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    时间:2020-12-08 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站


     你干什么 这是要砍我吗 波格丹

     听我说 你知道的 我要我做什么都行 我们做笔交易 算了吧 你了解我的 我知道 我们想办法解决 我知道 别这样

     波格丹 真是可惜啊 等等

     他在做什么 等我们烧了你的餐厅 我们就没利润了 开煤气 波格丹

     住手 快打开 有事好商量 真可惜 也许我们能把你妻子卖♥♥个好价钱 你的孩子也可以 我什么都愿意做 求你了

     要我做什么都行 什么都行

     波格丹 任何事 你尽管提 我都照做 任何事 我都照做 她的血... She had been bleeding for... 流了多久我记不清了 I guess I lost track of time. 总之一个人能失血多久 How long does a person bleed for anyway? 很快

     就会流光 Oh... pretty soon, it"s gonna run out. 要么就会停止心跳 Or their heart will stop. 我不记得她是什么时候停止心跳的 I don"t recollect when that happened. 但我想应该很快

     因为 But I"m guessing pretty soon, uh, because... 对

     是从右到左 Yeah, it was... it was right to left, 所以第二拳应该是 so it would have been on the left side of her head, 打在她头部左侧 the second blow. 这是致命一击 I mean, the one that really... 总之

     这一拳立马就把她放倒了 Anyway, it put her down pretty quick. 但我认为死因是失血过多 But I"m... I"m saying, I think it"s the blood loss 而不是撞击本身 rather than the... the actual impact. 你就在那时把她放进了行李箱吗 And that is when you put her in a suitcase? 不

     我 Uh, no, I... 我用威斯其包住她

     然后折叠 I wrapped her in visquine, and then I folded... 威斯其

     威斯其是什么 Visquine? What is visquine? 是一种 It"s a... 是一种厚的塑料

     就像防水布 It"s a thick plastic. It"s like a tarp... 好


     拼写一下"威斯其" Okay, okay. Give me spelling of "Visquine." -威...

      -说塑料就行了 - V-I... - Just say plastic. 对

     塑料就好 Yeah, plastic"s fine. -塑料


     说塑料 - Plastic. - Prosto plastik. -塑料

     -他会说英语吗 - Plastic? - Does he even speak English? -他会说英语

     -很好 - He speak English. - Good. 继续 Continue. 谢谢 Thank you. -我用塑料

     -把她卷起来 - So I wrap her... - ...up in this plastic. 我拿出一个行李箱 I got a suitcase out. 是邓恩里格利牌的 It was a Dunn & Wrigly. -我喜欢这个牌子

     -是吧 - I love that brand. - Okay. 这牌子很结实 Really sturdy brand. 我把她的身体整个放进行李箱 I fit her whole body right into suitcase. 塞不下

     所以我 She didn"t fit, so I, uh... 只好掰断了她的关节 ...have to break ankles to make it fit. 但她个子很小 But she was small. 然后你就开车去了河边 And that"s when you drove to the river? 不是马上 No, I waited. 我先确保我把所有地方都清洗干净 I made sure I"d cleaned everything first. 漂白

     就花了好几个小时 Bleach. Hours I spent. 之后没错

     我把行李箱 And then, yes, I took the suitcase 运到了河边

     走的天桥 to the river, b-by the overpass. 那是几点钟 What time would you say it was? 有可能是凌晨三点或者三点半 This would have been 3:00 a.m., 3:30, maybe. 我把 I put, um... 我把汉堡肉扔到河里 I put hamburger meat in the water 用来吸引鳄鱼 to attract the alligators. 这知道这样管用 I know it worked. 那是我最后一次见她 It"s the last time I saw her. 我问你一个很有趣的问题 Let me ask you a really fun question. 好 Yeah. 你为什么要杀她 Why"d you do it? 她问的太多了 She was asking too many questions. 她是个不折不扣的干将 She was real go-getter. 你明白吗 You know? 祝你好运 Good luck with that. 即便格里戈力自首了 Even with a confession from Grigory... 我们也能轻而易举地让你成为幕后主使 we could easily make it you who is behind bars. 任何时候

     他都能 At any point, he could very well, um... 恢复理智

     推♥翻♥他的说法 come to his senses and recant his story. 我可以透露给你告密者 Well, I can name snitches. 在你进行房♥地♥产♥交易时 I can look the other way 我可以视而不见

     直接点 while you do your real estate deals, but come on. 你想要什么

     告诉我 What do you need? Tell me. -尼克·塔尔曼

     -什么 - Nick Talman. - What? 我准备拉些知名度很高的投资者 I"m about to bring in some very high-profile investors 来投资侦币

     但 to back GenCoin, but, uh... 如果有人打算调查资金链 there is still some... baggage... 那就让我们有些包袱 if anyone were to look into the money trail. 所以你认为尼克·塔尔曼 So you think Nick Talman 该为他爸爸的错误买♥♥单 should take the fall for his dad? 创业公♥司♥ 第二季

     第一集 需要帮忙尽管开口 Tell us what you need. 我们是来帮忙的

     妹子 Yeah, we"re here for you, girl. 你什么都不能做吗 You can"t do nothing? 让杀手得到惩罚 Make it right? 陪着你的家人就好


     Just be here with your family, Izz. 只用陪着我的家人

     他们却会逍遥法外 Just be here with my family? They"re gonna get away with it. 你们不相信我 You guys don"t believe me. 伊兹

     他们不会逍遥法外... Izzy, I-I don"t think they"re gonna get away... 他们认为是帮派行为 They thought it was a gang! 警♥察♥说是找错房♥子了 The cops said it was the wrong house. 他们不会被绳之以法 They"re gonna get away with it. 伊兹

     你不清楚你的请求很... Izz, I don"t think you understand what you"re asking... 我清楚得很

     罗尼 I know what I"m asking for, Ronnie. 所以我才请求你 That"s why I"m asking you! 伊兹

     冷静一点 Hey, Izz, just... calm down. 去你的 Don"t fucking do that. 别把我当小孩 Don"t treat me like a kid! 我们都... Let"s all just... 虽然我认为我们该谈谈这事 I think we should have this conversation, 但应该先暂缓 but I think we should table it. 这事我们得巧妙处理 Need to be smart about this. "巧妙" "Smart." 伊兹

     我们支持你 Izz, you got us. 很显然

     并不是 Obviously, I don"t. 我想 I think... 我要走了 I"m gonna go. 我想我们该走了 I think we should go. 走 Go. 你认为我们处境危险吗 You think we"re in any kind of danger? 那枪是警告 It was a warning shot. 低调点就是了 Just keep your head down some. 好 Okay. 保持低调

     很快就会过去了 Stay low. It"s gonna blow over soon. 好 All right. 代我向坦问好 Tell Tam I said hey. 没问题 For sure. 你真认为他们会去 You really think they will? 太荒谬了

     谁会去那里 That"s ridiculous. Who gonna go over there? 怎么

     你不相信我 What, you don"t believe me? 自己过去看 Go walk by. 嬉皮士排队买♥♥十美元一杯的拿铁 Hipsters lining up for $10 lattes. 嬉皮士

     哪来的嬉皮士 Hipsters? From where? 都是从埃奇沃特温伍德艺术区 All them kids moving up here 搬过来的孩子 from Wynwood, Edgewater. 请穿过 195 号♥公路 Cross 195, please. 你得多出去转转 You need to get out more. 宝贝 Hey, baby. 女士们 Ladies. 我去做晚餐 I"m gonna get, uh, dinner started. 你男人给你做饭 Your man cook for you? 他每周做一次 Once a week, he do. 女士们留下来吃晚餐吗 Hey, you ladies staying for dinner? 是 Yes. 对 Yes! 爸爸 Daddy! 宝贝女儿 Oh, baby girl! 既然你来了 There she is. Mmm. 想帮你老爸削几个土豆吗 Wanna help your old man peel some spuds? 好 Sure. 股市创历史新高 ...the stock market posting historical highs. 担心我们是否已经创新高 Worries abount whether we"ve 还是泡沫将破灭 hit our high or when the bubble might burst. 科技股和企业收益 The tech stocks and corporate earnings 领涨股市 are what"s driving this market. 联邦调查局

     开门 FBI, open up! 来了 Coming! 我总算找到搜查证了 I finally found that warrant. 进去搜吧 Okay, go ahead. 洗钱是吧 Money laundering, right? 判多久 That"s, what? 最少五年 A minimum of five years? 我猜根据你从你♥爸♥那得到的数额 I guess with what you took for your old man, 法官会给你判十到十五年 judge is gonna hit you with, I"m guessing, 10 to 15? 是吗

     谋杀搭档得坐多久牢 Yeah? What does... what does partner-murdering carry? 我还有大元给我的那份音频文件 I still have that audio file from Daewon. 我还是能发出去 I can still let that go. 好


     很好 Good! You know what? Good. 发出去

     发推特都与我无关 Let that go, tweet about it for all I care. 因为今天早上有个男人在监狱 "Cause there is a man in jail as of this morning. 他杀了我的搭档

     现在正为此蹲在监狱 He killed my partner, he"s in prison for it now. 所以没问题

     你发出去 So, yeah, you let that go. 看看你会怎么样 See where it gets you. 别威胁我

     尼克 Don"t threaten me, Nick. 仅仅三个月 In just three months, 你将简单的对等系统做成对等网络 you"ve taken a simple peer to peer network 并将此打造成一种随处可见的电子货币 and built it into a ubiquitous digital currency. 我想我们看到的是世界准备好 I think what we"re seeing is the world is ready 迎接基于纯商业的加密货币 for a cryptocurrency based on pure commerce. 现在人们很不信任政♥府♥ There"s so little trust in government these days, so... 但这种权力掌握在 But do you think it"s a little disconcerting to people 本质为技术公♥司♥的手中 that this sort of power is being wielded 你觉得是否会令民众感到不安 by what is essentially tech company? 你们有董事会

     有投资人 You have a board, you have investors. 人们该怎么完全信任 How are people expected to place their full trust 像安讯士这样的公♥司♥ in a corporation like Axis? 我们想继续利用这种势头做些好事 We want to continue using this momentum to do good. 好

     但你知道吗 Sure, but... You know? 我想人们会好奇你们的目的 I imagine people are wondering where you go from here. 侦币即将有什么新计划吗 Are there new plans on the horizon for GenCoin? 我们有很多激动人心的项目即将上线 We have a lot of exciting projects coming up really soon. 说真的

     你们的终极目标是什么 But what is the end goal, really? 这个我真不能说 Can"t really talk about it. 或许就透露一点线索 Maybe just a hint? 不

     我真不能说 No, I can"t really, uh... 我的董事会 My board would be... -他们会不高兴

     -好 - They wouldn"t be happy. - All right. 亚历克斯·贝尔

     很高兴跟你聊侦币 Alex Bell, it"s been a pleasure discussing GenCoin with you. 我们期待你和你公♥司♥安讯士的 We"re looking forward to what"s next for you 下一步动作 and your company, Axis. 在建立侦币时

     我们为第一轮融♥资♥ When we were building GenCoin, going around asking these VCs 四处寻找风投

     很多人拒绝我们 for our first round, we got a lot of no"s. 知道为什么吗 You know why? 因为我们不能解释如何规模化 "Cause we couldn"t quite explain how to scale it. 我是说

     这些人不在乎扰乱银行的秩序 I mean, none of these guys cared about disrupting the banks 或者改变货币的形态 or changing the face of currency. 他们都想知道 They all wanted to know how quickly 他们多快能回本 would they make their money back. 好 Okay. 我忘了

     你是大四 I forget, you"re a, um, a senior, at... -大三

     -佛罗里达州立大学的大三生 - Junior. - Junior at FSU, okay. 这点我们不要提 I think we"re not gonna mention that. 我们会说你毕业于他们的 We"ll say that you graduated from their school 计算机工程学院 of computer engineering. 但我没有 But I didn"t. 没关系

     没人会去调查 It"s okay, nobody"s gonna check. 有两件事情我们必须对答如流

     第一 The two things we really have to be able to answer are, one, 是什么让这个虚拟现实建筑 what makes this a better VR architecture program 优于其他的

     第二 than any out there, and two, 多快能成为上市公♥司♥ how quickly can this be a publicly traded company? 好 Okay. 好好需要思考这两个问题

     下次探讨 So those are the two questions to think about for next time. 你 Do you... 已经安排好跟投资人见面了吗 Are there meetings set up already with investors? 肯定的

     都在运转中 Um, absolutely. It"s all in motion. 都在运转中


     但这事不用操心 It"s all in motion, Paul. But don"t worry about that. 这让我来操心 Let me worry about that. 你去操心那两件事 You worry about those two things. 好 Okay. 我没付钱 Oh, I didn"t pay. 没事


     我乐意 It"s okay, I got it. My pleasure. -好


     -保罗 - Okay. Thanks. - Paul. 谢谢 Thank you. 乐意至极 My... my absolute pleasure. 保重

     帮我想想那两个问题 Be well, think about those two things for me. 好 Okay. 好

     我很激动 Okay, I"m very excited. 我希望你也是 I hope you are, too. -我也是

     -好 - Yes, yeah. - All right. -尼克

     -马儿尼 - Hey, Nick. - Hey, Marnie. 那就是你的中国玩物 That your Chinese boy toy? 天啊 God. 欲罢不能 Obsessed. 可不是吗

     真有你的 Of course you are. Come on. 我得打电♥话♥给你的假释官

     是吧 I"m gonna have to call your parole officer, aren"t I? 随你的便 Ha! Whatever. 你是去侍应晚餐还是打卡下班 You waiting dinner or you punching out? 恐怕你今晚得跟我在一起了

     老兄 I"m afraid you"re stuck with me tonight, my man. -真的吗

     -是 - Really? - Yes. 老天

     吉米说今晚会很不错 God. Well, Jimmy said it would be a good night. 希望如此 Hope so. 你们队开始投了很多次篮 Your team had so many shots early on. 看来比分差距很大

     进展... Seems to be a big difference. Things went on... 是这样的 Yeah, well, they didn"t. 在比赛开始时 Really, the stat was at the beginning of the game, 他们赢得了一连串二次进攻得分 where they got a bunch of second chance points, 每次二次进攻

     他们都投三分球 and they hit threes on every one of those, 我们落后了十二分

     在第二节开始时 and then we were down 12, and we had two turnovers 我们两次反超了比分 at the beginning of the second quarter, 我们没有任何空位投篮 and we didn"t get any open shots. 下半场他们错过了足够多的空位投篮 They missed enough open shots in the second half 如果我们篮板球更好一点 that we would have had a better opportunity 自己再投一些篮 if we"d rebounded a little better 我们胜算会更大 and made a few shots of our own, 但他们是有备而来 but they were prepared. 喜欢热闹的氛围 Uh, and love this crowd. 我没有让我们的队员准备充分 I didn"t get a good job of getting our guys ready. 欢迎参加 2017 年迈阿密科技冲击波大会 让我们热烈欢迎 Give a big TechCrunch welcome 亚历克斯·贝尔先生 for Mr. Alex Bell! 谢谢 Thank you. 谢谢

     谢谢 Thank you, thank you. 侦币 真是不可思议 It"s overwhelming, heh. 我们受宠若惊 Yeah, we are overwhelmed, actually, uh... 我们对第一季获得的用户数量 We had super high hopes for the number of users 有着超高的期待 that we might get in the first quarter, 但没料到会接近这个数 but didn"t expect anywhere near this kind of volume. 就像我请你去吃晚餐 I mean, it"s like we took you to dinner 你却向我求婚了 and you asked us to marry you, heh heh. 第一个月

     我们差点 I mean, our first month, we almost crashed 让伊甸园的一个服务器奔溃 one of Eden Field"s servers. 他们受到了 DDOS 攻击 Yeah, they those they were under a DDOS attack. 对

     我们现在还有信息技术人员 Yeah, we still have IT guys scrambling to keep up 在加班加点以满足需求 with demand right now. 斯坦



     抱歉 Oh, Stan, Barry, I think they"re here somewhere, sorry. 你俩总有一天能睡上觉的 You guys will get to sleep someday. 但言归正传

     言归正传 But in all seriousness, in all seriousness... 正面的用户反馈 we are humbled 让我们受之有愧 by the positive user response. 更重要的是

     我们很激动地看到 And more importantly, we are thrilled 在我们用自己的方式管理

     分享 to see that this is already making a difference 及跟钱打交道的运作下 in the way that we manage, share, 它已经产生影响 and relate to money. 我们都想知道这次发布会有什么 Okay, we all want to see what"s in this presentation. 保重

     奶奶 Be good, Grandma. -女人就是女人

     -你有过 - Pussy is pussy. - What pussy 什么女人

     朋友 have you had, dog? 老兄

      我有过 Man, I had it. 正是


     去找回来 Exactly, dog, get back, man. 你没睡过女人 You ain"t had no damn pussy. 不给糖就捣蛋

     伙计 Trick or treat, nigga. 你们都想干这个

     对吧 Y"all wanna gum those, a"ight? 那是当然 Yeah, yeah, for sure. 好

     E All right, E. 把我的钱带回来

     小子 Bring me back my money, punk. 我们在你附近

     我知道 Yeah, we by you. I know. 他们表现怎么样 What dey do? 不错

     朋友 They do fine, frantz? 看上去就像美国大兵 Nigga look like G.I. Joe. 6♥4♥街还有两个警♥察♥

     老兄 Got two more on 6♥4♥th, dog. 让你小弟们撤走 Pull your boys off the corner. 你好吗

     兄弟 What"s good, man? 早啊

     里基 Morning, Ricky. 今天怎么在这里 Whatcha doing here today? -就是放松一下

     -放松 - Just... chillin". - Chillin"? 接到举报有人从事不法勾当 Got a call earlier about some business being conducted. 你知道这事吗 Yeah, you know anything about that? 不知道 Nah. 你说什么 What was that? 我说不知道 I... I said nah, I don"t... 我不知道你们在说什么 I don"t know what you talking about. 把双手放到身体两旁 Put your hands out by your side 让我能看到你的双手

     转过身去 where I can see them and turn around. 不是吧



     我没做错什么 Really? What the fuck, man? I ain"t even do shit wrong. 是吧

     那你不会介意我们搜查你 Yeah, well, then you ain"t gonna mind us searching you. -两腿分开

     -搞什么鬼 - Now spread "em. - Some bullshit, right? 闭嘴 Shut up. 老大


     没问题 Big man, all right. For sure. 好

     转过来 All right, turn around. 我感觉不太对劲

     老兄 I think something"s wrong with me, dog. -真的吗


     兄弟 - Oh, really? - Hold on, man. 该死

     他把整袋吞下去了 Shit, he swallowed the bag! 不是吧 Oh, come on! -该死

     -我是斯派诺斯警官 - Shit! - This is Officer Spanos. 这里有名伤员 We got a 3-41, 疑似吸毒过量

     派警车鸣笛支援 possible O.D. Send rescue on a three. 里基

     里基 Ricky! Ricky. 让他侧着 Put him on his side. 里基


     他们怎么还没来 Ricky, look at me. Where the hell are they? 再呼叫一次 Call them again. -这里有名伤员

     -看着我 - We have a 3-41. - Look at me. 有名伤员


     收到吗 3-41, do you copy? Do you copy?! 坚持



     呼吸 Come on, breathe, Ricky, breathe! -好




     挺住 - Okay, open, open. - Come on. Come on! 呼吸 Breathe! 我们只用在公园再坐一小会 We just gonna have to keep sitting on the park 你明白了吗 for a minute, you feel me? 我跟你说


     兄弟 I"m tell you, that ain"t the way to go, bruh. 不


     兄弟 No, Lemon City"s everything to us, bruh. 即便有人被抓 And even if somebody get pinched, 没有那里我们活不下去

     兄弟 we can"t eat without that spot, bruh. 不仅仅是公园

     E It ain"t just the park, E. 北边的街角也是 It"s our north side corners, too, 还有东边的街角 our east side corners. 警♥察♥收到了指令 The police, they got a mandate. 让白人觉得安全

     大锤就要落下来了 Make the white folk feel safe, and the hammer"s gonna drop, 就跟在温伍德艺术区

     跟在上城一样 just like it done in Wynwood, just like it done in Overtown. 所以大吉斯和他们才会 That"s why Big Keith and them, they"ve been trying 想夺走我们的街区 to take our corners 因为他们从自己的街区被赶走了 because they got pushed off of theirs. 你难道没有提醒过兰斯这些吗 Ain"t you already warn Lance about all this shit? 你说我们要开始放火烧楼了 Are you saying we start torching buildings? 也许吧

     怎么了 Maybe. What? -我说的就是这个

     -我准备好了 - That"s what I"m saying, dog. - I"m ready! 太迟了 It"s too late! 他们已经来了 They already here. 到处都有穷酸白人

     从下城区到埃奇沃特 Crackers on every block from downtown up through Edgewater. 他们是选民 Folks who vote! 你明白吗 You understand? 我们现在开始扰乱他们

     警♥察♥ We start messing with them now, the police, 可不会手下留情 they gonna show no mercy. 谁侵犯了他们利益

     都没好果子吃 They lock a zo up just for breathing their air. 我们应该想出更好的计划 We gots to come up with a better plan 而不只是开枪杀人 than just shooting motherfuckers up. 然后呢 And then what? 你该把我们安排好的 You supposed to be taking care of us and shit. 别那么激动

     行吗 Just check yourself, all right? 这里我说了算 You at my table. 怎么打算

     大罗尼 What"s the plan, Big Ronnie? 让我跟朱尔斯谈谈

     看能不能达成和解 Let me talk to Jules, see if we can cut a deal. -朱尔斯

     -朱尔斯 - Jules? - Jules? -那头猪


     他也是黑人 - The pig? - Listen, he blood. 朱尔斯 Jules? 警♥察♥不会买♥♥账的 Police ain"t gonna go for that. -朱尔斯啥也不是

     -不 - Jules ain"t shit. - No. 我去找朱尔斯谈 I"m gonna talk to Jules! 就这么定了 That"s how it"s gonna go! 晚上 9 点 45 分离开 天哪 Christ! -尼克

     -门开着 - Nick. - Gate was open. 在这地方没法做到不偷偷接近你 There"s no way to not sneak up on you in this place. 有什么事吗 What"s going on? 给你带了份礼物 Brought you a gift. -最近怎么样

     -还可以 - How"s it going? - Okay. 好

     我能用下你的洗手间吗 Good. Can I use your bathroom? -当然可以

     -谢谢 - Of course. - Thank you. 不


     别再给了 No, Nick, no more. 没多少

     我保证 It"s not a lot, I promise. 我还是很乐意每周见你一次 I"d still love to see you every week, 但别再给钱了

     好吗 but no more money, okay? 我可能还要再等六个月 You know, it could be another six months 才能上庭 till I get my court date. 坦白说

     这都无所谓 I don"t need it right now, honest. 别出城或犯事就好 Just don"t skip town or anything. 再次感谢你为我做的 Well, thank you again for what you did for me. 怎么

     难道我该让你一直待在监狱吗 What, I"m supposed to let you rot in prison? 你还是把我当妈看

     是吗 You"re still like a son to me. Right? 是

     我只是想说谢谢 Yeah. I"m just saying, thank you. 有他的任何消息吗 Heard from him at all? 爱丽丝

     你知道他在哪里吗 Alice, do you know where he is? 不知道 Nope. 我是芬利 Hey, this is Finley. 请留言 Leave a message. 宝贝

     是我 Hey, sweetheart, it"s me. 对了 Uh... yeah. 有一阵没联♥系♥你了 Haven"t heard from you in a while, so, um, 我还是想知道哪个周末 just still wondering when might be a good weekend 去看你比较好 to come down and visit you. 告诉我

     回聊 Let me know, and I"ll speak soon. 就这样


     再见 All right, I love you. Good-bye. 你待会想看比赛吗

     儿子 You want to watch the game in a minute, son? 好 Yeah. 爸 Hey, Pap? 我 I, um... 我那天晚上听到 I sort of heard you... you talking the other night. 你跟那些人的谈话了 With... with the guys. 我有个主意 I got an idea. 昨天一个利特尔里弗的小混混 One of them Little River jits was talking at school yesterday 说起他们都关起门来 about how they all getting on this darknet thing... 在地下网络 behind closed doors. 而不是站在街边做生意 instead of standing on corners. 那是 That"s some, uh... 那是国安局管的 That"s some NSA shit. 我不会让联邦调查局的人找上门来

     儿子 You know, I ain"t trying to have the feds come up in here, son. 不


     看看看 No, yeah, they won"t, they won"t, look, look, look, look. 我们通过托网来做 We do it all through the Tor network. 掘地网 看到了吧

     他们正是在这被抓的 See, that"s exactly where they been getting pinched. 但被抓的都是大鱼

     对吧 I mean, but... and it was big fish getting hit, right? 我们只是小打小闹

     你知道吧 I mean, we just start small, you know? 我们用一堆不同的用户名来交易 We do it on a bunch of different users, and, you know, 你所有的手下可以申请 all your boys can get -自己的账户


     不 - their own accounts. - Son, no. 不不


     好吗 No, no. I don"t want you nowhere near this, all right? 这是成年人的事 This some grown man shit. 儿子

     谢谢你的好意 Son, I appreciate you trying to help. 我为你感到自豪 I"m proud of you. 这玩意很有想法 This shit is smart. 但街区的人现在都看着我 But the neighborhood looking at me now. 他们指望我让他们吃饱 They looking to me to keep their belly full, 让他们盆满破满 keep their pockets full. 他们现在不会冒险尝试 And they ain"t gonna take a chance on something 他们不知道的东西 that they don"t know about right now. 我先去接个电♥话♥

     好吗 I gotta take this... all right? 你知道现在我为什么没在监狱吗

     爸 Do you want to know why I"m not in jail right now, Pap? 为什么我还能坐在这里

     而不是去少管所 Why I"m still sitting here, instead of some juvie clink? 因为我扣下扳机 "Cause when I squeezed that trigger... 杀的是两个海地人 ...I killed two Haitians. 现在警♥察♥在街上专查我们 Cops pickin" us off the corners now 因为白人害怕 because white folks is scared. 里基会被判持有毒品 Ricky gonna get possession time. 一旦他出院


      Probation if he lucky, once he out of the damn hospital. 但我杀人了 But I done murder. 一个人能犯下的最严重的罪 The worst thing a person could do. 在他们把我关起来前 And they just as soon give me a medal for it 巴不得给我颁块奖牌 before they lock me up! 这就是我们现在面临的局面

     爸爸 And that"s what"s coming down on us right now, Pap! 这就是现实 That"s what"s coming down! -听着

     -这就是他们想要的 - Listen, hey... - That"s what they want! 所以我们互相残杀 So we keep killing each other, 在你让我们收手前 and that"s what they gonna 他们打算一直这么做 keep doing until you get us up out of this! 你明白了吗 Huh? You feel me?! 在你让我们收手之前 That"s what they gonna keep doing till you get us -他们打算一直这么做


     -涂 - up out of this, Pap! - Tou... 他们会一直这样下去 That"s what they gonna keep doing! 涂易

     涂易 Touie, Touie... 他们会一直这么做

     赶紧想点办法 Till you get us up out of this, so do something! 涂易

     涂易 Touie, Touie. 不

     住手 No, stop. 涂

     涂 Hey, Tou. Tou. 涂


     涂 Tou, Tou, Tou, Tou... 涂

     涂 Tou, Tou... 没事 It"s okay. 行了

     没事的 Come on, it"s okay. 我再也不想这样下去了 I don"t want to do this anymore. -他们看我的眼神

     -我知道 - The way they look at me, Dad. - I know. 我知道 I know. 过来

     过来 Come here. Come here. 过来 Come here. 发泄出来

     发泄出来 Let it out, let it out, let it out, let it out. 发泄出来

     发泄出来 Let it out, let it out, let it out. 发泄出来 Let it out... 发泄出来 Let it out. 发泄出来 Just let it out. 对



     发泄出来 Yeah, that"s right. Let it out, let it out. 发泄出来


     发泄出来 Let it out. Let it out. Let it out. 发泄出来就好 Let that shit out. 你好

     我们就好 You good, we good. 你好


     我们就好 You good, we good. We good. 然后解决问题 Then fix it. 好吧 Okay, uh... 伊兹

     别这样 Izzy... please... 别 No! 是

     如果可以的话 Yeah, well, look, if you can, 尽量睡一会儿 try and get some sleep. 让大脑得到休息很重要 "Cause a rested brain"s very important. 没事

     我们可以回来 It"s okay, we can come back... 保罗

     保罗 Paul. Paul... 你没事的 You"re okay. 好

     谢谢 Okay, thanks. 好


     再见 All right, see you at 9:30. Bye. 再见 Bye. 怎么了 Hey, what"s wrong? 怎么了

     出什么事了 What? What"s happening? -拿着这个

     -该死 - Take this. - Fucking... 什么 What? -为什么

     -拿着就是了 - Why? - Just take it. -藏起来



     好 - Hide it, throw it away. - Okay... all right. 好


     出什么事了 All right, all right. What happened? 老天爷啊 Jesus Christ. -你做什么了

     -就差这么一点 - What"d you do? - I was this close. -什么差一点

     -亚历克斯 - To what? - To Alex. -亚历克斯·贝尔

     -老天爷 - Alex Bell? - Jesus Christ. 是的


     我差点毙了他 Yes. I almost killed him, I almost shot him up. -怎么回事

     -我差点 - What happened? - I was this... -告诉我怎么回事

     -就差这么一点 - Okay, tell me what happened. - I was this close. -告诉我怎么回事


     我得走了 - Tell me what happened. - Holy shit, I gotta go. 我得找个人谈谈 I gotta talk to someone. 不


     跟我说 No, hang on, talk to me. 跟我说

     发生什么事了 Talk to me, what happened? -我差点杀人了

     -你做了什么 - I almost killed someone. - What did you do? -告诉我经过

     -我要晕倒了 - Walk me through it. - I think I"m gonna faint. 好了

     我扶着你 All right. Hey, hey, hey, hey, I gotcha. 过来


     过来 Come on, come here, just sit down, come here. 我扶着你


     你没事 I gotcha, you"re not gonna faint, you"re all right. -你没事

     -我无法呼吸 - You"re all right. - I can"t breathe. 呼吸就好

     你可以的 Just breathe. Yeah, you can. -我呼吸不了

     -你可以的 - No, I can"t. - Yeah, you can. 不

     我想我心脏病发作了 No, I think I"m having a heart attack. 你没有


     你没有 You"re not, you"re not. You"re not. 你只是惊恐发作 You"re just having a panic attack. 我过去常这样 I used to have them all the time. 我会照我过去的做法来做

     好吗 I"m gonna do what I used to do, okay? 我把方法教给你 I"m gonna teach you what I did. 我要你闭上眼睛 I just want you to close your eyes. 相信我就是了


     闭上眼睛 Just trust me, trust me, close your eyes. 我要你告诉我你在世界上最喜欢的地方 I want you to tell me about your favorite place in the world. 不

     白人的这套对我不管用 No, this white shit doesn"t work on me! 闭嘴听我说

     闭嘴 Shut up and listen! Shut up. -只管回答我问题

     -好 - Just answer me, please. - Okay. 告诉我你在世上最喜欢的地方 Tell me about your favorite place in the world 你有最美好记忆的地方 that you have the best memory. 某个别人都无法夺走的安全地方 Somewhere safe that nobody can take away from you. 好 Okay. Um... 我

     我 My... My... 我姑妈阿♥拉♥亚的农场 My aunt Araya"s farm. 我们小时经常去那里 We used to go there all the time when we were little, -我和戴尔

     -描述一下 - me and Deli. - Tell me about it. 那是古巴的一个农场 It"s a farm in Cuba. 我们全家都常去 We used to go, my whole family. 她养着那些马 And... and she took care of these horses there, 那些大屁♥股♥的马 these... big-ass horses. 你在那里做什么 What"d you do there? 就是 Just... 放松 Just chill. 她和我爸


     讲故事 Her and my dad, they would drink rum and then tell stories. 然后就有人来访 And then... And then there was people visiting... 全天


     来来去去 all day, every day, and just in and out and... 那不重要

     无忧无虑 And it didn"t matter. It was carefree. 听上去很棒 That sounds awesome. 我小时候没这样的经历 I didn"t have anything like that growing up. 挺没劲 That sucks. 但你没死 But hey, you"re not dead. 你没事了 You"re okay. 你想告诉我发生什么事了吗 Do you want to tell me about what happened? 你有地方可去吗

     你之前待在哪里 Do you have anywhere to go? Where you been staying? 我车里 In my car. 是的 Yeah. 你身上好臭

     所以 I mean, you smell terrible, so... -去你的

     -这倒是不新鲜 - Fuck you. - I"m not surprised. 你该留在这里 Well, you should stay here. 不

     不了 No, I"m good. 你真该留下 Yeah, come on, I insist. 我睡沙发

     你睡床上 I"ll take the couch, you can have the bed. 不


     你不必 No, Nick, you don"t have to... 必须的 Absolutely. 必须的

     就这样定了 Absolutely, it"s settled. 你留在这里 You stay here. 好


     我基本不睡 Okay. I"ll take the couch, though, I barely sleep. 只要你先洗澡就行 Hey, as long as you take a shower. 你臭死了 You smell like shit. 谢谢 Thanks. 你睡着了吗 Did you get some sleep? 一小会儿 A little. 很好

     我有个会 Good. Uh, I have this meeting, 我晚点回来

     你继续躺着就好 but I"ll back later, so just... just stay put. 我骗你了 I lied to you. 骗我什么 About what? 我姑妈的农场 My aunt"s farm. 我从没去过 I never been. 我就见过一张照片 I just saw this one picture. 再睡一会儿 Try and get some more sleep. 他们肯定是没办妥 Ah, they must have screwed up. 没事

     我们可以再来 It"s okay, we can come back. 不不不

     我们得把这事办妥 No, no, no, no, no. We"ll get it worked out. 注意你的呼吸节奏 Focus on your breathing. 尼克 Nick. Hey. 你好吗 Hey. How you doing? 我是布伦特

     费恩先生的助理 Hey, I"m Brent, Mr. Fein"s assistant. 布伦特


     这位是保罗 Brent, nice to meet you, this is Paul. 保罗


     保罗 Hey, Paul. How you doing, Paul? 抱歉我们没有提前打电♥话♥告诉你们 So, you know, sorry we didn"t call. 真的很感激你们开车过来 Really appreciate you guys making the drive, 但是费恩先生得拒绝了 but, uh, Mr. Fein"s gonna have to pass on this one, okay? 为什么

     我是说 Uh... why? I mean, 他都没听我们说

     我们到这来了 he hasn"t even heard the pitch... we"re here. 对对对

     有点 Right, right, right. There were, uh... 有点

     我想有 There were some... I guess there were 其他的因素 some other factors, so, you know... 好

     什么其他因素 Okay, what other factors? 就是一些障碍 Just... Just a couple hurdles. 真的再次抱歉

     没有提前通知 Again, really sorry, we... you know, we didn"t call. 没事

     什么障碍 Sure, what... what hurdles? -我谷歌♥了你的名字

     -好好 - I sort of Googled your name. - Okay, okay. -给我几分钟


     好 - Just give me... okay? - Yeah, yeah. 听着


     我们安排这次会面时 Look, man, I sort of Googled your name 我谷歌♥了你的名字 when we set the meeting, and I... -一堆东西跳了出来


     对 - A bunch of stuff popped up? - About the investigation, yeah. 听着 Okay, look. 让我跟他谈谈

     好吗 Let me just talk to him, okay? 这太荒谬了 This is ridiculous. This is... hey, hey. 他要去参加另一个会议

     抱歉 He"s headed to another meeting, you know, sorry, man... 让我在他去之前跟他说几句 Let me just... okay, well, let me catch him before he goes. 是这样的

     我还没有被定罪 Here"s the thing: I have not been convicted of anything. -对对对

     -这是恶意抹黑 - Right, right, right. - This is a smear campaign. -我只是传话人

     -你不只是传话人 - I"m just the messenger. - You"re not just the messenger. 我是说 I mean... Hey, hey. 听着

     我得走了 Listen. I gotta go. 安全驾车

     谢谢你们过来 Have a good drive. Thanks for coming in. 谢谢通知 Thanks for calling! 饿了吗 Who"s hungry? 还好吗

     儿子 What dey do, son? 好 "Sup. 儿子 Hey, son. 打开杂物箱 Open up the glove box. 座位好吗 They"re good seats? 反正是座位 They seats. 黑鬼 Nigga. 这可得花不少钱

     即便勒布朗走了也是这样 That shit"s a fortune, even after Lebron left. "好座位" "Good seats." 听着

     我跟你说 Hey, look, I"ll tell you what. 我们让这个社区重新站稳脚跟 We get this neighborhood back on its feet... 有一天

     我和你 and one day, you and I, 就能坐在球场边

     宝贝 we be sitting courtside, baby. 爸 Hey, Pap. 怎么 Yeah? 答应我别生气 Promise not to get mad? 默寻网 涂易 Aww, Touie... 对不起


     但我得试试 I"m sorry, Pap, but I needed to try something. 怎么着 So, what... 你打算黑了这家伙的钱 You just gonna rip this dude off? 不 No! I mean... 我已经寄给他了 I already sent it to him. 我从你衣柜里拿的 I took it out of your closet, all right? 你做了什么 Wh... What"d you do? 你就这么把它放到邮箱里吗 You just put it in the damn mailbox? 邮♥政♥局♥

     他们不会查的 USPS. I mean, they don"t inspect it. 你把它放到邮件里 You put it in the...

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