿意把我剩下的... Anyways, I would give my left... 好吧

     或许明年吧 Well, maybe next year. 她在那儿 Oh, there she is. -你准备好了吗?

     -我们过去跟他们打个招呼 -You ready? -Let"s go talk to them. -赫莉




     塞思 -Hey, Hailey. You good? -Yeah, we"re good, Seth. 不错


     兄弟们 All right. Well, let"s go, fellas. 我们得去五十四大街踩个点

     然后回家为今晚做准备 We need to scout our pen on 54th and head home to gear up for tonight. -你会来的



     我一定来 -I"m gonna see you there, right? -Yeah, definitely. -好的


     -过会儿见 -Well, I"ll see you there. -See you. 你今晚肯定会吻塞思的! You are so gonna kiss Seth tonight! 我真的也没太考虑过这些事

     没什么大不了的 I really just, like, haven"t even thought about it at all. It"s no big deal. 你知道怎样接吻吗? Do you know how to kiss? 在网路上有一个视频教你的 They have a video on the Internet that shows you. 有两种吻


     另一种激吻 Two. One for regular kissing, and one for passionate kissing. 好了



     这很平常 All right, guys. Yeah, I know how to kiss, so it"s fine.



     我们... It"s not a big deal. Okay, we... 你妈妈怎么办?

     她今晚干什么? Hey, what about your mom? What"s she doing? 我找到了! Got it! 要记住


     记住了? Oh, and remember, it"s just a quarter of an inch at the center back of the collar, okay? 好的

     让我看一下 Okay, let me take a look at that. 金

     这就是你新年的装束吗? Kim, is that your New Year"s dress? 这只是我为下雨天准备的衣服 Oh, it"s just something I"m working on for a rainy day. 你应该今晚穿着它

     可能你会引起不小的骚动 You should wear it tonight. Maybe you"ll scare up a little action. 这可不一定 That"s highly doubtful. 我今晚唯一的事就是和赫莉一起半夜看新年之球的降落 The only action I"ve got is Hailey and me watching the ball drop at midnight. 去年的除夕她陪着她爸爸

     所以今年该轮到我了 Last New Year"s Eve she was with her father. So it"s my turn. -想加入我们吗?

     -听起来真诱人 -Wanna join us? -Wow, really tempting. 我觉得你没理解我的意思

     赫莉喜欢跟我呆在家里 I don"t think you understand. Hailey likes staying in with me. -所有舞者上台了!



     快去 -All dancers on-stage! -Go, go, go. -谢谢


     -不客气 -Thank you. Thank you. -You"re welcome. 五



     八 Five, six, seven, eight. -去纽约

     -新罗谢尔市 -New Youk. -New Rochelle -新不伦瑞克


     纽约市 -New Brunswick. -New York... New York City. 纽黑文市 New Haven. 新不列颠 New Britain. 新哈特福德 New Hartford. 新泽西? New Jersey? 纽约! New York! 纽约

     向右转 New York. Turn right. 左边是纽约 Left for New York. 我的鼻子 Oh, my nose. 安全气囊弹出 Airbags deployed. 发电机车还没有到 The genny truck"s not arrived yet. 谁来给我解释一下为什么发电机车还没有到吗? Will someone tell me why the generator truck isn"t here yet? 确保詹森按时去调音 Make sure Jensen"s on schedule for his sound check. 我知道他有聚会

     但这可是在时代广场 I know he"s playing some party, but this is Times Square. 她今天有点手忙脚乱的 She"s a little on edge today. 准备好五彩纸屑的抛洒测试 Ready for the confetti test. 布兰登呀 Brendan. 见到你真好

     我以为你和你的家人在一起 Good to see you. I thought you were with your family. 原本是的

     后来我意识到 I was, then I realized you

     没有我你是没法搞定这个盛大的夜晚的 wouldn"t make it through the big night without me. 真是太感动了 Wow, I"m really touched. 虽然我尽量避免


     万一我搞砸了... I"m trying not to say this, but if I screw up... -你不会的


     我的开局并不顺 -You won"t. -I don"t know. I"m not off to a great start. 发电机车迟到了 The generator truck is late. 我在广播采访的时候问摄影机在哪儿

     你能相信吗? I mugged for the camera during a radio interview. Can you believe it? 你会成功的 You"ll make it happen. 而且你会准时参加你的约定的 And you"ll make it on time for your meeting. -我们没有在谈论我的约定

     -为什么不呢? -We"re not talking about my meeting. -And why not? 我真不应该告诉你那件事 I should"ve never told you about that. 看


     看一看 Look. Come here, look it. 他们在测试今晚的五彩纸屑的抛洒 They"re testing the confetti for tonight. 别只是把它们丢下来! Don"t just dump them! 让他们随风飘散

     应该梦幻一点 Float them in the wind. It should be magical. 我真高兴你能来 I"m so glad you"re here. 劳拉


     好吗? Laura, I know you"re upset. All right? -詹森先生


     -我只是在玩 -Mr. Jensen, I play piano. -I just play. 谢谢

     谢谢 Thank you, thank you. 劳拉

     事情都过去一年了 Laura, it"s been a year already.


     丹尼尔 I have nothing to say to you, Daniel. -丹尼尔

     -她认识詹森先生 -"Daniel." -She knows Mr. Jensen. 你好

     秘密小姐 Hello, secrets. 看着我

     只求你看我一眼 Look at me. Just look at me. -你那巴掌真狠

     -这个巴掌在我脑海中计划一年了 -That was quite a slap. -I"ve been plotting that slap all year. 我如何在你最不经意的时候走到你跟前 How I would walk up to you when you least expect it 然后朝你脸上来一巴掌

     你凭什么那样离开我 and slap you across the face for leaving me like that. 你知道吗? And you know what? 这巴掌好像远没有我想的那么解恨 It wasn"t nearly as satisfying as I thought it would be. -这下还差不多

     -我们只是没事闹着玩儿 -That was closer. -We"re just fooling around. -我也喜欢闹着玩儿

     -回来 -I like fooling around too. -Come back. 我给你打过电♥话♥

     你从来也不回我电♥话♥ I tried to call you. You never called me back. 我给你留了作为


     说话啊 I left you tickets, you never showed up. Talk to me, damn it. -你说话啊

     -跟他说句话 -Just talk to me. -Just talk to him. 说什么?


     你还想有另一次机会吗? What? Because it"s New Year"s Eve, you want another shot at it? 是你离开我的


     这就足够说明一切了 You walked out on me, Daniel. I think that says it all. 你知道

     我甚至没能给你在公♥寓♥里做过一顿晚饭 You know I didn"t even get to make you one dinner in that apartment. 我还没打开第一个杂货袋

     你就离开了 You walked out before I unpacked the first bag of groceries. 明星们

     他们也是普通人 Celebrities. They"re just like us. 科克斯先生?


     有什么原因吗? Mr. Cox? ls there a reason you asked me to work today? -这是你的职责所在

     -当然 -It"s your job. -Of course. 只是今晚是新年夜 It"s just that it"s New Year"s Eve 我觉得你或许想给我发年终奖金 and I thought maybe you wanted to give me my end-of-year bonus. 已经到年末了 Seeing that it"s the end of the year. 是的

     我差点忘了 Right. Almost slipped my mind. Mm. -很高兴让你想起来



     不幸的是 -Glad to remind you, sir. -Well, unfortunately 去年对于埃亨唱片公♥司♥来说

     也很不景气 it has been a tough year for Ahern Records. 我不必告诉你的 I don"t have to tell you. 盗版碟



      Music piracy, blah, blah, blah. 我把名字填对了吗? Have I got your name right? 是的

     问题是我想用年终奖金去旅行 Yes, it"s just that I wanted to use my bonus to book a trip. 好的

     这笔钱可以让你去斯塔藤岛(位于纽约)了 Well, that might get you to Staten Island. 可能明年吧 Maybe next year. 只是我已经请了两个礼拜的假去休假 It"s just that I already booked my two weeks" vacation time. 两个星期?

     我有批准过吗? Two weeks? Did I sign off? 不需要你批准


     是人力资源部批准的 You don"t need to, sir. It goes through Human Resources. 不



     我没法工作 No, it goes through me. And I can"t do without you for two weeks. 你可以请一周假 You can have one week. 好吧

     但是 Well, then 我会休两周的假 I"ll take two weeks 还会带走我的所有文具 and my stapler. 我要辞职 I quit. 你不能辞职

     马上就到格莱美了! You can"t quit, it"s Grammy season! 我... I... 我今天差点死了

     先生 I almost died today, sir. 不


     你看起来很好 No, no. You look fine. 能给我倒杯咖啡了吗? Can you get me a coffee? 别忘了放糖! Don"t forget the sugar! 加油


     我要打出三颗星! Come on, three stars! I need three stars! 乔纳森·科克斯的办公室

     请稍等 Jonathan Cox"s office. Please hold. -闪开!



     住手 -Look out! -Oh, God. No, don"t 他这样离开我

     我真是恨死他了 I have hated him for leaving me like that. -不


     -然后他就这样出现在 -No, don"t do the egg. -Then he just shows up 我职业生涯最隆重的夜晚!

     这是什么孽缘? on the biggest night of my career! What kind of karma is that? Huh? 你指的是哪件事

     是你和詹森有一腿儿 What, that you made love with Jensen 还是你负责全城最盛大的派对晚宴 or that you"re catering the biggest party in the city? 因为两件事在我看来都是好事 Because all I"m hearing is good. -我能试一个吗?

     -可以 -Can I do one? -Yeah. -试试贵的鸡蛋?

     -扔起来手感不错 -The expensive eggs? -They feel good. 用力太小了 Oh, that was so sissy. 我是个娇弱的女生 I"m delicate girl. 特金医生请到放射诊疗室 Dr. Trokin to Radiation Therapy. 特金医生请到放射诊疗室 Dr. Trokin to Radiation Therapy. -医生


     哈里斯先生 -Hey, doc. -Yes, Mr. Harris. 我没跟你提过什么要求

     是吗? I haven"t asked you for anything, have I? 不


     你没提过 No. No, you haven"t. 不做化疗 No chemo 不做放射治疗

     不做任何能让你多活几个月的治疗 no radiation, nothing that could give you an extra couple of months. 所以你欠我一个人情 So then you owe me one. 好吧


     你想要什么? Sure, Mr. Harris. What do you need? 我有没有告诉过你

     为什么我会来这家医院? Did I tell you why I picked this hospital? 因为这儿医生的水平? Because of the quality of doctors? 是因为从这屋顶上观赏时代广场的新年之球降落

     效果刚刚好 The roof has a great view of the New Year"s Eve ball drop in Times Square. 我听你之前说


     已属幸运 I heard you say I was living on borrowed time. 我不记得跟你说过这话 I don"t recall telling you that. 我听到你和护士说的了 I heard you tell the nurses. 我是将死

     但不至于耳聋 I"m dying, I"m not deaf. 好吧


     哈里斯先生 Well, you"ve certainly surprised us, Mr. Harris. 但是老实说


     哪怕是一个人? But be honest, there really isn"t anyone we can notify? No one at all? 很久之前


     现在没人了 The only people who ever cared about me, I pissed off long ago. There"s no one. 医生

     求你了 Doc, come on. 就当是我的临终愿望 Call it a dying man"s last wish. 求你了


     就是为了看新年之球降落 Please, come on. I"ve been hanging on this long just so I can see the ball drop 最后一次 one more time. -你得知道外面可是很冷的

     -死不了 -You know, it"s cold out there. -I"ll live. 你从电视上看可舒服多了 You can see it much better on TV.



     拜托了 I don"t wanna see it on TV, doc, please. 我个人是很想帮你

     可是医院规定屋顶上不能有人 As much as I"d like to help you, it"s against hospital policy to allow anyone on the roof. 好吧

     当我没说 Just forget it. Forget I asked. -好吧


     -不用了 -Okay. If there"s anything else you need... -No, nothing. -让护士通知我


     -好 -just have the nurses page me, okay? -Yeah. 好的 Okay. 看看能不能让他吃点什么 See if you can get him to eat something. 他改主意了吗? Did he change his mind? 没


     现在只能对他进行缓解护理 Nope. No treatment, just palliative meds at this point. -也许该开始善终服务了

     -来不及 -I guess it"s time for hospice. -No time. 那

     他能撑到明天吗? Well, is he gonna make it until tomorrow? 恐怕很难 It"s doubtful. 节假日让我作呕的另一点就是

     人们都假装很和善的样子 Another thing that chaps my ass about the holiday season is all the fake niceness. 比方说

     今天我收到了 50 条短♥信♥ Like, today I received 50 text messages 全是"新年快乐"云云 with a generic "Happy New Year" 无非是就是对着整个名片簿点击个"发送" from people who hit "send" to their entire address book. 其中多数人我都有一年没联♥系♥了

     给我回电♥话♥ Most of them I haven"t heard from since last year. Call me back. 等等

     按住电梯 Oh, hey, hold the elevator. -我要下去

     -等等 -I"m going down. -Oh, wait, wait. -真的

     -我也是 -Honestly. -Me too. 对了

     我把新年装饰都给撕了 Yeah, I tore down the decorations. 我经过的时候看到了 They are on my way


     你不应该装饰过道的 and according to the lease agreement, you"re not supposed to decorate the hallways. 不是我♥干♥的 Not my decorations. -这下好了


     千万别这样 -Yep. -No, no, no. This can"t be happening. 我还急着赶路呢 I have somewhere that I need to be. 喂?


     有人吗? Hello? Hello? Hello? -等等


     -它罢♥工♥了呗! -Wait, this thing is dead! -It doesn"t work. 那

     找管♥理♥员♥啊 Well, call the super. 人也休假了 He doesn"t work either. -无人应答

     -不 -No reception. -Oh, no. 你是新来的

     住 5B 的那个女孩儿 Oh, you"re the new girl from 5B. 你怎么一点儿都不担心呢? Why aren"t you more panicked right now? 不知道

     我又没什么地方好去 Oh, I don"t know. I don"t really have anywhere to be. 有人吗?


     我是住 5B 的!

     5 楼 B 间! Hello? Hello, this is 5B! This is 5B! 我被困在电梯里了! I"m stuck in this elevator! 上班要迟到了 I"m gonna be late for work. 只是虚惊一场

     亲爱的 False alarm, dear ones. -那


     -应该没有问题 -But everything"s okay, right? -Oh, everything looks very good. 让我们闭上肉眼来打开心眼 We close both eyes so that we may see through the other. 闭眼 Close them. 别想 No. 分娩随时会来 Hmm. Labor could be any day now. 随时? Any day? 别担心

     我知道你们想要非常自然的分娩过程 Don"t worry, I know you wanna have a very natural childbirth 不要无痛分娩针


     我们会用催眠接生法 no epidural, no pitocin, we"re gonna use the hypnobirthing techniques. 其实我们想

     是不是能安排个剖腹产 Uh, you know, we were actually just kind of wondering if we could schedule a C-section. 就是



     对吧? Just, you know, kind of get this show on the road, am I right? -是的

     -我们其实打算... -Yeah. -Uh, we were thinking, um... 也许

     今晚啦 maybe tonight-ish. 半夜啦 Midnight-ish. Uh -对吧?


     -是的 -Right? Griff, right? -Yeah. 其实我们都觉得今天晚上可能更好 We were both thinking that maybe tonight could work better. -如果今晚能做


     -今晚? -If we could do tonight that would be great. -Tonight? 这... Hmm... 你们想让我在除夕半夜加班

     给你们做剖腹手术? You want me to come in on New Year"s Eve at midnight and perform a C-section? 今天是除...? Is it New Year"s...? -亲爱的


     -是啊 -Oh, boy. Weird. -It is. Yeah. -我都忘光了

     -我也是 -I completely just forgot. -I did too. -我脑子都急昏了

     -孕妇智商不够用 -I think with all this. -Pregnancy brain. 其实我们不太过新年

     我们更多过过烈士纪念日 We were never really New Year"s people. We"re more Memorial Day people. 我明说吧 Let me be clear. 我是不会安排剖腹产


      I will not schedule a C-section just so you can win some money. 刚在里面的那对夫妇还提出跟我分钱 The couple who was in here before offered to split the winnings with me. 当然

     我也没有同意 And of course I said no. 老实说


     泰丝 Frankly, I"m surprised that you would even suggest this, Tess. 要是

     你六我四呢? What if we went 60-40? -你七我三

     -对 -70-30. -Yeah. 我看你得检查检查心肠了 You are dangerously close to a rectal exam. 这可不妙 Oh, that"s not good. 妈

     我想去时代广场看新年之球降落 Mom, I wanna go to Times Square to watch the ball drop. 真不巧

     我打算今晚避开城市喧嚣 Well, I plan to avoid this entire section of the city tonight. 可是妈


     我想你回家去 Okay, I don"t want you to stay. I want you to go home. -什么

     -有个跟我一起上历史课的男生 -Ouch. -There"s this guy in my history class. 他叫塞思

     我一直想... His name is Seth, and I"ve been hoping... 其实


     我和他能半夜在外面玩 You know, I have this, like, sick dream that, you know, we"ll get to hang out at midnight. 当然

     结束后我会乖乖回家 And then, of course, you know, I"ll come right home. 宝贝儿

     抱歉 Honey, I"m sorry. 我...


     我不放心 I"m just... I"m not comfortable allowing you to stay in Times Square at night alone. -就一段时间...


     懂了 -Period... -End of discussion, got it. 抱歉

     走吧 Sorry. Come on. -可我已经 15 岁了啊


     赫莉 -You know, I"m 15! -I know, Hailey. 这又不是少女内衣! This is not a training bra! 你也不是麦当娜好吗(麦当娜的一首歌♥"狂野女孩")! And this is not Girls Gone Wild! 天哪 My gosh. 妈


     好吗? Mom, you know, I"m an honors student, okay? 我不喝酒


     我非常努力去当一个好女儿 I don"t drink or do drugs, and I"m trying really hard to be the perfect daughter. -但你好像根本不信任我


     我不是不信任你 -But it"s like you don"t trust me. -No, it"s not you I don"t trust. 那你不信任谁?


     你不相信这个世界? Then who do you not trust, Mom? The world? You don"t trust the world? 要么



     令人不安? Or is it just New York because it"s a big scary city? 何不试试纽瓦克? Have you ever been to Newark? 妈



     我活得好着呢 Look, Mom, the world doesn"t scare me, okay? It"s just getting good. 我想在里面生活 I wanna start living in it. 跟你以前一样 You used to. 我是布雷迪·芬利

     这里是时代广场 Brady Finley here in Times Square. 现在还是上午


     今天狂欢人数将创历史新高 It"s before noon and they"re already predicting record-breaking crowds. 我跟摩根小姐在一块儿

     正往屋顶上搬设备 I"m with Miss Morgan. We"re bringing the media to the roof. 你还好吧? Hey. You okay? -挺好

     -你不会恐高吧? -Fine. -You"re not afraid of heights, are you? -有一点儿

     -更准确地说 -A little. -Let me be accurate. 你恐高

     却还要主持水晶球降落的启动仪式? You"re afraid of heights and you run the ball drop in Time Square? 我觉得正因如此

     克莱尔才是最佳人选 Well, I think it"s what makes Claire the best for this job. -既然我们都准备好了



     上吧 -Let"s do that thing we worked out. -Yeah, let"s do that. -诺兰警官


     先生 -Officer Nolan. -Yes, sir. 小心一点


     好吗? Be careful here. This is precious cargo, all right? 让个路

     各位 Make a hole, people. 我们也得被扛上去? Oh, are we all getting picked up? -当然

     -不不不 -Sure. -No, no, no. 只有看的份儿 No, no, no. 好 Okay. 我来了

     哈哈 I"m okay. Ha-ha. 好

     说到哪儿了? Okay. Where were we? 对了

     这球 Uh... Oh, the ball. 新年之球降落节目自从 1907 年开始就有了 Since 1907 there"s been a Times Square ball drop. 第一个球由木头和铁块 The first ball was made of wood and iron 还有仅仅 100 个 25 瓦特的灯泡制成 and had only 100 25-watt light bulbs. 好

     让我们点亮它吧 Okay. Let"s light this baby up. 准备好了吗? Ready? 亮 On. -亮了!

     -真漂亮 -It worked! -Beautiful. 那么今晚

     我们会把它拉到柱子的顶点 Okay, so this evening we are gonna raise this ball to the very top of the pole 直到 11 点 59 分 where it will stay until 11:59. 然后倒计时就会开始 And then the countdown begins. -你能修好它吗?


     想知道为什么吗? -Can you fix it? -No. And don"t you want to know why? 因为我身后这个复杂的庞然大物

     学名牵引车 Because the complicated machine behind me isn"t called a fix truck. 不叫修理车 It"s called a tow truck. 就是说我把这钩子挂你车屁♥股♥上


     就去哪儿 That means I put the big hook under the broken car and take it anywhere you want. -哪儿来着?

     -纽约 -Which is where? -New York City. 还是不行 No again. 今天不行


     我和我女友已有安排 Not today and not me. I"ve got big plans with my lady friend tonight. 这里签个名 Sign there. 至少你能把它拖到附近哪个机修工处吗

     拜托了? Can you at least tow it to a mechanic nearby, please? 最近的

     离这 10 分钟 Nearest mechanic is 10 minutes away. -随便吧


     -还没说完 -Whatever, that"s perfect. -Let me finish. 虽然他离这儿 10 分钟


     所有人都不干活 He"s 10 minutes away, but he"s closed today. Everyone"s closed today, 既然你穿得跟上脱口秀似的

     我猜你也清楚 which I guess you know since you"re dressed like Penn & Teller. 跟你那车一样

     你也"不运人" As far as the car goes, you"re SOL 意思是"不走运的人"

     倒不是我咒你 which means "something out of luck", but I don"t curse. 我可不能当"不运人" 公♥司♥聚会还等着我演讲呢

     明白吗? I can"t be SOL. I"ve got a big speech at the company party tonight, okay? 那非常重要 This is very important. -我也有重要的事要办

     -比方说? -I"ve got something important too. -Like what? 我和女友准备看 12 部成人片 Me and my girl are gonna crush a 12-pack watch porn. -威瑟斯小姐? -Ms. Withers? 是你叫的递送服务? Did you call in a delivery of something? -叫我英格丽德

     -英格丽德 -Ingrid. -Ingrid. 其实 And actually, 接下来你要递送的就是我 I"m your next job. 我把你一整天都买♥♥下了 I bought you for the day. 一整天都买♥♥下? Bought me for the day, huh? 威瑟斯小姐


     但我现在很好奇 Oh, Ms. Withers. I think I should be offended, but I"m just too intrigued. 这是我的新年计划 My New Year"s resolutions. 我刚处理完第一项 I just took care of the first one. 你辞职了? You quit your job? -干得漂亮啊

     -如果午夜前你能实现这上面所有的事 -All right. -If you make these come true by midnight 这个就给你 you get these. 给我? For me? 我的... Holy shi... 好


     别晃来晃去 Whoa. Whoa, okay. Put these down. Don"t flash those around. 好多人看着呢

     说正经的 Everybod...

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